Mr. Edward. Kidd, M. P. for Carle- ton._ will resignv in favor of Mr. R. L. Borden if th electors of the rid- `in; V consent. am: the new election ~%Lril1_ gbe zngxg smmeaiastely. . bill It'd `amend; the liense act. the;-(Manitoba Legisla- '} ':.I.3j1:?`9.'4`%l3-;.A~:1`.3,~A:_:.T1i?n59 fee. i I ` -9.hd;~make8;~ a;ev.ra1t _r-.--wv we saw VCGJQVAVIJGV \lIJ d\IIJ\I(JJ at the Gourt House: before Judge Ardag-h. when Mr. A. E. H. Cres- .wicke.a.ppea1`~`ed for the applieant.Mr. Emerson and Mr. W- T; Allan at Collingwood for -Mr. Williams. In yierw `-of all the circumstances attend in: the election Mr.Williams prompt ly -disolaimed the seat with. the re- sult as gbove noted. II The useful pitizenis the man 5 I who vote ggainst his party. Mr.-Wiil_i;;n; -has resigned. and a new This was4.t;he onday `election will be held. ` upshot of a conference `on M 'nl~ Llun I1---_l. -tr.-nu-var`-5-3-.1 \~|\J vL_a.o "7 .... -- I_--___ I Barrie | A. Habbick. -`\1ex. Brownlee J. McL. Stevenson f H. J. Grasett. 3 w. Cline ; A. Stapleton .- `V. .--rec D. McNive_r_1 _ F. McRae P. McMillan `Dr; Gallway iJ. F. Givens. L. y The competition in group 4 com- menced here on Tuesday night with Barrie v. Collingwood and Orillia v. .Be`aver':on leading off. Orillia had an easy thing with Beaverton finishing well ahead on both rinks. -A The is- sue between Collingwood and Bar- rie. however, was fought ont until the very last stone, an extra end being necessary to decide. The score: Beaverton A Orillia. - ?~A. Kay Rev. Fr. Moyna. A. W.'Ta1bot . Ed. Hinds M. H. Roach T Dr. Kennedy .1. Dobson, F. Toogood, V `Skip, 8. Skip. 21. `at '|.r..`D.... rt In Ilnxum The recount pmoeedings are off. I__ IIYIIII u For the Ontario. Tankgrd. County Council Div. 5. ' `B !-zip. VS-l;ip. 16. 24 314 J. C. Irwin 14. _ Collingwood T. Toner J. \Vi1son N. A. Rule H. G. Wynes, C11,, ,, Remnants. of Shirtings . Skip. 17.. T. C. Brown L. Watson 0. Noble , W. E. Vernon Skip. 16. T. Madden F. Stewart . -Grant A. Main, siiip. 33. 2.4. The Prices `Ruling in" the 'Barr1e`and` . Toronto Markets Durimr the Week. ..g;6nnu gygv. v . -Jwunuolcj, .lJu.I.I. _ The Venerable John William Dig- gle, who been Arch-deacon 0'! Birmingham since 1903, was born in 1847. He was ordained in 1871, and was curate of o-Whalley Range, 1871: All Saints, Liverpool, 1872; Sta John's, Walton, x 1874; - Vicar -of Mossley Hill, 1875-1897, Surrogate: Rural Dean or Ohildwall, 1382: andi `Hon. Canon of Liverpool,` 1887, was president of `the Liverpool cil of . Education, 1891;` ~Seloct',' 2P1"eacher University j of , Oxford, ..1899?:;,'~ Vcanbnaote -Garlisxe-.a'n.d Archdeacnziibta-.a j,wegtmore1`and.--"`: '89o+1991;'-,; `mi ;1ian2:.not9nn`*hb `F9.t The Ven. J. W. Diggle, Archdeacon of Birmingham `and Rector of St.- Martin, Birmingham, to be Bishop_,of Carlisle, in succession to the Into Right Re.v.'_J. W...Ba1-dsley, D.D. . . rnl..- 1)'...'-......1..`I.. `Y-I.'_ n1.-n:-___ V1 U V G UIIC l\Ill\l `V Ills The Right Rev. Charles Gore, D.D. Bishop of Worcester, to be Bishop 0 the new See of Birmingham. 'I1I._ T).uInL I)-.. `IJ'.n.L_ \7--L'_.-__. av, I~I.l\a I-JG vvua uucncu labcl cl-41. UUU When it was put up at Sotheby ; the auctioneer introduced it as a most interesting volume, but he had `to make the first bid himself of 100 guineas. Mr. Pearson then took up the bidding, no one eke apparently, joining in. At 200 the auctioneer. remarked that he should have thought it was vorth either fty [times that or nothing... Mr. Pearson thought "it was worth another 510, and at 210 the Bible fell to him. 'ri'm"J '32i`;f1ft"`n`{5."ii'1?;'yeatmau Biggs, D. 1)., Bishop Suffragan 01 Southwark, to be Bishop of Worces- h; . . The King "has been -pleased to up- prove the following appointments: no u;nhf Dov l`hoi;Ina flnnn `IX 1'! look Wu Knocked Down at Auction 10 _ the Sum of 8210. There was sold the other day at" Messrs. Sotheby s (London) a Bible 1 with regard to which there has been much curiosity. It is a defective copy of the second edition (1613) of the authorized version, wanting some leaves M beginning and end, and in its old rough calf binding, of which .one cover is loose. On the reverse side of the title to the New Testa- ment is the signature, William Shakespeare, 1614-two years before his death-and on the end cover, Willm. Shakespeare off S.0.A. Hi: Bible, 1613.- And on the-last covei: is also written, John Fox 01`! War- wick was the owner of this Bible. vAnno Dom., 1633; then come the` names of John Bradshaw, 1666," and Thomas Hall, 1727, and .James Hall, 1743," and others.~ The.Bible was bought in 1850 by. Mr. William Sharp, who bequeathed itto his daughcer in 1881, and at her death, in 1890, it passed to her. son. Its discovery in 1850 aroused much interest, and there was some correspondence about it in Notes and Queries in 1884 or thereabouts. Mr.- Sharp gave only a few pounds {on it, and he was offered later 31,500. nfnn #4 man nub nn .4 Q..4.I.-L--!.. '8HAKESPEARE S eI`aL,:-:.* Wheat. Wheat \N h_eat . prmg Barley. . Oats. . .. Rye. . . . Peas. . N'ow Blshopl. Lipton `W vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyi are REDUCTIOIFS 3 PRIcE % ' Barrie s Bargain House, We will not carry T bvef a} dollar svvorth '"df wint;~ goods if Lowprim wan cm: 1'1. IN EVERY DEPARTMENTFDURILVG THE fr ax. ING or THE INVENTORY OFOUR srocx; % Toronto Farmers` Markets. V . Tononro. Jan. :6. was . `.'hitCoaonuu ........uu.u$l05 to vs redvluoui IOI|IO|aIIo I C5 000 o m _ pnngp__ _ _ _ _ A _ ,, , nn .._ DI $106k " Takingsale TABLE JELLIES MARMALADE JAMS of an kind; PICKLES THE MARKETS The pric%e cuts run from ta 30 per cent. below what you pay Velsewhere. WF. HAVE FOR YOU A DIRECT SHIPMENT OF BARGAINS IN Blankets, Cloths, V Underwear, Hosiery, % Ladies Jqckets and%Capes. J V % ` Heavy Skirts, WoollenGOods, .' J Shawls and Wraps, V % _ Misses and Children s%Coats, Men's and Boys Ulsters, And Overcoats. ' % All Lines of Rubbers, Overshbas, A Larrigans and Rubber Boots, j . Boots and Shoes at Wholesale Prices. TEAS- and Banana JAN. :9, 1905. Phone 161 _-__._ `-----._-~v- .~ -voo- What -hope can exit that the -Ross i Government will remove the "pres-, ent distress"? It was by that fGov- that Mr. Ross will have sufficient support to give us stazble `govern- ment; - He is appealing to `t'he- peo- ple on account of necessity : he could not control the Legislature. That is the real reason of dissolution. The electors ~decl,ined in 1,898. 1902 and in the bye-elections to give him a working `majority. On account of recent revelations he is less likely than ever `before to gain a working majority. can weihopefor anything better ' than the desperate struggle for political power which has well nigh paralyzed political virtue! Would such. a state of affairs be good for either the Liberal party or the Province? Ontario -has `sut- fered, in 'tihe eyes of the world; enough humiliation in the etfort tc retain in power the Ross `Govern-T ment. The attempt at coalition has done no more thanfumish at the `hands oofthe Globe and the Govern- }ment. a guarantee. of ability to Mr. `Whitney and his _frienda.j l`heLib- erals have been in power for thirty- three years; surely thatisi long. enough. ` ' F ' - ` CC | . 5 . : - I 3 ernnen it came. There is no` hope UNI av-coo Itonv \-ovvvv `anon-o-now-` 3 In 1896 thousands of Conservatives `rose above . partyism and` `helped to defeat the Government vwhicth had been in power so`-long. Are Liberals less independent _and patriotic? Can they do ibetterthan follow bhis ex-` ample. Vote. for a- _chang9e,_ ot__;Gqv ernmenthholrd the new Gbvemnaeinittj rt-o. 8...-,:.f.StriNctC . M9o3m.t. ;;a: vjiitly. at`r;4:7h}%dr9r3dt: `ti:`e?`j ti? ewe ii. t*:mgnt:gg: w;org;.[ " 9` 0 Would not a term in Opposition be good for the Liberalparty as well as the Province! Let umappeel to history. * and Lafontaine lacked the "lust for` power" of the present Government. , When they might have remained in power they. resigned rather _than sacrifice the principle -of responsible Government, Neither they nor their par.iy.lost' by their action. for after a 'short `interval [they went back "to power. to form the~aGrea.t..Ministry.; _- an:-in .L\. ._____J_ -1 .4._..-_.._-.L!-.-`._. ! the most acherisiied rprinciples of- ` Liberalism. - Every Liberal may` ` ftruthfully. say -th-at.` (he was never` i so consistent" as w_`hen_ he opposed the : 1Ross administration.` " ~ ` AN APPEAL TO Luann ALS continugd from .P'.qe 3. f Near `Five Points. DeIa.'th came {rather `suddenly to Mr. Joseph Rhineihart, one of Ora ; well `known and esteemed farmers who died on the 10th inst. Mr. Bahinehnrt met with a slight acoidint a. short time -ago and was 'th`ougbt to `be on `a `fair `way to recovery but he sutfere"d.ja relapse, passigg away on- . l`i1esdayr afternoon of lost w'e`ek7in his 56th. Vyaear. `Beside`s,fa widow. nine? children gsurviffe do. .b6ase d. interment ftook ` "place _. . tit; _o;ow_n~ Hm _AP`ii`can '0en;.tery4__- ` * Be` sure you > Ifemember _the_. league hooki match on.Friday night (20th) between Gollingwood and Barrie. tihewj `eld-time zfivals. V 4_G_oVl1in ,wood `is -an;'-__ bus `to; ; o`t` f;tIhe ` soeie;:'A;;; `lg,s?t" eat. a'nj;I;;.Ba51'rie ' \ t" . ewnem. L . v-uv vagu---u "il"l:h--l.oc:ln Fyno Herring. Can su- Incen, lltuIloe.k.l`od.smelu-, neooI,&:c., gun! at BOTllWElal. 8. I Rev. John` Mcbougull. -D." 1).. the great missionary among the Indians of the Nort.hwest.d'\h-as, been secured for serviceson Sunday. 29th inst... as -ollows; Elizabeth st. Methodist church 11 a`. m.; Collier st. Metha- dist church. '7 p. m.s Rev. J.VJ. Ferguson. B. A.._ -B_. D..will take the alternate services. -'Dhe citizens are to be 1ciong11a1:`ula-ted in [having `a chance to hear this man who hes exerted such all power over the red. men of tag. `Vest. W with the A chair. .._`--_--_v--, ..v -qw--' u-7 pvvua vvavvno The county council will meet on Jan. 24. `the day {previous to the elections. It is pndbable the only % business transacted will be the elec- 3 tion of the warden when adjourn- ment will be made for` a few days.` Speculation is rife" as to who `will be the new Warden. Messrs. James Fraser. iliottenham. andHR. -H. Jupp. Oriilli=a. are the -names most pne- minenftly mentioned in connection -Mrs. `Grant Henderson will open classes for dancingT in the__ Alpha Club rooms Thursday evening, tJ1eN 26th, at -eight `o'clock. .and_F1fidayj afternoon. the 27th, at .four o clock.i IIHL- _,_ _ A `former resident of Essa passed away on Saturday in*~the person of" {William Ballantyne at the age of 72. Deoeased_.lived `In Barrie for- several years but since -the death of his wife `had resided in Vespra with his` daughter. Mrs. 'l\homas ,.Gould. Although in poor `heal-t'h for some time his death was unexpected. Fun enal ' took place on Monday to the Union Cemetery. A Fcliaxgge .;f4 Gqvernment, isgtliek only r,emcdy.' fgr` the % fiEs."n&;?$}3" 'aZi '3{r?1Tf'.pyer` `spent Ea? oofuple of ags -hast` week 3 wit1_3 fr1_ends `{at V I % At` the annual -meeting of the shareholders of the Barrie Tanning Company, held on Tuesday after- noon the financial report for the year was presented. Notwithstand- ing the higihyprice of raw material and the increased cost of labor the directors were able to declare a div- idend of 5 per cent. on the paid-up` capital stock of the company. The old Board of Directors was unani- mously returned. Immediately af- ter. the shareholders` meeting, the _Di'recto1`s assembled and elected the ` following officers: President. S.Wes- ` ley: Vice-President. M. J. Fra'wley'; I Manager. J. Sinclair"; Treasurer, J.. J. Gibson; These with Dr. J. Smith and A.- Sinclaircomprise the Board.-:' ' ' ' - ' A Tia`mT'Iu13;3r" 'E{b1'o.T2: "ii?-s'urg.. Pa.._ has been visiting friends hem: We are sorpy to report the sleriousfu _illn09s's of Mr. L. Jaugo. ' Flt... "... ...r_I II`... (.11. . _ _ _ . . _ -.A 1.1. ; --v----- v. so-I to II\Q\.lI iM':r_. "and Mrs. Sturgeon {of East ~Gw.iIlixmbury viited - with Mr. updl -Mrs. J. Andgvvyv-5' on Sunday. . V A 1 11...--- it-____. -_.| 1x'r:n:--. '\__-_ Mr. John Wioe of Toronto-is visit- ! ing his Fbmther`-in-la:w `Mr. James 1 Lougheed. V ' ' ` g.-;_ `g_._A 3...-,-,_, p #5 1 n '1. I king... V` _-v --vvu-u Mi`. Alex. Nairn of Palmerston has returned home ,-after a short `visit- with his aunt. -Mrs. Jae`. Brow-n. - II ..- A V The Saturday market was `fairly good. much better in _fact than `last week's. Grain deliveries_ did not amount to a great deal. Wheat for the first time in many weeks.reach- * ed the ldollar mark for best grades. Barley dropped a point or. two, run- ning from 38 to_40. About the us- ualsupply `of hay came in with pri- ces unchanged. A considerable quan tity -of dressed beef in .farmer s sleighs was in evidence; -"Apples were quoted at from"75c. to $2.25 per barrel according to quality." Wood sold much `the same 13.8 last week with business brisk. In poultry, chickens .fetched,9 no 100 per lb.. turkeys 14c ~:to 150." No ducks were offered. The I__L _1-__l _LIO 44 I- i -butter and `egg imar-. kc`. 08$; y ;_OOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOCOQOQOOOQOOOOO0QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 3 `J % man .;i '.mn`na.1nm? a..5Ti-L.'&..- .m.*..; tu..e`_` SATURDAY MARKETS. ..._v .~-- vac -.--- 'sT6gd '-pat7" a't"1ast week's pri- Barrie 'l"*a;ming Co. Remnants of Ginghams_ Remnants of Towellings I R Remnants of Sh eetings I R t Remnants of Pillow Cottons Remnants toftGrrey and White Cottons R R + Remnants of Prints Remnants of Flannels T . I . L. g Remnants of "Dress Goods j f `Remnants of Silks % Remnants of Waistings 1 .1_,'n1-rs- Remnants of Vvrapperettes H eRemna.nts ofF1anne1ettes e % Remnants of Table Linens u Fridayorning, January 20th ,_Big_ Re1nan_t -_0._Sale __.$omm`_ences: It wonft be our fault if you Remnantseof every description will be sold regardless of their intrinsic value. HOLLY. ~O\I1-.Bi'g Remsnt~%_Ssle eemnievnces. won ! fsult don't get soIne__of_ these Great Bargains as we have marked them at ridiculously new prices. e ' COMEAND SEE BEEARLY on THE `scene 9c