U v v v v v v V V`V:'_,-.""vv'v I IIIl1h\l `Rev. ' James V Kidd experienced -lmvuch difficulty in gotting home from Minc- sing Sunday afternoon. .- f\_ 'll'__, ,1 ,...-.........v vuusgnug uu uugrcus -111 la few hours with `cold penetrating winds. many_residen_ts of -this vil- lage are 'on%the {sick list, some ru- quiring medical attendance._ Among those that are ill are Mr. A. Craig, Mr. Go. McLean. Mr.'.,Geo. C, Gaston. Mr. Wm. Hodson, _Jr., Mrs. Abraham Craig and Mrs. '1`.`Emery.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reedman. of Vic- tor_ia Harbor. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. "Morrison. .-u-.uu.u.J GLLG1 1l.UUllo mbn Monday Morning the -thefmome-_ ter read 20 degrees below zero. I E: Mcntg om"c_ry s recnrds `and . g were thcinbest thath can be procured. iThe members of the company wane iBarrie `boys. some of \them B. `C. I. I-students and when when here were vthe guestscf C. M. Keil. .' ' I r\____-.. -4 nachine Owing probably to tl_1e ve;-y'.9hangc- viable nature of the weather; for, the past two or three weeks with [the emperature varying 30 degrees in | Q fllr 1-nnnuvua ---ILL -_I -`I -~ A~~ I --v -vvavs: u;.uu u u.u U1.` .L|.v.l.`J.l. U 11:11 D U1.` UULV V 1U'1'1UJ.V D E Stat. Upper Canada; also Statutes of Canada, 1869, Cap. 3:, Sec. 8:, and Statutes of Canada, . r. mcane Jjamea Shi . O. Knox. A Il..l`..l. I ROD`: WlIzel'.. on II on - u .'S. I-!opkiuq........ . Andrew McBride ...... .HenrySabine...... IE&IGunnIUIIu IOIOIIOI` Inn \lI..: nuv-:6 The Pi-ices - Ruling in the Barrie and Toronto Markets Durimr the Week. - Bantu, Duo. 30. 1903. . ._-v--. sun. --vu--on o (J I W..." tIUII.U ICU! . 3?... L33. . rs. Sarah Mm-ro\_v...'. `D.-u..lA ,|:.cI. Uonalaouooot oncog- .HenryHulue.... .. .PeterHolt.... ` .Ed.Donn.ld.'..... , Harvey Arnold...... . . Edam-Gallawa.y .. .ThoI. Lannan.......... .Tho|_. Brown.... ...... .'I`hoI. Brown.... . . Ernest Hiae . . Percy Winn cg... .. .. . {inmes Shiel}_|.,)r.. I . ercywinmng... .. .. I IIICIOICIIJ y Sudan nolnunou DP` IOOUOO III. `nun-AQL:-I - 2-' I -Charles Hare" ....... > IIQIII 0 . William McKendry.. . ,ohn Lombard .. . .. . . obt. Switzer......... lllnnhun, IVIFI. aaran LVIOITOW. . . Ed: Donaldlnaooo 00000 "anvil "nl-A 15HE,1,oRTHERN ADVANCE Name` of lifendant. -0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++&++4++++` Barrids Bargain House. ; The Scottish Concert Company made their second appearance in the S. A. Barracks last Friday evening, under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of Craigvale `Presbyterian. Church. The [Barracks was jammed to` the doors. p Proceed-s $86.00. Tickets 250. and.35c. 1A"__ -rs Miss Lola Campbell, of Barrie, is vi- siting friends here. V 111'-I1 -Ix, 1 C _,, ,L 1-, -. _..vvvu.-a -yvv-vvu .-Avgnvvnr -vv L1lu.'UUUn Mi-ss {Erma Dolmzige is visiting friends in Toronto... teacher junior .depa'rtment. Miss 'M1n1de Cooke. ' ~--.-_ .-.-n gas.-u nunvn. vs Will Dxvmcan spent Xmas. at'his home here. . ' Nature of Charge. V We bespeak for these new enterprises a liberal share of your valued patronage, and join with them in wishing one `\ and all every good for- tune during the coming year. ` Since wishing youa happy`and prosperous New Year, .1903, we have extended our business materially in adding two new stores, viz: JAMES VAll=?,` qAMEs_ VAIR & sows, -JAMES VAIR, ||V|F ER,|AL l\/IEAT |\/IARKET, ' ` V . Vair &. Wheeler, Elizabeth Street. \/Call` vxctlon James Vair, Imperial Meat Market. J. w. BLo;;h:1ne,.:.`., .. Thos. L`a'nnin-an;'l' SATURDAY MARKETS Geofge. Bgoth, J.P...... I Before J ustices of the Peace for the County of Simcoe, transmitted to m` annexed. and now published by me under Provincial Statutes, 4th and 5ti `a, 1870, Cap. 27. See. 3. `I D nmmun nu, u Nzuine of Convicting Justice. an nrown .. . Brou|ghton . . . CCOIOOOOIIOOAND THEOOIOOOOI Grocefy 8/Restaurant, Allandale. Dry Goods 8:. Shoe;, Du:1l Qp Street. Grocer, Duinlop %Street. -v-u---- The death occured on ,Christmo.s, after a few days illness from pneu- monia in St. Luke's Hospital, New- burghe, N. Y.. of lSara E._ W. Orrock, eldest daughter of Mr. /Robt. Orrock. of Midhurst. Miss Orrock went to Newburghe six or seven weeks ago to help nurse her sister Dora, who was in the above` hospital training for a nurse, `when she contracted typhoid f-evter. The latter is still too ill to N ORDER TO REDUCE OUR BIG STOCKS; as possible " before stock- far as _ _ taking, Special Prices will ,be' put upon all lines of. WINTER. Goons and FANCY Ho'Ltn'A`Y - GOODS. Following our l}sua.l practice, we will mark `every. thing at Prices that will sen the goods until they are in demand, so that Winter Goods _ can be bought as cheaply now_ as in February.` ' ' ` V OBITUARY Km t. ine Fine, wh-en paiH_To whom pai-d-c-Sver, Penalty or or to be paid to or to be paid by Damage. said Justice. said Justice. IQ . .. .l`...._ 4, ll` ' Grocery and Restaurant, ALLANDALE.' Simcoe, ma Office py the Justices whose names ace ncial 5t Vnctona. Cap. 12 and :24, Sec. 4., Can. J. R. COTTER, Clerk of the Peace, County of Simcoe. ., -pant. nyugu J. R. 6r&a aZ'i:1;'.1 of the xjeace, con-uy'o saw V be told of her .sister s death and this is `causing much anxiety. The funer- al took place on Tuesday at 1 o clock from the family residence, . Maple Grove farm, Midhurst. to Christ`: Church Cemetery. 7th Con. Ve~spra.. The service being conducted by the- Rev. W. G. G. Dreyer. of Beeton. The deceased s family and herrmany rela- tives have the most sincere sympatf of numerous friends. Read The Advance s great offer 622 page three of this issue. her. not paid, why not and general ob- servations. if any. ,___.._________.. Wholesale priees` on these lines. .This means 20 er cent. saving`. Agents for Geo. A. S1a.ter s Invictus Shoe," `J. D.: King :z, W. A Ma.rsh s and all the besb.ma.kers. The largest Clothing Stock B9:rrie. Men's and Boys _ Overcoats, Raglans and Ulsters, Pea Jackets and Suits. ' Cuts of from $1.00 to $4.00 on every suit and overcoat. THIS IS THE PITT1.` A DDQVD Q'I"l'\'DL` -TRY F1 A RT` I 'l\ A `I.`f\`D (`QT (\7I'V'U T\Tl`I `V Vruuvv spun vvva. I-nav salsa V_\ab\t\lIUVo .n..-.--an u 6IuI`i3X15lVEvST.STORE."IN O2 &l:TADA 195R CLOTHING. prices. ucxatlulvcltIvI~tIUlIOlOI9lIIuuv_v Geuuoou "guy'-iouooctcoouooro JTIUB 11- ____A-.--`-.-."' Last year s prices on the best Blakets made in Cariad a. They are worth 20 per cent. more now. All new styles in- SEl;.'S_s.1:e:s,w Maittings, Vestings and Muslins. $1.25 Blouses, $1.00. $2 00 Blouses, $1.50. $4.00 Blouses $3.25. $5.00 Blouses, $4.25. ; In Cloth, Matalsse, "l.3'e:a.\_re_ai:S,- and Self-lined. $2.50 to $40.00 13.1 At $2.000 up -to $10.00,` in Barrie. Reduced $5.00 coat, f$3'.9o; Coats, $7.50; $12.00. Coats, $9.00. lti whitecooouo Icooolliilcolous no redvocono OOlIOCO'OI..Q'!III nu 80038-0ooovomocoltooltlvctV gt-IIIOC0 CC>C.'IDIIIICOIO | aooouoouoooocu _ . . . ....ooauoo Toronto -Farmers` M6rl_I01!~ Tonomo. 080- 30- I903- Q n fl` IN THE MARKETS W have always been Leaders in Low Prices. The bottom fell out or the market hilt week as far as poultry was Vcotgcemed and . turkey dropped down t_>,;12?; cents} ,a' pound. gem 10 cents and chickens '!jro_m.`4(_J, `cent; I-v pair up. Gwihg to this_A.'t'a(.: V ` queiice of the low.tp1pggtu market `did not among: b!'9I1ght.\16;.a.i:d'1'8*: ti d: Tweeds and Dress Goods at 10 '1; 30 per cent. below regular DC! }3ound..... rung. per pound........ Ppoundooopouvuvvoouoso IOOI IIOIII 9'9CIIOOIIOIOII|. `Z9-onoouvooovowuovcno rbag""."'CI"'"" lam POI cwtnoumuv tters. 9 cwtvoovvu Ind:-oounoovoonoltuooi Ntottltlconvoloivvo. Ultnvo qouo 14000: `ollll `OIIII 321:2: 650.... ' 09-in 00.... 5 6:09!- 9-091$, E3583 M19 9'E? J. C. |RV\/IN, Iatalasse, "Beavers, Curls, Fur"-lined, Ialign-lied at 20 per cent. reductions.` 0 _ " I |.An`n=._s' cons 'Oati `Rye... Wheat. Wheat. 000' KOOIBHQH Spflghouno oocoouol BaeyovlI!0I!`O|0". PERI, , , c{Lo'n-mm (e.I-096:5. BLANKETS .!-' SKIRTS capes The largest stocks and closest prices V 75 IRye-oooonoouonnouovovocvvooon 0" . P883...--o uI'OIllOI|"""'.".... Hav' Timthv'...'.'{..'oOlIIIlOlII StraW,,,,,,,,..ooooovvott-coco:-no Dfesed H"ivvooouvnuooouVu'oI"CO' Butte : p0lll1dy-------"'"7' Chickens, wring. POI Pd' ' ' ' ' ' " - Turkay, pI`pOUIIdoooo,o'ouuuvooco_:c DucksunllvvicIovW r\(IIOO0I9""'_' ` I-`Anna , . . . . . . . . ..u-guano ? Mossrs. E. R. Case, patent solicitor, and F. J. Bell, of the Ontario Wind Engine and Pump 00., Ltd, Toronto, spent the Xmas holidays. here, the guests of Mr. R. J. Bell. A sloigh load _of our young people attnded the concert at Shanty Bwnon Xmas nigh t and pronounced it excellexit - V - . Hay breught $8.00 and $9. 60 On the grain market prices ruled as follows : Wheat .740. to 75t_:., oats 26` to` 27,- peas 60 to '61, rye 48 to 50, buckwheat 40, barley 361:0 38. '1`l;e Xmas concerts of thc -Methodist and "Presbyterian Sunday schools were V `both successes. - Mr. Will Ctswford, of the V Heintzman. Piano 00., Toronto. has nished his tuning couraevaud will be home for a mopth or so. .. - -~...-. - - `Mr. Rgbt. `Crawford, ofTWinni1')eg, is home for holidays. ` _ _ and a`_good rie you can bringdown the largest game. Buy your rile and outt now. Get used to yourkweapon. -You can buy good Rifles, _Gun: A_t_n_mux.xition br_ At 7 o'clock Saturday morning the .-thermometer registered 22 degrees be~ lbw` zero. `II . II 'I'pumn3.nnn '|`l1I11VVIl)l` `n!!! I-Kn aim. `GUI! ' I The best graphaphone entertain-I ment of the season took place on Wednesday` evening." Mr. Montgom-| erys selections on, the (braphaphona were very much ptppreoiated. . `as was the minatrel play by" we Tran Bro_s.. .!l. h9 p:i!idu;tion!v wer.ejn:1orodit- toothn o~`3~ntlunen"f bx -e`aen!tina: .1:;:uem.'~q;Mr. 1 ooot0|""" ueese.....- ----"""' E388. Pl' do!" ' ' ' ' . I '..".':I.I.o.t.I.I".: Patatoel. Per I338" ' ' ' ' '~' ' Beef. hindquarterl Par cwtn - - ' ' "'. 3" , .10! Beef, fog-squatters. DO!` c.v.V' ' ' "' , ,v, . . '.'[IV_I.III Veal,Pe|'pO|1ndnnonnooioooonu-I00? lillln (II \4auuay on. u...--.... [ V Mr. an'd Mrs. D, Hart, of Toronto Junction. are spending their Christ- mas with Mrs. Ha1'ft.'s.ssi'ste:I'. Mrs. G. 0. Canton. T ' -_-_.__.. -1 I'I--`..I- 11 v U \.ll$I- II!!! I `Mrs. Stevenson. of Buffalo. N. Y-o is visiting herimother and father.` Mr. and Mrs. Lumbert. ( 1:19.... A `ll-'--'.'I..' 4; 'I`n~nnnl-A` 3:: I"|\n| `E: X,-'n;`1se'ti:..s["iz."';c<':1i'::c'>'x:w."I$a:r. and ! Mrs. Charles Hudson; 0!` Hillsda1e.' '~spe_nt,Ghriatma\s with Mr. Wm. Hod- 'p,w awn up Mr..H. Morrison returned from the ` 1North West on Saturday. ' - up` A u-`,1-n ,3 1-|-____9_ of Barrie, were the guests or (Mrs; Bell s father. Mr. A. Craig. Christmas. I L ' '1 -:1-__.. 'l\ 1 J'-..L -3 lI'!-..-..J-- .U.l.1'o uuu. Jl.;Lun uuauvva -- Miss A. Moody." of Tor`onto. is the gues of Mr. an'd' Mrs. J. Swan. 11'. .....I "mm `D IA'n`|:v\nn, Mr, nrirl: .`III3 CCIIIIII lllllll 8! Sporting5Goods % of all kinds at the lowest price from W J-R035 ; $7.50 0oa.ts, $5.00; $10.00 T OR0 STATION . ORAIGH URST. '- The annual School Concert held in the S. A. Barracks last Tuesday even- inging was largely attended. A good program was given by the pupils and ex-pupil`s. With over one ` xhundred getting in free. the proceeds amount- ed to $35.00. Price of admission 15c. A Bell piano in attendance. The teachers of the'Public School deserve great credit in getting up such a fine concert in such short order. Teacher senior `department, Chas. Dearing: ` A I.Certxfy tha_a.hove to be 3. Correct Statement of Convnctaonn by Magasttates In the County _of Samooe, ' pm Qf up cm: pf tug Barrio, gum city at December. AJ) 1903. `u lVlIl'lIlen........u.... GoorgeFnncey........I .chamw...I.. ...C' w`i'IU.. ...."] B.V'Ch_mm.n..'... .... ` an .`Cl}3Fmnuco;`vic'u" | Samuel Cotton'.. ...... 1 `R;Bhnr M.-l';Il... ` I\lCI'III'U lVICI.lQuanuoosoc . Go Dfa el'.........nu-. E.C. ParunnooooOOouu' R I` Du--- E. C. Roper............ B0 C3 ROpO| .u....,,.,. R. C. Rnnnr___._,,, D.UllImIl1..-nu not A M`ddCno:ooouoonoou`: Canton Pu-nan-n SCEIEDULE OF RETURNS OF CONVICTIONS tat. Upper Canada. 1861:; Can. 11. S V .. :, an mum-. .-. Qua, `I"IuCI Laotian}. ` McLellan. c on 0 0 ' 1}. Donna! , n. U. op: | E. c. R0 I-lg... Q . `leafy nIWu.. 0100000 J G. Dmyen. ............. . G.Dl yI'...nu-n....' An I M .... I. ` A]n`X:darc`I7nyIEn|-.; , 1 U`CCCIO ` Alexander Walker. . 3 Amrun McKnIv . . , , , , ' nwxauacr wanker; .... : Angus McKny....... ..% SamuelCotton.......... G.Dreyer..............4` G.'Dl'yel'..........-no Ga DryrIOlIOIOOIIIOIO] H.ttua(".n.-ul.-:.-I. 1 IIIICIUGW flI'0cucooo H, Ben Hhcockonoool 000- .Im_ I. Gab: ` DEVI l'IIICOCKuooo| .Gilk'I..". UIIC Dr. ccullough and; .. Blair McKea . . . . . . . . . . ` nugn Hugh Wri|zht..`........` _ Douglas '| urnen-.. ... ' Douglas '|`urner.. , `Douglas Tumer........, ;`Oh Sr smI:llo`uoovocco`- . ugh Wriht.........'.1 Hllh Wfiht-.........4 Hugh Wnght....._.....] Mn. L. I. Clquhoum. J B. chmmCOIII 0000" I I ooh 0 I}! 0,; ~A_- Ilnnld-n ` vvrIn:IlIIOII .Il' u -vvyvucoooooconolil :6a foooouoooooocl YCCUQCIOQHQ] Lamnslnna and 1'01". "'"".""' Plckson0IIooofpIoo0l'I"""' HOIBCHidsnmo;-oquocoooo--ooollf Bo ChCICm`uoooIoo- U00 i . 1 1 Caroline Monahad... . . . '1 Alldfw Hefonouuoo 9 Bart I-Hanna-In George Maneer, of Berrie, ispent Christmas with friends in this neigh- borhodd. . - V `Mr. Garrett, of Barri. had the plea- I sure of putting a {new Heintzman piano in the home of Mr. Frank Ru- bertdsotn. ` Miss Minnie Lloyd. of `Toronto. is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reynolds. ' r. mcuuuougn and. II cc_o OIOIOI` _Mr. wilfgnd Wilfred Dickey. of Elos, spent Christmas with their mo- ther here. ' pan-aoaI4\n 45v; V IJUlUVVp we may o_ne;1;1c1a1l -be admitted to the rest above. ' `Signed-Innisfil_. Dec. 28th. 1903. R. McKee, J. A. C. Evans. 'S.AH`.\Broley, J. A. Peacock. Q-an \lI ' I Miss Violet Duncan was the guest of Mrs. Will Stewart last Saturday evening. . . C and Mns. H. C. Black. accompanied` by the following address ;-We your neighbors `and friends learning -that you are so soon leaving our midst for another place _of residence. feel that we cannot allow you to depart without showing` you some tangible expression of the regard. with which A presentation was made to Mr; yourself and estimable wife are held by us.. and although your removal will mean a loss to us and our neigh- way lessen your fields of usefulness. therefore. in wishing you Godspeed? andsueoess in your future home. we would ask you and Mrs. Black to ac- cept these easy chairs as a small mark of our regard and hope that af- ter the days work and toil, you may enjoy their restfulness and think of old friends at Stroud. and in wish- ing you allong and prosperous journey inthe voyage of life, we would pray that when the labors and toils" of our life s work are finished" here below. We rnnv 1171:: and -11 L- -.L--'U-- `- -borhood. yet we know _it will in no Name of Prosecutor S'l'ROUI') Mr. Gideon Dolmage. of Detroit, i-s spending a few days with his parents here. . ` I A 7 "rZii3'}"3'e"I'bfTIIIIIIIZIIIIlL;;... Lambskin: Sud `f'ho o 0 o_ 9'. c -' pnnlrn , , , _ _ _ . . . . . ..-...nnnoIO