Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 May 1905, p. 4

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' Mrs. Stoddart and children are vis- jiting at her mother's, Mrs; Hender- Mr-." J. Spicher spent over Sunday- with Moonstone friends. _- 1.. - 4... , . . . -.... _---v--.--v--- ---v_-V...- Mr. and Mrs. `N. Schell. of Stayner, spent Sunday with his son. "I'`\__ _________ \.____- ',.9, J I_,L,__ ` --_ .v.-----., v-w.- ---- ~v-- 'i`he.maons 'have finishd plaster-` ing Mr. A. Moi_r s `house. 3 -Forgie. we are `Sorry to report. is again "confined tofbed with heart Ltrou."ble. cvdl --- ' - . . ` _ wid-I". 7.`."f\" }.vz1'tso;I1 has iniprovd th appeananoe of "his farm by, `a new wire" fence -along the front. 1: _ _ _ _ _. `run; In I- v-- ---v~ ---w .- vv... -- vuvvu gaavgn us- Mr. Stevenson. of` Meaford. who wasvthe guest of` Mr. I-I.-J.dSchell. favored us with a _solo on Sunday. A meeting` was held .at Mr; A. MoQuay s last week for the purpose -E -_.._..._-..... .. `L_....... I_.._..'I -A..`t\_!_.1_ ---c ----u v. --u envoy -- . vu- ` Mr. Thos. A:nders0r;.:;;'- (irossland. Vjspent Su.~n~day with M. Rainey. "I12... 119.... , _ 11--- -__- _.__-.__.J --_. ---- ..------vJ. `Miss Minnie VI'3'uie was :quite ill `last .week.`Ibut is -now much improved. 'll'............ 1'..- ....I 11 1l'__L!_ -5 SUNNIDALEV CORNERS. NEW LBWELL. KANT? _s{r'n5Un. {THE NORTHERN ADVAjNC'E A_. `Kirkpatrick. -in Toxfonto this Mns. S. Pearsall was in Toronto `last week a-ttendirntg the ~fu-`ncml of. her. 9s-ister, Mrs. Brakewell. who died of puneumon-ia. `after,-3 a few days ill,- mess. ~ - ' Collin-gwtiod -reports `its populat-ionn at 6.883. an inorgase of 43 over last year. The increased `vtotal .ass_ess- ment is_ given at $387,563. b0rillia s pop11`la:tio1_;`;is placed at 4.892. `Which is 299 -less `than A19 o4, . H'~ ` ` I V` 2 fo;x;1'1l'e._"':-f' :'{1;.w$~oung mimrdds," `lured by tar-otf green elds, drove` =*">Qmr* 110W` W 5`*P.Ws;f `hm % `mind .,ahinz~,Y?n9 =W~"tt?%,Th%*': Lever : Y- Z, (Wise' Hea`d)_Disi1_':fec_ta.1V:t Soap ?9Wdi9J?*F1`*!! Glasd `to report" iihat "Mr. J.- Clark's hand`, which was _so -severely` wt, is imipromimg nicely. ` 'm:..':..:.... .1.-__ --_--1_-.__ 2- `LIL- - - " -6i1'733-'ubI1I' t1':K'?s}_`"f,}=ac:acan;g; for a. game on 24th May. to be play- ed. at Edgar`. ~ ` ' . ` ' '|t_... L1 154--- , II I - Mr. W. -T. McMaster, Tow-nsh-ip Clerk of E-s_sa. and: Mrs. McMaster_ visited the so`r|mer s` cousin. Mr. W. R.'Best, tom` 9. .IeW:- days last week. visiting at Mr. James Ruys_e1"t vs.' -_-U vvv ---- v--....v-- ...w-J uavnv u I Mrs. '. Carleton, of 'I:oronto, is Mr. S. Primrose, of .Minvesin-g_, called on friends here on Sunday. The Misses. E. and B. Delong. or "Waverly, are `guests at `Mrs. G. Mil-D 1er s. Miiss-F. McCrae and Miss Florence] Duncan are visiting friends in Mine- sing. ` _ '_ 11"-- 117..-_,v A 0 ~r\, . u Messrs. Erniesti -and Sidney `Martini intend leaving next Tuesday for Al-' -`berta, N.W.T. >We wish theglyeveryl VSUCCGSS. _'3'}s-l;i11;`E<;i;;1'ci:-;a;;J Tis the order of ithe day. now. They-seem to be a plenitiful crop this . s.prion,:gA. .-- I. .nL__II 1L..__ '_.4 HIE; ELI _\ir{;B; of Allandale, re-` turned" toT.`her home on Monday evenk; ing after visiting relatives here. Q `I1-.. 'II'__ `I I-__._, V--I-DZi'ss Wright. of Pe'neta-ixg. has re-' turned home after visiting for 0. few days with Mrs. R.J.,Ijlichnrd- son. ` V Mr.TAlex. McNabb, of Stziyner, is visiting friends here. Its..- 1r_'41__,, 1- on, .--_----D . . . v . . - -- unwav- Miss McCrae, of ToronEo,Wis visit- ing at Mr; James Ruysertfs. `It... 111' n__n_L__- .5 run, - ' VM1`. and `Mrs. Brlinton. qf Aullan-' `dale, spent Sunday at the home of F W'm. Brown. T '` Russel alfi Miss Maddie Co`nst`a,~ble were Sunday visitors at tle Misses 1 Boycc`s.. . 1r0_, . 11'? n 1 . 0 `run an _'Misses[ Webb, iof Big - Bay 1 Point, spent Sunday at `t;-he home, of Mr. Ben Webb. ' . p __- - _ _ I V a very large congregation in the: Methodis=t._church on Sunday even-I? ing. ` ' ":$`54"9'?4"'4'`493""34 `Q"33"'4f'3+'5f Correspondence. i .!~'i"~"*'!s`*~+'5'!--"~M-%'~!-!~-'3`-" ,, HOLLY.` I SARJEANT 8: SW" Great Sale of Parasols and Um- |Bargain E Great Sale Parasols brellas for one week commencing Friday Morning . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` There is always something doing at the busy store. ` Last week our sale of Ribbons was the greatest yet. This week we offer great Bargains in Ladies Parasols and Gents Umbrellas; Every one in stock at Special Sale Prices :--. At 68--Ladies `Black Paraso1S,fu1l sizes, fast color, underpriced at. ._ .T . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AT 87-Fine Blac"k.Paras._o;ls, ne 'twill'cover,fancy C handles, underpriced at . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . .* LT $1.25-2 dozen Fine Pa-rasols, handsome silver handles, extra values, regular at $1.50, underpriced I at.....n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. a- AT $I.80~L-Superior Parasols, mil Size, gloria silk cover with horn, metaland natufal wood handles 1 underpriced at . . . . . . . . L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T I IT `$|.3'3-` dozen Gents Umbrellas, self-ope! self-shutters, natural wood, crook handles. 1 underpriced at._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AT 47c~Strongefull sized Umbrellas, good frames and serviceable covers, 750 value, underpriced at` Stylish ne Silk Umbrellas with nobby handles. Underpriced at $l.'l5, $2.48, L $2.10, $3.38? and $4.50. _Save money by securing an % Umbrella this week at these money saving prices. Messrsf s; Maley and A; Griffith, 'ot'-`Barrie. visited at Mr, A. Dy_er s Sunday, evening. . SARJEANT & SMITH ` l3IF'(".'I" `l.l\II('\'1"='22 MITCHELL. SQUARE. pDEN7ALE. DIRECT `|lV|POF?TE.'.R$ L A quiet wedding was solemnized! on Wednesday morning in St. Mary s Church. Barrie. when Miss Alice` Harrison, daughter of Mrs. Richard Harrison; Vespra, became ' the wife of Mr. George Lux. of Kentucky. The bride was attired in white em- broidered crepe-de-chene trimmed Rwith lace and chiffon,`a.nd carried a bouquet of white carnations, be- ing attended by hermsister. Miss Winifred.` gowned in champagne lustre with lace trimmings, and car- rying pink carnations. Mr. Alfred Harrison supported the groom. The `groom :-3" `gift to the `bride was a lgold chain and `brooch. and to the bridesmaid a pearl crescent. Rev. Dea1i.Egan performed the ceremony; after which the party returned to the home of. the 'bride s:_ mother. where- the wedding breakfast follow- ted. Many beautiful and appropriate jg"1ft 8 were received.` The newly mar- l rxed couple will reside on Elizabeth . street. V .3. V. ' I . '3' - ---!'"'!-4+!'+`%+-!*b'4i--++`!-' "i`'~-'3`-}`---I-3'4---+-3---4'---~++++: . : +i4`4'`'4"44""P+44~-P~!i-I~4' ---I"!-`-2'4-'-!'22'~'--'-3*---~X -1--I--Z~2'+-I--1 33?` CALL EARLY AND SECURE BUSINESS; '. Zr$1'a' i1)'r`vt`1"eed.: of vvv as Iil J-ILIHIIVJ Alulill Ia- the B, 0. `fl Avspent -Sunday under -the, panentaal` Viroof. - . I i Umbrella, self-openers` or .?f?`%.???f*f?S.~ $1.:s:5 Lux-Harrison. having sold his store premises, the Whole stock : (xtures and a1l)'ha.s to be cleared out during the next 3 or 4 months. 68 .4-7c E! QUEEN'S HOTEL BLOCK. `I -Headquarters for the Choices! and freshest |.h|:_oI. Pa.-try and Conlecllonery. Tl'V 0111' CI-nnm .p11H*'n and ("hn!".nH0 you oopoc--vvumnuau . Mr. Jdhn Turner s driver ibcdme sick on Saturday, evening and had '~tto -be destroyed. The Masaes_Aggie and Alice run. "low. are on an extended- visit "with {friends `in '.l`oron_o. _ V - A. E'. CXIE $23 A` n 1) EN. , m1_ncnea at all hours. i specmlty. Give us a trial. so--cu. .rI.-ll`! Ind Uonlecllonerya Tl ? our Cream -Putfs and Charlotte Russe this week. Imnnlum no .11 t......... u~..,: ::.... ml.-9: 8 Palace Bakery nlll WEEK. Lunches at all hours. Wedding Cakes mecialtm Riva nu n "ant Confegiignery BUY THEM NOW. sow THEM EARLY ---_`-v-vv-vl .Mrs_._ Wm. Hu-bbert has returned` home fromlan extended visit with 7her daughter, Mrs; . .1`. Bishop. of -Grenfel. - __ ` V -W1 %an;I"%l'J'{vzL}f V A V ~ ' - . ...Nasturtiu;l_I_ _Pure White and Light ` Shades Pink to Rose. Lavender and Mauve _- Red to Scarlet - r_0range to Pink , Striped and Picotee ` 'Dark Blue and Maroon Or Illvtheo mixed. Alio we A have in bulk W9 have nix mixtures. Her? T ' they are : A Bargain Counter Specials FOR THIS WEEK. A15 Colored Blouses, fast colors, sizes 3:2, 34, 40. Regular 75c v_, for 25 White Waists in full range of` sizes. Regular price $1.15, Aai; 50c 10 doz. Bath Towels at 2 for moo on---- one QVQVIIIIVO . liiss Amie Burt, who has {been vis- itingin London during the last rchree 101` four fmouths. 'returpeda' to her`- iihome. here last w'qek._ u - -v-, - 25c 1 piece Scotc.h Gring- %ham,36 in. wide,was | 200. To clear at Mef1 s Tan Cotton Half Hose,:25c value. To clear at 15c 10 dozn Ladies L-ace Silk and Wash Col- lars `at half price PHONE 130. ~AND~ MAY -18. 1905. 'e'ach 35 8c e** I 1% We are sorry -to report the illness; of Miss Mary- Lougheed. 1 9 Chas. Draper", of` Bjuriix. visited {re- atives .here on Sunday, T ' ' Duncan VMorrison}jof Elmv'a`le'. is`-V` ted in Hillsgale on Sunday, `D4... `IA ... ...`.I It`... 1--__-- -__-_- 9-- ._--__.-.. .~ --n- `av-J-n osowv vvvvav Miss Newibum, `of Toronto. is vis- iting her sister, Miss Mabel Martin.` 11---!) n\,-_L ,,_ 3 vuvwuu-wnv vu- Mrs. 'W. Waygh. of Midland, is fependin-g a few, (_1`ays -among "friends in Hillsdale`. } ' Miss zelmai sr1g1_y. of Torothto, is spending `her `vacation at her home -`here, T . ' ' J V Remember the Egiworth League` en-' Lvtertainment on Thursday evening. 18th inst. A good time is_expeote!l~. 'll`,-, 1 uuau nu naxxugale aunaay. " \ Rev. Mr. a.r_1d_ Mrs. Jones were in` .'.l`oranto a few days last week. mun `Tnunwauuugg `-3 "`---.--Ln 3- --'- Mrs. Joe. Bumble and Mrs . Ed. Preston visited in Coldwatr Jaat (week. . - ' 3 B. Bhortreed spent last week at Raven Lake in the interests or `the scement Co. _ our co - A --A -- - Miss Clara Brown spent a couple of days last week with `friends in Barrie. T a (Mr. Humphxy and two, children, of Allaixdale, were .inthis vicinity Mr; and Mrs. J. McPherson, of 'Alla.n?da!le, spent `Sunday with Mr. `an-d Mns. Jos. Ferguson. ` llev|in&Murchiso `4'il'*!4*b!'!4'!4"N4+!'4!"!!"!4~%+ 4`!'++!`--N--!--~!-+!~+4-!-f~H-~-!-+4~- LUSTRES-In Navy,BIue. Curdlnala.ndBlsok. Special `A Clearance of BrokensLines an;Odd Sizes cf Jaunty Walking Skirts. i A medium weight Black Frieze .Skir't-- _just the thing for at Knockabout skirt, very neat, regular $3.00, for -V a $1.75 A light Tweed (green and brown m_ixture.) Skirt very nicely trimmed, regular $5.00 for. $3.75 A light_ gre_y Tweed Skirt, extra nicely nished and perfect V tting, worth $6.00, for ' - o - - , $4.50 Full assortment of Navy Blues and Black Skirts, made from the finest materials and `neatly trimmed , regular $6.00 to $7.30. Now -. - _ $4375, $5.00 and $6.75 Specials in Bleached Sheetings. V Heavy Twilled Sh'eeting,2} yards Wide.regu1a1f_35c yd,for 25c. V Extra heavy twilled or plain sheeting, 2} yards wide,` regular 400, for - . - - _ 30c (3__l:IST HALF_PR_I_CE. _ % ` A'L--_). nn \r-__9__ _, ,1`! 1-nr -- an __ ._ nu cur o sustain I d\plu'Ju About 30 Men s Suits, all different patterns, in Dafk Tweeds, Navy Blues and Blacks, all sizes, 34 to 44, special - $3.75 Boys two piecedark Tweed Suits, _ made in Norfolk style, mo-nlar M). 50 {hr . V -M "E -wvJ-4 vvv V :ro\vvv`\nIQo:Ib .n. vv vvu uuauu, , suauc 111 11` regular $2.. 0, for J - -- Boys 3 plece ark tweed su_1ts, regular $3.50, for Just at the seasonof the `year. when you want New Dress Goods and Clothing, we give. you the opportunity to purchase yourneeds at t e lowestlprices. his remarkable even here, where bar ains always rei n, to be able to get such Dry Goods and glothing for so_litt e. . e . a l j Were these Dress Goods Priced at Their Worth,l ' You'd be Asked Hall`, as Much`Agsin. u wouL VOILES. in my am. Brown. Green nnd_. Block; Q. QTIQIISII v LIIJVSTRESI Ali? SICHJIANS, in %UITINgS,d in lN8:.vy Blue, Green` avy ue town. `ream town, at in . ` and B1ack.'specxa1........ 500 Black. Sneoia).;..$l & $I.25 puck naa_s_s gobs A sP:9IAI..'rv `T `I T UnusualValus in Dry Goods and Clothing Devlill 61 Murchison Wll UIUI `S ;:cial. . . . . . . __ ____. .___:-`y t-wt -I i iTIKiI I 4 H . iiullvassortment of Dress Tfimmings and all over Laces. HILLSDALE. ..'. . . .'.".";; . 3'?f .".' 35 :.',. Z :i2i 25 yd. _. Mr.VHarry Sheppard made `a Ybusi- ness`t-rip to Barrie on Saturday. ' } " Mr.W-m. '1`rombly isV -making some improvements on his,Lakeview, cot- tage. ' ` T- -----v ---v- ----r-.*' ':``'`"' 4 . % _Rev; Mr. -Pearoy. " -'0; McMas'ter igtlnivexrsity.` now in V Lc'~h>arge%- _~o"r . - nae ; `b;:itvi`Bv-`h_1rch'% ' ` -. 9., Q. Rev. Mr`. Currier gave a very carn- est. comprehensive sermon 7 an 1 the doctrines of the Presbyterian church,` taking? `for his subject What is Calvinism-?" He was'- listened} o very attentively as `he review.e.dV the history of `the ch'urch'frox'n'its in- cepiion. The singing by then maile choir was much appreciated as usual, Mr. and Mrs. Fran}: TBrewste4 r ewnt Sunday at Mr, Wm. Fen-ier s. .[ -..--. r--- `..-nu nu-tan; Mr. Jazak Dean. of the Ndrthwest. is in dhnrlge out .Trombly Bros ; gro-_V o.ery~ st`or' this is`u'm_mer. ' -.10.. .A -n , - * - `-7 .- UIJIII _IJ\I ~ Mr. '3.` Eden `;L"imMr. Joseph` 'Gr9g'g have `greatly improved`e front of `their property. ;by `-tpl_n_n}t;i`n3 some nice m a'p1e trees. 1);... 1!... 1-s-_._.__ VI. .,A --` -- . - . \ rendered and very much` appreciated? .-by .-the con-gregation. ` The Presbyterian congregation was quxte, disappointed Sunday evening. when the pastor, Mr. Robertson, did hot return from Toronto. In his gh- sentre MI`. Hickling conducted the ser- vice. which was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Tay`l;)-r;;')ent- Sunday with friend; aj:'6th `line. '- ---vo v us, `two `DJ "I-zj. Wvillie, Ra.n"y. I of ` Washaago, ypenl. a -ew vdays with vtrilends in thislplaoe ;laat- Iwek, ."|l'.. 'I-_I- T\ - , nu --: .. _ ` MIDH4URST._ 1 Miss Mary Farquharson, of Tor- .o`nto. is spending a few days at her a home here. V Miss Ellen Monteith, who has not enjoyed ithebest of health of late years, passed peacefully away Fri- day evening at the home of her brother, Mr. Richard M0nteith.' She had reached the ripe old age _of 72. The funeral was l.arge|y~ at- tended. showing the high esteem in which deceased was hedd. The pall- bearers }were `the `three. .brothers- and Mr. Franklin. Mr. McGowan and Mr. Peacock.` Rev.` Mr. Westney `officiated. - T T i Miss ;Jen-nie Hosstion spent Sunday 1 with Miss Millie Taylor. ' Summer `tourists are .be:gin1i&ng "to come to thisbeautiful and 'deli-ght.'- lful- resort already. ; `If- XIT:Il!- fI-_.-_ ,5 ' `I ? i %. Rev. Mr. MoKa `will conduct ser- vice in the Presbyterian church here next Sunday. 21st. health and weather permitting. Y .nNcY% MOBAIRS, in Myrtle NQIIIV nlli Q1` > A _ VENETIAN CLOTH, in Navy Bnle, f.:r*`t.~..*:;:::?.t?:*.`?r?: socyu. \J&' XWLIQJIUIUQ II Navy Blue and Brown. .Speoial............ BELLE EWAR'l`.' .t?f`..'?%?'t'::.s9c yd ..- 4:..- `,V1 $1.75 $2.50 % Ifo11on'f:o. ins ~ mi` 'h"d.$5. % ,%t%%.~=hi9;V"%w.zie -1~ George Bott. _of Allistonj spent aiaw. days with `her brother here. Mr. 8.. Bpillett. Su'oker fishi1`1`g` is at an jend heTre for the present. Another. heavy rain would renew the sport. ` Mr. Chas. Cross. of this rpiaoe, was a. lay delegate -to the Tononto Sy- `. .....a M` I.- Hi. Gpin and of In;froy.'areT both week. - ' '~ Do not fdig` deeply about ourrant or gooseberry bushes at .this sea- son. Cut; out the old black wood of c-urrants. saving a young [sucker totake its place next season. ;I:;he chief, products in the" market just now-_are hogs and hey, so says John A. Bell. .---- -~---~ --..v- vs-c V, Q-nnnconnovndo Seeding is` bakwardv in this vicin- Tity. many of our farmers having not even commenced yet. Fall wheat makes a good appearance. II\L-L J_.__.___._._ !L__'j_._ ,1 xi _ -.'we are slaa to` hear 'th a-t Rom Bond is jmproving. ` , L ' T {Miss Lily__Davidson. of ' .'.l`.oront'o.' is, 9.-the`-ruat.=! Mr$-T`~Wm: a}ti-mr+. } i f "`?,:<'a.._`:='. _-. . .`...;...\:_`-3.`-.`- : .'; ."'.. Scatter .wood ashes." over !your onion ground. The result will_ be no thick` necks and no agrulbs. A. Kirkpatrick is avbzia-ut tp bectime -the.age:nt for the Aylrper. 0nt.. bag "truck and wgigh scales`. ` AA ew are -through seeding; but, -the `majority ahve :some to do yet-. The earth` is so saturated from the late heaivy rains that except where land'is high it is not dry` enough to cultivate. h We gave 'wo i`nd~us=trie`s iAn- Bell s, Block: Mrs. Christie, dressmaking; and Miss MoGourt. millinery. C'|-.._`I!___ 2.. L_~_'v___.-_.:|' -- This branch. of West Simcoe Wo- men s Institute had` their' ;egular monthly meeting -at the home of Mrs. - . Giffen. Two very excellent pape an the influence and culture of flowers were'_read by Misses M. Baymer and Jennie Thompson, and one'_ windbw gardening. `by . Miss Milly, Rainey.tafter v'vhich.the topic was well discussed by. the lpembers. Miss Emily Moir then sang a solo which \touo1ied on ;the- `subject under _cansid.emtion. M --.-~~- V. :,-v- -`..r . _ . w . . - guy That dangerous bridge at the mill has been repaired`. Mr. Edwd. Peacock \ \""as- the contractor, under the -superintendency of Councillor John :Carter. `vi . . . .. - We -have occasional visits by friends from old: Creemore; recently the unassuming but cheerful editor of- the Creemore Star, Mr". W._ B. Harshaw, of the Mercb,-ant _s Bank, Mr. Archie Curirieand Reeve Mackay. Y`_`A`L '|_________ L_ _,-________ LL- --.-- ---v..q-v 9-oloav vv--v- o-wvvv -'-I~va---Ja We*regret,havin'g to `announce the demise of one of our most noble and respectedlcitizens in the person of Mr. eThoma_s Scott, `formerly of Thornton. and _who has conducted the undertaking business here for many years. The deceased" had an attack of paralysis on Friday, after which he became `unconscious, and died on Sunday, simply sleeping his life. away; aged 75 years. Mr. Scott was ameable chanacter, humane, -ben- evolent. .ne'igh:'borly,' kind. charitable. `almost to a fault. It may `be said of him that ETen his failings leaned to virtue s side. The departed was" a humble` and faithful member of Presbyterian church here, and seem-` ed always to take for his .guide the Christian precepts. Service was, held in the house Tuesday fonetnoon, con- ducted `by Rev. Mr. Craw, with whose family` the deceased had been long acquainted. The funeral left-here an the 11.3.0.train for Thornton, where the interment took place. Mrs.` Scott andlfamily have the heartfelt sympathy of this community. " .... -v... -zr---`.- "gsrs: Martin, of Craigleith.` spent over Sday at Mr. McLean's. --.-v` v--v---5 w.--v oovuovu Mlidessrs. Milton and George Todd. of Mount St. `Louis, spent a. couple of days last week at Geo. Moir s. 'lI.. IL-_.___-___ ,3 up, D s Conners. .--v -u--- - -vv-- -cu...`-u-J: "A rnweegingv` held Mr. of organizingia brass band at `Cain`s %' 1*ne}:}ena-hers of the W. `F. M. s. met last `Wednesday `-axnd pieced three quilts for` xjtheir missionary` box for. the Indian_8`of -the N. W. T. ",i1:s'. .iue2"1EfJ:E~.'vi{{ 1};ls'lb'ee}; seriously `ill "for some weeks at `her daughter's in Swteyner, was removed jtoher :sozn. John's. -here last week. where she is still in a very critical condition. -

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