"ME."3;'es":aE5i. ;If'is'bi"Eo 75.; out again after an attack of brona chitis.' _ (_ a Mr. John Ambrqse` Aw.n"tj;I1') to Mid? land on `Monday. (. rl1L.- I~IL__-__ `I1 ,,,-|, ._n L on, , '.. -_v.--v-J ,v ---`--.--.v., - \ vw'-I`-1.1e'-(}hoaen Friends 1ee_t(on Tues- day evening next. ' I 11',` 41 111 on I ' Mr. `W. Storey : little daughter is very `low. ` . ' ; ' Mr. Will- Baer was `able to be out on Monday. , , '\ ( ` 1l'__ 1'- __ -,,,1_-.,,A` ,,- _'u,_. I 11-01. A, MEMORIAL ' mRv1c"n;' " HELD on SUNDAY _1_u` Tco_NNn:o111oN. WITH run DEATH or ran uvrm JAMES McPEER8ON. Mr. George` Dodson ii on the sick list. I _ i , "g. V` W`!?'5, A f cazhi V betw';e1 i`tv7vb" pgincs `ind . badly Squeezed; "A % ".< \!"<~`..w\._-Va. $.Iv`!'~*- f`.|-'!I!*\nABe-.:vfRI.`1J x-w`_1---~ ` t I THE~Sl)l`H WARD ...8H6l'!199n. 94-F*j;f"_5.n1`pp '19k.' A pleasant afternoon was spent at A l:h`_e-_ reg1'1_la`._l!.,'ml0gtil18`_`_0f An31}"- the West Ward School on`/Friday; dajlgf BOY ? . p_P;Fp,"_5Pt91':.%_0Ii F`l- ` hen the suooessful . pupils at t1}3 At the regular meeti1iTgWof Allan- dalq Royal Black Preceptory on `days ithe "following resolutions were . ...--.l.; _.'A`..I .'. ' ' Sr. III.-H. Gartnor. J. Gilchrist, 0. Allison. A. McDonald. R. Dunnett. Jr. "III.--A. Brunton. E. Johnson. R. Pirie. W. Ferguson, E.-Hirlehey. Sr. II.-R. Glassford. H. Ferguson. E. Ferguson. L.'Hooper. V. Rusk. titf. F. Sanders. O. Peters. __P.,-All?ison. . A. Hooper. A.` Gilchrist. = The .pros'entation of promotion oer- tifioatos .wi1_l,_take place on Friday {afternoon . a._t:%-; :|;_h1{ee o'clock. Jr. II.-A. Allen. 0. Bush. V. Mof<` "Sr. Pt. II.--P. Tyndall, F. Bruntom. '1`he- Honor Roll for the 6th Ward` vtschool Sis as follows Jfor January :- _._.v - vv v`v--' uvvn (II: "1'v.--v. .He8IS:_`B:-Bl`\1I;(:I;. E. Cannon. N. Webb, D. Moore. . `n `-11- r-- u....... .. _. "Sr._1V.-E. McDonald. E. Moore. ,Hooper. A. Pat-`on, H. Patterson. vv__. -.- u...v wags..- V.` -gv-x. \v-Q -,v\- -.-.-.- igb `the congregation. and while he wqs_'al`so a `faithful "servant of the Grand Trunk. he never missed an op- .po1'~tunity of` doing good. He was a man that" could be depenend upon every day` _ and` he advised his heur-` ef t6 "fol-low--thevexample which the` dec`ea.s_ed' had` set by ~{his ida.ily_ lite.` "S'11`m'luy' School and the interest he the late` James McPhe.rson._ Rev. Mr. Bedford `took as his text Pre- pare your victuals for in three days thou shalt pass over `this J`ordan."I He compared the river Jordan with Dea`th,f because it flowed:-towards the Dead'_"Sea, and" though `turbulent in places. it still- flowed ion and on. Another reason Why itywas typical of death was because it parted the wild- erness from the promised land. The! Jordan of `Death has-"to be-` crossed by every Christian ere he rea.che_d his happy _ home. Mr. Bedford explain-- ed some of `the"prepariu'tory steps which had- `to bejtaken with that object in view. .When referring to Mr, 7McPherson he said {that his _life ` and actions were worthy of being_ copied` by anyone. His work in the H ;took"n `the churchhad endearledvhim <<-_ -- ........ ..uvn uuxxxv nuuuu. 7 . . t - - 7 ' . zOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONO Other Attractions dut-111,13 1133, Showing of New ow Dress cottons. L nts. Sale of Lace Goods, Two Special Offerinare in the White Fair- Collars In 50 Lace Curtains, Ooeninc of New. designs. 0 Dainty. Waist- pening of Special `Value in A CARNIVAL AMONG.. Q35 IVUW I-HUI You ere specially invitedi eee_o:1r range of Ladies White- wear, the most select ever shown in. the County Town. Our entire stock is on view in the Milhnery Department, where you -can choose and compare without interruption. Our salesladies will be plea.sedto.show_ you the entire range. Prices very, very _ close. C no` During the WHITE FAIR a straigAhVt-dle-cenrrt-2 will be given you on all Underwear for Women and Child- ren, also for Men and Boys. This is your last and best chance to get a good supply of reliable Underwear at so great a saving. Come and expect Bargains. 20'piecs Fix-1e Plain and Fancy Swiss Ribbons, dainty shades for neck * V 6> inches wide, wqxth 20c, 25c and 30c, on sale only during WHI'l LLJUJLUID VVIUU, 1U pretty Strips; Colors are Brown, Pink,- Ox blood, Pale Blue, Turquoise and White. Regular price 15c.. on sale - r - - V - - lOc from the Litien Depitment fo; v:l`:u`i Ie :l::U7lV;lIIl%s VLFAIR is on :--'- 4'58-inch Fine Bleached Union Tabling, worth 40c., on sale at. . . . 62-inch Fine Unbleached Union Damask, special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `64 -inch Extra Fine Unbleached Tabling, four designs, special 72-inch Extra Fine Bleached Linen Damask, three designs, reg..8.5i 72-inch Super Pure Linen Bleached Damask, Shamrockand Ivy pat ular $1.00, on sale at . . . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `indies Fi'neAlx'l'Ribbed All-Wool Cash- mere Hose, full fashioned,_,sizes 8}, 9, a.nd.9a} only, worth 40c and 45c, on, sale single pair 35c, THREE PAIRS . 333 opportunity to sthtare in at WON DERfJI:`B.K`(`:7;'AId]`.\IIl in Fine All-Wool Cashmere Rib Hose. t This is a good time and a chance never equalled yet. LINEN PRICES... that make buyin_:3__gu_ , ., ` aords you many Ehances for economy in buying, and -the Bargain List for the next six days will prove 3, every strong attraction. Come to-day--come tomorrow, "or any time it is convenient. A You ll be intensely inter- ested and heartily welcome towander through this great store, whether you wish to buy or not. HOSIEMRY ECONONIY... For Six Days V177 The White Fair WOMEN S% AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR I PHONE 169. Sucessor to?Fraw1ey 85 Devlin. Frqwley Block, betveen Bank of Commerce _and New Barrie House. :ARN|VAL 20 pieces Fine % ` Swiss Silk Rib- THE RIBBONS :b{nS 4 aPf141_-2 ..t.%.%a5tVickers vvv, _____.__- - 1--.-u - ...... 95 1._Ap1_Es_i _W_HlTEWEAR .95` sums VALUES VICKERS an -uuo aau UV" I. reavement._ and -that we join with 1 them in mourning for `the loss of one -` who -has mingled with us in the fra- ! ternal bonds of love and friendship. ..and we earnestly pray ithat God in ll his infinite` mercy will enable them v_to `bear _.up under [their sad bereav-z ment _with Christian fortitude and humhlv m-.l~.....:4. L- 11,- ... . ( ~.... .,.,,r uuuur JCDBLI` sad bereav-r humbly submit `to His divine will. 'Resolv1ed-That -as a tribute -to the `memory of our late brother we drape our Charter. with mourning for an indefinite `time and that a. copy of these tresolntions be presented `to the family of our late bnotherband that they be`: :ente.re_d in the minutes of this meeting. Signed on behalf of Allandale A Preceptory i brother is: {this day" an -the`7x}o}}nEn_t of `the rewa_rd thatiis ever in store for the "true. tried `and trusted and _that- we sympathize with *the devoted widow. and relatives in the sad be- reavement._ vl-`In.--- 3- - _.-x.-...-v .u vu uuvxall again was injured unto death. Re- fsol.vyed'--'1`hat in `the death of !Sir Knight McPherson, Allandale V~Prc- ceptory loses one of its tried and `true members ;` his `wife and"i:hild a loving husband "and kind father, his bro- thers and `sisters a staunch friend. -and his" friends a` congenial compan- -ion `and this community a useful and highly respected citizens. Resolved- _'l`ha't while `his death was tragic and unexpected", Believing as we do in the un_`errin_g` hand o1`Provide.nce, our hbpes__are_ strong in `the faith that 't_11'_-Vital, and immortal spirit of our aibrotherv in Hue. A... n.. -in - . of Brother Sir Knight. Wm. Jas. Me? PhJe11Son.;'Who lost his life in the strict discharge_ of his Iiuty by a snow plough being d-e-(railed and in endeavoring to? replace it`-`on the rails again unto ms, wear, 4, 5 and WHITE FAIR at. . ..-,_ --- '..rvv---. ;-thre;de s1gus, reg..5c':,.c'>1.1-sz.1l'e. At , Shamrockaud patterns, reg- ' -Monarc'h.s-Goal.' ' Norman (West: f.?:.` point.A Wm, `Armstrong: cover-point. ' illw._ ;81;aw_; . `rover, Alf. Sevigny: .Ofif5!7|:.ro'._. L. E -: oft M`-ins. D'Arcy` ND%q&i:;%Vf?*rizht%?wi% T - ,":V= ~`A:1"9'~.f.s ;?`f.V `. -__..r' _-.--:r-- n-r `an. `-56 . VII \J.|uIIJJ . These are contrxbutnons 1 `I . -rvvrw--..__ Latiies 2x2, 4x2 and Fancy Ribbed Cashmere Hose, sizes 9 and 9; ` only; not "a. pair worth less than 350, some worth 45c on sale -vt., V- ---< w.An\& In ul- inches Wide, in 1"I' I ` ""-. '~'"- -IWJ-3 you ll have an u`lTTf 1'\ A 'I'\l'\ . ..-_ if&nu.my`%4, 1994 96 'i;L- A"--5-_:`. l`he Monarchs and Urystal basball Hcluhs boast of `some `good hockey plaiyers~ amongst `their membe"rs and ian',_in'l:e_resting game was played on __fl`hursday vevening. when the Mon- gljrohs won `by two [goals to one. The mgnas -lined .uIp'- as follows. 27c 35c 44c 67c 83c Midland. Jan. 29.-In one of the fastest games of the `season Midland defeated "the Collingwood team on ilidland ice -to-might by aiscore of 7 to 3. `the score at half-{time being 4 to 1 in favor softhe home team. The game was `inclined to 'be rough at times. but refereg J. (T. `{MoCabe watcheci the players closely. and pena- lized any infraction of `the {rules'. The stars of the Collingwood team were 0. Collins and : McDona`ld.' while for `the Home team Kempt. Miller. and English were: dangerous at~a1l :;;ti!nes. while `Thompson. tllianley. ?5_GouId.' and Fentonwere stars for the ` ;"_{=lIoun`e team :Another one Qoalldofoat was chalk-. ed up against Barriewwhen the Seal-' ior team? played St-. Georges in To- ronto on Saturday ev;en'ing'.! The more _at one time {was 5 to 1 in favor of the City team. but `the Barrie boys came very fast at the -finish and noted "three `goals in fsuobcssion. The St. Georges were "up-in the air." but `time! was oalledxbefore a victory` could` `be secured: 1 ? Tim Junior hookey toam "Fput it all over" Collingwood Juniors here on ifriday evening. beatingthe visitors -by 17 goals to 2. [Barrie Juniors go to Victoria Harbor to-marrow even- ing to play off "their tie. with Meaford andfthere seems t'd. be no doubt but "that the {District Championship will ( some this way. Ah "In|quirer" writes the Advance to ascertain who had` be buy the meals "for all the Iourlers who took" dinners at the Queen s.1thi`s week. The Advance refers "Inquirer to the Maker. of Portraits .for. `any infer-2 lnation required. (- ' The members of the `two District Cup rin1:s._ received notification on Saturday. that they were eligible to .play for the Governor.-Generalis Tro- phy in Toronto on Tuesday. The no-' tic-e, however, was too -short to per- `mit the rinks taking advantage of the offer. The Elmvale hockey team "plays the Collegiate Institute seven in the Orystal Rink `this evening. and as this is `the first opportunity which has been afforded the public of seeing the Institute `boys play, there should he a -large attendance. `The Chairman of the School Boardl and .`the Electric Light Commissioner met `their `Waterloo at the curling rink last `week, by Jthe score of 20 to 0. A .'we_ll known photographer `and a telephone man were responsible for the undoing. b I It has been swggestedwthat it would boa neat thing for the President of the .Curling Club tooffer four indi-. yidual `prizes to the `members of the rink {which wins the'.Grasett Cup this 3...-.. .Collingwood s ' hockey `team [was onlyable `to beat Midland by 5 *goals .toT4 on Monday evening and Midland thus wins the round.byV 11 goals to 8. Midland has Barrie s best wishes in the ohampionship_ race. W` ior team next year. Several Vohang- ad will `be made and the fazstmt h for- ..ward that played here this winter `will figure on the line up. ' ' . J-Sartrie will have atevery strong Sen-A Children`: Cord. knee length, 1 reduced 30.... l Men : -`Dept. Ken : $2.00 Fell: Bout. long leg leather . . half faxed, been grade reduced to.$1 50 ` Haifa, 82.85 Grain Long Boot,fe|t pool: A to pull out, came in high la.ce,heeu ' grade. size: 6-90 11, reduced price 2 50 iIexi'e 32:25" two buckle Overshoe. waterproof. extra` heavy, coarse Jole. sizes 6:0 11. reduced price "$1.75; same style, one buckle. . . . I 50 Ken : $1.50 and $1 75 best grade. five eyelen, lace oil can packs. to clear aUlIO` I I I I I I CO! I I I 0 D I I O IIOIIIIU ~fvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvg Late Spotting News Sizes are complete in all lines, but limited and cannot possibly bdupli- cubed again thisleuou at these nrices- Every pair of Winter Boots in the store reducedvin prico---actually beloarciost. See for yourself in all we ask. V Button Leggings, regular price 900. A BARRIE'S BEST AND MOOFC BIGGEST IN SHOES } :l3illy \ I l u .u.:.uu L1 uiu vwtoria game. Dr. Wood was always on the puck and `thoroughly at home in the com- Hisffast following up and per-. , sistent checking` Ajvere valuable to his , team. .Thomas -was `the shining light _ on the Barrie team.` ` low. .He is'.a.~big fel- much `larger than the.-average. goal-ftlender. and This sensational : rushes out to save his goal took the crow; by storm. .-Time and "again 1 `Chadwick? 'got `through with -the puck _ and a score seemed eertain. But Thomas would, Bash out `from the goal and spoil the shot. Grindy". 1<`orrester s wicked shooting elicited imany vexpressions 01 Wonder. but. une ' went.-"th 17 tea " fortunately for Barrie, only netted one ltzoal. Forrester (usually `does the . oul;k . of the scoring for Barrie. but he didn tjhav@ef'*th"e `opportunities that usually are.hl's` ini`the _oou_rse of ; aigame. Soarer. at cover-point; was t a good seconds to uAr_da es _ were jalwa. ,s .311: _._.- J woo`-I avnvdlhv Una;--' 11- W55 at rattling `fine exhibition `of hockey. ; and both teams didthemselves proud. The Saints -`bored right an on the Bar- rie goal -and only {the A remarkable _ work of Roy Thomas -prevented the _ Saints fromprunning up=a large score. _ Seven times during the match he rushed out` from his duct and checked the oncoming _forward-usually Chad- wick--who `had eluded the `other de- fence men and wasgcertaim of scoring ' and on {each occasion the prevented a ? ooring Barrie splayed more of Ian in- dividual (game, though at !'times they worked in a neat .|l .W0-(111341! combin- `ation. Grindy Forrester seldom shooting from la distance. He got Barrie s only score in the first half on Ia (beautiful waist-high shot from the side. He shot on {the run and the puck .'went with the .speed of a bullet into the net. The star 'of the game was Irwin Ardagh, Chawwick was the same old brilliant Chad. the peer of tall stick`-handlers, 4the most elusive of all dodging skaters, and i always on the job.` no matter what ' happened. He played` rover instead of centre. and, despite -fa hard after- 3 noon s curling, performed in : the spee- Q tacular manner `that has made him '. famouls. Captain Jack Hynes play- .1 ed by long odds the best game he has shown this year. He had `the hardest check on (the Barrie `team. .Gren"= Caldwell, to handle. but Tithe Norther-`, nernwas` ho match lforuhim until _ -the last` "ten minutes, when a- `stiff trip ` over a braced stick Igave iHynes a , badevattack.` of cramps in *the legs. Charlie Webster was irighvta-ait_home r on the `fast iceanld played like he did }in `the [Montreal Victoria gasme. Dr. tuna n`-----*- --- ` J _._.. v-uavanabo-`I, .l.\.I-I. vvu-tuo V Crystals-McMil1an, goal ; _Marrin. point; Speers, cover : McNabb. Smith. G. Grant. R. Grant. farwards`. Referee-R."Tyrezr. T ` The `following reference tofthe Bax- ,rie'1St. Georges game on Saturday is \made by the Toronto `Star.- -It was an v....J-J-12.... -2:..- _,1 I The Crystal `Seniorsyand the B. C. I." teams played as practi'oe*~ match Monday. .The students played a (good combinationcand checked very hard. -These `two `features along with their. weight earned 'the.victory. .The:f_ir-st half was fast and even.eth_e score being 3 `all. In the-last half the B. C.` I. woke up a rlittle and rolled the `number of goals up to 10. `These goals were all scored `(by combination rushes. The score at full time `was 10 .to I3. This is lthe second game be- tween these two teams. IIn the previous `game the B. `C; I. won_ by a Lscore of B to `-'2. In the last game the Crystals were weakened by the loss of itwo defence tmen. Thleseatwo {games have put the High School team in good condition for their match with.-Elmvale to-night. _The teams wereas follows ;- 11.4`! -r rv . - - -- " Iii V goa-1; Davidson.` point ;_ Pae. cover: Stewart, Rogers. Gray, Hastings, forwards. I1..___4.-l_v 1r_-nrnu - -- __=-- u .35; on; to II .|J\J\/I-01 9 Referee L. Maona-b gaye perfect sa- fisfac-tion. . I (' Women sV 81.85 best grade batten over-shoes. lined. sizes 3 to 7, re- duced prioe.-..... ............ ..$ Women's $1.35 `Felt. Boots, lace or . Ccngress stvle, leather loxed or plain. reduced price.V. . . . . . . ` Worn_eu s Csrdigsn Overslnoes.' knee 4 `length. regular price $1.35, sizes 3to7,itocleerec....` . . . . . . . . . . .l Misses Felt Button Overehoes. sizes 11 to 2, regular price $1.25, re- duced to ..... . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies 756 end $1.00 Felt Slippers, to go at . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ladies $1 25 and $1 35 Felt Slippers, felt lined, kiphuppers to go at. . . . lie Smith :A left wing.` Wes1ey S'canlon ; right wing. Art Wheeler. I)-._..__ 1' 11- I - Woman s Dept. 1 any 5, cv- ....... ..s1 3 l 10` l 00. .`.". [ V Collingwood, %-Feb. 8.--The E. -Farr. building was burned. down A'moni;:3'._- loop-V;,;ia gt `Q \ tiled in Plttnhurg. ` Toronto". Feb. 3.--_T._E..Nicho1s', 199 West King street. has" been noti- ed that his son, Richard,` hasd toll`- .en' from .a.huildix_xg' in; Pittsburg and ;WI'.',1`i1.l.`~ .` 5 ~ = 7.--, -...u vvuo u1u.y pl'L`.V( drowning himself by the teryention of two boys. Fort Fraixces, Fe1b)._3.-A -yolng 1 man was robbed Monday night 01 $700, and yvas _o_n}y pgovented from .n..-.._..:- N _ part of the British Empire A What lrvlg Thinki- Toronto, Feb. 3.--Sir Henry Irv- ing, after the matinee to-_day will leave for Detroit by speci_a.1 train at 6 o'clock. =:Canada,v" said 811' Henry, in conversation yesterday, "has `the brightest future of any 4 4 1 Clay Against (Iowan. `Windsor, Feb. 3.-Hem'y any. town lawyer of Amherstburg, -will probablybe the Conservative candi- date to oppose M; K.-Cowan, tho presen t member from South Essex. Calgary, N;W.T., Feb. 3.-`Ac `ace yesterday Ernest Cashel was hanged, About a7dozen person were witness? as tothe execution. Cashel came to the scaffold attended by Mr. Kerby; Methodist pastor, who feels that the young man" had sincerely drepentedh of his crime, which htconfessed to [ ` `told tolovolt sand Ion. ,. Vienna, Fdb. 3.-A despatcbl ro- oeived here from Sofia, rBulgo.ria,..- says the -chiefs of the Macedonian to-' volutionary organization .~ in the in-_- lterior. have sent: circulars to tho jmemlbers of the organization, order,- , rs` `kn. :u|ucc--AA-A1-I--- u1vulU!.':l'3 OI 13110 Organization, OTC ing a. renewal of the insurrection. -St. Jo_hn"s, Nd., Feb. 8.-Tho Colonial Fisheries Department re- }ceived advices yesterday that `seven i vessels, hailing from American, Can- adian and Newfoundland ports. are adrift in the ice oes in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It is feared that the crews ofisome` of these boats may perish. : 4 A Glace Bay, N.S., Feb. 3.-Durin g .q.ua.rre1 in a, shack at `Dominion o. k 2 last night Fried Materios was` { stabbed to death by Alex. Piccolo. I ; Both are Italians. While the men . were struggling, Piccolo plunged 13. stiletto through Materios' heart and he fell dead. Dllrin:n"1'.hra. Aynifnrnnno _......oyuu mu uugu m.u.cer10s' neart and ` dead. During the excitement the murderer escaped and is still at large. T -...-.., unuvvu an ax. vuiuuoeer In the Indian Mutiny, was Commander of Excise. and Revenue Secretary in ; Oudh, and acted for some time as 1 Agent-General of Tasmania. in Lon-1 (ion. In recognition of his servicec he was made K.C.M.G. in 1891 and became a Privy Councillor 0! Great Britain in`-1897. ` L Toronto. Feb. _3.-'1`he Ministal` 01 Agriculture proposes extendintz ` U10 scope of the work of `the newly-ap- pointed -superintendent of Farmers - Institutes and Director of the East- ern and Western Dairy Schools. The idea is to have Mr. Putnam act as Director of Instruction for Dairy Syndicates throughout the province. ` Under the general plan adopted by * Mr. Dryden a couple. oi years ago. the farmers have been syndicated and an instructor has been sent among them lecturing `and demon- strating. Mr. Putnam. will have a general supervision over these syndi- cates, and it is `believed that much good will result from his personal attention to the work. The plans `or the department are not yet worked out. but some. radical changes will soon be announced. 1 Launceston, Tasmania, Feb. 3.-\ The Right Hon. Sir Edward Nicholas Coventry Bracldon, formerly Premier ` and Treasurer of Tasmania, and Minister of Lands, and latterly lead- er of the Opposition in the House of Asaexdbly, is dead. He was born in 1829, served as a. volunteer in` tho Thinn Munfinvr -v-- I`--I-----'--` " New Appointed Will lvo loop} of ll { ` Work Enlu-gal. The eet consists of four cruiseru. the Gromober _(of 12,336 tons); the Roasiu. (12,130 tons), the Bogatyr (of 6;75O tons) and-the Rurikt (of 10,923 tons), and a. transport, the Lena. _ - T --'1 nun .. .- __. . . - Q-mud-Lin I Prince Khilkotf, the Minister of Communications, started yesterday: on a, tour of inspection of the Si- ber1a.n'a.nd trans-Balkan railways. ` E A nadeoli -p!'hoi._o--dlzlvll` the Weed lflttllga ot1t_ho'lhlp| tdlsdvo loci sud loo DI-taken loop . nu`-ho: open`. ., \ 1* ' 1 Paris, Feb.` `3.--The T correspondent ; of The Journal; at Port Arthur `ca.b- 1 les that orders have been received for.- the 7 mobilization of the -Russian squadrons there. and at Vladivostock, and that both are` now ready to take to sea. at a, moment ,8_ notice. Russian Elect Equipped. T` St. Petersburg, Feb. 8.-A des- patch from Vladivostock, dated yes- .,terda.y and issued here by 9. semi- oicial agency, says the Russian-eet at Vladivostock has been fully equip- ped for immediate service and pre- pared for see. All the wood ttings of the ships were removed Monday. The harbor is being kept open by ice-breakers. ` 01'1lorTo._I_ooolnd_.-at rogt and 1 vrulbmoa re: the *x`uuguo n or i f Now, Aug to_ -Take t6'Vthe}ea '; at " `I Mometitfs Npticq. - Bevan Vouoll Caught in too. -7 . . ____ j msrkucnon IN muxvma. Sir Edward Bruddon Dual. Stabbed to Dltll. Lo For Lilo. "` ""'\"`V'0B" 111511` ' 0711.3` Prevented f "elf hu Hm 4-:......I__ NORTHERN ADVANCE -nvv\l. ll timely -...__uv ..v- -an-nun. \.fAvu.llUJ..l5 l-LIB 3341" eral passenger agent is reported to have said,-`Gentlemen. if you `have oome'*to get the Santa Fe to run on Sunday excursions you have come to see the wrong man. The Santa. Fe does. enough business on week days without running. extra trains on Sun- `d`ay. If` I had. my.\;w_a.y about it. not an engine on the `~en`tirefsystem- would -have fire in it. 51`-'B-`u'tfthe greathcom-. jxneroiel `world -`and: Government? uiail. rtrh '2 ' `Vi: odxitreets =6bmpe1:.- he Tto..z.:;run.~13eg_nler L. . ~ " `~ _ A A very fwrggly attended msmorial wviue%wa=!%Vhe*<!.Vii"tth Burton Ave-A .9h,u;n`b11`- -Simd` " x;;ngg:=_ip'V gog- T 1 The Winnipeg 1 Tribune of Decem- ber 7th. is sponsor for this interesting editorial paragraph ;-J-5"A movement has ;been noticeable on .oerta.in rail- roads to bull: down Sunday. traffic. Among the latest to glgoronreootrd is the Santa Fe. aWhen asked {to ar- range {for Sunday excursions zhe gen- arnl nnunnnnnnm n-.~.u...& :. ._-___L-J J avvuuu % Mrs. Mary E`. de Pericier, en.'beha.|.f ofH!h_ersel'f and her `(four children. re-. covers `$10,000 frdm the Grand Trunk Railway `frithe loss other husband. Guy do `Penoier. in` Ifthe Mfamsteuad` wreck, by awnerdict returned by! the jury in Chief Justic`e.Mere dith`s As- size Court yesterday afternoon. The jury awarded" $5,000 to the widow. `and the chi_ldren;are_fprovided for as follows ;-Edwii1. age: 18 years. $800; Nowell, age` 16. $1;100:`M8.bel, age 14 years, $100. and Elmore.\mge 5 years. $3.000. ~making ha tetalvof $10.000. The year ending June 30 last, was a. record-`breaker for railway fatalities. there being 90 more as compared with previous years. -The deaths~~for the former period" were ;-Passengers kill- `ed. 53; `employees, 186:. other per-.4 sens. 181:tot_al, 420. {During the `year ending"-`Jun'e30th. 1902. there- were `killed-:-Passe`ng`ers. ~' 19: `.em-' ` ployees, 146; other persons, 165 ;. to- tal; 330; I Omeleotrib railways. 9 pas- laengers were Iiilled as `against. 8 in "1902. * =r L .- . Miss Wine and Mr. Norman Dollery were the soloists at .>the'mo.ming`.s ev-g vvioe in the Burton Ave Methodist? Church on Sunday, when b "I will praise Thee; oh Lord `was `sung. Messrs. _ Kelsey . and Smith rendeirecl "Beside" the still Waters `my Feet shall "be Led" in `the 'eve\ning., Communion will `be dispensed at thel Presbyterian Church `during the lat- ter part of the month prior to Rev. H. D. Cameron s departure for the Orient. During his absence the Press- ebyterian {pulpit will be` filled by Rev. Samuel Blumberger. of Knox Col-j lege. Toronto. Conductor Waterhouse, of the To ronto!-North Bay Irun. `dropped `dead in !the Union Station. Toronto. on Tuesday last. He "had beena. most faithful servant to the "G. T. R. for many years. v | Mr. "Mervin Logue s condition` is somewhat improved to-day. He re- ceived a. bad squeeze {between two engines. a week ago Sunday. {Eye witnesses of the accident" state that if the ' engines had moved `another `three inches. Mr. Logue `would have lost a leg. VRev. H. D. Cameron was `in Milton last week, and assisted at the -wed- ding ceremony in connection with the marriage of Mr. James 0-. Johns-' ton, of `town and Miss Mary Demp-I "a.ter. , . ( `p Mr. Thomas Learning Wes up f;o'1'n Hamilton last week,ron' business and returned on Saturday accompanied by Miss Lizzie Catcher. who will spend six weeks with [her (sister; Mrs. Learning. " \ ' ThevC. E_. of (the .{Presby.te1an Church, held a social after Monday night's meeting in connection with the observation [of the anniversary of the `Christian Endeavor movement. no...--.a ' Mr. W. CB; Taylor is. putting up a saw mill on the commons -'and ex- pects to handle about a. million feet of lumber this season. --v-- ri-Zne membgrs of the 7Al1andale Ten- nis Club have formed a Snow Shoe _;Club and will have their first tramp this evening. 1] , `IT Ira fI\,_ I,., _ _,__LLS_.._ --_ A --- .- .- vs`... vs- Mr. S. J. MoMorran brec"eived the congratulations of many friends on the anniversary. of his (birthday. last Monday. - \ - IIIL _ `If 'lI' 'II' (14 __,'I` 1. ,1 J ___ It A L H-T'J1:h<:_"V`5I.':"].:": M. 3. will eld Van "At. `Hom.e at `Mrs. Kester s-' Iresidenoce. Bradford "street, on Friday from 4` pm. until 7. "T I'I'|`I__ ___._..I___.__ .A LL- '11!-___.`I-_i- III-.. g737:i1ua'* will be the "subject bf Rev. "H. `D. Cameron's Sunday _ejven-r inrg s address. .' I r` to -In-1-` -- --- `Wesley Webbtis just` getting around again. after a bad attack of g'rippe. . o u`I",_1,,__|| . ,-ll n , 11 ~ 1 o |~ . p -_.v., V - Sohoovlusi`-1'aus.1-:-e'<;"C. W. Pouci1er.was in Toronto on business on Monday. :11. -r _____ .4-0-, ,1__n -,, fps, 1