. -...... -..- .-anus" vaIu,a.A_ctvIAllll,Vl.OGll.l, white and eece . . . . .?. . . .- .50c Vests and Drawers, natural. . . . .". 65c 'Vf.=.sts and Drz1we'rs,`natui1il and ` `cream at 75c, 85c, l, $1.15, _ `$1.25 and . . . ., . .,_. .. . . . . .4.A.$l.5O_ , = cream....... . . . . . . . ..25c :Vests and Drawers, natural and R Anna`-- Vl>\lI-I-lion! coccotololotnool Vests and Drawers,natur:il,cream, nu-um: at-A-um Vets,`1i9:tural. . . . . . . . ,4`. ._,.A. .._ 1 Vest and. Drawers,g natural and I` , Anna; nu. GREAT BARGAIN .....;....ma U1 use I!'8.tel`I18.l order to which he belonged, and of which he was the only Hebrew member. 1 hold this opinion in -_spite of the . foolish opinion of the coroner's jury.- I be- lieve and shall try to prove his death * Vcouln of Deed student link on As- tonnlIn'g_ charge. "New York. Nov. 11..-I-"I am of opinion` `that my ' cousin, Martm Loew, was murdered in Baltimore by members of the fraternal order h balnnmnd ' and at -..L:..I. L r i . the` Wallace `McGovern, shot Opera House Policeman Rose, in leg. The trouble arose over Cut!` ~ the performance min rouma In Smoking In Thootu and Shooting Followed. Wallace, Idaho, Nov. 11.--Two per- ` sons were killed and two wounded in a, shooting aray at the entrance of Opera House Monday night. The shooting occurred` just as the theatre-goers were leaving the ` theatre. The dead are: Dr. W. F. Fims, shot throu-gh the head, and `Wm; Cu, miner, shot three times, and the wounded, Chief of Police through right hand; shot insisting on smoking a cigar in the gallery. _v Rose took the cigar away after a. struggle. Cut! waited until fusilade. became general, resulting in Cut!- a`death from policemen's bullets. ......... ..=.$1.o0 ranteed) . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 1.25 . . . . . . .; . . . . . . .. 1.25 ).'. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 ..'...-.....b-......, `1.50- ).......a..._.,... 1.50 es,high class gbdds, ....T . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.95 -nu IIAZED TO DEATH. v__a,s`=i .20c -All Over Vickets; They're Vlablue 1"? igxtmmw 1T:d"1'",h-oat f":3_' rate When li'd'~ d at \ ' ` _eajr.h so far are, ` 5: `t . The excellent condition of tho i'0'ht` were conducive to bringing Oven moi? farmers than `usual into town UH 5:1- turdey to `the market. 1"i-ices IUW "firm. there being little 01` no clmirzt` .from last `week. Butter is sillmtx Hi .)-l 18 and R0 cents a pound: 01.1-* *"."1 to 25 cents a dozen. C1llCk"" O 50 to`[80 cents a pair. ilk`?-*9 6 ` 4` cents a pound, -ducks 75 to 90 c~'`-`* :` pair. t-urkeys up to 12 1-2 C.l'lll5 -1 pound. according to qu81il)'- O'_' `M `-grain market, prices rule 1>I`z1ctic;ill,f the same. Wheat is quoted at -0 -) '0 `cents. cats 28, barley 40 (0 4'-M'l`;`_[_ 50 and fpeas 60 to 61 cents PS`T1 "hm, Dressed. hogs running in W0} lfr CM 90 to 150 pounds. sell at $6.79 17* M69, . Heavier animals grade lower lilnllumd Live hogsibrought $5-`- -0 P01` . on Saturday. _ r. I 4 f0]. V Ilqronto prices are C1110? ti", new lows for last Saturday :-Stric [3 one laid eggs. h_eld firm at 35`cen 11- 23c_ lot of cooking Bggs off<`1"d ilt one Dairy butter sol 8`0n01'3Yt 5 was gure. 23 cents. ou1trY- 1, '60-,5, firm. turkeys bringing 14 f0 2 Mon ochiokens 800. (to 90c.. and $IC5d',l`t $1 `each. A `lot .0! l_ioney 0ff0Tt`}ns`.e,e tI|`6_101h. can. F176 und lld early. 350 cents. V .'l.jhe marke was see 1Mgc_ Btreetreceipt-s of a plea Wcrked off Jarmers seem to ave W0 . Ilo a..n't{go'Ud'winter. stock is comlnf 350 = -icked. ranged {{tm`_5o. .`"e":.ea':,:%e .o -a_ - s. i :p`?::!8.dy _ quotation _ , `t, "moat`_ _ot rtheir supplies of early. "3 . SATURDAY MARKETS Hosiery , Wrnpperettes Table Linens Flnnnelette Underwear Ladies and - Men's and Boys Men's and Boys Sterling Brand Spa/cial Values d A % V FROMA w1Npow~ in Wool Blankets Flannel: Ready-to-wear Kid Glo\}es Mantles and Overcoats Underwear Children's Millinery Collars Skirts Suits K The railway company was thisweek alled upon to construct a switch in- to` Barrie from the main` line. agor-A. dared in 9. Bill passed at the laptf` begs- ` of ` Parliament.......Jpnathap`T Gil? ` 9.`. "tin jrepdrted missing;-EH9 '- ' T V ` ~ 7 William McKil1-op. _who for many years has done odd jobs of carpenter- ing around the country. was killed early Thursday`morning. through fal- ' ling from a third story window in the Simcoe;Hotel. to the" pavement be- neath. The man had been drinking" heavily for several days. and took a room at the Simeoe House on Wednes- day . night , shortly, after eleven o'clock. He took no liquor aftero_om- ing-into the hotel, and the proprietor` did not notice anythingout of the wav as he showed him -to his apartment. At about half-past four o'clock in `the morning. Joseph Ccrbiere found McKil1op s body. clothed in shirt and drawers only. on the pavement. just beneath the window at the room where he had slept. Nightwatch- man Marrin was summoned. and on ' seeing that the man was dead. he no- tified Coroncr Wells. and woke up" Michael Stritoh. the proprietor of they Simeoe Howse. The remains were ta- ken to G. G. Smith's sundertakilg establishment. and the {following gentlemen formed a coroner's jury to investigate the case. Thursday even- ing:-J.`R. Hambly, foreman; James McBride, Harry Marr. John- Smith. J .- N. HohlQ_v, Herbert G. B.obe1't5on.JoS. H-. MeQuarry. Robert "Buchanan. Geo.` Livingstone. John S. Smith. Alex. Ken- nedy. John`Lackie, H. '11. Otton. After hearing considerable -evidence. `the- ifollqwing verdict was" brouight ain. "FelI` from a window of the Simeoe House, and killed by striking "head on sside_walk.?_ ` 7 2 . ' - ` ._ L-.' 1. 91.. _-2-_e."'...4.I.`I..-- FROM THE ADVANCE % FORTYYEARS AGO uusvy gvou also uuu-ovoonvv mg..- ..-__ The funeral of the `deceased. wili was unmarried. tool; plane oneSatur_- day `from the residence ofhis sister. Mrs. Pratt. of the 7th. con. of `Ves-_ pra. Rev. Mr. -.Wedtney_ \con`duo`ting the service. , `' ` I. ' " 9101.) V7 `Ila! 3 _The thory is, that i'n raising. the bedroom window to get -`more air. Mo- >'Killop lost his balance and fell out. VIII... . . _ A ....I .8 LI.` ..I.u..-...m-`A iirhn. ANfl.Ao'o1nmN'r `A19 "EH3: Simoohi HOUSE LAST THURSDAY MORN-g me. ' " S no ~.;:; "`:` ,5 W` ` _ .' _ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVV VVVVVVVVVVVYVVVYVVVVVVVVVV ';o pRAwm . Rubber Footveear bf all kinds a.nd_'l9ts of.them.- Stylem to suit all. ` Whether for street or bush wear, we ca'u'se'r`ve your wants best and because of better quality, at less_than_ asked for same elsewhere. Test us. ' ` ` ` ' ' BOYS Finest Grain` Lavce iiooti; too cusp, W `P;`&`l{t'oB"(i.bOlt of solo leather. won't wear hard or rough, tjdygneat shoe, what you want, `only .... . ., Gm. 0.1: and Pebble Ludo oi; }o;_". es ~' 1 b u ` wear, size: 11` to 13, regular price $l.EI:sn; $1.501. w0n;u t?) 950' 1\`Y!\I '3! `Men : Felt Lined Gain Luce Boete, peg Iole,we_rm ma oomtorteblmpeoiel _ . - priced, $1.50. and ,,______.__.-.--.-----v-------v-'vcvvv'Iuiiivcoluoooeqooooooogg U'IIIl Led|ee eFine Felt Leoe and Oougreu Boots, exible leether eolee; term ' and comfortable. tiutingelzee. 3 to V8.Agood value at. 8l.25,nev(. . -. . . V _MEN'S DEPT. V Men : 84.50 end 85.00 Lece Boots. Goodyear `welt. double eoie the heel, in Lace and Blucher style. some leather lined, allmetioen make. out ' $0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . .. ......._.. . . . . . . . . . ... Men : Finest Patent Luce Boon. Goodyear welt, newest Ihepe, V agar meke, molt _1-elleble pptent Ihoe made." "regular price 85.00, out to. . . . ea` u e e e eeeeeeeobeeeee eeeveeeeeee e e e e e e e e e e e e euee2'0u I BOYS AND GIRLS DEPT. ' n..-..n.- _--.- Special Prices in Rubbers LADIES Dun. ' Lldieqv Finut Dbngo1a 'Kid,Bslmorl; kid _ haivy hlolo. cloud edge, new style, heel one of our latest Itvlu. `ox Ion Iorptrioc weir, aplondid valncIt82.00.sllIiuI.2o7.nw....-........ . . . . . . . . . . . . ..] N O Lsdloo Finest Pataht Luther Luci Boou,modlumw'oiut iolo.|itut ahspp, new heel, regular price 84.00 and 34. 50. Bull and Hugo: mks, to elm Q *?3Thissisap iisi4ve1r +ns ev.c1;;,;i amt ;.sa;:,;;`iA;:na an cciaitii that- gives every purchaser the opportunity ;ofp_'ayfing _lessj"fqrj vtheihr EFa1l and ,- Winter Footwearthan will occur again, Ordinarily, prices here set, the standard for value in the Shoetrade for Barrie and now, with pr ces- out, every man and woman .will see the advantages that greet their x visit to the store this week. A . The Bargains listed below may be taken as an example of our doings and the money to be saved in buying during our sale. EsT sue: stone Cvvv civic. OI 1 At the meeting of the Collegiate Institute Board, on Thursday even"-*1 ing. the matter of giving more atten- ' tion to the Commercial subjects, was taken up` and discussed. and the fol-. lowing scheme ` (was promulgated`:-.-a ` The Board of Trustees of the Bar- rie Collegiate Institute. feels that in the past, not sufficient attention has been Paid to the /Commercial Depart- _ment. As much greater latitude is now given to the Boards in determin- ing the course `of studies` in High Schools. the` Board has` determined to take advantage of that latitude. by establishing a eourse A that will ' be `purely commercial. It` will run through two years. and_will.embrace bookkeeping. shorthand. typewriting, English grammar.VE_nglish composi- tion. hi-story, geography and `arith- metic. It is the intention of the Board to have examinations held by eompetent and disinterested persons. and to issue diplomas to successful students. It was therefore resolved I--moved by Mr. "Samuel Wesley. se- conded by Very Rev. Dean Egan. that the Board's wishes and intentions in` this matter be communicated to' the Principal and that the Principal be asked` to confer thereon with the Chairmanof the Board. - Toronto, Nov. 11.-Anthon_v Stan- 3 ley Rowe, charged with defrauding ; the Great Fingal Consolidated Min- ing Company out of half a million of dollars, and arrested here some weeks ago, has been ordered back to England to stand trial. Detective In- spector Sager of the London Police, will start for. England to-day, it is expected with his prisoner. Rowe has put up a hard ght against. being. sent back for trial. When the decision was `given yesterday he was `visibly affected, -although he refrained from making any statements of any kind- a course he has pursued ever since "~been`establisl_1ed'. l arrested. ` Justice "Britten declared when - delivering judgment that a j clear prima facie caseof theft had , i Vienna, Nov. 11.-It is announced in u..dc-spatch received here _n-om Bel-.. grade, Servia, that the British Charge d A aires `there, Monday re- .!us_:d_ to jrecoive the D congratulations of the ` Servianf -Government-.;o"on `tho. ~ T 5~*w'rE~noAR'n rr` IS Dg3d1DniD'THA"TAoDMmz:3cIAL ` " 5: qotmsm WILL BE ADDED TO Tan 5 . QUQRICULUM or S_'I`U-.DIE_1S. ' Refund to Boonin `non. 6 Rows Must `Fan .1`:-Isl. 1.50 5--v o--u uvu-an ouugpus guy; guy SEE paeoboard, for the, pm, we .d.6v.8. an!1_e_v_era.l` have been A-me 1 . ..--...`..-.-_'u-.--g -au.....-- __A - _ I -.._ _'v . . A ' `- I - , . . ., - v- _ . - `Kingston, Nov. 11. -The schooner 1 Collier lost her topmost crossing from Oswego Monday night. The? schooner Barton came -over` almost under bare poles; there was a heavy eeapn the lake durlng`the:nig'ht. 1 V uuuu `D. Jung. .; av. V`__l.--I` `no:;.ga.le has been rl3in`g' along an inntirn r .-nnhnnj-A fan Hm n-..- 4-.T Roxbnrghaand Godot. ; New York, Nov. 11.-'1`he marriage j of'Miss May Goelet; only daughter of 1 Mrs. Ogden Goelet, and one of the richest of American heiresses, to Henry 'John*Innee-Ker, eighth Duke or Roxburghe, was solemnized yester- day at St. Thomas Church in this city. A company of 250 guests wit- nessed .the ceremony. T ' \ To _Bo No 8trl_ke. Montreal, Nov. 11.-A semi-official statement from the C.P.R. is to the eect that a settlement will be made with their engineers. The men's des- mands will not be `met in full, but a. I 1 basis of settlement is practically at-Y ranged and all danger of a ' strike is over, - A settlement is expected .` on "l"h-nrsuinv ' - \lv\4Ia on 5. Thursday. Rebels Fire on City. - San Domingo, Republic of Santa` ` Domingo, Nov.` 1;l.-'1`he revolution ! ary forces, which now `surround this Tcity. attacked San. Domingo Mon- day night, using `artillery; but no` daxnage was done. The revolution-' ary commander yesterday afternoon `sent a. messenger under a.` ag oi trucfto demand the surrender o" the \-capital, which was refused, and hes` tilities were resumed. San Domingo is strongly `fortied and provisions are plentiful.` ` - V ----v --vv---v-, vwyuuauaaxy uu.1.uLuUu.blLl.g on thetaste and_`appearance of Cana- dian `women. She says that no Eng-. lish girl who lets -her lover go to Canada to makela home for her need fear that -he. will. fall a victim to the charms of the Canadian girls of Ottawa, Toronto or Montreal, the typical face being hard-featured, sal- low and frequently muddy-complex- ioned,. no doubt as a result `of over- heated rooms, pastry and candy. One seldom` sees the pink white skin which marks the English girl. Cana- dian-girls -have long thick hairdress- ed in the Gibson girl fashion. .The girls are well set up and neat`, but have no idea of softening the hard features by a, less hard style of -dress. The London , shop girl _ _would look perfectly elegant in Torontovor Mon- C treal. The girl when over 30 does not realize thatto `wear her i hair dragged up behind a. tight front, sur- mounted by a hard-looking felt hat, only serves to intensify her plain- ness. Royal blue or pure white, she calls the two colors least in accord with the Canadian girl's complexion. "The Leadef; caiisticay `aqmmenting Conolpindiont of s London Paper Don M ` " ' Rot l'l_n`t`tu-v `lineup. V 1 London,. Nov; 11..-'(C.A.P.-)-.An En_g_lishwo1m_1n in Canada. writes to n the 1'.s`L nd `annnnrnnd AG` Dana- Toronto, Av? 11.-Thos'. Long, president of the Northern Navigation Company,? said that he had received only a, short telegram from the cap- : hadogone down in 69 feet of water. The Hboilers were inspected. in the spring, so it could hardly have been from them the tire came.. The value of the boat was about $32,000 and `wasinsured heavily. The cargo was a mixedsone consigned to the ports on the north shore `of Lake Huron and` Manitoulin. These, he thought, the company was .;not responsible for, claimingthat they were a public con- veyance and not taking the risk ap-' p_ertaining;to re. It would be the duty of those to whom the goods wereconsigned to see that they. were `insured against re. " The steamer Midland will be `taken oi! the. trip a1n `stating the ship was burnt and Inlet for` the rest of the season to `supply the pla_ce-`left vacant by the [destruction of the Atlantic. `running! to -French River and Byng' ; > ,-.1 Ituny Anni xowlonndlanl. st. V `John'_a', L.1~ma., % ;Nov..~%11.+-A; ' A Heavy Gale Blow. .1 Parry Sound, Nov. 11.--The steam- er Atlantic of the Northern Naviga- tion Company was entirely destroyed by re at 9 -o'clock yesterday morn- ing. The Atlantic was on a special trip from Collingwood to Byng In-. let with. a large `cargo of merchan- dise", including a hundred barrels of coal oil and a quantity 0! hay. A heavy "gale was -blowing. The ves- sel was taken in on the Parry Sound. channel to. escape the severity of the storm. When about 14 miles from this port the re broke out; and in a. few minutes the steamer was en- veloped in ames. `The passengers and crew, who had all taken the heats. arrived safely here this morn- ing. . r A Tig- , _ .. V , q_~., .. 1 -_v_ n~- I '7 ." - 3- --x*"' ` in L` `I ` A-: .. . -~ 2 '.x"`,-,-13".: " S r .:,.;_ ` a V , . >~ H - ~ . . . .,p Inovnn Y 5`Coll'in.g"v_Qo('1,~' A 11.-Nort.hern`- 'Na.v iga.tijon"`Company. s steamer At- lantic was bumed`-yesterday morning ..at-7,-o clock, _inside.. Red A `Rock, on G.eqrgio.n Bay, while bound for Bynip; Injet. The passengers _ and crew }1V_eI`_e all saved, and are now` at Par- ry: Sound., The steamer was fully insured. . :3In4['!J F5?` V }`7\4;3!% k*- lI5as$ohgo1?s'ad?lrajvL$nde;:iafely ymssnr, -IWAS :omI'A ' SPECIA1:'TR_I,E_`f ' mom coLm NGwb9n'~ --To BYNG 1N1.-mf 3.321134.-YY.AGALE Bb.OW1.NG.r ` f.'_;`oAaGQ; c.cm,1=r.,1_:'_1-'n:1.1rT_ "m`:s-1- no$ A no`, }3U'1`_ T"3_7 vs'_nmAv1LY msunmn admin on cmgxnmn V5190 of lost 033.000 . but Hot Top lut- ' Kenha.rdt,r$ Colony, Nov, 11,... Hottentot numbering about 1.500. men are approaching the hon- dar. Pqlice have been `despaxched to ,the F ?1`l1.Y91unter5jhnVe been i f`',. i" "35? J ~Aden, Arabia; Nov. 11.--Eight Brit-ish infantrymen and one Sepoy were wounded in the engagement with a tribe which -recently took place in the Aden 'Hinterl.nd., The tribefs loss was heavy, the killed in- ` cluding the /chief, 8. son. ' - Montreal, Nov. 11.--Justice Pagnu- yelo rendered judgment yesterday in ithe action for_ $15,000 damages brought by Mrs. Isidore Drouin `against the Mississippi and D_on_1in- , ion Steamship Company-- for the 1 death of her husband. J udgment was I given for plaintiff for $6,000. 1 Toronto, Nov. 11.-At '3, meetingl of the Ontario Cabinet yesterday a vote of $300 was passed to the granddau-ghtm's of Laura. Second, the heroine` of Beaverdams. These de- scendants of Mrs. Secord are in in- iiigent circumstances. ` ` Lindsa.y, ix}; 11.;-earles Brad- shaw, head cook at the Cross Creeks Camp, on the line of the Lindsay,- Bofncaygeon: and Pontypool R. R., `used his knife on Thomas Mullin, 9, fellow-employe. Mullinx is -badly wounded. The quarrel originated over the payment of :a livery bill. _ K11) GLOVES, This is a trade by itself and requires care` ful and skilful selection f1"om.-the many makes pm; 0;; the market. ` Here e News for You+ We have secured the Qentofre control of Pen-e'n s Ladies Gloves rm .lrB"""'.- . . , : .v . ` Mocha, in Grey" and Brown, silk lined... . . . .`. .. . . . . . . . . . `.$l.00 Black, White and all co1ors,Glace (Guaranteed) . . Black and`all colors,.~Glace '(G1iara.n15eed) . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . 1.25 All colors, Suede (Guaranteed) . . . . .. . . . . . .` Black` end all Colors, Glace (Guinranteed) .` . _ _ 150 Black Suede, silk lined, (Guaranteed). `. . .- . . .. . . . . . . . . . 1.50 - Black and all colors,Suede (Guaranteed). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B._la.cl;,; White and all colors, Eancy Gloves,high class gedds, - regular 2.50. at. - - - - '. - - . , - 1 OP .44.! s%UeA33" "- F"a V%\/leky 8: Devlin. Phone I69 ' Douondanu oinnnrn accord. Tommy Atkins. was busy. I Dgmugen of 86,000 Given. -`_..v-- r . V . ...-vvV`-.-nu uaa. VVJUID, J :-auv] \1.lUVUB,1l1gD. C1&S_S `l'0gu]ar`$2.50,,8:t....-Qo..o OOC'OOOIO0,00lIO|I Also Ladies White Suede Evening Gloves. It s all in the'buying s`mdA we ve' no hesitation in saying wev have the best assortment and values that are .to be found any. wherein this district. ` - ` N one_ `.to' ( _r.__..__--v- .-.--cu :oan\r_vvaAIvvv_ "LUIS LIVE DUDE 10 &UllU UUUJ ICU IIIIUJ never were in supplying the increased `demand for stylish and exclusive headwear. There s 9. reason for this continued rush,- comeand see. Special purchases in New Ready to-wears and p some marvellous values in. Shapes and Trimmings, all well chosen and `bargained for are here to greet you. I ` ROME QRTA `D9 rxr 'D"lD1)t\\TQ4-..- -1__ 1.... 1-H. A - 1:113 `RUSH IN 0113 MILLINERY DEFLRTMEIT- There a no get up _on the demand for selections from our Millinery Department. Mme Brownlow. with her eta is kept busy as they never were; in nnnnlvinn 1-Ln nn..m..'..-.11 `.l.......-...1 1`... ..&..I:...L `._.1 Bohere and see; You?ll"bo dioappointed if you don't come for you ll hear your friends talk about this GREAT RBMNANT OFFERING long qfter your chance is gone. ,Itllwill `be ;week of continuous "activity and intense interest to buyers- Oddments end Remnants of all kinds will be placed conveniently for war` inspection _'and there ll be some rare bar- galnn for the thrifty. ) A b _ , V Remnants. Dress Goods Remnants Table Linens Remnants Silks ' _ R e Remnants Flannels` Remnants Wrapperettes Remnants Skirting Remnants. Cotton Ete., Etc. Remnants of all kinds gathered from evfeiy corner of the store eta thnt has been going on inuevery depgArtmi_1_t "(,$f,"thisc great store has reduced.` inhny .lih'QS__f to Remnants ~ and Oddments. .cr va;lue,n for they take up roomland 1there s many -lines' of seasonable `goods clamoring for space and % mention that yen "will H need and be eager to inspect. T1i;e.'mustt be cleared out reg'ardles's' of their cest There's Vlogvtoftotu loving; and an xnjro. REMNANT WEEK -...B..-...uu av; an no; GUI. SOME SNAPSVIN i7{3ONS"::$ also here for the coming. From '-Now fAorA fSix` Days will be known as Sterling Values--Ladies Underwar GEORGE VICKERS THE BEST s'ronE SERVICE IN BARRIE AWAITS You