Freah.G1-boy and White Lime always 1 in stock. If you .wanu a lime` that: grows stronger with age, does more` per 100 lbs. and therefore the cheapest. 1 Call on us. Prompt and. careful`au- : tention to allordere. Phone 88. _ 1 llunicipa|i__ly__oI% Barrio` Oce 41 Dunlop St. Yard foot` of Mary St_ W OTICE is hereby `given that the _ret_ ejttitgg of `the _Court of Revuion for the Auqmmw of. Bame. Will be held gt the Town Counctl C oer. on Tuesday. the 14th day ol J IIn_e.l9q4. at 9 o'clock in thejorenoon to hear nnd.dete|.'m1ne the several com Innate of errors and omission in the Assessment R0 for 1:04. . All peteone having ueineep at the said Court are requested to attend at the and time and place. I. ` I. DONNELL. looxrnduonnar AGAIK I" on 'rnvnsnAr,; . Vu - -Y yg `that It [111 y you to , this space oontmupl . for the Bar- gains " will be worth naming tor. Chooolarte Cneanrsin rggulgi. llolh 1). iotice to creditors The Sarjeantco. Q\\\\\\ ` j V uh % Q, 0%. COURT OF I-R-EVISION AND APPEAL HATTERS. :'r:inAm'rnn3s'1`s or B4uuzin. `mt comm? oilucon AND : -'--~ V '11 otter `:-:1- "cash :Ott I-`UNI 2nd. ;1'ru . Allen Conrmation Services at Cixrist Church-The 35th Regi- ment attended Service on Sunday-A couple of Fires .. L i during the Week-eOther Happenings T ` -There's a, house famed for` Dress Goods-Its Vxckers . - - Field and Garden Corns. Veicheu, Rave; Mulett. Hungarian Seeds. &(-...v at nornwnnms. ` 4` -,,`__.. -f I...... .The work on the Carriage 3Com- pany`s building has` reached a. most interesting. stageand the premises attract large numbers of visitors. The engine was installed to-day. -___n_-_. u.L.. .:..4-.-.' chip nllinr .l,.l.|D Uugluu wan Luuuuum-.. av ...._,. - RIemem'ber `the date` for Cpllier street Methodist church exour_s1on to %\I|:1:koka, June .29th. Pa_rt1culars -a r. - .. ... ,1 .5 _........ 42..-...uA '|.'J.I.o V ` 'Ed`win Sneaith. aged 12 years, found a. `-purse belonging to Miss Kennedy, and-(honestly returned the same'V to its Iown'er-something every "little "boy would not have done. A 1' :.u:.I- I ..-dun` __ 'l`nn'rif. S Daradise. Woula I101}. UHVU uvuou ---Li`t.'tle Lake` - Tourist s .para_dise. Boats. lunch and soft _drin_ks can `be -procured at all `times. Muss Lamb! 1 81106. .. -. n -1.:........ nnrrnsnnndent jaeznoe. `A Newton -Robinson-A correspondent writes as follows.-Five camps of 0. P. 1!. men were busy surveying just west of Ne`wton'Rohinson, last week. The ltownspefople. as well as those of. H;-l_1e_ surrounding neighborhood are 11,44. LL.` man!` :G f+` " "1. surrouridiug pleabied to think that the _.road is ;at* last going to be*`put through and that `the site for the station is al- rea:d*y chosen. _ ' -When you aint see that `you get the Shcrwin- Villiams paint. You will `be sure of a Iirst-class -job. -Don t `forget, at Five Points Hard- ware Store. ' mu - __-.1 6-I|l\17` 'Wi1..l.U uvuxv. . t `A car` loaded with s`o'ft wood took` fire. presumably from the iengine. near A Oro Station. `while being brought `south on Sunday. The train" was `brought on_to Barr-ie with all speedand came to a half; at \the_ foot of Mulcaster street. The bri- gade `being called out the blaze was `soon *u'nd'er control. but not before the wood had been partially eon- 'sumed and a box car in theirear badly damaged. "" I ___!`II Ln bani!` 51+` IJvu\AaJ _....- .~ Q --A Garden Party will the residence of Mrs. Plum street. June 9th, for the the Chancel Guild of Trix :.1....:....:.... 95:. Children _R1E, COUNTY OF SIMCOE. ONTARIO. JUNE 2, `son, which took place this year on May 21st. . -Tuesday. June 7th, Prof. Muri- A'son' of Toronto Un-iversity lectures 0;) 'Life in Ancient Egypt." in Bar- r1e_Pres)byterian church. Fiue stere- voptncozn vxews. Silver collectlon. .'J .`-he local supply ofcgasoline has run `short. and complain-t is rife a- mongst certain of the owners of *- - - A ----'---...~....+oa| `VIT-he ofsgas ow yachts `propelled by power ' , 1.1.2.. ...-.nJ.nn+ a n .--c, - - yment s '*LIvn.a. -D V- ors. sorogn doors and wi mocks. 011 and gasohne `mowers. rubber hose. et from `manufacturers. at Hardware lStore_. nul\-I."Vl-lob`: v-wv--, The local oom iranie`s of the 35th % Reg-`t.. undezf Lt.` Col. MoPhee. turn- ed out and attended Divine worship in -- `the Queen ; Park. on Sunday at l'.erndon.- (the. veterans In, command _ Ill `Luv u;,uv.....P _, V (the in_ of Major Smith and the Collegiate Institute meet Corps were also in attendance. The `sermon was deliv- ered by Rev. Dr. Witten. Chaplain of the Regiment. The music. A as furnished. _!by,_ the band called for Q-warm eooniumsrfrom those who 2 had the pleasure of being present. . H -`-The` bel: ..IIld 9ch,aphItgIcas._.stogbes Y' etlaill`-; _ V `I ea ...: 5:. mg 1:50;. m sot Locals `Around Barrie. eggs Pota- titieu store trie opped i'p_1e\ g-itmontl;`s - the miewl ;?%$19;44A13 'M9~;, % -testznn. of lntrest. an all UIIUU 0 Five Points will `be com.p1eted..and' the very ` prettily idlesigned `frame .!building`, 1 which has `been in use for the last ` few years will be out of com- mission. `If the local Commercial Travellers `Assn. are really anxious to secure pleasant quarters. ..the`y could not do better than purchase this restuarant building. and move it to a 'd'e`s'ira'ble site. when, by An- creasing their membership so as to include a. limited number of_.ctiiz-eints, the `financial emd -of the schtvme` would 'be easily managed. ---Try `Bug Death for your potato vines; kills the -bugs, manures the vines. adds to the quality of the "potatoes. increases the ield -and_ doubles your profits. At `ive Points vH`ard`w-are `Store. ' special prices to large purchasers at .' BOTIIWELUS. ` "The Barrie Tanninvg Company has ' just pure-hase.'d' at new! Leidger 'un- ' hairing machine. which is -expected to greatly facilitate work in "the i Itannery. It is miantufactured `by the 7 Milwaukee firm of Edw. H. Munki- vitz. which has just established a `branch `factor? at Berlin. .0nat., and this particular machine isithe first _ -one made in Canada. An expert is in "town regulating the `machine, through the operation of which the Company "will be able to `dispense with the `services of one man in\con- nection with the _work of going over the hides after they have pass- ed through the machine. Now Turnip and Mange! seeds-. - A-,..' 1.1.... IIIIl.u.vvn.x-our u. _A `Retreat of three days for the [young ladies of the parish, -fundier the auspices of the Young Lad-ies S-od'a1ity, is to be held in" St. Mary's church beginning to-day and ending Sunday eveninlg. under `the direction 'of Rev. J. Kidd. The purpose of such la Retreat is that, by retire- ment from the world `during that time and being` influenced by. the exposition of _the. Divine Word. those `engaged therein may` discover the condition of their,souls before God, and `hence revive the` spirit-of fer- vor in His holy service. A reception` of members into the Young Ladie;s : Sodality of the B.V.M., will take place at the end. - i `I ~- 3- 4-LA Dr.L_ .._ Donfirmation took place in the-Rey ;form Episcopal church on Sunday evening last. when` His Lordship, In a -n_.c:......... nnnrnan a (glass 8V8IllIlg' lust, wuuu .La.|u ~--___-;, Bishop -Hoffman confirmed a class of twenty candidates. Bishop Hoff- man is one of the most fluent spank- crs of the Reform` Church. and his address to the candidates was one. of the finest of, the kind ever listen- ed to in Barrie. The choir, which ] has been enlarged ,and shows g"re`at I improvement this spring. .rendere'd I the anthems Jesusmerciful. and : "0 `How Excellent. in a manner "j which called for a great deal bf ; favorable comment. On `Monday evening a recepti-on! was held in the church. when the members were giv- en oppor'tu'nity of meeting the Bish- op and Mrs. Hoffman. A pleasing" musical `program was arrang'ed. and during the evening short addresses were made `by Bishop Hoffman. Rev. Dr. Witten and Judge Ardag'h. Mrs. Hoffman's lecture on Mission W'ork ' in India, proved -deeply in`-teresting on `Tuesday -eve`ninIg.. ' 7 s V "There has been a lot of complaint lately about the wanton destruction of `birds. -The following are someof the `provisions of Chap. 288, R.S'.0. _L c__ LL`. usucnl"n":l\l\ itintw y.:1:v.;;. Q; Q` U18 pr0VlBlU.ll.3 UI. \Jl.Lu-tin -vv' ---..- V . an act for the` protection of inIsect~ 1 ivorous and other birds: "Rt shall n-ot `be lawful to shoot, destroy. wvound, catch. `net, en'snare. poison. drug. or otherwise kill or attempt to `shoot, destroy. wound, etc.. any wild, native birds other than hawks. crows. blackbirds, and English spar- rows.` and the birds especially me!n-_- tioned in the Game Protection` Act. Any 'p'er`son may. duririg the fruit season. `for the`proteotion of his fruit. shoot or `destroy the `robin. ` without being liable 'to -penalty. _ --_-- _:__.n lfruit. `shoot destroy the 3 without liable 'to 3 Anyone Violating this provision shall be subject to the payment olf `not . less -than one dollar, nor more than twenty dollars with posts. _ The whole of the fine shall be paid alto the \prosecutor. unless he is found to `be in collusion with the accused. In idefault of the payment of{ the fine and costs. the offender shall be ` liable to imprisonment." It would befa. :~g`obd idea-if`-the teachers in the _ "pu`blic fschools would read this clause _to_.the_7 impils. _--Court Stayner N-o. 225 C. 0. F. wxll run a. grand excursion oom- menoing a. _ _ ICo1_linlgw1ood'. and` from` all qntermedlate a- tions to Allandnle. (Allamdale inc ud- edf). Ito Toronto. on Saturday, Junie 4th. {rickets good to return on Mon!- day. -J,u:ne " 6. 9n Mo_n'da , Binglin T_Bros. c1rcus w1l_l `be m_ orontopang dmursionsists ..wx1l have :a: `chance. to see . t~11_is- bi? _shovy. rBen1\e(xntper;*;-5:91;`. 30 .on the 531. x.,:trar;o only *on Satnrdhx. % '4'tjl1_.jmbutr` -;a'.n tit THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. the -Rey NUPTIALS OF MISS HANNAH 0511- ERON OF TOWN AND 'MR. J. F. ` KRUG OF nTAVISTOCK IN THE I ALLANDALE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ` 1904; R. B - Gmevg Me `'0 Pl aIidJ.P. DOW- ney, M. P. P.. at the Opera House on Friday evening. Pint gallery reserved for ladies and their eneoru. A JUNE WEDDING Hacxmuztms opmxon .ABOUT THE | , MATTER or NO WEIGHT. `According to a Montreal despatch Mr. `A. R. Creelman, K.C., solicitor for the C; P. B... discusses Mr. -'Mac- keanzieh eontemtion that the C. P. b` R315 power to build a line through Barrie to Sud`bury had expired, in these `words: Mr. Mackenzie is -all wrong in this matter. We have ' lotoked into the legal aspept of the question and our right to construct branch lines is_ quite gerfect. " We have not asked` for Parliamentary authority to _build` from Toronto to Sud`bury., simply because we have already secured this right. ' Our legal authirty did not expire in 1891 as Mr. Mackenzie allegef: as a matterof fact we have already; start- ed" {the_work of constr_uction.". It is said that the C..PR. have 800 me at work on the line. ' '~ MASS MEETING L 7 % HERE ON FRIDAY Mmssns R. R. GAMEY M. P. P. AND ` J. P. DOWNEY M .9. P. IN THE ' OPERA HOUSE. The Centre Simcoe 'Conse`rva.tive' A$ooiatiqn has made arrangements for a: mass meeting to be held in the Opera. House. on Friday evehinlg next when a,_d'dresIses will be` deliv- 8 1`6d'v `by. Mr. R. R. Gamay, M`JP1LP-. "the `Man from the Manitoulin," and J. `P; Downey. MZ .xPcP. The chair ,W-_i1'1` f1_)e taken. at eight o'clock by ,P_1'.e'sVid9nt off; the C . S. " El ~heqvtirst5,Vg:.v}`;A `pry is go ft-h_ei1j es`-. ' C. P. R. WILL BUILD t+NNt Mr. Chas. Foltz, of Guelph, form- erly of `town. spent Monday here. `Miss Minnie Cameron of Everett, -is visiting Mi$ Lucy P.ayne.n ` `Mr. D. Davidson. M.I?..P. was in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hvolford Ardagh were up `from `Toronto for Sunday. ' Mr. E~d.'Crew. who was seriously ill in Rochester, is convalescing. ' Misses Annie and Mary Sabiston, of Toronto. were the guests of Miss Mary `Campbell, last week. It -I-v 1- LL- `l`\__ Luuuau. . itt: obani ? `Mr. Frank` McKenzie. of the Dy- `ment oundry. has secured a position` in the engine works at Waterloo. Mrs. `H. H. Ottnon. Macdonald st., is visiting her mother and sister in; Napanee for a few weicks. 117 -I-\ ~r\ 1 1l'-,- -u--t:v--- Mrs. 'wT"R. p..{tor" iff on Mon- 'd'ay to visit friends. in Ruichmonkd Hill and Toronto. -- - - .. -un- unnu L-\IIv\llIIo\I `Mrs. S. Mtcalf and daughter Eva of St. Thomas. are visiting friend`! in `town. - um: v v Mvr. "I`e;d Brown._ of Newmarkct, has been spending a felw. days with his paretntls. ' ' ' -- vv - 1-.11,,___`l- `I-..L you; v.5; vs Mrs. McKee was in Elmvale last week. addressing the W. C. T. U. of that place. 117 1. , r1___!____L ___1.--_.......1 An \Il- vuwv Pnuvvo Mrs. Walter Sarjeant returned on; Saturday from Toronto, where she has `been visiting 'frion`ds. ' -gr 1- 11? 11 11'?` 'l`| .1'I..- LAIAJJ |l\/\lL4l AuA\.41n A vnnuw Messrs. L. W. Cameron, VV. D.'.Per- ry. F. B. Reeve and John Sheirsy were n1p"from Toronto spending Sun- with Mr. Ross Cameron. '_ rv 1 ,,A 4; `v.a.;u vuu ....._...._ V--. Miss Alli}: Johnston 1eft on Satur- day to spend some holidays in Galt and wotper points in! Wostern`Ontar- xv {Boat Office Inpsector James Hen- derson was up from Toronto on business last week and met hnany old friends. 4 --. . . p__ ___ uxu LL Auxxuoo Dr. Ed. Gallic is recovering from an `attack of dipthcria, in Toronto. He expects to be `able to be Pout again this week`. Mr. Barton E-arlc, formerly head- master of Peterboro` Collegiate` In- stitute, is in town .visitin`g Mr. G. Livingstlon. V Mrs. R. H.'Fleming and_ .Mas'te1' !-_)_1 atlonl {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVA"1CE SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS Harvey were in Owen Soun?d last` week. where Mr. Fleming has gbne into `business! ' Mr. and Mwrs. M. E. Gray, Mary street. were called to Syracuse last week, by the` death of the former !!! mother. 'Mr. `and .Mrs. E. G. Hunter. of Toronto, are the guests of the lat- ter s -parents, Mr. and` `Mrs. R. E. Fletcher, "Ro'selawn. ;" Mrs. Br-own came up from Nassan last week to occupy her summer re - Sidence fhere for the season. The Senator -will find it "impossible to come `to Canada until the fall- Mrs. [McMillan of London. is the guest of Mrs. D. McMillan ,Mary st. _ `Mrs. IRecdy of Toronto, who has been visiting frienlds here, returned ml? 3: 'iL}B'{6 home on Monday. v.._.- . _ . _ _ -__,,v, The engagement is announce d of Miss Florence Ethel Fletcher. daugh- ter of Robert Esten Fletcher, Rose- 1a.wn, Barrie. to Mr. S. G. Beck- ett. of Toronto. _ _ _ ad.- ""9! `'8 Lvnvnnvvu 'Mr. Will Vair s many friends wilt be in't'ere`ste`.d in learning that he is fast recovering his health in tha West. and` that his Denver physician states no ill effects w/{ill result from` his recent sickness. -Rev.` J. J. Redditt and Mr.rThom- as Smith. of the Collier st. ehurc.h:` ~Re`v. Mr. Keam of the Elizabeth st. church. "and Rev. Mr. Bedford and` Mr. Taylor of the Burton avenuu church, were~in Orillia. on Tuesday; attending the district meeting of the Methodist church. `A very strong resolution` was passed in favor 0]`. church unity. ` - -q .u _ _ VLLIALULI u.|.l.AuJ - Newmarket Era; Dr. Patterson of `Barrie. was a welcome caller- at` the Era. office last Saturday. The old lgentilelman is now in his 84th year and spent the day with Mr, `and Mrs. Angus Williams. `_ ~Mi'. S. M. Lyon, son of Capt. Lyon of this town. is to be congratulated on the high standing which he took in his final examinlations for the de- gree of-M.D;, at Trinity University. Mr. {Lyon headed the honor list. He! left last week for New York. hevin `secured the responsible appoin_tmen'tI of. {House Surgeon of the -Bellevua -Hdspitial. ` ` A 1..--..`-rig naval .I.J.vp:ryu.pu. The Cookstown Advocate says. "Rev. Mr .and Mrs. Madden and Miss Lillian` visited friends in Barrie last week.-Mrs. W. Baillie, Barrie, spent 'a. `few dlays of the past week -.withY V Golokstown 'frineds. -- Miss Lillian` Soinerville of Baljrie, was the guest" -of `her cousin. Miss Beatrice Cook. during `the past week.-Mr. Payne; and Miss May Bantinlg of Barrie. `spent the holiday with Mr.-ant} [Mabel Fisher.__-Mr. HE. Inngmgh; of. -;Bar1_ije.-_e& wuss in town ;7VVe(_1_n$_da` --~< --.a..'.`.u.. ....-n.`.;Fnn`.e.n.~" an:-`Isle L Fobani , 1110.; Barrie, was In town uu vv uuuu,u.._,; lin the interests of the Standard Lite ` / A'ssuranoe,Co." . ?- ., _;.,_, ein lI!lana:T --- -- v--- HIE 2.R..A.Zl.\'l-'-CZEI 'B:::,-E31 Bankitvg Buaiueanv conducted. Aft`: issued on all parts of the world. De- ne received and interest: allowed at high- . -..6n ` MANAGE] 9 BARRIIL BI: [Bank iinrnntn $I.000.000 Andrew T139-mu Din resident Inn. Dre. HApplyat THIS OFFICE; H 23-221) 6001) c.Ets'x:RAL SERVANT WANTED ADVANCE OF- `VA!\TED-A Copk `and Housemaid at once. .l(`I4` AT ONCE. Apply at the _ _' 31-229- "PP - and result: other uence were whom firms. 3!` On, ather I \I`.ALnr:.1\ .\V an ; nu I\.Il ..-.--. :1. lnnisl. Duties to comma sumirer holidays. Address. stating ql salary desired by twentieth of June. FELLOW. Secrtar\'. Craigvale. ~ `{`mmT` )1. lunisl n..m....,-L.JI.l-.. I I-ouuuvv. x)L\.|slu. y 5 y.... , ,, .__.:. ARM TO RENT OR LEASE FOR ATERM OF YEARS-~Part ofL<'3t No. xq.Cqn- 5- 01'0- 75 acres. all cleared and under cultwatlon, good double log barn, comfortable house. 800`! W339 creek and well. within half mile of the Vxllage o Edt The present Occupant. Mr. He}! C09-939:. has been on the farm the past ten vears. is 183-80 terminates on the 1st October. 1904. He will 80 `",3D\`timc before that date. crop and 8. W [uh 3 deslrable tenant. Apply to C. H. ROSS. B3| f" to Hahn` Coates on the premises. 1!` {*7 de to farmers. Sale Notes .A:,:?,?so:1ollccted and a general bank- 1 I I M business conducted, 1 1 1 T. ` R John R. Lamb. nlgsnlfzflgundn 1: rate. v. n. MORTON_ Manage --`-_- onuooooou... ._ 90090690 O Barrie, 9999999999 - O.nt_ 3 9 OOOOOOOOOOQQOQ uesnrame Apply to \.u_ 11- I bremnses. ,{___:_:-- $1. [1 FICE. . MONEY TOLOAN. We have a. large amount of Private F udl 301955, ' - ' f ood farm Max:225: v;;cam:,as:{'e* uxcnl SEN Dunlop Stfeet Bgr |Ooa1and1?S[__o_od] eldieu ams . . irls.. _\.scher ordeae_ unmim "Ki-IEEsMAN' VI\lI`hII It On Real Estate Security. 1}` condential. Address an 1 .0. Box 342. Barrie, Ont. , PLATES _3;6Y\\1`.K7f}~:i> .[ 1: Ti K'EE.\':\I\' BROS. 0FF_ICE- Comer Bradford and Elizabeth ASHES"- YARI)-Toronto and Bradford Streets. T V YOU hive one of the best Carpet Wave_ra in the_ Pfmiince in Barrie. The business is earned on at- the north end of Bed street. All kinds of WV"` dDe and guaranteed. D. CANAWAN. 18' lh . - ' d I WGIVWK do::::3;;::,:f.;::.` *2`;.e:xN'k`{w&`:<`u? ms ... BARRIE Blank books of every d_3`* eription ruled and 111833 *9 f order. . J . ' ' ' V.Mh'Q'I:|\nQ nnnflu klllld. I` Bagg&idck|in8I g fn Hm Int R. Cl`i8t0E. located over the readin 30:53 Thl - . `hzetlldat reasonable ro,tes., App FOR ms -- % lahed'3.'n/bl:.33"" suitable 131:1? m%et`;IlI18 tI::Inconveniont- `- 8 Meonanioa Institutes nib BRABIAN qt At); Inst. % 0:3 . '--van l . Magazines nentlybiound; Ruling and a general book-A binding business carried 01`- ~ " -` -. ..' h . , \ . or;u'h3';'i`mw " Robertson : Drug Store [ % Photo % sundries cAni=ii.=.T wanvme. 0 P1 OS.1.'l` 1 , POST OFFICE. ".~;:;;.* Plank every des-T % rlption and 7 CC: 612 :- - or 'rux; BEST QUALITY AT ` ;No, 22 an! I.`\' & Successors to the lat IL :_7__ MONEY _TO LOAN (`nun-nnnnnu PAPERS DEVELOPERS 9 ? Xv A x tab for School 4:: I\...:.. tn commeni .- `Xnvenrxsnmnivrs. I V. V. _____.a__....____. Book and nu nL`x:n`R` 04. P E881`.-. up ALL - _._.._.._______ m learn barbcriny. Apply to 10$. 7 22-22 V An;;;:;';l:o'I;|I'o;| Hon. J ohn sharpie Go 11. Balfour. ._j A unit-37'? -AT` .Films D for Section no. to commence after mid- `. qualications and L A` `nn. M. v v v V V V V V - . trams: $3,000,000 $3,100,000 _ ARTMENT allowed on ac- Small. :rs. a . ' ~1- *a.iao`.a'5a i It '1- it MANAGER , BRANCH A a A A o,,o,_O__Q-.I..!. WHOLE -N0 363:} Proprietors. IRST _OS'I` a-~:--z--z-+3 | SIMMBNS & co.` FARMERS!` iI:X'r, SHIIZIGLES nd al1VBui1d- |A ers Supplies alwa; on hand. 4 A O`f1co-Ross_ Block. Ya.rd-Foot. V of Toronto Street. I Cement; 1 Lime T1l%e_ ~m..-..L 11...... .....a Wmm Kim}: nlwnvn [:oououooouuQouoou3 In the matter of the Estate of G-EORGE_ BARN ES. `deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to R..O. 1897, Chapter :29. that all creditors having clsnmsiagamst the estate of the said George Barnes, who died on or about the 34th day of Agra , x904. are required on or before the 6th da. of male 1904, to send bv post prepaid, or eliver to Messrs. Strathy 8; Eaten. of Barrie. Solicitors for the execu- tors of the said George Barnes. their full names and addresses and also full articulars of their claims. AND FURTHER AKE NOTICE. that after ....:.n 1.... ......o:m-ma date. the said Executors will pro- Have distinct character. Superb light-weights in latest shapes and spring; ' like colors. FURTHER TAKE NU]. 1un._tnat alter said last mentioned date, the said pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among A the parties entitled thereto. having re ard only to claims of which thev shall then have ha notice and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets. or_any part thereof to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time at such distribution. " Dated this 9th dav of M3? 1?. . > , STRA H & ESTEN. Solicitors for the Executors of the Estate of 19-23 a A ` _ George Barnes. deceased. 1dministrator s Notice to creditors `thesaid 25th June, i9o4. the said A ministrator will NOTICE is herebyfiven pursuant to R.S.O. * Chapter :29 and amending acts. that all creditors` and others having claims a inst the estate of Robert Carter Trott. hereto ore Engineer at the Reformatorv, Penetanguishene. and also of the Township of Sunnidale. _Fariner. deceased. who died on or about the 1th April. i . are required on or before the 25th June, 1 . to send by post pre- paid_ or otherwise deliver tothe undersigned Ad- ministrator of the property of said deceased. their names, addresses and descriptions, with full particu- larsof their claims and a statement of their Accounts . and the nature of the securities (ii any) held by them. AND NOTICE is hereby further" iven that after proceedto distribute the assets of said Intestate, among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which. he shall_ have received notice and the said Administrator will not be liable for said assets or any part . thereof to any person or persons of whose claim or claims he s_hall.not have received notice at the time of such distribution. Dated this 18th Ma. iqoi. - ` ' . A. RADENHURST, _ ' Administrator. 30.22 . ~ Barrie P.O.