.v-.-- uncut--. _-u--vv..- Mfs. VWillian'1 Moore and. Master Charles Gibson. have returned.-from fa; t_woV-weeks visit in IT'0I`d'nto. _,__ ,1 L- L1_- uv --v.- v nu-.. cg. `- ~..- *---'- j :LE`1;s;.:'i`h9rnley has rgturned to oi`ty'_a.f_ter_z.1 pleasant visit with her daughter. Mrs; John Wagner. ' L 1' '-nu-_`.~._ 'I'_`L_. -n._-.___ ___1_- 1.-- I_..-_ :11 `u:a.ug'uLu1`, .u.u.'a. uuuu vy agucz. . ` Mfs. John Frame, who has been ill V,-for some" months. halsxbeen removed "to the Roy`a'l.Vict oria Houpithl. 1r2___' n _ _ _ _ __ .1 'n-.LL-..-- --.-... :.- vv 14.-v .vvJ u-- > w nvuvn nun u--v'- _a-.`--- Missgspeyarin. {of Batteau, was in `town last week.- visiting her- uncle ` and aunt, Mr. and Mi's.Luke Spearin. l _._I 1 In-___ -r.\'_.-J 'r1'-___I_ V-.5\A v-u---v, --..-- v-gqv. --~- ._._.._' ..`.-_....___ Penetang Herald-Mrs. Fred Hglwk; er. of Allandale, -spent a few days `last 1 week. at her parental home in town. 1 IIIL- ___-__1_ -_. .L1_`-. _-__- ('1 in `I1 ..1...._... . uuv auvo tI5~Q\t.vv-- `av.-av -- vv " "`I'1:VeA_w.ork om the new G. T. shgg is being rushed right ahead. The win- ` d-ow frameshave now;'b_een placed in M -nu-)_L-._ -n___--I1 'r|----`L-..I... __......-- 1:6. ` - Maste lzvvs vavpau tle friend-Vs-will be pleased to that he is nowwonsidered well 0 ` danger. ~nr,_ 111'-1's' __L__.____ 1 1- __.._ r Russell Poucherl s manvy lit_- learn utozf I....L Mrs. Webb. returned home last week. after spending several months visiting her daughter. Mrs. 1\~IcNab_b. insterling. ' 11' in I; _ . __, ,1 L__._!i-_" L__.. _.........1 III I.Iu\-J. -5555' Mr. Coulter and family have moved in from Painswick, having purchased 1 Mr, William. Harper -.3 Cumberland St. fresidcfmce. ` " . Miss Edith Campbell, who has been "spending the summer in Churchill. has been visiting Miss Maggie Scott for a. few days. V 3 *Ir,..,_ 1'-r\__.__-II n...:.1 .'l'.'1.J I-`lb ll! LVVV \lVIvJ r! .Messrs.a Pat. 0 Donnell pnd -Ed. Shear, hlave been making further im- \ provements in grading, eto., in front of their premises. ( ' -an-__ -n 11' 'rr_I- 2.. .L.....'I....!...... tn... C-`kn V` H--* .L"`` ``4'`".'V*" \ Mr. R. V; Hale is tendering for the c-omsztruction of the foundations and ;also the superstructure of the new `Carriage Co. worlns. ' F `If..- Y`l'........ 1`|..IJ--nu. `anti vv\t\11hI` fvtnrn \l(vlaI..I.l(L6\J \ruo vv va 2-uu Mrs. Harry Dalton has moved. from G.orwan street to the residence re- Toently vacated by Mr... Harry Angle, i' on Cumberland street. -. I _A____- _ _'I. .`_.._..I_ U11 Uuuxuux Auuu nu; vwvu 'Mr.' James B:unton_resumedV work thiswcek. after being laid `up for about eight months as `the result of I a..aJa,d1y sprained ankle. ` vvnunvv Finn .nnn-r+nI"A+n urnzn `1`D.'l"Il"l|"'I.'f'- i1...flqu4t__y B31,IJ.u.|.;.|\A\.a. ........f.. V _ A very fine Iquartette was render- ? ed on Sunday evening in the Presby- {.Chu*roh,b y Messrs.eWhitebread. Laur- 1; ence, .McM-orran and Pearce. - 7 `P7 'I\ l'I___, -'._-_. --....- :u\ A-an-ouan ._ C1100. -J.V.I.\l&`J.`|.I&.l uu uuu .. V..- ..... `Rev. H..D. Cameron was in Angus \ye._stpe1fday, in connection" [with J {the 14ma:rriz;g e of Mr. Watson -Carley; of VBra.dfor`d street, `and Miss Perry. -an-_'I\___...-I`l1... -4... Dunn.` DIVILULUL U. L_3|.L uvup vtnau. --_..-.-.._ ._ __. _ Mr. Dan`. MoDougail .s new Brad- -ford street 1V'esidLence is nearing com- pgletion. Thebriokwork is finished, {an.d.the carpenters are at work on Lune inside. V , -01, A_.,_ .12: -4! 'I"b.-..L..... Ann .l.l.lU uumuu. . .LTittl Lillie Arnold, of Burton Ave.. e;r'1t'e.r`t_aine;d a number" of heryfriend-s the "other evennhg. Miss Jessie Brun-` jt`on_ was the dire`ct1_{ess_ of'ceremon_ies `tor "the `occasion. 1 ` ` /f ` ~' -u-`01 1-11 ' __L--...'.'>..J `'-.._ .|.U1' Luv Uuuawxvg. Mr. Harry Riddel1_ret{1rned from" Tottcnham this .week_and is feeling strong enough 'to re-su`me'"vv9rk. It is hbt thdught that his `recent sick- " ness will debar him! from playing hoo-L -_ key this winte1t.. ,_ _. I The G. T; R. Tuthoritis complain. of a A. great, dvealpf `annoyance which is _ bgused ;by misohievinub ' small boys : ' n" a9_f~ fth: ouliyiiighv siding ofn. ` VI .II`$I TC` ffll : Sixth %;Ward _ Residehts `xut/.3.) urowuy-3 .l.l wwqw, \---7 class honors at Toronto niverstty) Pupil of M r. E. W. Schuch in now pre - pared to give lessons in singinov. Ap ` ply at hm` residence, or P.0. Box 9. ` .'mE ;.1~toa.:mEnN the'brigade was promtly on the` qunred. T A . L 1 mt`. _._-....:..... .....4.`|......... :.. .l-Inn Dane-` qulx Villa .The morning anthem in -the Pres- byterian Church, was entitled Peace and Gladnem." Miss Ethel MoMor- rantaking the usolowmost effectively. There is._a. green hill far Away was sung as an eveningcanthem. The so- los were admirably taken by Miss Mnabel Archer. . 4 'II' `-\ 'I, - L_._1_.-__...... ..--1.... JJJJCLUUL l.'LJ.`\I.I..I\ILo Gorden McBride, :1 bralresman who lives in Lindsay, was "killed in the 'G. T. R. freight yards at Orillia, on ,ribly crushed. _ 1 Tuesday, while shunting. (He was caught between a box car` and ajpile of lumber_ protruding over the end of a flat car, and his head-was her-_ / Anniversary Services will be held in eonnection with the Presbyterian Church next Sunday, when the_ ser- mons will be "delivered by Rev.` Dr; 'MeKayp,ef_ Tolrontn, Foreign Mis- isinonary Secretary of the Presbyter- ian Church in Canada._ Special mu- _sio has been prepared by the choir. -.-n. , ,2_-;qn-._-.|...`..~.1 ".......-\.'..A-`In I:1u1'|nr1 `S10 nus uucu pxuyuz tau. Ill ....... -- The Illinois Central recently issued orders which required all trainmen sent beck to protect trains` from rear end collisions to remain standing un- til they receive. orders from `super- iors. A Buffa1`o`ra;i1road official, when asked why such an order should be -issued. sai'd`.:--It `very often [happens that the flagmen sent back to protect trajns.- fall asleep. and are some- time_Jki'Iled. In other instanc-ezs~col- ~1i;sions_`1 have h`a15pened,.because of a, romaine =tanding he'll _stz}.y;. `awake. asimn1y;+as lan; iiitibnel _pri5;a1i?tin' .4591`-7the?seA19$ Iflagjmah. gornfg to `sleep.-' If a: man. `.{;E:|3he or;df6`r. }I' 'undert_a2'iidi. 1 W93 iss31ed'. of `the n_Pr_esb erian Lss3d;;t 4:: -x . ;2.~*4a;:'; ....!- 5.1; 1:.m.u:na- -_ On Fiidaglr evening last Mrs.`vMcDon-- 011`niber1ai1.d s1:1:eet..e.nt rtain- at 5 i: _ea'jgiven `in ,ho,n or.` most Improve Mlcolors at n,. .- .Da.uu_ up u av...` E :IVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYV VVVVVVYVYVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV JAMES VAR& soNsE ADVANCE 111513 a period or surpassing 5-uvn-up. nu ma ,~,...w. ....,.,.., --..---. _-_ -, time above all others when bargains are rife, when economy suggests buying in quantities. The `crowds of enthusiastic shoppers increase from day to day. In a few weeks we willbe in the midst of a tremendous holiday business. Extensive preparationsare in progress in every` department. Christmas goods to be added to the already complete. stocks. Salespspace will be taxed to its utmost capacity. Nothing left but 10 make room. Hence these remarkable sales of desirable merchandise at prices not equalled elsewhere. ' M is period of surpassing grOwth_ time abovgall otherg wllen barg_ain_s a 17-\I`luIlua \rq\'\rw_._ _-- , `g ` ` i L .We mustVhave0tho.roon%1 and are clearing about I000 yards fine Dress Goods and Suitings.thst sold st from 50 to $1.50 per ysrd,:'to clear out per yard - - - 0 . -A.?bo ut 1 Sdozen ne Taiieta and Gloria B1ouss, in cream and light 1 H; golors, regular $5.00 to $7.50,~`c[Aeari'ng..a.t .- _ . \iId--\I\vu- -_-_______-- .d l All remnants throughout the entire stock gathered on the centre tables and n1e.rkedfgt exceptionally low `prices. V . g A. grand opportunity to get short lengths of desirable materials away below cost prices. T All sizes 5} to 9, fine Vixeivy wool Hoa, regular" ~ 300, clearing at per pair . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . .. nexm Hm'~_21 200 yards only -Fine heavy Cream Shaker, 36 inches wide, regular 150 yard, * for. . . .A .............. . . Ladies long sleeved %Coi~set Covers, "much in demand, all sizes at A 350 A most sensible garment, ts sn1_1gly_an4(_1 allows the wearer to wear white blouses over any color of tinderwear. o .Wool and Cotton Blookets. Meifs `and Women's; Underwear, Wrapperette and ' Eider Fla:nn_els, Eiderdown Cloths and Blanket Cloths, alltcolors. I Nowis the time you feel the w;nt of good Shoes and. Rubbers. Don't forget we have both in great variety of the best makes A and at prices just a little `__-_.. Lt-` 335 wt ---vv v'--_ __ lower t'l'\;n elsewhe;-5. Bargains in Ladies Mantles and Raincoats Specials at $5.00, $6.50,,$7.35. Worih $8.00 to $15.00. 15 Cream Flaniielette for I0c_ Dress Goods at _Remar`ka`D`1e. Reductions A Bargain in"WoolHoisie1-y 'r . - . - Silk ' teVo_ xxix2sc;]33: i`;l:l]cln`i:?`i):1`:l{1(-,-?tli1e$`:Itt'?|`9,-t em .-Jcuud most improved Dye in the world. TI) ` Pa _k"` ' lcolors in Silk Waistsat .C1;aring Prices bliilnn on. .-v.----- ';`vvj1i9,* is leaiins DRY GOODS AND SHOES -C-:`;re.t Bemna_nt_. Sgle L Shpe Depar_trqe1_1_t tkoiwn. There were 34 in all at the] table, and during the evening a pro- gram was presented` with Rev. H. D. , Cameron. in the chair. A (most inter- esting part of the prceedings was the presentation to the guest of the even- ing, of a. pretty. handkerchief and a `birthday book. The address was read by Ina. Johnston and the presentation was made by Myrtle Ambrose. At the ` close" all joined hands and sang God be withyou. till we Meet -,Again. .b'.IA.`ears`w;ere she'd quite freely at the` final parting, even the: older members present being effected by- the scene. rn1-- L_l1.....!..... mnnn'Iu4-inrn urns n!I.Q- i PL \JL7\.IIL|4 Ll\I.IAlb v u ~ v v - `._. 1 V The following resolution was pass-- ed at a recent meeting! of L. O. L. "No. 432 1-4-` x ~ ! v. 1 . To Edward Stephenson. n Dear Sir and Bro.;- r On behalf of the `officers and mem- bers -of L. 0; L. 432, of which lodge you are our Worthy Master, we ten- der t-o\you, our sincere sympathy in "this, your hour of bereavement. in the loss of your little daughter, and we sincerely trust that the Heavenly Master, in His goodness and mercy. will conifort `and p rote'c't you in your sorrotw- YeTt_ wi_th `humility and -re- .sig;nation we submit to the will of pth-a._t` `Great Ma-ster, who in His wis- dom`j.wo'rk s all things} for the best 9 .:signea= on `behalf off L. `o. L. 432. V t . ' jJa.;=1MoiPhen'soAn._ W. n M. Protem. T " Lougheed. Sec. _ HAWKESTONE . . The wife of one of the oldest pion- eer settlers,_ passed peacefully away in the. person of Mrs. Hugh McKay.. wife of Capt; McKay. `Herr death teok place Nov. 12, at her heme, when: liygdffgrthe l`aSt64 years. -Mrs; "M939? .W;`9S_l ilittive or \ Rbseneath, hDmhdf`tonhire;" Scotland. V. She was ' p `.j in;jih.egye,a_}'. .?181_;V9, Tandj emigrated :` 71 " ,,.p_p~li;;_.Ee;e,;1)arent.`inf1834.. FINE` VALUES IN 21c TPeas.._____ '3ar|ey_. . . , , , _, ` F101 . Wheat....{. oats . -coo-county! -rifovuunnnuttnaall -on1uuVlo`IIII 0-IIIIIIII Rye. -ouuu'......uocga-no ---nlIlIlIIO ecf by carcass.-. . . . . . . . L'Hogs, selections`: `< }m-...., .. I}... 10 for his..A popular supply centre. 'It s a _ __L _.. ..........`....-..o 1;qrrnt\n"I k|1v; IVBVV lVl\rIuIv\I Ana Q-av-u-wu- The Lady Gurzon, the newest B. & I. bias-hlled ' mode, is nding great favor with ladies who ap- Ereciate a perfect tting and comfortable corset. ow bust. long hip with suspenders attached, made in two qualities in dove and white. at per pair $1.25 and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 Guaranteed abaoiuteiy unbreakable at the waist line. A Your money pefunded if not satised. l}_Iew _l9des ip Corsets l\ L 1' I_:-_4 i I . K 1 l in Canada, she lived near Bradford, when in 1839 she vmarried Capt. Hugh McKay, who was then `captain of the Peter Robinson steamer, on Lake Sim- coei She then came with her hus- band to Oro, where she lived until her death. Her family" consi-stedof eight girls and two boys, of which five daughters and one son are left to mourn her loss. Mrs.'Huntington', of Illinois; Mrs. Telfar, Wisconsin; Mrs. Robertson, of Innisfil ; Mrs. De- ma-line. `of Hawkestown; Mrs. Scott, of Alland-ale, and `Mr. John McKay, who still lives on wthe` old homestead. In 1899 Mr. and Mrs. McKay cele- brated their diamond wedding. at which their children. grand-children and great grandcliildren were present. The last seven years ,-of her life were passed in blindness. during `which time the` deceased was faithfully and tenderly `cared for by her husband and Mr. 'and'~`Mrs. John McKay, {with whom she lived. This sad affliction was borne in the most patient and un- V complaining. way, she never having `been heard` to murmur. at her lot. She "passed quietly away in her eighty- Afourth year...` During her` last days the _was surrounded by her Iamily, ieindfriends. one of whomwa7s Mr. '.Ste'phenson.' the pastor of the `Me- ' gthodist =*0hur_ch ` of i V Hawlcestone. - z In the District Cup series of the 0. C. A.'. the preliminary pound in the local group is played! here, as follows: -4A11ist0n yjs. Orillia. Collingwood vs. _Chu1ichill. Bg_).r1jie' vs. _Beaverton. The wi_x_1n1`s. play 1 the winners `of the` Po.- ft<,,1'biJ:ro group at Orillia. 'g9 A 4.`j ,.-__ MARRIE `SM;I1`H-A-MO0RE-At the comer St. Church Parsonage. Barrie. on Mim- day, Nov. 16th, 1903, by_R`ev.~J._J'._~ Redditt. Thomas Smith, to (ma :_;,,Mzoore.*. both of `Allistolg. bAlli.st o_n*-_. ai-wAHer,_J1d-' n'lha9;e: opx- ; - . ~. . r; _ MDECEMBER DESIGNS 53.39 i Thgoprices Ruling in the Bar and ronto Markets During` the W9ek._;;` T -,BARmE. `Nov. :8 1903. - ' p , 39 "".'E `_ heavy or Dresssed Hogs. . . . Chickens, per pair. 1 Ducks, per pair. . - - GNSE, lb.-R - I I ' TurIrey`s`.erper lb. . , . - gutter. Roll. per lb utter, Tub, pet` ll Lard) -ibyloolclll Elgmpgfuff doz. . .. . Polatnac nnr 5" " '1'OR0N" W h ho . oo".".$ tg ' tuchouo 0""" wed \\ no .ooo'.'`'`:'`'~ ' W\1t.red...... 00" -'.. 1 8 ` H! . ....nf`I_'r ~ oounoaccooII"'". v` 93...... . `....`.v oII'I|OIlI'.`....'..",`. 0: . av. Timothv .. . . o -" ' "7 ? .`..".?:-.-:~f sll aW...............o-0"".&. ` I mm 0 s......"" ..:.`.v 'f.Af,._' IQ `.5 Butte? per gpoundw - - 7;.` "`~Ri'#" gclckeus, spring. P017 ` urkys, per poplhd o pm... ~ V x 3 cans: in-oo'f""` n[30l'dOl.-.uun,I ;,Pmt , $3 glee! 3ia' ;7L}b?o5--vp:I.'J.: 7 cm """""" " 33' -Miss Glmlys Ardagh, (rst-7 Jm... L,.-..._... -4. VI`.-...nn4-n 1Tn;\7AY'Rif.v\ uhbers AT mum SAVING Pmcs%. u.'UI(\l`S at ' . ' 4 .t-f. D. H. McI_.AREN'S DRUG 5T.R` ` "7" { -~___ Envy LLVDLALV vuu w-u ' J.uI..u vv I_. J, lVL\l*p.;F, 3 J. D. King s -Ladies l.`3Vg_1`1:.']`5.`3.13.8ii`!- V 4' Fine Dongola Laced an'd Buttonedg Goodygmj with plainj Fine Oxfords and Slipprs.at.$,l.00, e$l. 25 hd31`.,75, all . Men's $3.50 Box Calf B0Ot8, l6a:1.DhB'l!` or =du9lid 01` ptent " 0 _0 '0';`o";O.`0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 u by $2.50 ne .Box-Calf Laced Boots` for . . . . ./.2 .`.-'. .1.".'f.',. . ;. . . . ..... ._l2.00. V ypd sty1ii?al' % . , _ J- Q-nnn:n] 11+ ` i "H: " -.*-`A -0'Kl|= SING-lN.G . Toronto Farmers magma. N'o`v- :9 2953- `! 'hitBu'u-u 0'90:-0-ooIIOl9'$ 7, 8` > :\redooocuo oouuo_oonIIl0'0O"`='l`I, 3,`g0OSe'.......-noon: ' ..uso uotlllltiiotlhOi|,:f9C`.5.;,- LUNUHAU; cv- \'hit3u'u-u 7 red...... 30OSe'......uuuu ~, semCIlOnS_-! a or Hg` I H nrru , _ _ _ _ A . . . . F?ubt`:_ergr.Aat%"% cut |=.-noes .1. `|F?\I$/I N; `i Una vmvv V `Wu """" .""',""'.' v- ---v....._..-. -u. | V 2- ~,.~u'. - 1, .1` {L yd `J5. `- it: made. p_cia1`at.J.,`%."."'. _ 4- Men's $2 00 Dongola'Boots. Speci:iI`ii.: ';";`; : '.. '. T '..' 3 Men s $1.50 GIove"G_rain' L.eii 3'Bdota` fox`; ,`.,+.v-_.. _ .. I Men s Heavy Waoerproof .Chromq;-Boots, 32:50 va1uofI;I4%r '47` in all sizes and makes.` G60. 3. S1 t - - - E 33.50 to $5.00, best shoe made in C::neal.1:. ' `#n`lf% , "hoe-_.;' Special Vallles in Boys '$h`;s`Mi88es) d unto 0IoovvoQ'- x7oto 230.-.5. ghtuoouauofvo I \.`,_ `cum-av--~. Io 50-o, ~ 7m9,-"9 . Cairo! `soot: ;33 f 56 vii ' 65uoo{ 11$: uo- .. uni--. _: U501 I`. 6: 50: o 1 A'..on . l`I- Maple Leaf-M;g_1`tee Cr6s,'.Tg1}1es The finest 650 Best Rubbers `for... ..`, 500 5'.`c Rubbers for. . .A. . . . . . . . . { 350 Men's 750 Rubbers for_. . . .T . . . . _. . . . -600 Men s $1.00 Rubbers for. ._ . ._.. . . `. ' 7,'5c Overshoes, Long I Boots, ,Lumber`me!'1_ s Boots, Hip Boots, and+eve1`yt`hVi`ng made in Rubbers, "7 ',,Foo'tiV_2.vea14 " '_ '_at wholesale prices A ' ` JaE_:q}1es Cartier and_.Boston Ri1bbers' 1: so 0, O0 ,7 so; VH1. l W J. Ross, and- -a. riivie you caxi bng do'vn the largest game- Buy your rile and outt now. ' Get used to your weapon.- You can buy .good ` V Rifles, % Guns, Ammunition or T Sporting Goqds A of all kinds at the.1ow_est price from _ EHORTHAND ' .- R.` _t. 9 , ,~,. `.~_-.' . ,- . vz,`-`K. ' "8'1 Barrie ; Barga1n-?.House.- = T ~ A +~:~+4~+-::~-:-~:-+:-+4--:-~:-++++;:~++:-+++-:~++++4;ag--gs}:#H+-M-4ry+~:-ei~+-5+-3-$453+ IT WILL PAY YOU TO GET INFORMATION i REGARDING THE X BUSINESS A N D 3:11: H 1 ? -If vou `arc inten 1 business school. W.` BROOKS, ` A agnclxrn sdn. I 8- |nI_JU .L1va v... .. _ , . Mr. Frank Dyer. of Elmva1e,jwa.s renewing old `acquaintances here last A_- n..:.a..a.. gunning. the adjourned On` Fri meeting 'is t'o' be 1 _ther = Str i *3 ( . vening. the `adjourned Stroud-Hockey Club webk. - * Friday ,e meeting of the `to be held when the decision whe-. V ther -Strand will have one or two -1 clubs inthe .0.r7I:I. A. will be arrived at. It__is to be hoped we will have two t;eam_a and ever; year hereafter. as thmwgll tend: $:o_ eyelop the young layers for th`e ' _ eep the; older. Erlayers in the gam_e. Thee tg9,mb~le:mu}3, _- expect` to win every V-lgaime thfetl ,year,. but with severe years` experience in ~ Wamedia ., andrsti . D U; --_._- svei -af years qxperience tn-8 ~41- teirmedxate Barnes. better play {W111 ""r1-h'~ 1`r.'_, ' "-J.` "4' `` v.'`-~: - 1, _ _ LE9 nthel 'Hug`he'a\w"as the" aguest `4*** E*`: ::=;5:n tth .o1.=ocm e_ tar` rm ; =hom`e or l;&i'v~*a1;_1t1~%&A;1~a;`ASt1td:lVy?. las? .13`: ~.e .. . 3*? my; , 1 w'* ` VHOWV-mmy people in Barri:e%.a1?e a.warv:.<:>fHt1}1V f1ctTt`hia`.71i`*Itvv.in s' + cm.`/.t11ela1`est st_;cck_, of` Boots and Shoeahnd ,Rnbber\Footwear"inA c 4' Barrie and sell them at :3. ;;sa`ving to" _ t_he_` 1'00 to` 750 a. 3 Pain All t;he'bestVI11akers goods .ar` in _sto,ck._" Geo. A. Slatet~ s ;, nelebmted [nvict1`1+-sh.0e.`the highshgbade zalioe-ttie.lK,.;:J ,Kihg. s 1 $ Bu]o11S shoes for men and "women ;;Lankin; 82' FOaber,;ofA.Boaton,`ne 4 AW,.ic,,n gudS3 W,i1liat'.n's,.Kneelb.n_d_`8;`Q63, of"']v3ro(':kt:9n,'-M'as.; W. "E A. Mm.51,, Ritchie s, Lan1el s, Amesqlden, W1nq_&:Sgns, shoes for 3 chad,-en and many. other .1:e1jg.ble' m&kr3 s g00da`~.. ` W1 s'1`RoUD` V . lliam Woolman and` George, Nel- rive d home `after spending in the North` W'est. - nf Elmvale. `was . Bl Assocwrn PRINCIPAL. Y. M. C. A. BUILDING, TORONTO, ONT. . interested in the work of a high grade hool. CATALOGUE FREE. WJQW. W_egtarv1t_, Char;:et;d- Acountantz I Principal. I If 3250` '. 1.65 `C {E %. 2.oo_ V -:*-.....r,.. ,'.`......., ,___, _ ._ `M N ` , ., _ `_ V _, ` V` ` . - - . .. I ` ~ . ~ ` 'wL!, A`1-;t,Qq(`,in\ . n;;':_;- .,_.g... ;_,_,.,,~,,'.._. 4 _ _ , Acnoss THE BAY j----* A FEW INSTANCES" (:)F;'1`IQ-.I"l` $U1%*1F =1iI __. . .. - A u.._., 4' fivias; 1?:'y"2d;Is `l;;_,s'b`A_1`-<.:_1w;1-1;`_;1_ed `home a';fter"a pleasant _visit to the bitya - ' ` I ' ' ` 11',-_- n__-us- n___-__L;1I 2. ._ _.. - _; ; of Interest Contem- _-ma vnoxnrr olrmcmwis noanmn . on wauasoa IN ran ABSENCE on- ~"-ma.A,NeLm. - - V 1 Mrs; A. saott is `still very .ill. . _ G. W. Pounher is now handl_ingLoys_.- items.` - 1 ' "` Fleming Mrs. English. formerly Miss Allie Lqnghuxst. ..Wf,8_(l`own . from Midland .on,Eriday._ av _ .~ .m Allistqnw Hera1d-.-Mr; J ,_ ,E. 3 Edwards. of Barrie. is assisting G. '1`.,R. Agent . K 1 -Q. 3 -. (E ' I `II`_,'__ 'fII_`_--I,-AL 4` `P__-___.___IA_L 3- `"%iE}._ and Mrs." Jack` Glassford `spenf ; Sunday `in Meaford. nn_-_.-|_. - I.____._____ 1.1.. |_'_'1.__ __; -1. Miss Sadie Campbell is .an an eix-_ "t0. (W ~ f . St. Georges Sunday Sqhopl `.'was held in Mr. G. G-qring -.s residence on S.unday;- .. . V ` - ;- ,:;;M_r. William Howe was up'rfr'om London Sunday. renewing old acquain- taifoes; " ` `5 2 fr, tended visit `to her sisters in Tiorjon-. E`-M: 1a."n&;iEi11`.[x1v;'}n;}"EE;I{as are pleased to see` _him outagain. 'I'_. 'I`L-_ L,_ J___._,, . I Q, ,,!I-_` "f.Eg'"a,'B3fJiB'g big bbx_up at /Mr;/B.obt. Harman's residence. ` 72 5i{)i1;;};7'{.f;L';rh'3iJn plac- ed on -a Sanford street residence; ---- `.-v.--r..\. vv Iur\r\a- coo`.-Q urn-u u-cup. Mr.VThos.~ Andefson and family`, left on Monday. for Gravenhurst. 'lf0_- 1!` _.__ A ,1___-_. 1-.. _._A.___'._.__1 `wftviims rumored that ant_$ther`youn g drivqr is going to tafkeiuntoihiynself a. wife.; . 5 ' _;' ' ' " ` T g n. - - .- __. .-.. cu -v>-u---v -, ` Mrs. Rhineha`rt.'et Newiziaget. is visiting her sister, -Mrs. Leusby`. Charles street. - ` ~ ` e = '1.71<:.."'i`. '15`. ticket office.w'as rub - bed of $41 on`Thi1rsday.` while.`1-Iarry ` Angle was at tea. . -|r_ `I1-_4.A.I_'_'___ 1-\-..___L-I'| _,_._1l -_..:I..' mi; yembell and` family'. have moved into their new brick re- sidence on Essa. street. _ vs; `run an `av- www- SH. Jolsephwflolxns i `making ar- rangemnts _to erect a brick residence on this Burton Ave. lot; - V Iona alum: gonna turn: any`: -vu- Mr. Jbhn Pouohe} wasdp from To.- % ronto to spend Sundaywith his bid- ther, Alderman Pouoher. --v- --_v- ea.-nu. - '---`_- M1.-. "John Fra.`m'eha,d a finger taf- ken.-offglast week. by` the planer in the G. T. B. shops. . Mris. Givns. of Ferndale, is moving i`rito`th`e howse recently -vacated by % Mr. -Harry Dalton. - ` i '-an-_`_ 1112112.... 11- ____ __._1 H|r-._L-_