szvzufraau Huunlian DOLLARS GIVEN Avuw 30 S at - d Ev:-rvzluit and Overcoat for boys`_ wear in the store is offered at a reduced price. ` 3 3 T This o'er is only for 3 short time. Avsil yourselves of in and get the boy rigged DI out-st a substantial saving in the cost. _ , This will be the nsl out in our Millinery stock. A Any Reedy-to-weer you may choose, regular $1.50 to $3. 75, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90c Any trimmed Hat you any chooee of our entire stock st just half price. There's to be no reserve. V _ MARRIED LINNELL-DeRIVERS-At 43 Char- lotte street. oil Christmas-day. John E Linnell. of York Co.. to Mary Ann . DeRiv.ers. of Simooe 00.. uby Rev. -W.` C . Washington. M. A. WINGROVE-THEK8TON-In Barrie. on Wednesday. Dec. 9th, 1903. by the Rev. T, C. Keam, Garfield E. Wingrove. of `V -espra. to Elizabeth C. Thekston. of Barrie. ` _- .._. _-__v vv .v- and an-v y, VALVIM, \IlU, nuu JJIQUI, Dbl `st outprioeefnr below; regular value. "I? you went 3 good Skirt et I bargain your one great chance in right now.. .................. . $3.50, $1.50, $5. 75, $6.25 Only 19 Ladies Coats and 18 Childten e. That : the entire etock at Cost: and any and all are to be cleared out ouelquerter to one-helf o'. Stock consist: of about 45 dozen of medium and high gt-ode ouehrinkeble Woollenn. . We are out of some sizes in dierent lines, but whet there in in to be sold at I die- count. Come early for your Woolleue. ' All Flnnnelette weer ie reduoed,on enle in main stone. Gowne, Drnwere end Corset Covers, in Pink, Blue and White. Be only heceuee the supply in limited. t In this depu-mane in .5... land so Skirts. in Nsvv, Oxford, Grey and Black, `c Mn - PQHIQP Chl IIAIO jn-L - _--J $1.2..- -A _ |____ G. Manuel, J. 8.; W. Taylor, Tyler: W. Scott. D. of (7.; W. Kelsey. Or- ganist; Rev. Westney. Chaplain: J. B. MoPhee, `R. J. Fletcher, Auditors: F. M. Montgomery. Geo. Monkman. S. Wesley, Trustees of Property; . .u psuuu vvvus uuaunuus on clearance prwul, IIIO 1U uomxortere to clear at 8 great saving to the buyer. a ` Uur lease of our Carpet Room has expired. As we intend going right out ol Car- pets, we~wlll not renew it and uutilall is sold we will show the balance of stock in room lately occupied as our Cloak Room. Come quick. There ll be no reserve. A seving of nearly a half on your purchase. Wools, Unions and Tapestry Carpets, also Msttings and Oil Cloths. ` The balance of what was the {inert and best made showing of Overcoets in Barrie will be oercd to our patrons st a str ' ht discount of our close selling prices. We'll notearryone over. Gentlemen, ere s a chance. These offers will not go begging- ,4} vvv-nvvti Hutu Us Alli-IVLI \ 4 Lawrence Brennan. nomina'te'd'by R. Stephens and T. _BIain. ' 'I\___,'j T" Phone 169. Successor to Frawley 8 Devlin There will be alvlvatch-nilght service in the Collier St. Methodist Chunch! on New Year's eve. begining at 10.30. SHEPPARD-'-WHAN-At 133 Collier Street. by the Rev. `E. B. Chest- nut: (Mr. 'Henry W. Sheppard. of North Gwillimbury, to Miss Jen- nie M. Whanrof Innisfil. DODD-DAVIS--At 133 Colrlier street. Dec. 23rd inst. by the Rev. E. B. Chestnut, Mr. Samuel Dodd, to Miss Nellie M. Davis. both of .Barric. SHELSWELL-BROWN-At 133 Col- lier street, on 23rd" inst., by _Rcv. A Tc`. (`Ju..J-.....a. 11.. 1_., '$7.b6.'SI1iI'IIIfLIIIIIIIIIIZZ 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 00.` Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Lle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0; Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00. Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00. Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * ~- -'-- V -\l.I \.l 1115!. U] _Ll\I E. chesHnt,wMr. James Shelswelvll to Mia _Mary A. Brown, both of M Dncmtn:n"`3l, 1903 ...822 00 ...$l3 00 ...$24 00 ...$ 3 00 ...$2100 ...$26 00 $6 50 $2100 ...$ 3 95 ...$46 50 $14 00 k, 311 o up---_ . Ward No. 5. ~ ` "in*i3i&' E-3?v1'1I"&1J;EZIa by A 0. Garden and Fletchen. T ` 4 I .W. A. Lowe, nomiiiated by 'I;`h'os.: "Duff and Geo. Reid. ~ - -Inr~' -1-` 1-` n an. -sririraoila u.a:\A .I. u U 0 JJLUULU 'Alex_.ACowan. nominated bi `John -Reid and C. W. _ f .._..-v- -v.. U090!-Q ` vv us lilac ' Reuben H. Wiuxlominated by R. `B. Fletcher and P. J. Moore. AI_,, 11 "WV; 13': `-So`11vl`;:S.`I"1:>`I`1`1.inaVted by `W. w. Sanderson and W. .E. `Waring. Invuzfsnm U `IT..'l.I_ ..-_._!_.-L-3 I__ -In -........-.. V-vg._n\.o vvuu unavo- _ William Turner.'d by Jas. Mbran and Thos. Black.` _ LP; _ , -over... v - - u w gnu `In 4.10 J..'I\7UULlV1u ` -W. P. TS`oules, nominated by F. W, Ohton anld John Hines. \ `I`lT*'lI 0 ---`us-.- uaqu .I.JJ\n-`u JJJKI-Vb- Albxander Cowan. hominated by _J. H..Bennett and J.1F- Pallin-2`. _ vw -- ---vv vvOO\Q `nil 4:30 IJVIJKII-I\4JQl James Vair. nominated by C. T'VPlax t'on. an d Geo. Hogg. Ward No. 4. ' \ F. W. Otton. nominated by ._R. A. `Stephens and R. E. Fletcher. e. `II! 11 '11 _, _ 1.---. aavvv -L U JJLUUI W13. Hubbert` nmihatea b$r.'C. G. Strange` and R. A. Stephen-s. ' .Tn~nv|n.o TT..:-.. .........:......L...1 1... n `In: ----...c IavoJ\-A A-Lavnao .|.J&u.'V&u Samuel Caldwell. nominated by Philip Love and `P. J. Moprge. `I`I?,` 1-7 -u u . ,, A___ _ . .--VJ -u "R". `A, 1';;p;1s:,. nominated by E. 1'. Tyrer and F. W. Otton. 117'-n -- --- ._.`, V -- urn- `WW. P. sou1eE.' n'<;1.11i\1_;;vt:*.d. by .J. F. Pulling and Thos. Black. g_A____ I` In I ' - _.,..v- .-..u can vs uwsuvuo Donald Ross. nominated by _G. A- Radenhurst and E. T. Tyner. Ward No. 3. - _ E. T. Tyrer. nominated by ,C._ W. Blaxton and W. A. Boyxs. V ---- --o-- --v Q-r-UUICII Thos. Peardey. nominated by` slfoore and` R. E. Fletcher. V--- .~-- Q1! -an J;-vvvuvg P. J. 1!?!-oore. nominated. by J. F. Falling and R. E. Fletcher. R. A. Stephens. nominated by. C. G. Strange and E. T. Tyrer. . `D `I D_..---:_I_ _-__3___L_j I,_, In In .._---.av v-oa\n can .50 J. `V50. R. L. Barwick. noniinated by _E. 'r. '.l'yrer and A. 0. Garden. 'Gw.mM:;;l`.w;ominated by _iIIoore and` E, Blain. ' 'jI'ox{1s.' o;a}L:1ad by `E. 88. MOBI'id.'9J _ vi. and _ --u ~a-I\v"vur 5~JI\-I Jo ' TI-Q` W W. P. Sou-le;;11o|minat.ed(by' Jas. Mo`-H VBride and W. E. Waring. Resigned. . For Alde11men- _ -,0 Ward No. 1.. i\ K" C. G. Strange. nominated by D. H. Ma-cLaren and E. Blain. E. '1`. vTyrcr. nominated by EC. G. `Strange and D: H. MacLa1{en., P. J. Moore. nominated by J. F. Belling and E. Blain. . Alexander Cowan, nominated :by Geo. Hogg and J. C. Smith. ' ` V Ward. No. 2. F E. '1`. Tyrer. nominated by .Thos. Black and F. W. 0tton. ' 111' v'I\ 1-1. I - u--cs. am: I AJLQVJJBLUIIO WT;;. Beooroft.non'1inated by ,W. 'A. Boys and D. H. .MacLaren. . 111' 11 c1-__IA_. _ For Mayon- V - LUVVLV Ul. .D\I.1a.I.1aI..I'J. , \ .n. W. A. Boys. nominated by_ G. `G. Smith and Philip Love. `Vt. Boys and D. H. M_acLaren. For CommissiomSris-- F - J. H. Bennett. nominated by W. lII'L,._ rum-ms or 'rHm-,c7m1DA'rms won. MUNICIPAL HONORS IN `crown AND ooumw. . . _ 5 IYVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VYVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVYVVVV I NOMINATION DAY TOWN OF. BARBIE. Blain -rvuo -tun, DU Din IJIIKQVS Church. Burlington, by the rector, Rev. J. 3 Hirst Cross. Miss Constance King Jackson, youngest daughter of the late G. Bruce Jack- son, of Simcoe, being married to Mr. Norman _Freder_ick Lewis, accountanteof the Canadian_ Bank of Commerce,` Barrie. The bride was in blue broadcloth," and were white "furs-and a black picture hat. ` She was giyen away by her aunt, `Mrs. Ki_ng,;.o 8,inieoe,_'who `was gowned _in black ,Dnchesse satin` with 5,-steel trimmings -Mm 1-.W-a `M9: `srf;t1a. bride. was,matren o,f~li9nor,.: while A quiet wedding was solemnized a noon on Thursday, Dec. 24th,i at St. Ch_urch._ Burlington, by rector, l MB. NORMAN LEWIS wins 6. sm- com BRIDE. ` , -u0l1Il0u1OI`S--A.` Bell. Donald Cam- feron. Samuel` lPearsall, Joshua A. ; Swan. ~ j 1 All elected by aool;1matiot_x._ ESSA TOWNSHIP. = Esq, elected Reeve by an- M . R. ` Bell % clamation. _ ` For Councillors- John Coxworth, James Dndas. C. Be_ll, William-Ervin, J. J. D. Bant- mg' ono TOWNSHIP; Reeve-Philip McLeod. . Councillors--A.` Bell, Donald `Cam- eron. Samuel 'fPnn'nan'lI .1...:..... A "O- . nauullig nnu. Ly rer.ZA'l1l.-. Lo\;'c."S'cl1ool Trustee. Thos. Smith, Ald. Pouoher, John Smith and County Commissioner Wells. VESPRA TOWNSHIP. (Returned by Aoclama.ti'onL) --B4`u`evc-Joseph Cald_we,1l.l ` Councillors-James Co_utts._ Alexan- der Finlay, _H-cotor`Cameron andAIs- sac Downey; - - TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL. For Reeve-- .- Henry Grosc, Lefroy. 7 ' "Samuel Coultcr, Lefroy. For Counoillons-- ' Anson Black. of the Township of Innisfil. farmer. Aoolamation. j R.'J.. Hill. of the Township of In- nisiil. farmer. Acclamation. EdwardVT._ Mcconkey. o!'.rthe Town- shipof Innisfil, farmer. Aoclamation. ' . A Q11!-`I-un-.I.....`l -1 ..LI - III - - wsulp 01 mmstu. farmer. Acclamation. R. A. Sutherland.-of the Township `-of Innisfil, farmer. Farmer. [Accla- mation. T _. _-_ U - .. v\n'VLlUL u 4-;ou:au.|auUu. There will be no election for School- Trustees; the following being elected by acclamation.-_-Messrs. '1`hcs.Smith. Philip Love. G. G.- Smith. A. J. Car- son. R. H. Webb {and C. W. Poucher. Other attractions and the fact that the mayoralty `and commissionerships had gone :by` acclamation were re- sponsible for the exceedingly smelt turnout. at the public meeting held on Monday evening. Outside the speck- ers. there was not a score of elector- pre-.9ent'.( Mayor Boys `briefly re- viewed the work of the past year and expressed his nbelief in bright pros- pects for Barrie. industrially. in 1904. Commissioners W. "H. Bennett and T. Beecroft showed the "town's stand- ingeto "be highly satisfactory in the Electric Light '-and'De'- partments. Short addresses were also made by Ald. McLean. P. J. Moore, ; Ald. Strange, W. P. Soules. Ald. Ty- ;I-nr, AIA 1 ...-...... a-1_-_-n m_-_._..,, - jNo._ 6.-WT. C. McLean `and George` Poucher. AcclaAmation`._ 'l1I........ _..:II 1.. L. , _-..-.... .-vnaaulva. cI:LllI' 10 UUVVUIII Ward N o. 5.-W. A. Lowe. Lawliene Brennan. H. B. Myers and David Lewis. i ' ` ` vva. V0` cs-uuzuuxauuu. -"\i"'_ard `No. `2.-R. L. Barwiok` an`d` Donald Ross. Aoolamation. T W Ward No. 3.-E. '1`. Tyrer and R. A. Stephens. Aoolamation. T Ward No; 4.--Richard Powel l. W11,- liam Turner and A. Cowan. '\I7'...._'I 17 _ Iv 1"? A George Powoher. nominated by E. !~'l`yrer and W.'C. McLean. - School '1`ru:ste9.s- . T! Ward No.1. ~. I `- ~ Thomas Smith. nominated by` F. W. and Alex. Milne. V Ward No. 2. ~ - . I?.Philip Love. nominated by R. A. 1`-llamas and Thos. Blank. `Ward No.-3.` "- - YULETIDEVWEDDING J. Moore. Acolamation. For ComnissTi'oairs-J.j H. ;Ben- nett an d` ',1`.,Beeoroft. Aoolamation. For the Council- % j . - Ward No. 1.-,C. G. Strange and P. xxr-.. .1 .1? .J. S. Brunton. n'ominete'd by J. F. Palling and '1`. Blain. = ' i . Charles W. Pouoher. nominated by ` Wm. Armlsttrong and RA, Stephens. Nominees were given until 9 o'clo6k Tuesday evening to withdraw from the field` and the following haye dc- 'oided to be candhdateas... . For Mayor-W. _ A. Boys, {Accla- -mation, e ` at high I 3 `E 113110! 0!. ditty u. v uvuavvll |J.Y Jill`. wilt. Pattullo is survived by one `brother, G. R. Pnttullo of Wood- stock, and three sisters, Mrs. Laid- llaw of Hamilton, Mrs. Findlay of Barrie and Mrs. Short of Chicago. His wife, formerly Miss Isabel Bal- ms!` of Oakvillo, died in 1895. Apart from his newspaper "work, Mr. Pat- tullo intereited himself ave years ago` `in the system of good roads, and ad- dressed many mootings in the pro- vince. He wns also an active member or the Da.iry1ncn s Association, and `did `much towards developing the dnirying. .industr,v in joxford; Whoui he pfocesded to England it was stat- Jed. bychis, closest friends that he pro- v c9!`d,.,*9 W E'18!`.*h P ' , i."` . G. aitu. nom~tmueeu',by c. G. N0. 4: ` _ . i -` s.;A1ex.`rCowan nominated by R. H. " '_ Hand G, G. Smith. _ 2-_J. . Carson. nominatedb y C. G ? qjnz :afn'd'John Hines. - _ ..H_._AWebb; ~nominated"'byVJ..G;, %an.d %Z-41!-f`wan~% . ~ ` , `Af.1Ia; :..5== paper av \pr V.` many an 11;-Ascu.svu. In 1875 he entered upon a news- career with The, Woodstock Sentinel. In 1880 he assumed control of the paper, which afterwards be- came The Sentinel-Review. For twenty `years he was recognized as one of the ablest editors west of To- ronto. He was president of the Ca- nadian Press Association in .1890, 1891 and 1892. For years he was a power in the Reform party in the political campaigns in Oxford, and 2V5`, was 9, very able platform speaker. In `1898 he. succeeded the late Sir Oliver Mo`wat`as the V member of the l Provincial Legislature - for North 011- ` ,ord, and has since represented this riding in the Ontario House. `Three month ago Mr. Pattullo retired from his newspaper duties and proceeded to England as an observer of the Chamberlain campaign. There, how- ever; he entered upon the work of as? sisting Mr. Chamberlain, and for the past month has been addressing meetinbs in support of the scal pol- icy advocated by Mr." Ghamberlain. IE1 `pnfdiuilnl In - -....-..'-..-A I.-- ! no-`run-aqlv 5-van nun A|A|uvlL&IUllIu The late Mr. Pattullo was 58 years of age. He was born in Peel County, and removed to Oxford when 3 very young boy,` settling with his father `in Blenheim township. v He was edu- cated in the public school and inthe Dundas High School and the St. Catherine: Collegiate Institute. A!- ter winning the Gilchrist scholarship, he commenced the study of law in London, but was compelled to give it up on account `of ill-health- T.. 1OHK `I..- -..L-_.-.I _-_ I Mr. Pottullo o opeeches made gregt hits in England. He epoke to the point, and his audiences admired his outspoken criticisms, though ho was exhausted physically by each effort. 7 logrot In Wooduook. Woodstock, Dec. 80.-Throughout the entire city of Woodstock and the riding of North Oxford there are ovi- dences of feelings of regret over the sudden" death in London, England, yesterday alternoon of Andrew Pot- tullo, M.P.P. It is the intention of the ` relatives to have the remains `brought here for interment. ' (BL- 1-1.- 11.`. ._-_ -n --_ -n&\-its His nephew, a newspaper man in London, who was stopping with his uncle at 11 Montague Place, says: Mr. Pattullo woke up early gasping for breath like a person in heart trouble. I administerd a dose 0! medicine prescribed by Dr. Will Ross, son of Premier Ross. He ielt better and went to sleep. In the morning he was very cheerful and arranged to T attend a fancy dress `ball on Thurs- day with me. He showed such strength and cheerfulness that I went to my newspaper, did one and a hall i hours work and returning found the door locked _and Mr. Pattullo dead` inside with his throat` cut with a razor." " League at Ipswich. Barlow Cumber- land spoke in his stead. He seemed to be. excited. over the English pa- pers criticism of his speech delivered a. few days before his rash act. He [had 116 nancial difculties. He had but recently received 8500 from On- hunt`; uvvvnulun .Jvu,AD GK!)- Pattullo for some days past had been in a nervous condition. He had cancelled his speech to be de- Iiumuu-I I...c...... 41.... rn_..:n ---L_-- London, Dec. 80.-Yesterday An- drew Pattullog M.P.P. for North Ox- ford, when,taldng medicine, by miss- -take obtained a bottle supposed to contain strychnine. -The swallowing ` of ` thevdoss caused such great `pain that he was evidently unable to i hear } it, and committed suicide. A relative or his here says that the mother of the deceased met death also by sui- cide, several years ago. rm. n..u..n.. 4.... ........- 1---- __-. ucuwu nu: spawn: nu DB (18- i'{$'3re"&'" bgiore the `Term Reform 1 Ii lVh g1Qld-RVnd Bu_u .7: Ilonou Condition for _lonio Day}. and In lxoltod Over an nnguun. raponv criticism of `a Ipodch no no. ` llvoud 3 Few Days Ago-Iu Nois- pupor and lfolulonl Cu-oer. ammmu `suscsagwm sum}; ` . ; J -mg `lzlgpgarablo Pain. ANDREW PA'I"__I`ULLO. M.P.P.' *'.l`HE "NOR'rHERN ADVANCE . Corinthian Lodge A. F. and A. M.. installed the (allowing :0ffiO8l`S on Monday evening ;--J. G. Irwin. W. M.; Jas. Shrubsole. 8. W.: Donald Ross. J. W .; IJno.:Roge rson. Treasurer; A. Wilkeus, of usefulness as a. publicist arid par- liamentarian. sure that this um regret is shared in by my colleagues.` as well an the majority -of the mom; her! at the House." - ........ .. uwuuuuu-perna,p~ last ses- sion-even more notably. than qt any previous session--he impressed the House with his powers as 1. 'debs.ter was o._ Liberd throughly in sympathy with his party policy andin regard ity of. his fellow members. Personal- ly, I feel his loss very much. I_Io Wgl in tho Vllrns-' -0`- ---1! ----A-~ __--_v_- V. a.\.uuLaL1oIaluloIUll 5` low yeere ago. He was well know: u a. capable debate: in addition to his journalistic experience, and .03 several occasions--perha;pe last Iion--Ivnn mam -..-.4-..I.I._ LI.-- -- .,.......-_y uauuuvuuu. no W8! I terse. and polished writer, and took g comprehensive and fair-minded view of public questions. The late Premier. 811' Oliver Mowst, owed a. great deal to Mr. Psttullo for the` strong hold ho secutod on the electors of -North Oxford, as Mr. Pnttullo, through his paper, was able to keep Sir Oliver's ` constituents well -informed as to the v policy of Sir O_1ivsr's Government, and his methods of administration {Cw VDIYI IDA '11. cu... __II I. .7 ' than 0.!-dina.r'y distinction. Ho wgg ., tnrnn and nnli-1.-.: .....:4.... -...u 4- L ` heart failure. Particulate were imme- diately wired for. Tribute rm. Ilfomior. Toronto, Dec. 8&0.--The news of 1 Hr. . Pe.ttullo It death in London cre- ` ated 9. distinct shock here. Hon. G. W. Rose paid the iollowing tribute: "I have known the late Mr. Pat- tullo for many years. I made hie _ acquaintance in connection with jour- nalism, in which he achieved more than ni-rlinn. .n.n....u..... tr- ._-.. _ `~ \ K M: Kw-5. . \1;\ V . r \ \ . `Q . .: ~ `- .~ ` 1 ` : 3, . `A 4,.` 3.` . _ ~ . ' ` - y K.` . 5- . ,`-' . `I . Iv I I `i .4. . ~ . . ` " - ` ` `, \ ~ ` ` Q I T u I . Sale of Ladies Skirts] We give no credit, but all prices are marked on a spot cash basis and the value we give is building up an immense business. Satisfaction and fairness to all. ` ~ Sale of Ladies ...a 3 Children : Coats A` Sale of Men : Underwear Ladies 1 Flnnnelette A `Underwear T ` Sale of Men : Oven-coajts} and Suits `j ...-. ..-- ----v \~`o\n on Daviil Lewis. nomi1.1:a.?<;d by Ge and G. A". Luck. D ' ' _ 'Armetrong and J. S. Brunton. Ward No. 6. ' 9 W. G. McLean. nominated -by`Wm. _V , _,___,_ ._ , _, ,-...,--. ., . . . .. no 31) . .* O Ladi G L b0 . 1 $40.00;Sl . . . . . . . `. Offerings in Men's Fur T3: Gre '"L.m'yM:';, :e:la:t?o)r. Sale...:. ...................... T ' ' One Man 3 Coon C (2. first quality, regular $65.00. . . ..$46 50 Caps see wmdow Two Men ; Piecedo(':`oon Coau. regular $22.00. Sale . . . . . . . . .514 00 S818 Of HOSIOYY 120 pairs ne Ri_bbod.Caahmere Hone, sizes 8}, 9 and 9}, regular 35c., Sale. .$ 25 - A A 120 pairs plain Wool Hone eizea8. 9 9} regular 25c. Sale... . . . . . . . . . .. 20 Sale of Wool Cloud ' s'Atra'htd' t"l1WlHd CldWlShl 1 h HOOJS Shawls 1n:nuf:%rure;. :;1v.':r1;;)le.Sahawl;)`:st on? tird 3;` r'a gula`:-t.) aw 8 8 80 t we sets of R`nn`nt sci All oddznente and short lengrha of Drew Goods, Flannela, Flannelettea, etc., at marvcllonely low-cut prices--all marked in plain figuree. Sgle - of Wgo] Bjankets 25 gain Wool Blankets at clearance prices, also 10 Comforters to clear at .__J p____,___4____ aavum buyer. Sale of Boys Sui - Overcoats S816 Of L8dfeS'NkW68l' 25 beautiful creations in Ladies Fine Neckwear in Fancy Stocks, Fancy Bows, A pm glaring-' V ` eto., iu black and colors, regular price $1.00, 850 and 75c. sale , , , _ _ _ _ _ __ 50 Osheroeringa, equally as good a bargain. One Ladies` Caperine regular $33.00.` Sale. . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .822 . . .. .. ::g:{:: sszgg. 33:. ., ......................... . .313 Sale of Furs 1-... in... a.:,. 1.....:,`a.....a..., .;e...1.,'st:;.2>'.;.'s'..1;::::::;::::::::::::%2 38 F L,d- ' d M _ A One Ladies Coon goat. regular $40 00. Sale . . . . . . . .321 00 or In .3, E; ' compute One Ladies Electrro Seal boat. regular $40 00.- . . . . . . .326 = 0 One Ladies Sable Mu. regular $10.00. Sale Offerings in mm... F... 21. %,:Si3:L?.':'.%:::b.92::;:::L*: 31.-.. 881 --------------------- $2.1 00 . . ~ We? start _ our Clearancep Saleof all. Winter Goods. We re a . la going to make a clean sweep and it will aord you a splendid M 9 a , 4 - opportunity tosave a deal of money if you have any use at . or all for the goods. `Our operations for taking stock commence on that day and we estimate our surplus stock at four thousand dollars. If we realize twenty-three hundred dollars we ll be satisedand you will be a participant in the division of one thousand seven hundred dollars `given away. That s the whole story and -here . are a few particulars. Read them; it ll do you good. J For our Allandala frluncls two special clbllvorles. morning andafhrnoon. % , __ v ow- 4-vuIn5.InGb9 V Comforters Carpets and Linoleum: JGEORGE VICKERS MASONIG Sale of Millinery Frawley Block. between Bank of Commerce and New Barrie Houee unuv-u uuu \Jo VVo`J.Jlv&lU.l.I- V ' . H. B. Myers. nominated by C. W. ',Plaxton and C. Llmk. \