ere -and the that go ill- the; eto Master Beecher Oonran is spend- ing the holidays in Toronto and ex_- pects :to attend Trinity .College School, Port, Hope. after the vacation. * Miss Hinds. who is attend- ing St. Joseph's Academy. Toronto. is spending her holidays with her sil- ter. Mrs. Jas. Kiearns. Bradford St.` . Mr. A O. W`. Blaokstook. of Regina.` N. EW.. '1`.. is'_ap_ending a few` weeks "1v4i'~tV,:`,1d"'tri`:n`, 1!! W-. ?iini%v~ .H<= 4'wgE jziie ; mxeat . -ot, I _ ,`v)._` `.v . ii.-.3; ?Ei;`?.13i' .0: AHav`el_oo_l:._j and~_ ;EatVo,n; -Williams, W wpentohrntm` "It~"-the Mr. Alvin Johnson. of ( Weyburn. A1388. formerly of Minesing. is re- newing old acquaintances in town and vicinity; - ' I If__ ___.I >'lI,-__ 1'0, , in cm to Q turn up man: In DE A. L. Ball and Qite. of Colum-_ bia. Pa. .and Mr. (R. W. Ball, wife and child. of Toronto. are guests of Mr. l and Mira. D. G. lnrbhiaon. .----I v, v Mr. and Mrs. George McBride. of Philadel-phio.. with their little daugh- ter. Dorothy are visiting vat Mr. Jas. MoBride s. Muloaster street. `'0 /. , Ull 1 dlonnnvsnuvvn , Lilac IJVUI -1'!Ei;;n]'3essio Sargent. ot_ Toronto, "and Mr. Charlie Sargent, of Peter- _boro. spent Christmas `with their pa-' rent: on Bradtord__ stre up vs-wt `you can Iutonvnu IJVA `Iv aster Bay Hunter; of Orillia. has beearapen'din-g I1 week` with his grand-` mother. Mm. Wm. Hunter. Muloaa-T ter street. - ff" .-|s. - .- -4..- .. ac: wusuuugg u-Ia VVOLIQDJI 0 `The. Misses Morris. `of T0Il`0nt0.A' were the guests of `their sister. M'.r's. '1`. R. Parker for a few days last week. . Dr. Ed. Gall ie. '02 the/fsiok Child- ren's Hospital. Toronto. spent Christ- maus with his parents non Mary street`. -IA`- ad......l..-- :I.---- ----.. ___ n_-_.- m- "of gnaw nauau uua. yusouboiuu J1-I.l.l.J al.1000- Mr. Stanley` Shaw waanp from To- ronto to spend Christmas with his grandmother. Mrs. James. Edwards. Mr. Ross Cameron. or \'the Union Bank. has returned from Norwood. `where he has `V been spending a few days. The marriage of li-ss Mary Luise Blow. to Mr. Harry Rickard. of To- ronto. will take place on Jan. 2nd. Mr. Gerard Straitlisi. (If Toronto." is] visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. `Strathy. at "Ov,enden.` VI... 1ur:.._-_ -:1-,___.-., ` "'i1is'-}`i3e}Tin:`"$ 'l <.Jronto.d is in town for a w1aek_ or sp._the' guest ofMiss Gardiner at the "Hizhlands. Mr. Fred Jamieson camp {down from Dresden to spend;-`the holiday under the parental roof. ' _ 'll'.. ____1 11-_,_ ~r.n . -- yum VLIVCI-J .1 [JUL- SE5 Mrs, F. T.. Grafton spent a few dayslast week with the for- mer s parents at Brampton. -_--- --\-new aaAauvA vvu. IVLII U11 IJKI Iturday to visit in =Tor.onto and Owen Sound. . ', . } -"3El:IS..('3Ti'ff(A)rd Lloyd and` little. son spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. w--v urn-Q n-JvaJ.|Ih9Vl\l\l0 Mrs. A. '8. Burton {has {returned from a two weeks visit with her pa- rents in Aumrra. ......u.. an caunuu. no I Mr. George Powell; from Welland. spent Christmas Itwith his parents.` Ald. and Mrs. Powell. ilk. nu up -. - ` - --:v-- 5-: V L-I-VIII loll? VV UGLQ `ff; and M3;-:1. H. Reid and Miss `Rita. Reid. Peel strehxare spending Ithe holidays in'l_3uffalo. `|l`:__ 1-r,1|_'-,,Io ya Ivvvani . Mr, J. M. Martin. of the Btll Tele- phone VC`o.. (went toy Milbrook (for. Christmas. - . "i\ZII-1".a-;dv..Mrs.Thos. Monrie. of E3; bert. were holiday visitors at Mr. Jas. McBrid.e'|s. A _ j( _ ' Mr. Jarvis Dewar. of `Toronto; was the guest at Postmaster Paton s for the Christmastide. ..--_- nu-noun naunnnvo .Luvvv11- Mr. Tom McKee came down L from` Sturgeon Falls -to spend (the .'holi-j day with his parents. 1 In`. :1 1:r-..._n:_i; __, . - ._.-- vi-Q vaavwp JAG} J DIM GU In .Miss Ida Kortright has weturned from Collingwood and Mr. M. Campbell is home from the West. -|(_ ____s In: : an - ---- I G`. Song. of` Toronto. visit- led with` Mr. and Mrs. E. Donnell this --.a--I_ `aw, vv ova: aluu `Jill Vllinc Mr. C. Horssfield and son have re- turned home after a few. days visit with friends in.'.l`oronito. ~Mr. Luther Lennox. of Winnipeg. is spending a few weeks in town with his parents. Mary street; `I25- `I .`l.. 77-._L__2_.LL m, , ,- - --v-.... as u :55 LL IOLIUE Ill JJGI-sl IUO Miss `T}:'1;st;<`i;>ra Kirkpatrick. of To-3 ronto, is a Christmas {guest at Oven- Anon -_.A-.-......u--..v.uv `may nu .nJvuJ.uu.a `W Mr. Harry Mo ton. of ;.Toronto, spent the holiday with his parents. M10 and `IA ... w'I'_`l -I-_.*I A_.I_..1- Ag wry.-v vuv uv-nuug "sun use paxcubn. Mr. and Mr.s,`Holford Ardagh. of Toronto. are holidaying in town. n..:n:.. m:_.-_ um:-:'__ -n n-_, -M Weir is visiting gToronto. T - 5; ___v..vv, u--.v `J1 -JIAIDJIJIE I31. '|vIlVV.lJI Orillia Times-"Miss R. .Cunning_- ham is visiting friends in Barrie. mr:..... `m1_--_I-__ -rr-.,- ,1 -- aan:nnt1I-I5 l.\ll. up LUV! "Miss Edith Urquhart is down` ffom Midland for the holidays. ' ' `IA - ,'l'.'1..'....I_ 1J'-t1__..LL__ 3.. V..- ..v-uw vnvnvvau ' Ill DUVV ll: ' I I Mr. Artilmr Hayward came home 'from* Stratford fo1"`Yuletide.` a _.....-.. ..'.vv.. ggg u\.avvl.l`L\lI- uh LGVV uu._yIDd } Mi`. J.` -`R. L mb has been taking: !a Christmastide trip` to Detroit. ` . `mI._ 'r1'_-__., rlr ovc - u - X Q Q \lA- |v6l`\I nIJ\IJl\I`lrJ 9'0 `Mr. Frank M}cCarthy is amongst the holiday vi-sitors,i_n town. 'IR'_. A _.1,1,,, , ` so `an... haul. uIov.|.\J& u. l.\ll- .|. M10 Ioluu I I Mr. Sutherland Steele. of Toronto. -has been in town'~for a few days. Mk 1" -1) 'r.....a. 1.-.. 1._-__ ;-a-s,_, i`"1\7(`i';;sv-wwlrene Dymeni is ~ visiting friends in Tomato. ( ' Mr. Bob. Fre_ek. of Toronto. spent the holiday in `town. 1 _ V I'_. III 'I\ 1-: I I - A mess wad:/8 .4 '1888 honors at TQron,t0., lupil 9fMr.; E - ..-v-- In :55 VII "_./Ir. '1`: Fer;gu;)n `is`down from Winnipeg for a few days. 1uI':..... 'r.'I.::4.1_ 1'1'_..._-1_-__1. 2- ,a,,_, .. 4- ' "iii:-;Is Edna Ahderton left on Sa- .-_J-_ L- _.!_'L ' I" relatives in ii 9 _aursA and e_ tAdva_hoofd' Dr. and Mrs. E. CD. Washington andl baby son arrived. from` \`the West last Wednesday to spend some weeks with relatives and other `friends at `Mine- ;sing and in town. At the Methodist Church` anniversary shortly . before -they Mt `their. _'home' n {Wo1seley. Asso... the- doctor was -presented "with a. very handsome. silver -tea . set. as a ~re.osniti9l!T9`.~ N81 srvioms V hir ..">.-=....n-.i.`..v';~` The marriage of Miss'Florence So- phie Cunningham `to Mr. oaGeorgc Knox. ltook place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Cunningham. 1'0- ronto. `formerly of Barrie. last Wed- nesday. The bride was `given away by Mr. J. J.gKelso. and the service was performed by the ?Rev. G. W. Watch (Shelburne). assisted by the Rev. Mr. Dunlop. of `--Parkdale.` After a reception". Mr- and M'.rsV.`.K-nox left for the East. On their return they will reside in` Toronto. l'I\l"Il'I 3 I 99!` wru--- Order tor Auiotion Sales '0'! farm by L. `stock, eto.. to be` (conducted `Tab . A . Va! 1: ye fen :*% z A`3 Ancovai . where terms and other-arrmdgementl gig. 58 made; Farmers 115 it mto to ~*! w aw Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Courtland, of Simucoe, tformerly of Barrie. cele- brated their golden wedsding. wes-,.A They were married in 1853. Their many friends in Barrie `will ex- tend warm congratulations coupled with the wish that they may bot-h live to celebrate many more anniversaries. Mr. Wm. Moore spent Christmas in Guelph. Mrs. Moore and the child- ren who have been spending `some weeks there with her parents. return- ed with Mr. Moore on Saturday even- in_g. V `_ . V I. residence of (Mr. Clapperton street. Mr. `and Mns. A. `E. Dymnt. of Thessalon. Mr. and Mrs. -T.` H. Ba- ker. London. and Mr. .and Mrs. W. `E. Wismer. of Toronto. \'were guests at "R.owanhurst for the holidays. The wrecked train was ta `snow- plough special made up of a flange plough. a locomotive and a caboose and was manned by Conductor Ken- neth McLennan. Brake-smen James Gliddon and Richard Whibebnead, Edward Givens. Roadmaster Wilson. Engineer James Glassford. Fireman `Jae. Paton. Jas. McPherson and Mes- srs. Carter and Hunter. "the three last named controlling the snow- plough. McPherson sat in the cup- ola and '.gave the signals to Carter and Hunter who operated `the flanges of the plough on `the (east and west side respectively on the run nut. ~ This style of plough is {used to remove the snow from the sides [of the track where it Flies been thnown by the ordinary ploughs carried on '-the fen ders-of locomotives in the winter time. As the plough. which was being push- ed ahead of engine No. 180. neared the Bunnidale Road crossing. (Me- Pherson states that `the flange on the east side. which was in charge of Car;- ter. should have been drawn in on account of the switch which is" -lo- cated at this point. He says he had lsignalled by gong. to Car'ter to draw in the flange. ..Ca'rter. Ihowever. makes a statement togthe effect that after drawing in the `flange he had been signalled to -open it out again. Be this as it` may the flange struck the switch lock` tearing away the entire apparatus and` opening the switch. The locomotive and the ca- boose were `instantly [dc-railed but `were travelling at such at rate of speed as to carry ~'them safely over two six foot culverts. After run- ning a "distance of \some 400 feet both `engine and caboose rolled over into the ditch. The five -men in the ca- boose escaped injury but (the (two poor fellows "in the -cab of the en- gine went (through an. {experience which cost them their lives. Through the breaking of the steam-gauge and another pipe (connected with the boiler the scalding steam (lvas let loose on them.~ The details of their suffering and the condition which they were in, when rescued. are too horrible for relation. The engine had turned completely over and .the roar of the escaping. steam alarmed the residents for miles around. Paton was able to crawl out and hiscries I T_wo more deaths were added to the long list of local railroad fa"'.alities on Wednesday last, when (Engineer John Glassford and Fireman James Paton died' in - the Royal Victoria Hospital in consequence of injuries received that morning in Ithe wreck onthe Pene`tang `branch mentioned in last week s Advance. 1 As a Result of the Wreek of a Snow-'p.lough Special T out at the Sunnidele Road _Cro.-gsing. . iJol\.n Glassford TWO ALLANDALE RAILWAY MEN KILLED LAST WEEK E. Williams. .. .J.__-L 'r - g . ;,ax :3"=o`2a.: ::..:.?'..`...:` .`. s hf `Inn:-no.4] nun :n Oh `KIM. and James Paton The presents were costly and too numerous otofmontion, `Mr. and Mrs. Mooney, who wore taocoixgpauiedlo by a. large nnmbor of t`1a._tho;stai;ion, -left for Toronto, Brus--_ ` ' o.iiz.t,nf.: , '1. h6;.mI.eatao`ntumqd. `the ceremony the bridal parts re- turned to Waterloo Fa1'm,"' the home of the bride's. inother, where, after congratula- _tions,vthey partook of a eunxptuous repast in .,thedi;:_ing room which was. decorated with vajtregg-and evergreens. A1,, I 4,- ,A,A,___,__,A ....... ......-... ...,.1..-... -. -- -.. .....-. - The groom was assisted by Mr. Samuel Broley, and Mr. Frank Roberton, while Willie Sornerville, a cousin of the bride, and `Marguerite Barclay made a most charming page and ower girl, respectively; Mr. John Peacock and Mr. W. H. -Duncan performed the duties of * ushers in a most satisfactory way.. -The wedding march and other suit- able selectiorns were rendered by Mrs. Alex. Mdomt I r ..-..J ..-.. The marriage of Miss . Maggie A. Peacock. second daughter of the late 0. R. Peacock, of this place, to Mr. J. H. Mooney, of Weyburn, Assa., took place `at the Methodist church, Stroud, on Friday, Dec. 25th, at" 2.15 p.m , in the presence of 125 guests. The cere- mony was performed by Rev, P. M. Peacock, brother of. the bride, assisted by Rev. R. McKee, pastor. The bride, who was given away by her brother, wore a beautiful robe of crepe de Paris, trimmed with silk lace and seguine, and carrieda boquet of bridal robes, her vaile was of tulle." She was assisted by her sister,,Susie, who wore a robe of - crepe de chene, trimmed with ehibn anJ applique, and by Miss,Libb'ie Sawyer, who wore a robe of crepe de chene trimmed wlth seguins. Both carried boquets of white chrysantheums. 'I'-- ...--... _.-_ _-....L...I I... ll- O_....._1 CELEBRATION; OF` THE MOONEY- PEAGOGK NUPTIALS ON FRIDAY LAST. V v-u--\v-r\Q\QJ v v vnnlaneo The Hamilton Spectator of Thurs- day last says ;--"John Glassford. the brave engineer who lost his life at Colwell on Dec. 23, was an old Ham- ilton boy. and his sudden taking off ixia sad blow (0 many loving friends. In his 26 years railway life he never had an accident of any serious char- actier. He was a jolly, whole-souled man and universally liked by his fel- low-employeesp `His home was in Allandale, where heleaves. a widow ;and four.children. His mother and `brothers and sisters reside` pt 1264 `West -avenue north. _James Paton. or Jimmy." as he was popularly known. was one of the best lik-ed boys that ran out of Allan- dal.e. Of a merry and obliging dis- position he made friends on every. hand and the shock" occasioned by his death is widespread. A memorial service in connection with `his demise was conducted on Sunday evening by Rev. H. D. Cameron. "who spoke from the-wordis Accept Him -now." this being the last message sent by Jim- my to his comrades as he lay dying in the hospital. The service was a most impressive one and Mr. Cam- eron's feeling references to the dc- ceased moved many in` the congrega- tion to tears. The "pail-bearers at the funeral were Messrs. Edw. Dixon. A. Walker. W. AMeKernan. P. White- bread. Alfred Hawkins and Geo. Mc- Millan. The ;floral designs. nvhich were forwarded by loving .friends, were exquisite in-their beauty. A ..............t.. ..-__. .._-.L _._ rnL-_-...1.-. . ._.-l_-.--.-v and vgnvan Il\/IDIIDJI A coroner's jury met on Thursday evening and after arranging some of the preliminaries adjourned to meet Wednesday evening. UNI..- `l'T-__-!IL, , (`1 , I 4 an own`. $33-`f`3m`S.3.:`"13':i."c':'3i'3"5s- Id."`T"r;'7I5 411 colors It D. H. Mcmnwfs Dav s1`>.JR"* ..-..-_, ......- v.-vu unu; a zxcvv uuul` Engineer Glassford was one ref the _most tried and trusted -drivers on the road and had been with; the Grand Trunk for over '25 years. H. leaves a widow and (four children. Fireman Paton was unmarried V and had been on the road for about 6 years. He was a son `of Mr. Peter Paton, Bradford street. The remains of the former were taken to Hamilton for inteim-ent and the latter (was buried at New Lowell. for water were pitiful to hear. It was sometime "later before -the crew could approach the cab and rescue poor Glassfond. _Both _'men Jmerc taken to .Mr. Sheard ~s ,farm-hou.sq. where their clothing was cut away from their tortured bodies. A van was run from Allandale with Dr. W. A. Ross `and Dr. Victor Ross on board and the injured mcn'were brought an fn +1..-. `D......I '\'r:-:.-_:- rv-_,v ,- A STROUD WEDDING -..-., -- vs. ;.uv5n vv V: v UL \J|-K5119 in to the Royal -Victoria Hospital, \ where Mr.- Glassford succumbed dur- }ing the afternoon and Mr. Paton `only survived him a {few hoursb l 'r.V_._:..-__ nu - -___ _ -...-.__ Ismost enjoyable evening. The best wishes of the community follow the bride and groom and wish them every happiness in their futhre home at Weyburn, Assn. Rev. W. E. Baker. of, Downsview, occupied the pulpit of :the Collier Street Methodist Chunoh on Sunday evening and preached a svery able sermon. The anthem from the (Crea- tion, How Marvellous are . Thy Worlns. A solo, "The Star {of Beth- lehem -by Miss Blow, ahd a solo. "The Christ Child" by Mrs. Laid- man were special features of the ser- vice. U. G; Sciottl I Tickets for_the New Yeqr sA ball ifor the_benef1t of the Hospital , Vmay. Wb . ohtamed`, at uajnyone ot thq dl'I8_&, ~` ..- I. F | .'>'; A meeting of the :South Simcoe Farmer's Institute will be 'held in the Temperance Hall. Stroud, -on Jan. 9th. 1904. '1`wo`usessions-afternoou and evening-will be held, at which addresseswill be delivered iby Hang}:- ton Lennox. M. P., Major Sheppard. Mr. C. E. Shearer, Mr. James Allen and Mr. Ed. Jeffs. Everyone is in- vitxed. ' ..-..__. -_--v vvunvww wow aw`: --i w- -p:-- -uw Citizens of Barrie wil zegret to learn that the contents ef the fine con-servatories at "Woodlands will be totally destroyed, this winter, by. frost. as on account `of -the failure in business of the Messrs. Crawford. no provision has been made for care- taking and Mr. Walker has been no- tified that his services lare no longer required on the `premises. 1 _.__-L!__.__ _A L1,- 11> __AI (`I _,_ .....v --..-....v. -.- :.luUA.\rnAv-J 4.. - `(murmurs "_-'1"here will be a -watch-night ser- vice held in Christ -Reformed Epis-. copal Church on Thursday night. of one hour. from 11 to 12 o cl'ack. Rev. E. .3: Chestnut, pastor of the Bapa tistichurch. will deliver -the address. All are cordially invited to be pre- sent, and `close the old year with a service of prayer and praise. I_I'IDOlIl\|tIn 'vIIn A n 1 n.....--o.. -..--..n.n ..-_ | "iii-7i-oIv3s 7f;A_i'J:o`{.3I Tlrna ro- nownod tons in black`. green and I blend-also-Co ee| at B0TllWELL9so f1!J.!_-___. -1! 'l\-_,__'_ _, __ '_ ..-nav\-v- Considerable stir was occasioned in Trinity Church on Sunday. through Rev. W. H. White slannouncement of his retirement as Vicar. A special meeting of the Vestry `has been called to deal with the matter on Tuesday next. A quiet wedding took place in Bar- rie on_ Wednesday. Dec. (9th. when Elizabeth C. Thekston, of town, was married to -Gaifield C. Wingrove. of Vespra. They left almost immediate- ly for their wedding tour but they have now returned and are living with the latter"s parents in Vespra. rn1_-__- ___:lI L- - ___-;_L ,_-'__LA_ _-_ VDuring the `past six months of Mr. Chestnut's pastorate here. ten mem- bers have been receivdiinto the Bap- tist Church. but this gain has been offset by the removal of perhaps an equal number from the town to other places of abode. . _v- -7 V... vugxvavv AJAVAN/ulbu -Mr. Frank Yeigh will give his latest picture travel talk "The Grand Tour with '150 magnificent stere_- optican view-s in the Presbyteninn Church Monday January 18. _ Don't miss it. "'i* winter and -s`p1-ing sittings of the High Court of Justice (Juny) _will open in Barrie on Februrary 15. before Justice Ferguson andithe hon- jury settings will open on May 16. be- fore Chief Justice Menedith. \_ _ Town pnoperrrv AND'DWlLl.- Ines ran sAL: \ 1 Fogr lots on the north-eut career efOwen and H enmzton Streets eurrouuded by 1 Hon! I-Oclllt d e-Two dweilinge-oee brick and the other 58 `cast with stable. and outbuildings. The brick ` welhng has all modern conveniences-Fruit trees. "P9168. pears. piume. cherry. black and red bettiee. "mvberrieu. etc. Thin in e bergeie if laid at once is the owner in ieeviu for Manitoba. Apply-on Ehepremaseu. N. at: as.` gm . The Charity Ball on New Year`! night for the benefit of the Royal Victoria Hospital, promises to ?be a great success. Tickets are selling -rap pidly. T ( rnL_ . . . . .... - ..___.....-v-u.a.J - The Canadian Poultry Review will be sent to ubscribers of the .'Ad- vance for fifty cents a year} Ni` n n n ~ A... rl\..,:|.1 -c 41.- -1 - L ..-- .....- vuuya a. _yca.|.. Manager Todd of the skating rink is trying to arrange dates with John A. and Fanny Davidson, the .well- known fancy skaters. They may be here on Monday next. ` `IT.._.'l___ II'._,_ 1 in wuv c __v- V vs. Q-uQ\llJ\AlAJ LIVLDO Warden Murphy and Ex-\Vardens Quinlan and Wright were presented with gold-headed canes by the mem- bers of lthe County Eouncil last wieiek. ' '-1'.l.`~l;'-, .1':a-g-"1:1-l.z:;'v-1:1:)1`1-;:`hly meeting, `of {the W. ,`C. T. U._ will be held! next `Monday at 3 o clock in {the (usua It placle`. A. .. I ' A. ._ vv\.u.u. u.L vanl:1 '.LUl. DiL1 1'lUo *-V-1; ~s:)le:ndid chance to make good" marmalade cheap. You can get the rightkind fof oranges at (James Vair s for 15c. per dozen. 1'4. (1-! t\LJ.__. A. ~ - . ...._ - -\r& Qsrvo Ev; UAIQOIIO Lt. Col. Otter was in town on Mon- Iday inspecting the armory of the 35th Regt. Everything was found to be satisfactory. TF1... II_-__ 1- 'I\ I. .. I -Leave your coal `orders with J. -G. Scott. ' ` Band at the Rink Thursday night. St. George's hockey team will not come to Barrie on New Year's day. ' Holiday Cheer--All sorts ol` Green and Dried Fruits. Fa ncv Groceries: and Table Delicacies at B0'l`wELl.98. rn1_- _-,_I ` 22 ;1egreesv below zero on Satur- day and 26 below on Monday is just. about a record breaker for Barrie._ A ..__I___ J-1 r,__.- - `O_1'1l'y $1.85. a -year for the Toron- to Daily News rand the Nort.hern Ad-. V3.11-08. v uvc. uusy LUUBU Wluuusr Iv- y. brinting trwde need app that ace. oals lg .aAPPm~uNGs or A WEEK IN. I , Town and Vicinity - Condensed : _News for Our Busy Readers. NONOOMNOOOOOOOOOMOOOO I :++NNNNNNNN: ;YYYYYYVVYVV9V99QQ9.'. Lqcals Around Barrie {:L `sxxonm corms, mvrc CENTS Charity} Bali. Mi ' . 4 and 5 per cent on the ucurityof uncut. "in3N:v `F5 LOAN`. We have a large amount of Private Funds bah: cu. McCAR'l'HY. 3OYS 8 lam `sN- unlop Street Barrio. ,EXAL|._ W`AN I`ED--FAITHFUL PERSON TO CALL on retail trade andagente for menuhctnldgf house having well established buelnell: local to - torv: szraighualary sac paid weekly end expense m0n_ey advanced : previous experience unnecellery Posmon permanent: bueineee Iucceleful. Encloee self-addressed envelope. Superintendent Tnvelerl. 65 Monou Bldg.. Clucago. 4&3 $__ B_`0Y WANTED-At The Advance 0!- tnce. Only those wishin to learn H10 hrinnn l-undo nnn nnn V. EIFER ESTRAY-Stayed from Lo: :1. Con. :3. Inniel (the Morton fun) on the xoth November and last eeenon the nth Concession on the nth of November lut-a two your old Red cifer with a. little white on the flank, home turned m. The animal was roughly built. A revs;-d of ve dollars will be paid to the petty giving Intufec-` my information of the whereabouts of `the above animal. GEO. LESLIE. Allandule. ' . 58-3'9 KNUPP, LoST__A Black ,3 Tu; Hound Pup with its. tip 0" V, . nd:hanockandWh.`rm`, tail. Fhi|r::!::~nv%Le:urew|rdod6`;Y;;,di:? 3`R"ANT` (ion leading`!- Q ',""" 5"" mesI8'- ----r'-"""" ____ v on SALE--T r is led Cowl alto one lar e feedin w(9wt.8A::l; to EGEkTON - lnuvc nu n ............. nan wcow'.A:1y 1!. 1 JOHr2rS ON, xnesing. 9'5 LIME, CEMENT- me no miltako! nan; poor or: TORONTO STREET. .0.ff_i_t_:e-'97 Dunlon Street, Bario wr.L1.|Nu HUUSIS wauusu m panama- with 6 or 7 rooms and modern convomqncuo 5! the month. Apply to BOX 3:. Elmvnla 59'.-P um AND smubL:s .A.NTED-;4 ummid. A; A. BOYS. Baveld Street. Juvvv , nK-'C'$VV President - Andrew Thomson Vice-President ' Hon. John sun-pjg -Gen ! Manager E. B. Webb BARBIE BRANCH - A general Banking Business conducted. `Drafts issued on all parts of~che world. De- posits received and interest allowed at high- eat rate. V W. D. MORTON. Manager. ..g..-4'- John R. Lamb. MANAGER` Baum` Buucu ++++++++++++++++++&++ Mga w4 @ I888 honnm` 44: Term: V. Bank of Toronto $4-:~-:-3-oz-+4-2-~:--tee:-23+-1--1+4-4-++i~+4:-e:g.. :33; -1-an ` WELLING HOUSE WANTED IN BARRIE ...:.L. A .. - -......- .....l -`t\AQDR nnnunnhunnnn- hv __ . \N one: for Sale Chehp. Apply at this rum:-n `.`." T {OOMS to.Reut near Collegiate In|tituto.'33 Blake Street. Barth. A `_ 5"!`- All {:he beat quslity nd gunrmmd. VESTABLISZEIIEJD 15615- QQ 14 44. UIKU oice. Advances made to farmers. Sale Noted d counted or collected d business conducted? ` gang! huh. T SAVINGS BAIQK -DEPARTMENT cum-,nt rate: of` ante:-out allowed on ac counts Luge and Small. CL. LII N . ` K V slugnglwunnvg 1Yo;91gL,_N' APITAL PAID up , , Iczmsmnvm FUND 3,?83,,% n 7&2`: Total NEW. gnvnnnsnunwrs. qr -g v V vgVVV Andrew E. Webb Apply to M'R's. w" `to 53.63 -jun:-J J-EJIJCJ 152500.000 $I.000.000 [Ill I-AI:-r 'IVInn-n-..-. `$6,100,000 2. (am- : -nnn p .-1". 5"5.o~ A verdict ofdeath` 1% qiggngulation ` was brought? in -by orpiner Craw- tord s* ury on Saturday ni ht at the in up the bod :}ot row Wgr. do . an mmate o ;;the Mimnoo Asy- lum. who was found dead in the dor- ridor on Christmas Day. having hang- ed himaolt from txgvgviiafs 511% :3: b one . ofi1::.`els` ~o.i_d_~ carer had ` been T ta_I:o}n mg; any: such iooourngnoo... (as t - lmtona. `izirfvmous moan- J ?o.~_&Vfo1j,\e_l__1hgd,.attem - 1.1`? ' ' qv-. _ .. |M|cxLE.%I1Y.rJIJL 80! couikubwbon noxEs| A great many people receive un- expected Christmas gifts for which they wish"to make some return. The custom of making belated Christmas presents on New Year s day` is also growin . A u\vv\:I\ro nnntln `FAQ! 1-in nlsnnnan Wi11`1;':i:1g6 ZH5 `for the purpose can be su plied from the remainder of _g1_1r _ho Aidoiy etoclf. _ - ` ,1, 1-_,.A UL VIII. J&vaa\aUvJ vvvvv by We have had a. large trade, but such a. stock as ours is never ex- hausted and a. suitable assortment IORN6[ AND GREEN! (-)'pVposite Post Oic, Bo;rie, Ont. 3""'. '.!'5.5`9'9 NEW... .YEAR" A TOKENS1 I\Il \l Ufilhlll sII\gI9IoNsl_'Z co.l LADIES _ ASTRACHAN gnd Ifgggipn Lamb Jackets ESE Fancy Go_o;l:;_a"n1"i'i`:i_ne Chinl Phones 33 and 87 `Leave Ycur vdrderu with chain and R015 satisfaction. , At a. vow reasonable prici. Cgll and see them" II? IIr'IIuu `These'tl;e colors of the 7 ____- 4: __--.- - -_- -_.- iv-vwu-sun snout.-vulv x1\ A(_; _1 F T ,___ ..--__p we ` Maxuracwunmo Funnmns. ' Also fr:i>n;t;1eTa-x'_:st m->c-l_::If Musical Instrument ; ?,.:_-_v `ova: -- -frbm 3 choicu stock of -to-w II "' --owNm> mr-%-- Y0. an prdcuron handsome :14 _____. ARE Gin-Aiz1LN_'i`E1') ` , ran INTERESTS or mania. run comm! or snicon AND -rm: nounuon or cnunm OUR carrnnuox. BA1;13IE, COUNTY or SIMCOE, ONTARIO,`DECEMBER 31,1903.