- 7 0 9 Sun l.;orI|and; Gmenlv !I I 3 GIVING .STFlENGT; aivloun. Its extra godd ;;a1xie`at_ (S313 avt V -'-'1'he Mvuiltiix whbhues a-- V L'AA-AAAAAA ' . . ; . . . . . . . . _. and Persia}: Lamb Jackets ARE GUA_RA`NTEEP _.____ g Royal Victoria; Hospital. `rm.-: TMos'r Nu'rnrrous. -' 41 L To Your Liking and Choose if Often.-...... mu AND sl-|IuoI.Es| MANUFAcr1iB.ING FURRIERS. _ or 011.13. OWN MANUFACTURE. ' O .0 O. ' __ A --2' ggjj (C91 our gs YOU WANT-IT. `AND SHINGLES nnsr MADE. BRUSHi nmce--91 Dunlon Street, name] }_1}nn xurnnnsrs ofnaiinxn. r;1`;. o_g,i:mj Q1 `sn;cofn"` um `Trix %pon:x:< orAi&4nX ova -cnmnuom. om. 3A1;i;RI1;;;oFw.%. ONTARf0,AVJi~IO`VE MBI&R 19, 1963; -- -Last payment. bf TAXES for 1903 due on 1st Decem-r ber. Ratepayers will con- sult thgtr mgn. interest and -_ ""Al _ ._- IIUWIIUI V II! VIVVIII IJIJV VVIVVV co1wen'&ence*v7by4 malci/ng pay- ment at once and avoiding` .31. .. ..--.. 1. IZ"5+"ce.'I3. ` I --L_.ea.v`e your coal orders with J.` G. Scott. A M3 M %++~ Locals Around Mooooooooooouobunn | Try Mickie. hymen: 6: son for split` Fngcvggod. Luzon load: In town or I O . ' 4` -I :1! __L __ HAPPENINGS OF. Awmmx IN I | Town and Vicinity - Condensed 1 News for Our Busy Readers," F Moowwowwuooowwuw T` In:n;:.n\a\.I. Jan vaav 5n.AAaavnv\n.a v-. uggv vv--..'--- .. -The death oocured last A-"week. of Mr.Sa_muel Irwin. of Essa. who was a memberof the Orange `Order for over half a century. . `Messrs. P. Gr-ogan and Wm`. Jen- nett have returned after an outing with the Whi-stlewing Club. 20 miles `north of` Parry Sound; Both se- `cured two. deer. ' I C I an Al! _.__ Owen Shund ratepayers are to vote on 9. by-l.W which will raise the li- '/cense fee for selling cigarettes..to $250. - The penalty for infraction ran- _ gee-tmm $10 t`of $50. - , 1. 11____`_1-__ .._-_:...- hnnvu Wu-nan '_"i:1Ie".Zf6." vb`; W. will afted divine service at Collier Street Methodist Church on Sunday. Nov. 22nd". I__L ___--I- ..-_.._.2..... L- `rd-Avngnilrnun `Inn -awn-u--av. ..u-v- -_._.-- In -an item last week referring to the death of Sir Thomas Thornton; Dundas was rnentioned ad the place of burial instead of Dundee. _.un.-- - 4-.. ____. usnsaspo can-envy-us v-. .-'---gun--. A Try 3 box of Box 0I|ocolaIu-oui' hoxni are pretty--tho goods nut clan. no'rnwI;|._1.9s.. 4 \ .uu . - n - III: wwuauw v The County Council wiil meet. on the 24th inst. A _... -n-up nun .. q no ;- -`iii.-ss-;.' "0-i;1:1:ci"l'L will meet at `Ivy on f Dec. 1st. instead of Nov. 30th, as pub- ishedin the minutes of the Council. UU-lull |aVV'IJ. E10010 . -'4 Foot `Hardwood at $6.00 per `cord and 2` Foot Hardwood at_ $6.50 per cord-at Mickie. Dyment -& Son. - .A' -oouple of teamsters were--fined during the week. for"'driving their wagons over the granalithio` pave- ment. It is hoped that this will prove" `an_ eective we":-ning. ' ` H l__._ -_...-_.-J L.` Pa. snvvsgvvxrg sxxrang un; \r-\a -u-s-J -.. --. There will be somefuzn "in the W -$Wa:r'd "next year. when the assess- ments of {numerous properties` `are -raised to the values placed upon them by_`_th'e owners. `when the Carriage Co. people were looking for a. site. 1 -; rug-| -I'n_...1_:-......1 all` CHI-IVVIJVU '77 11151169 -Prcf. Patty has been engaged to deliver a lecture and practical de- manstration on Marconi s'. Wireless Telegraphy and on Liquid Air in the Opera House on Tuesday Dec. 1st. - 117-11 av._--._-.1 n..-I 8.... Q`) OK \ p`7I. Q .I..UI}\I@ `III L \A `II gnaw- ' -'-Well Sc_reenedBo::l Kr $7.25 per hon at Mickie. ym'ent'& Son. Il_. 'l--......II `Il`-(12..-u .0 An Cay-4-I `JUL Iallnl Utv an-av2-vy .-avg ---pow vv -ww_. - Mr. Russell M_cG_irr. of _Meaford. passed through Barrie, on Saturday. with the well known campaigner. Geo._ Sohell, 2.20.` 1-4. He purchased the horse` on the other side and will fit him or the ice` races this winter. `Alli-I av; va.nv uvv guvvw Vocnvur n _--vv-- ` Dr. vJu'dkin:.s, the American reviva- list. who was arrested in Orillia, last week, `has been taken back to the Uni- ted States, to stand his trial on the charge of obtaining $1,000 under false `pretenoes, from an `old lady in Iowa. ,,,II l._ __A,,__ -..-__. 2.. LL- 1`IT......l. `JIJI yvvy-v vv \.IA_v ovvaganaa .v. .7 -._--. -'.l.`ry a pound 0 Old Fashioned Horehound Candy. 200. at-' Robert- son's - Drug Store. . + ~ 5:: a..L~g.u.u. qunv uv qavv. Next Sunday - evening Dean Egan will hold a Musical Vespers. and the Rev . Eather _0 Leary. of Collingwood, `will preanh the sermon. A collection will be taken up . in aid of St; Vin- cent` lde Paul Sioeiety. ` ' The town iedrawing $1778.67 this year-`out -of the License Fund. The increaise is due to the percentage re- ceived through `the. imposition of a number of Vfinels for infractions of the (law. , we r." I i H:-r~;`-'=-1=~-:`.m':'m._`.w F... Mickie, nvment as soil have good Summer Wood. split. at $2.25 per load ' -Mrs. O. F. Wright has opened a fancy -goods store.` where everything of the latest and most up-to-date pro-~ auction in this line canebe` procured. Elizabeth street. first store west of the Wellington Hotel. " ,__,_1_-.11 __-1.- 2.4 ........ 'lM'nu DLIU 7' 9511115 uvu Ll-V Captain Campbell. who-is now Mas- ter of the Northern Navigation Coy s flqet, was in town on Monday. He had just returned from Parry Sound'. and states `that the steamer Atlan- tic is a..- total loss. V b ,, .5 `cu. _ -_i_4-.. ...._---nu an`. AdInnmn_ DWI`! -`A4\./I au;a;\u4g- `VI 1' '1 DR: bk Ll)-A good driver. good sin3l " double. Accustomed to any woI`1.- APP > %`;`L_f_~\'QE13_3y1sH.A11anda1e. 4 -437 _v LIV LID um. uvuuo ovum- Rex chocolate: nu-nan all others; B0'l`llwEl.I4 sells. them. L i It is understood that Mayor Boys will be a candidate for re-election to the Chief Magistracy of the town. He` is anxious to carry out the nego- tiations which he now /has underway with several industries which are de- sirous of locating in the town. His return by acclamation is` conceded. ,_-;___v_ ~I_`:.1!-.. -n'u.1... L........ Raina .I.U|alul.l-1.1 U; wvvnuauwvnvuc .- -v...--__-._. The young. la.`d iee of `the town have Ire-drganized their hockey elufb for the season, Miss Beo Williams has been el_eeted President a-n d' M313.` `(Dr.) MaoLaren, Secretary-Treasurer. The captains of the -opP0Bing teams this. Winter will be Bessie Stevensogf Mia Beoj?Willi"an`1s.` I- ` - I 4: uni,-, -, ., - ,1 ` `Is--_'I1..'L2_ '2... ....z ` all. X-Ii `J99 VI no-Iavululauuu o _The Oolli`ngw`ood_.Bullet;n is evi- d ently edited` in the interests hot the ;e_1assea_ rather khan` the masses. :It ;':yv:_).;1:_'es'eindig 1`1`a1g:_l;_ over v._th'qfent that a t `!*1s ~.firsed II\;`I!~`14 ff` -1 .n-L-nu`-A `Au 0153:1511 pa on-u--.._ ...._ -...---._ the azfagijstrate .fo_r-- using 01` `Mnmm `: The huhters. have-all r.etur1ie`d oind report having (splendid ilutck. 'Ihe Wama Club brought in 10 deer. the Hart party: Lthree of ~wjhi,ch were dx- Era fine; the Moon `River? Nimrodsl 9. the Winchester Club 2 'each,. making 16: Wallwin's party a` bear and 20} deer. the bear falling to the Doc- tois unerri-ng aim. ' `- " A `man nameid'Sparls.: who is under arrest in England charged with an unnatural offence, -has confessed to being the murderer of little Glory Whalen in Collingwood.. The prison- er will be brought! to Canada to stand his trial. It is said that he once work- ed for the father bf the little girl. V Mr. J ; H`. Bennett` has been appoint--A ed local -representative of the Trusts and.Guarantee_ Company, Limited. To- ronto. He will be pleased! to give any `infofmation .'to parties desiring such as making wills,'appointmen t of ad; ministrators, eto., andplacing of funds in safe `dividend paying eoncerns. A `personal call or correspondence is so- licited. The lumber`, stave and shingle mill,` at Bu.dd s. .owned., by C. E. Wright and operated by H. .L. Lovering. was dentrvoydd by fire on -'the night of the 10th inst. The mill which had a_ca_- pacity of 12,000 feet of lumberiand 30,000 staves -per day. was valued at $45000. A Mr. Wright. who -was r. in town yesterday, can assign no rea'- son for the fire. Unfortunately the property was "uninsured. 1111... `r).......:.-. (`nu-v-Sana nn hag nnr-_ [J1'UyU.I..I.._y vv ua ugguuwu- V... The Barrie Carriage Co. has pur- chased Mr. `Frank McKernan's house and l-ot and several tenders are_ al- ready under consideration for the_ erection of the new. building. Mr. Evely, the Manager. is temporarily located in the office of the late Mr. John Dickinson, Owen street. I The Fire Brigade was called out at 4.45 o'clock. Tuesday morning, by a blaze in the chimney of Mr. Jona- than Henderson s residence. which is now occupied `by Mr. John Ness. It `was not necessary to! use the hose, the Babcock extinguishers being [suffi- cient to check the flames.` The da~ mage was slight. I ' Int- 1--32-.) A--_.:....... .-.3 Linn Dnira` Lll-\O XVII-U p-1151.3,- The Ladies` Auxiliary of the Royal Victoria Hospital, in casting about for. ways and_me_ans. to raise funds. this winter, might do worse thantake into their "consideration the advisa- bility of holding a. Carnival of Na- tions. The Collingwood ladies en- gineered an affair of this kind. last _w_eek, `for the G. and M. Hospital. and the results were most gratifying, $1,-' .600 being realized. 5` . i ~ 1' 'H`-1 -~~- ----- -_-.. 1--.. n_:| ,Uvv Xuuxua xvuauuvuo I `Capt. Molnnes was over from 0ril- lia on Saturday and_ states that the Is;lay-p has not yet /gone into winter quarters, but is still tied up at 0ri1- lia. The "Min0ta is high and dry on the marine railway a.=t J -aek,son`s Point and during the week will be moved over to make way `for the Islay. Considerable repairs to the railway will be necessary before the latter steamer can be acoomodated, but Capt. Mc_Inne.s is now making` preparations to tow the timber for this purpose}; to the Point from! Georgina Island.` `Ill - 1' "|XT:I'|:........-'u ..p`In..-. 1nC+ Dnvh:n n |4\I I-A.Lv v :.av:;n- \ll\l\.r.nAJavu -.-_-\.- Mr. J. `Williams , who left Barrie a oou.ple- of years ago to take up resi- dence in Harriston. passd through town Thursday. on his way home, af- -ter a,week's deer-hunting near Sun- dridge. Mr. Williams formerly hun- ted with the New\Lowell boys and is_ a crack shot. He was \successful-, `this year, in killing two fine bucks, weighing 9.. little over 400 pounds. r\_ \-r .... _._'|.__ 11.|.L `In . 'I'...... 13...... " 3:s:`;,:e;;,;;`11;1;,'au;: "L.:..;:1:.;c- tor met with a. most deplorable ac- cident. which ibis glreatly feared may yet prove fatal. He was cleaning a . horse in his father s livery stable ; when the animaljsuddenly lashed out with both heels, striking him in the stomach and inflicting most danger- ous internal `injuries. A slight im- provement wa noticeable in his con- dition yesterday. although he passed a restless night. To the Editor of THE `ADVANCE. Kindly insert the following item in your valuable paper. . " . L iv III I` I5 ! 1, 1 11 All The work recently nished on the Allan- dale road is the cheapest and best job that has ever been done in the town, that is to say in the .interest of the people travelling that street. The foreman, Mr. Wm. Armstrong, deserves ` credit for; doing it so cheaply. A 600 foot sidewalk had to be moved and pulled l apart and the gmen had a hollow to ll in "230 feet long and 4 feet deep and` also to cut. and level a` raise 200 feet long and about 2 `ft. deep. They also removed`9 stumps and cut down 14 trees and put them in the gully. "A walk of. oldboards was laid, 600 ft. long, some of the boards being carted from a distance. Four electric lightpoles hadlalao to be moved. It had been suggested in the Council that - the T job would ieost about $150 or 3200.` T Aldermen - McLean_-.aud,;Brennau said at the. ` `*'1'1ii*'. .'.-:"3`.1.?.`.i`l'?i `r``.1`*l1`*.`9`l5 `!1*le":`P`5l?1?l ig1mes..;th.: they could iget I up `,1han.t`o`_'doithe .. CORRESPONDENCE 40-It ~-~'\.I`- Ul` ICE. Hoes ffbm - f m.9 t now to January next. `vght '0 van. tomlbs. Dressed. Also ALSIKE AND RID C!`-l 3R0\V?\ a:- (`n ' `ts? ;5"_:w~:`. * < o "I-:4 .` Social andPersonaI E Wan-J BARBIE PEOPLEHHAVE -' z. Been Doing During the Past Week -- Visitors to the Town. 09 ++++++++++`++++o Miss Bessie Vair has been spend-1 ing a few days in .Toronto. `ll'__ _-_ 3 II'..__ IV (`I II ! `l"\-_.-L-._.L_... ` -25 yr gvuu \.u-J:-u -.- ..-.v-v...-v- ` Mr. and Mrs. G. C. T. Pemberton` a.nd family, left on Tuesday. for the \'f_._L ' an-an--wu- ,;Mr.AJohn Thmpson, of Ottawa, is 3visiting with his d-aughter, Mrs. W. } R. King. . V, ' .. [9 P ' - . V I 'SS havmg busuaeu at Court arou- t te:g:`Xl`lt`3d at tl_1e said time tlplace. . . ~ an -ale thxs 9th day of November, nag`. CHARLES PAi.LING. 4 W Clark-of Ingiol.` Av: LLII-Del Rev. Dean Egan is still confined`. to his bed as the'resultVof a very_ se- Vere cold. r u-.- --.-. up u v ...v wv--..- -Miss Ethel Thorpe . bf Iradford, was ;in town over Sunday, the guest of t.Miss Ada Smith. 4..-...-as Aniavv -1.`..- V..- Miss Mary \Vil1mot has been quite ill giuring the. week. and is still un- i able to leave her home. ' vv o\r\a- v v .-.n. ...........v Vwfr. J. M. Martin,` lccal Manager of the Bell Telephone Co., has taken `apartments at Gray Gables. 1 , ,.L 15---: 1|.r_*r:v'-__ -2 LL- u`!\l':....L.. H u-1: vaagv u-.r u-V '-...-J -..._-.v--- _6;pt. 14:red McKay, of -the "`Minota, )has' moved his family from Barrie to }Belle Ewart for the winter. V V c..u .- u---u. --- --v, -......v..,.. _ . ..--..-o. -Miss Lizzie Cross, who speni sever- 'al weeks with Mrs. H. Partfidge in Sintaluta. returned home on Saturday. nr 111- 1-1 I 1- 11 , r\,,!`lI!_ 1'\__1_ .a.av4--v .-.-vv u--u -v- v-.v . . . . . V-..- Miss Gertrude Gray is recovering from an illness which` has confined her to the house for a week. ngva Mrs.*Lemon 3115'-ZMJSLS Olean Le- monyhave been visiting friends in Toronto during the past week. TIT , T\ `l'\ I" saw va.n\v QQ\'nI---cur .v-_.. `vs; 1' 1-\ 1"r-,__2`|I n.v_ my-A;--5 wgaw 17.....- .. ...,._- ..`tI.Wor. Bro. J. 1). Hamill, D. D. G. M., will officially visit Kerr Lodge A.-F. and A. M;, tomorrow evening. _.o. Mr. Wm. Hale, of the Orillia Pack- et, was in town last Thursday. drop- ped into the sanctum for a pleasant i chat. T uwlluljulinn - -c----2.u- ESTABLISHED 1865 V V mm] - $2.500.000 - .. SI nnn nnn ied by her twolitgtle daughters, has been visiting friends in town prior to leaving to reside in England. 'll'-_,,, 7 _ -r,1_'_-_u_-_. _.-L.--.._...1 .L- Mrs. Lee, of Penetang.-aaccompan-V yv ovuuvnoaa uv -vl--\.v -_- .-___..____. Miss Lizzie, J-ohnston, returned to Toronto _onSatAurday. after spending three weeks in town with her mother`, Mrs. _M. Johnston. Kempenfeldt. `V II , ______._A 34.590 0 vvuannauvnn - v \......,-.._- Mr.'Alfred AHub'be1:t,mc`> f Toronto. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hubbert`, of town. was married at Rosseau, on ; Nov. 2nd, to Miss Lizzie Rawson. - Ilfnp. 'l)nn<-I Dn:n`ow of --v-.... ...-4 .4.--.J ..--v....-.a ._v-v- Miss Helen Watson, `daughter of Mr. W. J. Watson, formerly editor of the Advance, was in town last week, -on her way home to Toronto. after a cencert trip in Northern On- .tario. She has been studying with Harold Jarvis and appeared with him -on numerous occasions Miss NV at- son has remarkable natural gifts for singing and the press .aceords her the highest praise whenever she appears. If arrangements-oould be made to persuade this very talented young ar- tiste to appear in Barrie, she would undoubtedly meets with a very cor- dial reception: -' ;.L`{v0V. and, to muss uxzznu nuwauu. y Miss Pearl Paisiey. of Stouffville. who has been visiting at the residence of Drl Patterson, for the `past week. leftfor home on Wednesday even-i ing' ' _ ` - 3...`! [5 1 `I , T . , A on 1 II A n-I- I ,C# .-games A. Campbel1L ofkTo`1'ont o.`Aisl spending a week at his! home intown`. having just returned from hunting in Parry Sound. He brought home _a fine deer . ` -' `H -1he":w.'edding tcek place in Cold- water last week, of Mr. J. C. Bro-_ `kov-ski and Miss Annie` Noble. The `groom, who is a former resident. of from his many friends" here. Barrie, will receive goongratulations -.\r-',, ~r-r,I-- 11r 11 1 1," -1- Aninteresting basketb-all match teok place .- recontly _at the Collegiate Institute between two teams of girl students known respective- ly as the Rosebuds and the`Daffodils. The Daffodils proved to he the swiftest aggre~ gation and won out by a. score of 8 to 4. The teams were composed as follows: T 05 `I `II ! `II 1T'II,' T3 'l".`1,_,_.'_J_ RosebudS--Misses M. Villiers, E. EJ.wai`ds, B. Metcalf, M. Edgar and A. Srigley. Spare, Miss Ada. Smith. _ Daff9dils+Misss M. Findley, _F. Hallett, i E. Shortreed, C. Findley and C. Bird. Spare, Misses N. Clark and N. Goodall. , Referee, Mr. Morrisson. .7 ...t.._. . ' "A meeting of hockey enthusiasts was held Thursday. The boys expect to have a. stronger team than ever. They are open for challen- ges from other Collegiate _ or High School teams in the county. f DVD Pm! d em __ ""deIn Ana` `Ion raw '1` John hon s|1,'?n lo me P am" M'`3'.'er '9 E 0 . Aaenerl 3 . ERA Mrs iIIu;d onliiillng Bminca pours renewed and {:23 of the 0h(l]u`tvd . V `d M hi . ` J Rh. I rate, A series of ve games of football has just been completed between the Model 'suu1_ents and a. team from the Collegiate. The matches have been closely contested. The games were clean` and aroused no bad feeling. The series" closed on Friday last with the Colle- giates again Is} inners. - The matches resulted as follows : `_au-_ 21111 3rd. 4th . , I 5th. .|.In vs at I Stewart . . . . . . . . Bedford . . . . . . .. Banting. . . .;. .. Robinson . . . . . .` Frawley. _. . . . . . . Wearing . . . . . .. Ho.st1ng. . . :. . _n '5 Eu: a rain? | .I\-J.1_~ ' Collegiate Institute Notes VOIUIOIIOOI` Itulfooo B . nonoooc'- ,` unit: 'For_ wards` ` TEAMS L . ~ ~ ------, _--.-------v ANTx~_1:_D 1 - - V fulished` V . 7 l" to ro`<::lsl.ng;1:>`::`i3mt}:)e dM`. rI`.l? `EVELYs ig Carriage Works. ' 4'l'47' . HUI I Ks. x:n'n c.v n n,, U. c--.-A an. I-Inrln . . Goal .A ' Bgcks . * Half Backs Modelites .. . Mndelites . . Modelites . . Modelites . . Modelites . . Modelites . . . . . . Wilson . . . . . . '. Ward . McFa.rIane . . .. ..GuiIfoy1e . ._ . . Patterson 1. '... .. ,Bla.ck . . _; Mc,Dom31d_ I O d.VJ\lJJVILIuL\I. .. . .. Ga11ley I -LJGJUD ` . Belfry Aldermen` Decide Not tel 5 Order Any Additional ` Are Lights m:E'r1Nc or THE J % `TOWN councly NO moan: won: on THE sramms TO 31:.-_ UNDERTAKEN THIS YEAR AFTER THAT CALLED won. 3! MOTION 1s COMPLETED ~ l uarnage works. ll`?! > \liI1mF0RSALE--D bl smedone ham _nearly new. gkuppfy at THE. At Monday's meeting of the Council, thd absentees were Ald. MacLaren, Lowo, Bren` I nan and Poucher. A The _follor;'i-11( conmmunicationsv cgived and dealt with as appended : 121-`... IV A __ ..rr . _ _ V -. `From G. AZ.WRecV1en1_1urr-t asking the con- structio1_1 of a grossing into the premises of Mrs. Lacey, Peel st. Received. From John Crispin asking payment for the construction of granolithic pavement in front of his premises on Collier St. Referred to Committee. ; V From the VFire Bgade asking the use of the town hall free of charge foraseriesof ' asgemblies. Received. `T M. B0121-1;:v_ell asking paymentfot lumber tfemoved from his premises for town use. Referred to Committee. Chairman Powell, of the Board of Works; fyled a report of the pavements constructed in the different wards, showing the numbef of square feet laid to be as follows :--Ward 1, 21,717; Ward 2, 19,5165; Ward 3, 21,691}: Ward 4, 17,593; Ward 5, 10,911;.Ward 8, 12,028; Bradford St. and Bothwell block, Allandale, 20,3761}. nu 11 1 nu In The Water, and Sewers Committee,- `through its chairman, Ald. Otton, reported ' against ordering extra. arc lights for the streets. this year and recommended that the light now at the comer of Eccles and Eliza` beth St. be removed, from where it now` stands, further east about 20 feet. The report was adopted. - The Fire Brigade will be allowed to use the town hall forthe cost of heating, lighting, T eto.', and the same arrangement will be made with the Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Vid- toria Hospital, who wish to hold a bazaar on the 26th. on niotion of Ald. Powell and Tyrer. 1 crossing will be constructed for Mrs. Lacey. .1 out Aldy Strange and Tyrer moved that tha Board of Works glean the Water tables on St. Vincent St., north of Blake St. crossing, gnd open out water courses ulldf 13116 $id$" Awalk. Carried. - , I IIi\lI`luY I II `I-\lEI`I we have a large amount of Private Fund! $0 19115 us`; and 5 per cent. on the securit f rm Soggzgges. McCARTHY. BOYS .' zvncm-. \L""'r`r` Street Barrie. WBIK. U8l'I'le(1. Ald. Ross and Barwick moved that tb sidewalk on the west side of Pee1St., from Wellington to north_ John St. , be repaired. Carried- HeV11;`3V*"l- ;a_I;on'\;il-1w1;a' paid $12 for his sex`! vices in looking after stray cattle during tha summer. ' far as possible. Cared. _WAV1Vci."McLean and Powell moved. that aftat` the work now orderedby motion is completed, yhat all work cease `throughout the town, as `I ? `rs II--Ah T 11th Nov. --The-Council met this date by call of the Reeve. All the membern, ex! cept Mr. Cameron present. 7 - ----~- I. ~__--- Documents were presented and read as appended. Communications from: Geo; Soules re purchase of road timber ; E. All- sopp, re award ditch on town line ; Clerk of Peace. certifying that the Vespra Selec- ors of Jurors had performed their duties A. L. Dymond, Law Clerk L.A`., asking subscriptions for his proposed publication pre Municipal Laws of Ontario; Township Engineer, certifying that satisfactory work had been done on the Davis drainage ditch by the Township Council and others. The following motions were carried : Coutts-Finlay-- That public notice be given that the timber on sideline between late 10 and 11, 7th con. and the timber on 2nd con. from sideline north to town line he sold to the ' highest bidder, Councilmen rinlay and Downey to attend to the selling of the timber on the sideline and the Reeve and Councilman Coutts to that on 2nd line. Cout.ts-Downey-That the Clerk write the Supt. G. -T. R., Allandale, thsr the approaches for crossing the track on the 9th line of Vespre are now made and ready for the Company to open out the crossing which they are requested to do as soon II possible. ' A Downey-Cout:ts-- That 9. grant of $50 bd made to improve road on sideline east of Willow Creek on condition that the partial to be benetted subscribe alike sum forsald purpose. s - Fin1ay-Downey-The.b the Clerk notify Mr. Dymond that the Council of Vesprt will subscribe for six copies ofhis proposed `publication. ' ' -A.-_ __ .- WA Account: to tlie amount of $491.86 wet-I passed and ordered to be paid. 9. , __-..4A `--~~~--- - --~ v r~-. '7-~-- Severgi agcgnt; `for wire `fencing wart laid over. ~ * l'I'IL. n____-:I - 3.-____..___! -__I_:_-- 1.- LL- _'_II I I-I", t\ 9 I\/` u r\I"" 3 bi - tCoo '9 ` . 1 '`. rm ad `'3 Order for /`ct:1?nb.aX?1C*`er 8' aoalducted bv 14- e be eh I bore '33 FY15` at?" for NOE O adev - 1111'` at T.-.E Apvls can began and `"9 :::`*::,' to llu UVUI The Cguneil adfourned subject to the all of the Reeve. C. _M. Keil returned `to the Barri! Collegiate Institute on Saturday. If! ter a two weelfs vacation at his (hand; in.Cr3>i3hu1`Hst- 2., .-_`_f"!.'_... ;:: 1;... E .-.5: g {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN LDVAKCE , pmanl: corms rxvn cunts . b VESPRA COUNCIL Ggomn Sxxyrn, . ` Clerk of Venprar were 1'6` um w ANTED to helpT with housework .;.a cooking. Bentwa es and good home. Apply `*3-`IRS. F. L. BURT N. Cor. Ross and Toronto` - MPH , A -.A -1.9! : 0.TIcE ;g he '7" ` 5 com will he `Md pursuaifbtvo %3.v.a"o5"=1t;xRIo VO'l`ER5.':` jco TACT by his honor the Judge of the Count!` -}{mf the County of Simcoe. at the ORANGE \.`3.I-_I+.ALLANrsAI.1z_ .. -+1.. 98rd DAY OF A r ----'-1-5.1:. av ` IIIIE VA` ----I-V ' ' am am. `2-o.'::.:;'::';;:1*;:."i%.:,%aEr<#'a3 Hog. ALLA NDALE. on "the 23rd DAY `;.,ddeEMBE'R. 1903. at no o'clock. mm ".'"" .-. I term"... ck. . . . . . u . ..__Ia:uiI-n}`\f anon nd : /e:uh.ALLANDk N . _ d Q. $033, 2: ...... M ,termine the several complainttcf error: and 1 -`"3 In the Voters List of me MunicipilitY.* 'us1 to v 2 Fl 0". - Mlnn...-,,9 '2 . . - . .1. lI____L`--h n. c roads 1) more on Sa- Eank if T0ronto71 f" Advgncs ma . amazed or c idgbusiness cc dc to farmers. Nfa ollected and 8. general Innk- nductedo . ` n IIAXYAIEDD "{'yI i'). MORT()N.Manager,`l rmmmi 5- Teude - 7"" T ,',~,_-,,,, ~ :::"d:so;w(l?:: cbeenf:1?iw:odo:l?d:hgf`gfY ' ore tha `hall.lIOI' ' Z Pic, to be mg? to ba b00Cho dIt:.ld `nd ._vg.,d th. _4 long from an . . if. m Is will be strictly enforced. fart! e lvutender for lctuof IO cordlor , .~ . :.,. '3 Vcred at the Com: _- y. 5 ".oi_"'"'l5 Dnled at such p} , gli ` M""I0ders for the dry lan 1u:I:).`Z.enr.l.Eb..!..i.2a'.7.1igf ` Make no mistake ! . YARD, FOOT OF. TORONTO STREET. % _ ' '7} `fl Y I FUN .3:\LE--TWO Milch Cows, ' V3d- -'\"n'v CRO. R Anzac- ' ` 4-1-47 All the best quality and guaranteed. Wood IheSJarjeanlBo. gr nntn Marv .` E0ice 41 Dunlop St. _'Ya.rd tootof Muff St.` '? W` N E V Holm 1:. Lamb. ;*.::.::.,.::,.c.. ,,4.4-4:--:~++-:-+~-~:-:-~~:-~:-~4--~:-2-:-4~~;~-9 Yen` drv. BESTTQUALITY, big- gest variety, best; value. Out as you want it. Try us. min .3.` 11v/iiixv AnvEn'r1sn1m::N'irsi.T 5:3. 1\ nnlnn E FARM STOCK sAL_I-:s. r arrangements be made. l`_3".`"' '" their advantage call 131-01 3" [NGS BANK DEPARTMENT z rates of mterest allowed on,g.j_ counts Large and Small. L. . , `x x.n- 1 W0 IVHIC - 014:0. RAI'KES- M O N EY TO L_OANn. +.:..e.:.~:..:-.:~.:-:~.:-~:-z.-%:`4:;m`g:..:.~:%s' -1-15:15 K.b Chai LVICUAK I. ['1 I . ~ Street LI4v-"lJUI-IDLE QUCU Apply Wood Y -1 V V V 1 V V V Andrew Thomson '..`a'.".5`v'.`.'.'..?""""`. Phbne 88 si:aa6:aaa| ml I-nun "i'IdIIIIQl\Il npoqooo egaqooo 3.100.000 TMENT ved on ac- nll. . Sale Ndteu neral bank- NAG-ER ma: Bxumcu ,, .2....!._L .0- .9- .9. .9. :01 -t` Q unv-- 47'47`P ' CIJVFE 47-47 U lav 44-'47 Is wonderfully assisted in. his performance by the pure. limpid tone quality vghich ll possessed by that Instrument. The express1on_th`a.t is possible with this pianois what Ipakos mung grand and impress- ive._ fl his piano wms the admiration of professional '"`\'/'"1'." ` e special bargains i pun os nnd . . e we som . In organs that we ha.ve_ta.ken in exchange. ` ' ' I puuoooooyoouoououoo: iTOOTI-I i ++++o+++++%+$% +_+++"o++++`+ CHOOSE A. u2ImmN78tibi*iiiIBI . OPPOSITE 1>os'r.oFi*'IcE} Barrie, % A ; - Bobeftson s Drug _Storej l\I\Iif\(!'lllII `l'nr\l-Ill! t'\".IT!?II n` BARR1E`M SI C srdnt 1~F-1mT!;PPP- LADIES ASTRACHAN nu v-v--- -._._ sIMI9ioN'j e. co.` MIGKIE. mm HARD AN15 6FT woon PHoN"Jaz-87 an 33. > -H -- V FQR RENT-A. vyell furpishend room suxtable for meetnngs and_ convenient- I located over the readnng room of t e Meohamos _Inst1tute; ma be hired at reasonable rates. App y to the LIBRAR AN ot the Inst. ' tf. - ~ ` 47-= Tooth brushes will wear out, but a. few cents will buy a new `one- We have them in a. great varxety of stvlee, `both as to stiffness and length of bristle and style in which the bustle is cut, as well as . shape of faceof brush and handle. Our prices range from 5c to 400 each; Have r you ever tried - Tye Robelftsolnl Brush EPi'I5's"8' `%'c%oco A1 T A Panteghhioon Entertainment will be given in the Town Hall.- Barrie. on hursday. the . 20th November, afternoon` and evening, by the Wo_- mens` AAuxi_lia1f{. , v_ g V V _ _ . This affauj w ll-gbe"-9, novelty_1n this town. It ~w1l_l' cq1ngr$a,_yar;eIty Pot . , -snnvun nf An admirable food. with all it's natural qualities intact. tted to build up and maintain .a robust ` 9 health, and toresist winter's ex- " treme cold. Sold in V vlb. tins. labelled JAMES maps & oo.. Ld., Homoeopathic Chemists, London, England. A ` _ ` EPPS 8GOBOA - ---:QnjI I I Illmm `mans 1-1uxI_ua;_zl.l_ be It th_ va nove y_m 1s This affanr W1 . town. It will com use 9. varldty of entertainments.` an will provide for the requirements of young and old- ` home-made (commodities. i l d . . . . . % no u` mglolls by in-cream and` LIME, CEMENT,