K_SON Maker of Portrai .. angu Ann" METAL CLEANER comamso V e5o,nV1 Patented Polish intgzeworld. . win, Nosmoke. No Smell. ..2I:.1':.o`. e.- tf ` ;_;--_ THOMAS KENNEDY &. 00.. ARCHI- ,_ tects, Ontario~Blook, Barrie. E,l!,Lv0 "mm 1`1{E ` BALL PLANING MILL ngnq {Yor--xn-.d-....!..._ 1 ,,._.___.__....._.;:.._.._--"----'**_____.._____ _.UNWIN. MUCRPIIY &. ESTEN. +'I`;.lI g` ` `ANY. QUANTITY OF MONE_Y :nsannl*A1"~-' .22" '-= 4____.____________ 570.000 FOR INVESTMKNT ON` coop ` freehlild donut:-H-o --L `----- ` I 4___._ ...u:u.1.u.wJ J.V.u.l.aLa DUM' " any. Carpentering. building. and! manufacturing` of doors, sash. blinds. mouldings. `etc. Planing of all ' kinds done `promptly and satisfac- torily. Hot ablast drying kiln. Dis- trict Agency for grained lumber. Factory, Bayfield street, Barrie.` I goillgers & Gallie, successors to Geo. a . ` R. s. BROAD. M. mrnfr-`- .. ..-~, vL\J|.l.U\.I. .11. .l. , _. X tario Land Surveqrs. Engineers,` etc. Established 18 cal Building, S.E. cgorner Rxchmond and Biitg streets. Toronto, Tele- .p1_1no;ne. ain. 1336. Instructions left wxth Strathy & Eaten. Solicitors. `Bank of.Toront'o Building, Barrie, will be promptly attended to. %___.:...__.___:____.:_._ `DR. J; ARTHUR Ross.`L. 1:. .' _& Q ma:..n....-...L . 1- V H. 1'. ARNALL, M. .15, c_ 7: 'D-J.`L___-I'|| 1"! my QUANTITY `MONEY '.ro= aoan. at` 4 1-2 and 5 per cent. Easy `terms of re-pa ment. Lennox. Cow- a:1`& Brown. olicitors. Barristers. 8 6. ` . STEWART `& STEVVART. BARRIS- ters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyanoers. Money to loan -i-n .any sums at 5 per cent. Office 13_ Owen street, Barrie. H. D. Stew- art. L. L. D.. D. M. Stewart. .I..._____.__*,, DIR. J. C. SMITH. L. C. P. 8.. 0NT.. .. (`late of Drs. Harvie & `Smith. 0ril- lia). Office and residence. corner of Owen and Cnllinr .+......+.. n-_ --...,- . AIVIII c_a|.uL_C nougnt and~ sold. onve_yancm_g In all_ Its bran- -ches. Marrxa Lncenses Issued. Of- fice. _Ross -13 ock. Dpnlop street. fnnrrun 05. Ill. A`f i`;:e. R4 `Barrie. freehold security at lowest -rate of -interest. No principal money re- iuired until end_of the term. H. . Strathy. Solicitor. etc., Barrie. ). H. LYON." PRIVATE F-UNDSHTO; 21-oan on Real Estate at lowest rates. F_armers notes discounted. Collec- ti-0118 made in any art of the Count . Real estate~ ught and sold. _9nye_yanci_n_g in all bran- 1ST-RATHY & ESTEN. BARRISTERS. g'I'l;l|.:+`4\rn :. 112-1- HEWSON & CRESWICKE. BARRIS- ters. Solicitors of. the Supreme Court of Judicature. of Ontario, Prpotors. `Notaries, Conveyancers. % V etc. Money to loan. Office. Ross % Block. Barrie. C. E. Hewson. K.C.. A E H- Crpszwinlrn . M. C., L. C. P. S.. 0., late resident -{Physician and Surgeon of Toron- to General-Hospital, with special attention to Diseases of Women.i `and Nose and Throat Work. also| for some time surgeon in charge: of Emergency Hospital. Toronto. Office an night residence. upstairs in McCarthy Block. 21 Dunlop St., _IBarrie. second door east of D_ou- gall Bros. furniture warerooms, near Five Points. `Phone 105. ___________________,_________7, LENNOX. COWAN 8: BROWN, BAR- rich-a `n...'I:-:a.-.._ 4- Lu. -d.`1'l11.1`.lIlU11 L. C. P. .& S.. Edinburgh; M. F. P. & S.. Glasgow. member of the British Opthalmological Society. Special- tly.-Diseases of the Eye, ,Ear, hroat and Nose. Office, 78 Dunlop street, Saunders Block, Barrie. op- ggsittp Post-Office. and Railway 3. '1 on. Phone 54: P.0. Box 96. ; 1., . LEGAL. Ross, L. 1.1, B..~ BARBIE; V`:-rter`h.8iilib_itpr. etc. Bank of Thron- TA \1i'.ldin8,,B3I;`l`ie. Money to Loan. :--_. JIsM_U_1R JAMIESON. BARRISTER-.~ _ol1c1tor. Notary Public. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. Of- fices: Bank of Toronto Building. Telephone 184. ' - )R. J. F. PALLING. GRADUATE OF Trinitg Universit . Toronto. Fel- low 0 Trinity edical Member of the College of Physx- c-ians and Surgeons of Ontario. Of- fice and residence, 18 Owen street. CoI1eg9,; I I JR. W. A. ROSS. PHYSICIAN. SUR- geon. etc.. L. RC. 8., Edin.. L. R. . P., Landon. Offices and ni ht residene. Brown s. Block. Dun op street, `Barrie. Telephone, 77. - -----u 4.51111. _ an. 11. U. AIL U.l"r'1U.I`4` `in Bothwell Block, Allandale. On the premises at night. Lid]- 0.` me. uzuce and % cs :, nanx 02 fglephone 184. u-n.gu'nx &. ESTEN. BARRII S-o'licit.o,rs in High Court 0 tice. Notaries Public, Conve ffices over the Bank of _-Barrie. Money in sums of and ugvads. to loan at cent. - Strathy, K. C EEsten,_ , 3; A. RADENHURST. BARRISTER. :Al`fnI-nan ..'l:..:4.-.. uuu;au:auxpL1uu,.au0 general 501101- bors. Notaries. Conveyancers. etc. Offices, Hinds Block. Barrie, No. 6. Dunlap street.+Barrie. Money to [loan at 4 1-2 and 5 per cent. Branch `offices at Cree-more and Al- Jlston. Haughtan Lennox. Alex. Oowan, G. E. J. iBro_wn. L.L.B. J -.-an-.51-AJLV Jul VJ Lil-71 3 -IJIIIJ (`J-D 1`; I`-=Al :-t:orney. Solicitor in `Chancery. Oonveyancer. etc. Office, -first door. Owen street. over Bahk of `Com- , merce. Barrie. -----. a.a1.I.U.Lll.IJlJHI\p DUHIUILUH, `~:l-*'rmtor. Notary. Gonve`ya*ncer. etc. Special". attention in drawing and pndbatingnvills. obtaining letters of administration and -guardianship.` collecting accounts. etc. . Offices,; Boss Mock, Barrie. Money to loan. ; , ,,,_f, --....-. up a.r.|U\r`IVL" 11111].- risters, `Sol-igitors for obt_ainin prdbate of wills. guardiansln an administration. .and general lici- t'0I'S. nvnhnnnnme --Y-A V. AUL'1`._ -BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. `KTp\n-nun I~`--- ---`-- -~- ~ A H J3KJUL' U. E: L E. H. Creswicke. MAN UFA/CTURERS. Mo1~}EY rro LOAN. __._.___._....._._.___._. ARCHITECIYS. _1_ HY_3I_LIAN_3:_ FINANCIAL. an aulu-5 OI Q73, auto loan 5A Strathy, C.. G. ; wuuu, uonve ancers. oronto, IHV in Grlnna A5 9'7 0" auu _1'es|uence. Colher streets. Bar- u. auu nauwa L; Box vv `IL! L` - Lo rannn or '1.--m .. --..c;.u..-J ;. gnu, ' of Jug- I... r`.fI`I\`7l)I1'|U|lnp-5-un- 3. M.. OFFICE} LII % Toronto, $2,000 + 5 . qp ;1n(`:'e`;`s. pm:-Ann`-A per n `Die uvO:tario imm FOR RENT.-A we'll furnished room suitable for meetings and convenient- yly located over thoreadjng` room `df ,t_he_jMg_o;l_1a.nics` Institute; may 910 LL.h`ired.:`=`!tL iiagpbnable 1:'ateu.. `Apply W _ o,_,th_e Inst. - \ ENDOWMENT % .NsuRANcE POLICIES |.IAsi:'HiEI_iif_` IAllANALE LUTS !'+P+---4`!-!'-3-!--3-4-3--"'~++'M*~b . h' d`hPf5ce ' fot Endowment Insurance :"`f'v 'i""l1;l-bk panic: or money loaned We have smething very specia__]iu {he ,;, hour: `I. - L..__`___- , Rxrnxsxiv-rv TH! Fouowma Fuuz lxsvrumc Commxms: The Mercantile, of Ontario. and The Len don & Lancashira nf` T.i\1a1-nnnl . $1.19 mercsntue, of Ontario. Lon Lancaehire of Liverpool. The Waterloo Mutual. of Waterloo. Ont The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. On: The standard mutual, of Markham, On Also Lloyd`: Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. At- counts collected. &c. Oce over Hambly & Baker's Hardware Store Bartic. Ont. - - _...._.~~.....r nu v nnahonnu 1`-3. Condensed-advertisements on first page svcb as wants of all kinds, lost and found. property for sale or to rent, snecic articles. etc.. etc., must be accompanied with the cash, and win he inserted-t1r-at insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertion. of the same matter exceed four. l\'-... O__ - J- ,_ _-_.- _..-uuvn VAVVUVL llllllu dill: for ad vertlnemenu mun In every case be mounted on solid metal buoa. W` ' ('::'nd's;Is'. " N GRAIN CHOPPING EVERY DAY AT J... u mum are requuea, composltiou rate; will be charged. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertiemg anything outside thei: _own regular. business. Should they do as t1-nnsient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisemente. _'l're1e1-red positions for local advertise ments in the paperwill be sold at an advm, of one-thxiidy on Shove rates, Ion no other ac. count wi sped positions e iven. T ` rulewill be sttjictly carried out. g bu ' ' coxmacr onaxans. Advertiaerawill please bear in mind tlm notice of intention to change advertisemem, must be handed into the oice not later am, Saturday at 10 o clock,tand the copy for ma niust be in T11: Anvzuvcn oice gm, later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in my week, otherwise the advertiser s announcemem may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. ` V 12 changes of Advertisements allowed peg r. lgthgzgei. are required, composition _ _..----~~---- - ---r - ---A saunu _ Legal Notices, Auction Sales, Amusem `e?tc.--First insertjon 10 cents per line, em` subsequent insemon 5 cents per line. _ Reading notices, 10 cents per line for 5,3 insertion ; _5 cents per line for each sum..- ..u.-`gong an taut -U, JV insertion; 5 cents insertion of V the some matter der 5 lines, of this characte lines, Obituary Poetry 5c. vyuw pct une r, chug per line. ' Ti! ADVANCE s pronen to the lamest circulation of any] County Town. A . Adv:ert_iaeents ar charged .pace--13 lmes agate measure m T 1 mrrzs D - f\\l'B Apply at `..?..S.?.`.`.`.'_-,, _.Q9A.l- ! ,7..- -.?- - cu clown ,,-_ s u. 4. Excelsior Business college; '2' semething special in the _ way of A business course. especially for -1 - FARMERS and FARMERS SONS. No 4- other business colle in the Dominion has 4 e_vgr_ etgcjxed TH NEEDS OF Tl-ll-`. .x. vslqul uullllcsl con ever studied FARMER NEEDS OF THE as much as we are trying to do with this contemplated course." Write and lean`: all about it. In the Uommion has -i- + -----u pa-av, "ii'inter`es_ts "of .' party `./`die h3"I;_a.'_._v;vi-IL not avail. ' .fT"Iji1peripr 'to those of my individual. _- 1"11o'invte1-eats at the provinoa gupreme over all. Half meas- rij I l"I& i riahtesc and Best as lowesu prices Ij c - - -- --- A 2, Wm Bddwin mee. _ -- -uvvu-u rnnvvdo LHwarTli o_f_t Woo :Jsoob a Terrace . . . Apply -7:r1iE ADVANCE ormcn. A (Svcczssox 70 Scnoccx: & SMITH.) `FOl3__ALE. .THOS. SMITH poot' 'and`its note of confidenf and n`p.u"b1ic-spirited enthusiasm has best aometuhi-133 of strength and rsongnce. There is but one thing open to the '1-iberals of Ontario. `and that thing _1i"their first `and most pressing duty. f*}'._l_?he; Ibqrnaicles `on rth9_` ahip must he r9.a:t9d_ with an irdn mend. '11he_' comtnnorn. cox'r1:Ac'r runs. a I CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. I____AS I Insurance Agent Conveyancer, 8 c. muuzm _ mmsmm uavnxmsxxc nT_;.:--- A`-- J9 _ o. H. LYON n: don I VUUU.U" f "` Phone 158. do: 110. Barrie unit of a'\ change of government ' zpolicy. and not at all Jbecause` of .any'1 fxwwbh of `power or prestige in the opposition. It has come through the cooling enthusiasm `and the slacken- effort or not a few. Liberals.. lad the secnet of `it all is in the `discredited election methods some 'times resorted "to. arid the activity . of political parasites-who. make vpar- it,y service a -m-eanrs of private gain Because of electoral corruption` here the prominence of party healers =__t_here. Ontarieo Liberalism has lost Something of ite old-time selfv-res-V of Brad-f'or and Elizabeth Sis. If.-W? in have `any paper Barrie. 9, 1905. ONT. IN ONP BLOCK OF TWT) ACRES /J 11]` m tha _ "The presht distrss has n$t cbxe by gscoidont pr .oh'ance, or as th<.re- `S .We reprinthereunder an extract. Irom an article that appeared in the `Rube. of Nov. 7, 1903. If the state- ments therein contained were true itlhen. they are. -by reason of tibe de- wbhopment of su'bse'quent events, `itme with even greater force now. 719:0 Uamaeles on {the ship still pen- aiat. the nvpcolitical parasites still fag-9 tun upon their-.h-elpless prey. and `the `iooordv of discredited election met`h- uls has received `many ahanieful ac- ` oretioms: .. . A 31% new name will be added to tlu Subuctiptioq ' Lb! until the annoy in paid. Subucn'bcri now in arrears for threo mouths and yea; will be chat ed $1.50 per anuum. Thuuv Mvornling. by. v` T WIBLIVGCREW, PHOPHIETOHS i 38.00 p. m; `For`aPeneta1.1g. Calling- A.Vvo_o'd and Meaford, ' `TH: Non-rnznu Aowmc; 3 =: 11-.25~"a. {For'Penetang,V Col- Iingwood. Meaford. ? 3.40" m. For St'a.'yner, Coiling-N zwogd _a`nd Meaford. ` ~` ` V `L55 9.. m. For Orillia. North Bay; -and 600. A . . % - ` 1:11.45 a. .m. Fof .Gravecn'hurst. ootiaq Junction. Parry Sound and No_x'th- aBay.- - - ` ' * 17.26 a. m. For `Ge'qrget`own. `Card- ~ .well Junction and Hamilton. ' 3 z'.;4.04 p. `m. For Oriliia. North Bay Inwpoints West: ` V ' T ` 81 poi` Ammm m_ Advanoo. `ff flroins leave Barrie tor and `arrive? '- `Iron the undermentioned placesrqs "o'llo ws: ` ' _ 11' _`4.'22,a. m. For Newmarket._ Tor- auto. Montreal and points` e_a'st. T !._x8.00, a. in. For Newmarket`; Aur-.7 bra and Toronto. ` ' `12.36 p. m; For Newmarket axndv Eloromto. ' :3 35.26 p. m. For Newmarket. Tor- wontc. Motreal and '.Ee_:.st. ` - i :5.82 p`. m. For Georgetown. (a1_*d- wen Junction and \HamiltoLn. ' f in 8 Pegewts column Newspaper, Pujlgliehedbfmm the Oce. n3 Dunlap Street. Bertie In the County of Simeoe. the Pro-1 xfnaily. except Suhday . "Daily. :9.24 p._ m. For` 0x4illia. 'Whn,tt%he Globe Said. :i A Ri IiAI_Lwkv cum: A '1`-zuuor Suuciurnou. ,,_ . __..___---v --v -urv vvaunug VIUULJUU ' is ah true friend of Liberalism in. the ` strictest sense of -the word any more ' than a fond father who through love `refuses to chastise this -: child. when V he -or she has done rwrong in a good fatherV"towe`i:ds_'.his; dhild; .1! `we .k.ep',_ou..`. l.ldO!'8ig_g' ithe d0:1.I_!_4_6ts_ -in_ our `party is'i~t-nqt_:,Vin._-feet te `W9. h W9.eek99we,; . x 3} ; ., _ the honor of leading the Liberal _ ____. .. -_.... ya. . uyunvol null Budllltl-lo When Mr. Rosswvas entrusted with party. corruption had just shown its head -and all Lifberanls who, hailed the advent of Mr; Ross as a` stronglead er predicted the `immediate extinc- tion of wrong doing. _ but instead. we ~ are f-oreed_-to admit `things have gone from bad to Iwome. scandal upon scandal if-allowed one another` until` public -sent-iment became so great that in order to keep the ship of V state afloat two of the, ministers were _thrown over-board.and again the ship went forth into the `bi!-lows with Ross still at -the helm. Had a `Mr.- Ross been a friend to Lifberalism he would have resigned himself and handed over the `destiny of the gLifb`eri- - al` party, boa oapaoble man./who was free -from tainT_t-or- suspicion; '_ Mr. Ross owed this to the Liberal party. " We -tlierone assert and -we "believe. .- that after the election our position i will be generally -en_d-orsedj-`by? gt-lie 1 rank and _file- of `the Liberal par.-t"y.* that no one-who~vo,t_e'_s` for tihetpss -'1 ,gov_ernment : at the coming 'feleet*ion_, .; 1'1. -491`): In-fan .-.I -8 I:I_-__..I!,, " Stvouftville Pilot. (Liberal). The Liberal partyaoiwes nothing to Premier Ross. -Mr. Rose in his mi thirst for power `has dragged The good name of Lifneralism in thedust; has made the name Liberal sunbu- ymnorus wi,t'h"corruption and scandal. urx... It- 1)...- L--- - 4! - - --- The Party Ovyegi ' been cheaply won. Great Britain. ' which popular government rests- _..-... -.. `up!-J\a&_JJB ouvu. vuucav The privilege we are supposed to enjoy-the -privilege of governing ourselves in our own way-has not the United States. Germany. France. and. even Canada `has been wa'tered,by the blood. and fertilized by the bones of .men who have laid down their lives that the principle of govern- ment of the people. by the people, A and `for {the people.' might live. .What we have has been secured as the result `of centuries of (effort That which has been so `dearly won may easily be Lost. When the record in oneipolling division is falsifed by . the work . of' pluggers one stone is removed from the ' foundation on When by` ballot switching and per- sonation, the voice ~ of the whole constituency is stifled.the founda- tion: is still further weakened, This sort of thing cannot go on for long without government by the pluggers. for the benefit ofythe employersot pluggers, being substituted for gov- In comparison with the neccessi_ty of maintaining i-nviolate the sanctity of `the ballot "box. `all vmaterial issues sink. into nothingness.-Weekly` Sun. T ermnent by -the people themselves," ` `Do we `realize as we ishduld the% importance of ,maintaining.t`he sanc- ` tity of the ballot? Of making sure that the reeords o'f`t ?he polls shall represent the wishes and (nonvio- tinml-5` of `the people as expressed by them in casting their votes? 7'71.` .....!._2I___'- H- A the last census 18 Vnnpieaseht "and I nnmis talteable V evidence of backward- _ne`ss',andga`ll the loud talk of Mr.` V Boss. about what he and--his ptede- cessors have _been doing for "New Ontarivo. /" may be {taken as _airy nothingness and empty gaff. Their work has bee La conspicuous iailure.` end if is high time someone else with "new methods `had a chance to -try his hand. I V ` . ` Again. tekingnthe financial record of` the Liberal Administration,` it has gone on depriving, the municipalities of some of their sources of revenue.- putting new taxes on many. large commercial "enterprises and denuding larg_e areas of the public timber do- main in order to provide means to carry on its operations. Withtivastl "zhr;dev_eloped resources ea.:`n.d_a' -tre.m'end.ous unsettled area; the. advancement made by the Province has been so tardy. that it has not held place `_in comparison with the other members of Confederation. The loss by Ontario of six seats `in the House 'of'0,ommons as_a result ` `are n nbc "ftim'e1y_ with i1h,e iafsue :_betor_e fpeble rot Ont- "erio arises more -out of the scandals , that have marked- -kthe career of the\ `government in connection `with elec- tions to the Legislature than Tout`~ of its ,adminitrative record.` How- ever, "there is mwoh to be_ sa.id.as to failures in -respect of the latter side _ of the question, . . c /1- A Priceless Heritage. Him Nothing -ow-"could have amounted to`. yet after a _ __- -..--,...-... wuv nu.-:5: U1. 9. permanent. salaried official. hav-` ing full charge of the work at all times. this is Vniot"_ likely to `be done While {the saiary oof . one year may ` be` less than the, total commissions ? term of years the cost wil_l;be__about ._the aa_me_in either oas'e.-`Municfpalrl `Ww:d.+,~ o < ....u.. uuluuu nu -construction `and repair. An engineer. altuhioug-.h appointed by bylaw. but paid` a per.centag.e at the l cost of his work `-is only engaged `to design and direct occasional works asfrequired by -the council. In the `latter case the responsibility of the engineer is not sufficiently fixed. nor .dces'it extend.` as it should. to maintenance of all municipal works. An engineer ret'ained- by commission only. `and employedas oc`casion- may seem to 1'e'qui-re"i:s not sufficiently in touch witl the work at alltimes to obtain the '<`nes=tl results. It is "also an important` part of an engin- -'eer s.services to prepare and preserve plans not - gnu'nicipalz works for future reference._ but exceptain the case of V~`I'|n`l'I'r\'.ov|nw'u& --I_._!-j .01" I ` ' An engineer should be retained on % salary -rather than `by fees ;or com`-3 mission on the cost of the work. oWhere an engineer is retained =bysa1 iaryy he can he held respvonsiple for _t -he.oversig.ht of_all details of wgterp works. sewers. stneet improvement. etc.) both inconstruction `and repair, Ail nna-{noon aII~.In..u-cal. ......._2_A.-J I .,., __..`, av.` u-grunge L\lul I1 V01 Lilnlll pU1"| iod wit-h apparently satisfactory re- sults. at the end of ten years there `is a lot `of had work to do .'over again. .. _ ' 1 The average street superintendent is unable to fix grades for street pave- ; _ments. sewers. sidewalks. etc.. and is not suoiently posted in -technical detailg. The .usual experience with 11 man and full .......l:::...1 :_ _-.:Le-A a _m, nu`:-t_'fx'1 li_;.quva-1V; t:i;fiwi`;`: while he may get; aluang for a certain per- il nnnolbnnbln n--I-3-3--I------ -- .It is strongly to -be recommended {that towns engage a civil engineer,; rather than astreet superintendentj not fuliy qualified for the work. VF}... n-unu--..4. -L_--L a.-- _.-_.__-.., ...,. .........J.g ul.1.J\l vv vssucluo . ~ A good .plan `for .t.owns desiring such an officer is to "advertise for; a `superintendent or engineer. stat- in the salary the town is willing -to -pay. A fair salary for the town work might induce a good municipal engineer -to lqcate in the town to superintend municipal improvements and carry on a local practice. A pri- v".a.te practice` of a reasonable nature -would not interfere with his muni- cipal duties. i A- Numenous {towns have .a street superintendent only, who should -be: at man of \practical_ judgment. with` some -bus'i-ness and `mechanical abil-' ity. and able to handle men. Among the towns having street _superinten- dents in this way a1je:' Barrie, Carl- eton place. Collingwdod, Dundas. Galt, Ingersoll, North Bay, Orillia. Paris. Renfrew. St. Marys and Welland. ...--; _n,.; .: . _._...f... .......v ....._y vuaauvvssucug-ascu 8&3 salarywof `from $1,000 per annum up. Except" in {the largest citizs these engineers have a private prac- tice in addition to their city work. Their duties `are mainli to design andlsupervise municipal work and are `usually. assisted ray 9. fgonema.-n. or foremen.-for day work and an in- spect-or. or ii-nspectors. incase of con- tract work, Certain towns-Berlin,_ Peterborougth. Brockvihe. Cornwall. Midland. Owen Sound. Smith s Falls -fool1owpra.ctically the .same plan. although in a -.few cases there is 9. street commissioner engaged per- manently, while the engineer is on- ly employed as the occasion requir- an Practically an" the cities "in the Province have city engineersgngwaged m '9 nIoi0l'v.:s` =1`-.. Q1 nnn _ . _ _ _ _ -- I i3.il"1..P1V8 `little x`. is a aerious_a.fairto our psarty. `to our country. to oursel- _ves.{' The whole matter is in our hands, we arethe j,ury._ Our ver- diot an the; 25th of January will de- cide whether we `are to have another four years oi the misery` and disgrace that has -:be'e4n`our lot for half a dozen years. or a general elearing up. We believe. the conscientious voter will by his vote show tlhat the time has arrived when there must be a ohamge. The same voters that put Ross out can `put either party` out when it does wrong. Let us show our Legislature by our vote that `we will not stand for wrong doing even it done under the party flag" or in 't he "party name. Honesty.` purity and uprightness. `only can en- dure. ' ` Town Engineers. E _ There hav been 2O of these in- ! Astruments sold to. citizens of BARBIE of late-. _ A - I ;MENDEL$S'OHN ..__..-....-_-_---_...v BUY THE A CANADA'S STANDARD? ` V Mrs. E. H. Hackett, who took :.-c- U0!) against . the Grand Trunk` for $20,000 for the death of hen` husbvd jn "the Richmond wreck last August ; K nus bee` awarded $13,000 by a spin!` cial . iurv hnfnra `r...a..... nt..u.=--- "--iir}-1f;"Cv`Z117*' ekcnaimed gme of the second party; t`here s a sight! Look at the old Mormon and his wives. -_ Out for a constitution-V al. I suppose. I :wonder. `I16 add- ed. if he has done any '.more." 1 \ . - ` ' PIANO , -__. _.......ub- Luau . Senator _Prqctor of Vermont tells with much amusement,. of a `time when he was taken for a Mormon} elder; The senator. accompanied by~ Mrs; Panoctor `and a party of some fourteen persons was ma-king a .tour of the west. A stop vinasmade at Salt Lake City. and t-'he` party start- ed out for a walk about bhe city. Senator Proctor and his wife head- ed the procession. andlthe ladies of the party bnought up the rear. go- ing in pairs. . V - I mx.._.:. _-,,, -` 'i`h-at very some day ansotner potty of Easterners was making _ the rounds of Salt Lake city, and when they encountered the Proctor parity? in the main sfrnof +1.... .5...) as; -_, v-avI\r\lJ vv.n vu LDC I-IUCCOI the main street. they stood aside to let them pass. HIXT.-.'I I --.-II In , or - - FRED. BROOKS, AGENT & TUNER. We take me following from the `New York Evening Post: Q....._L_- `` ` ` `_ During the last. 23 years the ini crease in yield of grain crops in Den- mark per `acre (has vbeenover 11 per cent. for `barley. 17 per cent. for oats and 25 per (cent. for wheat. Potatoes have increased .59 per cent. in yield per, acre.` Danish authori- -ties `credit the -increase largely. to government instructions and teach- ing in the best methods of agrieul-~ turex As plowing is {the foundation of all good cultivation. it is quite import`. `ant that the wfork. be performed in the best manner; ` `Have `the -plow gauged right and the harness proper- ly adjusted. and -tlhen. with a man! that und.erstan d.shis business there should be most uaatisfactory work `performed. - - vo : Let -sumshinefin all` the stables that is possible. Dark stables are always_ damp. Damp stables are an abomin- -ujii -I V TUNER, 51 Elizabeth Street, ]13a.rri e.- Mistaken for is Mormon. vv us u.UU B`-` l'J;'-IUU Dy 3 ` n. Before Judge M-athieu. 'Noie.