Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 May 1905, p. 4

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_._.- -..- `.--`-_- __- _.v- -v When a man gets discouraged and quits, the doctor says afterward that that was just the time when he should have held on. `The snccossful business man is one who knows what people will not do. Sonie men try to get business by` ghting people. When an attorney offers to settle, Ind..- POI NTED PARAG RAPHS. An Ingnious cheme. __' _. _n__ `.13 ,n A... blue Ea} cm`. A- . I - ' . HAVING added a bakery. department to my _ Ice Cream and Confectionery Busincss.I will be repared to supply customers with rs: 01398 B NS CAKES AND PASTRY. dehVel'ed't-0 all parts of the town. Recognizln the fact that the public require the \'cry best. ` have arranged accordinglv and-they may rest qsaured that our goods w1"1l be first class at all I 1me8. and the charges moderate. IJIIB WCCKo Lu_nches at all hours. Wedding (fakes a specmlty. Give usatrial. A. E. CARSCADDEN, Everything in cM(ES,PASTRY and CUNFECTIUNERY. QUEEN'S HOTEL BLOCK. Headquafters for the Choicest and fn-slxcst lfnkei. Pa-Iry 3'-d Coulecuonery. Trv C1111` GFDRYH DHWR and r`}\0r`n!Yn `)n::cn In-nun. rs-cry u"Il uoulecuonery. Try our Cream Puffs and Charlotte {usse this week. ` '.11Inn]'\nn nf an 1.-.... 1x'...:.1:_.._ ru `-r\D- _ I -.1 -_-I-1-1-iT~-#_-` -1-1-3:-:--:-a---I-++-1-:--:-+-:-.~}:s E BARBIE, o1\'rTA.RIc5 E :v+-1--+--~-3~-`+--!-----!---~---'+~+++&- NEW BAKERY i That business men are eager to em- ploy_ intelligent and practical oice assistants. hat young men and women who a_re competent are always in de- mand. and never more sothan at present. That our graduates are lling positions and giving satisfaction because they have een thoroughly and praetir-ally trained. Easter Term begins Avril 25th. Enter any time. No holidays. Open the entire year. Excelsior Business College, + +- 'E A 151%?-Ia is-as-or-I-u A wave J. Palace Bakery -- AND -- `T '5` ' '5' V.` `C I -1- ;;;;lWANT TO Bur. John and Elizabeth Sts. Confectionery `7FT:EiTdw. sow THEM EARLY; - ---- -u-- i-`, 7 V Shades- Pink to Rose Lavender and Mauve . Red to Scarlet .0rnngc to Pink Striped and Picotee Dark Blue and Maroon Tall lvlwgx-f ....Nasturtiun:j Hon. Dr. Pym. Minister. of :Edu'ca.-Q `lion. has issued` 3` yoiroular to in Fuiueotors enjoining the celebration at, ,EInpi1}'o_ Day by the schools or the_ Hrpvinoe. This `year- Empire Day." A `filly before Vicitoriia 1303." fans. ,mday.j M Pm White and Light Of all these. mixed. Also we hue in bulk We have nix mixtures. Here ' they are : PHONE 130. EMPHAsIzEjI _*r'efu-sed 'to grant relief upon- the`- were represented by Walter Cassells. The Supreme Court at Ottawa was occupied on Tuesday of last week with the argument on the constitu- tional question of the validity of this Act. The object of the Act is to prevent railway companies from escaping the payment of dam- ages for injuries. caused their em- ployees through the negligencc of ithe companies or -their agents. For several -sessions the Governinent has grounds `that jurisdiction rests with the provinces, and that the Domin- ion Parliament has no power to leg-_ islate. Mr. Lennox. however, : had sufficient faith in his contention :to accept the Act in question upon -`the !un?de'rs=ta.nding that its validity should ib submitted to the courts. .'l`he interests of the railway em- ployees were supported by C. H. Ritchie, K. 0.. and Haughton Leniiox. Strangely enough the -Government changed its position after the Act ,.was passed, -and accordingly`. Mr. Newcombe. K.C.. Deputy Minister of Justice. representing the Solicitor- General `for `the Dominion. argued in` support of the Bill and its constitu- tionality. The railway interests `KO. Chief Justice Taschereau called the attention of the Deputy Minister` bf Justice to -the exceptional im- ' .tpo11tance of the :questio'nesubmitted._ the far-reaching effects of the Act upon'l'the_ugenera.l range of `railway legislation and the pecu`liar dirti- eu~lt_y or the legal ,questions involved: and urged-vt`hat.'whatever the deei.-; vion -of, the Supreme Court may he. `the matter '-shoulvd he carried to the Judicial Committee -of -the Privy. Oouncilin Britain. so that the scope -of `Dominion powers should ` -and finally "defined. Judgment i -_re- _ gierved. Mr; . Lennox `feels "confident. act -success. The. conversion of " t-the -v`Qqvernmen't is a ;_'hcpefu'l -sign._'. _ i Celbration of Empirg Day. Ant IMPORT'A_I.gR:(-}-I;;HNT IN THE uupamum couwr or CANADA. `rm: LENNOX RAILWAY % ACT quxec as it should -be. - . . From my` inspection I was favor-!_impressod the Ad_isoi'pli'ne an ,nh1axggem,ezut.-pf the,ho_spz_tu.l and M39 .oar,% mn ated%,.:t6w',ard #95:; ~ w "I x3%.'&' `Si; {EE`ozi3T3"3*"i'i;`o hole buildingend prtgxnises and was tav-' orably. impressed with the general 9:*.::'""r'*.,*.,:r.*'*.% -".::s` *9 `*3: pi_.`` e. sen be in-g `e dhigeregltl Vzarzis 1`hwerelfo1t1ndL:oleit;n a w e . e nose r - ngeire vaelxitilatliod and t. xzgntteg" suglpy we " mm s s . ` ' ' facilities for Vprovidi-:31 uoipifii diet? iryd werelfound e:lelle'_ arid tth? oosu Y]!-0., 18 as d%::a.::i }i*;:`e*3a :":*s*`: i7*3~ ` ss. ;oe sme:m- ptovements since my _ last visit to this hospital. `but there are still some . additions. .to the `furnishings and [equipment that are very desirable. . n s s o ' ifg` i`.`n.`;1`1-`i a" i. E.`iii`.:`i ":`." .i'.`i I foe-covered with `rubber or cork mat-I ~ting;"!or as. they `are at resent it `is - dimcuit to have-g he ospital_-[es,'- e. . _ _- 5. > ` -. v}m%:gg.t_s_3_(s, it s'hoi1ld~b. i`.........l.-.~&....`..A.:-.. I . ----..' "n- __.;:__ 3 7 foster among the youth of our coun- try the _,best national sentiment. The subject is especially important at a'time when the British nation gis'at.peace wtih the world, and when Canada is enjoying, a large measure of prosperity due, to a great extent. to the development of our resources. and the -growth of intellectual and moral aspirations among our people. Patriotic principles `fostered in the minds of; our young people should be such as will cause them to have an intellivgentpkaioxvledge of those forc- es which have made the British na- tion what it is to-day,` Thcznation has attained its presentproud -posi- tion Fbecause of its spirit of freedom and tolerance, its legal! enactments. its regard for truth and righteous- ness, and the strength it securen from its system of -democratic gov- ernment. In all our schools the pupils shouldknow something of the traditions of the nation, its power as a `great civilizing agency, the dangers` it has had tops1_i_-'i mount.: its jstruggles for freedom. and the main sources ofits present "world--wide power. _The patriotism to be culti- vated in our schools edpby intelligence and high. moral principle; Emphasis should be placed upon good citizeniahip, and the recog- nition of the truths of Christiani.-ty`. Tho "n' m:u{.-nu-A.-.&.. . _-----'A-A T The following repert. which evae received rt-oo late for last week`: is- sue, speaks for itself : ' . - Y _.'..|A_ ._ "l"'z;1`1':J:i:a-:1z;v;>f;i:_`i`z;~I'it of inspec- tion to Royal Victoria Hospital. Barrie, April 24th. 1905. when I found 19 males and 9 remales. a total `of '18! pftnignts, under treatment. do-an nnnnA I-Inna .4` LI... ...`I.".I- "7511; i&a.?s1e}' 7;1.g.;:;' "aZ';IZ`}"a 1 to.-be followed by each school. - -_ ` Roygl Victoria l'los|$ital% L = after Egtster onoert ilndei` the`: auspices of `Zion . Prg_gbyt_rian . 8. W F *1id?` %~s%%e%a=- nae? jwetwhsrr The home` of Mr. and. Mrs. Green- le`v_-i-a made sad and hnely by the death of their four-year-old daugh- ter. It appears that four children of the family were taken suddenly %ill_Friday `morning last from -eating Inoreis. which _wer6 gathered in the "forest. _Three survived, and every-. thing was done to revive "the young- est child. but without;-avail. death, ensuing on Sunday; The `remains wilifbe taken` ito_Elmvale "for inter- 'ment,fTuesday. ` ' V ` V 'n:L on Sunday evening Miss` Edna` Howarth sang a solo entitled Tell Mother I'll be There. Her rendition of this selection. which is becoming popula'r' in evangelical "work. was very effective and met with much appreciation. ~ .'`.v_-- ---.-?u-.; OUIIJU `nu aavnalvl Robt. Foster and Irvine Dean. who have been _u:nd_er the doctor's cm a few days, we are -glad to know. are improving nicely. ' ` 'l....a. a_|_I.-n.L u_.-__'_ an ----3--vvqgna o-curv- Last '8abbath.J'being Tconjzmunion {service at the Presbyterian church. maven -new memhexjs were` united to the church. A ' ' -A Mr} ,Allie Shields. of Tornto. spent Sunday last at home. 11-1.1. ~ra-_;__ ' ,-.__- v.. . -7....`-ua vvvsauaeo Mr. Vase. of Hamilton. spent _ a: few days here last week looking. after his lumbering interests. A..1.-.. n--- ___-._ 3.4-- 2'- Arbor Day was duly observd at _the school on Friday last -by the usual routine of cl'e_anin'g the yard and school room. pianting flowers, etc. ` ' ' - ' d `The sadfdxgtgt `I`.ord s Sup- per was dispensed at thevMethodist church on Sunday evening. ' 1:. 117:... _z.- ~n-_-2u-_ i 'In'accordance with the proclama- tion of the General Synod, the Pres"- ibyterian church will hold a. memor- i ial service on Sunday. May 21st. com- ~memorating.A the 400th anniversary of the birth of John Knox. ' .. _-. - V... V av IQIADO D B "?l`he (5-.v'O._ C.` F. added several newv members at their last meeting. The {council continues to grow. fIV\_ _ ball. and {Tennis will soon be flourishing,- while lacrosse buds are in evideqce. T uuv . 'w\'?V-ise`8'c-Co`.. s mill` was closed for a few days last week while the boiler was undergoing, repairs; fl\I....r1 .n n n _.1;-; ,..,. . Next Sabbath Rev." Mr. Currie -w'll speak on the` subject (`What is C 1- | vinism 2" . vv'v\'4a3 "saga ssavuua at JLUUHFLUIIU. Hedtor Farragher has gone to Tor- onto. whe5.e he has secured a posi- tion. 2 Heintzman piano last week. W. J. Maftin purchased a] new "__ `If TY _ IfI.ov.v-;1 r}T~sp;~:nt `the past week with friends at Moongtone. vi :ANG:Us. A _._, -..v _- ....... -v..- bun. vuugus. i~1;-the"spokes of` the V wheel. crushing the leg terribly. It wa, broken`in. three places above the knee.` `besides other bruises. He was at once car- ried in to Dr. Evans and his leg`. dressed. Afterwards he yas-_oonvey- ed to", the.`Barrie Hospital. and is at; present `progressing; g.ver wbly.. - is ' The house owned '!by the Misses Johnston was oonsi-der'ably. `damaged `by lightnjng last Thursday. One of the inmates of the house received 'a severe shock`. ' A very` serious accident happenedl to Henbert. the eldest son of"Mr. Bert Plowman. last _Friday; TMr.` Plowman was just starting for Barrie. when thelittle fellow tried to `get on the back of `the buggy. and. in some way one of his legs got c_augh_t` :II Qingknn 4` L'I.-`-__L--I --.441.` Miss Amy Webb was the `guest of Mrs. McLean on Monday evening. Will Duncan was the guest of Sam Broley on Sunday. _ A few of our young mn intend going to Niagara to camp. II_. __.J. `II..- A',_LI,.___ he oox; re`-gr.-Ttjt_i';1 '\n'ras"'--Iaozvas laige us usual. ' 4 ' Mr. andAMrs. Thos. Stewart, of` Cherry Creek. were visitorsrat the home of Mr. Jno. Hughes on Su~._1day~. the children. i 'I;;=.acock, of Gherfy Cre-k. spent Sunday at `the home of Mr. and Mrs. Beynon. V. ' ` rs-.. -In-_. .-`-2 I-. L 1 . I ..-`,-- Rev. Mr. McLean preao`hed_ to a lange congregation in the Presby- terian church on Sunday. afterudon. A special. part of the service was for H1]... I____-- vdharterly meeting sex.-vice was held in the Methodist church on Sunday Inornin-g.. Owing to the heavy rain V61... ..`............~.....L:.~._ _-_---_--L Some of the villagers are much am! moyed early every `morning by `the Ih-umming -noise made-by the cream separators. which a number of our farmers have recently purchased. `It.. 1-- r~ _,3 `p wI&I'U. :;-.;1_d- spent Sunday with Thorntoan friends. ` 1 ' &"d{v%{i{ g `3 I1"};a "1`sE"s{{;`ra"; night our band boys did 'not_ turn out as well as usual. < T u _- .... Mr. Jas. Crawford, of this place, has purchaseda beautiful Clydesdale stallion (Royal Tom No. 3557) froml Wm. Foster and son. of -Humber. He is undoubtedly a fine specimen of the Clydesdale breed. _ vww-- --_, -.-up-..-vu. snI\rAJ\-rug G~eorg<;.i!z.I_aneer. of Barrie, lwojs Vvisitingbld friends `here on Sunday.` I n-..:`...... L. 4.1.. _._2_ |`.-_n. cq_;.,__;_, _._..-_, ___, -.., D-..`-`-v--.J _nvv\Jv\/QLIIDO H6111` weather prophet, Mr. James Webb, says that an ark will bequite necessary as` the weather is likely -to remain wet for at least several weeks. T ' ' ---- _..v.._.-. .. ....~--.v an-up vvvvlhl I Many friends of this place are in- deed very pleased; to learn that Mr.` Morrison, of Guthrie. who has been seriously ill, is graduallyrecovering. ('1... .......LI_ . _ _ _ . .1__L `ll , v up to expectations. H. M. Ben- nett made `a decided hit with his songs and impersonations,` and we hope to have him wit.h .-us again. The Easter Lily Drill, ,unde_r the di- rection of `Mr. T. A. Foster. could not `beimproved upon. being the featureof the evening. A dialogue, "The Photo Gallery. made plentyl ozt` amusement for the audience. Mr. W. J. Harris played for Mr. Ben- nett, and Mrs. Clark and Miss M. A. MoCrimmon for the other artists.` Miss Fannie Kirkpatrick visited with friends in Barrie last week. SPECIAL SALE PRICES, at direct froth |Gmt Britain a large shipment oi Carpfet.1jSquarea.e`w`hieh-ahbuld have been there. weeks ago. ' ` On account iofthisjate delivery, yve have decided to sell them this week at Tapestry Squares, size 9 feetex 12 feet, crunsen ground, at. . n V , H at u feet at .3 u `. cl" at " It 9 u X ac." fdwn at u .' cc u? - H u x` u at at as H Balmotal - Brussels ' E5135 hre,'9'F6e? 32" feet: Wool "` 9 1:19} % I\ . ` V V t . . '-` iv 7 soon be famous among bargam seekers. P%v! E-* x1'3A vA|__uE`_%niI_u wooL% AND UNION seuAr_=u;s SARJEANTRL SMITH OROW STATION. .We shall make the prices so extremely intereeting here, that this counter will . `L- D___- ___-. -__- -_._. `1_-____-1.. -_..1_-.... smoun. :;:s`;.`!;-:~`2;*.`.*;:%." ." `.'* Bargain Counter THE srone: or SATISFACTION Japanese Matting at 15c. 20c and 25.` 9 9 " X12 X12 -n Inherited Quality. ` me (the .cop)--Faith, an: pnwat an .OII1d,_fasl,1ione,d kid `t_h_ot is! Katy (the `,In1'II)--8hure= it 13.; _ An -no. wondher. L that she `is. `iomej av` herjhncistora 1 llvm nan`:-In an `-.-2--- --- vv an-III JD,` ICC GUI: IV Ll ea nearly 400 years ago. Vlolntecl the Rules.- Assiatant-Hex_'e s an account from your tailor among this moi'ning p let- tera. He writes on the back that he wants asettiement at once. Editor- Return it with a" printed slip stating that communications written on both ll I'|"i|\nI\n- g.-.. .._-...,.:I_u_i, - ..-in-nu nnuun uuua W ['1 uen on U L` of tlhdpaper are unavailable.` -..-u-u-- ccucnlc I "A story` is told of a Chicago girl I whose verses were always declined with thanks who hit upon the fol- lowing unique plan for having them ` published. She would send a line ot verse from one of her poems to the query column of some newspaper and ask from what poem such a line came, the name of the poem. and of the au- would send the querist s own poem to the paper with the desired informa- tion, and of course it would appear in print. The querlst would do the same thor. A friend, also a rhymester, I for the friend and so on until between them they had all their poems print- d` . I Medluevnl Monarchs. Almost every mediaeval monarch claimed the whole or a part of the dominions or almost every other and insisted on inserting his claim in his list of ofcial titles. In treatises and all oicial documents the whole list was religiously copied, and as it often happened that the two negotiating 1 monarchs had some of the same titles it -became usual to insert a clause in the list, non praejudicando, in order to l indicate that, no matter how absurd, inappropriate or untrue were the titles, they were understood to be inserted be cause they pleased the monarch who claimed them, that they did not confer a valid claim, and so no harm was likely to result from their use. _.._.-.. -. __ .. -:rv-v you so `ya-\r\pn-U It often" happens that the woman who has a reputation tag and wide as a judge of a good. bargain seems to fall down when she picks out a husband.--V n'ewnhh;h"zI13' wants to sharpen a knife he hunts up a Whetstone. When a woman wants to sharpen a knife she takes a few swipes on a crock. When one or the town boys marries an out of town girl it creates more "feeling than when a town girl im- ports a husband.` '

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