! Tfhe recci-pts an-d expcn-ditures of` `the P.ublic`Library during 1901. were ` as follows : VBa-lanpc on M'amlber .s `fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Gnant from Barrie Town'.Co.un- .---g --yn.r- -. \/ `va--u ` . Libmrian . .................. .. ...f [Paid accounts laid over from " "'"19B:3 Interest ' ins) Interevgst o_n notes ............ .. Insumncre on `build-ing .. Insurance on books .... .. .. \Vood for fuel ................ .. Ligiht .(:inoa-ndescent) ......... .. Repairs to roof of building Eidswalk 4 gratings . . . . . . . .. Binding books .................. .. Postage, etc. ................ .. Balance in `hand .......... .. c=il .... Grant from_ jAlla.ndale 3 Beeton ....... .. I Bolton ...... .. i'l`ottenham E Bradford .... .. AIL ! , , ._- _-v-u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ,"? `Albion ................... .. Adjala .......... .. W. Gwillimbury ....... .. I Innisfil .... .......... .4 !Teoumseth .. :'0RR-At lher residence. 1233 L'p% . oott .st.. Toronto. 4F0,b- 3' f tn .Hanna-h .MoFarla'nVd. wndow 0 5 late: Geo. 0rr.. aged 79 5'93 | days; . I BIA ? T\,".Y`I'1.?? A n 11-! ,1! __f..L an E vaays; day. Jan. 31st. George HenF_ - well, aged 55 years. mm CALDWELL.-A-t Gilcihrist. on Tgffj` CARLYLE.--On Wednesda.V m.d,,,, (Feb. sch. 1905. at her late W5` a 23;? "Beaten Ls,t.. "Toronto. Marx. ' ' - ' gmgz _tnhe late 9_ M.3 K &Xig% __ : I DILIIUUC llllllll-`la 4 .B__-',' :1 report presented by 1\Ir.`Mu1\- 5 p`-hy. Dr. Arnall' 'was- appointed a % .t.r.ustee on tide Barrio C-:l- I\_.I_-_.L Q54... Try Vickers Con-setis. Barrie Public Library. `Majori;ty for Little Cardwell Elections. L`I'1`TLEA'S-MAJORITY 339. on mortgage (bui hi- EXPENDITURES. RECEIPTS. ]:`;;s 1t%tunir 9, `leg-late Bound. Iv-luu-SLUU vuuv -----.v - .- Rovbert Stew-` ant om tkhe \Bradfor_da High} School Board, E. Gar_1'et'o_n thesame` `board for the balance of the unex-i pirediterm -of Mr. Burrell, rcaigncdy G.`H. Wihite. on the. Onllia Collegiam j -Board ,and F.\V. Jieffrey onthe Mid- land H~3g`h Scthool Boa\nd. _ \}'-__.--- Try Vickefs: Corsets Try Vickers' Corsets. Ontario Govern- Theme is No Figure We Cannot Fit DIED 1313 . Seuiple 33 55 54 62 77 l. 140 . no . 154- .. 173 .. 155 `U13 IUI LVUUQ `Entrance ex.a,min.ati0ns~ will` be held at Alliston. Angus. Becton. Cree- `more. Ohurcthill, Ccokstpwn. Elmvale. H-illsdale, Penetang. Waubashc-no. Stayner a mi 'l`o t.tcn'ham. ..$268.50| _..-.- $73-124' 135.09 101.75 10.00 _ " F7i nanc~e. 7 -` Mr. Fraser advised that $32.50 be paidwto the St. John's Ind-ustrial School for athe_ miaintcnanoe of Ar-. thur and Charles Landrigan tr) 31st- Dec. `U4. $31.60 `to .t'.he Alexandra In- dustrial for Mary Force to `the sump giatc. g` _A 184.72| 99.00 19,35 18.95) 23.00 80.25 48.20 15.75 {n 14.25 1.50 9335' ail zrreol Vice- I `Gen ! I ~.po};it`a ant`. rat uuuv c : '0ri,lliu'.~s request _or 1'he Odnty to guarantee $41,000 ldebenture '_f.[_was ` granted. tth.a't sum and `the amliunt already guam-1nt.ee(l not exooe'd~iugV25=\ per cent. of 1010 last revised assess- ment roll, 0 ? ` `I :1` , L TI-`-nL;... UT! IUS. Will be '-said an against Brim: room-s; land : r I7C`l`P 90-E1 Allund tinge \ NC; I`! 41 ESTEP One tht. dis they r large nut co .mu.chi 79:... lIlurUHIl It is <:es;~`i\'c which produ - {shiny Just stove pwcm, are bu other per tor V75 1 4) Mung SON I TEN signed for the lat dm March pound pound su-rl h IIIUIJL I \Jl*`r Mr. Fraser rcp_orte.d that Be`e ton. had already received its share of itihe money_ denived -from the sale of tt\h'c G. T. `R. stock. and "t-.herefore, did 1 not recommend any 1:urtvher.appro- priation to` that `town . ll1'L.... T) Q l'\ 1007 uvnvn Av -nrnr`. whp a. their 11 acmt A1 c INT ll vwu BIDOII `P Chap '-BODB th e 71-` '1` 1222;; V1.6 j arlnd 811100 -[J1 IGLIULI LU v.uu\v Lu vv ..u '1\h'e R. S. 0. 1897 were ordered tome produrcd for the mexnbersrof ith-is cpuncil. I - , 1 A1,- -,-;._!V;.L The \f\I\l\r\` 3238] :M -r {PST -Lu-I5 uyuuult. M '1`.ms committee advised the appoint ment of the chairman and Commis- sioner Barr to dci with the ciaim of Thomas Chambers for $127.74 for damages to engine said to have been jsustuixled t-hro-ugh :1 defective bridge on townline, Simone and Duficrin and make the `best arrangement "possible..- . . Roads and `Br-Igiges. `Chairman Quinlanfs committec.sug- gested .- the appointm-enit of Messrs. .Bell, Murphy and the o*ha'rman to examine t.he.`Abridg-e over the Mad ,'Ri'v-er. at G-lentnirgt, and report_ at % this: session. A '- - 1 `-an-_.` "`_A__- v ;.;4 in VJ`! AP 7-3| `IAIIICV L79-Sliilli Chairman Quinlan and Mr} Shaw, were appointed to examine the bridge over the Nottawasagn; at Van Vlvae-k and report at the ne'xr'c session`. - T Printing. , _ 2 v_ The tender of Walter Scott for sup lies.` was accepted "on; the reeom-' m'endat'o'n of Chairman Harvi'e._ 1500. oopies of the January. minutes were ordered to `be przinted. W ._ Legislatiom, ; . - n . T Chairman Sloan presented a Vxjeporatjt for me` more expeditious discharge` of w_'ork. wh~iclh' was a'd'opted. . ' ~` I\ 15:- ~_ ,__,a_;-___ .3 Ln_.--_'. Ivwjifrivvvvii T Finance." A Mr. Fraser -"recommended payment `-01 . $19 to eadir of the following" De- `puty Returning _-Officers: R. L. Bar- -'wick. Barrie; 0. Grose. Lefroy ; Jos. `,Wr_ight. Beeton: `R. Bell. .Utopia:;J-. ; W. Arclher. Collingwood; Angus Bell. , and C. E. Grant Orillia. ' ii The application of Lt.-Col. McPhec {for $10 for each of the eight com-4 ` ' panics of the 35th Regt. and for `the `the three companies of the.` 36th |;B'e`gt. `having headquarters at Sim: VN-ew Lowell; T. "M. Beau-doin. .L:_1fon-- taine: T. D. Robinson. -Moonstone rig coe to provide better messing accom-Q , modation. was considered `by the Fin- . 1 once Committee. and payment recom- ` L mended. Mr. Fraser also advised pay _:meu_t of .a .number of accounts. Roads and bridges. Chairman Quinlan reported in fav-' or of placing of a sum not exceeding "$500 to the credit of any municipa- lity which has not -sufficient funds `to keepjthe county roads within its division in proper repair. '1`-his com- ` mi"tt.ee.also recommended tiiaf no ac- jtion be taken with reference to the claixns of `I . J. Hays and Wm._ Al- .1 I ' l len. .'-_r`-e,. I 3 .`~`. -22 1` y 1 `M. _..-.`_-. ;}(iWi1liiIniiiri. ii`8.0?A`:I.i1`iLi3!i`l;. 00`1,1;:000n@d:;6*; " ".9 `. . ,. `tm;i.::;,; lial. , 2\;'-`-{_V_E.:`a.a{.110%! -Rigs. 0 ?w;%:; 3,} - Ntt'aw&$_;ga""'7;' .O,;i6 05.0 ~Or'1lIig_,T";4.`:s .4Sun_'nida le__1."- 1ec%unz`s_qch M 10.; my < "I`u9, 02. Tossorontio ,1 . i_Ve`spr`a 02, fA_l-, liston I. Barrie 1`3.fC_olling-wand .7. Midland*14_:. f01fi!lEa .4. A vPnetd`x'xg' 2, Stayuer 3. Beetpn 2. ` ` - 'I`.he {arm stool: i's_-valued .5`: 1,250.00 Farm prddu-`cc ............. ., .... ., 786.60 Farm implements ...: .... 791.27 Groceries ., .... _ .... .. . ...... .. 190.02 Fuel ..................... .... .. -" 493.00 Boots and 311088 .... .. - .......... .. 132.00 Dry goods ............ . 447.41 Furniture ................ .; ...2.5210.90 Office furniture`...., ...... .. 152.50 IQIIUI onou cones: -nu: ooouo dooju auto: Boots and goods . .... . furniture .... ., ........ .. The v{r}1'a'{" all }3';1:'i;{'isiiloo phy. of Education. were appointed to attend the annual convention of the Ontario Ed~ug:,ational Associa.ti_on. Education - Mr. Murplh_y`s 'vcomml`teo worked- assid-uously tzhroughout e week and on'- Friday presented re number -of reports.Among them war one recom- mend-ing grants of $25.! -to the fol- lowing `eclhool sections: r.o. 8. Thy; No. 12. Sunnidale: No. 13. Sunnidale; Nos. 9. 11 and 15. oruu-a:' No. 12. Matmhedash. His suggestion -that the clerks of the townships should be asked -to furnish maps and .a state- ment of their assessments was adopted.. ' - ~- ~ 1:V!..__._._ i A. cogy of the -bylaw w'th reference to keeping the fonds` under their _sup fervision in proper state was ordered I to be sent to each overseer. ' } Mt`. Qu-inla`n .=: committee disapprov god of vthe grant of $25 w11ic.h `Mr. ;-Be1l asked for the repair of Powers Ibrid5_zje- over the Nottavwasagn River`, land reported accordingly. H ' III! A `'7 .i, , -_.A_,] 1- ---- -wt.-- .~-v-_--..._,-9. The Warden was empowered to proceed wit-h the bridge at .A_";herlcy in conjunction with a represeritative `from the .C-Juntyxof Ontario. ' : _F'manoe. Chairman Fraser reported. that 33 nu-ct o'neer`s licenses had been tak- en out in 1904. aggregating $510. "and 23 ped.ler`s lzicen-Ses aggregating `$425. and ttxate-this committee had considered the application for grants from the Innisfil Plowman's Associa- tion. the West. Simcoe Women s In- stitute. -the Gentrersimcoe W`omen s' Iustitut'e, and `(the Gentre Simcoe. Fn.rmer's"_1nstitute' and disapproved of same. - ` an .- New Steamer for Lake Sim- L coe. % * On the racommendation of, this Hcommittec. the Wur.d;an'_a_n:d Clerk 'Lw_e;`eWatJ1*t.hor.zed to `prepare and lot `.`-{' ~';1_vard to the House `of Czommons and Senz,1"t9. a .-p1:i'ltio'r1_ Arelaizin-gg to .ftRi9s~ ' 0.0 Advices from Orillia state that splenduid progress is being made on- the new boat:1;o`replacc the Str." Longford. Tlhe planking has -been] completed and the hull practically. fini;~ihed. `The boiler-,manufacLurede' by The Bertram co.. Toronto.._was_ shipped, last week and will be ._in~ stalled` with the engine shortly. - 'fiL_ _.-__. '.I-__1_ .,,`II L- _-_'J-_ E-.. _.v ---_--v v--..-_- '."'I*'i{' n'}-}"b'oat will be m{a'y for i service sometime before the oening} of navigation and will be put on t-hei ice to launch herself when the lake: opens. It was suggested that the new boa: be called Geneva f`but Mr. ! 'l\homson has ideeided to can her at-i: ter the old -boat. henceeshe will be! the Str. I.on_gford. The-inatei`-'a`l and workmanishiphin the new 'Longford' is of a superior`quality.. T.he con- `Lra;ctor's. of course. `have an. object in - putting" forth itheir -`best effortsfinl this contract. as the future bids fair, to "warrant special attention ti) their} first attempt ;on these .waters%.inv| vie-w off? the -e_possib_iliti'es atteridanti upon -completion oi`; the Trent canal.` Mr; E. L. Cull. a 'competetit' aut-hor-' ity on marine `1'n_;atAtersgis overseeingi the i work: "f-ozff`Mr. jTAh`6z"nsp1`1_. = "_Mr. - cuu in'tim'ated."tt)11at ,the hull ;ot_ the.l new Lo;ngfo_rd `is sv.'perio`r -t_o;t}iatVo any `boat that ever sailed? these `lakes-L wiitth- the .poss`ible_.exeep`tion`- o_- the A Str.` Vxsiiag. ;_;J:;;e;;,,engi.n9 : and~; pugigg _ `are? batih` bf it1i".h1fit*eaippitovedwwe i "sp93'%`2!:v~;?,+:911!i1t;A-..rcgxe~- 15iif;s`r '11],-",>,`i v ..-..-.-.v. -TheVcounc.il thcn"adjoixrnecl to meet in B`;1rrie`~ on 'che_ 30th March. _---`, --,---- 53 ? ~----5 `--v if E. The "nVe;v`.v-7 `igtord 'shou`1_1i , \ m;ik_e'Barrig in t1\\f,o, h)_11rs. V ~ _ U V 1 RONGW-- WAnREN-oj1 ` ETh~ %%7e?;i1=>fI>jt'>;` .au,=; ragweed .1; Total ...................... ..$o.7s4.7o| QC 1 1 IO` 0 , 'lR_,_. -F_'1.`1D*?.Y- MARVRIED } `or rHEs:=AsN- ,3 Vt`11`i-a .-atgsganon. re-_s%f*__1f_.ia1`Lg`.,\'u`xV`ioI1'x_a` T'!nq,:t.-=~ . }1`.il'*:Y"L=`W7"-."`~1l"9i...`l51TPB1`.';ibiI|ii.G1?`.:}} 3*`_ ;:i`_l$o!A__g'1:._`tohem%g~`was -a `motion .by:~j-Mir. K iMm`_phy. referring the ._que,stioxx 1f ",1ja1je6ting it new bridge or rapaifring jtjhe present structure over' the Mad *fRiver.V`at Glenca`irn. ` ._ ` " `, 2: Mr. Bell as socon_dcr of this motion _ stated that the present structure had `been unsafev fo/r heavy traffic { Wtor tfhe pa-at two" years. ` -up-_ n__:_1-;. .:....... ..a.L......L'-.. #4` {Jun Tuaanana Ems nerore}naVn-a';T m Br"aves.%V@ rau: moans -'n:s`1=`1.'A'Y `some: `or ` x_T8Il,B TIMH CLIVBENESB. -. '- _ 'l_?uh'.e_t Barrieis still `an enthusiastic hockey town must` be admitted by `anyone who at-tensded the game on. Wed_'nesduy.nigw'h-t`. _'l`.he occasion was the play off between Barrie and _Mi~d1land of the gaine `scheduled for Juinuary '23. wlhen these two `teams played 1:`-ill midnight `the result "then vbeinig a_tie. . - - Midland came down on a special tnwin two hundred ;s'trVong. ready to .uh_eer its team `to victory. while the supporters of "Ba-rrie s Own turned out in full forbei and too edias only a Barrie` audience of hock y enthus- iasts can. ` ` 'lihe game was asplend-id, exhibi- tion of hockey and when the final whistle ible-w Barrie had scored a hand-`fought victory bya close mar- gin of 6 to 5._ At half time the score was 51't0 3 in Midland s favor. and a great many people said that it was all over =-but _the shouting` for Midland. {but they did not know w`.hat the "Home-'b1'-ews""ha'dV in re- serveyand while -the first half was fast the second was of the whirlwind onder. Barrie was all over Midland (tom the -start. and `the Nort-herners never had a chance. They made des- perate efforts to seem and brought up the defence to help out the tor- wards `but the splendid work of the Barrie defence 1he.ld~them out. and wehe-n they did get a shot it was well taken care of (by Roy 'Dhomas.. Every man on (the Barrie jtcam put up tlhe game of his life. and the way tihey [checked the Midland play- Grswas arevelation to the spectat- ors. Time and ag'ainT-M:idl a.nd would g.e,tTa com{bxina tion rush started, but there was usually a Barrie player in the way to pick out the puck. and base}: it would go on the Midland goal, T '1`li.e score. hardly indicates the play as wi~th`th-:2 exception of a short time in the first half Barrio had the `puck t`-he g'reater_part of the time Barrie scored `the first two goals in the first half and then Midland camo strong and `by good work and getting one more before half time. I In the. second half Midland got but few shots w!h'l-_ile Thompson was lxapt `busy turning aside shots from the Barrie forwards. three of which `beat h_im `but try as Midland could they were unable to gel: one past Thomas. ` ~ amlk-enpt the Midlandidefencc busy.` some luck ran _in five goals. Barrio Cald-wcllv `broke. a skate early '- in `the game and although `handicapped ;by a strange 'pair of runners he was one of the fastest men on the ice. Gould was knoclgedout for a short time in the second half from a blow in the wind but soon resumedplay. McLaughlin at point for Midland played his first time in the position and put up a sterling game. Ilia rush-es were always dangerous and resulted in one score. ' I 02 the Midland- forwards. Kemp iwas the most effective; Whitc_roft and Gould _'.being checked so close by Grasett and Caldwell that they got few eopportunities lto hhine. tcve Viaireewas the fastest player on "the ice and a constant source of trouble for the opposing defence. iI:Ie got away" repeated-ly from his oh-eck and had two men looking af- ter ehtiem most of. the time. Thomas played a star game in the nets andi stopped several shots that had through tickets on them. Williams and McDonald were almost impass- able, .and- checked and cleared splen- didlly. 'Dhey fed `the forwards well i and partioipatedin several good rush Grasctt ma de tfhe much touted Wli-iterdtt look to be a very o1fdin-- ary aplaydr and".'he seldom_ allowed l him `to doany -"c-ffeovtive work. `Cald- Ii well on the yvinig lbrought off a num- ibcr of his old time rashes. and when ;lHu-toh gets going 't.hcJre's always! isomebh-in-g doing. Midland` ,had no. | no `fast aenoug`-hv E0` catch him_. ' Brown`leerl1ad his check Pearce beat- ! (mall the way. and was always -good ito get "the puck down on the` -__Mid.-` ~ latyd goal in a_ rush. `besides shoolzing ; `with V great. accuracy. I h , .. ` . ____ _` TA ' ,.I J, R,` LL- 1 .l,'I,_L [ It -is much -to_`be `regretted that Barric could not get their players 30111: a_nd i_n shape earlier. It the ;-distrit `hold -to he pliayed off again ; now. Barrie would win `handily. AT-he attondanoe ran over the thousand gmark. wzh-ioh was very encouraging; &to the inanagement who have \\'rork- .ed hard against numerous'difficul- [ ties tahkeep t`he game going and 'fur- ; nish. good: hockey to the town. EH-Us _vuv purse. uvvv Juuauo .- _ ~ M-r. Quinlan vdrew...atte'utio!_) to t.he ` ..un.-d.oaira bil-ity of passing any motionw fjwhsereby any acknowledgment _wi;s~.4 mad-e as to the safety of the `bridge. 1 -He suggested that one of `the legal representatives should express an` opinion without chufgc upon the sub`. jeot. T Inr__ 11---- ...--....1...A Hlnn r:v|t1:nf;l\I\ As a `result of.t he.' match Victoria Harbor takes. the -championship of this --district. Midland. .wou1dg'hav.e preerred. Barrie -to allow'them to Jwl-n" so as to `get another chance. ` at, the Harbor `team, `but Barrie `is not in we hazT)iE'o;f'1aying down to o.~nyo:n_e . ' ;The* teams L `lined up` 7as `fol- |`lows7: K j_-" ` ' ` 'Bzirrie (6) - _Goa`l. Thomas`: -,point, VM-ononaild; _' `oovelj-point. ` ,Wil1iams: __Vo;"w_vards.". Caldwell. 5,Vair_.* ;G-rasett, Q : L?M%.33 !`*!1'1`A55---'C9a1-\ThmP3n :::pit%t. CW?-.1.4* :.!i 8'hl.i.1.1%='=. .'3..`<>,,V`V% 1.\`-n \`.. LiI! lj`.t-f'...`. C.l1'.hi1~I: mm; Kean Whitf-'-1 on the 23:1; ult.. oneof the oldest I pioneers of Essa township, Peter Cline. died at Fulton in the 75th` `year of his age. He was born in] Hamilton where he lived until fma:1- -hood, marrying Mary Vermevryy of that eil:y.gIn 1854 -he removed to` Essa and took {up farm-ing. near 'llhor.n:ton.` Subsequent.-ly he went to Alliston to reside. Deceased was twice married. his second wife being the widow of George D. Travis. who survives "him with one daughter and, tilmee sons by the first marriage} namely. Miss Mary of Toronto: Mer- ritt 01 Toronto and Wesley and John} of Barrie. About five years ago he returned to :11-is Ibirt-hplace. where i he passed the evening. of his days. Deceased was from early life a} staunclh supporter of the Methodistj ohlurdh `having been class Ieadera-`t; 'llhor.n'ton for many gears. Inter-i ment took place in t e ` plot known as the Cline buffing ground on` trhel old `homestead. ,C inesville. Hamilton.{ 4 Tfhe - death -occurred on! Friday `last . at the resi- 'denoae of her daughter. 123 Lippincott street. Toronto. of `Hannah McFar- land .widow-of the late George Orr; "and mother of_Orr Bros., the well- 'known contractors of that city.` Mrs. Orr `had. been enjoying good health for some time past. but was a =f;ew` days ago suddenly stricken with paralysis. vwhioh was the cause of death.` _;_Mrs. Orr was born in Ty- rone. Ireland. 79 years ago, and came to this country when a young` girl settling in' Barrie. wahene she resined for many years. She was-a member of`College~a~t. Pre.sby~ter`an church.- anni took an active interest_in Sun- day. school and missionar 4work. The surviving members of t 8 fam- ily are'Mesars. Clharles of Winnipeg :' .R..J;. William and George .-Orr. and Mrs`...John MoAnsh of Toronto. The 4 funeral took? place to eMount' Pleas- ant . Cemetery on` `Manklay. j III-Ill! .vsuu.uu'uu.u Iolvcu _Il'I .u I'd 1- 1 ll LILIJ` TIES. or SEED POTATOES. GOOD SAI/ARY_ OR COMMISSION PAID WEEKLY. - \ {OVER cop A,o_IEs_~Unm;_a CULTIVATION Rslibable, nerqtic agentfor Barrie and] surrounding _distr_ions to sell mm treesamall fruits, .ornameuIa1 trees 3nd _NEW VARIE- -mmu nu unun `on'rA'rnw_.c1- n.-nnn Choideab st-och guarant ec-d delivered in good condition and accouipapied by GOV ERNMENT CERTIFIQA E. OF INSPECA-_, `TION; :;0I[=5 .a!1! -:0 'tb.9~l.2e.-;t- i!i.!ra.bno4i ' '"1h5Ik !ilif!Zli.1!;L!i5 !*1!1 9I$P!:V`*10`iY_. -mini-uu'm=nv_ ..::n `."'_ ,lI_-`E3!-I'Il,'|lIl II ._ _ 1.`oi.0nt0..Unw 9= L.A&h%s?sv*1?r;=}[% V % ~ ull, .lIl|O_EtVlIUV\ I|I1.vln> -vuuuu.` up . %~ua'-i=9? t0 PELHAM ~m.i.i..e.a.~' n..mx... . .f .. D -:- h Vick'ers' (:3!-Sets Death of Mrs. George Orr. wooooooooo owooouoouooooooooonuuooouooooo`ooooooooooooouooneno3 A V. Try %% Vickers Corsets. % Try % Vickc:-s` Corsets. Try Vickers' Corsets, G80. `GU90 Mr. `Boys aooepted t the `invitation and advised the.t the motion should ,-be reconsidered which was done. WEDNESDAY. County Property." The first report presontedby Qhair man Frawley, recommended payment of an account of $193.72 for coal supplied" the gaols. His oommittee `thud visited the gaol and found it clean and `orderly. '1ih.ere are at pre- sent 7 male prisoners. 5 `for vag- ranoiy. 1 for insanity, and 1 for being ` drunk and disorderly. He also ad- vised payment of a number of otther "accounts. for supplies to the County .` buildings. 1 II|I_ ._....__!JJ..... 1....) n`z:l\ nvuvn:nl\r` . PETER B. cnmm. Satisfaction or Your % Money % Back WANTED. Obituary. BEAU MONDE If we have not had the privilege of of serving you, we would greatly appreci- ate the opportunity of doing so, feeling assnred a thorough inspection will create a favorable impression and result in our mutual benet. They are the best we know of. They are perfection, giving the slender, med- ium. and full gure the contour the new styles Of dress demand. Are distinctive styles, born of an accurate knowledge of fasl1'iou s requixements -and made of carefully selected materials. your Corset needs is of. pa'.ra.%mount importance. The season has now come ewheniysu will look ~iAnto"this important requisite. luwuuu;-5a. 1 `Elm committee .ha-`d- also examined the Surrogate Court'Clerk s office` and recdmmended that he be tra-ns- I {erred -to the oiffice occupied by` the t County Clerk in We Court IIcusc.J a -vault to be built to the north` of hat office. and that a competent I ardlnitect `be employed to prepare plans for consideration at the next? session. -Our preparations for the season s Corset trade are all complete, and we now show a range of Corsets that in point of style, selection and gure contour, value and assortment is Second to None. What We Show On Friday morning Mr." Harry Ellis re- ceived the sad intelligence that his brother, Mr. Geo. D. Ellis, had died in Flower Hos- l pital, New York. It appears that on Wed- I nesday night deceased, on going home from : Ibis work, fell on a slippery. pavement, sus- '; itaimng a. fracture of- theeskull. He did not lose consciousness immediately, but was able . to than'k.the strangers who assisted him: . home.` Next day fetal complications set in ' and death ensued on Friday morning. Mrs. ' `Ellis was in Jersey. City at the time of the . accident. On receipt of the news, his Abro- ` there, Mr. Harry Ellis and Mr. J. D; Ellis of Orillia, started for New York and returned. ...i'x"'b u... .........:.... .._..:..:..... 1.....- ..-. Q.....l....l UVUIIIII , I15: IIIIIIG GbLUAL`HGIl!lIl uncut. ' '1`he!t5'unersl took place on Mgnday after- noon from the residence of Mr. Harry Ellis,` Ross street, to ;the Union cemetery, Rev. J. I J. Redditt conducting the services. Six old friends of the deceased performed the sad duty of pall-bearers :-Messrs. Alex. Milne, IT. Beecroft, J. F. Jackson, J. F. Craig, Jas. Vair and Will R. King. 1 ` 111- iwiiiu Inna `Kn!-I1 Q7 1-none nnn'nnA u-vnn ' \ vuu uuu H ILA LI. Lllll 'o ` the second son of the late George Ellis of this town, In his day he lled many responsible positions. ' He managed the Electric Light Go. here before its acquisition by the Corpor- ation; and also the G. N. W. Deceased was well known insteamboat circles, having been connected with the Northern Navigation Co. at Sarnia and Collingwood._ Last year he was manager of `the Str. Turbine. running be- tween Toronto and Hamilton. At the time of his death he acted as cashier of the Am- ` exican Express Co. in New York city. I an 1-snlnnn-Int` `A fkn. A II` Iv A. `l' 11.11` 1-v-an Mr. Ellis was born 37 years agonnd was! ! ' Clllitlvll DXPIUSS U0. U1 LVCW .l0l'K CIEV. He belonged to the A. F. 8.: A. M. and was a keen.enthusia.st of lacrosse and other sports. I He married Miss Edith De La. Matter by ' whom he is survived as also by his mother, his brothers above named, and two sisters, Miss Mary of Brantford and Mrs. A. W. Wilkinson V. of town. Among those from a distance at the funeralwere Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bemrose, Miss De La Matter and Mr. Jacks of Toronto. The relatives have the \ sincere sympathy of the'oomtnunity'in their ` sudden and distressing bereavemen r. Ill WILLARD, -1|-KDll1i\I IVA LVDIV .I Ullk QIJLI. LCUILI LICK`- xwtffff the remains, arriving here on Sundnyi .ei'ning, Mrs. Ellis accompalxving them. I '1`-'1'Afnna:-n` fhnlr nlnnn `nn'NIn1-ulou off-an-_ Part 1`(3lua-- E. Malay. W. Hetron, H. Owens. F. Woods. E.`Smith, A. Young. 1 .4n4&| vita 1-1 i~y s;TI&2c1ss- E. Cheesmah, 0. En- gland, J. Wood.` `I. Beare, 0. Craig, J. Sc1`mirler. -.~ _ 41,1111... 1-: 17.2.. h u_1__-_--__ ur W Jr. i art2 01.}. 4 E i1.m.;.I.&. F. Faucets. M. Reid, W. Kilgour, W. (JOOPGY. M Clqrk. _ Jauu. 1.1.5:; IJU.|lIJ\I- bow Inspectors Morgan. `Tl3z`13'. `McKee, l~ and Mccaig. Mr. Elliott of Tot-ten-; Elam and Mr. J, A. Spear;-. of Aliston, ` were appointed a !board of examin-1 ers "for 1905. A `A i -11- I A 'L_I.1` QUIIHIIIUI o Jr. 2nd Class--R. Vgnir, R. abiuaon, w. Griitha,' W. \Calve rt, G.- Fowler, M. >Wriah'r-. .a._ n...| 411-"... ,1! 11.... 117 nl....._._. YVll.Il'o .- 2 Sr. 2nd Chas.-`N. Mart, W. Cheenmnn, A `Buchanan. W. Burrjdge. H. Dyment. ! . 3- 1 7Dobson.. ; . _ . ' H. J; 3r1d~c1ass--*.x. Conger. B Deegan, H. i I Jeare.` J A` Horton. ; McL augbla.n`, J}, man-u. % % % I ` (.`.l:us`|.-- .l$.v.; Brownlem G Beacrofc, ' Sin-.1 inclyil`: The Selection Honor Roll fV6r"January. GEO. VICKERST Death of Ge o. D. Ellis. WEST WARD sonoou $1.00 ment ............................ .. 3B.ei1rts of halls and rooms .... .. Sa:les- of catalogues ............. .. Sales` of magazines. etc.. after used ............................. .. Guam uu. , 0 _ V J l M-r. Frawiey f'ur~t'her recommended tuba`-t tcbe $600 grant to thetown of? Barrie for a lock-up should be pai=d.1 Education. Mr. Murphy's committee. after; carefully considering txhe stateme-ntsf oi": the Barrie Collegian: Institutey! and the" Bradford High School. ' re- commended payment to the former? or $449.18. but an error appearing: in the Bradford statement. he ad-? vised that only $135.40 `be paid in- stead of `$458.56. Tihe Owen Sound Co1.leg'iate Institute 0 will also receive $89 as payment for the County of` Simone pupils. . "\-- A -----_..L -...........t...a I... 'M'n