or our: owN`MA2muo'runn. `----------.---""""""' mnu non sum. . an 1.3:. II II... 11 1 ctr as YOU. wax! rr. AND SHINGLES BRUSHi `New. em.` 1903. A. Rosp.vBarrie. Bull - . . q...At Wycliffe . Ifnnnll- Nnv. _m'rnnns'r or naiinrn. 'r'nn;c_oun `ORA nlcox AND min nommou or cgmsm oun cnmnuou. Ont. BARRIE`,"C`O U_NTY or SIMCOE,.ON1iARIO%.`N%OVEMBER 12, 1903. VJ- thefrush. I % . ~- Last payment of TAXES` for 1903 duoon .1st Decem-. bar, Igatmayers will. can-" sult tla,, l_ r' interest` and .co;m2em3enc_e by making pay- Ament at once and avoiding; 5 .-Leave` coal orders w}th J... _G. Scott. _ ,.....*. m ...m.- ` iv: vwuaww v Flags"$vere flying from" all the pub-' lic buildings. as well as the schools and a number of private residences on Monthv. `to celebrate the anniver- sary of `the King's -birthday. A '_-L -T'-__.I__-_-_! .1. Q3 All _-_ f Locis Around Barvriyi I 'ny'me|:lo. Brian: J: non for (pm glngdsvgzod. Eugen load: In town 0' 0 V 0 - an u an ' ,1! .l,`I_- -,-_!_' .16- v -'\- v-nu ----v..--' 9:; nggvnuw vw -___ The body of Mr. Donald MoGregor. formerly of the Bank of Commerce staff. Barrie. was found on the lake sh-ore near Oakville. on Saturday. It will be remembered that Mr. McGre- gor mysteriously disappeared some r weeks ago. .- `If_II l'I-.___,_-,'I 3,4! 3... RYIHIIE 7 -no-cg was Iv-our 2Q-a cu nun- vQQ\.v-a . -4 Foot `Hardwood at $6.00 per cord and 2` Foot Hardwood at $6.50 per oond-at Miokle. Dyment 85 Sam: lIII__ |,-:|,, _A 'll`__ -I-\'-___I.I 'll'-l'1_-.._._ `cw- v-w-o ~-w -_-----ru -xv. ocgvquw .. -'..- A credit sale 0 farm stock and implements will `be held " on Wed. Nov. 18th. on the premises of Mrs. Samuel Daley. `Lot 1_4. C'onL 8. Sunni- dale. L. Tebo. amotioneer. -4.-Won ca ,1 -u--v- - -vuvwg ------.v_-' -'I`r3: a. pourfd of .015-A . Fashioned Horehound Candy. 200. at Robert- son s Drug Store. II`I,_ -,1___ -1. (IL--- _-__- I`I____`-_ V The _meeting :of thetlocal W. C. T. U. last week. was of more than or- Jdinary interest. . There was a large attendance, and two new members AVBPG added to the roll. Departments reported good work being done in evangelistic. anti-tobacco, franchise, and other lines. Arrangements were made to entertain thestudents of the Model Soho 1 on the 26th. and "hold a conferensz ion the subject of Scientific Temperance. I `IS... 'I'.Ij!Ll_ TY _ _ _ _ _ . _. S... .__.:-..-_.-J L- ":'{eYi"screened `Coal for $7.25` per ton a"t Mickie. Dyment 8: Son; ` -..-nJ!.l. _._I- -3 1-..... _L--1_ -._.I new .1; via uuvvnvu :.i.`he GI0d0I`i0h Star says :--Ch`arlges Askwith, -of Auburn, who is a gradu- ate of` the Goderich Collegiate, has secured the'position of teacher"; of Chur-chill school. near Barrie, at $400 per annum; duties to commence on the first of _January. - The Star congra- tulates the young gentleman on his `maiden responsibility, andswe `predict `a successful future for such a bright and prcgressive student. ' New Said-.dn for `tall iowlmz-'.l`lmoth 1, Oloverl. Orcllurtl Graun. Lawn 'M|x. turenetc, nornwnnvs. - u- w . - . - - . . .v .--.-.. a-- -Miss Edith Hewsom is prepared to take a class `in pianotorte instruoy` tion. For terms. aidldress P. 0. Draw- er, 13, Barrie. _ ` . ; % V tt Mickie,` livment an son have good summer Wood.'Ipli t. at $2.25 per load A bright reflection was noticed in the southern sky on Friday evening, bawsed by .a big marsh fire, which has been burning for a coupleof days in the district north of Holland Land- ing and back of Queensville, It has destroyed `about $3,000 worth of marsh hay. which is used for pack- ing furniture. and has extended over two miles of territory. It is still smouldering, and if the wind `should rise, it may attack the tamarac in the vicinity. .Duok shooters or ma- licious persons are thought [to be the responsible parties. but the general impression is. that spite is at the bot- tom of the trouble. The principal sufferers are Thomas Foster and Hen- ry Ourti~s. ' 4 _ (3.... LL- T..L--nu...`-in-an` l`nm~nnau\nI\_ . `will hyear. fioe. T `J `I15 D1530 _A-See the International Correspon. dcncei Shool s- Exhibit of Students` Outfits. local Students `Work etc., at Scotti; Book Store. opposite Post Of- -I ' _,,___-I' I\_..L-..!_` to take place at Guelph from December 7th .to the 11th. The fair is )8. combination show of both live and dressed cattle, sheep. swine and poultry. a.nd'~a1so a 'dairy'.,show. Over $7.500 is offered in prizes. This fair affords` a splendid . opportunity for the progressive farmer to see the best stock raised in Ontario. Spe- cial fares-on the railways. `All mem-. bers of Fthe East Simooe Farmers In- stitute will be admitted free on pre- senting "their, membership tickets to. the `Secretary; P. Westervelt. Guelph. Anyone who has mislaid his `ticket. wishing to attend, can pro- cure a new one by applyingto the secretary of the Farmers Institute. _Ori1lio.. V V 4 " * ' i ' `LIVUQ The 7'twentie.th `annual Ontario` {Provincial Winter Fair is scheduled ___'I ,I_ 2..--.. -Mre. 0. E. ,WrIgh.t has opened a fancy goods store. where everything of the latent e."n`d meet up-to.-date pro- fduntion in - thin line eenjbe procured. Elizabeth Itreet. .-first etore weet"`o? the Welllntbell Hotel. 1-. .v' ` 1-..:... ix! v- .-.:_.. ..- Ian, Gangron. Divan Sound. G1-and % 4pg:,&am:qp Di=t=it-f, rm %o. - zit -. i?;guiiI'an dtgz! vItl,t,,tpj.'s1gsg;et O.hap,- ` On '1.`ueusday"Rt. Ex. Comp. Dr; Al-I Hapnnrnes or A wnnxm Town and Vicinity - Condensed News for Our Buoy Readers. ._TOWll oF`BAnn1-n - `GRADING or _'1`EACHERS _ 3&1 .-. A smnxne soanm ADOPTED FOR um I Love and W. C. Andrews. The School Board met"on Monday evening with all the members pre- sent. with the exception ',of Messrs. G. G. Smith. and; D. G.Johnstdn. Phil. _1,,,`I F-rom E. Shear. Principal of the SouthiW`ar'd School, askingx_,,fo.r a clock to be` supplied or.his room, and that the furnace be provided with a wood grate--Referred to Committee. r.I_-_._ 1xr A .1:\.......'.... 1)..:.....:..-...l .4! +1. The Management Committee re- commended` that the salaries of Mes`- srs. Marlin and'Airth be each raised $25 .perannum after January 1st, next: that Mr. McKenzie be en- gaged for next year. at the salary of $500 per annum. with the under- standing that he. take the pupils of the senior 4th and 5th forms. if so re-_ quested during the model term. The report was adopted. _ . Move'd by Messrs. Thos. Smith an Alex. Cowan-t.hat for the future, the following rule be adhered to in the payment of all lady teachers" on the staff. viz.--that the initial salary shall be $275 per year. with an annual in- crease of $25, until the maximum sa- law` of $375 be reached. So far as the present members of the staff are concerned, the said increase to take effect on and after the first day of. September. 1904.-Carried. 1'; _-_-.. .1.__:_1...l L1...d. ...-.-.nA nu-nl-nu La VJul\IV\l vans`. vv w `an -..a\-.'...-_ Communications were received `and. dealt with -"as fo1lows:- i" ,0 ,I -10 11,- VVIIIIIL aLII|:\I- d.I\4&\IQ-\II.` uv `av.-.....-~--v- From W. A. /Evans. Principal of the West Ward -School. asking to be fur- nished with three clocks and a heavy rubber strap- (Referred te Com- mittee. ` ' -I , , ___.L 1W__.__..!LL.. _. REV MARK G_UY % % ` ` APEARSE COMING D`-3|.lI.UIJ.lllI3lp J.vv1-""\1u-.--vu.- _ {It was decided that wood grates be placed in the furnace of the Allan- dalesohool under the supervision of Mr. Brunton. . l'\..'. ......4-inn AG Mnibafn r`,n1':Vrn-n Gill` luTc.J3l'uIll:I)llo V _. On motion of Messrs. Cnwan `and Smith. and a,rra.nszement; will be made whnrnbv the teachers. for whose room pupils `are trying examinations, -.\'u1 nm. mark the omw-.rs.. . Rev.` `J. J. Redditt has been suc- oessful in arranging for a visit to Barrie. of Rev. Mark` Guy P_earse.`the famous Wesleyan preacher`, of` Lon- don England, `who is` making` :i_ Ca- nadian tour and who has been paid higher en'conium' by the press, t_hzin_ probably any divine. whohas visited the Dominion during the decade. The distinguished visitor will. T preach in Gollier St. Church on Tuesday af-. ternoon at 3 o ciock. and will deliver a lecture on V Some 01d.Fo11rs at `Ho1zI-\ at 8 p.m. Aeoilectionwill be taken up todefray expenses. -- I A letter concerning Royal Victoria Hospital matters, written by, Dr. Ross at the,request_ofTthe Board, will be. found on. page two. ` '-nr - it 1- -n_'_-I__' 1.1.- _...---I-- ..... I [Es ` Lvuznu var tn;-.5`: not Mr.` M. L. Evcly} the newly ap- pointed maneeer of the Barrie Car- riage Co., has taken up residence in town; and in company with the di- rectors, i~s_ busily engaged this week in locatingea site for the works. mt - A9` - - _ . . _ . _ _ . . -._--.. 4.I....L J.1.....:... .-U vvvv ---ea - v--v --H ---v -~v--~- The firemenannounoe that they in- tend giving aseries of invitation hops in the Town Hall, `lasting from eight until eleven o clock. The orchestra is to be_ present each evening. and a charge of a couple of dollars apiece on the men attending . will cover all expenses for the series and leave a balance sufficient to pay the,;life in- suranoe premiums of .Barrie`s brave` volunteer firefighters. The affairs promise-tobe most popular. III! - `I-,_.,,-_ n 1-I_ t1-___-__ J. (1- 'lO\J|-Lil-ul\i av nun: oggvuu ..,_|.._._._-_ The Jarvis-Smily Concert Co. in the Opera House on Wednesday even- ing. provided a program, which for` general excellence, would be difficult ` indeed to usurpass. Both Mr; Jarvis; and Mr.1Smily were atitheir best. and ` Barrie concertiagoers are quite aware! of what 1-this means. as both artists are old tfaverites here. Miss Alice Dean. a young violin virtuoso, quite new on the C'anadian stage. proved.`:: be most accomplished. and greatly charmed her uhearers. Mr. W. Spen-3 cer,J-oneis. who has personally con- ducted the Canadian ,,j:ours of many famous foreign arti-st.is to be con- gratulated on \having_ secured so strong a drawing card this year. as Messrs. Jarvis. `and Smily and Miss !D`8-'0-A" - . \, V l _-_-,_,u,,_. _n ___-_. -1: vn_ 2...u.. jiavuuue ` . A number of men, of Trinity! Church. met last week at Rev. W . H. White's residence, to discuss the adoption of a better system than that which at present exists for the "col- lecticn of fundsto meet the assess-` ment masdeuon the parish for missions. etc. The Vicar occupied the chair and Mr. A. J. N. Terrill acted a secre- tary ofvthe meeting. The discussion on the church schemes was '9. most} profitable one and a satie1ectory`con-- clueicn` wee reach e'd by the appoint- Ament, of` -9. committe. decomposed of coo cu -on nu_ `I19 A -`I'\A_.. 1' [I0 '2 \lIlI:IIIIll\vIlI-'3' VVVCQQ v-- w.- ;m`w. R. Titfin. W. A.r_:)ys. J. H. Bennett 'and W. D. Morton. {his committee has `guaranteed to raise the neoeuary` clundn amounting to $628.37 by at personal appeal to the "man of {the oongrpgatyion, thja agratly ':li.h.niI!8sa` a!.`W' the. Miles on. f gil with has mener; THE scnool, BOARD _...-_. vvnvwz -.5-v zvvvnau nnnuuaac Mrs. W. J. Devitt. of Buffalo. is spending a few weeks in ~ town with her mother. ( -`-']c! Ir:__.;.~ ]s:ranku Jain}:-.s'on was in` To-I 'ronto on business on Friday last. 'I'!..- II'_.__ `II_l'!II-_. S- _ __ E SociveiIA and Personal Mrs. A. _E. H. Creswicke` went down `to Toronto on Friday.- its..- nI_J__ A__j__.I- u___ n_._,_, , - -V -v-v..vv v-. ..-u-.,- ` Miss Gladys Ardagh has been spend- ` ins" a" fewdayzs in `the city. 'I\ 11 -.1 gf-`MIT. - Bunki is laid up with an } attack of appendicitis. ' ` _ Q T `If! A_ `I `'., __ 1- ._-J- -.. V..- --vJv ,Miss .Wismer. of Jordan. is visit- ing Miss Phoebe Lawson.~ 1' _ 1- o~-u Q z+++_++'4+'++f WHAT BARBIE 93991 .E HAVE Week -4 -V.is1to1'-si to the Town. 9 N O 5. Been `Doing During the Past : 9 _..-v' v ---'..-v..-. v-- .n.an\nIa-J -5-wvo V Miss `Mary McMillan is spending a ;few days with friends in Toronto. ` 'IR'_ A rs `ll , 1-`: o _..._,- vv val a..nvn.n\au ll -I-\IJ. VLILUO i "Mr. A. B. cPhee is able to be out }a ain after his recent illness. ` `ll , , `If '-"h_1rs."I-I-<;l.t'i1es friends will regret to learn..that her condition remains prac- | ticzgly unchanged " I u - `l\-_.!J`I\,`I 'l"\'; if D-a:rvi:l-wi-)';:"i.'ison, M.P.I5., was in town on Tuesday. and. gave the Ad- vance a pleasant call. ; `ll ! __ 11- a uni -.- - -\lIbiI-III`; Uu Wiliigswliaude McKoe has returned home after spending a fortnight in St. Thomas and Toronto. ' --..-_ -~---.r `I uvv .L\4va 9Ll.Ul3|.o l-Miss 'Beck'. 0} P'enetang, has beer; spending a few days in t-own, the guest -of Miss Ethel Urquhart. 1|/r..- 111'... n|r.__. ,, _.-vgnguv uanxn AU}. IJIILUQ "Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Watson. have been in Emery attendingvithe `funeral of'the former s mother. . 11 - -- _......v. V -.n.nv Lnvz .1?.1t:'_.- H. J. and hits. .Ufen, of Til- bury, are_ visiting with the latter s mother, Mrs. Craw. Peel street. "`.I'!.__ 'l'I-_I n -2-`. . ..--v I'\IJ- ;u.a.u.; u ,k1u.A VIALD LLIUJ. C: H _1\'J_essrs. Guilfoyle. J. McFadge'n and Norman Rule. of Collingwood, were in town last Thursday `a.nd _ Friday. , ']\/|',. ('1 (1 Q.....:L1.. 1.-.. ...--2c:-9__-;|, -4 :'T\4DV\I\.' um: v\.r uu uuLu LU on. U}!- The manyyoung friends of Miss Hazel Marshall, will be glad to hear that she is recovering from -typhoid `fever.-. ' '- ' e D_.-.... V- .I.a.|uJuJ .LJblJ'v1 \.'J.q_l.l.11U.1l.- i Mrs. Wm. (Moore andzhildljen, have `gone to .-Guelph to spend some time twith the formcr s parents thelfe. I/f.\.v..._... l 1--2l_;_*I_ -r `I-' 1` --.....n. .-.a.aua.uuL_y u1Iu._ .L` 1.xuu._y. 7"1si}."<-5. G. Smith has sufficiently re- covered from the injuries he recent- ly received, as to`be able to_sit up. TEA canny... -..u._.... _!-_..).. ,5 ur- Mr. Arthur Nolan. of Barrie, is spending a_ f-;w~'days with his ,fathcr, in-law,`Mr.` .8 . J. Alexandcr-Thorn- bu ry4Hera_ld.v ' " ' Mrs. (Rev.) ` Tho.` McKee `returns this week from Ottawa, where she has been attending `the. annual meeting of the`Dominion W. -C. T. U. V _ 1\ 'I" an i Li.I:.vI{"}`}`.i`.l`;3 i`:f(3hr'lc.ft aturday, [to "spend a few weeks. in Toronto, with his daughters, Mrs. E._G. Hun- ter and Mrs. H. Ernest Tremayne. - Irma (1 TI T\n'-win.-.-. --.!lI .____S__- 1`- A -- ....`. .._.-..y- 4;. .:..aL.uuat. .LLUl1L(l_yIlUn Mrs. G. H. I_)a'vison will receive for _the first time since her -marriage, at \ her home. Worsley `street, on the af- ternoonband evening of Thursday Nov. `. . _ 19th. The wedding took place, last week, of Mr. Walter G. Ormsby, of town, and Miss Margaret Moffat, of Owen Sound. Congratulations will be ex- tended by many friends. `I Ir 1' run -1- i . 1 l I 1 Mrs. J. McL. Stevenson, Mrs; M. E. ; Gray, Mrs. Dougal, Mrs. Pcarcey and {Miss Mccohkcy, left on Tuesday to i attend the Presbyterial -meeting of ` the W. F. M. !S.. in Collingwood. If- `I'Z1._.-_I_ C\._____ _, __l'[r'.` to his bank duties in Montreal to-day, after `having -successfully mndcrgone an- i operation for appendicitis in the Roy- Lal Victoria Hospital. o s ` `n.I'.. A _,____ 15 T1" 1 1- :1 1\. Mr. Ambrose P. Hinds. of the Ot- ; tawa Citizen reportorial staff. is home fe; recuperative purposes rendered necessary-bye the eonfinement entail- ed by the recent long session of Par- liament. - `T Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tcgart and Mes- srs. Lon and Harold Tcgart; accom- panied by the Misses Robinson. were in `Allister; on Monday, attending the Efuncral of Mrs. Campbell, a sister of `-Mr. Tegart. I - uh: ` `run . - E The late Sir. Thomas Thornton, L. `L. D., of Dunda-s, Scotland, whose re- !ccnt_ funeral was attended by civic rulers` and public bodies. was an uncle of Mrs. Emily Black, of town, and also of the late IMP-S. McLennan s fa- 'mily. formerly of Coolnstown. 1:. ('1 `I71 t'V_l'I__,,'.L'L 1-\-,3,-, , 11,, 1 ; `"'r'. 6.' ."Z11iaf{if,13}$i'si2n supt., and Mr. James Petrie, Division Re- presentative of the International Correspondence Schools, are `spending this.w_eek in town -and are registered at the Barrie Hotel. . ' (Mr. Charles McGuire, Sr; Collier street, is eonsidered to -be in a cri- tical obndition. and members of the family have been` called, from Toron- to to his bedside. He is suffering from an attack of appendicitis. 'lA'_'_ n'n In 1"I__._'___L-_. -12 LL-`~n__I_ vvnq u-u..--- .4... .~l,t.v..-...v.-.~..- Mr. G. C. '1`. Pembcrtcsn, of the Bank of Commerce, has returned from An- tigwonish. Nova Scotia fora few days, .but leaves for the East again, on Mon- day. accompanied by Mrs. Pembe1-- ton and children. The church work: ers of Trinity Chur-ch._ will severly l- deplore their departure. and` they. wi - I also be greatly missed in sooialhircle '-u'-.__ 13.. .-I-u.u-1__1-- ' -.a n-_u.I_ `I SAVING: nALV_;\ unruuuvlnnl. A I Z cunent rates of Interest nllowudton ug- & . ' counts Luge and Smlll. Mrs. E. iLittlehales.' of Seattle. Washingtozx. is visiting her brother.` `Mr. William But`terf;ield.A Penetang St. I ll'Mr'..Ia'ittl.eha.les. who is an oldBar'-"4? cu --uvv-v.-u~-..-a, Iv ..v C`: .-.. we`. `av-- 'rie boy. has moved from Chicago to Seattle. gzgter being; employed with the same rm in the fformer city. for ;sou_1e sixteen" years. '1`h_e'ohange; it ;jis`nn_dt:.rs1;-oo_d._fwas made in order to #2 ,= : r;1.gp. mm ~'ANNU M` gnyaxct ` v 1, -`V glxgw cor{xi;s7'r1gx qmvrs 5` U '. 1 A would be paid. The nances of the church, it seems, have notreceived the attention in past years which such matters demand, and recently when an attempt was made to put the church's mate- rial affairs on a business basis, the committee appointed for this purpose encountered many discouraging features, chief amongst which was a claim for arrears of stipend by the Rector. The committee disputes the validity of the claim, holding that Rev. Mr. Westney ` undertook his duties on the distinct under- standing that the church was unable to pay him any stated stipend, but would give what amount it was found possible to raise. An effort was made for `a time to pay a salary of $400 per year, but when this amount was not reached the committee hold that no claim could properly be made for arrcarages, as it was never stipulated that any fixed sum up 01' There were no services held in St. Georges Church, Allandale, on Sunday last, the door! having been closed by order of the Bishop, pending the settlement of certain diiferencel - of opinion, which. have arisen between the Rector, Rev. S. Westney, and certain of his parishioners. ' The trouble is one of long standing and the breach appears to have been gradually wit deniug until, unfortunately, it has/been deemedexpedient to resort to the extreme measure of closing the church doors for a $2...- A CHURCH TROUBLES . IN ALLANDALE As against this Mr. Westney holds a reso- lution passed at a special meeting of the ves- try, held shortly after Easter, authorizing the payment to him of $33.33 per month with an additional sum of $1.00` per week until a claim for arrearages was liquidated. 1111.- 117 1 . .- N O jug business cunuuuwvo John R. Lamb MANAGER 9 `BAR!!! Buuca-T ..4..----!-+4'-+'iv'!"!*!'!44'i'4-4-'P'lf'33j The Wardens argue` that the passing of such a resolution at the meeting in question was invalidated by reason of the fact that the meeting was called for the sole purpose of considering the auditors report and that the Rector gave assurances that no such resolu' tion would be forthcoming. fl, __,, , .1 A .7 ._o. `There `were -othezl: matters too, of a nature which church `congregations prefer` to only have (iiscussed `amongst the members and on letters reaching the Bishop from both the Rector and the Wardens, a. Commission con- sisting` of Rev. Mr. Thompson and Lt. -Col. O Bn'en wasappointed to investigate the church's affairs. The Rector and the members of the Finan- + ce Committee were heard and evidence taken in connection with numerous charges and l countercharges. Under the circumstances the Commission expressed the'opinion that a re- conciliation -of all the parties could not be effected to such a degree as to ensure perfect harmony obtaining in the Church, under present conditions, and the Bishop has ac- cordingly ordered a discontinuance of the services at St. Georges for the present. rm 1 1 11 . 1 ,,,_ -5` - _.... ..- ._ _.---O.... --- ---- ---_-_-- Midhurst and Vespra, and expresses his will- ingness to resign from St. Georges, provided he receives an appointment to another parish and has his claim for arrearages amounting to some four or ve hundred dollars settled. He has, _it seems, since last Easter, only re- ceived small sums, aggregating about $25, as stipend. Certain of his friends in the congre` gation have arranged to contribute to his support, for the present and it is understood that a' petition is in circulation for signature asking him to remain in charge of the Church and a great deal will depend on the extent to which this petition is signed. 1 1 'I,, _.AL Rev. Mr. Westney continues in charge of The closing of the church doors does not appear to be a. very effective manner of straightening out the trouble and it is to be hoped that in the interest of the Church of England in the Diocese, some method will be speedily devised of entering into an arrange- ment, whereby the doors of St. Georges will be reopened and the `congregation held to, gether. ' ._.._... will both spend the Christmas holi- days in Chicago. with the former s parents, after which Mrs. Littlehales will accompany her husband to the =W<>stJ The marriage of Miss Annie E. Car- ter, daughter of Mrs. C. Carter.-Lind- say, and llohn W. Mather. son of Mr. J. A. Mather, New Lowell, was-solem- nized in `St. Paul s Church. Lindsay. early Wednesday morning. the Rev. Dean Marsh officiating. The bride were her travelling gown of navyblue broadcloth. with -velvet hat to match. and wasassisted by Miss Ethel Nee- lands, who `was also gowned in blue. Mr. Norman Mather. of Toronto. bro- ther of the_ bridegroom. acted as best man} The wedding was very quiet. only the `immediate relatives of the bride being present. Mr. and Mrs. 1Mat_her left shortly after the cores- : onyfor aj fortnig_ht s travel `through 9, Eastern .States. ` ' ' . There will be an tunreserved credit sale of farm stock. implements. 96.0.. on Lot 17. Con. 12. Vespra. on Monday. T Nov. 30th, 1903. Sale at one o olool , _aha.rp. Jan_1ess- `McBride. 911011., - .,,,1;2 _j I K` 0; .13EAcHn;p .Bm'?inmN W; `-=Is..v_v1ns-1-Nn:*z 1_mDf_ BIB 3191; ANN UM` :- -_gIx9u; copngsrrxvzc I153` _ Y"VV".'vvvv pmldent ' -- `And!-ow `rho-Ion .p Idea! Hon. John I I f;',",f.. piihgor 1:. n..wobb'"-`"' BARBIE BRANCH A general Banking Bullnou conducted- Drafts issued on an mm of the world. Do- poaitu received and interns allowed at high.` eat raw`. W. D. MORTON. Manager. Credit Sale LIME. CEMENT- A TEI)--A vGood G I So t`. A ly W Sher 6 o'clock. JAIWEB? BAl?R`u '565465|' reel. ' " C '. , FOR R NT--A well tarnished Igoom suntable for meetings and `oonvement- 1% located over the reading room jte Mechanics Institute: ma % b0 "hired at reasonable rates. APP! `*9 the LIBBARIAN of the Inst. T tr .Bank of Ioronma . ~ `GS BANK DEPARTMENT 3:: I'..b-`;KA:VrIEhf2.tQl interest ac *I"' ' 4' Advances made to farmers. 3.}. Na :3 discounted or collected and a, ggggm huh, . '*` business conducted. , `g. - _ .. EBTABLISHED 1365" Capital - $2.500.000 Qlll LATH AND sHmoLs| Uffice--gllyunlonStreenarrie .01 ; Laig of R silk, Ll Miss }i' wore u:.A1U1V wan`; nu l0|' unuur as. muuu-um b Church. Applications. stating Illuyax pact will he received up to Nov. 20th. by An '0 SAR: JEANT . Secretary. 4613 - -__ F R S/\LE-A Writin Duh and FoldingPBod. 4T JmX, ( W'1"1'ER FOR SALE-Double sum one nor!!- \ C , , THE _A`)- ,iNC;E:6rFF:IaE:g'ly new Apply at $4`, . MPLQYMEIV TED--VActi Reliable E_ Married Man? govovdyanman. |'Il.lIdvV."hh W9! deslrefs efmployment. W. CLIFTON: 5 ~ 4)-4:-p ' T ' `vANTE})-One Thounnd DRESSED H999 f"` _ now to January next. Weights from 90 W '0 320 lbs. Dressed. Also Ax.su<: AND RID CLOWN- BR0\_v.;& co. .. 44-47_ .*__ ooomooomuuoylg I .____..___. UTTER bl ' Seated one hono- J Cutter. nearly new. `xlppgy .l'HB_b:P- Unnvnn -_____ PRI`V-ATE Or furnished Y00ms to rent. Apply _a.(: 88 \Blak0g3t-`v. B ~ ~ Bggh FOR RENT - `small brick house for rent on Donald street. a 3 m\TH:H 1111.3` 11`-au``ll A Ilia Ga `El f ' M,.;..5.;..:..:~:-~:-+-:.+.:-.:-++++-gs:-egw+.:z;;,;; `I-UDI nun- . The Public 1: otiod that I In . gggbtlow 235$. s}'.'o. and on V "'udf l%| `> . yw notto purchuo ordculwitll \ _ g`-5-o::::.::'::.:';.-'~.:'*.:`.'"*'-.....:..A`.;':z..AV .___V_____`-- ----- _ TRA ED-Strayed from the premises tha_ undersi ~ I ` to 8 th-I yn 31Vcs.mne%::er`:: 3'2'.a? `}?6i;'leraaI'.:?d th: others re steer calf with several fin worm I90" 9 and shoulder. Information ending to WI! ",V'y ofzhe same may be: left at thin oico or wxth the MONEY1 U bunn- We have 1 large amount of Prlvhto-Funds to" but! -'4? Ind 5 per cent. on thc security of 0! ! * , ... u4uu|VP own-HI |"""" .-`1'bo' H " on-:1. FOR SALE `},,,;R1;ha M-ll ,P kn_own II thhe Wm", 'h .;' P?'1')(sJsr:1',cIt:tb:6,?3on. 4. V5??? '4'P gnooooooooodouooooooooog Make no mistake ! YARD, F001` .OF_ moaomo smmzr. % wxrow wzmmn forcollier sc. Mcthodiot \ r`L....,.1. A.._l.....s2....- .s..o:..- .-In-uarnactad. : Olce-4: Dunlop St. . Yard foot of Mal? 5*! V . All the best `quality and-gulranted. gpnokx. 5 `VI! uny. uu0L vgut1.uLJ-;. upg- gust vamety, best; value. Out as you want it. Try us. ` . The Sarjeantllo. ` 1 \ Ommxu nIIn`nn Qt Vnrll fnnfnf Marv St. VOL. ,_--1-""-"""T*"-* ; AL mm up ooo.ooo- ggxrlvm mmo 3.'1.oo.ooo $-T: c~- : 4. n`. `A- Total Yerv an. BEST QUALITY; big e n at 1n.d-uni n {`.n6- on tvnn __--?r IUNBANKOFGMIMI ..--u `A `Z I` Tiff! 22 NEW ADVERTIIEIVIENTM A 1, N .40 " T 'wHOLE'N . 'LIs.mn?E,L Wmsnnv. Proprietor. - `a-.w up-u--v- _for Dona`l'(lv!t1" land stable. Apply. to .5315; `+0 mu. - ,, _. -1. n.l..'.5- Inn Q `ar? "l.:O`l' N01 : , -.':A_.|- n.-4 Wood Phone 88 *si:aaa:aaa| I I T I I I V ' `a . 3.000.000 3.100.000 -0 $6,100,000 ' 'ARTMENT 3 allowed on a.c- ll Small. ` thl IV: rt. Sale Note: E m` Lgenera 0lI}k- g MANAGER ' C BAR_I!l Burma- -I-!~-!---~I~-3-~3-4--3--l-.' L :ottl ~ibank - mu |llllI0 u__w_nn_I'. gnu `music grand and impress- ive. _ `I his piano mas o admiration `of profusion! m\`n; nch`I::. '- .b` . . . 0 velomoupecid numpnanooan organs than we have gate: in $30. . [TO OTH ++++_+"++++4+:++`+ Is wondel-ful|y.uIi|t_ed in his performance bv-Ehe pure, hmpid tone qutlxty which 1: possessed by thnt anntrument. The exp:-union thntio possible with this piano in what Iuukgkmusic grand sud imprac- 'lhiI piano wins aldmira.tinn'nl'n|-nfnnninnnl -Q-'-'1:'hel!lt1'sA1`<:1I::.i&1`w.l1otT1a_e5To.--` , U % .}I`EI`ri'1'z'rii A`Ii' '8f6?'I5iii4'f3 _CHOOSE A. _ oPi=os11'11 POST OFFICE Barrie. % . ,- T Robertson's Qrgm_torei i O U -' V L LADIES _% ASTRACHAN lsIMIVi'6N"':7& co.| mun AN15<>'1-[wean] mums Music swam; A. 1%. %amnm,% Pmp;_ 7 -___ ,, . A B881` MADE. PHONE:-s7 5:` 3,3. N U V Italian: and determine t .-......:nnn In fill Voters List Bounl .IfA.lun _.l!Ul.i luau:-u North halt. lot 2 Con. 11. Inniem. 1oo acres. one-half mile from Holly poet-office. All cleared except five cores of bush. wen tenoed end we- tered. lerge brick house. good barn: nun Wu: uv _\.puw... . 088' Bzlomluaa or to B ioitorl. Barrio. % Dated. July 15th. 1901. Tooth brushes ivill ivesr out, `but a. few . `cents will buy a. new one.` We hsve ` them in 3 great svenety of styles, both as to etfness and `len h of bristle and style in which the bust a is cut, as` well as shape of face of brush and handle. Our prices range from 50 to 409 each. Have you ever tried T ` The Robertson Brush `Its extra good value at 250.. Sold at I noun Anoss-0 M a `N . * , to Mr-End 1\'3-sWr. 5'11 3- 903-. ".1 * * .. MARRIED` - .__.--A---sut\\'r A. npv'_u"Nv'-T3 Tllaridale to Em- .ma Ann '1? omppon. of Wyevale. . JORD0N-TH`<`).i;'(51'~3-T-Atl` `Church. Elmvale. on Monday. Nov. R87. W0 so nth. 1903.~by the H V may of Allandalo aasnatete by the op . ` VVV and Persian Lamb Jackets `_ _ _ _A3E_Gl1A}{:\B3TEEAD :; To Your (and Choose it Ofte;;.......` `MANUFACTURING FUzmIms. V. E91`