. Iiaeompatlbllity. ' * "Aman and his wife called at alar- .yer s- omceto talk about a divorce ; O ` `J'm`Inn. Hm 1n -..:.s m - - ,c; 5 umcuto tau: about divorce; vJndg`e, the wife said, I. _had only 75 cents to live on last man '3' 'Whnnnh' on... 4-1.. I----- ` ` ,-<. -__w vvuslo convened, axn1 the;`:l; the ting. uuurc was 1'0- _ e judge remitted -v--un After courthad adjourned the lawyer approached the judge and said. Your honor, I want to ask a great favor of i you." What is it? inquired thejudge. I have a pressing obligation to meet. That `hundred you took for that ne was the money I had tomeet it with. . I wish you would lend, me $100 for a J few days." 4 H1, Mr. Crier," shouted the judge, convene court again! Court was re I `cup ..- .___._ann D and uuun H5 [H3 WKIHI 11'! used. such a cigar is suspended from 1 rafter ot thd house by a string and , smoked during the day by all the mem- bets of the family at dened. _ An Elective Touch. A western senator tells a story of a judge who had occasion to ne a law- yer in that state $100 for contempt of court - - e -.. .....-. - uunypnuci um ule OI IODICCO le unlversal. The native child acquires the tobacco habit as soon as it in able to walk. In the northern provlncee es- pecially it is no uncommon eight to see a child ve or six yeare old pumng vig- orously at a big clnr. - The women smoke fully as much as the men and commonly smoke cigars where the men use cigarettes. In the northern part; or Luzon immense olnre often a couple of l feet long and nethlck as the wrist are D nlannn In `...._...S-` `--r F vlunaavti` I IV II; _ Galileo's wit," according to a biogra- phy, got him into trouble when he put - into the mouth of simplicio, the foolish opponent of the Copernican theory in his "Dialogues," an argument that Pope Urban VIII. had himself devised and insisted on Galileo incorporating in the work. Galileo made Simplicio quote it as an argument he had from a very eminent and learned personage." The enemies of Galileo persuaded Urban that he had been "made game of, and -. this was the oirense of which Galileo \ was guilty. It was not for upholding the theory that the sun stands still and the earth moves that Galileo was tried I by the inquisltion. Urban himself had I supported the Copernican doctrines both as cardinal and as pope. I . 3 O ' O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOO QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. V A contlnuoup smoke. V In the, Philippines the use of tobacco I nnlvnpnnl IIVI... .....u-- -I.AI.n - -, N Thislight weight corset is b coming more popular each season, the designs for . spring are entirely new, The Elite, an erect form, medium length corset,_ma.de of this cloth is special value. Price only 50c. The Tape Girdle is an entire novelty that promises well. Price 75. Inspection invited. c,:.;_. 10_ pieces Hevay Tweed. Dress Goods in fawn, brown, green 1* an " and grey, 36 inches Wide. Special at 24c. Lace: Curtains...... 25 pairs Lace Curteins, 3% yds. long by 60 inches wide, in .14.. `3 patterns; a great wonder for the price. Special at $1 'T;rkish'owels 25. T pair-o...... White Turkish Towels, size 36x18 inches, 3. popular bed- ` - room towel at 15 each, or 2 for 25c. Wonderful value in Turkish Towels at 2 for 15c., 2 for 25.2. and 2`for 35c. ; la NEW CORSETS r-`on spams, '62: Twegd;Dress Goods `at 24c...;.. This-is the monthwhen stocks are revised and plans organized, which means getting ready for spring, gWe reg making short work now of everything. that belongs `to winter. Fregch Flannelskjat 25c....,. vvm for FEBRUARY at SARJEANT ea SMITHS; 9 pieces only, of all VWOYOI. french Flannal. Splendid " ings. Regular 40c. value to clear at 25c. V Order for Auiotin Sales of farm stock. "etc... to be` (conducted by Ia- ,.'.l?ebo, Auctioneer ind Vnluator ma . ,;b_% -1,w:.{ t.-1',1.m,.,AAD](ANGl4!_ OFFIO u. 5 5 Military Hip Corsets will be as pop ular as ever for spring. We show them in six designs differing also in weight and quality of the Coutil and Percaline used, prices are 50c., 75c., $1 and $1.25 CORSETS fr` ' . . " k. t m.`:2g'e..a : a`.Z.`l 1..`.`:i_`1'...$:i`:":hE3L..L{a:3 the world. Try a package- ` All colors at ' 1). H. McLARBN'S DRUG STOY2 `C3 2-tf. The new corsets for the coming season are now in stock, showing many entireiy novel features. We devote a special counter and space to White Underwear and Corsets, and assure you that the best value and nest assort- mentwithin your reach are found here- I Miss `Gladys Ardagh, (first- . class: honors at Toronto niversity) ` Pupil of Mr. E. W. Schuch is now pre- `paredto `give lessons in singing. Ap- ply at her residence,.or P.O. Box 9. 3ExM_|_ Household DYE Vespra, on Mr]! cad. Apply to "House and Loi No. 1.-elaon Square. Home and Lot No. 38, Blake Street. Half acre Lot. art of Lot no, Concession 5. P. KEARNS. . r-:3-p Market Square A"?ine Iia"e"':3?r(':-1;`-c;-:5:t'%.;"s"`a;'t' `20c,:25c,|40cEand 50c genj lb. T46 In. L_... --- - - ` But look .' We have them fziryou. I New Nuts, New Layer Raisins, New Figs, New Dates, Seed- { less Oranggg.Span_i__s[Grep_e_s. ` `g__ gg_ , 3 can " MILITARY CORSETS TEA AND COFFEE MERCHANTS - F-V_.v'h-v---- 1rd .08. I3` Loon: have your order. We will give, I . you utiofaotion. Town Proper-ty[For:S:"sle- SINGING FARM s11-ojcx SALES. mnum 4, mo; j------> color- H ____._-.. .. ..-v bulua an out: 1.111184 ' .,;'-A_ld. Strange -thought that the mem- _r from `No. 6 0Wa_rd should, atterid his own en_'td`of thia town. He lieaid f;121iili*.??:\`-"4,`t{3i*?*??` . } nL ' AfVf~= `"f!Y'?*~9;` V..- `av-ea uavu va. uacuovl From `the Royal Victoria Hospital asking for the usual grant and in ad- dition "that some arrangement be ignade ,for giving the =hospital freb flight and water. ( % `Aid. McLean complained of the V:/manner` in which the snow-b1ough- ing was done in fthe East -End. V Tyrer stated't`hat Mr. Williams ='ot_. out at five,o olook in the morn-5 {but that a itwas impossible "V to f_ _;A,'.aroand to suit _ever,y`one.y xv The '~'l"5=_,'.:.cL.. .'.; ;;; LI. +__ '. . ..1 . l"J>,` * A .o -, v `unas- A"F;rom W. JTFle.atoher applying for the position of assessor.- `: &.._-__ ALI - . w-v--v u ..u..- a-osaviaue A `Vdeputation was present: repre- seating `the Public Library Board composed of Rev. 048. Pedley. Rev. ~iDr. Witten. A. F. Hunter and W. J. Hallett. All four gentlemen address-' edilthe Council asking `aid for the Li- brary and pointing_out the benefit derived by" the public at large from the existence -of such an institution- in the town and asking the Council `V-toy assist in its maintenance. as a't pre-V sent the expenditure for the year ex needed the Jreoeipbs. ( fl... .......4..L.... ----_ ..-A---~.-`-' I lzhe `Barrie Collegiate Inst. i~Board`. asking for an /advanceof $500, to `meet `the salaries of the teacher; for J anuaryl 13..-... `II? `I1 (-1 L I ' - `n `- --- -- vI:`ron: W-.P Soules pplying for ;the position of assessor: for Wards f.No. 4. '5 and 6. _t_. _ ' ` cur w - - - --- ---VJ-VVVI I030 Q _ , The matter virus referred to the Finance Committee. - -.-.-..v- ,w vnnannovvvvo Qommunioations were 'received_ as 'f0l10WxS. 3-v ` an on . .. .- . . A `_. -7.-- .- --..- -vs------un .-vvuua. J-CI sac EDI/E ens. E. T. Tyrer, Wm. Turner. A. Oowpn. W. A. Lowe. W. C. McLean and Geo. Poucher. This was Ald, Iabwe's' first appearance this year. be having been confined {to his resin dance with illness. A 4` -The Town Council met in regular "aessipn on Monday evening with May- or Boys in the `chair and the follow- lug . Aldermen in attendance ;-Mes- srs. Chas. Strange. P. J. Moore. R. L. Barwiok. Donald Ross. R. A. Srteph- nnn 'W 7|` VF`.-on-. '\IT.'.. l`l\..___ __ A iraos. KE.'NNEDY S PLANS FOR -1-n: Nmw u-mm HALL wmnm ACCEP- 'rnn-o'rumn auxsmnss TRANSAC- TOWN %couNc1L's REGULAR MEETING R. J. Fletcher Appointed As-A. sessor-A -Legnlity of action questioned. L vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv `_,_,-- V. .....I .n ;-551115, 30 We! in W. C. '1`.,:-"U. circles. as ` a gi comsecratede platform speak: be in Minesing on-Feb. 10th The local `T. U. should gratulated. [on securing the I 3 of Miss j Wiggins. fof even 9: ins. _. . MINEBING. : (Nl"(sr 0.vE. iW1gg1n's, so well lnowng BI` ,. ____ vb uvvv, 1.11.1: uuu. Moved by A1d.' tephens and Moore. that .the Board of VW~orks consider the advisability _'of providing `a. suit- able plaoe to store 'the stona'-1o.mts'l_1- er and other town machinery and submit the oostrat !!i:h_e-`next meeting` of the Council. A -.-v uvuiuvy UL Luv for $500 for payment of*sala.ries was granted on motion of Ald.- Steph-`. ensond _Low,e. r I V _ On motion of A_ld.. Tyrer -and Strange.. the` `sum of $15 wilt be paid to Thos, Kennedy for rough plans of new fire Eball. Mung) I... A I 1 ' rvn - --- va.n\~Al U V 01 UULU1'Uu ` Ald. Ross presented a report of the Finance Committee recommending the payment of accounts aggregating $340.70 ' ~ The report [was adopted. a Ald. Tyrer presented a report of the Fire and Police Committee re- commending !the adoption of Mr. Thos. Kennedy's plans and specifi- cations for the erection of the new fire hall and that the work be carried out under Mr. Kennedy's `supervi-o sion at !the usual commission of 5 `per cent.-. v _ V The report I was adopted. Mr. R. J. -Fletcher was appointed aissessor for (the year At a salary "of $300. Ald. McILean voting against the motion `on the ground that. as Mr. Fletcher 4held `the position of County Clerk -he could not degally undertake the duties of Assessorof the town. On motion. of Aid. Cowan. and Ldwte,f Ald. Lewis was grantedgone mon_th's `leave of abseucex -. g . [II]... ._.._._.,J -oobn'1pla_in_t in Ward` Six and thought the work `there was being done bet- ter than ever before. Al.I -rs--- W-'i`he bounoil -then ,,.-...r_-- request of th 'Coegiate Inst {M fnvu v'\nuv-u.4._L _--'- D--At stroiid. bx`: , shaai. I th, .1904. re.-.- 'eb.' Aioth o`=1'1"t}: g I. be con} __._ J` adjourned. .. v-- --nuv Iv an gi[tgd.an:1`; . J .spe3.`k9-1': {W111} n 1114-'I...-_'.-14:1 1e servioeis one; even-, .-_ ...... -v-ul'lIo Z I 1 Toronto, Feb. 3`.-Archibald Ed-' Uward. Stuart, othevfo.ke Count, who so badly. imposed upon 9. num- < , bar of tho Vmemhqrs of. _4"s_we1`ldo_m,'-' Landon, Feb`. {3A.-(c. -A. P.)-Tho Post, referring to the increase of "the American navy, says it is verymuch mistaken if. it does _not stimulate. Canada and 'Austra1ia,.to take a, live- , liar interejstvvin Imperial `defence. _ _ ___r_,__-_ v_ -uunuuo Lloydmiixster, Feb. 8.-As. soon on the ice leaves the Saskatchewan Riv- ,er 2,500 Barr colonists will go down to Edmonton to purchase supplioq for the colony here. They will drive down to Edmonton, and when , have bought all the. lumberthey re- quire they will build. it in a. huge ra.ft.a.nd load it with supp es and return to the colony down thoeriver. Toronto, Feb. 8.-'l`he 29th annual session of the Dominion Grange open- ed at the Albion Hotel yesterday. Jabel . Robinson, who. has been Worthy Master for 21 years, presid- ing} -I_-Ie delivered his annual gddress ` and at its conclusion Mr. Robinson stated that he addressed the Grange for the last time as its Master. "Fifty-`seven Granges have reported, representing the `eastern, northern _a.nd western`. districts of Ontario chiey. At 5.30 the Grange adjourn- ed to go into the several committees appointed to consider reports. _An evening session was held to exem- plify the unwritten work of the order. Business will be taken up at 9 n clm'-.k thin vnnrninn um--gvuu W 115 UV _:; clock this. morning. --ecreta.ry' _of the _United States Shaw has been asked to make some arrangement with _Canada whereby the non-enforcement of the V regular tion may be brought a-bout... v U-nJvn|I.. The case at hand was that of a consignment . of stoves from London _Ont., to St." John`, by way of Bos- ton, the water . transportation being by the Eastern `Steamship Company, whose steamers carry the American an- '71'*his has been established by` the _. recent enforcement by the gollcctor at St. John, N.B., of the Canadian regulation that goods passing to Canada from the United States shall be transported in British registered `vessels. _ T canton: Iullng That in: Onnu_ the 11.3. Inch Trouble. Boston, Feb. 3.--Unle-ss some agree- d ment is entered into "between the United States and Canada, the long- time practice of carrying Canadian goods in.bond to ports in the pro-V vincesi without regard to the carry- ing vessel,` must come to an end , and a lucrative business of American railroads and American stcamships running from Boston will be shut off. " _ Medical Health v-w--um w act upon tne committee: "' - Dr. ,Hodgett's,.secnetary.of the Pro- Opium-' vincial Board of Health; Dr. Sheard, The importation of opium that is pre- A Officer for Toronto; / pared torsmoklng is double that used Inspector Hughes, and Mr. 0 Dea. of by physicians and morphine hnbitues.. th? Technicail SCh001- pAt the` 1111- The amountis more than halra million ammous desire of the meeting Prin- _ , _ pounds and the value $3,500 000.` `cxpal Scotts name was also added. -' _ The committee will meet on ,a.n early day on the can of Dr.` Hodgotts. A-Precocious Youth. Torquatq Tasso was `famous through-u vfhese Are the nuts or `Eddeatlon Hethodl of To-day`. l ' `Toronto, Feb. 3.-Yesterday morn- ing a, congress of the members of the Provincial Board of Health and 'others` interested in sanitary and educational matters convened in the Normal School on the call of the Minister of Education`. Although few responded those who did were all ex- parts` in the subjects set for dis- cussion, and as a result 9, movement ; was instituted which may have most important results in the educational g system of Ontario. .In order to pro- duce.some practical effect it was un- animously agreed that a committee be empowered to prepare a, series of resolutions embodying the conclusions A of the congress, and that these be submitted to the Minister of Educa- tion. Principal Scott, of the Normal School, nominated the following gen- tlemen to act upon the committee: nl` l'IlIl|'-"' " ` . A " 7` 'V Thole thy .---v-- -cows! lJ\. energy ever since. -_ - v ..-.- V-`eon:-, vv an In alum. 'Dl\l\5I.l rnan, - a man .of many ambitions, "most of which he _had realized. He set out to be ha successful lawyer, and he` succeeded in that. He had always had _a hankering` after poli- tics. -but he left that alone until he had made an independent fortune and could afford to take up politics ?- without ` any thought of gain. He was instrumental in building up the Young Men's Democratic - Club . of sNew York, and his success along the same line for the county Democracv made him recognized as a power in organizing as well as directing-. '1`he only public offices he `ever held were those _of inspector of schools and corporation, counsel for New York city until Cleveland made him Sec- retary of the Navy. Whitney set to `work to build up the new navy, a workwhich has been carried on with OIIGPIFV nvnr aim:-A - ACIQLIVI William Collins Whitney, former secretary of the Navy under Presi- dent Cleveland, was a. many-sided than a man VA` ............ .......1.:4.:-_.-_ cxovo1ua's`u_m'm'~y at: no mwy Dion ` of Appendialtl8.- ` - ' - New"York, Feb. 3`.-W. 0. Whitney is dead. Mr. Whitney was taken ill at the performance of Pa.rsifa.l"- last Thursday - afternoon . and was compelled to return to his home as " his indisposition continued. Physio- ians were called in, and ` after _a diagnosis it was announced that Mr. Whitney was suffering: from appendi- citis. An operation. was decided up- on, and it was performed on Satur- day night. 1I7:lI:....... t'I_II..._ 1~rn_:;.__-__ 3 ,, i.&Q ..,\ L Wm, '0o1iv'oy Supplies on B|ftl. Stunt Given 8!: )IoIt_Iu.' _`A 2- Th `Dominic- (Inigo. 4_ an. A -_. - Iucntlvq td Canada.` IN munsu vessafs. PHYSICAL coubmons. '1fHEf $OR'rHE1;N ADVANCE l.,-.;vS the _ri;:!'. F ........ .....n...u,ycs u; Luau. .I. IRIVE It." What is it? asked Mrsa. Greening, with T , . % vv wuvnlaul I . ' Now, look here, madam; let's have 5 no foolishness here. You can't call that child by any such name. Did Phoebus of history yell from 11 p. "m. to 3 a. m. and intermittently from 3'to 7 o cloc_k?A I myself amdoing the god or day. busiy j , ness in the matter of ggtting npgxand I I m notgolnzAto..dlv1de _the`hono_rs. ,1! { =`7`"-V-.9-`.`` '3..mIF.h91981$1`, ` .. " ' choosing the Name. My dear, I have been reading up within the past week, and I think I have a name for the baby, said Mrs. i Greening one day. . ' ` F g You have, eh?` What is it? _ 1 I read that Phoebus. the god of day, comes up bright and beautiful in the morning; that he lights the world; that ` without him- nxv _`__, __._- .- `Av llvlu tllc IILC Very seriously'iz;-tylieir hours of leisure. He began to address them on literature, `and you will presentlybe able to im-. -agine the sort of stuir he talked. It was not long before he touched on George Meredith and expressed opin- - ions which might have `caused an out- burst. Instead of this. some one sug- gested deferentially that. he talked too generally: that he would be better com- prehended if be illustrated his views by a reference to any one of the not- els. He thought the suggestion a wise one and left the choice of `the book to hi audience. The original proposer of this eminently reasonable plan imme- diately suggested Tess of the D Ur-` bervilles," and the other went ahead, obligingly accepting the choice. What `he said does not need to he recorded. but it is rather notable that to this day he does not know the trick that was being played on. him. because he is be- ing preserved for some future occasion. -London Post. a . - t ' A Talks:- s. Mlsudventnre. The following story sounds as it it could not possibly be true, yet true it is: A man who prldes himself on having 9 knowledge that mlght llterally be call- ed encyclopedic was in` the company of a set of men who work so hard as a rule that they do not take life very nnn`t\I1nIuo I_ LI..-.l_ l.------ A` Austrlamuml Tobacco. The Austrians spend over $40,000.- 000 a year on tobaccq r ' l The Sea. Although the sea covers three? fourths of the earth s surface it does not provide in the same proportion for man : wants. Only about 3 per cent of the people in the world gain their living directly from the sea. . '1'7heTHnnan Heart. T The ordinary weight or a human heart `ll nine and one-third ounces. The record weight is 40 ounces 12 drama. A` Precocious Yu;th. through- out Italy before he was nine years old as an V accomplished Greek and Latin. scholar and `the author of clever and polished verses, and at thirteen he was the intellectual center of the brilliant court at Urbino. ' ' old Bankruptcy Laws. In the time of King James I. of Eng- `land rigid bankruptcy laws were en- acted, and a bankrupt might, unless his `inability to pay his debts arose from some accidental cause, he set in the pillory for two hours, one at his ears being nailed to the pillory and cut 0!. This law was repealedonly in 1816; 3:11} `vi{i`ie}'L;BZL a"3 ?{m'".3IS near relative, while her husband dances with his, wife or not at all. Curious EIIICOQI. T In Cuba a young married woman never walks out alone, and she dances It'll! !'N*|\ k_nsu Isnsnlnn-`:1 Ag. --ILI. --..- -'v- on u-us` u But the canary is an extreme case. The ordinary bird,`in good health, will be satised with one-fth of its weight 3 day by way ofttood.-Answers. .. v_=-_ -.- ovvvn Viv`; `Au 0 An ordinary man with a canary : ap- Vpetitp would consume 150 pounds of food a day. Dad. LL- -__-_._ l- -- Al ..v_ v- vs-u-1`: `VA German c`i'n'i: recently kept I canary underobservatlon for a month. The little `creature weighed only six-. teen grams, `but in the course of the month it managed to eat 512 grams weight of food--that is, about thirty- two times its own weight. `The bird -must therefore have eaten its own weight in food every day. A... -...ll...-..._ ...-_. __u.1_ _ __._-..Ao_ VA "?i~iI smaller the bird the more vorn-' cious seems to be its appetite and it: power of absorption. , V A l`|-.___--.. -_l- - " ' _' Recent experiments have provedthat the average bird manages to eat about _one-fth or-his own weight daily with ease, it he can get so much food, and in a wild state. though` the bird has to hunt for his" daily provender, he is eat~ ` ing a large part of the time during the T day and manages to get his full rao '1 tions. - V ---- _-vu -'.l`he average-.A man, It he had a bird : appetite. would devour from thirty .tp thirty-one pounds of food a day, which would be a tax on the larder of hi: hostessn - ' - J : When an oldetsshioned hostess` ---:7 - --`v w- cu :16: Ill CCUCC Thu`: Avocado lui"b. urges her guests to eat. utter-"the com 5 ventional manner of showing hnspi- ' tallty and remarks, Why, you haven ! the appetite. of a bit ". she really speaks the truth, though she does_ not . intend to. ' L Arletito at a `mu nun am... mum--_ A__-..-..__ -p_..:`.'. vqnA cANARI.=.s. Y_v - Then the wife said, "Judge, that : at; near as we ever agree. And the :1udj:e?{_thgy fmight as well get a_ .. ....... w uvc uu Just mourn." Vv whereupon the husband replied ag- xrlly: `-`;'1`hat o_ a talsehood; she had 890." . " `