Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 Jan 1904, p. 3

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o"rIiI word J -': 60l11V;1I'lt`i1v(:e'*V_--;rV8`.S' jappointed strike the standing committees the year and theyhreported as % pendeti :_-- _ ` \ II '11., III `rs 1\,I a--vvv' ...w- .-.-.v -- v-uw `n... -.:a.-..;....- Management Com1T`r.1iEe;--t Thon;as "Smith. B. `W. Rhinehart, A. J. Car- son. J. `S. Brunton. W. C. Andrdews and J. F. Palling. c I , tn H-IEr(:;'>e;t'y _ ;;;Uupply Committee- Messrs. "J. `F. Palling,/W. 0. Andrew, `G. G. smith, Philip Love. '1'. R. Park-I er and `R. H. (;Webb. ' T -'1`ht;,t1'4:=.-1':o'o1-'_t` 'Vr'a_s~r:.;1opted` and chair- men were felected by (the committees" as `follows ;- \ -u A. `on can 1-Y'-F1'zfa[;'e-_-'G. G. Smith.` Management-Thos. Smith. _ Property and Supply--]?. Love. Mr. Fred Marr was re-appointed Se- creta11yc~Treasurer of `the Board and Dr. 'Jl !C. Smith `was revielected to act `as `the Board s represeintative on the ,Col}egiate Institute Board. THE ARDAGH This "being the closo of the 30th year of the above (named institution, the managers announce that it wiil probably '*be"`the last pub1isbed re- port of (what, they feel, is not of in-` terest 'to the gegxeralfpublic. .,'I ,!-____4 uv- ....._ V`, ......_ C__-__._ l..._.-,_-_ During `the years mentioned above this Home-to `God s glory `be it said -has been.ein its quiet way, a suc- courer unto many, who have felt it to be. `what its .'*name implies--:1 home. Since its commencement it has sheltered for a.'\longe1= or. short er time about 107 persons. During the yyfear eight people `have lodged there, some `only temporarily. There are still $0311` residents. The 7 good health` of all during the year has been a `blessing. L - 0 -'uuua.1'a .wu1L.u U1. 5xuuu..v... ..v. .. [W - {by Mr. G`eorge Wilson. Crown Hill. {The `inmates were very `grateful to the kind ldonors of good cheer at Christmas. _viz..--.To Mrs. C. Rgoss. for `(me lb. "tea, five 1bs.. sugar, and a fine package Wheatona. roast of {beef; to Mrs. `J. J. Brown for "several -pounds of ourrants and raisins. one _~lb. tea,` eleven lbs. sugar.` one rlb. butter. five ;lbs.-rice, and one] In a I B ,, I_._..- `The. ?managers .wish to thank the following -`for arebates` in -`their ac-a oouznts ;-Mess'rs. Rogers & Gallie, Mr. Ling and Mr. Watson Jones. They would -also acknowledge with thanks. two A dollaI"s worth of groceries sent -vr-I n_---... nzn first ' Euanf Pu-v._--c - ' VTo 'St. George s Society for large roast of 'beef. pair fowls, two large loaves. one lb. raisins. one lb. -tea,` three lbs. sugar. andzto Mr. and Mrs.` Harry" V Marr for many kindnesses throughout `the year. ` The courtesies of the publishers of the three Barrie papers in inserting reports, etc.. gratis, are hereby a_c- kn?owled'ged. On ;Wednesday. Dec. 3Qth, last at the home of Mr. A. E. Swallow, Stay- ner, .a quiet and \pretty cvedding took place, the contracting parties being (Miss Florence M. Ayerst, daughter of `Mrs. Margaret Ayerst, formerly of `Barrie. and Mr. Chas. `Cunningham. of Innisfil. The cere- mony Pwhioh was performed at halt- past one, was witnessed only by the immediate relatives of the bride and `groom. Miss `Mary R. Ayerst, of To- ronto, fthe |bride s sister. was brides- maid, while (the groom was supported by` `Mr T. Wilson. *of Cookstqwn. l'IlI__"lI__.!_`l-)_ i.`l........ up.-re (AP sur}-ufn nr. U J.l.Q1.- -.l.- V! A-uvup V- 1WTT|V __ The" fbride s dress was(o_f white or- gandie, `trimmed `with valenciennes lace and white satin ribbon. The ,bridebmaid`s dress was pale blue or- gandie. trimmed with lace -and white satin ribbon. The bride carried a 'sho'wer- bouquet of white oarnations and `the Ibrides~mIaid a bouquet of pink oarnationts. The 'groom`s gift to the bride `was a handsome jewelled lock- jet `and (to the {bridesmaid a pearl cre- iaoent.` The %happy couple received many valuable and useful presents. 'fIII -sA Il,Au. n._ 1.1.. A on I--.1-.2 Fa-r Tn- Luau; vaauauu. uuu .... ..- 1, ...... ~. . They left {by the.-4.20 train for To- ronto and other places and returned to their home Jan. 5th. The bride's Igoing-way gown .was a. snowflake -tweed of myrtle green, beaver hat to match `and sable furs. V nnmowno d_aAumAn. A Stayner Wedding. MEMORIAL HOME MEETING ` Gin Pills are called Pills because eaclrpill possesses all the curative qualities of one and a half ounces of the best Holland Gin. As a; cure for_ Kidney trouble however, they have all of _ . the good'q'ua1-i,tigs of Gin, with none of its bad. ; " ` _ v df_ifggists,A5octs. perbox, V " 93? $2.5oo 1j.di_reet from [Ohm The M to ap-_- Blo -Drug 4'Cc;.. Winnipeg, Man. . ~' - . ' VA7 . ` The Council elect for the Township of Oro for 1904. met as required by Statute. All members were present. Having subscribed to" declarations of; qualification and of office, were duly organized. IE1, 1'1 , 1 I II 1 0 1 4,! The Reeve took the chair and ad- ~dressed {the Council. Minutes of last meeting" read and confirmed. ' Communications were read from- J., Ross rRoberts1:)n, Sick lCh.ild-x .ren s Hospital, Toronto, asking a donation. On motion of Swan and Cameron 375 ?was granted. -or ru 11- .1` III` ' `John McCosh, Mayor of Drillia. That a` fnovemcnt is taking place to lower the `lakes of Simco-3 and.Couchi- ching. and ,`work has actually com- I_I1`3I3.`C`3d =t-hereon. He had `arranged with `the Minister of, Public \Vor.ks at Ottawa, .'to meet `the dcputations from `the diffc.rcni: municipalities on Tuesday. 'thc 14111 inst; and that Qro appoint u, [delegate -to protest against Ithis injury `beiinfi; done. xrr A 1-: 1r n`-rs _`,x.-.._-- - ., .---u. On motion. of Pearsall and Bell, Robert Robertson was appointed as auditor for 190;. Moved by Swan. Beconded by Pearsall, that David _Beath be the other auditor.. Moved: by Cameron, `seconded by Bell. that [James Ross be the other auditor. I The Reeve `declared D. Beath auditor |'for 1904. I V K ,.. .,-v `/45-A;L.AtI\4\.I\AI Clerk was instructed to `ask for of- fers for the timber -on road allowance Houth of the west part of lot 28, Con. 5, That on road `allowance oppo- site lot J11 line rrbetween Con. 8 -`and 9 and `that on the `same concession line opposite {lot 7, 8, and 9. ' --- -- .-..`,.--J ...v.--K-, x..,__... \V. A. Boys, Hayor of4IV_3ar1A`ie. ulcm same subject. ' ' V` k /\ `II ml 1 IV _.____ _-r__- .._.-u_--_ On motion of Sloan and Camero the Reeve was appointed as a delc_- gate from Oro. Trustees S. S. No. 13,.0ro, that 'th`ey had exempted school tax-s -of Chas. Puddle for 31903. On motion -of Ca- meron and Bell his remaining taxes for 1903 were exempted. " I`l.._.I4 ___ n A ` Moved `by Pearsall, seconded "by _Cameron, `that. John Harrison be as- `sessor `for 1904. Carried by vote of I Councillor Bell. I i Hnqmotioiinofi Swan and `Bell, the clerk was instructed to ask ior ap~ -plieations forithe po.; of Col-4` `lecture of Poiis for 1901. M..m ep- poimed to `furnish bonri for $6,000 before commcxicingj his dut.i=3s. On motion of Swan and Cameron, Mrs. Neil Bell was `appointed cure-' taker of Town Hall for 1904, and that :1 lby-law be /introduced at next meeting `to confirm the appointment of` `Township Officers and provide for their "remuneration`s. On motion `of Swan and Cameron, the Clerk was instructed to ask for tenders `for "township printing for 1904, ftom Tprinting offices in Oril- lia. Barrie and Elmvale. Under the tauthority of P. H. Act, on `motion of Cameron and Pearsall, J. A. `Swan was appointed `member of local Board of Health for three 'yearIs4' Dr. W. `C. Laidlaw, M. H. 0.. and F. `A. Bell. sanitaryinspector for 1904. ` ` 1 LB `lndo-Ilalk u=Ju The" treasurer '.was instructed to imake application to London Guar- `antee and ?Accident Company, Toron- to. for {a bond of $5,000. The clerk was instructed '.to notify _every Over- .seer of Highways in Oro. to keep` his road division bpen and `in a fit con- dition -`for public travel at all times during `the winter. .1: `n._I'I .....J n,........,.l1 Toilet Soap Co.. L`td.. Montreal. The MASTER MECHANICS PURE TAR SOAP heals and softens the skin while promptly cleansing it of grease, oil. -rust. etc. Invaluable for mechan- ics. farmers. gportsmen. FREE cake on receipt of e for postage. Albert ...___-. LAC-I-I. {I16 bA.1\4 '11 AJJI-VL On "motion Of .BclQl. and Pearsall, account `to !the amount of $83.61 ;were ordered (paid. ~ ` AAnn~r-nor` (`En 'rnnof n'n ffhn. 101'}! nf iwere oraerea xpalu. . Adjourned `to `meet on '-the 10th of February fat [10 a.'.`m. . H .T 'l'n(?hnn>.. Clark. ` PILL Isnotacure-all. Itwillcure those painful and dangerous'ai1- ments resulting from a diseased condition of the kidneys. They are: Rheumatism, Dropsy, -Uri- nary Disorders, Blood Poisoning. Bu-In restores weak kidneys and heals diseased kidneys. `It is [-399 w---- -- -- ----------- -----vJ -- _- the latest eort of medical science against kidney derangements. Fifty pills, in box, 50 cents, at all druggists. __ Reject substitutes. \ .\:\$ kl ' *- NEW YORK. N. V..AND WINDSOR. ONT. Kll5iiEY' Oro Council. cl "111 ` J: Tudhope. Clerk. ' than nents .'LL-_ Hut. .th9_ fanny VUUD } will _-__.`I Yr. UILCIS such 7 not 5 : fol: i COUNTY mu DISTRICT ESSA-Mrs. Alexander Speers, one of `the pion_eer settlers 'of Essa. died on Sunday at her`x'.husLband .s residence-. lot 9, concession 6..`.Es'sa , at the `age of 77 pears; The deceased (Twas a na- *tive of County Down, Ireland. and came *to Canada when 17 years of age. settling with her tfamily at cm`- ver Hill. Upon her marriage " she and `her husband settled_on the farm- on which she died and where she re- sided continuously for fifty-fiv,e years. She is survived by {her husband, three` daughters `and 'two sons. The `funer- al stook `place to `the Union Cemetery here on Tuesday afternoon. ` ----- `cut 1 g , -~ "__`_ . '= J..I\zl\I Jan. 13th.,at' the Theme of Mr. John Gratrix, {Medonte, his" youngest `daughter, Caroline ' Agnes.` was mar- ried to Mr; Charles Howard jDenieIs. of Vusey- The bridesmaid was Mary Gratrix and the groomsman was Mr. Racher. of Medonte. The` beremony was performed by Rev. A. T. Ingram in the `_prese.noe of_..a large number of relatives and. friends.,`' Af- ier the guests had `partaken of a MED()`N'I.`AE-61: "`:~ir<;cf1}ie.d'ay lest. wedding breakfast, the happy (couple ieft on the afternoon ':train from" Coldwater to eend a `short honey-4 moon visiting friends at distant point1s- . ` V ~ I V ' A Synopsis of what is Trnnspiring % Around About us, as Garnered From The Exchanges of the County. +++++++++++++++'+++++++++ `__,____ _ _ -... _ _... .___.._...___.__._ +++#+~+$#+$+$+++$"+_+++$3+ % -his cosy home on Ontario strefe't...; his sudden `off-taking`. is fc"o-b ` iielt for ' his h`ereaveddw___i=_A _ .`.Peroy,i;-NV ` ' STAYNER--shockingly sudden` was the death of Mr. Frank. J. Stewart. druggist, which bccured at `I one o'clock on Sunday morning, 17th inst. On ithe `Thursday previous it ' was known that -he was confined to the house, but `it was n_ot thought that his condition (was serious. -_ 1I_?neu-` monia `developed, however. and he passed away before many people -in `town knew that he was ill. Mr. Frank Stewart was the only .8011 Of the late (Mr. D. -`A . Stewart. one of ' the pioneer `business men lof StayI!1`- He conducted B drug /business in his fath_er s block ever since the tookhis diploma. He always made ._SVt' his home and was `for several `years- a member of thed'].`oWn Council. ~]':l`-er.-' sonally Mr. Stewart wasloflgoodi-heart~v," -ed and kindly,_anid was always a 59-", a vial. generous host, to -his frien'd'sv in:3 :was only forty-two`.y_ears;_ ol ly regretted .Munoh qsjyxxip _ ;_5r?.,l:' fa` `V 'ii91e; was 3 sslizhtki. Wennded [;in~..m-; V 3`.l r'.8`1.11"..1...t-l - Ab9`I1.t.v-n19-e*';:BT9*? "1-h;,= ;1'*.3I{ . beenllivih shortly; `when. "mire entiiivos trrksm xpifess tftheir '-views.-I..anoe.,, . - e , 0_RILlLIA-Mord. McKinley commit- ted suicide V;on Saturday eveni'n g`-f by taking` stryohninei poison at, Mr. Kno`xj"Churoh willlallso $b..p:ase; * Alex, ._Dunl_op's.' ;Warminster; .1 Mord 1 wo.'s"boi'_n `gin -Orillia labout",tvvt$i1l:ye4 ' eight yearsfago. being the yoinigost son: of `Mr. "Duncan 'M_oKinl_e_y. b`ul:Afor_ last `ten yearsor be he h_a s been" more . or Lless of `M .K=5A'(:_1`i;er knock-~ int: 1 about `the States war if a. ~'time:..-he `iilit-e1'ti"inf'tth U4 @- Armx`{9sdm,nte 6i1tfJ*.c9_i ithegrhillipiyie ::Is19nds.-'.eb!!t ' ..,oi13` wears use-' : l`h9re.1.1,'n-wag fire` `service A ,t_or' `about... vugxe; v;y'&'rs` turned? to Uri1lia'an_d.i5has 3.5? Tubs, Falls, wash Baslns, Ml|kfPan, Vsplttoons, etc. % % Jmynt 98, H190? FOR SALE BY`FIRST-VCLAES DEALERS EVERYWHERE. tise ance r ac- Thu. Insist on being" supplied with EDDY'S. USE on: ma HAD Ix duoted by Rev. E. \G.Dymond. In-J torment was made at the town oe- metery. `Among'tt`he-relatives from a distance (who attended were :-Mr'. Robert Stewart, of Bradfo1jd_;`- Mr, Frank Stewart. of Noewmarket : _Mr. L ivingstone,`. and son. at "Toronto; Mrs. Lepord. .'Newmarket. `Ia! '|l'1'rA 1'-In --v14v.- \A' 51 V VI &Ll|l:-L nun- ELMVALE-The _ annual meeting of the Elmvale Presbyterian Church was held last Thursday, evening. the various repbrts shroweds .-the church. {to be in 9.` flourishing. condi- ;tion financially and othprwise.`-wlt 1 was decided "to hold the anniversary as . u_sqal_ this year, wvhenlthe .Rev. \xr..I:`..` n` u-n..._u_.. -4: n_-s._ [- "`.""'7' ' 5`'``'` JV`:I V7-IJDII .I\UVo W1ie`C. JClz:rk~e. of Brampton, Wm and lecture ' on Sunday and vInar\nn#:u-A.-- . -_.I `IE2..- -,..-..-_. .~..u- -yvvuu.v vu uuuuu Monday respectively,` and V Miss % Wheeler, of =:Toronto, and-!oth-e1'_s'. will },sing. The `advisability of separating ing. `a .self-sustaining congregation was discussed and ; favora.bly,'=ente_r.- tigineid by. .the majority. bresent.-The qhuroh is` in a- financial. position to sii_ppont, a .minis_ter alone and. it. is believed --=}t1h_at, `the minister s. help is urgently needed in itheiisvunday School and `other""tha|: .-it `is- now- impossible-ifor himato attend. from` Knox (Church. Flos, ?and- beoom- . The ma'tter *will_b_e decided upon at- a `Io'ongre g'1`a`.t`i6,n:al I-1_'neeting_.,t'o be` `when. lreprefentatives from Kno`x'Ohuroh will alafo fbe-presenhto . . exp`;-,e.s's '-views..-I..anpe. 3'-1 word tion. BETTER Q.'U'.A.I.. I'I"2_' -beefing ax`-cm. sefhxna "it isilly -fashion. v"feweVf`minutes`==ieter`g ' he h_-idols went `into the`-houses `i'*and- V taking 5-Yul small bottle Iron) his `pocket. he `poured some of the Icontents into a` cup; He" `complained of feeling ill. and Mr. Dunlop started to Orillia for a idoctor, but before the had gone five minutes `the unfortunate man Jtook a convulsion and died. hen Dr. .Gil- christ's assistant. , Dr; Brown. ar- rived on `the: spot. McKinley `had been dead `some time; `However, _ he ex- amined the uontents of the bottle and found it` contained strychnine. Dr. Gilchrist ` investigated the mat- ter somewhat and found that Mord had `the !poison about {him for over a month, having purchased it on the that he was going Ito poison foxes.- Coroner McLean (was notified. but on hearing `the `facts did not consider an inquest `necessary. Mord` McKinley w;a.'s' a likely `young fellow.- Most` of his old school bompanions remem-, ber him as a(1-eckless sort of `a boy, full of mischief, but good hearted. 'I\'l'.'|'lY`IfI'I A `YIN 'If,_ _. .-__---.--v , .---v tvwvu ._vvv- vv PENETANG-Mr. Thomas Hoar is going about with afbroken arm which resulted from '9. peculiar accident a few days -ago. He was tying up a ,cow when she threw her head around suddlenly land "one horn` struck his arm with such force as to break the bode He willpiha-ve to Icarry his arm in a sling for b. few weeks. Now if the _bow "had been a muley,-or had been vdehorned. `this little item would never have appeared ..... ..The d'ea.'thvoc- cured `this_ `week of.-Mrs. Charles Hart at (the `ageof seventy.-five years. For` . upwards of `fifty. years `the deceas-'0 ed has {been a {resident of Tiny and enjoyed "good `health up to about a week before `her death -when she was seized `with paralysis from which she did not rally. She leaves a grown up family of sons :`.and Jdaughters. Francis and Joseph at `home, Vifilliam -at Wyevale. Mrs. Robert `at Stroud. and Mrs. J. McMillan. of Randolph. and Mrs. George Elson. of Wyevale. The funeral took place `on Monday of last week to the Union Cemetery near Penuetanguishene, `the three sons-in- law acting .as pa11-bearers. 'I\`l".I`I"II\`|T II'I`I , ,,'LL-I_J.__ __']'73EZl3'}:l.fO-;I.=-l'i`herrecent_ cornmittals to the House of Refuge are as follows; John Shannon, committed by Tiny township on 12l_;h inst.; Wm. Court, committed by County Councillor Dr. Wells of Barrie, onthe 15th iI1St....l ...The townline between Tecumsethi and_ Adjala was almost impassable on Sunday, `and the townshipsbf Tecum- Iseth land 'Adjala will aagain be called upon to `expend large sums of money to keep the {roads ipassablei (The banks of- snow in some places a`re from five to six `feet in height. *I'\1-\|~l\V!l\'\'l\ l\ 1___ `__L -3 I-1 `ILA-I \J uv nu`; a.\I\Iv ALQ BRADFORD -.- On . Monday last. af- ter .'a short illness, -Mr. James Coates passed away.-in the 79th year of his age. "bronchitis being the immediate cause of his death. ~Deceased was born on a farm on Yonge street. near Toronto. in '1825._u_=He.came.&1ere in 1875. and Lsucceededi to lthefoun.d.ry business` then carried on, by Mr. `L. `Butterfield. In 1891 his, foundry plant was destroyed by ~fire.- !].`he bu-. si-ness .`w_a`s not resumed land ceased `gave his attention .. to,other pursuits up -to the `time of death. He was a life-`long Orangeman and a staunch Conservative. He leaves a widow land five of at family. ~viz..-.: Arthur Coates. of Fort -Worth. Texas: Albert Coates. of Burlington. 0nt.; Marshall Coates. of. Stevensville;Mr_u. Smith. of -Toronto. and Mrs. Martin, of Red Deer. 'Albe1'-ta.`. Albert and Marshall were hereto attend the fu- meral. The `funeral took. place yes- terday to "Aurora Cemetery `and was in acharge of Cypress Lodge. L. 0. LI No. 694. "of which 1deceased_ was a Lmember.= Rev. Mr. fYou11g`7."of the Methodist Church. conducted the zservicetat the house. ' % I{E;LYLEA};H. % "George McKnight was over from Alliston on 20th ins.. attending his `bxfothr John's -weddi'ng.. -,_ .-an-_,_; In-L-,__, ___. -2. `I'\-L.._.l!..' '1\4Ee:1:ci- "m;;;;;:.'o: `Pe.tro;li'_a', who -`has iheen spending a few weeks with -her zunole George Wench. left "harp 'fo_r-V-her hdmebn _21_st` inst. gave v -v- an`-r-n onvgnmv . v.- ---- ---~-- . Mr. a'nd'Mrs. Ed.-VO Dell.\ intend lo- cating ,-fin `Owen Sound as it is most centrally situated for his work. being chief `engineer ...on .-one of the large boats plying `between Chicago -rand Bilffalo. - , I v I` A` - :13}. 0 I00` -.`i\&};:wThos. .:LoV11 . of Bfentwod. is here helping to Wvait on her father. Mr. John isharpe. w_ho i__s glangerous-v ly ill. . `I. . . . .- -~INI-,'_,,,, 1'\__.|,J_- A_,_,_ __ _____;____ ' Hzirryr I-=ratt 'g9.v.e.. t`1n byster supper "t_o a few `iof his, friends _ and v_'v,ell. wishers on 13th -inst. " `nu-,, .'1tr ?I`1'_,I ,,1 1 1. A, _,1, L - .7` r. "Wm.. _A`Wri_ght, wh_o,.bought a farm near Btroud about a year ago. left here., on 14th ` "his fa- mily resie (on it. W,e:..'avrev very. Isorry `Ito Jose such \a..;worthy `citi- 'zen as Mr. Wright. but we hope` _what we Jose 7by his removal that '-.thei neighborhooda where he `has located will gain. .IIIl_- 'T'_j!_-I LS3 `__!_L__I-.Q n-L`_-_ u r .-g. ca-.-` ,' The..Ladi_es` Aid Society {of Bethes- da Methodist Church realized the handsome sum of sixty-nine` dollars for `their autograph quilt. Fifteen dollars "and fiftyioents of this being collected by Mrs. R.~Little on three blocks. `which 'wasxthe'1-argest real- ized Tby any individual lady. It `was `afterwards 'sold for nine` dollars t Dr. Wh'a_ley. of Thomton.` _ . The Weekly gun. the farmer; b.msin_ess- paper. promise: to be evon mqrai ,,,to ;th9_ .~.,a~tm9_1`s in 1904"-than ix; the past. The Syn is one %tlieAVt9wdnnr-Jsliat p1;deaLVthc*ttar 3% - ,V*29rI:`A&%;sube !3.e*.r Than Everj THE NORTHERN ADVANCE The yearly 't`\etetn`ents Pre- sented atya Meeting on the 2011!. ~ A A T .)J '7 _-;o oo nnnn. us. out, QUINI.-AN an-mmornn AB Pu.nsIDmN'r-nn. s. pmmnw AND MR. 3. J. mmrrcnnn wILL_ AGAIN ACTAb'I`BmA_BURER AND snow- TARY. - - c1_:N'ritAL siucoz. nun `The .annual meeting of `the West Riding Agricultural. Society was .held on the 20th inst..v when the Secre- tary, R. `J. Fletcher. presented th following statement ;- . . ` 1`If_-.L 11-3, an n- . -can -..--..$.....a ..,....,.,........,- .. -West Riding of Simcoe Electoral District Agricultural Society. Secre- tary s Report for 1903. V To Government Grant, $380.00. To Government Grant. Vespra. $73. To Government Grant, Barrie Hor- ticultural; Society. $73.00. To Gate Receipts, $796.45. . To `Joint-Stock Dividend, $35.00., To County of Simcoe Dividend. $49. To Grand Stand, $14.80. ` To `Subscriptions. $53.00. To" Special Subscriptions. $545.00. To Town Grant. $100.00. To Advertisements. $37.00. To Concert. $65.30. To Entries. $44.75. _ To Stalls, `V Coops and` Pens,.$32.75. To Attendants Tickets, $3.50. To Privileges, $100.00. To" 'Extra Entries. $3.55. A;r\Amlh 4:. .n-\lvI.-O aq/-a.vvoa.v Reoapitulation bf Prizes ;--Horses. $529.50; Cattle, $103.00: Sheep.` $87; _Pigs. $68; CPoultry,- $73.75,; Dogs,` $48.25; Dairy Produce,$52.50; Manu- factures, $22.50 ;, Ladies Wbrk, $98.- 50; Fine Arts, $52; Fru'i`i;':=,, $72.50: Plants and Flowers. $72 '; Garden Pro- duvce. $57; Roots, $35; Grain, $16. ` _ AV ' Total-$13,87.50 The Treasure1"s Statement was presented by Mr. S. 'Dyment. as sub- join{ed;- -\ I Rdceipus. Treasurer s Statement for Cash Re- oeipts and Disbursements tor year (1903. Balance from 1902, $556.41. Ontario Government Grant, $380. Horticultural Society Grant, $73. Vespra Agricultural Society Grant, $73. a -- I -- tlu . . p. . A`--- Y '1C':c1sh from Society Secretary, $1696.- 10. _ j , . . , County .of Simcoe. $49. W. R. of Simcoe Agricultural So- oiety . I Corporation of 5Barrie, $100. Total-$2962.51 ` 1 Disbursements. 0 ' Attractions. $211.50. . Band. $60. . ` { Bill Posting. `$58.40.. . Caretakers and Constables. $84.39. Cartage. $13.60. Judges. $29.96. Light and Water, $8. . Meals, $17. { 1 . 1 ' .1 `Office Expenses, $31.06. Prizes. $1113.95. Printing, $240.49. . Repairs. $111.15. < 2 Rent. $150. `I " Salaries. $160. 2 . 9 `~ ' Straw. $7. . - .5.` -. ? '- `Ticket S'_elling..$18. : "v ~ Balance on Hand. $648.01.` ` . The reports ;were "adopted. ,- Officers were -elected for the en- suing year as follows ;- ` President-D. -Quinlan. 1st Vice-Pre,Ident-S. -Dyment. 2nd Vice-President-Geo. Baikcs. Secretary--R. J. Fletchen`. Treasurer-S. Dyment. T Directord-E. 'A.- Little. M. `P. P.. J. W. \Fennell, J. C. Irwin. Jno. Srig- ley. Donald Ross. Dr. Morren. Noah Grose. L,,KIennedy and\,Jas. IV air. 'I'.L `_-_-.. _1--:j-_1 4._.1_-I_1 4.1.. (I__.A._...I '11;._v'va? Ecvid-d*osha1& :1}: `Owe-1-1'tr_al Simucoe Exhibition this yearion Wed- Anesday, Thursday land Friday. Sept. 28th. 29th and 30th. ' . L. , [Fain ELMVALE WILL EELEBRATE ON THE. G_LomoUs` TWELETH. ' ` At the annual `District Meeting of the -`L. O..A.,_ `heldat' Waverly-' on Jan. 12th. the f6l1owiI'1g`offic`ers were chose en-for the enuing' _wear;- ' _ ` D. M.'--"J1'1'o. Ste_wa`rt. Vas'$'.' D. '_M.-LJnb.._,_]3lue. Hillsdale. A ` 'Ch'ap.-Jno`; 5 Scarlett, W averly. R. V S.-Wilfrid Clute. :'Wyevale. F; 3.-Jno. ..Caston. .Oraighurst_.', Treas.-Geo. Manning. 8r.,Elm`vjale. 1-; -1 71-, _ '1--_.-._ rr:h.._1'_1- I. Oil-u"-\.ICUo .LlLGLll..ll1l6g I-Jl. I; J.'ll.lLl. V anv- D. c._Henry' `Jones, Hillsdale. , Lec.-Wa1t9r _RoWley. Elmvale`; _ year. Elmval was appointed "by th imeting as the p_la.ce*for the celebra.-g tion7of the Glorious Lwelth this _ _ (A _ . an . `n .1, _, 1 .1; L1,. ._ J v---- . Addresses ,for (the gdod rat `the or- der were tlelivzgfd by m. S,tewart, W. C. `M.. and tpewly-{slanted officers. , HI _ l____-,L ___,#'-aL- -`L1_- I___-L1_ To `the g1_-`e33.tr__1-egr<=,`t:' ofthe breth-cl ren, and again.stfcheir `earnest wish-l es, Bro.` Geo. Sibbald- *ten'd:ered his resignationof .theoffice of D. -'I`_reas., which `he has held. for t[hirty';-Six yea'1'fzs.` -The `meeting __was. `then fad- journ e~d. ; _ " m- Vespra Agricpult-u%'ral Socity. :At a meeting of `the Vespra Agri-5 cultural Society Slash Week, the, fol- lowing officers were elected :- ' ~]?`1;e`sident\-,-Janies Cont Ed. "=4I1~f..Vice+Pres.=A-F:ede:i:ick Sneath. ;$e%fr~%-ebtsa onetla-* ~ 7,Pi??? .I-Il1Il.\{D- v v `vvsag u yaw`... .,......t,.,.. '. M`. ?3ik1in8 and 2. C E -F I'rn1c'r L. 0. L. Y'fJt;1,.$24o610 '3r'o1;i;.$29s2.51 u-asngnvna Inns`: 1:: non -aaa. nnnnvva-nu Mr. A. Milne was re-elected chair- man by 'a.o_clama.tion. 01L_, . 0 I Q I _s.cnooL noun -rnic STANDING comurrmns non 1.-an man-`-1413. ALEX mn.N_m BE-- The inaugural meeting of the Pub- liofsohool Board was held on `J55?- aryv 20th, `when the following new members `took {the statutory ~.declar- ation of )qualification :-Messrs. C.`W. Pouseher. Thos. Smith, Philip Love, 117.`. L L. "J. iaraon. R. IH. 'webb.' G. G: Smith and `J. S. .-Brunton. sf Fi`x1'a;1'ce Comniittee-T. R.` Parker. C. Poncher. A. `J. Carson. Philip Love, R. Webb fand G, G. Smith.

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