Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 Jan 1904, p. 2

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- ---row aausvnad J.'\J.l.IlJhJ LU "lo;-n on Real Estate at lowest rates. Ear'mers' notes discounted- Collee- txons made in any part of the Coun- ? 3. Real estate bought and sold. onveyancing Ln all its branches. Marrnaie Licenses issued. Office. Boss B ook. Dunlap street. Barrie. STRATHY & ESTEN. BARB,IS;];{S:i 2-!L._.._ 3,. vvi--y ---u -7-. `cu --any can 90.` M. 0.. L.. C. P. 8., 0.. late resident Physician and Surgeon of Toron- to General Hospital. with special at- tention to Diseases of Women. and Nose and Throat Work. also for some time surgeon in charge of Emergency Hospital.` Toronto. 01- fice and night residence. upstairs` in McCarthy Block. 21 Dunlop St., Barrie. second door east of Dougall .Bros. furniture warerooms, near Five Points. -Phone" 105. HEWSON &, CRESWICKE.` BAR- _! ._L __, _, G; A. RADENHURS1`. BARRISTERW ALA__A_,,, LENNOX. COWAN & BRd Wi~::i3:IT{:A _0._A_'.__ n,-|- _-; figoss. L. L. 3.. BARBIE-: ter.f28olioitor, etc. Bank of Toron- " :._t.o_'B n`ilding. Barrie. Money to loan. LEGAL. f " V _- :_---.--v ovw---cg --- Q 7:2 s.. Edinburg; M. F. P: 5;" 5.: Glasgow. member of the British Op- thalmological Society. Specialty,- Diseases of the Eye. Ear.. Throat and N650. Office, 78 Dunlop street, Saunders Block. Barrie. opposite Post-Office, and Railwa btation. Phpne.. 54 ; P. O. Box. 9 . '-(i;1t'e' o" rs. 8 lia). Office and residence. corner of Jwen and Collier streets. Barrie. in Bothwpll s Blo;k. Allanda`le`.(')`1; the nremxses at night. . The North Simcoe Liberal-onser-` _ vative Association Imet in`.ann11a.l con- vention -in Btayner Thursday with an attendance of delegates which. was ienceouragingly large, trepresentatives being present from_the`municipalities' of Oreo. Vespra. Flos. Sunnidale, Not- Itawasaga, istayner. - Creemore and, Oollingwood. Many electors from the, South Riding were also present. The president, Mr.`F. `F. Telfer. of Oollingwood, occupied the chair, and amongfthose `on the'!platform were Messrs. R. Blain. M. -P.. of. Peel; Haughton Lennox, M. P..South Sim- coe: Dr. .W-ells. R. J. Fletcher, and` ' A. E. H. Creswick,_ Barrie; George .Le- xting, Barrie. . ach, Duntroon; Chas. Cameron. ex- Mayor Hogg. Dollingwood; Dr. Hunt, ' Sunnidale; W. 3B. Sanders, Stayner; Daniel Quinlan. Vespra; Geo. Raikes. T Oro; ` Dr. -Williams. Lisle; Major Bruce. Colli'ng'wood.- and Geo. Lover- ` I\R!_____ 19 tors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. :Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Office. % 13 Owen- St.-. Barne. 1:1. D. b`tew- ` art. L. L. D., D. M. Stewart. 1.558511-L-Isl. III .l:lLJ.I-JJL`; DIILHIELQLDIV5; Solicitors in High Court of Jus-_ tice, Notaries Public. Conveyancers. Offices over the Bank of Toronto. Barrie; `Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards. to loan at, 5 per cent. 11. H. Strathy. K. C.. G. B. Esten. , risters. Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature I of Ontario. 1: rocto1_'s. Notaries, Conveyance;-s. etc. Money to loan. Otfices, Ross Block. Barrie. C. E. Hewson, A". E. H. Creswicke. A-t_1: o14-r-1;y_`. gglioitor in Chancery,} 1Conve__yancer, etc. Office. first door. Owen stregt, over Bank of Commerce. Barne. _j_. .v:. V ___. vv :-v- V7 -v, 1:. rist-Ears. Solicitors for obtaining pro- bate of wills. guardianship and ad- - ministration, and ' general solicitors. Notaries. Conveyancers, etc". Of- fices. Hinds Block, No. 6. Dunlop street, Barrie. Money to loan at 41-2 and 5 per cent. Branch Of- fices at Creemore and Alliston. Haughton Lennox. Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown. L. L. B. __v_-_, -----on--u--va--u-.g.u. uvsraaa-V.-ovnvp Proctor. Notary. Cenveyancer. etc. Special attention in drawing and probating wills, obtaining letters of administration` and guardianship. collecting accounts. etc. Offices. Ross Block. Barrie. Money to loan. DR. R. P VIVIAN, MAN UFAOTUREBS. HOMOEOPATHIST. ' u-vvuoan-.v \ '1 Officers for the ensuing ,.'year were chosen as follows ;-President. F. F. Telfer. Collingwood; Vice-Pretsident. Geo.` Raikes. Ora; Recording Secre- tary. Major Bruce. Collingwood; Cor- responding Seoretary, VF. Hewson. Duntroon; Treasurer. W. B. San- ders. Stayner. The following vice- presidents .-were elected;- Calling- Wood. W. A. Hogs; North Nottawa- saga. Geo. Leach ; South-,Nottawasaga.. ".Da`niel Smith: Bunnidale. John Fer- gie: Flos. W. T. Stewart; Vespra. Bobt. 0rrook:' Oro. Wm.` `Wiggins; Stayner. W. B; Henderson; 4 .Cree_-_-- more. John Mackay. 2 ' T-I CI:t|uII -1 LL- 1-.-}. 1: . --'- MONEY TO LOAN. mncnnincrs. BURVEYOBJ FIN ANCIAL_.__ _.j__._....._... .. l`. BARRISTER. SOLIOITOB. - T_.L-,, PHYSICIANS. "Allcasea Accented. Call or_vc rite M. Bryson, I32 York 81., Buffalo You can get the beat Anthracite coals, Store. Egg 3nd Nut, at lowest prices. with discount for cash- Ordere and have t delivered anv time you want it. Ojoee at A. Morren's. V.S., 62 Collier street warne. and B. Parker : Livery Staoles. Allandalc ` P"t," twome szz`-':a:a nlu-.a1o.1n Shows uowxs mssenciarto Prosperity of the Farmer-Address by Mr. Haughton Lennox. - EVNDOWMENT INSURANQE; POLICIES liei `Bust; and Insurance Agent. Get your property on our. list 3 costs nothing. Monev to Loan-Don' t borrow a. dollar until you see me; terms best. rates and char 3 lowect. Deeds. Mortgages. Wills, etc., pre reggon shortest nouce. so years doing business in imcoe. Farmers ea allv Invited to call and see us. Glad to see you. No chgI3_e_ _fQ[connultation or ndvica_ peci-- my nnvueu to can and _ Gla char e r` consultation qdywe. PO Fl Barns Ht CHEAP COAL --.A|gp wooo I-Iligheetl cash price 4 `d fol Endowment Ineufance Policies, in reliable mpaniee or money -loaned hereon. Apply , - . ' A Ll I van .. ...... -.o.n...u, q_3_5q,uo_g. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin, Ont- Totaliassets. 5303.078. Also L1ovd'e Plate Glass Insurance Com-. pany. of New York. Cash capital, $250, 000 And tine Sun Loan and sevings Company of Ontario. PARKER ,3. mounts; a `Cl Ciulll-I` IIUII -__-__.-.---wtuuuag ID9- Rnmuzssxr was Fouowma Fnu: Insmuuuc; Comumuzs: ' The Mercantile, now ailiated with The Lon _don & Lancashire of England. Sccur Ity, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual, of Wterloo, Ont Tothl assets, $334,083. 'lhn 'll!nnn...-...a...1 It-_A.___c --_ -- CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. Condensed advertisements on first page two}: as wants of all kinds, lost and found. property for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc.. etc., must be accompanied with the cash, and will beinserted-t1rst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertion. of the same matter exceed four. Cuts {or advertisements must in even one be mounted on solid metal bases. SCI-'iOGGlEE_&: SMITH Enthusiastic Consefvative L Conventien in N. Simcoe. `l uuu. uc uual 561.1. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising anything outside their own regular. business. - Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad- vertisements. ' .. lfkreferred positions for local advertise ments in the paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on above rates, on no other ac- count will special positions be given. This , rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHAN G118. Advertisers will please bear in mind that noticeof intention to change advertisements must be handed `into the oice not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in-Tm: ADVANCE office not later than 12 o'clock noon on `Monday in any week, otherwise the advertiser s announcem en: may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. ' 12 changes of Advertisements allowed per year. It more are required, composition rates will be charged. Atlvnv-Hanna ".311 ....L I _ -~/ ` - " ` .._-.__- ..,.....v . 4.`: v nun: LDJLV U Legal Notices, Auction Sales, Amusements, etc.-First insertion 10 cents per line, each subsequent insertion 5 cents per line. V Tllillln nnnfn now 13.... 1.`-.. n u.U!IiuUl.|l- wueruon 0 cents nne. Reading notices, 10 cents per line for may insertion ; 5 cents per line for each subsequent insertion of the same matter. All items un., der. 5 lines, of this character, charged as 5 lines. Obituary Poetry 5c. per line. . Tn: ADVANCE hp:-oven to `hm, by in. gx9eunl:;c x"'Es)t`v -I<!:frcula,tion of any_ paper in tha Allrvn-`:54-n...\_L_ -..- -1. __., , `I v X.(;.; er;:i`;3'e;'1`1l1.e3nts are charged according to Bp`ace-l3 hues agate measure make one mob, ADVANCE `DADDY! J; P. SECORD, ml Ennm um I........ . . _ . _ -. Coulis going, but by ordering from - ?A">`A 5 \*iERfi'S`lNG RATES V .--OI?._... POSTPONED cannon: OFACANDIDATE ansdifvzz ';\G:N'rs CONVEYANCERS. ac. -..._ 13-- _ COMMERCIAL CONTRACT RATES. BARRIE TRANSIENT ADVERTISING El` . I anon aavnce. unite Hotel, Barrie, and i`. 48.1`: O. H. LYON` *'L;ngu;ny 23, 1904 : 110. 1 201 ONT. aAMu:_L' w:sL:v. P'o=ioTPm:-ron 7] Kill 43-ly 7 `runs or Susscuup-no `$1 per Annwm vtn Advance .'No uw name will be nddd to the Subscription List until the money in paid." ' E._I.___!L-__ _-_ 5.. _,,_- r, .1. ,._- _____4|__ __.I ...--- ---- --w any-uvy nu ru--- Subscribers now in arrears for lines months and `over will be charged $1.50 per anuum. ".I"_HE_ NORT_|-IVERNADVANCE ~' " toil. u ILI. 1'01` .LVUVVLl.l.l-lSUl.q Luxuu-' to. Montreal and points east. (I. 7.56 a. m. For Newmarket. Aurora , and Toronto. T 3` 12.16 p. m. For Newmarket an V ` Toronto. 5.26`p. m. For Newmarket; Toron-V ' to. `Montreal and East. Ernins leave Barrie for and arrive -lrom the under mentioned places as Agollowsz ` ` 4.41 a. m. For Newmarket. Toron- Mnnfwool nv-Ir` ru-\:*I'|l'a annf J- J. Frank Jackson MAKER OF PORTRAITS \ 'All 8,213; lun Ne\rvopave1-. Published from the Oice, :13 Dunlop Street`. Barrie in the Countv of Simcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada. ovary V ` Thundxy Mo:-nin,`bv' NEED OF HIGEE R PROTEIO HON. Vvuvu. _ 8.00 .m. For Penetang. Culling- wo . , 1! Daily exoepb Sunday. `daily. 2.20 a. m. For Orillia .North, Bay and S00. - , 1 ' 11.34 a. m. For Gravenhurst, Soo- txa Junction and Parry Sound; 12.59 p.` m. -For Muskoka Wharf. 4.00 p. 1;). For Orillia. North Bay and pomts West. ' 1.24 p. m. For Orillia. 11.15 p. m. For Penetang. O01- lin wood. Meaford. ' 12.1 p. m. For Penetang. 32.n;t)`.m. For Stayner and Collins,-` a%ARhI: a_AILwAv GUIDE Wuv .5 =q.3a.1u.`R1Il`(1 woxs `as. well as ever] 5 he did. '1`he_n there is fthes 'rev.oenti: . purchase. the -'Ioolt, .1'Fort Huntan; . , I This colt V will be a` %three-,yea.n`-old ; 4 ';ne-xt sprin and as he was 9: .good;; - \ one ; ash Ia gyro-,yIear,-ol _ peoted;-of him.` `0 th 2 ?farm?_1s.A `th Q uauung ul; a:n_e urookdale stables and 1.21 likely looknng lotvthey are. The _IPy%en::hst1l')in% ieason promitseg q_` e e es 4 a as represenp 3 Parrie on tlhe turf in many years.` ilhs! wo-mear-o ds axe Ibcgtter and large_-,1, , than ever (befor_e. -whnle ?the older hor- 3'_ ses have all wmteredLwe1l, and _are ;ipow_bIl?Eeing' Ehrpqgh the prelim mary ., or no 1 e raumng season. r._ ,.Dymer_1t will have only two_ repne-_ l?ntaAt11:-,vt_2s inl:Itht:tplatehra ear,I oy aexng es 0. w 0 11113 a se- -'!cond a year ago. and '_I.`he Sappczag `z 331? p i23 35 $3 i3:'`l.`31a %.?``1'.%'w ', ran. D. good `race last sea`sax_1.l ';:1`r1d fthec `too lookfor him to `win tlns 1 , xme. __ A _ "_one_ of : he most useful ho'1_-se_s in gt.-he-_ L stung 91': 80_1B timepast,1s.1n`.tra1p-.7 mg ,'&.`g8{l!l{|8-Il_`d __1o.oks _evor.-'_ 5 he `did. .Then lhm-ra. in H"h.n. -~mu-o---l-- d` Beloourt, twho has,been . are sxxceen ,thorougbreds in at `the Brookdale stables nun 7"!-- ' The local Juniors walloped Allis- ton s fast `team of ~'hockey players on Friday evening `by 13Igoals to 6. The visitors were. on the -whole, heavier than `the Barrie Boys. althou h their team included the smallestap ayer on the ice--young McAtee:r.q `He ' was small, `but \he was "a wonder. The Barrie boys all `did well and relied more on their combined play than in previous games; which `fact great- ly pleased _ their. sup ortte:rs.: The team 18 com osed of rank Mo er-' nan. Bcotty _' cDon'ald. Elliot Gra- sett. Steve "Vair. Dick `Powell. Nor- man Johnston and Jack Somerville. . They are a niftylbunch of youn ath-I Aletes and can. without `a doub . win} the Ju_nior.Championshi if they stick` to training 'rules and or six weeks "cut J out ?th:osc pleaures which advo_rely- effect wind and V - staying iqualitieg. , . T (- ' | It was only by _{the .hardest kind of luck that lBarrie.was beaten out` by St. Georges last week. The .local team was full of ginger and pla ed in `better form than at any. ot er time `this year. .The forward (line pe- netrated the visitor s defence again and again and shots Jrained constante ly on 812.. George's goal. but only three times in the !course of the (even- ing `did Fchespuck pass between the posts. The not having nearly as many oppor- tunities to lscore. managed to slip four shots `past Thomas and won the match. By the :way the Barrie boys played, `both on the `forward line and on the defence, the spectators were confident lllp to the /last minute that the -local team would comeout-on top but hockey is .a slippery game and_'this :wastone of_ the oc_casions when the (best team "did not win. . Georges team. while` Collingwood and Orilliae papers are "roasting _ Barrie `for not giving the 'Collingwood Intermediate hockey team a return match.` This is per- fect rot. The Collingwood club by its own action in asking to have _the date `ofvlthe Collingwood -game post.--. ponegl rendered ;it impossible ' for Barrie to send an flntermediate team to `that `town, The Collingwood peo- ple lost 'a good. game and Hg L;a.teTre- ceipts by the move. -but they made sure of winning the District. If there is `any kick `coming from the Northern town 'the sports -'up_ [there have Mr. !D.fDarrooh `to thank for the change of dates.` `.The Barrie Hockey Club` management merely ac~_ Iceeded .`to `his regquests. * ' Mr. H. J. Grasett (and the rink of curlers of Whom he `took with him to the Collingwood bonspeil are re- ceiving congratulations on all sides on `having `won first (prize in the _'Con- solation competition. '._l`he rink was composed of M-essrs. Wesley Cline, Philip Love and Oliver Patterson, with ,\Mr. _GraJsett as skip and ail .our1ed "in (tin errorless 'manner.~ Thier `final m'a`t'ohs was against Skip Noble, of Collingwood. and he gave them a hard run being only two down at `the finish, There are Fn:r|:u|n& .n4- 5 The Toronto Telegram says-"Grin- dy -Forrester. `tis said {will make Toe- ronto his _-home for the future. He would be a handy man to have on the Marlboros Iwhen [they go a-Stanley cupping). - 1iIe;would add `some iof the weight `the Little Dukes need with- out `detracting any from (`their speed; Grindy used to be fast enough on his skates to win (An occasional race. Capt. Lyon "and Dr. Palling are skipping rinks in the District` Cup competition at Orillia to`-day. .They are playing` `against the .l_ ..a_keficId rinks which `wonthe Peterboro end of the _ District. ` l .":ll::v'+?alt,~.,` A .`;`5"`;.`.`_!f5 i_ictl1yr?lM'ugainsel'l the in`tfe1".e_il:`s ofjthe firmera. and in raver (pt-thfe"bi.g pdrations. He mentioned -in`thia.=on-V motion 'the bills in oonnectionvith rhral telephones; cattle` guards.o`ve1~.- crowding of animals in -railway oars. rural mail .delivery. binder twine, and railway drainage. ' TIVL... -I1-___!-`. .. L. Thern "is. some` talk `of `a hurling qompetition. light Arinks a siVde,`_be-' tween Orillia `and Barrie. _.... -...-....,, ..........,... _. , _ The following resolution was pass- ed: VMoved by \'W. `A. (Hogs. seconded by D. Quinlan. "That (the `Liberal!-Com servatives of` Northsimooe is ,oon- yvention `assembled, desire to express our loyalty `to the `principles of the great. fconservatisze party. and our confidence in -our able leaders. Mes- srs. Borden _ and Whitney. -`and we. pledge ourselves not only -to use every honest `effort to redeem North Simooe. but to assist `as well in carry- ing `our banner to victory throughout the Dominion. ~ ' 2 _ Tm'1`h`;>w1`r;;<:t`i;;'g cI'bse.d with: `cheers fdrv Mr. Borden, Mr. Whitney and the King. L, A. T Late Sporting News sixteen ,thorougbreds in :_h_e Br_oo.kd_qle stables ,, HURON Exposrron. V d .f`Is to call a -ae'ssion of the legis- Cf lature as early in Janu_a.ry_ as .pos-. 3 sible and thus get .'this `session over 2 `I and have such legislation as is neoe- I, . V . election some .t_ime,between seeding *.,a"nd .l1'aying.' By that time .`th,Do - 7; minion elections will. likely-`be over: j the organizations '_of both partiestwill . still-"` in working shape and the publio, would not greatly inconveni- `1 awed." -,'l`his~ `would most likely `settle in the `standing, `of the parties [so as` I /to. fgivej_9. -good;-vvorking. majority to fE;_.e'it,her.". Y A`. .1 ,_ 4 _ _-}Jf.*_f`.."lf3T1e- troi1ble*- lies with {the Govern: or qfathegf` with; its ._.'in- te1jn;il J mega; inaht...'.__`Fo.1`]' some time A rim V _ av - `IQ aaunvuv Dlallll-3 - in a manner discredited before the provinscei Nepotism. always a halo- f ful fault `in publicemen, and a detes- table offence 'in `the =!eyes of the Li- * berals, `has been indulged ?in by cer- % tain. members `of the xgovernmenstg l while the tconneotion of, lthose same members with private companies and _ corporations. ldependent `upon the le- gislature for favor, isaitoo well-kno,-_wn to l'be'denied. Electoral corruption has prevailed `in certain "constituen- cies as the result of the American` sys- tem introduced into the conduct of . election. by which neans Liberal candidates have , been temporarily p ibenefitted.s - ' i "It were as well that the premier `speedily `assert himself and scrape ` off the ibarnaoles from `the ship of "a state so completelysas to satisfy the I requiritments of ithose who wish to ,-' be his political friends` and supporters. We suggest lthat itis time the 'Sul=- l j ilivans and. `such likefwere openly dis- ' {carded and fthat Liberalsn `the var- f ious ridings once;m'are assume the di- 'rection and control of party affairs. and, that `further outside interference lbe disallowed.g' s` = = " .._ _-...r...... ......-.u. vyx. vccuuou LLIU ayllill. of Liberalism, and were fpunished ac- cordingly, in the defeat of their candi- date, as !they well deserved to. be. Then again while the conduct of af- fairs in `the province has. generally speaking, `been Iolean and (progres- sive.g'there Icanbe Inoudoubt but. as individuals. members `of the !gov'ern-1 ment of 'G.W.Ross have outraged pub- lic sentimentvby themanner in which they have` traded on lthe confidence rcposed `in `them bytlthe people and on this `account `the government -stands 171 `O in v..... -- . J.U.IJL.`\J.l.U1'J.J.'Il.U ' NO 'dou`1.); zhe government. .was~ wrdng in .unduly`witholding '\the writ for the election there, and in `that respect misrepresented the `spirit nf Lihav-alien. nap` .......... .;.--_.-_u.-: -- GODERICH SIGNAL. _ "Another factor in the `result was the holding of the seat open gfor nearly `two years after lth'e death of the late `(member elect. This was something . for (which the ;govern- ment had [no sufficient justification, and the lelectors of `North Renfrew are not `Ito be blamed for resenting their dpis-franchisement in this -man-- her. It was a confession of weak- ness on (the part of the government which probably ilost the Liberal can- didate fscores, perhaps hundreds, of votes. and. `moreover, had Ia bad ef- fect over the whole province. ._If there is anything men `despise it is cowardice, and if Mr. -Ross and his ministers are to retain "the reins of `power over `this province, they will have to stiffen` upfand show a strong front `to `their opponents"; The second ,was the `natural re- fsentment '~`a_t being so long disfran-N ohised, At `the general `election the` Liberal Icandidate. (Munro, was elec- ted 'by. 11 majority of 459 votes; The vote had scarcely got 'ooldAwhen the member-elect died. Had an election been `brought on at "onceithis vote so recently given. together with the sympathy "aroused with the `death of the member, would most certainly have resi1l't'ed `in the -election of .3. Liberal successor; But -the govern- ment. or. the party. or both. hesite-1, ted; and"the result .`.has proved dis- |a1strous:_.` V r; _ 2 Some time ago the .Globe'published_ an editorial demanding the removal of the -barnacle s*an-"d `parasites of the Liberal party. and aldmitti-ngi ._tha`c election crookedness Thad, alienated many Liberals `and cooled party en-i . thusiams. Since that time. there has i been `something in the `nature ofl a chorus of lesser Liberal papers tak- 5 ing up that strain. :Whi1_e .this _na-1 turally pleas-es afconservative because it makes `assault upon `?the GOVCIII-2 ment, it :must, {he be a` patriotic Coniservative give {him the satisfac- tion that shouldspring from finding such independence in the `party press of the -country. May. the `day never`; -come when `the prcss.'of both parties i cannot rise totheir lduties above poli- tics when necessary. Here are some of the things that Liberal papers have said of late, bearing. particularly on the North Renfrew Election :--, MITCHELL RECORDER. `Lmryuunmn Iniiniar} NEWS- mvmaslm onumo Ann om`- stbmor rI',ouU3AGE.0...U,sLY CON. _ DEMN "ma: ROSS GOVERNMENT. AND POINT oU'r' stems` on ITS ovmmnaow. ` OSHAWA REFORMER. lJ___.'L1, ha .hi1oh's Consumption ' The Lung Tonic Dickens sesoon Pets. When Charles Dickens was a boy at Wellington House academy it was the secret pride or the_ students there that. they__owned more white mice, red polls and. linnetsf than any other set of boys within their ken. These were kept in hat boxes, drawers and even in the school desks. Asmall but very accom- plished mouse which lived in the "corner or a Latin dictionary in Dickens desk . and could draw Roman -chariots. lire- paper n1nskets_[ and_ scale pasteboard F ladders `tell at last into an overtuli ink ` fat and lost both its white coat and its v ire. Dickens nevertheless won a prise `torhisnatln. . ' " ` 1 The Barrie Horticultural Society held its annual meeting last week and elected -the subjoined list of officers to act for the `ensuing year :- President--F. M. Montgomery- * Viceu-lPres.-D. `C. Campbell. 'Secretary--`R. J. Fletcher. ~ Treassurer--S. 'Dyment. Directors--J. "H. Bennett,LJ. ,Ro- gerson, L. Vair,. J. J. Brown, D. J. Luck. T. -Nash, H. ,B. Joyner and W. A. Bpys. ~ . l : VFUUF unrougn our local 830115 01' d .; uggrel._age. -..- .. ........e. uccu cuucuvuuug :3 Vho-l_d office. He has succeeded bet- ter than might have been expected.` judging from the people he has to assist him in the task." (CALGARY ALBERTAN, ` From -this distance," it says, "it would seem .as though the battle in N orth Renfnew. as far as any .foreign element was concerned. was a battle between Stratton and Gamey. arid that the Manitoulin adventurer has .won.: .That (being the case, it will -surprise if :'Mr. Stratton de- cides to withdraw from public, life at i once; .The Liberal party will be be-. nefitted if the recent election has such a result.` .Whether or not Mr. Ross .will see in {the reverse an invi- tation to resign office himself or to bring on f a general election it is difficult to say. The Albertan con- tinue+S:-The government has lost two bye-`elections in the last few weeks` It won one, Sault Ste. Marie. but under circumstances which were not the most creditable and which rendered {the election hardly a fair expression of `the public bpinion. It would seem from thisthat the people of Ontario are anxious .for a change, and that Mr. Ross, by holding on, and using such questionable means of holding on to power, is strengthen- ing neither his own chances nor the chances of the party in Ontario. Mr. Ross has. by every means possible, some of which dojnot seem to pe the most cretable. been endeavoring tn hnlrl nm... n. x..... _......:.J tvI1e,gover1.1-r.r1e11"t `and pattgr except for ; - what they (can make-out of them and 'toV advance "their own (personal `schemes and ambitions. This. has made" a icpolniess and indifference in `the ranks of the party, not against the party, -but against the govern~? ment. ,which is sure "to prove disas-, trons` if {not counteraclt-ed.= It ,was so in. North Renfruw; It `is so in many `other iconstitulencies and ,we fear ,that [somuch harm has already been Ido'ne in this (Way that it could scarcely mow be repaired even by as change of policy in this respect. '! % Dally action of the bowels ls neces' sary._ Ald nature wlth Ayer s Plus. Barrie Horticulturalists. IThe Ijllnggs 25. 5013.. All drug 7-7:17:36 veins" r7vc`1:L"Pecto" ` 11:: family tofu-1'0 ` (bag. `It is'ltT1{9 best gedicmg in the world, know, for all throat and lung troubles. V . . . Man, .1`, `R, `Nlnnnnnn, Wnlthnm, `Il'mu_ Always keep a bottie of it in" the house. We have been saying this for 60 years, and` sg_)__l1avet_h_ec_lo_etor _ '. :For coughs-, colds, bronchitis, o `asthma. `Weak `throats, weak lungs, consumption, take ~Ayer s Cherry Pectoral. Coughing is the outward sign ` I of inward disease. " Cure the"di_sease with Prices 25c., 50c. ahd 81.00 `one .-.:ig;`{ Pectora S. C. WELLS 8': CO. `Toronto; Can. LeRoy, .N.Y. and the cough will stop. Try it to-night. If it do_esn t benet you we ll give. ' V V A you_r_ money `back. Mns"". J. K. Noiwnoss, wuithanh, Mass. 013., 31.09. J. 0. AYER 00.. ru giats. ' Lowell. Mass. -5-Q13 for ` 'gtodd`theV testbf time.--sVta.nds th heaviest strain-never direct tromvus. lAdvertis in The. Advance 'Tl I01\fAS KENNEDY & 00.. 430111- _:teots . Bothwell s Block. Barrie. 3.- UNWIN. MURPHY -8:-T ETEN. ON- tario Land Survedyors. Engineers, etc. Established 1 52. 0ffice,Mudi- oal Building. 8. E. cornr Richmond and Ba streets. Toronto. Tele- - phone. sin. 1336. Instructions left with Strathy & Eaten. Solicitors. _Bank at Toronto Building. Barrie. mum promptly .attended to. "THE" BALL PLANING MILL COM- } " " " ` nan:-v (V-'-----`---9-` -A ` ANY QUAMITY or MoNm{_ To In-.. -1. A`n __.I v 870.000 `F0/R INVESTMENT on Goon l_.v.-`I.-I.l ---___3L_ - 1 . o. H. LYON, PRIVATE FUNDS T0 `nan an Dani` 'E`_l...J... _L I___--_L ,,_: Hours. `I1 to 1; 7 to` 8. Resixience and Office. Corner of Dunlop `_a.nd. Poyntz Streets ~` T kinds` 131`-313.9 "'x"6mpt*l3.'w3.`x`1`5' aYisf;<;: tonly. Hot last drying kiln. Dis- trlo agency for grained lumber. 1 t -Faotor. Baytield B ., Barrie. Rod- 1 era & a . llie.uocessors to Geo. Ba ,__-- -, v ....u uauvnug o In view of the fact that another session of Parliament will` {be held before a [general election .t'ak'es place. it was 'decided lto postpone lthe selec- -tion of `D. Conservative (candidate until a more definite idea `(can be obtained` regarding the Hate of dissolution of ' thelH,ouse. ` . \ p ` 4 Mr.' R.- Blain. M. P... of Peel."'deli-< fvered a most convincing address on Does Protection Protect the isF_ar- mer? `showing `how under `the .Na~ tional Policy `a duty on pork of two cents a` pound had Tjbeen imposed. by Sir John A. Macdonald e't_o protect the-. Canadian farmer's market from being`- . `slaughtered by "the Americans.` with ; ' the result `that foreign pork hadfbeen 0 `shut P ,-out. and Canada" had" lastwyear exported 105,000,000 pounds. This]; .-was the result of -the protection given '0 ".'_'l'{he farmer by _Sir John`: .bu't*two'!J ;e Eonts a-~' `pound was not high enoxi`gh`}2. 3-16"r_-these days. as last year the ' icalislloaded our niarket"with\ove`r`_ fa; iiglrcn `dollars worth. of ,"p,9ae1;/ B. 3.. BROAD. M; 1).. c. M.. F.['.7l1'\.. `III! `I 11 'n :1 t\ /____ unnuu UU1!L' puny. Garpentering. building. and manufpoturing of doors. sash, blinds mouI..lmgs. etc. Planin of all -kinds done romptly an satisfac- torilv. Hat last apv:.m- 5:1... ~n:.. DR. W. A. ROSS. PHYSICIAN. SUR- Eeon. eto., L. R. C. S.. _Edin.. L. R. ' `. 19.. London. Offices and night . residence. Br`o,wn s Block. Dunlap street, Barrie, Telephone. 77. DR. J. ARTHUR ROSS. L. R. c. 1%} DR. J. F. PALLING. GRADUATE OF. Trinit University. Toronto.` Fel- _low 0 Trinity ,M`.edicai College, Member of the Couege of rhysi-; oians and Surgeons of Ontario. 01- fioe and residence. 18 Owen street. DR. J. `'0. SMITH, L. c. P. 3., ONT., l`I_A.- _A 'I\_._ f`l,,,,,_*- H. T. ARNALL/5 M. D. C. M.. OFFICE __. _ >1-u-4.13.9 \-IL` ulII\I.LV 2 al In `J loan at 41-2 lid 5 per oent.~Easy terms of re-payment. Lennox. Oowan & Brown. Solicitors. Barris- ters. etc. A ..,.v- _ v-- --w v a-uuonn-assign V51 \l\I\l.|J freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No prinoi al money re- uired until end 0 the term. H. . Btrethy. Solicitor, eto.. Barrie. STEWART & STEWART. BARRIS: _.-wp-out .1 K13}?-I115 V / . T`Haug-h_to`n . ss;x:;9:=i>e;;g%It an ad

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