Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Feb 1904, p. 2

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_DB.`W. A. ROSS. PHYSICIAN. BUR- T_IE__ 1' `V.x' "rcoss. L. L.- 3.. mrmrs. 'L-.. -'I!_2L.._ `L- `I).._I_ -3 |I`aunngn, SIEWART & STEWART. BARBIE- 1"\_-I_`I2_ `THOMAS KENNEDY & co.. ARCHI- tqots. Bothwellfs Block. Barrie. Hours.11 to 1; 7 to 8. Residence and Office, Corner of Dunlop _a,nd Poyntz Street; ` '._ 6; H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 370.000 FOB INVESTMENT ON GOOD ANY Qummrir on _ MONEY TO LEN Nox.cOWAN an BROWN. BAR- n_:- -2.L-__. A-.. _|.1._: _ . _ _ _ .... fioe and residence, 18 Owen street. DR. J. PALLING. GRADUATE OF. Trinit University. Toronto. Fel- low 0 Trinity Medical College Member of the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of Ontario. Ot- `Ami 1-'e3a's' {J.}.{ 1s-w.}{Ju}Jr'. _ Published from the Office, :33 Dunlop Sttoct. Barrie in the County of Simeoo. the Pto- vlnco of Ontario. Canada. cvary Thursday Morning, by ,sAMur:I. WESLEY. PROPRIETQR; `ram 01 suucnumon. _ ;`r:*;-A;.`BADE1*I.HURS'r. BARRISTER, ` c1-19-u_-_ _ ru_ . _ . . ..... I STRATHY & ESTEN. BARRISTERS. DR._J. ARTHUR ROSS. L. R; 0. P. & 8., Edinburg; M. F. P. & 8., Glasgow, member of the British Op- thalmologioal Society. Specialty.- Diseases of the Eye. Ear, Throat and Nose. "Office. 78 Dunlop street, Saunders Block, "Barrie, opposite Post-Office. and Railwa btation. Phone.. 54; P. 0. Box. 9 . yuunv. Jlnlulp 090. LIIBEIIIOEIOIIB [Elli with Shrathy & Eaten; Solicitors. Bank ct Toronto Building. Barrie. wzll be promptly, ptteoded to. THE BALL PLANING MILL cou- .___._ n-_,-,,x. 0 ,HE_W'SON & CRESWICKE. BAR- is. s.. `BROAD. M. 1).. c. M.. F. r. M. 0.. L. C. P.`S.._ 0.. late resident Physician and Surgeon of Toron- to General Hospital. with special at- tention to Diseases of Women. and Nose and Throat Work. also for some time surgeon in charge of Emergency Hospital. Toronto. Of- A ee and-night residence, upstairs in McCarthy _Block. 21 Dunlop St.. Barrie. second door east of Dougall Bros. furniture warerooms. near Five Points. -Phone.. 105. ik . A "1'. 1Amus'r'E' B. s"`oL1of'ro`B. _L- -vv-.._, - weoii. 8I'o.. .L. B. rYsf.'EEih'.L $.12. . 13.. London. Offices and ni ht residence. 'Brown s Block. Dun op street. Barrie. _Telephone. 7'1. 0 I 2.20 a. m. Ft)-;-0-1'.illia .North Bay and S00. 0 _ `I 11.84 a. m. For Gravenhurst, Soo-4 tia Junction and Parri Sound. 1|. 12.59 p. m. For Musko a Wharf. ' 5' 4.00 p. m. For Orillia. North Bay `and points West. -. 9.24 p. m. For Orillia. 11.15 p. m. For Penetanc. 001- . 1111 wood. AM'.e, ' 1| 12.1 p. m. For Penetauzf. 1.3.40 p.m. _For Stayner an Calling- wood. _ " #2..'":..:`.::.?"`a"8' *"n=~ ~.p..l| Da1ly_exoepi- Sunday. ' daily. Advertise in The Advance "Elie" 0" 5."n';'J; E.-I in. '6}{1`.' '29.). Office and residence, corner of dwena-nd Collier streets. Barrie. gw u--vgiy onto v .-can Q eovnrw cw "loan on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers` noterdisoounted. Colleo-J txons made in any part of the Goun- - By. Real estate bought. and sold. onveyanoing in all its branches. Marria e Licenses issued. Office. `Ross B ook. Dunlap street. Barrie. 'ub.l'J VI LDLIL UV hung` vv `any- tors,` Solicitors. Notaries Public. and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Office. 13 Owen -St., Barrie. H. D. Stew.- art. L. L. D.. D. M. Stewart. -3`: vj`-1-I $3. TAVXIL CY loan at 41-2 and 5 per cent. Easy terms of repayment. Lennox. Oowan & Brown. Solicitors. Burris-: tars. oto. Qvwuunuy iv 1:. :-------._ V "Solicitor. etc. gunk of Toron- ` to Building; Barrje. Money to loan. VI 2915) Qulhna-UQDJQC-Ia.vp I-w:-w-zv-v Proctor.-Notary. Conveyanoer. etc Special attention in drawing and probating wills. obtaining letters of administration and guardianship. `collecting accounts; etc. Offices, Roast Block. Barrie. Money to loan.` '-"s.o1icitors_ in Hig1I"c;u;r-for -`-J_Vuv|:-' tics. Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Offices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards. to loan at 5 per` cent. H. H.,Strathy. K. 0., G. 11.] Esten. _ - 'Iv'vww - v.` -.y w -------;-u- vow wuvnrar freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No prmoi al money re- mred unt1l and o the term. H. . Strathy. Solicitor. eto.. Barrie. __---- g`V \ all--A-I IJ\ JIL- '(p;ny. Garpentering. building. and `manufacturing of doors. sash. blinds mouldings, etc. Planin of all kinds done gromptly an -satisfa,o- to;'i1y.'Hot last drying kiln. D15- tr1ot~ agency for grained lumber. Eaotor. Baytield St, Barrie. Bod - are & allie._suoc_eaaors to Geo. Ba. . "Frank Jackson? A /\1 1-.1\~I\u-uni` A -rriiru Imsvgvvaap vv vv .-...u v. __--v .. ._., _____ risters;`,So_1icitors for, ob.ta_ining pro- ba.te-ofwxlls, guardianshx and ad- mmistration; and `general `olicitors. Notaries. .Conveyancers. etc. Of_- fices. Hinds Block.` No, 6. Dunlop street. Barrie. Money to loan at 41-2 and 5'per cent. Branch Of- fices at Creemore and Allistbn. Haughton Lennox. Alex. Cowan. G. E. J. Brown. L. L. B. ?:`a'r'iom L`:';x;Jd`S`1:r`vegyu;rs`,u E 1? g*i;1e::';".?.-, etc. Established 1 52. 0ffice,M'.cdi- cal Building. 8. E. corner Richmond -and Ba streets. Toronto. Tele- phaneo ain. 1338. Instructions left _I:31J1,.; _Solgito1;s. `Dank .1 lI'\-._-..L- cor 9'-Q--1-1 --u - .-----' .---_-_---- _ :_ Attorney. Solicitor in Chaucer); Conveyanoer, etc. , .0ffice. first door. Owen stregt. over Bank of Commerce. Barne. A J.` I'LL`; 4ll.Ul.`|n'l.L G tario Land Surve % nn 'G.nd-nlmli.-.`InAJ 1 E u-ow-v w-__..v _____ Vristers. So-l.icitors oi -the upvxgme of Judicature of Ontario, Prootors. Notaries, Conveyancers. etc. Moneyto loan. Offices. Ross Block. Barrie. O. E. Hewson, A. E. H. Creswicke. Court - DR. R. P VIVIAN, MAN UFAOTUREBB. HOMOEOPATHIST. MONEY. 1'0 LOAN; KARCHITECTS. i v out on the, St. Maryis-Iaondon i line having been completely closed la_st_'night by snow. this train had to be sent round by (Woodstock: :With such compulsory disorganization. of `the service is it {to be wondered at that trains should be late"! It -the ~5l'.'oronto press twzere as zanxious to as- certain the ftruth regarding the'sit- cation as .they are to find fault` they mud discover grounds for. giving ` the railway management some cred-i it Ior `trying to meet an exceptional Jltuation `to the best not their ability. PHYSICIANS. stmvmrom FINANCIAL. HATE? THE,;'NORTHE'RN Aowmcz RLDDIIE nu... You cangetthe bestAuthrl.cite coals, Ste ,E . `Dd Nut. 8% 10"! prices. with discount fger cag; tdefI and have I dehvepd anv time you want it. Oceo at A. Mama 3. V.S., 6: Collier street ' Int! 3. Purim : rjvnru Ro...I.. An..-A..I- [ Bargain, W ' om: IV Trix Anxcn a proven to have by; th8_13l'E68t cirgulation of any,pape,- in ti: County Town. Avrnitl-`ning-`bu A-A ..L-....__1 , \JIII`IIUJ &V"IlI Advertisements are charged according to space-I8 lines agate measure mnke one inch. jut: ____ ____ _ ___ . --a nnuagww Legal Nstices, Auction Sales A eto.-First insertion 10 cents })erm;]i:;} 3 subsequent insertion 5 cents per line. `Rmdino non :-an `In am-ma ha: 1:... 1-4,, .. guculj uv Auuvs uuu. U ucutu 1161' 11118. `Reading notices, 10 cents per line for m insertion ; 5 cents per line for each subsequent insertion of the same matter. All items un. der 5 lines, of this character, charged as 5 lines. Obituary Poetry 5c. per line. CHEAP COAL -_AI_uDwooD Sc a `an 11,84 Ju p pt :24 11.15 p 12.15? - pm 1 wood. 8.00 .1 1 referredl positions for local advertise ments in the paper will be sold at an advance -of one-third on above rates, on no other ac. count will special positions be given. This rulovwill be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. A Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisements `must be handed into the oce not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in T11]: ADVANCE oice not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advertiser's announcem ent may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. '0 nilonnna A `J-an-L-`-..._._-.L- -11 `I Jun. au unvu: nu: xcqulruu, CUIDPOSIUOD rates will be charged. ' _ Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad.- vertisements. _ -_.__.........' an r n-.-:..uu;anInA11De Condensed advertisements on first page even as wants `of all kinds, lost and found. property for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc.. etc., must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-hrst insertion 2 cents per word, each eubse uent insertion 1 cent per word (names, adldresses and gures counted an words); but a reduction of one _cent per word will be made when the number of insertion. of the same matter exceed four. Out: for advertisements must In every cue be mounted on wild metal bases. unseen A. Morren's. 61' Barrie. and B. Parker : Livery Staolca. Allandale Hospital_ or |Won_\en :i:::;::. yew:-r All Cases Accepted. Call or.w rite M. Brysnn, I32 York 81., Buffalo {V 7' Lil 12 ciaanges of Advertisements allowed peg {$113M gorgfalare required, composition Rnrxzsznar -ran Fonnowma Fuzz Ixscuxce Comwmms: The Mercantile, of Ontario. and The Lon- don 85 Lancashlre of Liverpool. The Waterloo Mutual. of Waterloo. Ont, The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. On t- The Standard Mutual, of Markham, Ont. Also Lloyd's Plate Glass Insurance 0 om- pany. of New York. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Ac- counts oollected. &c. Oice over Hambly & Baker's Hardware Store, Barrie. Ont. Quins leave Barrie for and arrive .hom the under mentioned places as inows: _ _ n ' 3 `L41 9.. m. For Newmarket,'.l.`oron- 'IA'....l-......| mill: nA:nI-u nnnf H` but It ' "(H E d I z=..u.="; .., a.`.".1a3:'.}`82'...,`.'.z..-J` ?"3f.e; ?f hereon. Aunlv . . A1'Ie_Ios.FsMrrH ENDOWMENT INSURANCE POLICIES Pm Ann sswms MACHINE FOl3_ALE A Dominion Square Piano, nearly new, and R3) mod.Se' Mb 1 .5 ms - A1)"vAN'c"|3:"oF1='-c:'1'f' '" "' " '.;r ro II IKIIX, Ill renal ereon. Apply -p- C""'l PARKER 1. MEEEENS $5321: .(8tratford jaeacon. Jan. 21\). ' .l.`here is a good Ideal of unreason- nbleness in the criticism by some To- W ronto journals on the Grand Trunk management in the present `trying bltuation in this section of Ontario. (Whatever grounds there may have been tor complaints against the ser- .vice last fall. there have been less for that of the A,win.t7er service so far. Not for many. manywears has there been such a heavy snowfall so early in the ._winter as in this season. Many cuttings have been filled up and the almost daily 'fl'urries and high winds have rendered .`them almost impass- ible, yet the lines [have been ` kept Aspen `and operated with as little de- lay ;as possible. In the old days, when -such conditions existed. the lines were trequently plosed for days tandsome- times as long as `a week, and Jtherc. was less complaint then than now, when the lines are kept open. As an illustration of the difiicultiesthe y management are working under their endeavors Ito meet them. zwe may cite the case of the 'London1~(1`orcin~to train ..toi-ay. (5 COMMERCIAL CONTRACT BATES. (succnsson 'ro Scnoccns & Smm.) CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. THOS. SMITH. `Cod going, but by ordering from Insurance Agent Conveyancer, 63. mmsxnnw ADVERTISING :9 .o Snizpnoa. or `Iv uqv ur- doglor. "+fug;~omH=a.qrov.mE A4, 1904 O. H. LvoN_ Box, 130. Barrie ` Mr. R. 12. Gan__1ey (M. P. 1>.. `of Mani-% toulin. will address the )Young Men s -Oorniservative Club "in Cookstown on Saturday afternoon -next at 1.30 ' Idolock. `I-`I1 E. In. 1101` .l.V6VVlI1E1'.ISUL, J.u.L'uu- to. Montreal and pointsoast. I 7.58 a. m. For Newmarket. Aurora and Toronto. ' I 5 12.16 p. m. For ..Newmarket- and . , Toronto. . V '_V5.v26 p. m. `For Newmarket. Toron- to. Montreal and East. No new name will be added to th S uhncription Lin until the money in paid. 1, ,.|____ _...I Premier Ross says he prefers bar- naoles to a pirate ion his ship`. .Well, why doesn t `he getzrid of `the pirate -then? _ I` . ` Gomptition ninay be the life `of trade but not to such an extent; "as in warrant the Dominion of Canada ivonusing {the Grand Trunk Pagifio to Ibuild an opposition line" to -the Inleroolonial `(from Halifax `to `Mon-' heal. . 3|-D IIIIIII UIIU ulvuvy II funne- Subecrlben now in arrears for three month: and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. 01 per m .4d1)ance Unreasonable Criticism. EDITORIAL NOTES Mlli '61` PE>1'i'f1'1X1Es' VBAIRRIE RAILWAY GUIDE 51`IN\\Iv.v ;' ~"`.1,A%f:1i"T:1`\.` i`."`9.f and}?! *h=r J.*1.**` 'tI1V_g.'t .g_1ie;-1iiV:c i`:a;.;pt fwrek. that3== gene- . `to deo.&th7.---- the sufferer will j be`-V Ameroifu?l1y*-put __._._-----_a .- v..v -v-w.--v paw "Mr. Borden has made an `excellent impression during his recent tour in the Eastern Townships. Though the elections are how delayed, this per- sonal canvass of an important district by ._the Consepvative leader -has been by no means lost time. He. is possess- ed of a personality which gains in impressiveness .by closeness of `con- tacjt-rather _a (rare quality in. pub- lic men-and it wouldfbe impossible that he should come font of a series of meetings with a thoughtful and intelligent community like that of the manufacturing ` Eastern -Town-' ships `.withou't . haying greatly increas- ed his prestige and strength. - -A chief may be as silent man. Human leadership is :1. power apart. ,This power `Mr. Borden possesses in a large degree. His selection as `lead- er of the opposition in parliament was not. accident; nor the result merely of clashing interests. He wasaman and is -a `man-Twho commands confi- dence at sight.` He has the calm-V ness. the A cool judgment. the con.- structive` power which men ;o' ex- perience like .I:o se,e&n."those to vwhom they commit their interestsf` lnHis lack of `Parlimentary experience they felt would he overcome: While, had he lacked "the -essential {qualities of leadership. . no .'d_etn`ess of` oor. tac- tics` would have ever proved "a sub-g stitute. tor !t,h8m-`.1 ` 7 I, . `I 11 `V 'I`faUx,z`1il"i:on nspectatoj" say {that tho North Oxford Grits who voted on .the 26th are (the "soft; who would go 'through an fa"tmosphereas'7hot as this is hold for the sake of the Ross Gov`ern.r'nent. _ . . . _ . _ . V- .ug.-v.u..u ; On the platform he `is not -moving so much 'as_ argumentative.(:. Audi- ences feel at times `as if he were pay- ing them .-a. high loomplimentof "ad- dressing himself -to them -,under `the- impression that they are judges ra- therlthan 'jurorsl. is.iIa~ sense that 'what.he is sayingds important. and.` not merely partizan talk reel- ed out. ,machine-faafhiona. Impress- iveness: is. per_haps,his<}h_ief note, an'd_- Edward Blake end Da-1jt o:n_ vMoCar,thy the ;.publ_i1D: , f31`19)\1 ; to! -_w,rho'm'.~ -:11-e.=.. .mi`ght7 .'1`he Leamtinwgton `News says `the to- baoeo industry has made =thu.t_ town. A farmer `who wasstaggeringt along. under a" `debt he Ooouldvnot pay _a few years ago was advised to grow to- b a1oco. Now `he `has his farm clear and money in the 'bank"to_ buy. an other; Farmers `by the score are real- ising over $150 per acre from their tobaoco crop this year 'and many have done still better. One man .drew;$1.- 702.80 for {the yieldjof ten'.~ An-L other $1,350.86 for the crop or: 6 1-44 aor'eL `Another $728.40 off 4 `acres. Another` $146.25 off half an acre. An- other $338.40- off 1 1-2 acres. Such returns ?weref'formerly impossible but have been made so -by knowledge and economy. V .3 . 4 `A writer, who has spent some time in Russia says :-V-"Speaking, of hors- es. there is anotaibleq lawiin effect in most of the large Russian towns con cerning Jthem that deseirheis $P0.0ial attention. Among-.the curious things that arrest the attention on arriv- ing in `Moscow is {the entire absence of Iwhips among drivers of cabs, car-5 riages, and all sorts of vehicles. On enquiry ' It was informed `that there was a law prohibiting their use. I do not believe there his a single whip in use in (Moscow. The excellent condition of the horses attests the benefit of this humane l aw_.i--The law, however. will not effeetithe whip trade `to any extent, as the manufac- turers will doubtless still (do a- flour- ishing business in supplying the pub- lie with fancy knouts. 'as`the whip; ping post is st_ill extensively usedvin` Darkest Russia. . A 1 i V Hash .v.t9illi_`probe_blyv be honoxfed by_ `U. S . governmental `recognition, Com- missary .U. S,,offioe1"s in different parts _of."'t`he_ country. under orders to make experiments. in_ the use of hash. have Aianssuedeanned hash to some of the troop_s.'with most satisfacto..r.y' results. If "future experiments are as esatisf-actor-y hash will probably be introduced as a part of the srafciori of the army.` , 1 Of `the -`leader of {the Con.:ser'rvative party. Mr. R. L.-(Borden. Mr. J. S. Willison. late editor-in-chief of the Toronto `Globe, and the choice of Sir Wilfrid Laurier as (che. most fit- ting person to chronicle the events of the life of Canada's premier. says editorially in `the Toronto News :- .l'll__ -n__;_-_ 1 __n__L Mr. Wjllison l5rai'ses Z A T_ L. Borden. `}in%5?P In Mr. R. bH1LnnEN's _. __-_n- ~._-~ ..- v-- `-1.. copy... vow- v .... . , _ Further. the Society has not: yet._ succeeded in". interesting a sufficient number of persons.'q'ualified iby dis- position and intelligence to give suit- able homes to its rwards. many of those who make apP'.lication`tforchild- ren, having no thought ybeyoml get,- ting cheap help.,and much care has to be used. ` It is a matter of extreme gratification. however, that so large a `measure of success `has attended- the effor,-ts of the Society, to secure the bomfort. and discipline of home life for its wards. I ,_ - Another diflficu-let situation is `crea-g ted when `sympagthy is ienlisted an be-. ' haljv_.~of`lthe parents who have been adjudged unfit to _retain the `over- sight" .'of,w'their children; Appealsiare frequently made `to. the Society? by `kind hearted `friends. looking `Ito the returngof 'the'ch.ildr`en.or_at least to the ne1"mission'of correspondence with the parents; U'.l`hese embarrassing -of-' ticesf of "frAie,qn ,dship would ;be- less fre.` q-uent it lwferef ybownev in mind that the `I1`Sefulnj_ess.,-`bf the Bociety depends "9 ii." bi"`~3``=9 svermmnttei P{Il>licMeetin ixqld in the 5 Townjall last. week. . -m; snc31gTAfRY'f1'nPonT' or ran: I '. YEAR---LEO'rUBE BY A. nmv; 1a`a._ ATKINSON.` ` ~ - - '.l`he aiinuzil public meeting. .in'_oo1il-I na.o%tio1_1 with the local branch of the: Children s Aid `Society was held in the Town` `Hall on "the evening of `January "27th. "when the attendance was gratifyingly` large. showing that the citizens are awakening to'a lively appreoiati-on_.\of the great good done by this soci_- t,y. . wp , .-r1- r1- n;;__L1-_. 17 ff -n_-..:.1.....I -suitable da`fe'. J AThe Society '-to its lgreat regret? and loss_ was early last year deprived of the services of `its wise and de- voted` secretary. :the Rev. (;D. B. Hark- ness, who wasoblidged through pres- sure of other duties [to decline re- election, but `generously continued `to act `through `two busy months till his suocessyor. the `present secretary was elected. in March Through the val- uable assist'ance of th9._Pre'pide,nt, who is `devoted to the '{Society`s work, and very ' cheerfully responds to every call upon ;-his time. your present Se- cretary has `been enabled `to carry the -work forward Without. it may be hoped, -any serious falling off in energy or efficiency. 1" i 1 _ H` ,. (I1, __ v-V- J -- w-----v--uya - Thanks is especially, due `fa S.he4r-. iff Drury. who has lre1'1dered valu- able, service on several occasions. to Mr. Donald Ross, the Society s hon- orary legal adviser, and `to Chief King, the [vigilant agent of the Society. _ .-1.-_--I.-11.- _._;_1.. -1: _v- Y`- ._-- v..v -.'v---J - ----:_. During .the. wear the cases of 36 children had `the careful "consideration of the Society. _' -Ten children 'wers made wards. 7. by Ju'dge s order. and three by transference of fguardianq ship. A mumber of children. A not wards of `the Society. came within the scope of its work. In one instance, in- volving 4chi1dren, where the Society was successful in securing an improve- ment in `the home (conditions; A"si- milar case is now (engaging the at- tention of the Society. One ward from the shelter in Toronto was suit-~ ably placed in the meighborhood of Barrie. Two of the Society s wards, after some months in foster homes, were restored -to their `parents. in the hope that a sufficient -measure of .refo1vnation"in (the home and its surroundings had `taken place. i-In two instances the Society _was unable to take action be`hof the re- moval of families beyond its juris~ diction. In three cases the Society s `action resulted in saving the child- ren `from `committal to "Beformatory institutions. with the added result of .a `considerable saving of expense to the County. T The `difficulties encountered by the Society in `the performance of its of- tentimes delicate work arise `in var- ious ways. For one thing the utmost care has been exercised in consider- ingcases from time .to time brought to `the notice of the Society with a view to having legal action taken. to be sure that there lure = sufficient grounds. and friends" interested in the welfare of children, and moved to in- tertere`,in behalf of 'ls'u1ch as may seem to `be living under conditions that leave much tobe `desired. will bear perhaps to be reminded .`that the con- ditions of child's home may .be un-\ satisfactory in some respects. and :will'be far in advance of the point at. which magistrates would feel justi-_ tied in deprivingyparentsor guardians of `their rights in--`respect of the children under their care. (- I 1:1.....4.I...... 4.1.`. n--:-.u._ 1.-- .._L _`,'-L by rams VBoc1 e;_L,y_. _ Mr. `H. Strathy, K. 0., -President of `the "Society, presided (and Rev. Mr. Keam T opened `the meeting Jwith pray- er, after `which the Secretary, Rev.- C. S. Peqley, read his annual report as appended :- . ' - T b. _1`hc`-'meetTir'1g head 'to-night {was originally fixed for atdate in Decem- ber last, according todthe Society's custom. But circumstances arose which made it ad-visablefto defer"-the meeting to the be.ginm n'g of the New Year` and We have (`taken the earliest __ _ _ _ , V .._-uc _of $50.fto the `Sooiety s funds. vac`: Isuufvvbfw up-cvggu w- '..v ---'v-v- Special mention should be made'oE the g'enero'sity of the Barrie Town Council. which last year `made a grant b an shilohfs Consumption The Lung Tonic; The `MAs'rn'R.McnLi~xIos PURE -TAR SOAP heals andboftons the skin while; promptly cleansing it of grease. oil. rust. etc. Invaluable for mechan- ;l\. `Q10!!! A11 nvslnlhl-nun an '!4`I3'n"Ia` H.` I_- '-._v_ -......---_ ,-..._v It islnoped that in the coming year it may be possible to advance the msefulness of the Society by enlist- ing ~.mor_e `fully the organized help of friends in bvountry centres outside of I Barrieu T K ' It `.will not be` inappropriate, in clos- ing this report, to `make grateful re- ference } to the continued interest manifested by the Legislature of the Province. irrespective of party. in . the welfare of children who from any `cause come under the observa- tion of the courts. _'Att.ention may be called to `an Act_ `passed in the last _ session. `to amend the Children's Pro-' tection Act. `which in addition `to some provisions `designed to; addto the efficiency of Children s Aid So- cietys contains `clauses framed spe- cifically to protect children charg- ed with offences against the laws of Ontario from the c-ontj-aminating in- fluences of Igaol life. Bylone of these clauses it is placed `within the power of any judge before whom any such child.-being apparently under 16 years of age is charged. to decline to -`make a conviction. and instead, to hand the child over to a Probation officer, who may be a representative of -the Children s Aid Society. nother clause absolutely. forbids the com- mittal of any child iunderfourtseen, charged with an offence against-the laws of Ontario, and pending trial. to any gaol or police: statiqn; for-4 bids sheriffs and gaolers :to receive any ;such child eveai if committed`, and require_ authorities in the case to -make Suitable other `arrange-4 ments for .'the` safe"-keeping of such child_ during ;`the period elapsing be- fore `the trial. _ ' _ . . 6 -v:I"he'S.-3fp;).;i.S'iVOnS. wiil c_rtainly hom- mend ' themselves fto the members of the Society and to all lovers of `child? ren who are mindful of the obligau tion laid *u on` all !men not to put stumbling Tb ooks in the {path of the 01195. i 1` `I1 _` ___L.4-. . .. .1. on "The Weekly "farmers business paper. -promises to be even more inteyesting to the farmers _in 1904 then m thepast. The Sun is one bf theitewpapers that flaoes the far-1 mer a interest before al others. Suh- soriptions may beleft at The Advance Offnoe. A uu. LIASI-g GLO. ulvuxuame I01` 1113011811- 103, faxjmers. spcirtamen. FREE `cake an` `receipt `of! 20 for " postage. Albert Toilet; Soap C.o..; Ht.-d.. Montreal. cilitate the return of children to their natural. homes in all cases where. within a reasonable '.time and before the children" have 1'b'een satis- factorily and permanently placed else- where. the conditions` have so im- proved as to justify it._ But the in- terests of. `the children eclipse all other 'consid.~era.tionsA. ' ,. " little one.'s. All of which is [respectfully sub-. mitted. - -, C. S. Pedley, Secretary. Rev. R. Atkinson. of St. Giles Pres- byterian. Church, Toronto. then gave an illustrated lecture on Child Saving. which proved most instructive. Dur- ing the evening Mr. -J.'B. Edwards kindly." contributed several vocal se- lections. Rev. -`Mr. Chestnut brought the meeting to a plose by pronounc- ing the .--Tbenediotion. . .Iunza one A or : PIII at bedtime insures "3 9? action next morning. = Doctoors-* rs: prescfibdz Aye'r ,s Cherry Pectoral over you yearawuo. They use it {today morexhano-ever. I Ihey rely upon it for colds, coughs, bronchitis, consumpuoq. They will` tell you how l-t! heals inamed lungs, ' - 3.: .......I. 0... Oiuun CAlfI_ nu L-) _ V$lC Illlvolnuvt -1-aw.` . .-nu voryindoonghf three . when I trial Ayn : ohm ; rocgm. y sore 1:35`: gen noon hetlodsmlmy Qongh dropped Km gel! '00 ":"1u. run. nun. Guthrie Ia. - IIHIIQCII-ID HI Vrllllll II-Ivyyv-I w n Avuonn, Worry _vvo t cuie 5. cough. When you rid a cough holdirig on % 'TTI.`,` .-.-when everything also has ` o - o failed-_-tr!" ] Low 11 ghs mcojs 25c., sac. and suoo %CTierrv% Pectora Bfttgr [Thu Ever St.` Johno N WIn_n| an I luv_ sycuanusvcu by bullio Try..a. bottle:-4 if it doesn't Cure you we ll' refund your money. It A-is`, guaranteed t? turns . ' s. c. WELLS a; co. ' U Toccata, cm. Ldloy, Nat. V ; -;4v:ao.1;`{gh. mluding Igingn and latoh",.................Q2.75 4: taint high; f.nolu,!l_i1g.`h;1:ioI and latch ;.;.........,... 5.75 `Tho no-aw -v-._ -, a. o. mm 83.. Lowell. Mass. H. T. ARNALL, M. bD."C. Mu OFFICE in Bothwe1l s Block. Allandale. On the premises at night. %1T.W.i.Jc. smm. L. c. P. 3.. ONT}. A ' Chancellor Anagram. gs: th`e,.Q1:1:ioa :89 ;..(."T'n.Zflv"Oi.'1`.`it`y'- P398668 11 Mai???`

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