`Ald. Stephens and Tyrer-That a. 's'nd-ewalk be laid on south side of Worsley street.'from Clapperton st. to west side of Mrs. Meeking s prop- erty. V41-2 feet wide. after the -oth-. `er sidewalks already authorized to M ma in Ward 2. providing there is funds to 'lay the saAm_e.--Carrie'd. AI) `I1, ,, -_ ,_-,-___, ,-_-..... ...... ... , Ald. Barwick and Gowan-That the! Reception Committee `M authorized`. to supply the Opera House to the Simooe Old Boys for the entertain- ment on the evening of the 10th of August and that the citizens be re- quested to put out what decorations they have at their disposal in order to make the town as attractice as possible.-Carried. Au'u - 1- . .- _ _ Ald .Rcas and Tyrer-That the sale of land for taxes `be duly advertised thehdate of sale to be` November 15, 1904. and the Mayor `be authorizend to sign the warrant for such tax_ sale. the hour of sale to be at 1 o'clock. and the place of sale to `be the town hall.-Carried. Ald. Moore and Ross - That the` chairman of the Markets and Parksa be instructed to at once have" `the: squareor park at the Victoria Ho-4 el properly gradqd.--Carr-ie d. All I` , .1 system of filling the c-art-lost. the matter being referred. for a re.- nc-rt. to the Board of Works. Ald. C-ow~an and Poucher - That the cheque ddposited with the clerk by Dr. Patterson, of Allandale. be returned on the work being certi- fied to `by the inspector in the us- ual way.-Carried. AI! 1 1-; Jun: 4 ' ' V ""' 'V' VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYV A'I`v1cKERs`~ ' `~;,.~...;;A..,..;;..,;.;;..m,'...;,;s,(.,,., V . AUGUST 4 VAKAAAKAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ' .., ._ ` `V ._- . ~ . Au : rDi$\rl'.'|!f\A1- 1\n-l7\1-A mnn vi-`Av-pa-`Ayn .Z....._.._ 3 AAA - % ' ; . As`n?En*WI3> ksnAY`bun1Na -ran-`~n ouo;ur MONTHS is am: / N U!` 1 ' ovp.-;;.s1j;ggs`E ALTERNATE.-LY, qsnorrzns WILL no om: CLEP.I{s A nu-.,,. `-v-. couviiqlij TuEl`sf$3rzM.3Y-sixorVP1No EA,nLir'[ .` . . . . . . . . . . . . I-S '1 The! .Oo1lingw",oo'd"Bulletin sayei:-e Cfpt. .1 . M. Campbell. who `recently purohaeed the skating rink on `Pine estreetgis making same important changes in the.-bui1 din'g.. Among other things he has added eighteen feet t-o the width. giving a clear ~aroa cit ice of sixty feet in width and one hundred and fifty` fee.`t"in length. To do this the -building was severed in twain. the seuthern_ hall being moved holus bolus some e'i'gh-_ teen .'fee t to the south. When ,ce:m-. nleiiied- the I-ivr will -`I-..".mn``...I `*4... Old [Boys Next Week. 80 Pairs Men : Fine Cashmere Sox--all sizes, regular e35c.; on sale . . . . . . . , f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25c Men : Whife Duck Trousers--A special line ; on sale ...s_ . . . . ..i . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i.A....$I.00 Men : All Wool Grey Trousers--Wbite stripe, special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 Men : Dark Grey Striped 'l`rousers--Extra Fine Eng- ` L hsh Worsted ; special. . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.'I5 Pairs Boys Knickers--Special value at 50c to I80 .. .............. ... ................... ..s1.oo 65 Ladies Belts-Fine Taeta, 4 inch width,`crush pattern. buckles of Gilt, Gun Metal, Nickel and Black, regular price 50c.; onnsale . . . . . . . . . . . .29 390 Yard: of Fine Linen Glass Towelling--Red and blue check,'splendid value at 10c. ; on sale 5 yards V for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29.; 160 Pieces Ladies Wl\itewenr-In Skirts, Drawers. Gowns and Corset Covers on sale at a big reduction. i All must be cleared in ten days. 21 Paii's,Lndies' Fine Black Polka Stockings, regular p price 25c;; on sale. .p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I9c_ 97 Men : Fine Soft Front Shirts-Six designs in Pique, Madras and Fine English Cambric, all SIZBS, regu. lar $1.00 ; on sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13.: .30 Ladies Whit Lawn Blouses--Fivg different styles, tucked with Embroidery, Lace trlmmmg, sizes 32 to 40, regular price 31, $1.25 and $1.50 ; on sale to clear . . . . . . . . . . . ._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . ..79 g FOR THE WEEK'S SELLING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - . - . 7 V 3'oo oooooooooooooooo..` woooooooooooo oo.,,,. 0 % . % . _ A 9900 S FrawIey' Bloclf, between Bank of Commerce and New Barrie House. GEO. VICKEZRS _. _I|rvu*vf; gp. ibpnded :- SUCCESSSOR TO FRAWLEY 65 DEVLIN. Ltiqldfstreet wharf at 2 17- 1" B at: Biim-?Bay Point at 3 and 183 H, 5. arrivins 3` w % , l'1oI._ Wm .Coctzhlin-HcDIrmott--Ordered that M Keel" ho appointed Sanitary In=iP`' the ownghip q! Flol. t W M_oD0rI!io,&I-%GAlbrIith-0rdered '3` 91;-give notice that nders be race on f-u-uungsno rude of arm! to b P" " lino apposite concoction 3- uoDomoct- Coughlin--0td.|'d; th`,,,: grant of Q25 0 mule for the purpos ` B`3.'_du?'_i. `.`..'9.'L n...I ....a that 0 Board ' - llcD?;:for 1904. Ellis `of `-25 `n".'3i`1l -- Ordered tblf Vllkl in Pb: "!dC to improve the Bidt ovqggg. `.5. tr?! and that Dr. Mnfphi - `ejou 9 50 performed. tozneeu uthe calla! 0-S. Bmrrox, . Clerk 011%., nvuvwsug uvuuuuiu uc plaauu nut r"'.." Jonies Lombe, bonus for 60 was 2'": face, 30.00 ; Jan. uiaalegop. conc;e*fdP g, for-culverts, $600;Munu5lpg1 `W w debenture torms, 88.75; (J b. rBurtoln5. 00' no `councillor : meeting Jul) 2*"h' 5 Wm .%1bui:n--Ruuodge-9 dared W` W, Keoly be appointed to eotorce tl_1o 3'0". Vin oonooouon with 1a_1poundmR chip of tisnoinoll running `at large u: the Town F739- ume nna palaea. . he Rutlodge-MoDermc-n:-Orde ed that I] township engineer be notied that the PM P Iton Marsh Dtainnve By-Law has new sod and of the necessity of proceadms W" the work as soon I8 possible. . .vm...:.n.._n....1..a.... _ n.a..-mi that W3 Luv WUI_& I3 auuu I3 POIIIUIU. Coughlln-Rutledge - Ordered that t following account: he passed for payment : Jnrna I.dlI\`\Al `\A..nu Fnr Rn rmla '1 purlunuln w uuJuuruuIenr. Ooughlin 4- Rutledge-Ordered thst 37- Low No. 474 to provide for drainage #0" in the Township of Floa, known as l he1P - Marsh Land: Drainage and for borrowing 0 the credit. of the Municipality the sum_ two thousand seven hundred and eight) 9"! dollars for completing the same, which said By-Law was read 3 tint and second time on June 4th, 1905 and an amended by lb` Court of Roviaiomwhich closed on July 12 - bo rend I third time. By-Law tea! a third time and penned. I?nol'.uln-_\A..I \_-....... l]nn'u ml fhlt ` `me Beavertaon Tdnnis 0-Iuvb came 1 agar tq_. B_V'az-rivwa .in ilfproq` ,au,!I`udsg1-ay.T hut `txh local" playrs *Wsf'e'v`a'bl6 to win every event against their `op,- Wmm Eh? Viewp- zubhdd The Premier ssid ; "The scheme (to have Government control of Railways) would be impractible in a Democratic countrv such an cure. to eucceesfully opereze public corpora- tions. They are nound to degenerate into politicel machines and likely to be more in the interest of the petty in power than for the benet of the people. Government ownership could only be a mucosa in an nnwcratic country eu'ch as Russia is and pan- eiblv Germany. -I|'l Y W` IIICII 0 We wonder how Mr. Rm can discount his own opinion to make Government con- trol e wholeeotne thing in the operationoi the greatest cauu on earth which has no ex- cure for existence in my form. Mas. SARA F. Tmcv, Press Supt. W.C.'l.`.U . Iinnnina Ont. Yloc Council met as Elmvale July 25111 pnnulnt to adjournment. n,.....s.1:.. `_ n...u-.a... n...:..-...z mu Rw- PBEIIIBR ROSS 0:? THE GOVERN- ` MEN!` CONTROL OF RAILWAYS. 311% ? "~0NTHQ IS cxvrm UP. T 9 A _ o .1. 017,11 CLEBKs A FM-`OI, 4 ERS' 9999999999999999..,,, Dlinlnlo 9 9 9 2 .99*!ta9. 7" _,gn I40 Flo: ouncil. `3AfIGUsT L Nu VV.U.L.u-. Minesina, Ont. Orillia complains of `being unable to get outside lacrosse teams ' :to visit the town. When Orillia learns to treat outside lacrosse teams` in" :a gentlemanly manner, -they will `have nodifficulty. after a time. in `securing tg'ames.~ Teams do not care to -play in 0riIlia._un1ess they `are forced to do -so. by the C. L: A. `schedule. The Capitals. -of "Ottawa. Ywhouplnayed in Toronto the other day; refused to consider -an offer toga to 0rillia-they had been -there be- ."Ic-re and the treatmenttwhioh was meted out to them on the field still rankled in the memory pt` many of. the players. Orillia -earned a name for dirty play years ago. and. ewhile the present team may `be composed -of 9, most gentlemenly lot of young `tell-ciws.` still, the old rebu-tation sticks to the club. ` W ' j tbs '.F.. Vice Gen Dnf poni eat I L` BRO w}. race-1, Bloomfield." 'r.oronto; 2. -Moody, Toronto._ 1'.\_____ _ 1.11- , 4 A once - I` 75 CE dou ctek Edga has termi out a desir :1??? 53:91 339., trou The chai, Last -_ staxi w ill chai ;.,_~nn:_a#s ' ' - I` iji ' ' . `Radn~o-r','. or was triea ff`-_by. Judge Andagm; "op! Friday." ;'__ '.i_nj `ca -nmeotion -with the charge of shooting his brother. The Ievi _de`noe -that theffight between the 5 young `men had b'aern>'a`.ihqst 'Uxs:axipguinary_V engagement. during 0 ,whioh' the -prisoner bit his_brother s 163- ` and the` latter. re- .ta1_i_ating in kind, chewed the pris- p t}ne.r s ear. The fight was=e`ngen"de'1`:- fthr-ou-gh the older brother re-i _ fusing to give the younger the"tools which belonged to him. until 9. claim for a `board bill had been settled. The younger `brother refused to pro.- wiuvoe the coin arid received -a smash `on the eye. The two then clinched and Arthur was gettingmtheworst of it, when the younger man propos- ed to let the quarrel drop. This was agreed to and `he le*L`Arthur up off the ground and had gone about 30 .yards when he received 3. oharge of birdsh-ct in the `back. Judge Ardagh imposed a fine of $10.00 on the e`ld- er `brother for using the gun. it be-. irig `shown that it was not done` in self defence. -Ga-unty Crown Attor- -ney oonduoted t-he ~proseoution" and A. Boys .a:ppe-are-d for the defence. 9 rrhe Orillia oan-oE"51'-b sheldeits an- naul regatta, last M-onday, the ev- ,. ents being run off over the course at Go-uchiching Beach Park. The weather was all that could `be desir- ed. and was a large factor of the day's enjoyment. The visitors. who went up in abig special from Tor- onto-. were a jovial crowd. `prepared to take out of the. -day all ` `the sport going. The Barrie c-anoedst-s with their supporters went on the the steamer Islay. Following is the list` of events and winners:- .v__`__.-_., -v_ v..-v- (;`rur;wale rae-1. Tetmpleufblothrs, VT-oronto: .2. Craw and Jupp. Orillia. War can-oe-.1, Orillia; 2, Toronto: 3. A-quatic`Association: 4, Barrie. 31.-.... .__._,,, 1 11-: n- 1. _, -_.1_....._v ..uuu-vnwvauu ; xg J-ICIL Lluo 1 Stern fc-remosAt-1, Bloomfield. To-| `rtc-nto; 2, Frances, Tuorortto. 1 !I'\1,L__ , 1 11 ' _ -_-v.. Alvvur .5-V; IIIUDIIO Three pad-dle race`-1, 0ril1Tia,An-1 tl-arse-n. Lewis and Johnston: 2. To- :n`c-n`to`.. Simpson. Fin\d1ay and Bloom- field. % 1 Simsps:un, Toronto; 2. Pace Bow.` "i}}{slt' and 3 ' ! Orillia. _., -_--_J, ---v-.uv- Fc-ur-paddle r.a.oe`.-1, , Orilliai 2, V Mimics : 3. Toronto. scurry race--1,T Islxand `Aqua- tic; 2, Orillia. __. _.___ I ' Brent. _.._v v Ivoovw-I sagas; vv a5Qua'vuI.t1 .1 Dai>1e's-1. Orillia, Johnson ansd Amtersan; 2. Toronto, Bloomeld and m1s&e"s {i;L1, Blco-omeldl. Toron:-` to; 2. Simpson, Toronto. Sir.-We would be obliged i!..yo\1- would kindly correct the i.m'pmasic|n' implied in the last issue of your v_alue`d: paper.; that the untortunixtc occident to o`l"1r little girl was `cans;-_ ed by the. can range. -as Inch `wan- ncrt the cn;se.p`th`e child having` been cent by the `mother, to light` " the_ above and the . -sulphur from the nmztch` ying `back 1/o.nd'.lood'ging -in `her - dtfes, to ,tr.a_ `V " ' .`I _ - .4 . .!We ask this in due. Juqtioe to the! Barrie -Ga Oompany, whose-au.?vAioeb_ in #110 - `hm hishtr -%mP i' V ` " .' To the `Editor. - G1. `I . _,A,.,I ' 717i;"e' 33:}; -`meat. W 's~;;in '52: '3 Jast ` mm %A ,\ 1 u I 4 ._-,- .- .. . . . . . . - u - n ' . . - . . . - o u o o u o o - u o-a.pv fU~p_tergr-ovo .......... .. ......100 *1 -Wyovale .... .. V .................... 75 _` i `Seven and a-halt cenats was .the highest price. at which tigmje Gpnn -took Avenjng an.d_Elmvale. C. Moore ypurchased` Lakev-ietw and C. A. Per- kins secuted Crown- Hill" at` the same price. Gunn~ 'b:>-ugh-t .*_Be-a.ve'r Valley at'_ 1-16 legs and at 7-,'3_-8c= Brown 8:5 00. took Edenvalo and Guam. Uptcrgrovo .a.n~ Wyevale. _ II... D...) ...`-.u... -___o._ -.. The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanr vill-e. says:.The home of Mrs. Thos. M}ou:nt.i0. Haydon. was the scene of a very `Ipretty wedding-_om We'd-ne:- `day. J-uly_2.0th.,_ when her youngeht d`8al1'8'h't8l'. Edith Caroline. was unit- ed in marriage with Mr. J. E. El- liott. Russeltonyont. The ceremony took place on ;the lawn in the pres- ence of about seve`n:ty guests. Rev. L. S. Wight. B.A., 'B.I).. officiating. While the wedding march was `being played .'by' Mr. Cyrus W. Slemon V the `bridal party took their places under an a`rc'h of evergreens. marguerites and candy tuft. in' the centre of which hung a `bell of evergreens The bride whowas given away by her brother. Mr. S. T. Mountjoy. was g-owned in cream silk crepe do ch_ene over taffeta,ywit:h lace and chiffon trimmings and carried a shower bo- quet of white roses and maiden hair ferns. The bride was assisted, by her niece Miss B. M. Rose McLaugh- lin. T-oronto, who"was gowned in white silk with applique trimmings. e Misses Lena Slem-on and Manda Sa- mells. __niecets of the` bride, dressed in cream and. pale greeir nun s veil-. ing acted their parts. very nicely. as flower girl and ring -bearer. respect- ively. The -groom was attended 1by Mr. W. C. Pearce. B. A.,i of McMaster University, Toronto. Afterthe usual congratulations the company repaired to the dinimg room where a fsumptu-ous supper -was serv- ed. The tables we're prettily decor- ated with sweet -peas and daisies. The bridewas the .recipie:'nt of many beautiful and costly presents. The gr-oom's present to thebride was a gold bracelet .to the bridesmaid. a. lgroach with pearls and rhinestone settings. Mrs. Elliott. has. for the pasttwo years taught the ' public school at Haydon and has 'been__ac- tive in the Sunday school and Lea- gue _w-ork.'and a general favorite among the young people. amonig-st whom `she will `be greatly mined. Mr. Elliott is an enterprisinlg young farmer of Russelton. Simcoe "County. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott left on-the", 6.03 train for Toronto. and the Thou- sand Islands followed by showers of rice and: the good wishes of their friends who wish them every success in life. `Mrs. Elliott will be at home to her friends after August 12th. -v`::_._.-._ ._u _._-- - wvf`. After `the ceremouiv; ail sat `doevn. to _a` sumptuous wetlding rhreakfast. after. which" the newly-weiddccd . cou- ple left for their home in Wyevalc: The `bride travelled in :1 suilot blue` basket cloth with cream silk "blouse and hat to match. The gifts were numerous and `costly. howinc the esteem in whioh'the bride wasehield by her many friends. who wish her and the groom every happines. A}.wnntm= 1~;UP'r'1AL.'*o1i:T ;n}tfs`s'_ E:f~TNE"._ 331351 `Y " _ N13`R.=" 9.3A..?EL i"5. :57 `.'f 1_.3:{.. .-_ `quiet, but `pret-ty .wddihg t6`-`bi: place at -B pJ_m.; -ca` W~e.4in'e4sday, July ` 27....a1: ~'t:he hncune. of" vand Mtg. Alex. Nee1y. ..w`heh `their dau.gh-'te(r.' Jeannie. was ,1m-ter:l- in marriaga -t-oL Mr. Chzarles Snysder. waif` W.`/evale. _'.'l.`ho cerem-cny.was conducted ,'by_Rev,. R.` B. Bey-n-sin. of Strand. The `bride was m-cost fbecomingly gwowned . in white orsgandie with trimmings` of lace and sash of liberty satingand car- ried a 'bn:~que`t` of bridal roses and maiden 'hair `fern. The bridesmaid Miss -Annie Neely. sister not the `bride, also were white o1'g`and.'ie' with liberty satin sae.h.f The groom "wins swpported by Mr. W. `Neely. A121... 4.1.. ;-_-_--__.._ -iI _-A. 13----.. mun .FBEE1tV_;+-.-T-'1-It noimont, b . 2v7th'i _ " LIUIKUVICVV auto v!Cr,o-wn ' Hill IVY A an-ovv-ow u u v u II uuvnou woo-no on 'I.u`a.keview |l'..____.._- TTQII I Bpwnianville Wedding. . Match Cubed L It; Chcese Board. `:You._rhsJ trdly."`= 5 I`, N. WAR__R;E_N,. ".'I.. 75 .... "125 it T4Ad=%:Tv:r-' ohairimn;.A)% J-"ire n,d""*B9l_io;a` mad` 3;ven_= ~.Al_d; `8_1 az_:_ ,go_ _ K,ld.'_` Qsked if it_ways ,a fact Am; stepuens 'n<':`-tificd` the*`o_pu-n- oil that a quantity oi, the. timber taken out of` the old si_dqw:a1ksxwas- .\bin'g femoved .'by. th6'-mn employed f ---,- -v ---~ -----~--- vvuvu.-mun" ple-'i;ed.v the rink` will `equal 1 _to any in this nlorihern district and will be surpassed by few, even the largest and in the oitids. 'I. " !1iookey goes durin "ri`6"xl;w'irll:'r". as is altogether likely. the" boys" will have a fine -ohanoe 't-o`*.1Il1'owthe1n;.- solves to advantage. as they will be tmafbled to derive all the bondlita which accrue `tho-in -a large. Iiagula-L than sized rink. V ----w nu --axe- A_ld. Strange nnswered tn the cir- vfeot that some of it was being kdpt for repairs and the balance was hiv- 'en to indigent: for fire wood. ` Ald. Ba1fwiok_queried`o Md.` 06?. `mm. Chairman 0!! `the 'B,ailwa'y.Oom- mittee whether ,he had .takcn any steps tonkeep inftouoh with 'l:heC. EB. and. exert in'!ludme to hn.,vo_the -new line A pass through `Bax-rig, . .AIa-`I 'l'!..-en.-._ . ..-._"I':.-.1 A.I__>A. ,, , ___... _-..- `........ luuaflxrlgll uunu Ald .Oo`wan replied that no steps had blen t":v.k_en:.` ` ~ T` = . and received serious injury. 7 Chairman Strange: ' anwiird A `that _t_;he sidewalk had_'bee`i1 .r'c.pa_ird on several-. c-_oo.as_ions. ' . I D `: -,.Ald. 'RoeIsask_esd concerning the re - pair-_s or the sidewalk on James at; nn__:_._. __ AL--- -4 - -- . -_.. -_ ..vv --vv.q us-n-Va Iou.-vl.l J'J.|pa Ald. Lewis wanted to know what was going to `be `dam with the old luuiber whiph "was in the sidewalks which were , being . reinlaood by oe- men~t wlks. All v----- w- val`: uwvv III `III VIIIIIT 5| chairman Saange Qtatedthat this work hadnot been undertaken yet. `Lid )'.l|iII:Q uupnu-Ln) L; I_._-__- _,,I Ald`, staphens asked 1: `a `motion had _ unit? `been passed orde`rin`g_' ,the repair or -the bridge ova`: Bunker : Creek. on Bradford street-3 H-3. ha.-d heard {that a lady reoently.put. her A--4. 3.. .. .L-r. 2A ---, .._--_ ..-- ...,.. .,_, ..... ....... Ald. Boa had searched the -vaults but `could find no trace of the bonds. althceughby the minutes it was evi- dent that 400" shares had been trans- _ferred ?'by'*the County to the 'tIclwn. He was in hope of locating the -missing d-ccuments in the -near future. . ' ` ' e foot in 'hoie _ix1-'th-eT asidezwalk `there and serious ' n;...:.......... aL__....'-' .A_1__ C as - curve. as vvv-an 14-IAr!a~!ru\a V Ald. Barwiok asked Ald. Ross. Chairman of the Finance Committee. what he had done in regard to the bonds of the old Northern Railway 00.. which -are held by the town. AIJI 'n_. .. 1.--3 _-__, _-v--5.1, gnaw. MThe"I;eard'.-of Works, throuh its i`Oh-airman. Ald. Strange. reco-mmen-d- `ed the construction of the following cement walks: On the south side of `Collier street. from the east side of 'P'o-ymtz street to the market square _$182: a cr-using on Berczy street- on the north side of Collier street. $23.75; east ide of Mulcaster street `between present walk to market square $56.25.. and west side of Mul- caster street. from Mrs. Dougall s to market $21.60; west side of market. 7 feet wide. $63.00: north side` of McDonald street running east from Muleaster to Poyntz $1.80; west side of Peel street from top of Mrs. Plu'mmer s hill. north asffar as as money will go. reserving $50 to complete walk" from Victoria -Hotel west'toi Muloaster street; east side of.;Essa. street from the railway to tP.attersonn's corner; townline on the south side from Patterson's corner to .station, 7gate.i; Gowan. street, from Essa street to William stree't; also thata 15 inch -cement tile, drain be constructed` on the east and west sides of Owen street. across Collier. at a cost of $150. The report was adopted. - V. The Finance Committee. through its chairman, Ald. Ross. recommend- ed thepayment of a number of ac- caciuintts. The report was adocpte in Al.) `n.._...:-1_"_..1_-.I AI: nr 7 + tilts. Maolnrenind livbyi. elB.a;rrie. won from Missx;V8inQlfg_ij-. and "Camercun. `Be av,erto-n.` 7% 7 :VVian ind Ohalf Bis- V `-Barrie`. 1-on; lvr. "Mr. `Dwell. Boworton. :91` ii "30 0` xi` 1|`!-n - A 'A!.I.'.. `D ..L4;-..;.'_`.; 3.9 ` anidf -_.- From County C1erk_l_3`letcher. stat- ing the` town's levy for County rate to .'bo $3,400. and` apportionment 1`-or House" of Refuge, $474.74. 1111... 11---; -.-2 `Ir, - n van uunvvvv .15 UlI\7l. la 0 '"Fx:o'1n Keenan exprefssing thanks for syuipathy extendedby the Coun- cil can the occasion `at his father's dobibh. _.__` '__-v--- . -- vv `on. tuning !!! From "an American `firm. employi- ing from one to two hundred men offering to invest $150,000 in a. business in Barrie provided thetown- agree to furnish a three`-storey, `brick building 235 _x 60 feet. From 0. number of ratepayers. ask- ing for the oonstructicm of a oe- me-nt `sidewalk on t-he north side of McDonald street. from Muloaster to `Berezy street. TZ1_-A- `I __ 1- `I -v- vs.` vs. vvvo From Ml`S.'L88dl8y asking permis- sion -to remove a tree - from in front of her Owen street` property. wnnvn I1 `D5... _ . _ . _ _ _-fL._E--- - -`-~ e'.i5{5n1 3T'Mi'i&;}E?n.'iooZI";;;?3 er of the Bell Tdluphone 00.. no- `tifying the town clerk that a tele- phone` would `be placed in his tem- porary otticesfree of charge. I3_.._.. ._ A..- --9--.- .. _---y ---V".---.-- one-can cu-A Div. 1:. Communications -were received as ollows and` referred to `Committee. 179..-... 1' `ll `'9, ,_. u u Business de'ferre'd from the last meeting was first taken up and Ald. Gowan and Tyrer 'suocee.de'd inn fhav-i inig a clause of the last report of the Board of Works changed. in such_ a .m-anner that instead of a pave- ment `being laid on Ross street. to the Hospital, one will be construct- ed on the west side of John street: `between Elizabeth and Ross streets. The members went on record as fol- lows in connection `with the change: . Yeas-The Mayor. Ald. Ross. Tyr- er." Gowan. Lewis and Pouoher-6. "ids-;T.'Eia.";;n2T 51335;." 33;. wick. Stephens and Turner-5. .l\-_..__.____2_-L_--,,_ "A- I Another New lndiiffy Mask- % ing Overtures. c. P. 3. HAS NOTADEFINITELY 1311:010- nm on rrs ROUTE YE'1`-THh: MAYO avxs IN TOUCH WITH THE RAILWAY com- ` PANY ON` THE: MATTER. 3 = . Mr. VH.\J.,.;~,Gr1ott now; `hqldqw the 1 I .. .qam 9 %.b$z A , A ` \%=..1m%m&; 1 ~ Mcmdlay evening s Coun:ci1 mee ting" `was. attended `by the Mayor and Ald. Strange, Moore. Barwick. Row. Ste- phens. T4yrer.'O-ovwan, `Turner, Le`w- is ajnii 'Po-no`-her. ` T Tm: TOWN COUNCIL Ald. Stepheixs and Gowan -That the Chairman, of Fir `arid `Police he instructed to" `ur_x_xi'sh_,_t_he .1river' _ df `thLe [ ~w?a`te_1f _ ._with= ho`ae;_ .ot: __,auit-V a_Ie t . inf9.'oh=* hyiir` ` an arms: 1'0 c-v--g,--- ww- [jon ;st4reets_ `instq:;';;if3;E` = tie --... Van-\~_It clans auvuulusu VVGG Ulllo I of the city -but zirmnged over `the telephone -`for an interview .t-3 ` Italm place - next week. Mr. Leonard stated that the most thorough investigation would be given the matter and"re'pea'ted.. Mr. Bulling s a_ssur'anoe that nothing de- finite had been de`oidcd upon yet. A -nu:-van Q-IVCaVv;I""_'l`| .0! "xiii; Addie Dr. any-` ,Bar.ri e _ won` sx`*om1Mfrs.A f'.l`bdalq M;-. Qumran. `Beavertogi, .6-2. I "'i1`Vh`eKM~ay~o-r_ brouvglivtvup the matter of the Canadian Pacific Railway run- ning thr-o-ugh Barrie and said that he had kept constantly in touch with the C.P.R. cvfficials in -`regard to the matter. Only a few days a- go be communicated with Mr. Bull- ing. asking `that -he and -the .Presi- dent of the Board of Trade be` ac- corded an interview` in connection. with the question. Mr. Bolling re- plied to the effect that the. route `had `not `been definitely decided up- on _yet. although he was most an- xious to see the line? pass` through Barrie. He advised thatfMr. Lelan- ard.-be interviewed. The Mayor as- certained ,that Mr. Leonard was out .a- LL- _!;_- 1. Ald. Strange stated thatrhe had givenVMr. Smith one load of lumber which was not _of -any use to the tuwn. He then asked for'"the' name of the workman who'had_ been tak- ing lumber and was told that Mr. Gunners was the man. He denie'd Mr. Connors authority to take it. land the Mayor instructed the chief of police to ascertain from Mr. Connors the circumstances under which he removed the lumber and report the matter to him at once. ` ' X15. 'st}2hg'e"1i;`{ma that, as Chairman of the Board of Works.` he had power to order this work to be done. ..`.-._, Ald. Strange replied that he` un- derstood it was the custom to allow the Chairman of the Board of Works to expend, wzthout consultation, a sum not greater than $25 in cases of emergency. ` , '. .-.. _ Aid. Stenhens and Ald. Ross up- held Ald. Strange in the xponi-dture stating that the walk had been in" a dangerous condition and only slight repairs had been undertaken. LI.) 'Il'--__ ,I~7 The Mayor stated the trouble was that work was neglected which had been ordered done. while work which was not passed by the Council was undertaken. While _spe'aking. he asked if Ald. Strange had given Mr. Smith permission to take a waggorn load 0 ! old ltimber to his own prem- _ Ald. Cowan next asked if the walk on the west side of Mulcastdr at. below Dunlop st_.. leading to Curlers boathouse, had been orde`rc.d_ to be relaid by the Council. AI_'l dL__,_ 7 I The Mayor asked for Ald. Strange s authority forfundertaking to lay works without the matter_ "being first passed upon, by the Council. AI) QL_,, ..- - vr.--- - -nu-us vvvu |ALl\L\4l lounxrllu Xld. Moore also took this view of the_cas_e_. Ald. Cowan "then asked it the old look-up was given {to Contractor Cline by the Chairman 0`! Fire` and Police. ' Ald..Tyrer answered that it was understood that this old material was to go to the contractor whose tcnder was accepted. All the con- tractors figured on this unde1"stand- Aid. Tyrer stated -that he hid giv- en the `building in A-qudstion to-the. Chairman of the Board of iWorks. the latter paying "a man` to take it down and remove it. -He had done this as the cheapest way of get- ting rid of the building. All I II, II `ardbm. A The niany friendsin. W. `of Mrs. George H. Clark, -of Buffalo, torm- eriy Miss `A1icetMyers, or town, we're sincerely grieved to `hear _of her nu- timely death on the 27th, ultimo,` on which date she _passed away in Jamefstewn, N.Y., at the residence of her `brother. Dr. Albert Myers. who has `had her underhis person- -al care for the last "few months. Her mother, Mrs. W. H. Myers. had been with her since last April. when she first `began to fail in health, until the Last week when she` re- turned =bo' Barrie and Mr. H. B. Myers went over to Jamestown ~`for a `few days, returning to town. `how-1 ever. the day before his sister died, n-ot -`being .a\'vare of the fact that dis- !solution was so near at hand. The remains were brought to Barrie by the sorrowing husband. accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. Myers and inter- ment t-ook place. in the Union ceme- tery on Saturday. the funeral being a private ccne. Rev. `J. J. Re d`ditt cccnducted Ia service at that grave and the ypall-Tbenrers were Messrs. J. F. Jaxclrson, W. 0. Hunter. W. R. King, E. Dovnell. Fre'd'. Mart and Dr. Rich- 1 I I DEATH or mus. Gmo`.,_H. cnanx 11 JAMESTOWN LAST wmEK..' OBITUARY irsetfi The "48_t`h Highlanders` Band- will aoodmpany the Old Boys from Tor- onto} and `a gr_a_n=d concert will be givqn in.the' evening; .;wh<*.n `the Band will oontribute a uumber, of .`aaloc tiIi!! to thq program. including ~nI1mTb.rv= =hy Mtha Hishlaners Dr. Edwards. Mr. D'Arcy Hindu and Mr. G. 1!. Armstrong. of Toron to. were in town. on Monday. mak- ing" arrangements `for the visit `or- thersimoo-e County Old Boys to Bar- rio on Wednesday ndrt. .-__-- vv vvJ u-..v --`guy- Ald. Ross and Poucher-Th'at the] Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign all necessary cheques for pay- mm; of , wages during the `months of August after the accounts are -approved by the proper committee controlling the gvork and the Fiz- nance Committee. also the amounts payable during that month for work on the Fire Hall. under` certificate of the architect.. and that the next regular meeting `be dispensed with. yr --Carried. ,_._...T_.- . n _ 'Dr.`.8nyd'er. -Barrie. won from] `A J "Mia Iaaabel Luidlaw. Barrie. WA-an mm Miss wheqgxg .;Buaygrcon. 10-V8 J` ;.