`Mr. Joe. Schenck. of St. Cathvar-1 ines. succeeds Mr. St. John, as book-; keeper for the firm of Wise &. Co.\ 1- 1-: 1 1 `Mr. St.` John left Hillsdale on Monday morning for his home in St. Catharines, where he will make a short stay previous to his departure for Arkansas. At the last meeting of Hillsdale Council, Chosen Friends, he was given a- farewell from the Council, of which he .has been the energetic recorder. I\._ `l J , I ,1 Ii , , `I |`"i?&ZiiJ3n;."";I'J`; glad `to hear. is somewhat better. --v--- listan. ~ M1:8. ` unday 2 gg Miss Greenwood, of B_arrie.. who] \ has so successfully nursed Mr. ` \Campbell in his recen_t illness, left; Wflorvher home in Barne on VVednes-j ay. . 1:; am. 1--I_- 1-2:. -rr-n_1_I. ._ On Friday evening last the second citizens meetin was held in the A. O. U. W. hal to hear the reports of _,the- sub-committees appointed to arrange for a ceIebration on May 24th. asatisfactory reports .were given and the general `committee empowered to. rooeed, hand as it is composed, 0 active members, a..good timemay beiexpected. Keep that date open-M*ay 24th. r Mrs. Ross 1has `been unfortunate in losing one of her best milch cows. \ Mr. Hamilton Young made a busi- `nessttrip to Toronto on Saturday. Miss` Bell Walt is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Sproul. Mrs. `MoClean arrived home Bat-T after visiting friends in AL] listnm_ Parker Peacock is progressing fav- ora-`bly. - ...`I______- 1-|-_,__ _. o_, \ n T I _ I ; George Alexandra is renewing old.` % acquaintances. here. - 1 'll'_. '1`! 11 15: o u an ..- ..v:-.u---vv-..vvw- vov ;_ Mr. `G. c. ndfmae is laid up with ixnflammatory rheumatism. A II ..- It_t\-..I_-_ -_ I u `- 1 v---.._J- V Erdmann_Beynon is able to be around agam. - ' f"I_......L_._ If.II.4I,__ , I P` ` -----.-- --5.-ngau Chester Moconkey spent Sunday with Ed. `Duncan. _ STROUD. nmpnn Vnomcs gmnnnr. .. 10 TEAiJ AND M5 RKET The ople of Stroud are looking forwar to the summer evenings. when the heat of the day will be dispelled by a cooling breeze from the lake, and the band will favor us with some pleasant 0)C`.Il air con- certs. The Citizens Ban nuecls for practice every Wednesday and Sat- urday evenings, has twenty-six mem- bers and is coming forward splen- didly. Give-the musicians loyal sup- port, as they are doing their boat to advertise our town in a very cf- feotive way. Spring is here, and residents ol~ Stroud who have never learned the value of beautifying our _ streets and brushing up -the general ap- pearance. should givc the matter -some thought. A village gels some kind of reputation. and if itsl people do not care what the rmuta- tion is, it is not likely to 5.3 very good one. One man, -l`ni(:l`pI`lS- ing and popular with his fellow citi- zens, can interest a whole village in it-s look and insure it :1 good name. - T _ 19311 HUBLEY BROS. BARBIE BUY THEM NOW. SOW THEM EARLY. Shades ` Pink to Rose ; Lavender and Mauve :_- `Red to Scarlet Orange to Pink Striped and Picotee ` Dark Blue and Maroon { V Tallan;iV l`J;vz;1--`t'~ % - ....Nasturtium T Pure White and. Light "KfJ"c'noN SALE. Orall thes mixed. Also we ' yhavein bulk We have six mixtures. they are : 7A:s::x.2o, 1905.7` Iiere Editor Advance:--\ Dear Sir : May I. `through your valuable paper, call attention "to in most dis- graoeful pra-ctice_`_`_ allowed in this ltown? La_st_.Friday,a criminal was brought from Penetang and paraded ft111rou!gh the'-es__treets' all the way from the `station to thejail, the con- `sta`blewa1ki.ng' `behind him. carry- in'g"Vthe' axe, and a mob of men. girls and children gazing. at the rwnetched man, and `shouting out every few minutes: He killed his wife and child with that axe. He will {be hanged. I have it on good authority there were over _a bun- iired at least,following the man. Ni. w. I am not one of those who have foolish pity for such 'w'retches.-- but `why cannot those whose duty,` it is A can `fl c1~nn'In uv\nLL.._;. I_-.__ I Va-Ivuiv V7 LIVHV EHULJ. IL I !to see to such matters, have such; a prisoner driven .up quietly with-i out such an outrageous -andfrie-1 grading speciaclei -as" ' the inatariceq` mferred `to? Many `people have re- marked on `the lax and slovenlyl manner in which thfngseare conduct- ` ed in Barriq and certainly it is time someone took a hand in the matter. Thanking you for ~space, ` `J 1 \ i. I `I `-. .Yburs. l\I'lII`Il l'!'I`9 I Essa. Council met at Gookstown -on Monday. April` 3rd, 1905. ` f The following aooog;utaT were pre- tented and paid: A `HI-.. _,,.W V ju-undo I .N_or1nan `rvvv v-up -yvvuvvu On motion, Goxworth - Dun-D -das,_ A. E. A erst was granted, Jton dollars. 10.00)` !or Aaran Barnes. an ;_nd1gent.. ~ _v motion. Belg -- `Dundee. Clerk` was . 'll1It!'JlN'.Od . to- parties .4 :inta,rested. g: the `next. ,meetin"g--~ oi: .. A %.g:v;#*{39: ,~;::.:;, *;,9"JA* , J Letter to The Editor. ~ W;--W Esau; Council. herford, $2.80 ; W. -2 J9 Wisldn. , $2.40: Rdbert .Wm. Graham. "b1'T1zEN. Progress of The` Campaiggl It is -iidehoe that uat `one hundred ears ago. April. 805. the .vBritiah.teet set sail to seek the" .Fr9noh',fiet.- which was found and '.8h.t'.` 33 .d5.t1`9!f*.,3 seven months atvr an; October. :m-'1`-ra'tal hr Bays. 1 .'*"V*`~%`tl6..Yt t. `.:-bMtoucht:,, etweene ` : - "T: Tthe%;. Iiu$a;u;q ` Admiral Rojestvensky is keeping `his fleet moving, but is not, appar- ently, getting any nearer to Ad- miral Togo, who is waiting to wel- come his entrance into Japanese waters. ,On Friday the Russian fleet was at Kamranh Bay; `two days later. Sunday, it was reported at Turan Bay, 350 miles north of Kamranh Bay`, _on the Anam coast. The belief that Rojestvensky pro,- poses to await the arrival` of Vice- Admiral Nebogatoff is strengthen-ed by the movements of his fleet. It is possible. however. that `he may find it difficult to secure a har- tbor that will afford adequate, shelter for his fleet alongthis coast, which is rocky and reported to be `par: ticularly Jdangerous, owing to` the currents and the prevalence `of `tropical storms. A -..-_!-_j - A 1 II , A, '1` -`- v`..-.~_ -~w\aoa.n.ns.u V. A revised estimate of the strength `of Vice-Admiral Nebogatoff 8 8117086- ,ron is that it -consists of but two. or at the most three. battleships and -three cruisers. While none of these are of the most modern class, `such an accession of strength to ithe already powerful Russian fleet would -make it dangerous `Gan Togo afford to allow the junctxon of `the fleet and the s `uadrona to 'be. effected? ~'l`o smas Rojests vensky he would have to cross the China Sea some five hundred miles. so into French neutral waters-.a.nd fight the battle there. away from his fbase._ That hardl seems lnkely. and it 1s .m_ore _ro_ able that the most .energetxe.`at,a9l_:a-.wull he made by. strong torpedo-"?".-Ilotillas and` swaft cruxsers` m the hopegot `reduc- ing R0` stvensky`s strength` -before he reao as Japanese waters. When: he does afgroach the Japan Bea he will find e waters thro h which he will have to pass heavn y mined.` and. nally, the whole mass of .the Japanese navy will housed agannst him. ti hting long-ran , actions. with t e object .0 inticting .the ultynost amount of damage upon his A`- --_-__ 1.- L; '_._ ;_,n 9 -an `Au uuvumvo wausra. no count. Jav- Egan has- already ma_de_ representa- xons to France. for 1t 1_s announced that Admiral Jon. mores, . the .Fmnoh_Wnava.l comman er at Saxgon. has gone to_Kamranh Bay. He will. u; -a I _.hkehho_od., send a report to lust Government. _ .. t , ' TL .QA V`-.A`e"`was. to be expected. the pre- sence of the Russian fleet in French territorial waters -has raised` the estion of a breach of neutrality`- urprise was expressed at Tokio. as it was generally doubted that France would permit the use other ports to a belligerent squadron engaged in offensive waters. No doubt a- nun Ban. niimntlu. Inaa manna-nagln 'u.\~`? . .!|'1" ` ` Livah?3ve%?:;:99*2`3??? wwvocoua own. any on LIDCICJ `QUVI-In LVVOIJMVI `Mr. Depuy -has. his saw mill rune. ning in full forces -The stock ohlogs igpis `year is the largest for some tune. ~ ` -new van I-av Lavwyguyllull DJ: 0 The Bong _ot .'1_ e perance Society a-tgended vvme `service at_the Meth- Odlt Ohm. on thq 9th.1nst. They a mo..bersh1p_ of `one ..hu-n.- -A`-" nuA1n1)er `of the Masonic Craft .met;at 'the.home of Mr. T. A. Fostexj {:o_ne evenin last. week. -and gwem .*.'.`.3'ht..: .~-ray Isak Tsntertiined after .\r1g_eudir91j (the`ooaio;;.__; _thet hastseg]11b- E .er*'=;.,..I;, \ L8 ' ` i _. ` i~or 3tns`?. Lu .b&U5L_y Iuuv v_v vvano Mr. Wm. Wilson. Glencairn, v:s1t- ed.,here last week. fvi1`t::s;;s;: a:;(l ..I.-viiozavl-I-1"idgt>, visit- ` ed in Allandade on Sunday. 44.. __ LLB. _! wuvuvao Q-I _o-srv anvil VJ `I09 J. Ifjthe law taxing baoheloge should * come -into effect. Angus vwil! oere mainly _roll up a. fairly good revenue. "II'- 'I"\........ I.-- L2- _____ __tII ,, VIJ4lLuJ Lin. V V v\Jaa.nnn.nvqgvv- r-' .- -..:. Mr.` "Herbert Johnson has return- ed after spending a month in Stroud. Mrs. Thomas Young}. of Barrie spent Sunday with er son, Mr.i Albert Young. _ 1 Mrs. Hart. of Innisfil. _was the; guest of -her daughter, Mrs. J. Hock- 3 1 midxge recently. A Seeding {s""'p3F.L.2 ee5a g" E";1ow1y `$11 account of the (backward wear.- er. ' L .111- ,__- ,_I--___J L- I.__... J.`__L `If..- 11 ouzvu ' Mruarrg M, Bennett. the Leading htgmorjst 0 he dav. will appear in .V1otona _.Hall `on the_ 24th mat. in aid of the ~Pres-Vbyt,er:an 8; 8.` II... Q-;._c"'.A` -IlI-__,,-..-, -- - Y`-l`%';;.. ';;;<-l.<:ron will preach next Sunday at '11.30 a.m. 1r___#,. 1 71--I-..'..I..... ..:..:L _S_everal of the farmers in ghis vi- mmty have commenced plowmg. ` -nt_- .~r1-_.x.-__:. 'r-L.......... 1..-..-. ....4-nan, ovvv-.-y ----o\-..._- Miss Emma Jennetthas retxmued home after spending a few weeks with `friends _in Barrie. aa\r1.av_ vv wen. way one... vv-u -av---. ` A We were oleased to see our old` friend. Mr. James Wallace. again in .-this vicinity, `after spending a num- 4ber `of years in Manitoba. 'If_. `l`_L_. I1-.4_-..LLI_ _.---....._-L "in?" 325;" ]"c;a'rBII;'"} youngest -daughter is very ill at resent with the whooping cough e hope to soon hear of her recovery. . ----- so:-nornnnwliv `-'8_c'>me_of `our local a,xig.le're are do- in a (Int of fishing these days. The 1 `ca oh is not heavy .;as yet . 1:11.- I-a-. L___!___ -n__'-1_-n--__ .1. J; VIVILJJIUJ 1 Our V. S. has been making a good many professional trips lately. v s n__.12_... _.. ..._--.....::..... ......... ..I.....l..` --.. `co-- --Mr. Duokworth ha! moved [into hisnew dwelling. recently built at Madniver. V 7 - Mr. and Mrs.` Jonas Bush ,and tarp- ilyrare visiting with M-r.1and Mrs. B01`-.trum Humphrey. ~ Q.;_;. `E _--_ I--_I _....I-'_._ _.._ J- ` _ Wedding bell's-e;;'W ringing in the vicinity. n_-__ 1-7 at L-.. .'I........ _....1-'....... .-. .......I uvunvo 0 % `We. are leased to hear that Mrs. ".l`hos.' Ga ey is _ recovering. after yreoent illness; mavan CJ\nnr can uuaunonnvu Mr. TI-;hn Banting has `been under `the weather for some time, but we hope, to soon see him out _again. 1:1- _.--_.- __|..-..-.1 4.- _.... _--.. -r.1 K Illa IJVIIL SJ VVIIIPIVUVCI Mr.`-.J.. M. Sx_ni_t .. __o 'l'qron'to. was in `town "last wee on. buainess. Mrs. F. Wilson." of Barrie, was the [guesuof Mrs. Jno. Love last week. `ll'_.. 'Il _'_L3._ -_..I 'll'_._ v1____1_ ,2 ""1752. 'iuEa'. }}{.i 'ii. '$}sf'3 Toronto. are waiting` their mother. Mrs. Shaw. , Mr. Thos. Bell has his brick'_dwe.ll- ` _1ng `nearly completed. . ` 1 11.. -1- at n._.2:. 1_ _n rlI__`-;_';_ ___.._` L L_. 5 1*I'1A1:-1 %'N(mrHERN" AD vf2.\NcEM WY. Luuug, auuzuu uuu. uxwesu-n.ga. J. 4R_umb1e & Sons are inst,a1 !i_ng in --thexr bakery ,a +gasoli,ne, en. -mp and autonn.ati..T hr%ad.,1:m@ " ientdrnxisis;j~1n9vh`=T(%:is:5neoea J . jqpeopnta t-t* ` -- a:.:;;,..;.;" i_;V;;:`al:i`ii'gJ;1?<;gress J with his` new building. `hen fin- ished it will be a qredit _~to.it`he '-plaj-ce. It will be a. solid cempntj doublet izlook; stores, and.=.1dawo1lmge`._.-- V T. .1`- "nninrhlaa -.1. A`n a*" in.. :.:..*.;`. 91:-.. able report for --- v-- -v tn 1 GT5 IO WV IIIJ\lO .. Mr. pay, I.P.S.. made hiaiottioiall visit to `our school on Monday of last week and gbave a very favori- _` nth-Ldivisionaj. TT`_______L\_ John McQu'ays had the misfortune to break a small `bone in one of this `ankles last week. and as a rveaullt is off work for a while. . " vv WIIIIJBLJ wads/um; vuvu Mr. H . Link. who lived on the 4th of` Oro. died suddenly from-the ef- fects of a paralytic stroke on Fri- tday; He was -quite well in the morn,- ing and went out `to his work as usual, when seized with a sudden illness which terminated in death in the evening. Mr. Link was in his 73rd year. In religion he was an Anglican. and in politics .a Con- servative. The funeral took place at St. James Church on Mondaf. Rev. J. H. Kidd conducting the uneral service. 4 Grange last weekiwas well attended. The idea of havin -the debate an- nounced vbeforehan and the sides picked was a -good one. as many of the -s eches showed signs of con`- sidera. le study. Some of the older heads stretched the time limit very much. while others. who on the last debate spoke but half a minute. oc- cupied to good advantage more time on this debate. and a general im~ provement was noticed all round. Resolved, That City Life Is Pre- fera_-ble` to Gountr Life" formed the subject. Miss T. onard, Captain of the affirmative, upheld city life ad- mirably. Miss Johnson. Captain, of the negative. `could not be present owing` to the illness of her sister. Mrs. _For-bes. Mr. Geo. Young bein substitute. Messrs. R. Neely and . Nighten ale- the judges. decided in` favor o the negative`. A motion to have thepmeetings continued was carried vunanimously. Misses ~ F. Smith and G. Martain were chosen captains for _ a literary entertain- ment` on the 11th Ma . The debate , The public meeting at Irmisfil' on - od roads did no come off at the _ arch meeting. but will it time permits. take place on the 27th inst. '1`-hre were 7 degrees" of frost "on Monday morning. V - 1:-_ Ir-.. r1-...L-... 1...... ........:........a {Jan 1 IV l1l.l\A Llsluljlasulvu Born-At Arden 0nt., to Mr. and Mrs. Britton Barker, a son, on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Barker was formerly Miss Florence Kiel. of this place. l V lt appears that a stone-throwing gpndemno has struck this `village. .-U...-. L1.-an nan} Finn v-nrlnnn Llllllla JJLI-ll. III uuv `av--VJ 1.--`.-- -.,- Miss Eva~ Ostrander is spending Easter vacation with friends at Bar- rie and Allandaile. ' 4` 1 1 `If. ___J B HICILIIU Ll'd.B SLIUUIS Lula _v1_ua.5U. or some tune as_t the resxdpnts have been annoye mght after mght by missiles being hurled .at their dwellings. "sheds, etc.` 11-.. 11- 1'3..I_ -..I_- M..-) .... LI... AI-I. JJLIJIIUGJ LIJIJL 1.11515: T Mr. Mar. Castonhas purchaseduthe frontv half of the Casey property. ___-._.'l2...... i We have reman; for a special EASTER TRADE. See our tlisplayiiof, MILLINERY. Miss Fraser will attend the Easter Openings in Toronto this _week. and augment `our elegant showroom display by adding reproductions of the latest Parisian Novelties. ats bought at this Store of Satisfaction are always right in style and right in price. SARJEANT & SMITH Ladies Easter Neckwear. Gents'Ecster Ties Easter Gloves INSPEGTION INVITED CRAIG`-BURST. HILLSBALE. cRAIGr.AL1=:. ' Inaddition tothe nest stock of Neck Ribbons we have evef possessed, we Tsh'o"w this week %% % Fine Turnover Collar and Cuff Sets? at - - % 25 WFancy Turnover Collars at -. - - - 15c and 25 Long Lace Trimmed Ties at }- - - 50c and 1.40 >- We have the stock and are prepared for a more than usual trade in Gloves this East.er.. V ` ()hildren s Gloves, Gloves for Ladies, Gloves for Gentlemen, in all the latest shadings. What size do you take ? We have it ? What price do you want to pay ? .We can please you in "price from 'I5c to 3.50 per pair. and guarantee satisfaction. s TEE `sfrom-: or-' SATISFACTION We offer this week T 10 doz; exceedinglynobby Four-in-Hand and Derby Ties. Special for Easter wear, at your choice- . - - A 50c DIRECT IMPORTERS 11.5: -A Nantyr m_ust_ Rev. Dr. Smith. of Bradford. preached to a large congregation 1n the Presbyterian Church -last Sun- iday afternoon; I`-.. r 'v-.---v vvgauwuvll `I-Ill ILIlIIJt Mr. Charles Sharpe and family have moved into one of the vacant houses owned by Mr. Lot Webb. I)-.. "5' v- can ; '\t\:- nmvn III 3" "Mr. and MQ; John Johnston en- ntertained a` few friends at their home on Tuesday evening. -`ll `Kn:-rn-3o l'\:.n..l-..tI.l- _._j 11"., x _.--- `pg- -. uv-aunts U VVLI LIE M -iss Maggie onstwblle `and Miss Li'bbie Reid were the guests of Miss Jennie Johnston pn Sunday. ' "IV L----- A-A ` I """""' ' I ` Parker Carrutlgers is s ending a , few daiawith fnends in .t is neigh- ` ;_borJ1oo . ' _ ` -v-.a4vv-I \ Lennox and Miss Mannie Black, of` Orai vale. spent Sunday {at `ithc .W-ingy Corners. ' J. T. Walsh and J. Rogers.Tof Bar % rie. madoa visit to our village on% Sunday. ` ` `I\-__I____ tv 5: ` ' 0 -- `