ms. J. 1:`. BALHNG. G1.-t.ADUA'l.?E OF. vuftt. w, A. mats. PHYSICIAN. sun- - :- ----vI| LLUlVul-I3 HKJJ-`LID clean on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers` notes discounted. Collec- tions made in any part of the Coun- ty. -Real estate bought and sold. Conveyancing in all its branches. : Marriage Licenses. issued. Office, Ross block. Dunlopstreet, -Barrie. I DR. 0. SMITH. L. c. P. s., dNT.. ,E. T. ABNALL. M_. D. C. M., OFFICE STEWART` & STEWART. BARKLE- STRATHX &..EST1s}N. BARRISTEBS, uE:W8ON _& Ci%'ESW1C{E.l BAR- E ...... ..-.-.`.-. -2----&- es; 4. nanxsnuumafr; ...BABH#5'1`E- . I . r-_;.__ :-. l`lunr\lIo`l'l! _.o. . ..._.-V . ;_1.n:;~z1~z`dxf 56'wAN. &. BROWN. _BA.B,-. .~1"r-_'2.":L'.:_` ;..`." Almbnininn rn-n- ` Eroronto ;VMr_s; James McKee, `of town ; '.AMrs.` Harry Carson; Washego; Mrs `William Smith, Toronto. and Harry; The death. eceured last week. of 'homa.s'Fox Davies. who besideebeing one of tl,1e p`ion eerresidents ef the lborwn; was" knovirn as .Canade s oldest printer. He had been` in failing health for the last. `two years and was .;unable to undertake any -duties, ho;w-4 . lever, light, since-last fall. He leaves a, widow and six ohilcfren, the latter- being Messrs. George and Thomas. of '_ of town. The -funeral took place `on `Thursday. when Rev. Dr. Witten -con- tklucted the services, interment being in the Union Cem-etery. ---- -v :_--:V-- -.w.-.-., __- __. & So) Ms E: Bo & Sc. ulasgow. member 0: the Bxjicisn Up- tnalmo1ug1oa.1 society. bpe,c1alLy,--, Diseases of the Eye, Ear, .I.`uroal'. and 1Vose.,`.,0I`Iic,e, `la `Dunlap street, baunaers Block. tiarne, ,opposu.e rest-`U1f.Ii'0e..'a_m1 Ballway `_bLa.Lion. .|:'hone.. 'n_-1 ;? 1: : U.` 150:. 96. II. no 'Lvq-wag: .u..`,-.....-`_,' V _..._.,..__._.-..., _ _n-A_torn_ey'.- Bolmxtor `,u.nc_,e ry. ;; Uonveyaucyer,-. eye; Utce. m-at uuo1`."0wei1 street, over ank of -L , yommegce, barns Tnnity _Univer:_3ity. Toronto. Eel- low 01: ,'J.`rm1Ly ,.u.I.euica1. College. mgmber of tn Uouege of 1:'u_y=n- mans and asnrgeons 01: Ontario. 0:- xice and resmenoe. 16 Owen street. . ' `.-1 `_ otary. Conveyancer. egm; . man in dmwnng angif p ' ` _l1u. obtaining Jeuers 0; gnuniniscrayfon and guaruumsnip. ` onqsmu-" acoouI_:ts, ow. Utncen 13...... ..n;..|. Mn:-rte- Mnnev to Loan. \ '}.E2:'.i,' }:.I'LfIz."c:T 3;. mm; 1.. 1:. Q. .L .. London. Oufices and mgnc "residence. 1;ro_wn s block. Dumop street, Marne, Telephone, '24, uaie of _]_.)rs. Harvie r. smith. Util- na)_.- , Otnoe *an corner or uwen and Comer streets, Barrie. in Both_w_el1's B:l'o<:-l;. -'Al'1;a.'::1d':1_l:~.7('}n the p1'6m1$88 at mght. ~ `ullu V \J`UIuIVVJ GI-197109 .ll.LvJAvJ_ _vv ovnnnn 1n any sum: as 0 per cent. U_11ce. 16 Uwen" b'l;.. .Barru:._ 1:1. ].).btew- art. 1... 1;. 1).. D. M. a'tew'art.. :L.lJ Iv 4-o.|.va- saw u-.-- -. ..._._v_-, --~---~ ers,- Tsoligitprs, potaries runlxc. `'C.onveyancers. money, _to1uan :n on unvnu -Af n nnr ma-.nr_ Uttme. 78olio1tors- in xgn Court of Jus- tice, Notarws ruulic. Uunveyancers. Uxmces over `tne Hans; of '.I.'orout.0.. bazne. Money in gums _ ox 'z,uuu and upwarus, to loan at `a per uenf. :1._.t1. btrathy. n..'U., Ur. u._ I Jagstien. - Miaziiy of thV'in_c.ident~sI in the follow- ing interesting account of his life, More furnished _by the deceased to -the Toronto Globe some years ago--:--`. l'\-.n `J3 4-]... ......_._A. :_.J.-.___J_:_, H1-EJNVJKQ \III II suAv..-v. CI .-.-I.` -. ; riscers. Sbliifoi- tor" obtain}}5[pi6- ' hate or mus, guarmansnip and ad- zmmsnration. amt, _3epe,ru1,_o`o1nciLora. Notaries; ;Uon~v_eyanoera, etc. Ut- uqcpr dab blocx.,1No. ,6. Dunlap -sI:r`eet.'~ Barrie. money to loan at 41-2 and 0 per. seat. Branon Ox - xicesr at. ` Oneemore 1. and Alustou. naughton uennog, Alex. Cowan, Ur. 1:5. J. .I$ro\_Nn. 1;, 1... B. 5l';.V' $901 UV o-:-w - - riscers. Solicitors of, mo` supreme court or Juuwature .o Uunano, -rrootors. Notanes. Conveyaucers, etc. money to man. Uxrices. muss b1ock.'ba1-rie. AU. '19. hewsun, A. :9. 11. ureswwx . ` ' 1. LYON. PRIVATE UNDS to an an 13-..! n_L-A._ -- I Vu -1v. ` VIiI]|ll..I&p Iibvo s--...--.., ` .Buu-ul.unk. mu-us. .. Money to,,1_qan._ -DR. R. P VIVIAN, -rvp.-..-.-\_.--- MANUFAdTURERS. MONEY T0 LOAN -. .'A RJCHITECTS. ___qgI_vEioRs: `The p'all-b_eai`ers we1v`e.`Messrs.[ Jno; Woods, Albert Wilkes, Ge_o. Hagtgart, NB. 'Buchanan', Wm_. Caldwell. ' Geo. I-gcolesu ' ' - I]'_____ -3 1_LL"_,_1 I .0 as A II __F_`IN AN CIAL. PHYSICIAN S. `f1TnirEii.7i6LYi&3"n;3: 4...`. ';'r.\,, In-` L._B.. HARRIS- oto. Bank of T gf'.Barrie. Money ,to us 3;. .:'f`.`.;'.`:.E.`."':*.':.'.=;-:4 00.. Ancf; r, Barrie. _ 0N- J III`-I3'9`.-'5UUU ` uua. ` TTON & s3'N,"E.rm *9191?!'n9 `F3 r.nis*=* Vbu. -.`~ um t eh. lowesst `nth t - ' ncesfaggteh co_als, d`~-`0unt `o|\dr `ad `Q elwere aanv ti . me Vou w.ant ., omen .`}!rcie...m-1:31; . Mo . 1 " : ;PQ`-krr,n'8, Vs ' an I-iVe;':"S6ta2olc8. 535'=5"5T?.'3."Fu"'EiG'En'Z S {'1}, .QII3OBOI7GHr_. or our 810" ant? n.....:.. Lana "'_"._l;: WAS _ THE _ FOUNDER OF `;_gf_:..MAg9N;a:T, BA'R31n:'s FIRST NEWS- ; PAPER. THE NAME "WAS AFTER- -wajans QHANGED TO 'rHE5NoR'rH- " A" 3 N'ApvANcm; .g`op-It .IE"O_R.. EFTE7xT=-c?67IT ---AND wooD FORSALE. % mortgages, Wills, etc., prepared on shortest uouu=_- 0 o . V! 1` Doyears domg busmcss m bimcoc. Farmers CSP. allv Invited to call and see us. Glad to see YOU` `V chm-lg: for consultation or advice. . and 0 FICE+-Opposite Barrie Hotel. B3"`e`. I . Peter Street Orillia. 4" `IV -- U Iswaqy/\a;-._., `R011 Estate and Insurance A599" G. Yb? Pfoperty on our list: costs _nothing- MOBBY to Loau-Don't borrow a dollar unu1Y0" 5 inc; terms best. rates and charges lowest. D6655: .M8'88'8. Wls, shortest notice; . Bovears dmnnr hlxnnce In Simrna Farmers C5???` Goal is going, but by oraenns """` ,P A _RKER ;& MORREN . .-._... F22 '34-tf Private {pads to loan on first mortgage; Ac count; collected. &c. 0 ch` over Henderson; Hardware Store. Barrie lit. Vb to I turn: will ha added to the Subscription List until the money is paid. . ` c..1.__._2|_-_- ____ 2 , ,, o .. .. ' .` --------.-uwu-Ilia, GU Rzrxnsnnrr run Fouowma Fm: Issmsc V Commmzs: The Mercantile. now affiliated with The Lon _don an Lancaehire of` England. Secur. xty, $,ooo. The Waterloo Mutual. of Waterloo, 011:. Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual, of Berlin. Ont. V Total assets. $3o3.o78. Also L1ovd'e Plate Glass Insurance Com- " pony, of New York. Cash capital, 515:, . ago I `And the Sun Loan and Savings Comps 3 | of Ontario. ' H 1 _ ;..--- u-v\.\AA nuul. for advertisements must In eve TV cane bo_ mountedvon solid metal hues. be in8i6'1'?`$0d.--11rt9At:i_'1sertiAon 2 cents """"` ` ' "'5U-`5EME.\'TS. V ` Condensed advertisem ts ' . as wants of all kinds, 1cLftnand":ot:1rz:(tiPage ch for sale or to rent, specic articles t?I):"Y ) . mllt be accompanied with the cash an I Del word Scnoemz & SMITH .,...,.. uuuoctiucuu xuseruon "1 04 (names, addresses and gure words); but 9. reduction of one 4 will be made when the number of the same matter exceed four. II-.o..4'_--J--- nu; uv uual Ecu, Advertisers will not be allowed to space for advertismq anything outgj own regular business. Should {hf transient rates will be chdrged for vertisementa. l.1r-e;;:;;mvat;ts`.m cnange _must be in Tm: Anvuc " M mi liter than 12 o'clock noon on blodgg week, otherwise the advertiser s a may not be made public until ' lowing. 12 changes of Advertxsemeuts allower year. It more are required ` P" will be charged. , composition me` use: ' ' - . 9 _advert1sm2 anythms: omm. P e . CD I the lamest circn A `puma to 1 County Town. `Advertisements are char e "1 ` ' TRANSIENT vnnrlsmc - Noticcs, Auction 8 atc.-First _insertion10 ce "A`'" :mbsequ'ent~.1nse'rtion 5 can . Reading notices, 10 cents per line I ingortion ; 6 cents per line foreachsubgr m iinertion of the same matter, A11 - `1'I| 'der.5 lines, of this character, ch" n. lijnes. Obituary Poetry ac, W 1ine_`4`* ts 5 c-:--.. THE. DEATH or * mos. 1-`ox mvms 2, West Baldwin 3 30392: but by oi-daring from | H , Jacob : Terrace . gr-J aw THE ADVANCE OFFICE- . T)- aria INSURANCE AGENTS couvzvmcans, ac. CONDENSED SCROGGIE &. SMITH. ~-- --..- .-.- --our, nu runa- _ Subscribem now in arrears for three` month Vand ovcr will be charged .$x.5o per aunum. COMMERCIAL .......ruu..;cu vv.u.u LL18 08.811 and ..hrat1nsert10n per word . . , quent msertxon 1 cent per word ldresses and anm ..n.....; ADVERTISEMENTS. Street. Sue ce vvuulptu nt per word of insertion. L L}l`~Lll per word gures counted as am, ,.,...c. M. _.J Barrie.` canadajs oldest mater Pas.% SAMUEL WESLEY. P;O'PR|E1.'ORv -W uuu. `bu 8go&.r&a];%1d.Penetang. `,Colli:ng- l Daily exoepk Sunday. daikv. v THE NORTHERN ADVANCE :31-per Ammm in "Avdvaance - Trains leave Barrie `tor and arrive on the under mentioned places as llowe: _ ~ 0 V . P 4.41 a. m. For? Newmarket. Toron-' to. Montreal and points east. . V 7.56 a. m. For Newmarket. Aurora and Toronto. . 0 '- r - " 0 12.16 p. m. Forp.Newniarket and. Toronto. '0 . 6.26 p. m. For Newmarket. Toron- , . to. Montreal and East. . ~ . I 2.20 a. m. For Orillia .North Bay` - and Soo. . . I 5 '0 1; 11,84 9.. m._ For Gravenhurst, Sco- ..'t1a Junctron and Parry Sound.` H 12.59 p. m. For "Muskoka. Wharf. 0; 4.00 p. In. For 0_rillia..North Bay' \. and pomts West. ` g 9.21 p. "m. For Orillia. '- . 11_.15 p. m. For Penetang. Col-'- ` hngwood, Meaford. 11 12.12) p. m. For Penetang. II 3.40 pim. For Stayper and Calling-V . W00 . Frank ill! 8 Pag;a;18 Column Newspaper, Published from the Oica, :23 Duhlop Street. _ Ba_rrie in; the County of Simcoe. the Pro_- * Vince of Ontario,_ Canada. every Thursday Morning. bv uAKE'R?_or T sedAVway Last VV`eek_. \ Tnus by Susscsur-non. cu lav J-1.I\J ;.1va.u na -.-\..v..-..... The career of The` Magnet at first was one of_ uncertain promise. and it was a strenuous struggle for the pie- neer journalist to make both ends meet. The district was only sparsely settled. and the cash payments were almost ou-t of the uquestiotnm There was no market building. and no mar- E ,ket' at all for farm produce. while _ grain was kept in store by the mer- [' I ohantwuntil sleighing Ldown Yonge street should set in._ The {need 01'- T a line of railway}/between Toronto` ' and Georgian Bay began to make it ' selfsorely felt. and The-Magnet com meneed a.nd7vigoroussly p'ro_secute'd7 the agitation which u1tima`tely resulted in the *c0nistruc`tio;n of Vhe Ontario. " Huron'.& Simeoe Railwayv inA185l. But . ' at -firstfclhe 4_pgr'oject seemed sovisg `iona.ry. so" Utopian,` that many, even ` 'shrew.d business men. laughed?` `at the , idea`. and f=or.l~`ong. it, was merelydiab ' matter of =ta1Vk.` The: "Globe fand_The` ;Britinieh` Uolenist repirin-te d`-'-som'e of T. T119` M*18 ;Iilt'9 _&`1`ti1'8'"` 0If.vth9'-A $iib;idt.' a `at"firs5tf7"'.-13h? " PN.i65c1:.-:B9IIidp_o.visJ, 3 T admitmtthatitllmwh -a raway=wou~1a.e .1 be especially; `or<;;ro-.,;]. ..r~ont.0.t311?ging_:h?TYer.f`t`het itf;1i 61ld; br.:bui1*ti*T'We8t u 7.]. 'UL IL! Mr. Davies e wasfemployed on the Globe staff for three years. when his latent spirit for adventure madehim rise to the occasion of an `opening for ~- the establishment of journalism "in the north. The district of Simcoe had been set apart "as aseparate muni- -cipality, and Barrie was selected as the county town. Some of the new ly appointed officials became anxious for a printin_g'office in Barrie,- and made overtures to several types to A take the risk..b_Vut could not guaran- tee paying supporti At last Mr. Da- vies consented to take the risk. gave up ,his place on {The Globe. purchased material and launched the first jour- _ `nalistic A enterprise north of ' `Toronto.- The material for the new paper was ` carted to Barrie by ex team, the 64- mile `trip occupying just "two days. The Barrie Magnet was the namc` of the new venture. and was issuedin August. In 1852 -the name was chang- ed : to The Northern Advance. an an` . _;_ _`_ g___1_ I I 1 Uthl (19 ll) _J.l.Luu ta. vu-.a....y-... . Just here a bitvoftechnioal infor- ',,mation will be appreciated by the `craft. ,i `To Mr. Daviesmay be'credited' the first suggestion which led to the; adoption of the "\\?eb ep_ri'nciple -by _which newspapers _ar`e`pedV into mo- dern .pr_esses from gr eat.'rolls of pa- per, instead of in single sheets. It was during the visit ofone of the Hoe -brothers, -of `New York, to_The Globe s- prreroo-mi, that Mr". D_avies' called` his attention to the` idea of fashioning .. .. . . ,_s...... .. -2 ....'I:...-._ `Luna abbuuuluu Lu uuv u. .......... _-..u -aepress after the principle of ca1ico_- printing machines in England, into w-h-ichpthe cloth.was'fed from webs" 01', _rolls, and having` an appliance at- tached for cutting off the sheets the required size. Hoe thanked Mr. Davies for the suggestion. andit wI.$ vwithinpthe next year that the_ fiut .web press was placed on the market ; by, the Hoe machine works of New flifvork. ' A .. . 7. u ,,,_:1 ._ L1... U.) IJvvuu.Lvs av .---a-.--~-.-V. I I ` '.[.`he Globe was then` issuing its first vlolume, and '1`he'Methodist Christian "G_uar-dia`n`.and the British `Colonist were also being published. Mr.` Peter Br-owntwas then editor and proprietor of The Globe, a'nd"in coursbeof conver- sation he mentioned to Mr- i-Davies that hehad just -purchased as second-3 hand cylinder Hoe Press._which was then in the custom house, and was the first power ress `to (be used in Cana- a. Therewasg no `one at` the time in _'th_`e country who understood; anything about the. new machine, and. finding that his visitor was acquainted with; `the workings of similar presses, Mr. Brown asked Mr.` Davies -to `stay `in '1`-oronto and `set the. machine in work- ing `order. He acquiesced. "and ('in due course the machine was installed and set up, and/' Mr. Davies finally en- ggaged as its first pres'sman./ V 1---..4. 1...-.. .. I..H- A49 +anlmninaI infnr- Mr. Davies now returned to Cinch?-* '_natti." and resumed his work in _,t_ha_t oit_ya..b In July. 1844. he took a month s leave -of absence and made a _trip to Toronto. Canada. In the Light of pre- sent day n1odes'of travel, vhisroute may be worh recording. Leaving_Cin- I oinnati he went up the Ohio _R_iver by steamer.` to Portsmouth. then .by canal boat throug-hthe State of Ohio to Cleveland; this slow; but only avail- able 'mode of travellin taking `just a week. Buffalo was made by steamer, thence by rail to `tblliagara, stage to. Lewist-`o-n, and across Lake `Ontario by `steamer to Toronto. - re: a ,, ,,1,I..,.-: ..._--:;_... :1... l!2.....L ' .>'4.3 7 I :'.'~' ' ,> .I_ 1 E: 4. e _ ; V, 5 taw In ,l_9-1.18.` taking steamer up-".__.t11e Red .Ri_-Vet. _.'1`he "were net` `affrtendiy: moo d.j-}b:ia_t-=~it`3 %wae~%1'-_on;i.:th'e% attegtg 3,; `_t}_._>od tho.-"tn" the wexpediet 2. ' tion " `ended~- in-*~~disest `r`; - we steamer` ,: I I\ being snagged" "in the -swollen ri,-~ _'ye1',;-nd '_alLl-its (contents .lolst'A..ewh`ilo. -the _6c_cupantS 'bar1y`..`es`a'pea with thEi'i~ mes; Rtring to New . `Ora V *l'88.!l .8.~,M.l`..\.D1i_.Vi`88 "met, with another edventiirefithia time witbix a1iigato1's in the Mississippi. Three of `the sau-4 Vriansvwere floating. `down stream; upppeed to_ sleepi"ng,.;and the ad"-I v.ent_u1_'ou-s youth essayedfto "ba g f,9ne- -ofthe trio, "in which effort he was ` preei15ita ted into the water 'in the _ midst of the`a1li_gators`, and agziin nar- rowly escaped with the :assistance of ' his companions. 1 - .-. .4`: "'1 an.;;::f On Tuesday nigh.t last week. Sig- net Chapter. R. A`. Masons. received an official visit from the District Grand Superintendent. R, Ex. Comp. A. Cameron; Owen Sound. There` was a. large number of Companions pre- sent, both from -the town and other parts "of the Jurisdiction. The de- grees were conferred in the usual` exemplary manner by the- officers of the Chapter upon'five_' "candidates, the work receiving high mommezidation. from the visiting Superintendent, who expressed his delight at the work, as well as with hisreception. After the chapter work` was finished, an-. other degree with equal worth in the dining-room 3, of the Queen s Hotel, where mine host Le- Roy"and hivsistaff showed their skill infprnomoti-ng the welfare` of R`. A. Masonry. This was followed by the ' usual `patriotic and `social toasts, in- " terspersed with vocal solos . by Comps. ' Jory. Monkman; Shrubsole. _and?1'-`God l Save the King and "Auld Lang Syne -by all, present. -~~!L . ~ -Ammls the Companions present.-~ were officers,-ExA.: -Comp. .J. C; Irwin, p Z.,'Ex.C0mp. H. E. Jo1f,y,_ H.i,`Ex. .C1mj;).. , J.-VS`h1?11bS010...,J~.,CompLI A.` E. : Sta-` I _p1etn; Comii+ fw. J. Meri1k.'cdm'p`.` .- V J."_,I:I.-_ Nee1,n dLs;-;Ale'x.`.p_Milne;, .3114 _iG9mvP-)A1%- Cfivvf'tiis' 3- A1 3.l`1"\Ib'-~ u 'l?fl1.:3`?_3fF:"`1[.`-fM3oh;tgoinY.TifHi,Willie. :13;-" Ex`-:` .:f?w-;.;-,,J:` *.~Sutliei`land.- W; _ .I wni`iicomw~ i VISIT 011' 3. mx. comp. D3. ALLAN CAMERON. or owns sonny. _GRAND .SUPERIN`1`ENDEN`1' or GEORGIAN DI_S'1_`RIG'I' N0. 9. ROYAL ARCH MASONRY I Seven.y-ears after the inception. of `Q The Magnet (now `The Advance. which name`he gave thepaper as a tribute l to the progressive spiritr of the times) Mfr. Davies `disposed of . the "business, and-`after that published The Law Journal for Mr. Paton (afterwards Huon.5Jas. 1>a;u;dng- until` it was~tr'an:s- _ ferred to Toronto two years later. The next venture in whichthe-was concerned was The `Spirit of the Age; publishe; prominent Orangemen fof -' the town. but` which -is now defunct. Later he returned to The Advance, and afterwards to The (Examiner when- that journal was established. wvhere he worked for many` years. Finally, after recovering from a se- vere illness`, in which `his life. was despaired of, he joined The Barrie Gazette staff,vand though his form is bent with many years of weary la- bor. and his head crowned with the snows of eighty winter's. he still main- tains _a `bright intellect, a ret.entive_ memory of the v ' many interesting events of his varied career, and a nimble .hand to compose the types.; N which had been _h__i-s life-long vocation. . Speaking `of this notable event in! `the county's history, Mr. Davies mod- estly, disclaifns any special credit for the resultant; enterprise. He says :-- 'I certainly` Workedlhard #and- con- '.with the `consciousness of havingdone my duty as -a journalist in forward- I tinmousiy for its accomplishment, and I ing local improvement. am satisfied. ! The location ,of the :northern ter-1; minus `of - the` railway continued to |b.e ai `vexed questjonv 61` isomle time. aun`d so `potent was `the 'influen}c.e of; The -Magnet in the district, that! stempting monetary : conlsiderationsl offered thze.' publisher, to_throw, ; the weight `of hidinfluenoe in favor of certain localities. But these were? firmly declined, and The!`the]d ,' aloof from the controiversy. .The'.terr ' mimis was finally `located at what was familiarly known as the hen and I chickens `harbor, `a ; `tmiyserabl tswamp on the southern shores of .G'eo'rgianBay-, from" which has` since (arisen the prosperous town of Col- Ilingxwoold. . r wus bnoughf to_.Successfu_l issiue. and the line eventually put` in operation as far as Allandale. - Speaking of "the railwaynAti`a`in entered this southern . . .v . I memorable oooaslon when the fzrst` I limit of Barrie; Mr. Davies said: "_`I E well remembe the morning when'Gil- I ]t|&7\: -I-Ln ......:`l -`|..._I- _ .. -__ __.._..........,u.. uuo u.uu.uu._1g vvutsu U11.`- .l(.-spi. the mail clerk, ran over to Barrie and handed me a copy of the I Globe, the "first Toronto newspa.per } ever delivgorod here on the day of ;p1;b- 3 ! } Jhoaton. { A ' a.:hr'd , ' there]: ` _Ll.l_l'I 5: '1'oiIic Prices 254;; 50.` ;and- $1.00" It "s. c. WELL & co. ' Tdtonto, Can. , `T LeRoy, 'N.Y.. at-bnceb - ~ will strengthen the lungs and stop the cough.` ` man Nona-mm Anvmn ' , Pntyu-ovand Gran. - | an experiment made by. `the Cor- . nell, experiment .sta.tione it was found ` `that? cowse Iqn.- pa.sture_~a1one. gave more milket-h_a.n t_hose_ onA,,the same pasture with ` a. grain: ration",-. added, ~, but eq'ua_.1. a1_n9 }1nt` at ; fat. This ` `lasted _ A ` ,0 WhileLth`_eeVpa$1tura`-waa`La:t it.s"'be s1: .~` K9394? $t`.fibn` _A edftkhef "ow"5iSff*~~.?3hill;`-' `bigtf. n'oi::i_si1`-.-~ ~ *:to* pw1or: the` `e _- vv.-...uu._u.|u J.` OI OVGI` 7 at Qdebolt, Iowa. He Work there to go to the c give special` instruction- horses; cattle) 'a,ng1`swine; shall was engaged in managi1{g `the live. stock. interests of the _ Brookmont Farm of over 7,000 acres Qdebolt, Iowa. .He wleaves his wqrk there to tothe college V `to I: giv"e% special instr'-nntinnn 4--A`--'-- r _.-... ...w..uu5 .1418 young men in charge for the competitive tests stock judging at Chicago and of points. Leaving college Wwork a. -more lnnrnfixm rm...-:.... -r -- I ! Toro:- to. < succc :'-i- :1`ul course in .in 1.` -` ., ,, muu .n51_u.:uu.uI'al uouege,-and has agdegree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the University of After completing a : very- _TotI`onto he `took 1 post--graduate Work in agriculture at the _` .-Wa. `State College of` Agricul- ture :-nd Mechanic Arts. For three years. he -was employed as assistant animal husbandry `department- of t.}.-.a.t college, and much of the suc- cess of the department has been due to In ueorts. He had been marked- Torn Gen Canidiun Inntructr. A bright` Canadian,` `Mr. F. R. Marshall; has been engaged by the j Texas AAgnicu1tura.l and -Mechanical College as associate. professor of ani- mal husbandry. , Mr. Marshall has had training which peculiarly ts him. i for this work. He is a graduate or i the Ontario Agricultural College, and 1 has agdeyzree of Banhnlm. n43 ca...--..-- -l-av'D'V vuII\A 4:-:15 Lill`.l.I'Ul:T.3S a greater tendency than man to go clean shaven. J 1 extremely sociable and ente wnen ODCO . they are rtwinlngv. ; The opposite sexare quick` to make 5 . gen1a.l._ I; 1 stature they fall considerably below . the average Englishman, though they are not necessarily less sturdy; They indulge in a. `great variety of head- gear, and are generally` more pictur- osque in their `dress. `They smoke more cigars and less cigarettes, and ejheye a. greater I-nndm-...-.. u.-- n ....c. 1150 .I.uuguSn girl, although this ? is amply compensated for in many "other ways.` Canadian girls, as a. rule, have ne eyes. Their features are probably, on the whole, more regular and sharply dened than their .English sisters, though not ` quite so expressive, But as regards gures, the young ladies here entirely put British` damsels in the shade.. They also display considerably more tact in dressing; seeming to know exactly` what` suits them; They are by no means forward in making a fresh acquaintance, but when the ice has been brnknn um ~- .... ul uuu qxu gaunt . j It might also be mentioned ' it is the rule` thrqughout Great taih` for all tratc to keep to the side o`f.the road. ' ' ' _ To come to perhaps a more in esting comparison. One misses 't great extent on this gide of the l..r.+.-.. +1.. I. - inter- `to `a. At- na.rge- for test; i-I; tock other % orints. Work for -more lucrative po/sitivon, Mr. M2a.r- 1 E1all.wa.svemzacmd in m-W----`-T "` ` _.,-....u Jyu u_y a. 16W IIICILCS. > There is considerable dierence 'be-, `tween the electric cars here and in the Old Country. Those in the Eng- , lish "towns are more `substantially 1 `built, `and `carry passengers inside .and out. I The number of passengers % capable of being carried varies frome % 50 to .80. The new cars of. London, which are run 'by the . underground system, cerry 74-38 on top and 36 inside. This number must not be exceeded by a.,sing'le passengver, or 8.5 pros'ecution"wi1l be the result. T `It does` not seem. that the same - law is"insfo`rce~ in Toronto, nor does `there seem to be the;regula.tion' as regards speed. . The cars Itravel ` about twiceethe rate here that they do in the Old "Country. might nlch kn ----4-1-VJ` -- I i ? - Bicycles, or `wheels " as they are called v here; `are found in greater numbers than in` any English town. Their approach,; also is considerably more silent than in the -Old -Couvn-3 try, .- The rst indication you seem; to have of the approach of one oil these machines is often a. smart ` rap` on the shoulder. You turn in.` indignation, and vow to report hi_mV to the` next constable for having no bell or light, when lo and behold!` the- 'bulwark of the law wheels around the corner _ on his wheel, similarly without bell or light, and perhaps misses you by a few inches. Thorn in nrxv-uo:l.-....-.'IL`I- .135 v- I v-ova; \lIl\d V1 1113 ULJIPLUJUVS-,_, " Again there are several establish-t ments that strike the average" Eng -. lishman as rather a novelty, such as shoe shine parlors, -barber shops, with the operations in full display` 3 and the numerous laundries with suoh names as Sing Lung over, the door. ` ` ` T L {In ..........uu; u._u. yuan mean. > ' Here_` employer, manager and em= ployes seem to mix_ in . one common brotherhood for their" mutual advan- tage, and _ there see-n_1s .very. A. slight ` distinction between them`, save "per"- Haps that of salary. It".iS scaltcefy known in the annals of London, for an emp1oyer_to walk down the street with one of his emp1oyes.._ Ann-in +1-u-...... ....... ....--.._._1 ,_'A. 119.1, - -5--H = vu. '..1=.uA-V-,9 Here it is`, Say, old"fe!l ow, who's got .u_. the mat'c'hes?"fV It_,; in ; 'a.`b1ufI, cheery sort"ot ws3 .'r&nd`- is } plesjsing to `hear. ' 1I_t`thevery-. 5 essence of. good will, and;-iigiendshim 3 This is yonlyzone insts.zicq,;;b1.1.t it is` ` noticsabler =in. -.a.`..,thoi;8an.1,-=,~9?-her; ..Weys..* ' ' ' " 4 w \ -' - Another very evident` point is 4 that` here there is scarcely anyadistiiiction 1 of`cla.sses.- . . . . , - .1%1ig,s.p1a,`ce . _Aofi_.bus.ines.s `the Mother Country the head or 7 heads. would,` ,;be' secreted in some almost. inaccessible sanctum, ands approached only vwith due reverence by any member of their staff. V T_'l'n.a.. ........_`I-___. _L c 3 % :'ord1nary%"manV ' in" th ,stfree1;,*' who` desiring - to sthoke ands-= 1infdi,v7:idua1?' : aPP,l`0g1chesA ' .9, : passer.-by ' goodwnough to oblige ime -7 ~wih -'I* J l conventionality that "is so Character-,L ist_ic of. the Old Country. Take for V himaeli -xhatchlessg ' In~BzgJd.i1d"' this: ` withsuszh. .,w,o`x'ds' fas _Wi11.3'0,__ `D0 light?" Oh, -tha.n._ks, very much." 11-..`. .u. :- ua---- `-1.: :..n-..... ...:...r- --`,. j that n'l'|t\n4- I"|_.._1_ ~I\,,. _ ---\ao VIJCIIII 'hou.t[ Bri- kgep_ left Is,;&" 31:9: ` the English- % ENDOWMENT %%msuRANGE POLIQIES sag` I'LL`) & ' .`tario Land Surveyors. Engineers, `etc. Established 1852. Office, Medi- `cal Building, 8. E. corner Richmond and Bay streets, Toronto. Tele-r . phone. Main. 1336. Instructions left ` wzth Sh-athy & Eaten. Solicitors, - V _Ban-k p1`oronto Building. Barrie,l W111 b'e prompply _atte.n;dyq1 to. p ...*.`!;.`::`%.'..':s::: L..`"``::'f:..'::. Mme. .Avv1y- - K3. 2 LYON`, _ ._- an way-we ._._______. UFWIN. `MURPHY & ESTEN._ nu-in `l .......a u.-..--- ANY- QUANTITY 01?! MO .- lhnn nI- 41,6) and E --- - ,_ .._____.._. NEY TO $70.000 FOR INVESTMENT ON G00 freeholdasemirity at lowest rate of ` ` interest. No; principal money re- ~quired _until end or the term. H. 1:1. b`trat`hy, Solicitor, eto.. Barrie. .:__....._..._.... ` _____. -.aLaLV.l.LJ' JJJ..I..I.ll.J UUM.` apany. Carpentering. building. and T manuf_ao_turing of doors, sash. blinds mouldings, `etc. ` Planing V of all last kinds don? romptly _. and satisfac- -torily. Ho `triotlll :agenoy_for_ gramed lumber. mas. HART & HA.R_'1`; FRED. .7. Hart. M. D.. M. R. C. 8.. Eng., L. l `kt. C. 13., London. b'peo1alLy--D1s- K cases of the Chest.` Stomaon and \ Nerves; Cunsulting Physwian. Vic- Ac Nl..U;,l.a..R.U.J.. .. & Sop Ed` inboro, L.F.1?. &.p'., Glasgow. Spec- ialty-csurgery, Midwifery. Diseases of bkin ; Uonsulting urgeon. Otfices 3 day and nignt, Lane Block. Cor. of Dunlap` ana Tel- - ephone, 124. I HOMOEOPATHIST. ,_Houfs, 11 to 1; 7 to 8. Residence and Unfme, Uornerof Uunlop and royntz ;.bt1'8GL.5 . - ' 13. s. .% 1_31>.oA:D._`. M. 1).. -c. M..' F. T. on 1: ny,si_oian and :surgeon of Toron- to uerieral Hospital, mtn speciu1at- I;enuon"`to Diseases of. Women. and Nose and, '.L'.nroa_r. Work. also for some tune surgeon in charge of Emergency hospital, Toronto. Ot- 11oe_a.o,_u night residence, upstznrs 1n Mobarthy _.l:lock, Z1 Uunlop b'C., ` borne, second door east. or uougan ` .B::0:s. 1urx`nr._u,re> warerooms. near 1 nve tomes. -1: bone., 105. 4 ,_. _ v..a.w am.` J. U1!` J!LU.LV.I`J' 1 TU man :1: 41-2 and. 5 per cent. Easy terms of, re-payment. Lennox, Oowan & Brown. Solicitors, Barris- ters, eto. ' . . Six. J. `ARTHUR R083. L. R. c. P._ ,...- -.-.. -_...... ..--v...v -.avu.:.v Jvuu-I3 G5`-1'-"`u . One of the most interesting figures among the printing fraternity of Can- ads. is Mr. Thomas fFox Davies, of Barrie, Ontario, a veteran` of the craft. indeed the very `_ffather of the art preservative in"Canada to- day, and notwithstandinghis four- ` more years. is still actively engaged in his chosen callinggwhich he has followed for the pastr sixty-five years. iMr."Davies was Zone of the Globe s gpressmenein the earliest days `of this journal, and subsequently. became the pioneer of Provincial journalism when he established the first newspaper north of Toronto .in Barrie. A brief sketch of his,_eventful life will there-' fore be interesting. Mr. Davies was _ born` in t,he.cit'y"..of [Manchester IEng.. in September, 1820, and commenced his career `as a printer at theeage -of ' T ` ",fifte e n in the officefof The Manchest- er \S_a_l~ford~Advertiser, a Reform or Bqdie'al journal, edited and controlled ' .. ay? George` Candy. barrister-at-la'w,~ 'andTMadame Leresche, a Prussiannla-a _? kly of-aliterary taste and talent. Iii. ' , 1837 The Advertiser added it-op-its p1_an_t {the first cylinder or -power press: out ' of `London, andyoung Davies" was ap;. pointed its first .`pressman;f Atpithe-l expiration `of `his `seven; years `term . =1 V o'f'apprenticeship.' a `desire ,'ffor" \t`ra,-1.` ';v,e1.t-ook himovera six hundredlvinilesf {through different- parts of fEngland.a 1 which it-in'erary'-7' he .acc9rnplisphfe_t1.`enI- .V