IN uusnnsrs or .3Anmn.:: fun fcdt}n'r1r or Vsgpqoon ~13:A1zE,V%(o1{1*%YF`or SIMCOE, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 4,1904.` ha; 7 1;; Snreek. IJIDIJJ . . VI VVZI Dr. Eapt. of New `Lowell. was in town on Friday last. train _I IIIL -_.,,_ J 'l1._-.I.l-_..I L-.. ` Iouvv A: vs: a. an g-up-J ---.nn 1 Miss `Ethel Thorpe"-. of Bradford. has been visiting Miss Bertha Rodgers. John street. -`I u 1' 1110,. -_!_--._ ll \lI-Ill uvl. vvvn Mr. Norman Black. of_ Winnipeg, is in `town fora. few weeks lookingup old `friends. ' . ; ~ - up In -11' 11,!) _A 'nl':.`l ` \"\I LL IIJIJUXO I Mr. and Mrs. J. NV. Bald. of Mid- land `are visiting` friends here. for a few `days. - - , Mrs. Alex. Coleman, of Banda. was It &V VI \A\QJ `in in `town `on Monday and Tuesday vi-T siting friends. ( " ___ .'lf_'l'7__ _--:II ---....... L1... Llulue LII ALIA Rev. VTos.mMoKee_.will. `occupy the pulpit of the Cookstown` _Presbyter ian `Church on Sunday. `-" ~ I -4- _..L___.._.I ._ UL--- `all gll `Cl VI-I \IIJ EIIII-l\lIbJ I Miss.'Janet Spry returhed on Tues-. day from Toronto. where she has been `spending a few-days. v1_______ .'|r-1\-.._I_1 -5 Il':.....-.. DI`-IIILI Lit!`-ILJIAIQJID v- --..- _-~., .. Mrs. Henry McD naid_,'of Minnea- polis. is visiting her `sister Mrs. Martin Burton. Toronto street. "i&{;7 E1}"'nc';.i. .$: Toronto. is `the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. `G. Blow. John street North. Lu-Jul run ---v-vg `rice-one ~-_v-_ _.-.. `Toront; . Globe-Miss Annie I/1'1;-V -Conkey, of Barrie. is staying `with |Mrs. James Watson in Spadina Ave. .` , I 1 nil`..- `I A `U116. UGILIUQ vv uvuuu Lu. -ulauunuw -- :Penetang Herald-"Mrs. L. A. Luck; of Barrie. with vMiss'Una, is visiting her daughter. Mrs. James ' I i t - , ` __|-n -5 ~n__..___:'I1- :.. :... Llgvnyg v Mrs. Macdonald. of Dunnville. is in town fora fe-wlweeks `and is Staying with her. parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cotter. g It 1: _ ,__,c11 LI! 9'-II; DUI I `The bachelors" of the Forum` will `take up residence in. Judge MaoWa'.tt s house on {Dunlop street. on. the first of_I_Maroh. A u` in II _,, I\-_____o, UL 3&B|& VIA! The death of Rev. Fether Bengin, formerly Dean of Barrietook place in Dixie "last week. He usuooumbe to an attack of pneumonia. L * Miss Fraser. head milliner for Bar- jeant '& `Smith has gone to New York to study the European and Ameri- can -spring `fashions in millinery.=, -I-4' '--=___-_-__.'-'- ~ A -.._- _`___.`, - Mrs. James Edwards is `convalesc- ingefter. a serious illness of sever-' 9.1. weeks duration. She is staying with Mrs. E. F. King. Bradford St. The Toronto News says-Th`e Mis- ses Whish of Barrie. were in town one Saturday. They came to see the hockey match played betwddn the teams. St, George and Barrie." Mr. R`. A. Stephens has rented his Peel street `residence to (Mr. M. L. Evely, of `the Barrie Carriage 00. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens are residing r--v~ -cur -jun foi'"`i:he :preseht... with .'the latter s pa- rents. Mr. and Mrs. J. E- Willmot. TEE BEAR AS X`;1 a-:;raEn PROGNOS- -'rIcA'roE-HE MADE` ms FIRST APPEARANCE TUESDAY. I The weather during the winters T_and springs seems td have been nar-1 rowly watched for many hundreds of years and the chances of? a good har- vest. a `fat `pasture. or a `loaded `ur~ chard inferred `from the `experience of `previous years. combined with a fair reliance `upon fortune. Some of these . pijedictions, y though , .no'c strengthened `Tby modern observation axe notto be. {altogether despised or thrown` aside. The sayings of French. Scotch and English agree in many -particulars-.-such; for; instance as` those referringlto icand-lemas Day `and the .ear1y__par`tAof February gem` Au'a.u_y .` V T The bear homes out an the,2nd of Fe*bruary.`x(Gandloma.s Day). and if he sees his shadow "I16 returns for six weeks; ~~ - -- ~ 6 ' -I A 1\-._ 21.` 2.. 1...l..1..l- all `WUULBI ` ' I;;.'on.Oand1emas Day it` is bright and "clear the; ground hdg will stay in his `den, thus indicating `that more snow `and ooldT' to come, but it it snows orLr.i'naAI1e will creep out, `as the winter is tended. (German.) ' ` -,,_;.1-.9 ___.|.I._._ ..-- LL- "that the sun. U5 LLIV VVLIIDUI. ID `vlgvavuu V The shepherd wourd .ret\her see the wolf enter his fold Ion Cancemas Day ma won-av--v, -_ -I-.1_I.__-___._ n.._1- _..-:-.-us _u.-u.I_. tux: sun. It a storm on February 2nd. spring is near; but it the day be bright and clear `the spring will_be late, 11- um- __---.._.'I `L-.. 2.. ...c..-`Snap `RC1-n. .3. gnu. .. ' ++++++++++++4;;;$++++++$1 Dita]. LEV Byllll VVIIL. wv nu-vvu If `the ground hog is sunning him- self: on 2nd of February. he will re- turn for four `weeks to. his winter Iquarters.` - - L ~ ( -. . us 1-- .|n._.9..1_.L' _._.I \`\-In- var. -. If; Candle. as. Day be -`bright and I olea_r._ _ _ V Com-2 and `fruits will then be dear. `It Candlemas Dayfbe fair and bright. Winier will h_a ve another night. But if Candlemas -Day brings clouds and raih. . 4` ' \ Winter is `gone and won't come again. ' ,- The ,_month that comes in good will go out had. ~ -_;_.-__i ....;;..~.: -1.5. -"r`....`...`.a...r.`.'m. moi.-. 0 0111- vane `l . January warm. `the Lord have met.- gyl` _(Ja`m;s,ry4of this year._l_1V8-8__L any.-. Vthinsj hut%Vwm) % < V` -r ;..s;;-_=...e;~-:-.:'zm:;....-: n'b|h-:"I.I |n' ,wak `Ding DUE WlI.1`.|.u.; _ u _ tine week in 1 ' . r CANDLEMAS DAY "AAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAuAAAAPA w. s. A. JOINT s'rocK' coupmv 1 ' The annual meeting `of the West Bimcoe Agl; Joint Stock ".00. was held on the 27th. when (`the Treasurer sub- mitted a statement showing the ba- lance `on hand to "be $191.66 with $300 of rent due `the Company from which che shareholders declared a` dividend of 6 per `cent. payable on March -16th. The -Board of Direct- ors was re-eleIcted as follows--Dr. Mc- Carthy. D. Quinlan. Hon. Chas. Drury, S. Dyment, Geo. Raikes, J. M. Both- well. J. J. Brown. R. A, Stephens. Messrs. T. Beecroft and N. F. Lewis were appointed `auditors. A.L .. _.-_`I_..-_._--..L _._--L2_... -3 LL- om: BOARD O15 Biamomoas am-ammo-, '1`ED-DIVIDEND an 5 PER cmrrrv nmcmnmn. .v-I-t-v... V`. --~-----..- At -'8. subsequent meeting of the Board; `the officers were elected as 'subjoin(ed. \ President-Dr. Mcqarthy. TreaLsurer-Geo. Raikes. Secretary-Fred Marr. Management Committee--Dr. Mc- Carthy, J. Sissons. J. J ; Brown. J. M. Bothwell. .' ' 1 NUPTIALS on MISS BERTHA DUTTON . AND MR. ALEX Nmss, LAST WEEK A (huiet but very` pretty wedding took [place on the afternoon of` Janu- ary \27th at the residence of Mr. A. J. .Wallace, Bayfield`St., `when his neice. Miss Bertha Dutton was mar- ried . to Mr. Alex. 'Ness, one of Bar- . `Cam `hm rie's prosperou's young business men. ` The rooms were artistically `decor- ated .`with palms and cut flowers and. the ceremony was performed `by Rev. J. J. Redditt_.beneat_h`;1n arch of `smi- lax and roses. -The bride was pret- tily costumed `in afigown of cham- pagne voile over whiteand was at- tendeddby little Gertrude Wallace. as flower (girl. The latter was attired in India white silk" andvcarried a very handsome bouquet of white roses. At `the conclusion of the ceremony the wedding :party._ consisting only` of the near relatives of the interested par- ties, xpartook of a.-__(Vvell ~`appointe de- jeuner. after which Mr. And Mrs. Ness left on the afternoon train for a {trip to Toronto and Hamilton. The bride's .`trav-elling suit was `of blue cloth with velvet hat {to match. A large num`ber- of handsome and va- ried wedding gifts bore evidence to the esteem in which the bride and groom are held amongsttheir many friends.. Mr. andp'MZrs. Nless have tak- ` en apartments at the Simcoc Hotel for the present. p MIRACULOUS ESCAPE FROM BElNGOAiJGH{[' BEN EATH THE ` . WHEELS OF THE FOUR O CLOCK EXPRESS ON TUESDAY. -' I `Mr. A. `McLaughlin. a- hardwarel traveller from Hamilton. who had just finished calling on `his Barrie customers. passed through a hair~ raising experience on Tuesday af- ternoon. and just how"he ever escap-4 ed with his life puzzled those who witnessed _the accident. He ran to catch `No. 63 Express just as it was getting Cup speed as t\moved out of the station and slipped {as he jump- ed lfor the carp step. Although he gralsped `. the rail, his hold on it '-was, `close '!to `the bottom and 'his `body Isw`u,ng 'direct1y-beneath- the coach. Frank Francis. porter at the Queie;n"s. seeing` the old pge_n t1e.m'a'n s predica- ment mad-e Iarun for the train, hut `although "he {got on the steps- could __ _._..__.|.-__.__ __..'I l____IJ __L -~v-'-c.. -- 6'. v.. -7.... wavy -v--\. be of no` assistance and `.could not warn the crew on (account of the ves- tibule .doors `being closed; Be there- fore jumped off again into a `snow bank to take a-lchance on being able to "warn `the brakeman. who as arule is found on the rear platform. .-The man was `there fortunately. and Frank "shouted "-to `him to stop the train. By `this time No.63 had reached a high rate of speed;ib`u~t!.was brought to a |stand-still by the `time the brewery was reached and Mr. McLaughlin was rescued `from his perilous position. Knowing that `to release -his hold meant `instant dewth beneath the wheels. `he. had clung !to the rail with Lida [grip of steel. `but was almost ex.-. hausted when rescued, -=The {train backed `into the depot `withhim and he is at present resting quietly at the Queen's. though badly shaken up i and ,-bruised by being` dragged along the track .through the snow. . Greatest Animal and Poultry REGULATORS The "new. school room of the Col- lie: Sit. `Math-. Church `will be open-A ed on Sunday. Feb. 14th. _Further:. particulars next week. -. - 1-urn _,- 11,- an: L.._:_. _a-.: _--I'l:._._ 1 When the 7.25 train was", pulling . into E.ef_roy' `depdt. last f1`ueada.y' evening.-' an unknown Italian Ithrew hinilt in ;'fr`on't- of '?l:h_9 engingfje nu: ma: nounnori Vi:;7ZANAmv oun ' CRITERION. WEDDING BELLS 9 HAPPENINGS on A WEEK IN Town and Vicinity -`- Condensed : News for Our Busy Readers. -Leave your coal orders with J. G. Scott. Rex Choc-olntnn. the parent and belt at BOTWWl!l.L S. A I` l'I,_,',L_ T-__L2 1 ' VYYYYYYYV Locals Aroundai CI Jr! -. UV vv 1:: cu- Don t forget the Collegiate Insti- tute team plays hockey against Elm- vale at7the Crystal `rink to-night. ,1: .___2II I... .......n..l-o.I.I V0.1-U uh Luv \J&JhlIov~- .--.- V ,_.c_... ` Uncle Joshua will be repeatdd at the Opera House? on Tuesday. Feb. 9th. Prices-15. -25 and 35 cents. ,--__-._.. -4. n... Drug Store Opposite Post Office ~ BARRIE. . { om`. Ulllo .L.11vuu;u .|.v| -v y-..\.. -- --._-... Jack "Hamlin is sojourning at the Central Prison for six -months. on the order of Police Magistrate Ross. ,___-_L -....J LL10 uxuox UL Lu-Avv .u.u-6-..-..--..._ ._-_._._- Mr. `Frank Somers has purchased the business of G. -T. Somers in Bee- ton. The latter intends moving to Toronto! I - V I -u "iv? -In I , ..q____A_____'_,:`_ l'___ LULULILUJ The T. Fair `Company's `big dry goods, establishment was consumed by fire in Collingwoodon Tuesday morning. . `-*- *-`------- - l-,____I.I ..-_ lJP'l`0N S 1'1: .\s'-mmons- world re- 1 nowned man In black. green and \ blend---also Coffees ntl!0'l`ll WlIaL S. ` ~. ,1: LL- 4:---..L`|.. At I|II3Il_.Il--ll.llIU vvuuua -----v.-.- -- ---_ ~- The -Fir-emqn `held the fourth of their series of assemblies: in the Town Hall on 'M9nday evening. Dancing from 8.30 until 12. ? _ ,-_.9-_ _1__.L -1` l.1U.l.u. Unuu uuvun ;u- Rev. James Allen. superindent of Methodist Missions in New Ontario. preaches in `Collier St. Church ;at both services next Sunday. V ...a. ,_ ,_ __ u1`|.....- UUL11 EULVIVGD 'uvAu u.:_u;;uu._,. Miss Wiggins address bn The Home and Society in the W. C. T. U. `rooms on the evening of Febru-. ary 9th, promises to `be largely at- t'ended.' Q` .' ... or! .n ` ` ._17A______ |r`\/|Ll:\.N\/kl: \ Messrs. Hambly '& Baker, hardware merchants, have purchased the hard- ware bnsiness of Messrs. `Buchanan 8:, Penstone and will amalgamate the two concerns. -' '- ' Iw\O . o I 1-; ,`,___ In I \I _\l\lJAIl\lL natal The following District Represen- tatives have (been appointed "in con- nection with `the Children's" Aid So- ciety;-J. A. Mather. New Lowell; R. Graham, Saurin; Dr. McCullough. Allistoni C. E. Wright, Penetang. I` lit, ,. _,___1 rxlnxavvug vs ..... 'V ..D...., _ The Secretar of the Collingwood School Board receives a salary of $90 per year and the Treasurer gets $75. In last week s Advance there was a misprint in `the paragraph on the Public Library Board. The unpaid accounts and floating debts amount to $586. instead of $86, :as the types had it. , _ ' .. . . g.A'rH Ann sHvm'oI'.E Prof. Mills. who has :'been appoint - ed on` the Railway Commission is an old Simcoe County boy and is well known to many residents of Barrie. He was `born near Bradford and was a. tschool'ellow of l`oswn 'C1erk Donnell. :' I ` - ' Newspaper sceptics throughout On- tario doubt 'the existence:of the Bar- rie robin and think `that it was a grdsbeak: It was a robin all right enough and it is often seen in -the vicinity of `Mary street feeding off `the frozen `berries on theemountain ash `trees. Just where the bird spends these cold nights is a mystery`. The Township ofaTi,ny has been us- ing disc iharrows with `pronounced success in making the heavy snow roads passable, They cut down the ridges and work the snow to thesides so `that: `horse teams can jog along comfortably `without Jdanger of cut- ting off; which makes driving on the ordinary roads, now somewhat haz- a.rdOuiSa `. It is possible that the peat manu-' facturing industry will be revived in Barrie next summer, as 1 well-ainoxivn Toronto capitalist was in Itown re.-. cently in connection vwithebtaining options on certain bog lands which would be required. .He stated `that the raw material available, at Barrie. wasiof far better quality than that used. in. Beaverton. . _ ` . An idea may be formed of the se- Averity of `the cold, this winter. by the statement that notwithstanding thelarge amount: of -snowiwhich has fallen. the _`r_os_t has penetrated the ground to !the depth of 4 -ft. 6 in. The ..Gas `-Company. is experiencing great difficulty, in keeping the mains open. as the pipes are just six inches` {below the `frost line` mark iat the present _'-time. . ' ~ g I. ~. The following donations have been received at. the Royal Victoria. Hos-' pital`;--2 bbls. of apples. Wm. J. Good- follow, Craigvale: L2 bbls. apples. R. A , Carr. Painswick: turkey, Mrs. C. H. Ross: pie's,. Mrs. Stevenson: fruit nhld cake. Mrs. 'Jas. Vair: cake, '.M'.r. Johnston. Allandale; gas iheacer, Mrs. Spry; magazines. Mrs. Jno. A. "Ardagh':" papers. Lllrs. Strathy: clock. J-. R.iHa`mbly; invalids `table. Balk. i&.1,Smith;x$3.00. _Mr. F. Johns- ton.~Penotang.._ ` '- ----. _ -_- ` ., Jimmy Scott `met with an accident on Monday whichmight have been a [serious one. As it was he got off `with "9. `bad gash o'er the eye4' Be `"?'as st?-.n,di_!18` on the rear end of` al Ooneidering the appalling state of the roads, Saturday's market was first class in every respect. Potatoes are steadily advan- cing in price and went as high as 70 cents a bag, a load of 20 bags being sold at that price to a retailer, which circumstance leads to the conclusion that a much better price `will be offered before long. Butter sold at 15 to 17 cents, eggs 25c. to 28c.. chickens 600. to $1.00, fowl 50c to 750. A and turkey!- l3 cents a pound. Dressed hogs brought 86 and $6 25 and a large number were market- ed. The live-weight price dropped to $4.75. On the grain market wheat sold at 800., oats 30c., rye 500., barley 4( c. to 42c.. peas 600; to 62c.. buckwheat 430. to 450., red clo- ver $6.15 to $6.25 and alsike $4.50 to $5 50; The Toronto News gives the followiag quota- tions for the Toronto tarmor's market :- Bnisnese on the street market here to- dty was more active, both buyer: and loll-` ere being well represented. Daiivurieee of produce of all kinds were fairly heavy, and 3 large volume of buienese was noted. The total offerings of grain were 2,700 buehell. IIYI . 1:im:T`T CEMENT. Wheat--Two hundred bushells of white sold go. to 2c lower, and 200 {bushels of red is lower. at 85} to 86c; and 300 bushels ot goose kc. higher at 7595c, to 760. M It? Btu-l`ey--{,VaTs.( ea.`ai : ;;i Ef;;e; Hundred bush- els sold 10 lower at 45c. to 47:2. "I Votates--l1ar-1 Tsteady. Offering-I were moderately large, and there was as good in- quirv. vs I\ . u . .. . -_' Oa.ts-Five hundred 7b us};('a1Vs_ so!d e. to lc.lower at 32c to 33 1-2c. L Butter-Occaaiona1 sales at 22c. to 23. were reported, and in some instances 240. was obtained. The run of the market was procnrable at 18c. to 20c., however. and at the close some holders cleaned up at 189. T\ n on .. .- - --- - 5 Dressed Hogs--De1iveries were liberal, and the market was steady. Prices were un- changed. Lightp were quoted at $7.25 per, cwt.; and heavies as $6.50. _ ._-_ 7.- Y-.- _];3;;_;ga-T-1;7aiceipts were comaratively small and they" moved quiclgly. L The average price . "was 35. per dozen, and some holders repor- ted aales at: 40c. Poultry~ Was quiet. owing to the light offerings; Chickens were the most: plenti- ful, and they sold at $1 to $1.35 Der pair. Geese were quoted at $120 to $1.40 per pair. Turkeys were scarce, and were quoted at 14c. to 180. per lb. There were no ducks. ' SATURDAY MAnK1;=3i` A (quiet but impressive and pretty wedding took place at Christ Church, Ivy, on Wednesday, Jan. 20th, when Miss Ethel Beatrice Banting was united in marriage to Mr. Robert John McKnight. The church ;was appropriately decorated for the oc- casion and the ceremony was per--- formed `by `the rector. Rev. `W. F. Carpentera t ` ~ . . V .vv"vvvvvvvvvvvv.vvvvvvvvvv5 t part. The `bride was dressed in a suit of brown `basket cloth opening over a v.mi_t_e `silk waist, with hat to match. 'l'he bridesmaid. Miss Elsie Arnold, of Barrie, wore a white silk waist, trimmed with insertion and a. white picture hat. Instead of the usual bouquet "of -white roses, the ,bri(Te oarrieda prayer book which she gave to the clergyman at the altar rail for use during the service.` The brides- maid carried a; bouquet -`of white car- nations The wedding March . was played very effectively by Miss Emma- Jennlett. The bridegroom was as- sisted by his brother, '.M'.r. George Mc- Knight. After the ceremony .the bridal party and guests proceeded to the "residence of the bride's father. which was tastefully decorated and where a sumptuous and` `deliscious breakfast was enjoyed. The usual toasts ..were "proposed and responded to, in which the Rev. G. ,I. Craw took The presents were numerous. beautiful and` ',_cost_ly.. The bride- groom s present}. to the bride was a. gold ' crescent `set with pearls and `'to the bridesmaid he gave a gold crown stick- gpin. sent with pearls. -The prev sent `from `the bride s father. Mr. C. J. Banting. `was a IPersian Lamb coat. The bridegroom s` `parents gave a beautiful family _Bible. The happy. couple left for Toronto by the train leaving Thornton at 6p clock. acooan-' panied by the `best .wishes of their many `friends. $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE `swam-2 nnvtms mm cmwrs ORO STATION. ! I i i ' Miss A. Ferguson, ofA1landale, is `visiting `her; sister, Mrs. A. W. Bell. ..-_ ..--V-_, A Mr. Joe Graham, who has been visiting at home for the past two months intends going back to Morsville, Manitoulin, in a" few days. ' .1 _ nan. -_n. .1-_A.L ......:.. ...'..:L...l Ana """J"" `n \ ~ On the 28th n1t., death again visited our neighborhood claiming as its victim Mrs; Jones Emma. She, apparently, was in as 1 good health as she had been for some time, `when the and came without .wa.x'ning. De- 3.cea._sed_leaves a husband and tomj chi1d1`en,"V f Ethe youngeet being an i1_1fa.nt=tw_o weeks` eld, * V ` thetIoaa.ofd' btaczwifee-andvmothdr An Ivy Wedding. no mistake ,1 YARD, moor ow TORONTO STREET. [Office-91 Dunlunstreet, same -o...-nu. ~ @:-p~- .89 ii. ;BOY WANTED-A: '1`_he Advance 0!- 1iee. Only those wzshm to learn the printing trade need appiy. I100: Ullly LIJIEU WEBHIIJ Ll `appfy, I'II`EnI I? &l`IVI We have a large amount of Ptivate Funde to lend ' d . th ' 'f *Mo?3g"e..5 p1'c5:Xz'19:":Y.o'r'"' URc;"i- SON. unlop Street Barrie. ' ` 3 e FARM FOR SALE--x'5o acre: all under cultiva- tiou, well fenced and watered. 3} nine: from "Rnovh an-and kutliuuun and unnallqs-nkan A-nnlu n uuuvl run atu.u.--x5o acres au unacr cumu- tiou, from `Barrie. nod buildings and good orchard. Apply ta. P.O. B X |oB. Barns. ' mun" Anyone retaining _Lprosecuted.-5-5. a--:.---..:--.: .;'n5I:|eB.gooa buuamgl 8 X :98. Ban-ac, `WANTED-General Servant. Apply Eliza-. bath St.. Ba.rrie.-5-5. `wouid bespeak for Mr. Smi . my A` As I am retiring from business. I with to think. `my friends in the County of Sincoe for thoit poni- dence and patronage durin the 01`?! `.1 which we have beendam buoineu togethtu 1 .t1nuauce of their supper/t And ,; .- t;~i=:P'%'.. ~. I1 L wnouc No. menu. Proprietor. ny. out _ --u--u- v-cu-- -uvuv-nu-vu burr. 1-, --u-u- . W -S't.. a.rrie.-5-5. ANTE3--A Cook or girl waxing to.lea.m.` Apply at this ofce.--5-5. Six months old Black Cocker Spaniel Puppv, from the residence of J; F. Craig, Mnry-T street. on Saturdnv. Finder will kindly return _to owner. Anyone retaining the dog after this ll/)tl'O wall be nrnm=.cnmd,._.:.:. :la.rrie. Jan. :4, I904-"f{'5i" Established 1890 ' Phone] w, I -'.? DEVER a. co Stock and Bond BROKERS BOSTON. NEW YORK. CI-IIUAGO , and TORONTO. Direct Wires with all Exchanges. Current rates of interest allowed an ac- ; counts Large and Small. Advances made to farmers. Ss.1s Notss ` discounted or collsctsdgnd a. general bank-' jing business conducted. BEN N ET;M1".5E'K,' nulul no rs! ing- son tly. u...-Waai.:rh::.`::.`"1*;..23*:.:a:!*%;:;;.::`**As: hired at` roaoonablo:.!"ul`;Ii` ` 5.33.1! `LIBRARIAN. ..;:..;*;;.;_{.=g,2 ';.'`;.ir';. Total R:i>;tson s All the be quality ind gti.ranteel.- Refen-euces-Dunn's Commercml Agancy. Dominion Bank. Toronto. ~ *,-:6 . Bank of Commerce. Barrie. _ . . . . . A A . Retiring frdm Business. J. s'rmsoN, Men. Capital 139_!.-... """""" "17"" ,. NEW Anvlmm-xsnmnwrs. TOD Q 1>A!l3Y_<'>9.'W;-`3 VIVENEY TO LOAN. ,, - _ ,__ -__._;_ -1 I)_!---A.- D... BARR!!! OFFICE :- 1: QAII I Dhuvn, DUNLOP STREET -SOLD AT- Strayed E E Bankof Toronto FOR- Andre-417 ';I:0'l;|;0;l lion. John sharpie Go no BI"0lII'o - __j . uugcunlnnqliil In Ilvllll PCIIUII JAMES SCR Dgw Scans, -T 1 $l.000.000 nal unit 'I`I'InllII0ll Phone 146 :Ott-Vi` `l'|": u. 2-5:: f_' ' "`l"i{5Ee.}ig'I'-1'ous id; A "Everything Musical some AGENT FOR '1~rn:__ EWLV `Inha- A general Bsnkirg Business conducted. `Drafts issued on all psrts of the world . De- posits received and iuteresu allowed at high} est rate. W. D. MORION. Manager. A. ,F:"Garrett| 1,;-`,;: ATEl sIx'rs? DAYS] BARBIE Mlll SIUREJ iI'iuifiu'in'ai:ii[(:o. Piano The -Canadian : Favorite; mo Furoatsi In the Matter or the Estate or Robert smith, late ot the Townehlp of Ben In the Count! of slmcoe, Gentiemnn. Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant 'to R.S,O. 1897, Chap. 129. . 38, and ameudin Act: that :11 person: havmw claims against the state of the said Robert Smith. who died on or about the ._ Third day of December. x903, are required to send by gcolt, prepaid. or to deliver to Stewa_rt &_Stewa.rt. Sol icon for the Executor: of the land entete, on or before the V . _n.-. .g___ -3 II-I._.iQ`_..- I II `IIIIIA Ur WEIUTULIPU V `V , . 19th day of February. AJ). 1904. T Their names. add:-sues and dcscriionh and. a full statement of partjcnlgn of their c has and the un- tyr:-edof the necunty (If any) hieldhby them duly ger- tied. tioned date the executors will proceed to distribute And further take notice that after eaid last men-T the assets of the deceased among the parties en-_ ; titled theteto. having regard onlydto those chime of which the shall then have notice. ' Datedt is zoth day or Jauuary,.A;D., i903. ~-a`an.uu'y'An-|- n. emnurAn'I\ 03- - "v . - John R. Lamb. z*z.g::*m..~$ -:~~~-:o+~:--~-:-~M-+4~M-~-:---!-!-~M~H~+~%-- . jjj . The Notth East Quarter of L9:-Six. in the nth Con. of Inniel end Park Lots twenty-one and twenty-two; beingpart `of lot eixin. the 13th Con ceeeion of `lnniel: Said farm in good clay loam. al,`_ cleared and ii: agood state of cultivation." Com` fox-table dwelling house and good outbuilding; erected thereon._ Aleeorcherd. - Each. field of and farm well. wateredend well fenced.` Farm has n ....... :. can I:I\nnt_.o ace-an inrve` and 10 acre! AND was FOR acres in fall wheat(,V9 Vac:-on III a gun acre: needed down`. For urthuipnrticu rs plat to E.A. LITTLE. Esq" Allandale P.O., or,S EWART& STEWART, OuCit0fI.'l` Owen St. Barrie. a-5 Composed of the West Half of the West _iteif of Lot Five nudan of the Wool: Half of Lot Six. both in the Ninth neeeeion of the Townahi ofeevro. containing 69 ecree more or less. Said arm lI`0Od clay loam and weli fenced with goodorchnrd ere- on. i There are and to be erected on aid l_en_de A corpfortnble dwellin heuee and good outbuildings. Send farm is time in the Villa e of Minutes end adjacent to echool houee. churc and poet oice. For further terms and conditions apply to Annnlw Rotum, 3:3" Minnie? P.O. or to STIWAR1 .& S-ntwua-r. icitnn. n can gt- Ba.nin.-I-'1. KONAI-D. IS -_..Mmu1n nu. or 10 'I'lwaus1 Srnwawr, to:-3.13 won 5:, 0RN6[ AND GREEN! COX!) AND woon BOXES Fat-mFo&;-_. _8gle Dr to Rent SPRING? STYLES IN LHATS coming in daily CW9?` Proud out - And'roiv Thdml Vice-Preuldent ' John shat Gowl Manager I}. Baltour. BARBIE] BRANCE , , I 'u-._l.!.... Duuninnnn nnnnf lIuu--uy -7 ,- - %33and%sv T 7% y "il?ith..3ha:h"shd _ ;l`hese are the.col:)rs`~of than _HUBR.A%'T1 1 BY---- Farm for Sale I0!!! I15 VI JEllUGI .l`IOIJI. u-yva smwatrr a; srnwmrr. no Oman St . 1 ICOIOCIIIC W611 IGICIW l.`I ,IlI nuts 1: when 9 in e and` acres RM unlmrnuticu nlnolv to Isyvluu` at a':.`n.wnn 1 . ` _ _ ' :3 Owe}: Sh. Ba.rrie., Sohcaton for the and Ixocuton. ~~-~4~-:~---~~M--v~----%~~-~~~~M~~-~: