Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 12 Nov 1903, p. 4

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..i':8hgiig,in.1ri from 15c to four dollars at suitably rewarded. Signed. 8TR'A:YED-From the premises of the undersignecl. lot 13, con. 1. 010: 0 or about the 3nd day of October. f1_11'9L` two-year-olds, consisting of :1 1181 gre heifer; one roan steer_ an(l_a red In ey steer. - Anyone . ivmg `.f" mation as to their whera outs W111 bg THO.\I.~\. mx,` 43-46. aznvoo VJ vtvvvyo .cl.I (vault, \---" class honors at Toronto University) Pupilof Mr. E. W. Schuch is now pre- pared to give lessons in singing. Ap- ply at her residence, or P.O. Box 9. Thte Dyes wili dye \Vool. Cotton. Silk? 1` 0, 1 Mixed Goods in one bath-they are the latcsa 30: V most improved Dye in the world. Tr)'a P3` 39 ' M All colors at 1).. H. Me /LAT:REN'S DRUG STORE`. 2-- BEXALL; or which is~a;Iiated mth the Insti- tute of Chartered Accountants. Over 600 calls each year for office help. Catalogue and all particulars free. J. W. Westervelt} 35-2 Chartered Accountant, Principal: MLALLAAAAM I K horthand ; Bookkeepmg v v v v v v v VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 4 ` zvvvvwvvvwwvvvvvvvvw Miss Gladys Ardagh , (first- nnn AL mA_A_LA IT-`:--/.nn:+\'\ ' lThe,Globe on Monday morning indulgedin ' being taken to task by the Globe; as the `cleansed since the notorious Crow'sNe:~t Pass in heart-to_-heart talk with the Liberal party in Ontarioand urged the. Premier to make for cleaner politics, not by berating the Oppo- ition for, as the Globe puts it ' "The condition of the Conservative party is not the rst concern of Onta- rio Liberals, nor is their first duty the reform of the Opposition in the Legis- lature. There is a mote in their own y eye which must betaken o_ut.if they V would judge justly the quality oftheir`, opponents, or `see clearly the way in _. which they themselves shouldwalk, and the public service they are in du I A bound to render. This is pretty plain tall; for a party organ land it looks as though thelbegvinning of the r and is at hand and the regime of Ontario Liberalism is drawing to a close. Reformers of the old school, however, willvhardly relish skirts of that journal are not, by any means, deal was put through whereby "` the men behind the Globe were enriched by several million dollars, as'.a reward, for party service. _ TORONTO. ONT. by experienced teachers. The only school in Torons te-.1chin,<,v the famous . SINGING ..),",'_,' `-v 21"" L2, 1903 " . ." -.. , *. ';V"`H-.`vi`4~?10"'".&'-D6c`.-x-v4.5 -4. . ~ ,,,..., ; ;*;1.ovnnntii' Gregg Shorthaiad E'rc.. T.AUGI-IT AT THE Houshold $4.95 $5.95 $8.95 $8.50 DYES '#VVVVVYVYVVVVVVVVVVYVYVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVV= L A: VHEERT-T0-HEART TALK.` . Ul! ?'.?"STOCK of New%_l.)ry .G`o,o%d[s4,% Men ; Furnishipgs, Etc., has been lling up; -nvu:.-co g...` _A-_ -_ L J .. _ ... .. _.._J .. 1. __ ` Slist:er:.3Lo`f the Bride, Miss Clara, of Tdrouto, `and Miss Millie, of Stuyner, were home for the interesting event. " Q 1` '5 at :1 A t. Andrew's Church on Sunday last. ` Mr. Alb_ert Burt. of Ruby. spent Sungiay wxth Mr. R. 0; Be` . . Muss L. Elsmore, of Crownhnll. vi- sited at home on Sunday last. 4` Rev. E. D. Cam_e.ron, of Allandale, greaohed the ` Anmversary Sermon -in The edifice was Fnotfg larger` eno ugh"_t6 I Hiolgf the,_.'cong1{egation ".whio11 i`$$se!n;;- R _. M U15: ' ' ' Mr. A. Bell and Jo_hn Crawford. ._have returned from thou d-eer,hun;t. an_d had_the fortune to; capture and brgrgg wxth them .a._Inonster black bear wJ1iuha..wei gi1e"tl . wpen zdresaed 400 ounds. ad for wh ;oh"_-they 1_`e-, `1159. .1.l.l.&.-*:r:-hl;!!,1.' :2-home`; 0 `T?-the it: ,, Q-r;-,'.,w j 9; } nk` Z rvVa.e"V1'1e1d at the residence of the groom's father, Friday night, where :2. large circle of friends met teemeet the newly made bride exrdfte welcome _ her.a1nong them. 4 -4 ----- ---'--....--u _ _At'tor `b;ook}`;st' was partaken of, the happy couple took the evoning train at Craig-, vale to visit Toronto, Niagara Falls" and other poip.' . an - In .1 n`- can In: A-at ..._ lb/iebdelssolib Wedding March _was. playel by Miss` Martha Ayerst, sister bf the groom, when the bride entered"leaning`o`n the arm of her fa`.ther- and carrying a. bouquet of white qhryanthe1nums,F_whileH the brides- maid carried pink ch'ryVsantl1emums.> ' App, :1, 1,, In . 'Aysrs t, of Thornton. - __._-1_--, .. --..--a - uuvwwun an vv-a-av &V5VII{IlI The bride was assisted by her cousin, Miss Ida. Rainey. of ~Cookstown,--- while the~groom was ably attended by his cousin, Mr. -- ._I _--. _.__- _-..v---- v- -ya---vuuo The bride was married in her going-away gown, which was blue ladies cloth trimmed with white cord and white silk medallions, and white lcordedisilki waist with smocked yoke _and sleeves trimmed. with V white silk Applique; wearing a. wreath of white Celoeia. lI II__ I_-,!j, October 21st -wausthe scene of a very pretty and quite wedding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Rainey, of Thornton, when their daughter, Jennie May, wa united in the holy hands` of matrimony to Mr. __Frederick Ayerst, of Thornton; the nuptial knot being tied -by Rev. `Mr. McKee, of Stroud. _ _ YHL- L__'j_ __-; that with the removal of these the rotten eld hull: must surely" founder, for, as a matter of fact, if the Liberal partywas _purged of cor- ' ruption`j there would` be `nothing left of it,` The idea, in all likelihood, is to, make a scape-goat of somebody and these _!must be an- ` xious days amongst the barnac1es for that a head is to falliintonwthe basket, there seems little d_oubt-but -it won't be that of anyone who has a vote in the Legislature or `whose l inii`e'r1ee'air1leii'ii'ts'te a Hill at beans" ` _Murchis6n A T_ho1-nt`oKn Wedding onof STATION. - ~.---, ~..._ -..v. v-- ,.-....v-vv\.n- The anniversary of the Gun-Pow- der Plot. was observed here by @- oonoert under the auspices of'L. O. L; No. 985, in which the committee are to becomplimented for the ex-.1 `sellout aim high standard` of, the 9114 It`ertb.inxn0n`t"nnmrs oon`aine`d in the program. `They are also to be con.- g ratul.a.texlAon-having a splendid eveni- _ing.a.nd a `full house. Mr. Ered Buy; one of Toronto`s notable htimorists, r we n.c,ne a)1dienG7'-i'i.551th, Ix: Time ' On Su,.n'd'a,y, St. John s.Church: extra seating arrangement was re-" quired to'aoco~1_nodate the very large attendance. The fnembers of L. 0.` L. No. 9_85 attended in a body. cloth-3 ed in" regalia. Rev. J. H. Teeny. of Omemee. eondueted "the. servipe. in `which `h`e`_delivered an able sermon. taking his subject from Psalms 45. 6.. "'1`he `Heathen raged.` the King-_ domts Were` moved, He uttered. `His voie, theXea.rTt-h ,me1ted.e ` .. ' _ Rev. J. H. fTeeny. of Omemee. had the luzok to kill the findt '.dee'r,._T .V L ' ` ` Mr. Johnisori. {Sf dmemee. aiid Mr._ Fletcher. Innisfil. are among the deer hunting parties. \ ` '2- .__0'|.x1 1 'I-\ can v-u-'-an A ___ -_.- `.---vqyggnagu ' The arrest has naturally caused a `great sensation in Orillia. Judkins was to have wound` up his work there with big -meetingls on. Sunday next`. He was arraigned `before George J. Booth. J. P.. on (Friday, .and plead- ed notyguilty to_ the charge laid against him. He was remanded to await the arrival of "the officers from Marshalltown. He asserts that he "will be able,to `clear himself of all wrong-doing. His 0rill_ia- friends, of whom` he_ -has a large number. hope `he may the successful in this. .On Friday last. at-sensational ar- rest was `made in Orillia. when Dr. `A. Judkins,--who has been conducting evangelistic services in` the Meth-o- dist Church since Sunday, was taken into custody on information from Marshalltown; Iowa. (that he had ob- tained a considerable sum of money under false pretences. Judkins, whose real name is said to be A. J. Wheel- er. haslbeeni in this neighborhood all summer. carrying on,revival work in Severn Bridge. Ardtrea. Hawke- stone. and lather places` and _meeting with much success. He isshort in stature, swarthy, and` not particularly y engaging in appearance _-or manner, but he, is a fluent-talk_er,y and gains ~cqr1siderable power over, his hearers. In Severn `__Bridge. it is said. he acted - so strongly -upon one -of those `who attended his meetings. as to drive the man into a` religious m_ania'.' He carried good cre_dentia'Is, and in view -of these.` and` his record"round here. waslseoiured, to assist the pastor in some special services"w1_1_ich. were `be- ing held. in the Methodist Church here. , " _ I ~ .'C ~ AN .'_EVANGELIS'I` W % HELD ron FRAUD over - for the prisoner. --- W o. R. ' -" ; ;Some time ago. Chief of Police Drey- er, rreceivedwuord -through the Toron- to 1?ol_ice Department, `to be on_ the lookout` for` Judkins, who had been traced jto', this neighborhood, and who was wanted in Marshalltown, Iowa, on. fa charge of ingratiating `himself into the.-good graces of two old we-_ `menand obtaining'$1,000 from them. Judkins had _been traced to thisiplace through `his correspondence. Some -delay arose owing to ldiffieulty of. 'identifi_eation, the ldescription sent showing `him `-to. have..oniy_ Ha ,mo11s- tache, whereas hesnow has a full beard. ` However, having" Igsatisfied himself on that point, Constable Drey- er `took Ju-dkins into _tcustody this morninge. Sheriff J. TL_.Shoemaker. of Marshalltown. has been notified of the arrest. and is`=`expeoted. to send ~ 1111.. `_.._-..4. |__, ,,`n -7: , V - _ A large; ixubrhandsome wedding gifts were received;' ' . ._ . jnvewmza or , up pm OHA3LE$'*OnLR. bi} `man mnsngr, ' ..Ac'1}uie'`j:,weg_ldi1_:"g,'al'z1il`t `hle`in 1numb,er`of~the`. many lmbutual friends flof 115 contracting. parties twere interested, took place `atthe residence of `Mr. Bainuel Cald-1 well, Bradford st, Wednesdaj afternoon,_ when Zrhis daughter, Miss Nellie, was united in -marriage to Dr. Charles Clark; of New- market,'son of Mrs. C. H. Clark; Mary-st. VI`!-... ................-- ..-_ ..--,n-my, I .._..._,..`_.. unvgav raywonua 5wu:na.x. cucut. _ Thg `\_vedd,ing`deje11ner was` servd subse- qnent to the ce1'6mony`.and Dr. .a.ndv Mrs, Clark `accompanied by the =best.Vvishes bfa; host of friends, left: on the afterxidon train for Montreal; Quebec and `other Eastern points. The bride wore a pretty t15a.ye11,ing `suit of green- Zibeline with hat of grgen silk and velvet; ` " `" % ' ` Oh their return from their hdneymoon Dr. and `Mrs. `Clark will `take `.115 residence in Newmarket, Where the Doctor, one_ of the Barrie boys who_ has met with success in the world, has e'Stablisl1ed a ne practice. A 1---- __'____;|.'_.__ ,4-_,___,-I,-, ,1 1 1 -_ _.-_.--. V: 2-: vows:-, abut DUO Th{e}Ezouy was performed by Rev. Dr. McLod -in the presence of only the mernbors of the two fa.m_i1ies'.` The bridefwho was one of Bgrrie most pro-possessing rosebuds wa most `silk exquisitely gowned in white tucked Eolienne "over White `taffeta silk, with garni- ture of'wl1it'e silk gimp and transparent yoke o'fvwl_1ite bembroiderd net. sha carrid white` roses `and was unattended. ' `TheT artist1c_ o.rran`gement- of iaalms and chfyganthemums .in` the drawing room leix,t_a niost` pleasing general effect; ' V h`L- __.- 1 1,- V crm_IGHURsuT. " :S&.'T:i:`a;ii[ foE7x7v'i?.I:;;;`;g`;`;,`;sZ:'1si2Z:;`;j ' was a,gu_e'.st .at_ ' the `parsoiiagg > Last ` ` ,3 r_ I; :_.y `H K Mr. Fre'd T1`ao"y7'.' of C. I;`,1.`i"ho"me ,qt..presen....m1it.e1&1; %; . ' ' -nn.....'~n~.='.*.- <.a-";`:i..:.a.;n`a32u._vi2 .-..~ai . ..-.. .._-- rwn v...--a- Mis s. E. .Trany hald. the misfortune .t-`o bfeak her a'rm=}-a shprt - time ajgo. MI! ]'nD'nLnu`n -G Ill--`---`L- l_ ,_. __ u .. F\IL`1iL Q4\I& -.--.._..._ Ia uuyslo bl.l..|_.l.U aguu I Mr. MOR0'berts, of Toxonto. is-_spend- ing 'a.few weeks at; Mr; _Wm.aB_tan- den s,' pridr to leaving`: -for-wchiph. where he7will engage in u'nis"io`r'1 `ll'.`.v.lll..`.-5.1! -3 `II1':.. J2... ---- '-`n _-.n ...----v no \v v u-yuan-`nun "-upon` o,... 3 I y V-3 Memrs.w*~K`ddison and -`Adam; are away to Muakukag h\`1ntmg sg;'ou_nds. ou---v, w- u u AIulQ\0IlQa you sass): vuvuuo Dr.. Walter Lremner. Of` Lo_ndpn.- Englagd, arrived last_ week on :1 via sit to T his - bai'e'nts.' V 1 '|A"2_..CI 1'.` lI'|_._-._1.-,-I J1 - I A at,presen;...guit;Q1.)` V,` "5. % M`1;m`Jc;`ax'1 St`tindez'1{'" 2 new sunon. `BM'1`1 s `epenbf8und9y~-gtahnmm. ..,:..<- : T ` `fun-`nu n A .1.` E n..- _-J A Mr `Stanley Jao<;bs.Ift last week to at ;- -.a; this 0. A5. c.*in`G_ue1ph;_ 1ur.._. m"'n_..._.:_- .-.-;g ;-_'_-,a 1,1, 1- L`U_ Uvlm" `)0 `$1 `In. 111 Mr.:;.}_V `1f,`V:,l;a.mp_bI`lA Jad * Isa; I spent 9. few days in ~'.l\oronto last .we_ek. " " t. V _- _. . _ k-- NY UUISJ | \ rs. John Standn and i'c'i1ii.dqi-en.:of_ Barrie. are visiting at *MIr`s.' Jacobs. 'l\.. 'IXT-I.l.-.. 1 _.-,.__,__ Kidd, Rev. P. Jones. of Hillsdale cir- cuit: Re'v.'"Ja'mes Skeen. pastortof Hillsdale and Craighurst Presbyterian Churches; Rev.` J. H. Teeny, of 0m- i emee, and Dr. T.\S`. Sproule.-not Mark- 'da1e, `M. P. and G. M. of L. 0. Lot BIN. A.` _Dr. was met at the`Queen s Hotel, by the band playing South- wells Welcome March, after which the Dr. thanked the` band and people of Craighurst. for the .kind` recep- tion they hadlgiven him. Mr. Wallace Richardson. leader of the band.` re- plied. saying, that it gave -the band great pleasure itlo do honor to the _ gentlemen. whose memory, many _of the residents of this village hold in the highest regard. A " pleasing feature of the evening `was the speech delivered by _Dr. Sproule, who was a resident of this' place some 34 years `many firm friends. most of whom, have either moved to other spheres, or have passed to the silent majori- `ty. A few. `however . of his old ac- quaintances, are still residing here. and were glad toisee him once again. The doctor delivered an effective speech, dwelling on several v topics. He was glad tmbeyhere. on account of the object of the gathering, and also glad to renew old acquaintances. He expressed regret however. at ' so many departures. thus showing .the frailty of human nature. He com- plimented the band on their selec- tions. The speaker also outlined Gun-Powder Plot,_and showed that the object of the Orange Association, was the buildingup of the British Empire, and that religious tolerance should be observed asunuch with R0- man Catholios as Protestants. Tim Orangemen advocate `the right of oonsc`.-`nee and freedom of the press, -and .C 1'9 .'-a_,defensive._'.not an ~gaggres- V:4iy.~.,g.,39.iety.,`_-Ids (1dl'u;sion-,_. :`he`;.;:' ex- op`1`s>`g$$".- pi'ea sbcl' sf". ;t;he. ._.'inu0,1`.86 in the ims`6f1ifi. 0:aegg;n9nr ex- hem to %`lie' sympa[th`tioIcour- 5: .1- ?`51`1`3??"- ?; ~ 972'.-'=:`~ V ' ...*.e. ago. and during` his practise` here.made_ 50c valuecat V A. i_ i cu `V - _ _ _ 32 25 pieces of Dress Goods in grey, brown and,52 mches wide. Sale price 32c 60c `value at O _ . _ . . 42 20 pieces of special suiting',54-in. wide, in best plam colors and fancy snow ake. Clearing sale price . ' ` . - 42c 85c value at T ` 68 c 100 yards of wool `Frieze Suiting, 54inch wide, heavy weight, colors black and grey only. ~ Regular price 85c.` Sale price p 63 Every piece of fancy silki in our splendid stock at reduced prices during sale ' ` ~ A chance has co;meour* way to get `manufacturers sample coats at a great Vosnap. . We -have `bought them andiwe oer you coats this Week at %$'l.50`to $8.50 coats on saleaf $3.50 'I6`$|0.00 $19.00 to $|6.00 % -i A ,. Thes garments are neariy-a11- Shower Iirodf aiid in thelatest sty 1e and -.11. thqugh we `secured: allwwe could get;, the quantity is limited. You must,;f therefore comeiiait on_ce if you Want the best choice. 4 i * $l0.00_ coats for SARJEANT & SMITH 15"'Ceats of black grey .frieze, _box-back; made in the latest style, trimmed withvelvet collar and strapplng. Regular $10.00 value for $350 inTeandDress Goods WondAerful Bargains in Dress-Goods jI MIN ESIN G; - " Jean" 94 an. '?-'r' Q Less` That} %Wholesale Prices -iatSARJEANT & sumrs DIRECT IMPORTERSI is right upon you, so you should not delaxgrdering w_hat you re uire in the way of sugar. spices and M vine . e hav la'd 'n a special l'ne of these goof:|:nd.when`weereoorrimend then: wie know too 3 M much cannotbe said in their praise. Now about i ezars--You cannot havevour pickles good un- ` es: this isof the best quality. ` Our Vinegars are I [at made from acids. We have the White Wine, Cider. Malt and Concord Grape. The spice: of the highest grade and pure; Trv them. :..""'lI'_`_','V`.)y I,` I --- ~--- ~----` ,., V 9:. V}-.sM%`g`aaad by I;a\3faf::I*%'hd3?":*~"a%a y 4 bloat bprnacles..and' c0itI1P!s1oii*and.% ;~%!n`%?W1W"ualitvshe a.m., me xouowmg lands : The South West quarter of Lot :8. In the 6th Conicessibn of the Township of Oro-5o acres more Of 688. v e The soillis of excellent quality and except about 5 acres good bush nearlv all cleared` and under cultivation. . ` ` ' ` TERMS OF SALE-no per cent. on the day of Sale and balance within 30 days without interest. For further particulars and terms and conditions oale anu oaaance wuunn days wxthout interest. particulars term: and conditions of sale apply to . @111 1 111-0.. n -.--.--_ JJJ1. 1 U]! LVU V .I!4lVI..I3l`JI' a.m., the following lands The South West nnnri 221! ' Pursu.nt=to the terms of a certain "agreement .made between certain of the heitsot the lataedohn McCuaig. deceased, there will` be offered for e'by `Public Auction at the UEEN'S HOTEL. in the Town of Barrie. on ATURDAY, THE 28th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1903, at A n.3o o'clock a..m.. following lands : printing trade need app BOY WANi`(ED-At The Advance Of- fice. Only those wishing to learn the 1 yl I rm ?i'3i=ertvl Y 'I`LI"D ___._--____.. .7 -v-an--nv - V do ' son` ,3 '. Dre:l7this 27th Octob:-I, 150;. ' mo `me A.UCTlq!!_mSALE -`nI:'\ The bsrnacles on the-ship must he l treated "with an iron hand. The in- terests of the Liberal party are supe- rior to those of any individual.... Half measure will `not avail. Neither the Liberal party nor the Province owes to any Jinan any position or re- ward not earned by honest andseicient pub1ic'service. . If Premier Ross `is pre- ' "pared to devote the remaining years of this public life to the truest political heroism, if helwill risk everything in- telligently and `delibere.tely` for what ought to be, if he gives Ontario an-i _l other term of iLiberelradministro.tion - organized on business -more than on ` party principles, he will; not onlf ' crown. his own career 't~tingly,,end' ._lprove hims'e'lf the statesman his friends ` {believe him to be; but his reward `will. i ~ .-ber found in the rallying to`hieiVsnppoi't of the stro_nge.8t and best` citizens','_1f__ the -lifting. of his Province but of Ethel 5 {present `low, po1iticel- estate, kind aettig " ` this t'y. vin the].-pla'.ees .o_f_ honor?-ans-it i "xi . e9TWrni:f6rr~`aneihfieeeteticn? "r TO`WI.\|SI_-I_ilf_OF ono n;e2.EVERY OCCASION ___ j_jv3 TEA AND corrnn MERCHANTS; -L---"OF ' VALUABLE-- h-S'TRATI-IY & ESTEN; Ir_._.I__)- 5 _'u- J. , -v ?__.`.- 'T"-'- - Yotiwili fKind just,;wh`at is the most suitable in ordinary: fmedifzmfolf v`ery~ne ' lxgesf .Bari'ie. % N icest goods and very low g . -E p1_-ices.` Agk for the T` ----IN THE-- ' b In its ,s1ating of the party the` Gldbe goes 1 911 to urge-that ` '

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