Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 24 Sep 1903, p. 2

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1.4- `Jul: 110; :o- ---- .- go Bar1`ie_. Money _to lcaq. W. BARRISTER. somcrron. Proctor.`-Notary. Conveyancer, etc. Bpeoxal aLtention- in drawmg and provbatxng vquls. obtaining leuers of ` admini.~1`LrajuonV and 'guaruiansnip. .ool1ect'mg accounts, eLc. -Ut'I1ces, : ` Russ buck. Barrie. Money to loan. Nocades. Uunveyaucers. etc. U1`.- tices, Lunds . block. No. 6, Dunlop 41-2 and 0 per cent. Branou Of- - tices at. Uruemure and Aluston. haughton Lennox, Alex. Cuwan, U. brown. 1... L B ._.-.. . ..-_-rv1mr\\7 `1fcz,f (licif6r. etc. ` Bank of Toronf; .street, barrie. Money to loan ac~ ..... :.._?.__..__ MccARTHTzT UOII1lIlQ}'IWy *Jn;u.. ,- .I `A. -"- ti ` I I HEWso'N' W "j-c1u:sw1'KE.` '~BAii- % . . ,3. A o..I:..U3`.u-n .'-nf the -' 8110101110 QTRATHY &. EBTEN. BARRIBTEB8. Solicitors in High_ Couft of [Jun- ;; tioo. Noumea rubho. `Uonveyanoers. fg Uttnoes over. tpe Bank of Toronto. 2 ' . Money in sums"ot $2.090 yang! upwardzs. to loan ,at 5 per 3o cent. h.`. bt'rathy.'K. . G. Li, - .j' Eaton. o V W \JLU.IJIu v: .v._._,, I ,.,.. f teisisqlicz ` ya )1 ,,_the [supremo < .`u1;t;`;- qt_.Jif;ncgt?z;e- 1 ct. foutario. ` -- Pl '6otsons.a ~-N otanehg. -:.ConyQyancera. ., etc. money. to 19311. Umces. Ross :7, 70- E0 An `0 - H I zraswncke. `. BjJ.`EW ART &` STEWART. BARRIE- ~ tors. S olicitor_s. Notariqs Puhlic. , and Conveyancers. {Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Utnoe. 13 Uwen 6t.. Barrie. H. D. Stew- . .,--.-. . , E. T} ARNALL. M. D. C. M.. OFFICE in Bothwell s Block. Allandale. On the premises at night. 7 H : A0 I`:Au-nlL`Ll\l&UNlp an ---- _- ~A:ttornoy,~ rblioitorr in- V_-Ohanoery. Conveyanoer, etc. Uffxcu. fxrsr. door. Uwen stsegt. over Bank 01 Oommcgoq. ggiagrxe. fl - = .---\----5--v-------- . .` ` ..___._aco1'4I'c1`n~ _ f-)An._ my. :1. c. _ 1cUAm1fnx. nu. .. ._-._-.__ Bast-isters.`cors. _Conveyau- 1 cars. etc. Successurs to `mccarcny. % rapier Gr. mcuartny. Qnices mo- Cartny block. uumop L.. Marne. J.` A. Mcuartny. W. A. oys, D. C. Muronlapn. .' .4 ... ` ' . . J . 1-lu pI'IJJo .L'U.l LVI)vv;.;.;up......... ....._ Toronto. . j 2' ll ` 2.12 p. m. For Toronto. * 5.26 p. m. For Newmarket, Toron- to. Montreal and East. 2.20 a. m. For Orillia ,North Bay and S00. . 11.34 a. m. For Gravenhurst, Sco- tia Junction `and Parry Sound. 12.59 p. m. For Muskoka Wharf. 1.29 p. m. `For Magnetawan Dock and Burke s Falls. 1' _ 4.00 p. m. For Orillia. North. Bay and points West. 1 9.24 p. m. For.0rillia. ' I 11.15 p. m. For Penetang. Col- olingwood. Meaford. . '1 12.10 p. m. For Ponetang. _ p I 3.40 p.m. For Btuyner and 00111112- WM. . I 1' ' . - I 8.00 pm. For Penctang. Collmg- Mod fnr, DR. J. 'F.7`1>XfjLIG: GRADUATE on` ~----31-- II`......-.4-n wpI_ mu J. ARTHUR Ross. L. R. c. i - Lug..- It '1'.` D A. E O B. 33 1 I `~`%B1`x'oA`1'3-. M.ln.. c. 15.. F. 1*. M. 0., L. O. P. 8.. 0.. late resident Physician and Surgeon"ot. :fl'.`oron- to General Hospital. with special at- tention to Diseases of .Women. and Nose and Throat Work. also for some time surgeon in charge ot Emergeney_ Hospital. Toronto. 0!- tioe and night residence. upstaire in'MeCarthy Block. 21 Dunlop 8t.. Barrie. seeond door east ot Dougall Bros. furniture wererooxns. near Five Points. -Phone" 105. o. H. LYON. P1fvAf.cE minus To nns. HART a; HART: FRED. J.` $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT on G631)` [NY Qufriri oi'"_1&o1I"1f"'1`6 I____ -1. A` (I , '11. J. `Jo QJLLILI-1; Ala vs any you, '-._.., {late of Drs. Harvie & Smith. Dril- ia). Office and residence. corner of owen and Collier streets. Barrie. _______________________.__ :3. WA A. ROSS. PHYSICIAN. SUR- geon. etc.. L. R. C. S.. Edin.. L. R.` 0. r.. London. Offices and ni ht residence. ,Brown s Block. Dun op stree, Barrie. `Telephone, 7 1. ,, __ . _.__ Aw: `....4-'.V.: 7t-mwIN; Mt}t7i1 arnsrmn. '.Q Hun-`-5-..- n._._!... T_H+_: NORTHERVN AbvANcI-A: THE`. BA_I.I._ PLAISING: MILL com- pany; ' Carpenltering. building. '_and manufacturing of doors. sash. blinds -. mouldings. etc.@Pla.nin of 11 kinds done promptly an .aatisfao- torily. Bot b1astndr.ying kiln. Dis- trict agent?-.tor grained lumber. -F.aptory. V. a eld street. Barrio. Q - R0dl61fS_,& Gallic; successors to Geo 1 1Ball_._ `us J. In IllIJlJl.J.V\lp ,vIsUsaaav------ __ Trinity University. Toronto. Fel- low of Trinity Acledical College. Member of the C_ol1ege _ot Physi-` oians and Surgeons of Ontario. 0t- ` lice and residence. 16 Owen street. j..._.._...-\ |;;931[A..KENN.EDI V; obI. I 1 ',f""fB""'1'n?".'% .199. 91? ....` si. }1'iI."b`{.}};'3c7."n~T' fa. a; s.. Glasgow. member of .-the British Op` 1 thalmologncal -Spoicty. ` lBi>eoi'alLy.- 'I'\3nnanu nf I'h4' ECG; .EI.l'<. .- Throat tnalmonogwax vapuwty. -I:JlJuIuuuu;.-- I Diseases of thcf `E '..Esr, Throat l and Nose. Office`; 8 Duhlop strept. 1 Saunders Block. Barrie. opposnte Past;-015330; a1n_d:,-Bailwa btation. 'Ph9n..-__.54 ;;,I: . `O; Box. 9 _. I Lvilvu -v- narcT iif n..'"n.'.':T6.' s..' En}; LI R. C. P.. London. cases of the Chest. Stomach and Nerves; Consulting Physician. Vio- - tor A. Hart. M.D..L.R.C.l: .. 8: 8.. Ed- - inboro. L.F.P. &. S..vGlasgow. Spec- ialcsygsurgery, Midwifery. Diseases of_ km; day. aid night. `Lane B ock. Oor. of . Dunlap an ephone. 124. Mulcasiter streets. Tel- Speoiaity-Dis- 0 0 I I 1 | consulting Sur eon. Offices . I I IIUIIUC CH IILLIVU Tglephone. 135. - ;. ---v.`p g. vugvnrnr any loan on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers`. notes discounted. Collec- tions made in any part of the Coun- Ey. Real estate bought and sold. 1 onveya.-ncing in all its branches. f Marria e Licenses `issued. Office.` Ross B ock. Dunlop street. Barrie. .__._. Hours. 11 `to 1;, `.7 to 8. Reai- denoo and Office. 160 Dunlap street. } Tnlnnhhnn 13` --- - V..- _-v 1-v..q-.-gs- Van! \-var`; freehold security -at lowest rate of! interest. No prinoi 31 money re-1 uired until end -0 the term. H. . Strathy. Solicitor. e_to.. Barrie. ; -.-:. --. -.v-' ` ThIIl:EI-Yu;`,'0I IiI[, by - T) VBIMUIL WE3LEY,' -PROPHIITOR 7-91:-1 Q $L`LZ& L\I --l'o_an :1: 4 1-2 and `5"per cent. Easy terms of ` re-payment. Lennox. Oowan G: Brown. Solicitors. Barris- , tors. etc.` __ I . --.---. cow--a.a.n.; Us .I:I|JA_.I:IAV. VLV tnrio Lantl Surve ozjs. Engineers. etc. Eataplxshed. 1 2. Offxoe. Medi- cal Buildm . S. E." _oorner.,Rlohmond and Bay 3 reets. Tpro to. `role- hone.__ Main. 1336. ` structi9n_s att Wlth 8tratb,y..&. Eaten. 8olm- tors. Bank 01 "'1`oron_to. Building. gar:-io,.` will be_ promptly attended o. N-7`; EH01. A I. Creswnck BIADENHURST. BABRISTER L`-A`! Q19-VI `nu . ,.`3hlIIllI'El'V. DR. R. P VIVIAN, C_. MITH. L. C. P. 8.. ONT.. -2. u...:a.|. n..:I_ HOMOEOPAIHIST. MANUFACTURERS. 77": 1 "er- BARRIBTEBS. I, rs--.449 A! J 11:- PI_YSlCIAN8._ SOME REASONS `WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR THE CARRIAGE T BY-LAW. BLECAUSE evt;-xty qualified `ratepay- er is interested in seeing the town 0. gr`vI `IO MONEY T0 LOAN. T LEGAL. FINANCIAL. .81-[B.E_Y_QB.8_-. [$11. \Iuul'5 l_ll- 1 vi-as ublw. e of lo_au nthV-'K.' can 3., BARn1s- ? p n'\-..'..... ON- [BECAUSE every additional indus- `try- in Barrie helps to advertise the %`own and leads manufcturers to take ~05-ognizanco of`our facilities. ffENORTHERN ADVANCE iunpm f Tan ADVANCE s 1- - ' the-` largest circulati(>l;1:;;n:,nt0 Iounty Town. 5" 1 Advertisgments are charged spo.ce-l3 hnes agate measuxe m ,ni Prefen'ed positions for l mentqin the paper will b sold at an 33,, gg 91:9-third on_ sbovgrgtes, on no cum R Qgzjtj ;w31 apecml posmous be given. T51; . isutrictlvp carried out. ` .2 ' coxrmm cnxxaza. Advertigen w_i1l pleasa bear in mind 3, ilotice of Intentmn to change IdV8l tingmm.; `must be handed into the oice net later itfmdnv at 10 o'clock. and the mm: c... ._ . `"9323. "' :i'y"I%' 'i3o Z1".."c12`."..", 3. "ZZp `, 2:: change mnstbe in T11]: Anvuc: ou ,3` later than 12_o`c1ock noon on Mendgy in W week, otherwne the adyertiaefa announoam`. may not be made publxc until the week 5: lowing. ' `l2 changes of Advertxsements allowed pg. ' year. It more -are required, composition mm will be charged. ~ lt`cnIu6`anIIn an` `.n .'H.._...1 L. _, .. . WI I. luv UIIIIEGUQ Advertisers will not be allowed to use ting, space for advertismg anything outside the: own regular business. Should they d., ,, transient rates will be charged for such ad. an-v can an O: IMCIADJ Du U Ivvu vertisements. Condeneed ndvenisementcsz W, as wants of all kinds, lost and found. propag- ,for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc., etc, must be accompanied with the cash, and win he inserted-hr|t insertion 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion 1 cent per w-rd (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but 9. reduction of one cent per yard willbe made when the number of insertm. of the same matter exceed four.- Aunt Re cuts *f(*b7r(a.d vonlnemenu mun In man can be mounted on solid metal but. (1 per Amman On Advmwe use new nae will be iuoa um. Subocriptio in untiltho many is paid. ' "Subscribes: now in `ntnan for thru month and vet will be charged Shae Mt nuum - A [SCROGGIE &. SMITH `Rnnsnrr run Fouowma Fnuz lxstm: COIPANIBS: .ThO Mercantile, now ailiated with The Lon don as Lancaehire of England. sew :6 `gunman:-v\ ID , 7-; v--,vv-. The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo. on; Todd assets, $334,083. frhe Economical Mutual. of Berlin. On; Total assets. 5303.078. `Also Llovd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany. of New York. Cash capital, hgc, Private funds to loan on first mortgagu. Ac count: collected. &c. Man A-go 3-In-nnlnpann n unrarn gnu: Rant; !.Anc'l;l1e Sun Loan and Savings Company [ of Ontario. T. -*i2mIz.arzs1N3aar E5 "' '-' ' 'v"` . `wgnl. Real Estate and lunurnme - v Get our to ed on our list: C0-`.":'i'L5` Monevxo Logo-Do)n't borrow a dollar unt1l\.)K::` me; terms best. rates and charges lowest. id: ` Mortgages. Wills, etc., pr:-pgred on 5h0'"5"` - 2o_years doing business in bnmgoc V allv mvited to call and see us. L.l:.d to see Vt - charge for consultation or advice. I .' l n Int-IL n__...:.. and. Hotel. 53-. .\0 iii Farnjff.` :`1`rv' l ur r u,n.-up I Peter Street. Ori !mmn`[eTLors I FOR _S_ALE. KL GUI? -w:---..___,, in 8 Pugo 48 column Nun]: spar.` , rubmea from the once`. :33 Dunlop shut.` Bani: in the Counlvbf Sineoi. the Pto- |' 34--..` 5---}; Aug-no v `vou on F N!If.`:t lowest he beat A_nthracne coals, nces. with 1!! V.S.. ou want Ol'dN's"and have it delivered anv time V _ 63 Collie? `$33 . ogelat A. M ' "W 3.. P1325: stiverv Stacie! Alb [FDR '\ = : -. AWNINGS. FLAGS. sums. warsnpnoor G-095 FQLDING sans. TABLES the camping hue I0 '?'.1!""`9.J. J. -runuzn as 1'3fh`!fIIIQnouan, or our ml awe DIIIIII Xllxteo CC. Oee over Henderson; Hardware Stote, Bank ,T . hat e ad_vice. gym 0 FICE-OpYosite Bame Hotel. - ?eter Ori Ha. BARRIE U11 1 LIIIJUI ity, $15,900,000. - - \TT..L--1-a I us". can - . Rom" hm 5) ordenns P `'"`ER 8: MORREH ` ~~~ Ex: COMMERCIAL C G}? TRACT BECAUSE (any town desiring to go -`ahead. `by means of` manufactorjes. must assume a certain amount of `risk. In -this case the risk is infinit- osimal. O O O APP`! alt CONDENSED ADVIBTIBEXENTS. INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS. 6.0. SCROGGIE 6. SMITH. is going. I : Jacob : Terrace A Went Baldwin Street. ply It F "THE ADVANCE OFFIC `- Rgrri `BECAUSE carriage making is not an experiment. Carriage factories are -doing` well all Over Canada, ---oir:_" e charged accord nuke Onlengmgo jug.` ONT. BATlS- l'A\,_`_ Burris. `gm. I BECAUSE `the gepurity offere-d for 1h`_,,}ogn is 'fgilt 'edged. ' ; . . " BECAUSE industrial progress means general prosperity` i_n the com- munity. . . . ' "BECAUSE the reotion of the tac-'~ tory and the houses requiriid" for the .ompLoyees,'mean a. building boom in Barrie next summer. - ` BECAUSE the isue at the deben- tures required will only mean an _i_n- qrcaae of eight hoenta a. year. "H1 rtaxes on Aproper;ty_ "assess- ed at _' a thousand dollars and. as soon as the houses for the em- Qloyees are erected. the amount of sates receivedhfr-om them will easily `wipe-this out. ' ' ' -3-"U X-UL .l.`U.l.' ,1. Uuuuuaua. v---...D W00 p . Meaford. , - .| Daily` except Sunday. ' daily. BECAUSE while; many othentowns ore offering cash bonu-sesnto indus- lrias Barrie is only loaning the` money. BECAUSE we all want to see an industrial` boom inaugurated` in the . BECAUSE sit must be an `A lbu_si- |. 13635 proposition._ when it goes before ithe" people endorsed by our most pro- gressive citizens as 19epre_sente9' by the Board of Trade and the Towni .;Council. ' ` I BE(}AUSE ViTt -.s agood investmentl rom. any point of view`. BARBIE . AILwKVEu|` BECAUSE the Cbmpany will guar- anteexvto employ fifty hands. at `least, Vnontinuously for the next 20 years. . BECAUSE `the town s interests are no well guarded in the agrexu5_.t with the Company. 7 . BECAUSE` wood working mechan- ion 5draw. high wages and` are amost desirable -class of qitizens. A ` x BEGAUSE :tlr__e yearly pay roll must "total $20,000 a year. at least. V` BECAUSE there is every % probabil- ity that the Company will be such a 'lc)u1j'f1s_hing concern thni kingdred in- tdustriespwill be establighea; V AM BECAUSE {he Barrie Tanning- Go. gives us such a splendid example of how 9. concern `backed by_ . BarrieT business men ,oan' prosper, `V V` , g BECAUSE no t own ban stand tin?` -_-iAt:`_n1_u'_st eithgr go ahead or drop back. progres. Barrie".mut have `.3-zadmonal industries. 3 " ~ I BECAUSE the -demand % for build- Tils lots for the new houses jivl ?.oause _ : -,'` .Wmi`n t9a1%*m'i = r'i1 .If `rlun oi Suucum-non. hqme `insttf,.a.d_ -,ot. a`11owfingj-*-the tsyhe and s_inew' of the .'to_wn to wgihde away kind build up other ."place's.`i ` 0 0 on ' ` LBECAUSE we mus"'`stfr1ke` Awiie the iron is hog and join the march.p_f industrial progress `before `it `is top `late.-`~ ` ' - ' " A i , O I O . BECAUSE thelots asked as a build- ing site are already {owned by the town an.d'could_not be_ used to bet- ter advantage. ` -- too" BECAUSE, as'the tow,1"1Ao.\.vns the L '. . .- ` 7 . -n . `electric. light and watexj works` sys- tems t.,is not putting us tolgny ex- tra expenseto furnish these Vprivileg-_. es frog `t_'6 the Company. ' L l BECAUSE. while the works are to be exenipt from genera1`tz).'xatidn. the.` Company will pa,y_sohool taxes on an assessment of $12,000. The employees; of con tee. will be on the same.foot- `mg as all other town residents `and, will contribute their quota to: ithe` town coffers. BECAUSE Vthere are such mgn be`-f hind th~Cor_n1)_a;:y as N. VDy1_nent.,~H.> H.` Strathy.-K. c.. J. R. Ha,mbly.`F.; A. Left. J. C. Irwin. W. C.-Huvnter and F. 1~1.`wiu'rn; ' % "COO. BECAUSE every live town in On- tario is'holdin8 `Out {inducements to manufacturing industries to locate? within. their precincts. ' BAECAUSE, while the town otteri freetwnter to the Company, it is` ex- pressly stipulated. in tho. ggeement that this water in not to `be used for: power purposes. BECAUSE the electric light privi- leges are not granted to the Company -without conditions being _, attached. The light is only to be used in me proportion of one sixteen ca.n-_dlepuw- er lampto each workman betw sen the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.,iwith light. of course. for the officeund night watchman. It` thereluis uny ni_ght work.,then the light w'ill have to be paid for at the regular mteu. A I I H begin work.`:'tion- of. xhg tagtory as soon as the By-Liaw is pa;-b sod and to haye it, completed wig link 1 a year. - . . T 70 o c BECAUSE the buildings gig to be `insured to th value 91 the loan until it is repaid. . .. . - ~ BECAUSE kthe Ooinpany gtees. as` U I U BECAUSE. asaz; evidgnc that they ' mean'busi1iesS. the. direotorsfagree to ' have` $30,000 of the capital subscrib- ed and` $20,000 of it paid up befmie the" town is ask-ed"for any,,ssistap'0e. `a grantw of good? f-ait1'1,t(; d;.positN $5,000 in the bank" to he held until operations begin. ' n o 0 -V BECAUSE the town anowea to- have a . representative _p pres- ent `at. an ac um _Com- panyfs Board meetings. which` representative 'will also have access to the Company's bqokzs Aa__t any time and if he finds the Company. is not living up to its agreement." the mort- gage held by the town on the prop- erty becomes"due it once. A` JJ\ &'` ' STONE-In Alliston. on "Wednesday, Sept. 9th. to Mr. and Mrs. ,4Wak1 lter` Stone,'a_9on. - TEB.R1-1n Tecumseth. on Thursday. Sept. 3rd, to Mr. a.nd.Mrs. Benja- min Terry. :1 daughter. . COLE - In Tecumseth. on Sunday. Sept.. 61th. to Mr. and Mrs. ._P.hil1p C016. 0. son. - BAN 1`1NG-At .Cookstown_. on , S at.ur-' ' uday. Sept. 5th, to Mzj. and Mrs. Lee_ Banting. a son. G:pLDSM1TH-In Beet-on. on Wednes- day. Sept. 2nd. to Mr. and Mrs. A. .J. Goldsmith. a daughter. . \UP.'1`ON-In Elmvale, on` Wednesday, mm+.~2m1_ tn `Mr. and Mrs. C. `J.Tl \Ul. .'.l'U.N-1n .l51IIl_V3.l8. uu VVuuuc~sua_yn' Sept. Zml. to Mr. and Mrs. `J. .Uptuon,_ a son. _ SI-1EP_HEB.D-ln Allist-on. on Tuesday. Sept. 8th. to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shepherd. 3. daughter." GALLAWJGHER -- 1n"Tossorontio. on Thursday. Sept. 10th._ bo.Mr. :and. Mrs.` Hugh Gallaugher. a -son. LEESON-1;: E5531. on Friday. %3pt. _ 11th. to the wxte at the `late m A; H. Lesson. avdaughter. GHRAHAM,-`In E-ssa. on Saturday. . Sept. 12th; to_ Mr. and .Mrs._He_rb,ert Graham. ason. ._ ` , HOOD-At Midlandman Monday; Sept. ` .7th-. -to `Mr. and,-`Mrs A.D. "Hood. .9. h . (daughter. . BA__ILb_Y.--At Pq1merston.'on Sep- -em or `.' `ewxheo ; 0on- t 1: 16th en` `t in Blt Bailey. of -a..daughter.* ` A Kli`JLIAY-EA-t .B.reoh1_n. .on September . 4th, to" Mr. and Mrs. P. Kelly. 3. H:UNTERe-At Orillia. on `..8.eptembbr' V ._ _14th'. `to `and, Mrs hAAltre.d_I;Iunt- er..a_sqn.q ` ' `* "PICKEN- -`-In"W'eat Gwillimbury. on Sunday. ' Sbptf. "-13th. -boo.Mr.` `and Mrs. ' J. '- R.;. ~Pioke`n.' a. daughter. - Ah CoBELAN1)`-`-In Betimx. on ,Friday,. Sept. :11-th (56 Mr. ,a I'1-d Mr.s.*:Georgo. ; -.~YOUNG,-In- ,3 gr You ng .`7a' son: -= V V -A M. A nmuamhgin _A`Ilia:+ns-. nn `i1."Snn.da v. 1 ?`.00`p'818.u0d.'_4a' 80!!`-..~.z '- , M h , `.8tht.di1g. Aug 27 t K. .1 : 7 M99. ~13` if BECAUSE the) GonLp:in_y agrees to 1-oung, a. sun. A .MoAB!l`t`UR.--In Alliston; on 1 `Sunday. . ` Sept. 6th, to and .; .MoArthur. _a son. ., . . ~ - 'IA'A.D`D1"Ia`.I\"- + v -` monrcnur. _u nun. ._ _ MARRIED ` . A V ` WEST-MONEILL -- ~I!i -Mount "Al- bert. on V Wbdnosday. ;.3ept;. 16th.` % % Miss. Grace, McNqill: :1 .Mt. '1Alb6rl;. j "" "'- `jI"`%"." 7 i`7j.7`.*`?2 `3 . V"`T`?'-i;`7i`5."'%`= 9.: '~"D"s-'n"wI&i'u`l . ' `Irv 1!-I- --.'.I!'l`-IIIIIIL3 wuul. U \ Y;;-i"'1Ii'8 ' f O 6 I 1` ._ _ ` __Bonn VDOWNEY-COLLIER .- In Toronto. on Unurcn. Dy nev. .L\;u'. nruwu. u. Franklin Hambly to Florence .J.- Kneeshaw. eldest -`daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Geo. '-Kneeshaw. of .Gilford., "Saturday. Sept. 12th, by Rev. ,A.' H. Baldwin. of All Saints` Church. 2 J. Downey. of Creemore. to Mil- _he.,daughter of Mr. J. .H. Collier." of Medicine Hat.. A_$a. 1', JOHNSTTON-CARLTON--At the resi- dence of the brideis parents. by Ben; 1na_t.. `R. J. ..Iohnsto1;..of: Creemore.; to` Mis JBSSIG. secohd daughter of`; ' _Mr. anid Mrs. Jas. `Carlton. of `Aven- ` cf? 'E-`JONES _ At. a September 2nd. Ethel .. dau 'hte_r , ' gt Mr. Peter Clute and `Mrs dami 1'-.. A`. ,.,c_o ald` run ten ` "an `average. ne proved 't'l'1at":;`an oroinary `mouse and one-half nules . on A halfpenny's worth of oatmeal was sulcient for its sup port for thirty-ve days, actually two mice constantly `-em*- ployed in the mo.kinyz of. _ thread` for more `than 9. year." ','1`h0 mouse threadmill was enabled to make` atonement to so- .ciety. :!or past offences by twistinl and reeling from 100 to 129 threads a day, Sundays not excepted. To perform this task the little pedestri- --. Ia...-l `4\.l9IIo| `Am -511` HIi1P, during which it ran 736 half miles. He had seylng . 'so constru'ted. that -:the- common house mouse`. `W381 CL`-I.I`E-JONES At ;Wevale. _, -on! ` Ethel dau hte_rn, of Mr.`Pter. Cltttoand dam ' ROWAT-HQWDEN - At Elmvale. on - `September zmx. b Rev. G. J. `Mac.-" ka . Miss Elizabe h` Rowataml Mr. Jo nil. Howden. . -~; 2- - `WARD.-B_A- ES - At Midlan-d, on _S.e{temb 8th. by Rev. J. `J._ El-A _ no t. B. A.. Miss Annie Ward", of: Migllglnd and Mr. Robert Bates. `of Onlha. _~ MILLS-RAINEB - At the E iscopal Church. Buffalo. N; Y.. on eptem-I ber 9th. by Rev. Henry Cu-ssle.r.} Miss A-da Mabel Mills. of Orillia.` V and Mr. Josqph Charles Raines.. of` Buffalo. ' `~ - . ROBERTSON-WILSON A - At the -unn3;In-nan A? Iv}-nn I\r=:`n a Fnl-hnr in U residence of the bride : father. Moonstone-. on September 9th. by Rev. Jas. Skene. Jessie. daughter: of Mr. Robert Robertson and` Mr.; `John F. Wilson. of Toronto. SMAI_;LW_00D-NORWICH - At the residence of the bride's father, Beaverton. on Se tember 9th, by I`UI5.EJ1`5`1'DU1V'VV LIJD LV Al. $1.15 Q In I `Rev. J. P. Berry. hristena. daugh- .ter of Wm. Smallwood and Alfred C. Norwich. of Toronto. SPEIRAN-McPHERSON -- At the ...u.sS.J.ns\nn A` {Jan `K1-{Rota nnrnnfu "nn HUTSHL an 01 U11'U.. I ' ll WELLS-MCMURRAY - At Alliston. an Thtusdav. Sept. 10th. by. Rev. _ G. F. -'L!ee._ Wm. John Wells. Allis- to_n. ` o Ehzabeth J. McMu._rray. of V Nwho on.- _ . COUQSINS-PICKEN -- On Wednesday.` ` Sept. `9{ the. rbsidence of the` br_1-d'e, I1_misfil. by Rev. E. L. Howe. ` M1ss_ Mary Pjcken to Mr; Robert Oousms. of Nmoolston. ` _D0_UGLA8S-ROSS - At 'Cookstorwn.: on Wednesday. Se tember 9th. byi the Rev. W. H. udden. Mr. Colin Douglass. of Toronto and;Miss El- vira y est daughter at `Mr. R. "xing n`! anal fl-w iiinhni-V- `Church. by Rev.` I Mr. Brown. 'F`ranlrI-in I-I-nmhlv fl`! FlT nG8 Vlzlill. yu Gal. ultu ;u._v1 ug. `mg. 1.- , `Batu. of West Gwllimbur`. ` BOTHWELL-HENNARD -- n Tues-1 ml`... 69.2.5, 1.L'I-. at I-kn nus-ncuunrra i .D\JI..I:lV'.I.`4l.lIJ".I1IlI.l.VJ.V1.l\lJ " VII Lu?- day. Sdpt; 15th. at the_ arsonage. % Gravenhurat. by Rev.` A, ., Hudsqn. 1,. William Dalton Bothwell "Ed, M159 1 -H'e.len Agnes Hennar-d. both of Bar- 1 rue. T - - 5 . ~ WI.LLIAMSvSMI'.l`H -- On .Tuesday.w B....+n-' Q`-In n'-` E` Tuna MoCRACKEN-,At Toronto. on Tues- -day. September 8th. Christina Mc- Crackon. relict of` the late Hugh MoOracken. in her 65th year. ` iT'RUMP-In Tecumseth. -on we'an"~esJ -day. pt. 9th. Wm. Trump. aged 75 ea:rs.'t - VSCO T-In' Ttmorontio. on` Sunda . Sept. 6th. Gladys. daughter of .. 'A,So ott. aged? 3 years. KEYES-At fottawa. on Sept. -12. J. . Keyes. formerl of. Beaverton. in the 26~th_year 0 his age. `PLIUNKET-At Patterson. N. J.. on September 10, Thomas Plunket, ag- ed 40 years. ` - . TARR - At Orillia. on Wednesday. Sept. Harriet `Fitch Tarr, aged -27 years. beloved wife of Stambury tR. Tarr. 81 Collier street. '].joronto. ' Thrift is generally acknowledged` to be one of the leading characteristics ' of the natives of Fiieshire, and it never was more forcibly exemplied -than in the person of David Hutton. ! I a. native of Dunfermline, who actual: ' ly proved that even mice, could be made not only to earn their own living, but also to yield a, respect- . able income to their owners, save I The Scotsman. About the year 1820 -this gentleman actually erected ' A emall mill at Dunfermline for the manufacture of thI'O&d'fB mill worked entirely by mice. `It was while visit- ing `Perth prison in 1312 that Mr. . Hatton ,,rst conceived` this remark- able idea of utilizing mouse power- In'an old pamphlet of the time, "The , `Curi,o`sityr(o ee'"Room, - `he gave an- xeccount of the WI.-.V in which the idea dawned. onzhim. V'.`In the euxnmer_.o! v the yee.r'1_.812-,_" he wrote, ",Il_-had _ _oc_ca,slon, to; be, in,Per'th, and: ' inspeetlpg. thejqye s end (trinkets -that ; .v`vt r."ma ufaptuxjed by the French pri- a F "I9'n`e1`s"in the depot jt`here"x'n'y T i.tte'n'- . I 't_;i'6n' lwah`- 'inv 6'ltiht5.l`il3)e.t'l`A`acted'? 15.3? g ` -eirillttle-`toy? =`hous"ei:-"with`=e wheel in} Ethe `gable `of I it th9.t*- was tmmning :1-as` 3 - ;pidly`-.roun31= _0impelle_d By ` th`e*,,insi,v t .ni~c_o.n,t Jrnnvity .01. :`A.; cornmvn , ' .':~E`o..r. e.:8.hi11.ine=`:Iv pI_.1r.ha-89:1. a. l ` `V A i" 5 *1I1 - lice. Earn Tlnlt dwu Living _and A spoctabio .lu_ gone. u:'n1n.A.LV-m.crnJ:u.1.pun us. Luv residence of the bride s parentsfon the 9th can. of Mara. on September 9. by Rev. F. Woo er. M_i,ss Emma Aim Spei-ran and r. Donald Mc- Pherson.` all of Mara. " 1 XTn`T.T4Q,1A'l`l.f`fTDDAV '_ Af A'lIcJ-nn_ ' i T>``&'1`~`1 B't`x'~'ee'E. " 13r"ouIJ7b ' `iii; ' Rev. J. Pitt Lewis. Rector of race English Church. Isuao_V?entnor St.` George Williams. of Mankay. Smith & 00.. Vancouver. B. C.. thirdsop suit I Isaac . Williams. late of B_ar- rie and Ori lie. to Elizabeth Smith. -of St. Louis, Mguoux-i.. 1 1-in-us-\ `V .LIJI4l\..W.I.D-`D.Iu..I.'.l'II. '-' UH . 1 |l.UBI.|.uyp' 1 tembe:r.8th. at)St. Iveas Villa.~| 2 4 Ohuroh street. `Torontoyb the. 13.... ' 1' Dan `I ......:.. Dnhfam nf -tInnnl PESTS MADE USEFUL. `rnnnonmnmt 4nvmc:gA% 431; for the.oction Bar perlorm E1115 l.}B.S_l LHU ublou: pliuacurr-A an had to `run ten *and- one-5l1`o'i'_f_,}.z11.l; and this lourtiy it`-p`o:x-'rorin,ed;. with case every day. A halfpenny.f_.v, vyorth oi o9 .tme_a'I served `one of these threadmill i culprits for`. the: long peri- od ot ve weeks." In that `time it :5 made 8,350 threads of twenty-`ve 1 inches, and as a pennv W88 P8-id, t0 women for every vhankn nude t inthg ordinary way, the mouse, 9. a I rate, earned 9 pence every eix weeks. ljust one farthing aeday or _7 shil- 'lings and 6 pence a. year. Taking` 6 pence off for board and allowing 1 shilling for machinery,.there was a clear yearly prot from each mouse of 6 shillings. Mr. Hutton rmly I intended to apply for the loan of the ' old empty cathedral in Dunfermline, . which would have held, he calculat- ed, ten thousand mouse` mills; sul- cient room being left for keepers and some hundreds of spectators. Death. however, overtook the inventor be-' fore his marvellous project could be carried out. _. ` __ , ._. ... -ronclu, Ill reua: heteon. Apply ENDQWMENT INSUJRANCE POLICIES TRADE MARKS - .. Dtsucue col-vmmrrs ac. Anyone sending s sketch and lescrigtion may quickly ssoertsin our opinionlreetw other an invention is probably rntentsbie. Communica- tions strict condent sl. HandbookouvPstents sent tree. dest a ency for securing atente. Patents taken t 1-0:: h Mann as 0. receive special noticb. without c urge. in the Q A! A AAA2`2 A. nAAA AAAQAAAA ._ .`=`...?.".'.`:: .'.S` 3 -.`.`.`.'. .`.`f.:`.51"".3!'='.1?.'3.`..`.": .I.`.T``a .v`-,vv-V --v y -r__v- -`.-v-vv V ` . A hnndsomelgillustrated weekly. Largest cu-. culntionot any aclentio journal. Terms. 83 Q `want: four monthl. 81. Sold by an newudenlers. IJulflvlU|l - V II Uvlwllvnuv ;vun IIIIII `y r: roux-`m3z mu. :1. son byalf [INN &0o.='-M4 semen Olce. as I` St.. Wuht Ls$ED_-TORE cur FLOWERS.-Run. cmutou. vuuu. in-ah BoIquo:I-` Bums- 'o6. um Faun! _rou_u'. In II In .'Irnins' leav Barrie for ahd arrive iron the under mentioned places as lollows : ~ . "441 a. m. For Newmarket, Toron` :54 `IE4-sun!-wool `ona Dt. TAYLOR ` vno1:rAnpns-4('. .1.?-.T cepB:araau: ' 4 irnbnxsr AND snnnsnum` .. `1'o,lph'oue.a5. :55 Bani: pocuu nail!-`G. Vnulollt. uuuqw. us use Sciemjtic flmerican. | Immlminnlir illnntrnmd Imehlv. Largest. cu- 1011!` IIOIIIIII. `L 50! by an IIBWIGOBIOTS. &co.='-wllew MR nrmcn once. as St.. wuhuunon. "1":-Alv Go To. `run. NEW o. H. Lvou ' `I-(Jun an FYU" . `H6: 1o1TBarrn'e ',""'%i`.l. a. In. nor, ~a.u.u..- `to. Montreal `and points east. V3;-';~7.56 a. m. For? Newmarket. Aurora. and Toronto. . ` V 12.16 p.-m. For Newmarket and` 'I`n-rnn

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