Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Feb 1904, p. 3

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i CY6{JTY AND DISTRICT 3. TBSUH. HH5 `VVl"_:Dln| vfaa >-aw`--v tio1_1 to allowing the Mfork` t9};p1fo ue51,i iM1%* %?em% me 4 J A _Huse of Industry note-`L , LI... 'I.-.L-na4- nnvn.. the proposed changes at NV'ashago.... 0 ...On Monday morningthe Court of. Appeal gave judgment in the dis- pute between `the town of Orillia and the township of.Mat`chedash as to the taxing of the sipower plant at the Ragged Rapids. Last year the Town- ship `Assessor. placed an amessment of $25,000 on the plant. On! appeal at the Court of Revision the assessment `was sustained, and appeal `to (the County Judge resulted in the same way. The question was then submit- ted `to the Court of'Appeal. in estat- ed case. with the (`result that it is de- cided '?that the town's.plant is not liable to `taxation in another muni- eipality. The `taxes amounted to. marry .1-.. `I...-`L non!` "MT, m- 01060 1.11111. Luv uuvvuu-3-........ -- ..-- `liable $255 Iqr "last year.. ID. "Inglis Grant acted `for the {town `in the -case. and Mr. J. O. Brokovski. of Goldwa- ter. for Matcheda"sh.< {Each side will `pay its own` costs.`......Mr. E. J. H. tPauley, President of the Linen Mills (Company. came to town` (this week. to arrange with the Town Coumcil as to the exact situation of the five -,--1. .n.... .4-....n. in {-11 nnnnlv to the exact suuuuuu um. uuv -.... acres which the town _is to supply for a `site. Mr. Pauley chose five ' acres almost opposite Moftatt street. . The Company intends to begin build- . ing operations `just as soon as spring 7open6 Meantime the town is hav- ingthe lot surveyed. Owing to, simi- larity in name to `another company which `is establishing. a` `factory in Bracebridge. -_ the name mas been. changed" from |.the'Dominion Linen `Mills. `to {the Canada. Linen Works.- Limited.. A `special act of the Nova Scotia Legislature was obtained for the purpose and the Company is also registered in Ontario. Mr. Pauley s- father is in the Oldcountry .b_uyingc 1 machinery. and. securing operatives. Merl` Pauley is interested in the lock ' works here. -and offers .-to re-or_gan- L Iize . the company on at strong finan-' I -cial-has-is which wouldwensurei itssucg { cessc--Plaxiet. A V V MIDLAND-It_ is our _sa'd"duty "this {week to chronicle the `death of Mrs. Chas. Hart atvthe h?ge'ot sevemtys-tivd yeaxs. For upVw{ard_s of fifty-years LL- -.1 .... .....a ]nnu"'|nn.1I In 1-`nsidant of yea.I1S. I.` 01' up VV uu the "deceased -has been a resident of Tiny and enjaoyedigood health up to about u week_` before her deeth. when she was seized with paralysis from ML lull-Iv" Jw-.._ which she did not rally. She leaves 4 a grown up family of sons and dough`- ters. Franois and Joseph` at home, William `at :Wy'vale.' (Mrs. Robt. Strowd. Mrs. J. McMillan of Ban- dolph and Mrs. Geo. Elson of Wye- - vale. The Iunerel took place Mou- _ day `last week to the Union Ceme- tery. ~'n_ear VtPene.taAngui_shen`e. . three sons andthree son-in-lawscting as pall-bearers.-Free Press. .}the ' ycooKs*rowN-Mr. `Garnet -Leedley. _ while playing hookeyst "A1`hornt on.on_ . Friday evening'1est,wes,-struck on. . the knee-pap by -the+'pu'o'k.` fracturing` ing` ;t e bone. _ At first itywas -feared the k ee-cap mes'brokeri. 7-Mr."Leude ' ._hotel' and int. Whe3leye`:"_pm9neQg, , `On Saturday morgipg he,M{as~?hi`6\1"ght :t ley _!was taken` to !Mr`. Alexa? `_8tw'irt`s' ;BEE'1`0N-House of John Goodfellow was the latest com- mittal to the House, zhe entering the House again on 'Satur_day.p23rd. A number of inmates are indisposed. 1 with the -grippe or colds. and Nurse _ Maekay is kept busy these days. ELMVALE-Elmva1ethad no `we- zgular `train after Sunday's storm until the latter end of Athe week. The first; mail received since Saturday Jan. 23rd, was brought up from` Barrie via Hillsdale `by. Walter Shanahanf. the Hill_sdale'stag_e driver. on Tues-' -day evening. The railroadtraok was 1 eleared from Barrie to Wyevale on the following Monday morning. but north of `the latter place a bank `of snow from eight to ten feet high and about a mile -in length was `en- countered `by `the plow. and it has been unable to reach Penetanvg at the latest reports. Three enginers, rtwo plows and a large start of shovel-.1 lers are at work. The regular train! is still snowbound at Penetang. `but a.: ' I ' " ----`L -In "'I\l\I;I`\ n`TTlQ 75 . . rn"early". H1". * (_'of `,t'h`%ir "f .1ightT $6 `7'i`ei nain~ ablaxe-mhlzoughout. `the, entire .night. thtis wasting energS'. .-using up `steam antfioausing` extra; fuel (Ito be burned. In. `order to put a; stop to this all-_- night practice an "iext`ra. {rate of five dollars per annum will be charged tor. gaeh all-night b1a.`zer..1 light. however. being permitted the fulluse. free of. .L1_9_ -__A..... ..`I....-.~.n .`Kfnur {Q (A11? crnnd e _pB1'll.ll.BI.Uu. `pl-I19 I-lhlbxlswvg .-_vw, --. this. extra; ehergi. >Now. it four good `people wish to have their dwellings or places Fin a brilliant blaze _of illumination" while they sleep, they mustpputup ;the:-extra cash for the? wasted electric light energy- -Herald. CREEMORE-A-Mr. and. Mrs. G. H, Kembar had `a little zrailroad expert-. ience .on- Tuesday night last`week, that they `are not anxious to have re- peated very eoon. They left `here on LI... .....--.:-`nu -I-vain \lJ ] \;}`|. 117 1`hP.1V.V PUHLDU -VUlJ- v\uao .-`avg -v-- ---- v__ the evening "train, which. by the way. was two" hours -late. for Collingwood. to attend the wedding of their cousin there next `day. When within some "two miles of ` their destination the '1 engine left "the rails. It was then after .- midnight. and as `the train of- ficials gave them no _-reason to hope that a `conveyance would -be pro-a . vided for `them to -(complete the jour.-. nay, -there wasanothing for them to do `but pick up {their belongings. in- cluding ilittle Arthur. and walkto town. which they reached in course I of. time very much fatigued. A com- mercial ftraveller. who was ca passen-. ger. very kindly took turns with Mr. Kembar `in carrying the child. which assistance was very much apprecia- ted. Mrs. A. '0. Casey and Mrs. G-eo. Best \were also of the party. A It -`is our painful duty `to record the death of Mr. John Sharpe. of Killy- leagh. township of Innisfil. who died on 'the 26th, inst. He was born in County Sligo. Ireland. in May. 1820. and came to Canada with his parents in 1836 and settledxin the Province of Quebec. He (with his father and an- other lbrother. .who is `now Captain George Sharpe. -joined the volun- teers and took up `arms under Sir Francis Bondhead against the rebel leaders Papineau and Mackenzie in .1837. Although quite young then. being only seventeen, he Icould tell some thrilling stories about the hardships of lthose times and your cornespondent - has, loften sat r and listened to him describe some of those military events which would almost make the `blood runwcold. In 1846 he came to Ontario and settled on lot five. sixth Icon. Innisfil, where lhe C spent the remaining years of his life. t? On -18th July. 1843. he married Ellen il Grey. vwho survives him.. together it with eight of his children. three sons and five daughters..Mrs. T. Lucas. l Sunnidale; Mrs. J.'Gordon._ Barrie: - Mrs. W. D. Henry. Thornton. and Mis- ses Mary and Lizzie athome. The sons are George. Matthew and Wil- liam. who are living on farms around the homestead. which were to a great extent cleared up out" of almost `solid bush farms `by their father s hard work. He was always willing to lend a helping hand tovievery benevolent cause and through his energy and penseverance "he got the Killyleagh bchool `house situated where it `is 5 for which the people owe him a tri- I bute `of praise and he a mark of re- spect and -honor to lhim the trustees .- closed the school from "the -day he 3 died until after his `funeral. He was '- an affectionate father. .a `kind and devoted husband and ameighbor who always delighted to relieve the wants J of any one intneed.` In religion he was a member of the Baptist Churcy and in. politics a staunch Conservative. . Mr. Sharpe was also a charter mem-. ber of L.` 0. \L. No. '16 at Thonnton. He along with his lbrothers-in-law and Messrs.- James and John Scroggie . helped to carry it on when it was , `often-very weak. -Invthe death of Mr. _ Sharpe the Township of Innisfil has `lost one of theoldest andmost re- spected. pioneergsettlers of "the town- ' ship. (Mr. and Mrs..4Sharpe(c elebrated both their golden and. diamond wed- " ding.` two periodsinllife to which few attain. A The funeral "was held. on Sa- turday. '30th ' `inst. V and the remains laid in the Thorntoncemetery. The pall-bearers were Messrs. .R. J. Hill. R. Little.` R. Rogers. .G.- Wonch. T.- Henry and Wm.Scott.- The funeral sermon was- preached by, the Rev. .Mr..Chcstnut of Barrie.~,in the Thorn- ton`-Methodist Church. ~ HEAVY CHEESE moron MEN HAVE` QUANTITY on-' VLABI` t:EASON S mum msrunm A Synopsis of what is Transpiring Around`About us, as Garnered From j . The Exchanges of the 'County. :-T: . n +++++o+ +1-Io nrvnnnan nhanrres at Mrash8.g0.... Dealers ponfess that the cheese `situation so far as (it applies to On- tario `is somewhat" embarrassing. 'A. large exporter .s't_ates that" there is "ever _-$_3000_.00U. `worth of `oheesevstored A ll` ___j iii 7l3a.o"c-o1'ie` the_'.'Cou-nty' of Oxford -alonb. This state of affairs . was by \r,vv-7.. -7`-vvv,--- no xnganvs oqnfingd to that-county. _ ` A_ T_h gbntlcman `in. question st1;td _:that ea1"l:y_:_in the season the ;facto'_7 men" shad; been` ,oj.Ee`re_d. 12 cents` per :po'\1ind' Vffo`;-V .A.flihQir`_h~o1d'i'ng , put ._had `o.-:voI_c;>Ase.. pf?/:the `best. ~. KILLYLEAGH._ f1bLn1NGsA 1io1i+mE1:uAnvANon ELECTED AS WARDEN The Deadlock woe broken oo Thursday Afternoon. COUNCILLOR WHITESIDES RETIRED FBOMTHE ,CON'1`ES'1` .AND FOUR 01!` E18 bUPPOB'1`ERB`VOTED` FOR ME. BRUCE. On Thursday afternoon when the County _ Council are-a.9s'em_bled,_ Coun- cillor Whitesides rose (and Stated that he had decided to retire from the contest `for the Wardenship. The names of Messrs. G. W. Bruce and Richard Grahani were then placed in nomination, resulting in the for- mer s election by the following vote: Ill`, 1-: __-_ Ir-__.__.. 1).... `Gym, HAUL `)57\l|IlIJlL -II. InI.LI-I L111-n\r vv coca v w-- V For "Mr. Bruoe-M-essrs; Bruce, Em- A arson.` 'Frawley. Jupp, Quinlan. Sloan. Fraser. Thorpe, W hitesides and Wells :10.` tin-'_8.\ _...`V. For Mr. I .Graham-MessrS. V bell._ Graham. Harvie. Hammcll. Lea.- therdale, Murphy. Wright and Map- I . -an '- ol 1 . ,_ _ 3 ____;_g| _____`__ The Council adjourned until seven o'clock in `the evening. when illiis Honor `Judge Ardagh, formally in- stalled lthe snew Warden `by adminis- tering the statutory oath of office. His Honor -then briefly addressedthe members" on the high responsibility of `their duties. 1 1 J,i__ , ____ Major Bruce in thanking ~his'con- freres for electing him (paid a graced; ful compliment to Councillors Grai ham, `and Whitesides by `stating that his only regret on {being elected wa. that he took the chair at the `expense of two such prominent and capable men as his opponents. He `them re- viewed the present financial condition -`--L3..... _-.L .LI..n|- l\ VLU VI \lI4I Iuuv ta; vuuvgav `.4... --..- of the County pointing outthat a credit balance of $26,000 existed at present and `that the sum` of $80,-- 000 had been expended in carrying on the Good Roads improvements dur- ing the year. He stated, `further. that a` telegram had just been receiv-- ed from the \g_Lieut.~_aGove1_1m"ar-in- Council `the effect {that the Ontar-4 io Legislature would contribute $26,- 000 of ,this amount {being one-third II'\`L- lT_...'I..... VVV III. ` `D1110 u.LJ.|.\IIA.n.:.v auvngnc v..- -..-._ _ of -`the expenditures The Warden cautioned the members not to be ~ledi awayby the facination of road- building and be led `into extravagance but to keep well within the `appro- priations already made, in 'order that the County rate might `not -exceed that of 1 3-4 mills on the do!- lar, as already inaexistencea, He then referred lto `the extra (sessions of -the Council held last year and showed their necessity in connection :with the inauguration of the Good n Roads bohbme. Nothing of `the kind would --_.__-____ l.`|_!......;.n- I'll-`Inna! .vv\nf'_ V This part of the {business is closed *up. . was done so quietly that the polities still snownounu 'dL Iuuuuuug. ....- .. special was sent up from Barrie last it Thursday afternoon.--Lance. "E COLLINGWOOD--George Hunter is 3 a young man of `respectable appear- '1 ance. sporting a fur-lined overcoat; beaver collar and unlimited cheek and? c has 'been doing` the town for ' twopi weeks past, imposing on th_e small l storekeepers in the suburbs. He first 1 came to notice in rthe [west end . when he notified those whousold cigarettes they would require to take out a license for their sale. This would cost $5. for which~'Lhe would call later. His next appearance was on Sixth {street as an inspector of "scales on .whi0h he realized about $2. Hiswork `did not come into.`the game u'n'til.Sa-._ iturday. when George was _!run in.a.nd ; spent Sunday in -quiet meditation`. in the coop. appearing 'before`Poliee A Magistrate Njettleton` Rm Monday- morning. charged `with qobtaining money "under false pretenoem" sMr. Bond appeared for the prisoner. pleading not guilty. the fact of his being so drunk he was not responw rsi'ble,_ not knowing what he "was. `doing. and did not require to raise money by this means. having over $50 * ~~--~~ ---`~'- m---end. There: laluwuso. Livbulub V. 91-`! ...-...... be necessary ;this"year. ~O,ther -mat- ters which the Warden mentioned as reqllirillir consideration were the man- agement of the House of Refuge and the necessity of devising some scheme for the making of stood winter rohdh. as this -he considered was of quite. equal importance -with the making and maintaining of summer roads. In- closing he` asked (the co-operation of the members in maintaining the `dignity and prestige of the Council. .1; n_1__-.._I..._ ........-.!u.ru9n nnnuinh +111! ulguuq uuu .1.u.uu-may V... -._- --- `At Saturday 'morning s session the Committee. appointed `to strike :the standing committees for the {year re- ported making the following recom- mendations :- Luvuua Lxvuu r- Finance-Messrs. Fraser. Emerson. Wells. Whitesides and Wright. ' Education-Messrs. Jupp. Fraw-I ley. Whitesides, Campbell and Martin. Roads and Bridges-Messrs_. Quin lan, Emerson. Campbell. Sloan. Har`-' vie. Leatherdale, Hammell. Murphy. Graham. Thorpe and Martin. ' ` , ,__A._ ll'..........-. l'_`_u-n`-morn \_J'1'l1I.ldl.l.l.p LIJUL pv u..uu ..v...u-.. ..-... `County Property-Messrs. Graham . Frawley, Wells, Emerson, Sloan and Quinlan. ' ' g I?` . J . V -- - - - - .4 .IJUl1|:'.l.`C1 unto. .uu.u-L` ugu uuu .-..v_ r -- Legislation -`Messrs.' Sloan, - Gra;- 'ham, Martin.` Leatherdale and Mur- VQLIILIJ-'Gl..Io . Printing-Messrs Harvie. Wright, Leatn-erdale. Martin and Thorpe. ,, _' 431...... (1.-n-_ 'nhy- % way . Railways and Canals - Messrs. Campbell. Fraser. Murphy. ,Wright and Frawley. , . '7 ' * A` --3 15-3----- ln ........a uuu. L`.I.U.VVlUJo House` of Refug'e-Messrs. pWhite- p sides. Hammell and Jupp. _ S The report was received. r - ' t The Property Committee reported C that there was just cause for the li complaint ' of J. .McL. tevenisqn, Clerk of the Surrogate Court. that there was unsufficient room in his I office. The Committee thoughtthat the room -now occupied `by the County. I Clerk would answer the purpose by slight alterations in the `main office and by fnreaking a door through the vault `at the north end and extend-.' ` ing same `back as {far as the stone 1 . foundations already built; then rais- I ing the walls to the first story of main building. In order to `carry >' this project out the Committee sug- ,. gested `that the old {office of the . Sur- rogate Clerk be takendown with pri- `son labor and the `material therein , he used inibuilding wither extension re- _ ferred- to, The Committeealso found" that the room now occupied by the County. Treasurer cwas far -too large for that official and recommended that his office be divided by a Iwccd-u; en partition and that the west `side be given to the Dounty`Cler'k for his office. His papers could accom- odated `in `the `vault, not now in:--use.__I ; al>|ouL'CIlol\JA.|9 V\Il.AU\ll.LAtl-vUIv~r\~ u v_._._ `cost only about; $455 and effect 9. aa- ving of `the vlarge amount which would be expendedj in hanlarging the present ` L T '9-.V't>h,0: ..G1"k'.fI7 93.: ;th_ A4 , p .1fnnu;n!:_ I i , '\J\JI-I-I V: In %~w=1 in i%F*?kF"::a;l would` also be saved. The Commit- tee asked `leave to [advertise for ten- d_ers for[`the work out-lined and that V -_ L1... .--,...a.I......... UJSLD LIIJ. Ia.lI\l IV suns; vuu -...-.~.. ...__ -_ it be begun asisoon as the `weather would permit. `the Sheriff being re- quest-ed `to .give Ell xprison labor. available`. V . , ' \ ,, --9_._-.'I .......J L-`Inn it V U-1-l`d|Jl.U_o ,_ \ The 'report was received and the Council adjourned until Tuesday. A Majoi` G. W. Bruce, Simcoe s newly elected Warden, was born in Tosse- rontio on January 26th, 1865 and is|| - 1--1__ `E)......... Van Iuuuu uu uau_uc.u_, ........, -...... ...-_ -_ l a son of the late John _Bruce, Esq"! , farmer. of Essa, in`.`whi-ch latter town-A ` ship `the subject of `this sketch spent 1 his youth. He received his (early edu- cation at the Alliston Public School and afterwards attended the Colle-` giate Institute in Collingwood, going from there to Victoria `University, from which institution he graduated in .1885, being the Gold Medalist of` his year in Modern Languages. Dur- I ing thefollowing year `he taught in` the Athens Collegiate Institute as` Classical Master and then entered the law office of W. '.G.'Fisher, of Allis- ton afterwards `being articled with: the .prominent .Toronto legal firms of W atson. Thorne, Smoke (8: Masten and Foy & Kelly. During his resi- dence in Toronto he -actively identi- : tified himself with the Young Con- .. lservative Club -`and held `the office . of Viceel?re\sident -for a term. He was called to the .'bar. with honors, _-_.. n , H,` __...... Inna-suds money Dy LUIS llluilllp lluvnaab u v v - +- on his person when arrested. There: `was a method in this kind of madness of which the Magistrate did not alp-_< prove, and the prisoner was warned it he continued in `this line of busi- ness and appeared againhe would be [sentenced "to three years. In Lthe meantime sentence would be "sus- pended, the `-money obtained to be cretunded. and the costs-paid. George smiled. This waseasy. "Neighboring towns would d'o well `to have an eye- on visiting younghnen with fur-lined coats and Ibeaver collars. V . ._ - 1: mL.` .12.. THE NEW WARDEN W35 IU'a.u.Uu. `cu uuv .-.n...., . . . . _ _ . _ _ _ . ,, in 1889 andin lithe same year began the practice of law "in Collingwood, where ..he `has resided since . ;that time. In `1898 `he was elected as a member of `the County Council and after serving "two terms .was elected as chairman of the {Finance Commit- tee. Two years later he was chosen to preside. over the deliberations of the Roads and Bridges Committee, when he had an opportunity, in con- junction wvith other progressive mem- bers of the Council :to formulate the great scheme which has lately gone into effect and which `has so mater- ially improved the roadways of the County. His active interest in Good Roads led -to his election by accla- mation to the responsible iposition of County Engineer-an honorary office, created by the Council. Major `Bruce. is a military officer and holds the - rank `which his title indicates, in the 35th Begt.` He. is a Past Master of Stayner Lodge,` A. F. .and A. M. and - a member of Mt. 'Calvary-Preceptory. 1 Knights Templar. and is also a mem- `ber of the Orange Order, the `Inde- pendent Order of Forresters and the Sons of Scotland. He was married three` years ago to Miss Ncllie Mc- Clelland. of Brampton. Major Bruce, in religion. is a Methodist. ` HENRY IS THE v1c'r1M1 LIBERAL NOMINEE m scum sm- oom SELECTED. I118 l.JlUc1"a1a vs uuuu. .......-.,-, _, convention , at Cookstomrn on Friday nominated W. G. Henry of Thornton as their standard-bearer for lithe next Dominion election. When nomina-- tions were called for, nine names were resented to the convention-.- \Ghas.v lliott. Brandford: G. T. So- mers. Beeton; Chas; Hewson. Barrie; John Duncan. Alliston: Dr. West. Angus; Geo. .0gilvie. Bradford; John Semple. Tecumseh; Thos. Robb, Tossorontio. and W;'C.!Henr . Thorn- ton. -._the latter nominated _ y_ G. T Somers and Jas. Allen, Innisfil. A11 o -'...;L:..`..A an '-fgvnr` nf Mr. Henry. ppqxun a retnred The Liberals of South Simcoe, in nn,--|___J.----... A... I4`:-inw iikemonsirali . of nnwholesome /matter from the human `system, is as necessary to health as is assimilation. -No matter what you eat or drink, if the sewers of the "body fail'b1ood poison ensues. Keep the kldneye well of you .wlIl be Ill. The standard remedy for A a kidney irregularities is the latest achievement of -medical science in its `A eort to aid nature in the process of elimination. It is made for the kidneys alone. Bu-Ju if faithfully e taken will cleanse the system, tone the nerves and ; muscles, and makea new man or woman of the suerer. 1. Beeton; Chas. newson, -pa;-nu , . Duncan. Alliston: ls; n orontio. W; C. 7Henr a}'Js:z_1_n<`1 .11e n, -........ .. rmr 11:-nrv_ _ ment to report" 0!`i`. iIh=8iJ1``ip`!)`Q!'C9t15"V9t0l'.`z& 1 0R1_LLIA---At the time 7of the dis- `cussion as to the `regulation of the lakes. the attention of (the yrrent. Valley Waterway vAa_soeie.`tio,n wa_, called to `the possib1e.(eeet"`~th.a't the work might have on fthe\ Trent Valley Canal. Nothing was heard fron_1.the_; Association atithe time. butt!-Wo:fd;.'1,1i1; now Ibeenhreoeived tha`t-Mr; Rpfgers. the Superintendent of the 'x'1 reiiii:;.Qt_t-3'5: 11:11. was instructed by .G:h'05 __. g .4. 4.: -aa;'.':w..-:i'u.I`..-".` '5ifni`.n' 1" 'i{3x'}.?'i J88. Allcu. .I..l.I1.I1at.1. 1n favor of Mr. Henry. Bxi=-J u 11: Y \Innvn\'-_ . IT. on. Dr. Fhos. 1r ! y _`:..n:I An T. When there is a pufflness under the Eyes St is 0. _certaln Indication the Kidneys are not working properly- There is danger hi neglect and the trouble should be `Immediately corrected. The most effective remedy is Your Money Back If Gin Px'ITDo No! Cum. turf fofthey act at-once and do their workbmost thoroughly. M1 'dru'!sts 50 eta. per box. 6 boxes for $2.50 or direct inn ,5... ._ -'.`...-.- 4-4|. 'I`llanlnhnlnQA ll-nu gr;-u:_ 4a o|V_.:-oauc. c-. o., wmmpzd. mu. . Ti 3 te` Kidneys. \'.l.'I1lS Wouxq Iuuwuyu tutu; uuu. . .0rillia and Peterboro curlers play- ed off `their first match for the Shep-i ~ herd$`Neill `trophy last` week. Pe- terboro won {by 34' shots. The Elmvale Lance says-"'I`he B. C. I. s of Barrie, played the local a hockey club on the-`rink here on Fri- lday evening last and a fairly good game was the result. The score end- ed 6 to" 3 'in favor of Elmvale and `that about indicates the "play `throughout. Not much combination work was done, but 1some good indivi- dual play resulted. For the home team Mills and Shanahan on` the wingsiplayed `the puck well, and Bit- | chie at centre made some good shoot- ing on `the visitors goal. Kenny as ro- ver was always in-`the game with his old time ability. while Mason, Ar- nold and Irwin played vcover-point, A] point and goal respectively with ef- lfectivenetss. For `the visitors (Mor- lgan was the pick of the forwards, Davidson played `a good game at ca- ver-lpoint and `Hunter put up an ex- cellent game `in goal. Harvey Ritchie made an efficient referee. and did 5 not have occasion to penalize a single ` player Iduring the match. Theat- |tendance `was fair. ' I On Thursday last the `two local `rinks of curlers which qualified for theffinals in the District Cup Com-t petition by defeating Orillia `the week previous, *went up to ?0ri_l1ia to meet Lakefield, the winners of `the East- ern section of the (District. On ar- riving'.in_ Orillia, the Barrie curlers found `that Lakefield had-adefaulted andlthe cup thus comes to Barrie this`- year. The names of the following players will be engraved am the e-m- blem as -the cup winners of 1904. 111' 117 I: r , ``f,',, `'_.,_.`a -v-v..... v--- v..`_. .____-._ A. Wallace,`-James` imes Patterson, Capt. Lyon, skip. .1? rn____!II h 1 ! .I.. (J-LUKJL U11, \JkAl)|at ;4_ vs; Dana Dr. jxrnall, A. J. 7N. :I`err`ill l-, R. H.` Webb, Dr. Palling, sk' . ,'- , .13.] _.-L J..__.._ Although Lakefield did not turn up `to play, the Icurlers had enjoyable games withtoorillia in both; the af- ternoon and the evening. Two other rinks from Barrie played against 0riI- lie at the same `timet They were made up of Geo. IChe~2r. John Neel-. junds. John Coffey, W . A. Boys, sk. G. Rankin. T. Crew, W. Johnston.- Alex. Habbick, sk. Orillia sends four rinks for the return match in the near future; 1.` ' ` ' Notice has been received by the Secretary, W. -A. Hewitt, of the O. H. A.. from Fred R. Hurst, manager of the Alliston Hockey Club. stating that Alliston had decided to default last night's game in Meaford. Mr. Hurst enumerates his reasons as fol-_ fowls;--We find it impossible to get together a team, on account of the condition of the players since the Bar- rie game. Last night (the 25th) we -were only able to get out four of Fri- day.`s team.. and were `beaten 7 to 6. Meaford `did tnot get here until 10.30 or 1045, and the gate receipts were spoiled. Besides. this. they brought a referee who didn t understand the -first thing about the game. He ad- mitted so himself afterwards. The! goal umpire also beat (us out of two games.s 111 one `the puck hit the net- of is li. hting his pipe at the time he-`went y what. he thought was the sound of the puck hitting the goal net. and gave themxa goal. `We have come 'to `the conclusion that there hockey `team under the circumstances. I mi ht mention. `in the first game - of It _e season Barrie played rtwo , -`senior pla ers--Williams and; Scha- . the score `being 4410 3. tin above his head. but on account. L `is no use trying -`to support a junior _ .fer-aga1ns us. and won {by one goal, Late Spotting News 1116111 . L0 '1'UpU.l'la UH '\IVM-3 ya vyvwvu v_-.----:7'. as it might effect -(theV.oanal. -qgd g._s result has. mad9%4Aawrx-M9998**?!J%-+ _ AL- ....--In Ion

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