8. " no D ! 0. M00 F` T` 11.0.. L. C. P. 8.. 0.. late resident Bhysicisn and surgeon of T|:`oron-I to General Hospital. with Ipeclal aL- ` tentionto Diseases of Women. and N . Nose and Throat Work. also [or w some time surgeon in charge of Eniergeney_ hospital. Toronto. Ot- tiee and night residence. upstairs in Meuarthy _Block. 21 .U\lul_up dt.. .` BIITLU. second door east oi Dougali Bros. xurmture wnrerooms. near ,l1`i.ve Points. -J; hone.. 105. Hours. 11 to 1; 7 to 8. Residence and Uthce`. Corner of Dunlop and royntz btreess DB8. HART &'.' HART: FRED. J. lgagg. D.. M. R. 0. 8.. Eng., L. I.nr\:Inn Hr-nannu|tv__I`|ia_ I.l_`.l`UAg Iallivuu Ur .--.-l .- -`, risters. 8o1iit'ors.tor.obtainin pro- I nbaus .0: wags, guarmansbiv Run 1111- * emmistrationuma. general so-lwitors, n Notaries. Gunveyuncers. etc. Ul- nces`. nmds,` block. 340. 6. Dunlap street. Barrie. nnuney to loan fun. 41-2 and h per cent. Btancn Ot- uces, at Ureemore and 'A1uston. Llnnunlnfnn `I.l3.lIll0X- G. '0. H. LYON. PRIVATE EUNDS TO $70,000 FORINVESTMENT ON GOOD ._ __ ..______. -__. ANY QUANTITY or Mo1EY T03 IIVDB I55 Hangman `L`e'n'6iZ ` Is. .0. Brown. L. L. V . In A. nnunxwuus--. ....._-_-, , .,Atgo;fny. Bohcltor in _ Chancery. Uonveyaucer, etc. uffxce. nrsg door. uwen street. over Bank at AV...-n -uh!-nu, I-(ufrl- C001`; _UWUu anmvvog Commerce. Barne. IIBALBL &..IV. u-can-9`. _.__-._--..-, solicitors ijn _;;,l1igh Count jot Jus- Lice, Notarxes ruo1i`.'Uonveyancers. Uxnces over use bank of forouto. '.Ban_'ie.` (]M.on_ey_; in sums of *z.uuu _~ and: upwards.` to loan at 5 per oent.* 11. n. `bt.-rathy. 11. U., ti. 11. b_.sten.- ' E1-\I-WIN._1f[-JRPHY & ESTEN. 53$- ._-vy ------:.- wv .---n.r4-vgv. van ` turio Land Surveyors, Engineers. 1 etc. Established 1852. Office, Medi- y cal Building. 8. E. corner Richmond 1 ` and Bay streets. Toronto. '1`ele-. phone. Main. 1336. Instructions left ` with Strathy & Esten. Solicitors, _Bank of. Toronto Building. Barrie,` will `be promptly _at:tenad_e,d. to. i risters. Solicitors of the supreme court or Juuieature of Uutano. rrootors. Notanes, Conveyaucers. etc. - money to Lo_a.n. Ultices. oss Block. uarrie. U. hew_son. A. L`. H. Ureswxcke. - - __ QVVQKVLV `lit vgvaauu ----____, W W 9&1) II fbbvan-1 - ----- -._'._ tars, ,-Solicitors, Notaries .|:'ub.hc. _ana `Conveyancers; ' money to loan '--- nun`! nillnca MI` {I net` All-U119: av J\lI~n- in any sums at 0 per cent. Utnce. 13 uwen b`t.. Barne. 1:1. .0. stew- art,~h. L. .U.. D. M. Stewart. THOMAS KENNEDY &%co.. ARCHI- _ taut}; Bothwell s Block. Baxrie. _____.__.________________._.__... L V1`. ABNALL, M.` D. C. M... OFFICE in Bothwelrs Block. Allandale. On the premises at mght. '5: do We Qlllnlwl-1.51 Inc `an .5. -, (late at Drs. name & s ith. V631`: ha). Oice and resxdeuce. corner at uweu and Uuuier streets. Barrie. In. "0 Jo Lived-cg g.-`...-..-____., _ ,__ geon. etc.. L. B. G. 8.. Edin.. L. 1:. U. r.. London. Ozfices and mgm. residence. Browws block. Dumop street. Barrie. Telephone. 7:. DR. J. F. PALLING. GRADUATE OF. Trinity University. Toronto, Fei- iuw or Trinity ,.ineuicai college. member or the Uouege of 1:'ny:u- mums and Surgeons at Ontario. Ut- tice and residence. 15- Owen street. +%AENoo%WMENT ~%~%suannczwounones. 0I3|-,0 DIJUVIBALJ ,`-- Diseases of the Eye. Ear. Tnroat and Nose. Onice. 70 Dunlop street, banners block. Barns. opposxte Bust-Uttice. and Runway _bLa.Lion. `,t'hono.. bi; t`. 0. Box. 96. um pnca 3: tor nsnaowment Insurance panic: at many` lpuned jfaqn. LYON. _ .v Elna. an.` E...'.:.'` Mn Do. Ms R0 0. Sop Eng he B. 0. B.. London. b'pecialLy-Dis- eases of the Chest. Stomaon and Nerves; Consulting Physician. Vio- An MoDo)LoRoCofop & 5., Ed inborn. L.F.1 . 6:. 5.. Glasgow. Spec- ialty-durgery. Midwifery. Diseases of Skin ; Uonsulting urgeon. Utiioes [day and night, Lane Block. Cor. of Dunlap and Mnlcaster streets. Tel- ephone. 124.` vlozn on Reel _I}_s-t-a'te a: lowest rates. 1 Ross Block. Dunlop street, Barrie.1 Farmers` notes discounted. Gollec- \ tions mode in any part of the Conn- ; ty, Real estate bought and sold.a Conveyancing in all its _branches.3 Marriage Licenses issued. Office, HE BALL rLA1_fNG MILL com} freeheld Security at lowest rajte of interest. No principal money re- quired until end of the term. H.; H. Strathy. Solicitor, etc.. Barrie. t :1; 41-2 9.1-1-d -per oen1:_Ea-s;r terms of re-payment. Lennox. Cowan &. Brown. Solicitors. Barris- tars. eto. * ' puny. Carpentering. building, `and! manufacturing of doors. sash.--bhnds 1 xnoulrdings. etc. Planing of all; k1n_d-.3 done " romptly and satisfa,c-i toyxly. Hqt lastdrying kiln. Dus- tnot agency for grained lumber. Factor . Bp.yfiel-d St., Barrie. Rod .- _9rs__& _a1l)g._s_ucp_ss9r_s_to_Ggo._Ba 1. `vwwp cu: _'- ._-, Fgiiritu, etc. Bank of Quding. Bsrri . Money _t9" :t7P'.`:"~L TN, HOMOEOPATBIST. .-`ll-A11 MAN UFACTURERSQ K'_`_' Anoss`. BHXSICIAN. sun- IJ!__ | `PHYSICIAN S. LS_URVEY0RS._ -'ARCHITECTS. 1l"%A.N.._'-._ '8 sun Aulatuuo lex. Gowan. lfot Endowment luau :-nee. IIIQIHX gi . M `BARRIE- TnnVAnuxbn. s n- the lamest circulltioln ;?;n; County Town. - ' lclugu-inn-an-.6- -.._ -1, vvuauvg LVN. Advertisements sre. ch Ipnce--13 lines agate meaxfn space....l3 m&?`..: ` jib Tnntsmxr '.u)v2n'rIsnm Legal Notices Ancti 8.] etc.--Fiat inse rtiou lgnceng? p`:r"`:1_8emenu, subsequent insertion 5 cents per 13,, me` Wk Reading notices, 10 cents per lin:`f inloin 5 5 cents per line for each unit" f` " 24...`. __ _ f A`. 8 ts Inch.` {insertion of the same matte C$l_OCKIiIA.`Il|- uIIUI&lUll I! `$31118 - --vlI ~ innonipn cents fo . . 1`. All ito det 5 knee, of tins character, elm-Red lines. Obituary Poetry 5c. per line` jj -y ,3-vv;J l3'Preferred positions for local advems ments in the paper will be sold at an adme' of one-third on above rates, on no othe. 23 count will special positions be given_ tule be strictly carried out. is Bstmlday at 10 o clock, and th . t by coxrrucr cnwons. ' Advertisers will please bear in notice of intention to change adv mnstibe handed into the oice mind that emsementl not later than _ _ e co 1' ,1, change must be In Tm: AnvAxc1Fyo(i)cresn'c}: later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in 3,, week, otherwise the advertiser s announcemen}: may not be made public until the week f0). lowing. ` ` `O nhununa A` Ar`:-rnrbuu..........._ ,n LVVV II-I5! 12 changes of Advertlsemeuts allo year. It more are required, composit will be charged. Atlnnhbinnrn 117: A5 `.A ..H-_..l A .W8d pg; 10!) rates VVI-LL UV UllIDl6C\la Advertisers wi]l not be allowed to use their space for advernsrnq anything outside theix own regular busmess. Should they do transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. ~ Condensed advertisements on first page Bvch as wants of all kinds, last and found. pmpmy for sale or to rent,_ specic articles, etc., em, must be accompanied with the cash, and wni be inserted--hrat insertion 2 cents per word ant-h anhnnnnnnr. innnrnn I mane nnn ..._.: -rv nnnhlvnwvsn nnourv onovynvnvu an uuusa ya WUHI, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); `but 0. reduction of one cent per word will be made whenthe number of insmicn. of the same matter exceed four. Vl'v>/lV'*n;lvertI|emenu must in every case be mounted on wild maul hues. Rlnnsnxr 1'11: Fouowma Fm: Ixsuuuc. COMPANIES: `The Mercantile. now affiliated with The Lon _don as Lancashlro of England. seem. Ity. $-s.ooo.ooo- Tho Waterloo Mutual. of Wa.ter1oo,0nt. l`othlauet!..$334.o83. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Ont. Total assets. $303,078. Also Lloyd : Plate Glass Inaunnco Com- pany. of New York. Cash capiul, $150, 1 Iscnoecm: 5. SMITH ! i 81 per Ammm in Advance 3'80 now name wili be added` toiho Subocripti". n iltuhtil die moncv in paid. . Subvctibau new in arruru for three month: and Int will be char: Onto not annulp {Ant-171:0 Bun Loan and savings Company of Ontario.` -Private funds to loan on in: mortgages. Ac counts collected. &c. nnoce ove: Henderoonp Hudwuc Store. Barrie L /, THE EXCELSIOR s Business college :oooouuooouooouoq00f 534- 7 Jo 1'0 A Red Estate and Insurance A:.:e"" 5'4, Get your property on our list; - ~ , .7 Monev to Loan--Don't borrow a dollar unul \'~` 1110: terms best. rates and charges loWc-`t- `i" shortest u-`V-"5. Mortgages. Wills. am, prepared on I |_ no cars doing business in Simcoe. Farnwr` t"r`\`-. allv mvited to call and see us. Glad to see wm - ` cha for consultation or advice. , : n DIPD l'\.......:o.. Ran-1-:11 Hotel. B\| Y'-"~M'1C" costs umi shorte.< -no vnnrn doing husinms in Snmcoe. Farmc: U1` 1` l.LaB-` Petet, Street 0TS l FOR__$._`_ALE. L "%---AND wo0D H-3---Cj-u `- - V` . _ . start. I? vou can get the best A_nthracxc C0_3`5v -1 7 and Nut. at lowest pnces. wxt}_1 d1sc0Uf::a:1`[riLL orders and have it delnvered anv time V` mm, Sm. at A. Mo:-ren's. V's-y 5 ; .".` `}'8d_,BL-A Parker : Liver? Staoles, Allan 4___ __,/ 1. mm lacksnn` Eon. ` `AWN -INGS. FLAGS. wxrznpnoor e9mIuos.LTAaLE ha for consult.at_ion aa_v|ce. O FICE--Op?l s|te Bamc Hotfl. 2` . ptAr SM-not n.-; u Coal is going. but 53' "`"`"*` "W PARKER :8. MQRRE 5 Ca _ Conn . .-at? BARBIE Has In well earned reputation for the BEST in all lines. A thorough and up~to-date equipment, an efficient stail Everything taught is taught the BEST way. The `foundation we give will make for each student a sure start on the right road. You ll approve of tho- way we show you and understand the advantages ol our instructions. We'll help you to win in the days of prr gr:->5. Wherever an Office Employee is Dt`8\lt`ll our-students will give the best satisfy`- tion. Our. attendance has alrezuly lll- creased 30% over last year. May we: send you our handsome illlistratmliib page circular FREE for asking. very convincingthat we are the Bl:.Sl. rnuixxn comm-.c1u'. cozmmcr 2, West Baldwin Street. INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, M3. Quinn leave Barrie tor and arrive 1 the under mentioned places as own. ` - '5 1.41 `n. tn. For Newmurket. Toron- to. Montreal and points,,east., ..- 4! 7.56 a. In. For Nowmarket. Aurora. ind Toronto. T ' ' ' ' ' 12.16 p. `m. For` N_ewmarkot and` . Toronto. o 5.26 p. m. For Newmurket. Toron- ' to. Montreal `and East. - connnnszb Anvxumsnmzxw. I I I SCROGGIE 6. SMITH. 9 II II , J acob s Terrace by 4 _)ly 85 THE ADVANCE oF1~`I<`1'7~ V.-Jr!` .~:. 4?3!!IlIII 12, 1993 ~v _ To-7udoToToI o ordenn g from THE NORTHERN Aov ANce: RATIS. Barrie. Barrie. -4 IN'0`._\'l-.` BLOCK ; TWO -snuun. w:s`L+:v%. Piaopnlzron CANADA. ~WlLL STAND BY THE _-`T. MOTHER COUNTRY. AND EXPBOTS THE MOTHER COUNTRY TO STAND BY - HER. ` j.-I-cw-unn- " Mr. Lennox also tookup the Alas- kan question . He is. perhaps. ,.the first member :01? the House of Com-, mons. to deal with this question upon .3. public (platform and this part of his aiddresswhas been pretty widely _ equated in \'the Canadian press; Inde- claring that :the Cana:_di_an Govern- .m_ent had grossly blundered and that` in future Britain must choose be-_ tween Canada {and the United gtates, Mr.` Lennox probably epxressead the prevailing sentiment of C`anada to- day.. The ollowin-g is` taken fro the Toronto 'Ne.ws:- _ - AL 1.1.- ___,___I .__-_4_ `rm: ALASKAN AWARD Iiaughton Lem:1o:'rSaks out ~ Definitely at Gait. Mr. Haughton Lennox. M. P.. the guest of `the Galt Conservative Club a tow,-`evenings ago. mddresseda large meeting upon some of theprinoipal questions lately debated in the House of Commons. The position . of {the Government in . reference to the .'.l`raneoontinental Railway, railway lubsideea. bounties. extravagant ex- penditure and (the Gerrymander. .were briefly but very. clearly dis- ;.-- ........I ing. the `principal address was given by Mr. vliaughton Lennox. M. P. for South Simcoe. It was when. after` in- troductory remarks. he plunged into 1;he`Alaska;n theme, that he worked his auldienoe into strong enthusiasm. He would -".not speak of `Lord Alver- atone. he sai-d; he would rather al- lude to the careless way in which the Dominion Government had handled the question. When it was proposed that eachwovountry should be repre- sented by `a. Commission of three arbitrators. then -was the time for ,the Government {to take a stand; and never consent `to such a ridiculous` -proposition. An arbitrator rfrom an `;in,dep'endentr nation `should have been- appoxnted. and if this hadbeen done. ` Lord Alverstone '-never would /have t'aken- the position ' he did. - 11"---- -__-._. An... L._*....J..- .....'....:.J,.,l ..U$V J-`V -5 vaavv -1 av Gait, Oct. ;26.:-Kt. the annual meet- o .theLGalt Young Menfs` Conser- yative Association (on Saturniay even- 14; 0oh_unTn Nq wopnpcr, fubliahed from` the Ofcc, n3 Dunlap Sttoct. Burie in the Countv of Simcoo.-tho Pro- vmci of Omtrio. Canada. ovary Tliundnvi "Manning. bv _uunvu uuu two-.uv.v... ..u u... ' "Then. again, the treaty provided that each party should appoint three impartial ju1"ists ("of repute. ,The_ Americans appointed three men who {Were not impartial jurists, niery who A were known .not to be independent, `_)and the Canadian Gvovrnment should 1 have said Canada; would never con-'` sent to gun aV\'rand._until impartialmrir _ sent jurists , w'er_e" 9.p'poi-n,t_'e:d.`. -- 0n "-"these two features alone, the Govern- \.I' ' ment should phaVv,e` stood .by the;_pppple ( V ' V - H . -J11--I n` 0 1 Ir _~_,,o;,-,; __, a"_g., `_,__1_.~_,;1_ _ ' ;iv1'%rid` Lauripr` sai'd'4 th a{_ the .Government_ `had `1t,o ac'<:ept t{;e* ` u- ation. "or ~fa6e?_the po_ssi`bil_i,ty I . od- .,s1e3d. if -gold sh6uld`_ bef ou.n'7 `in 't'he ~ ._ter'rit-ory _' .,u'11er '_"_di-spute. H63; (`tlif-" ;npeaker.<)`,;;vvou'lc1-r-xssy. ' advise_d _1y' 11'.` xhdush hbamoxgrted .u.%%* 2.20 a. m. For Orillia .North Bay and Boo. . . ` . ` ` -11.84 a. m._ For Gravenhurst. `Sco- "tna Junotzon and Parri Sound. 1.2.59 .p..m..For~`Musko a Wharf. 4200 p. n_a.` For Orillia. North Bay and,pomts`West_. .. U ' - .-9.24. p. m. For Orillna. 11.15 p. m. For "Penetans. `Col-` lingwood. Mea.fo_rd.- 12.10 p. m. For Penetang. V 3.40 p.m. For Stayner and Collig? wood. 8.00 .m-. For Penetang. Col1in`g- wo . Mea.ford.- ' 'a_l Daily exoep- Sunday. ` daily. "banal: nauuwav` cum: -MAKER OF PORTRAITSA `runs or Suuclun-non. -- - . -hoiiifayi `The `Unit Btaitel wo1i| dbe 1Ij risht ' K`, 3 .. , .u., , .. . Xe. _ _._E- ., `-f"-SE `"4" ; . . J; :4` J" - ; `H -_.'- _~,. _. ,7-. ,- {;-.`- ~ .; " < 3` ,. ~ yr` 1:4 ; ' . s., `:5; av ` ` . ._ he J1 g" qatte%:8xnca:i;- '13 no," long m: it `suited them ito`he-$50., at. am `CanadaWouldfben-allnri8ht'a-9`10113 1 *1` as she footyld. but. -he" wanted Britain ; M to know. "that.'while.Canada would"_` stand by the Mother Country. Canada "1 expeoted_ the Mother Country to 11" by fher. _ - ` V ' ` 91- _._A-___-.1' 4- LI.-...--.l AL...--Ina mum,` pyj gnur. ` A e referred", to .t'hegood showing Oanadians. had, made in . L812-i1_8\18. when the }(Ameriea"ns` were. twenty to our one. without Britain's assistance. emboldened simply by the conscious- neu at right. Now with Britain pow- erful. was there any reason why we should be oraven cowards! He was not a jingoiat. The rpeo"ple`*`of this country were `an agricultural and an industrial people."and did not wanit-to see bloodshed. but when driven to the ` wall they would struggle for their just possessions.` This iqueation should ' have` been submitted to Parliament for mature consideration before eom- 1 miting Canada do any definite under- i standing. q _ . A 4 . = 1 THE W0MAN'$_ Of the Royal Victria Hospi- tal Held Its Annual Meet- ing on Tuesday. L X V - At the _`annual meeting of the Wo-' man -.9 Auxiliary of the" Royal Victor-3 in. Hospital. whiohxwas held at the Ho9pi_tal; on Tuesday. October 27_th. 1903. The following comprehensive address was read by the President. Mrs. Ardagh. and was` much` appre- ciated by *-the members present :- -, 117. .__...u. 1... .:I.... 4-- n`I\nn UIGDUU U; '|.uv unvauvvou r-----.-v. .ALadies:`--We meet to-day to- close another year` of our Auxiliary for the ` Hospital. It has been on_e of unus- ual interest-inasmuch _as we have the very -great satisfaction of meet- ;ing -in` our new- and beautiful build- `names onipur book._ We havegiven v we have fto our "credit from -their sale. _ penises only were realized. This was - ple. I would main see in our town a img. To visit ;which. and see the great comfort `of the patients. should make us 'glad that we have been pri- V viledgedtoyklov our small part~i.n help- ing on`-(so goo-drag work. There isstill much to {be done--and indeed I think it would `be a great pity. if there were no needs an the tuture-that all is complete. This would be unsatisfy- ing tromkmy point. of view. as work - of this Ikind cannot but be a benefit to W8. and hence it is well it should continue. While Church work" is right and` 'neenful. itcannot take the philanthropic; far-reaching "range that is given us in rthelltspital work.- in this last, a personal sympathy and some little -self-denial are required- alike toithe recipient and the worker. a It is etc be regretted that our `num- bers have tmlyslightly increased, and also that gour usual attendance is so small-coinsidering the` ltnumber of` material assistance.'suoh. as window- screens. paying interest on the build- ing loan. rand several otherv,expendi- tures. which make for the comfort of the Hospital staff. I noticed that at the Board meeting last Tuesday. in our "report. no mention was made of the Cookery Book proceeds. I find $118.00. I regret -to say -that some of our ventures. by ,way of making money. needful for carrying on this work. failed. In one instance, the ex- due to `lack of support from the peo- little more appreciation of our efforts in thisdirection. I "ask you. each'one. not to grow weary. but continuewith a. steadfast pur.pose--asking always. that `God the Father. Son and.Holy Spirit will `bless our, w_ork.- ' 1- __.____I n---L:_.. -3 I......: lltilanu u .-- `....v-- v-_, After the -t wsual Routine of busi- ness. `the following officersg were elected for the coming \year`:- . Honorary President-. Mrs. Strathy; President. Mrs. _.Ar7da.gh_; Isl: Nice- {Prez-jident. Mrs. Cameron; 2nd Vice- President, Mrs. \0tton; Treasurer. Mrs. Joyner; `Secretary. Mrs. Shan- acy- mss spnouurs HER EXPERIENCE AS MISSIONARY non `rum W. o.'r~ U. IN NORTHERN- ONTARIO. . . . . 17`:- RI-v'rni`Iir.'. far I _Miss Sproule. W. C`. T. U". Mission- ary, addressedia most interested au- dience at [the Collier St. Church on Tuesday evening. last week. when she reommted. her experiences of the last` four years in Northern Ontario. -nun..- an_..___I- .1_`-. _ ..---. ..'l.......J- A... n.'\I\nA. Jvw--4 -go guy- -...v-_. v__-..._-- . Miss Spnoule has now` almost en- tirely .<~overed.~ the inhabited district, and fjndus~*that there are two institu- tions always ahead of her-the sa- moon amd` (`the ,hou:sq of shame. In a hfayrack, or camp provision cart, she has gone over roads so bad they can- be (used at all some seasons. ahdl are atf'their best, like brsoa,-d coy ,v_-_ _pat_h5. witheuthe `swamps made pavs-` sable by -Logs and earth loosely thrown in; Aygt_ `in I;hes`e_littl'e' gettlegnent, jlost. jn\'Ehe woods aha Wi1Fng_s. .j;he'_ yvhiqkeyt 1gpt;;.Z(a:`m-the .91 tam: t;hatz9t= etftzuznizit-i:i1.t.1!E9:ir*tj,+wg,gx;;f 1r .e .u9nc_'e'.;`!1V'a:s `e ~been.tolI. `fv'.", V 3.` H." During .*119.;[!@i;3i`39.;Lai%`i9i# thif %ani.me;? with.` a? AUXILIARY 1 ADDRESS ~ ujzvgw ?eait9'r of the f. 'edit of ' Deer Sir.-It has beexi"`t.b _ ..th attention of the Hoqiital.B'oard. ii {hat Ia. eompl.ain;t. . h8;....b.9:9.~!x . __x._ngq_e_ Ml_)_y_ Mr: Joseph Johnson. -of `Shanty . Bay, that he came to the hospital`-one even- to V l ing _reeent_ly- (between .. 8 -and .9 \o'elo.ek `at night (find rang the fronL'door `bell and could-`note getany one to` anwerf the bell. As this matter has been considered aerious_.enough to `have an explanation called for through the columns of .`your paper. the Commit; tee of Management` desire to explain as.ollows:- gun. . `u. `n u II] Whcnthe `new hospital was built. the electric `bell connection with the main entra.nce~wa.S placed in the kit`-; chen (in-gthe basement) in order to avoid adi-sturbunce =to the patients in ;.thc public wairds. which `are situated near the main entrance. by the fre- {quent iinging at "the hell by visitors; and in order toebe readily heard by the servants who are present in the kitchen during /the day. ` 1, 1,-_ _s_u_ _L }._" an--vnav-o `ninja-O v-.o_- unuwau ~ l\_iIi*.'_Joh1 ;son- "made his visit `at an` hour whe_n.many of the patients are asleep. and after the s,ervan't;s~had finished their days work and `had gone to their _room_-s. and "consequently, no one heard the you rin`g2I_t he had opened the main entrance door and i had walked n. as is usually doneiri public institutions, he would have readily found a nurse who would have been" glad to respond to his_ en-. quiries." The public are however. ad- vised that while `the board have al- lowed .muohj latitude in the hours in which 'visit_orr_s_ may visit thehospi-5 tal, in `order to give every accommo-. V dation to "the. public, and encourage many people to come and see the 1108- A pital in their interests of th~e`patients, which must be the first consideration. It is very undesireable to have any evening visiting. This is the rule ad-optedin wall well regulated hospi- tals. and -we '\ope thepublic, for whose benefit the hospital is main- tained. will csee -the reasonableness of this rule and be [governed according- ly. In thismonnection it may well to say. that the best timefor visitors to go to ithe hospital. is between 2 p.m. and 5 -'.p.m.. as the nurses are always very busy in the mornings. and are often much `delayed in theirvwork by visitors coming in the forenoon. be- fore the morning work is done. 2 r Youirs truly, V 111' A 1') _x__ `II `I'\ DEATH or 1Ls.a1:NNE'r'r an PASSED AWAY vnair an nnmxunr .% V m ronoxuo ON NOV. 4m. ' V yWard was -received in, (town. on Thursday morning. to the effect that .Mr. AJ8. Bennett. who left Barrie on Tuesday. -tootake up residence in Toronto. had suddenly passed away. Mr. Bennett . had been under thecphy- sician`s care for a week. an attack of acute indigestion `uhaving occasioned `grave uneasiness. He felt greatly re- lieved the\\day he left Barrie. but a subsequent attack on Wednesday afternoon. caused.-.his._ death. the heart being 'effected by the gas which generated in `-the stomach. `ll'._. ~n-_._.-LL '1__; |_--_. .-__._-_L-_1 cv..---vv- --- --I-v wvvjv-- Mr. Bennett had been {connected with the 'Mamey-Harris 00. since the formation of ~.the firm and was par- tioularly well ..'known `throughout this District] .having - been` travelling salesman forsabout 21 years for the Company by which he was employed. For _the last five `years `Barrie has been his `headquarters. He was uni- versally esteemed` and his "services were very highly valued by his firm. llII_- ,I---_--_`I .__-__ I.-.._._ -1. 'l'.V._-L'_---_.'l Iv v-,v v V-4 anAu-J v v-ow-v- Iva -.--- --- ...v The deoeaeed_was born at Eastwood near Woodstock. in the sixties. and was married; to a Miss Ayerst. iof Goo_kstown.' who survives him with two children. the eldest of whom is in. his -17th year. The funeral took pllaoe at Lcookstown on Saturday. SPORTS AN!) PASTIMVES ville Burton. -formerly of Barrie. and nephew of Messrs. J. L. and Martin -Burton. of town. is apparently dis- tinguishing himself. both in field and farum at /Princeton University. A despatch dated from Princeton says:-- "At the fall track games held at Prin- ceton University, Granville Lindsay Burton. a Louieville'boy, formerly of `the Male`High School. won both the - 100-yard dash and the 200-yard dash in remarkable time for` the weather and the condition of `the track. Seg- veral other Louisville boys compet- ed. and did dwell, but Burton easily `carried `off ~ the honors of the day. These games are-held every fa1I`\Vlth ` the intention rota bringing to light -all the available material in the entering class. but (are open to `the entire, uni- versity. There was a large number of entries. and the 100-yard dash was run. in several `heats. Burton won `his heat in `good. style, The" tfinal he'at*wasIbetvveen the winners of the j.otherghea~t:sg.and aroused great inter- , .est,- , Burton got off _a little :before ' the field` fmnd" held the lead until the finish, "Nearing the rope, he thought 1 he yvould"Ib.e ~'hard ' pressed and. passed - _the;lin'e- withga sensational burst of ` ,epe_ed. ,eevera.1; .a,1;ds`e,ahead "of all `his - ,'fiaompetitok`:?jf 1 hex` time; `(was I 10 1-5.` ' ." "'I"Hdi'~9I'In.".H"1i'l" ~n`.'h if-xirnh "nnnnnv. nu" Granville Burton. son of Mr. Gran HlU.l.l.l.]_JGLlLU|LBo .n..u\; uun: Lwaa .Lu 1.-U. The 200s'yar'd do.-sh was e ually as easy for` him. -He won` his eat and the finals` as well. The_.d;1y- wagtdam and the `track heavy, which made a the time oomparativlyg 'slow;`but' Bur-' ton showed good 5form. Thisis the. first" time_-!Burtgnv_~has.haad` an oppor- "trinity _to show. what h_e1,o7a_n~'do. on" up"- pqgnt `of yrfbr`ma.hoe" `on ` the. ".l`1~i- ' - A [ 6! 0111 hd1"a'mb;tibj= organiation Y . I`. . , `S: haa`beexi.broug 2i't to '~ . . ` _ . ' " at the Eospitatnoard. ""9-"'|5 3 L . nt. ...r.nad3..!2x ;.,ua'o..hn;nthJ:.ahatt:.... ..:."_f'_"}_$ri,." -nt.ub_I hnssm. .8hanty.Bay.A .Y,I1tMI 1' W ;".- ,-..*`.'...--.a'.:: 99m. . ' = ; I 1.1.003. 8131.` .. x ' ."T." cone: D hospital one even Ne.u\'F.k,an.d`._co! : _ A A H; .2; ,. V r=tween.8 \o'olook` youth in wlldlnd-lBelI_U1l|9o - - u Ago, I do abhorthee: . `_`:'7_ ` "ngthg `mm. dl:: `". .`.outn,.x.do` more the: C .- - .L.E,NN( get any one to a ver o_ 1,, .m,.;oye uyoung: ~ .~ - mate: this [matter has been Are. I do d'e1`y.,__ T . ,C'|InoT ting` AA When King nzavara a'sc'ended`* an British throne he made many _cha,ngeI in his personal habits, .but none ' of Youth luhot ind` -?A``e" 'li.'<"Ivj`2'ak`i aha]: ol T =-`Youth wild and age II in my rlove ` 8!, '7 ..outh,.I.do` defy; the-_e. 0 sweet sin-ohcrd hle thee. For methinks thou |_tay ut it youni: `too ` ldnf.` -8hakeIpeI. % `n pefsonlu GUIDE, -Uuv -v-- -- t.he1_n were more marked the in- crcaeg ` of state_ and dig1lxity in his xhannr of traveling; "As `Prince of Wales he was, dexqocratic in_ the "ex- A...__.. -. ......'..... ~ 0.4/.nn' nnlnt-A tn D1308 in N t-r n.9o;~' i vvun:a,.uu '.`1'-`H V`-IIlVQ\rvu uuwc-,- __`_~ , ":`nlae1topplace ordinary trains, in which he would,': as a rule, have a. compartment -,re- served. At` times hefwould go so far as to order. a special car attach-' ed, but this was the utmost luxury ha-peyenaliow himself. Ever since he has bcux he has sought greater privacy, and all his railway journeys have been made on special trains, which carrysi no ,tra\'/`lers except: thegroyal party. Perhaps, too, he hashad the matter of s-afety in view, for, of: course, the `person of a monarch is of no small Value to the State; and though the British railways are always careful of their passengers, extra. precautions _are.naturally taken to move the royal train with an absolute `minimum o! risk. . ` .l`here is" no doubt that King Ed- ward enjoys the magnicent position `he holds, but there is also no doubt that he often nds it a `burdensome one. Many small details of his pri- vate life which escaped notice while he was a prince have found their Way into print since he has stood in the erce light that beats about a throne. 4- rr..._.... : :5 .. uyalnnrnn 1-esnite to bf ` ` th".tli;rone,"`however, . 1 1 light EH35 DUI!-1.3 uuuuv u, can v---7. Hence it is a, welcome respite free, for a. time, from the relentless pencil of the reporter and the merci- lnne nnnnnrn nf th Dhotoranht. PGHCII 0! tne I'pUl"u:1` ulna buy Aanvu -- less camera of the photographer. When he travels, the attentions of newspaper men are not invited. Whenever possible, the announcement of his departure is not made until he has actually started. If public- noticc must be given in advance, the time schedule is likely to be left more V or less indenite. The British monarch does not trav-' el on passes. _He pays his way like ordinary mortals, though on a i slightly dierent plan. The treasurer. i of the royal household settles with the railway` companies, the bill in- cluding a regular first-class fare for: each `members of the King's party, and an additional charge ot one \ shilling for every mile traveled by i the train. .As a matter of `fact. it is doubtful whether the companies gain or lose by the transaction`. In most lines of business, royal patronage is `eagerly sought as an advertisement. but this the railways scarcely need, On the other hand. the King : spe- cial trains interfere seriously with re- -gular 'trai`nc, besides throwing a heavy responsibility upon every om- cial and employe who is concerned in taking them to their destination, Each of the leading British rail- ways has a train which it reserves for the King's use. Many of {these "trains are very magnicent. ea. Ioth Won Imaginary. A passenger entered a railway car- riage in. Australia in which was neat- ed a particul'ar1_v aggressive commer- cial traveler, and placed in the rack opposite a small wooden box pierced ; with holes. In the conversation which tollowed, the commercial traveler i gave several hints that he would like ` 4- 1...-.. m1...+ mm: in the `box. with- gave XVCTEI. IlllIlu bl-lvh no v.vvI--u ---II to know what was 1n_ the 'box_. With- out' avail. At. last his curiosxty -got the better of him; \ my _--- -1.a ......... H 1.. naknd "what` the better .01 nun. I say old man," he asked, "what: have you in that box? A mongoose. was the reply. _ A series of diplomatic remarks fol- lowed, aimed at getting the reason for carrying a. mongoose; but, as no F explanation was offered, the commer- \ cial traveler -ha.d_ to 'sa,y.p1ump out: i l1 TU'|\nO- urn vnn 'a-ninrr in `tin C131 I,l'aVUlCl` `.llD.|.l_ L\v.l Du_y .y;uu;y \f\nU.o . "what are you gomg to _`do wlth , . - that mongoose? . 7111.- ......nm.. I... and `Han "T m nnina Iollillli luuuguuacz The answer. he got was: "I'm going 1 `to seea friend who has been drinking: very heavily of` late--so heavily, in fact, that he has developed delirium tremens. You may be aware that people so suerinp,` are inclined to see snakes; and you may also be aware that there is nothing on. earth so deadly to snakes as a mongoose. I He sat back, evidently satised that * he had given a full and oompiete eit- i planation. .. - - "But---but, I say, said the com- mervial traveler, "those snakes are ime ~inary. `'1 So is myimonszoose. returned` the per:-u;-n interrogated. An Unto:-tulite . Quotation. '5"-.e minister of a church in Aber- "d`e:-n..,hire'had just returned` from a. 1012-; ~ho1ida`y trip, "on which he had be: 2'1` ;-.`c`companied by.his wife. Ata 'pr;' `er meeting a. day" or two after-A -v.-. `we p\D\n\ 4.9 -I-`mp. n'I.rl;-nus l\# t\`\11v-n'|\ pr. W8 '31` IIIBULLIIE C1: uay UK la\VU CIILDUI." '=: one of the elders of the church W`a\.a offering up a. prayer, and, na.-t turally, the minister's return was one <..t' the subjects upon which he ` toucl;-ed. In the expression of his sentiments, _however, the worthy e1-d- er, fairly put his foot in it, and provoked an irrepressible titter of amusement from his audience `by re- ferring to` the event in the following remarkable passage: thank _Th_ee. for `bringing our pastor . sate . home ;.fr.om. his holidays, andhis` , -`dear . Wife. . '.to.0.' .011. J 1 -.0'17d. for `Thou rnpreserv:s1:;`mazre 1`:-east. What Li the ;mini_ster_ s' wife .%*th'o u`ght of the ; _eldr;?'s ,we1l 'tu'na.t.`e.* ;`.'# ` ~~.*:*:2:: Oh, Lord. Wev intetitibrned ; but .}unfor- _ Scriptura~}3r1q_\i6tation",is gnot. 1 la1La,1g; J CI]-lllay J.` .pcuau\'_; Lg "3116: :av,a.sf:e,_1'X1pg`:. `him: zth-t ..the iabedbpiaia. had sworn to` Vbut am ,:h u .. x - fa . I initgln ` `V T, . . 4: ++;.;..; ii. 'c:.`mh- Lo#n.'_; ffwhat was 1:110`. colonel saying 1-.8 yanng.s:E19&thrl?7 ". 5 ~. 7 .-= .-;...n.~..=-.. +'..1u`-.'.`.; ` Hint '|..4i' ; (1.. `How me me rRAvsLs. too iol.` .- ' ,0: . -; Prootor.,_,5Not;ry. Conveyancer. etc. m__:u~="utenL1ou in arawmg and . pro I-_1n.w:11u._obtai_n_ix;g;e_gL_o;rs at udminuumion and guaruxansnip. Buss bloat. - . .`o ial:e't_.1nLacooux5ts. eye. Utnces, hurne. Money to loan. 1 G." A. nmnnnunsr. BARB1-5'U'`*`- _s-n.-;..... in {`.hancerV. ;HE;W80N & _CRESW_.lCKE. BAR- n_.:-:.-_.. -3 than 1-innrame - srnuny & ESTEN. BA1 ~R.15TE35' __ ' ll`:-I.. (`nu II?` {IF -`lI- STEWART & STEWART. LY A o n m an DB. J. c. SMITH. L. c.T P. s.. our. -I----.-. so. u....:H-. n.-ii- DB9 Jo Lo Ru 0. Po & 8.. ; Mo En Po & 8:. Glasgow. member 01 the Britisn Up~ ' tnulmolomcm society. bpecnally,-- na....-... mt the revs. Ear. Tnroat