Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 17 Sep 1903, p. 7

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'tiT , FIRE and LIFE V uuyoqrnsnyl gnyot nucompallolo I . fml and Iowa: rues. All n: clan aun- njnun Dull nnnnnuun A` `nan-n nah` :.`l`.*`...... ::s*'......" 1-2.2: *=i:.~.=-.:~.-.;v:-.;-::.-...'- TU3I'llIIIlIl$WCIIl'IEg llllf panics lull ungunts of Iona paid. GKNERAL AGENT pox `t ;-'le1.-t'1i`lIutua1 Fire Insurance Be. The Western Fire Insurance Ge. AGENT FOR zgffe-37:Mary St., Barrie. MONEY TO LOAN. J0 B . .. PRINTING [coma AND GET oun RATE` :Canfud get rates for your din sasfaction. Posters`, :1 Viwuvw--w Bill Heads (in pads)! _ V Statements.(in pads)! - Letter Heads (in pads) - Note Heads (in padg) Programmes " Folders, `x Announcements Cards; Tags, Envelopes, etc. ltnendvance Office `V I"I` I fr! Ciri a Room: fotolca. is Ross Block. No. 97. Dunlap Strong. Fin proof vault; huly oecupsed bv Dr. Wellu. Aluotwo rooms with vault, lately occu ' bv Hood. Jack: 3 Ft-uct. Ban-Eaten: inn :3 possession. A|ip|vtoC. H. ROSS. Barrie. lnnuarv 1. mo: I-tf. The 8un.Lja{nurance Bampm Hospital . For WPIPEE `=3? -`-5n` II` 4- jig- ' '5 UlI&J1uuvwvvuu v-u w. w. ysuni %I32Avm 81., Milo man no SEWING meme I- .Ol3__s_A|.E _ `A Dominion Square Piano. nearly nnw, and R3 . tnoud Sewinnclne. nearly now. Applyat Tl-I IQDVANCB FFlCE. 43-tf THE SYDENI-MM Moron. AND oruwa rm: msuam ca , COMPANIES-STOCK OR , 1 . M U TU A L The Svdenham is the largest urely farmers ' ` company in the Province. _ndepeudnt_, _ not in the - ,c_0!IIIl|l_3lIlQ_tb_I!ix"Iddl'Il$d to the undet-signed at Bamewnll receive etompt attention. . Psrm Prqnrty from so to Gocests per _$l'@-I-3`Ij0lI'I. Schools and Churches same rate. A Hones insured to 8:00.01: and other stock at X. A _ THOS. GILRAY. ` ` T ; ' 14? i `V tlwsiupeescsudty. (uwew. l!elsLI;srtie, sv9~58s!IIHsy_. 15:.-,4: Drugs and Chemicals Vnm.I.A, for ice cream. for instance; Burma Pownn. for cakes. One in : drug. of course ; the other 3 chemical s and than are still others-SPICES of all _ kinds. cream of taunt. etc. 0 -A _ l`\Ql7l` I In the Kitchen. BIIUIII \un vuuuu rvvr-V- We keep 1 good drug store Come andfuk u_. - about Kitchen Dtup. lmommrs onus STIIIIE | on DUNLOP-ST. aamun. ornczs TO RENT on u:AsI: _ _ A- 4--.. .m_.. :_ D... Rina-L Na an. Dnnlnl s` scotlwd W ed %2:'ngiteCtOI" J ones. headed: "ham elicate case in poltce matters, but as a matter ottact he'was*'aIl Hesse to his ngers"ends.:'1`h1s case was wherein Lord Bathmore refused to just debts to certain tradesmen. ma had a<.?.*.3..t...;`! !:!!A1.: 5\|.e;...`. d to be handledewlth the ut-.A I tdeusacy; '1-99 13 38.9%.!-F=` Jones was 7n-;red.~_= : ely looking Vman,_.seern1n-;- ore tted in every way to ,handle_"' WWW, in a quarry than to work _ ' hi ` pain Slords refuse to pay their debt: I been do it, but use he denied the bills, though they were sent in by some of the most tprominen and damn the people who sent them, but the daughter of Lady V-Jane Sy- monds and the wire of Sir John Bevin .L-...a... denied certainbllls incurred 5 $15,, they can't raise the money to Lord Bathmore refused to ' t jewelers in the trade. Not` only did the young lord deny the`*,b1!ls . Henxsy Bau- |ol~IIl.|0lI. npply w v- I Barns. luuarv u. not Every Descriptbion g All 06Io!Aocen;ud. can or unto AQLII I. n . ,ll_I IIHIIDQ lulu-un Va -.._., -... ` obeat|acotocdmni:ntaDRUG STOR . The mafia: known moreabou Q Al...` than nthnr nnnn . B 938` IIUU (U `I. Elli`! STORi. drug `at I them than other poop e. WVV indow Cards, Dodgers, Q- `I A D! ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY BARBIE. or caguna O" '7 Sale Bills, OF Batalogues M. """Ind that all the purchases were made in the same week, though on dit- ierent afternoons. I have had an in-~ terview with each debtor, and all deny the purchases. a Indeed Ihave proofs that Lord Bathmore was in Parts all ` that week and that at least oneot the ladies was out or town for the whole month. I We must either believe that these three persons are liars and con- Ipirators or that there has been a series of queer mistakes. '4 _, 4 I C `W5; i`JZ before a second and iinal report was sent in. Inspector Jones did not believe the trio to be liars and conspirators, and he ran up ltainst a stone wall at once. In each Ind every case my lord and his lady friends had been waited on by the head salesman or one or the house, and in each and every case was well known by e aim. The jewelers couldn't be me of the identity of the ladies. but that it was Lord Bathmorewhoe hon- ord them with his presence they were - "N! to take their adavlts. Inspector Jones begged to dimer with thensynbut he realised that he had work on hand before he could prove his point. It'- mlde the case all the more dlcult be- nlo it was a year old. As--avbegln-_ II he visited the pawn,shops_, and titer in long hunt he had the good luck new D a string of pearls that had-. `lit in the end it led to nothing, for the Ption furnished by the DEVI}:- V when failed to tally with theypersone. the three accused. 11 included among the. 'purcha'ae_s.:- Specter Jones. withoutbelng ahle.eo:. "`-` "I1/`thing. but general reasons, :2! I further stay at proceedings. e d an intuition that he would-drop on; '9 Hzht clew it given time . l.nd'.*th_O7 :1'0 reluctantly conceded. that itr `*3 Went to law and wens beaten tn` :6...) _ _ . _A ,.n..-1'.._. {:1 went to IEW tnd V029 IDQICBI _ 1 My utood a good chu:ce- ot`h_lIl: 'u ted- in heavy damageh; A nut p `M 5! and `the lnspectbt beamed I9 2 `met the end of his case, 1*inluck.,. I I 1 I I :?Ded1nto and mm. Buunpiu `ox L met natune called hm pverTto'I_1'c,l_8_ u 9` lllzht.-he. tquxpl, hlmult hn_p- ; :3 "` ` `mall town with omit: on9~W_hl- Tu ` ""4 my 1- %rqn::vn1?f' I` V `VII to nttendm plnyrtOn|,II~ -livjell : _|e.-townhall by asuchltd ytstfvr-,"%%L Mal theatrical , 3 `#3:""' "`- b.Wi.Pa~. ."" ` T memo: Fan-tax wnu:t`oputo:nmn- - E l feats of inning g 1 .,h""' We" knoizn. * 3 inspector atten`d oql;1 "Wu only no so uhauho ill?! :54 I 1 4 4 "V! I 1 1 1 , mm 2-1:: ` J p ` to eyeliner adinm-atibn ` ' ` ' *one+`ot e.mmon,mm in 0 19880.: ....hs}d.. ., e:'*;.-i celled 1n,', art9t,malring up,no mat-_ A 1t_6rf`h9w;`blid`nhls"i5a5:ti.nge f-and-hav prisons. Inca 190.,a.t is-a;r* Ans :33`3111.9:;..fi_h.9: induced ,tw,o` 9!: his gaszquaint-t 0 since to` `go in With .:He` "_co`;m;~ tertelted `Lord? Bathmore ,?so "closely. ' that he even entered;-one_-of:`the clubs,` and was addressed on the street. When he had tested his disguise he went shopping with theiadies, and the result was a haul or 8,000 or...-zthe nest Jew- . elry. He would have. doubled it ,had_ not the nerve of one of the `women -tailed, The professor had a business head on him. Not one single article was pawned. The pearls had. been stolen from ,_one or the women and` pawned by the-thlet. .The idea. was to let a couple` or years go by betore con- verting the plunder , into cash. The three impers'ona_torsfwere arrested and the property recovered. and the trio are still playing at large it not overfastidl-' _ ous audiences in male and female % It 'Wa|._N9t a naonier. T * . The exception to the: rule that tuner 11: art: among the most solemn of hu- maneeutoms occurredmt (burial in a Quaker settle ment. " V. --:v. av uvovlnlnnlvl A_n aged and highly respected `man in the eqmgnunlty died, and the funeral 1 was largely attended. In'a,room lled W with relatlves: sjnd trleqds _ot the `dead sat an` old ta`:-mer,_ whose, cough,=l1l:e some of the ailments that, amlct hu- mans, was especially aggravated when the mourners__were quietest. E`- _..-.I- .._..-._.I -@-..A- A- -.`._.;_,u.;n_- . ing." up-av unvun uvlw ` Iy GI. V qua: ICE to He made seieral eorts to control` the hectic spasms ; but, being blunt in dis- position and -not-gthe -least "self con- scious, he did` not realise that he had the nerves of halt of the-room on edge and consequently did not worry himself about stopping the cough. Much an- noyed, bbutfull of sympathy, _a spinster lady, a'neighl_)or, who sat behind him, plunged her hand 'quietly into an an- cient reticulo and, drawing out some- ` thing in her hand, passed it- to him, saying in a whisper, Here is a. lon2en- * ger, John; it will stop thee from cough- IIIL- A_______ L_-|_ IA _.n ,_ n- nag. WE `KC VIII." Ill! nus.-vv cu.-u --__.....- .,..,.__, new ~ strength 2 Ind; -health comei mi in. The Jun bath to :eoo`nt_1gl. - _'1 ako Alt v- eryday.- '0oH|own tho -truer-mat ax-9' - no class to. the hpuusthut thoyuobocuro the Inn: and-' htveyiieveny '1 '!mn =:x-oqm looded.w1th.llght. . Jlt-onoaua ' zto, Itay-`=.lndoorI:;ptl day. try to`-33:-:ne`_ar. - -ness.,;vvea.'kn'oa%u`.-.u'1d`As;daen dthu-..c.o}zn-~ pxaintu. : It-zwnl: cln. cola: sang! ~hwitr= to~the .eogaple.x1.on hyzmck1Is:stbA-:h3dod=_ betterA`and;.Dn.l:91'- -..'1?hp.1>.m'evs.t%zu;-dlsatiet-' =- f [ es; .~comnLl1u1onJ_.- u:9.:~th9ue`svtJiitt. gro;-4 ,I,; .1 __..-.'. _ .`.". ly, put it into his mouth, bit hard, then suddenly raised halt % a_ toot of! his chair, with a wry face. Returning the lozenger,"e he said in at voice heard throughout the room: l , `V`I-Iere! Thee should be less careless E`-tie farmer took it rather indifferent l _.__- _=.-vv-w ~-.v ovv-ow Thee should be less careless -with thy shoe buttons. A I have almost broken a.tooth.-Philadelphia Press. ~ The Aeunthiu flneylsteoture. Vltruvius, a Roman archltectand en- gineer who ourished in the reign of Augustus Caesar, `tells the following story: - - l`I_II!__._-I___.. _ p-__1._A_I_n.,, -,, q -. '"('3-zillimachus, a Corinthian architect, was one day sitting, lost in thought, in . a burial place just outside the city ` when his attention was drawn to the tomb of a. Corinthian maiden of hum- ! ble birth. The friends of the child had ` placed on her grave .a basket other toys, and this, covered with `a tile to keep out the rain, was placed over an acanthus root. 41,- _c'___A n._.I _|,__|__` leaves. $\a_IQI-I I-ID V-no ovvuu Theleaves ot the plant had closely` surrounded the basket until they reach- ed the tile. when they had curved out- ward and downw,_ard very gracefully. This so struck the fancy or Celli- machus that he set about imitating the gure. His `attempts eventually-u re- sulted in the lnventign` or the Corinthl- N an style, in which the vase of the cap- -; ital represents the basket, the abacus -` the tile, and the voiutes the bending ,_- -A II--II.I----IJgnqn In InQnA-`A`Q ICE V CD. The era of Caliimachua is uncertain, but as the Corinthian column, was used by Scopes, the architect ot thetemple of Athena Men at Tegea about 394 i B. 0., he must have lived before that ; A.l..4- a;n;:' .'l`he'Valuo of slnilght. One ot the greatest cures at the nan!- tarlums established an over the coun-. try is the simple`-gun hath; '1` heat` gives to the whdle, dyetem -av at`:-engvt_.h' and _v_1`or which no` nour1sh- ln; tood een=unpart,.- It Is_ co'eeun;iaI. to our }he'alth- o.nd- he_ppineu~`thet"when h It '1: taken away _rro1n7ue we become weak. `run -down `end -`pile. But who; we so out 1nto'the-...v;rer:n e'unl1ght gain 3 ..".__' `n`d..h.]|-I;`unmQ;fn it I Q `PVBV Z -` 7' !-f`-.!!,; -13- v_ wind *-swept: and sun` bro,n`.neludur|nf= tho` dumm9r:;un3.% ;mjd'%-no.1` jvhich L ,,..LA.ha._i` -`.A-W 4 "u' ."'_".""`V9 ';f`__',jrI '-v- oxhgt rt-bung;-.du_ifk. . 1 V-IIn----,_ ---._, .. `Cumin -Brpqbxtoytann mill. leg: with ;.dncislon togteu down the old st. GU'Bl!1'C`l*-'~ Stxtept Church, % 'Ioufn1`;"'hu been curriods. out. and. t.hAtA`=' . .u.-; an-nntnrn but tho out, and tn_u.c_nunn;p;,uuu . .-._.,...,, at that hiIt.otic...structuro but tho, .recor_clp1.aLnd I,m9;nprig1p. p!,4t,I 3 _,~ 011:);- ems, . It 1195 y ; wpy;-(or. :1 oxf- tunlinya otgtha. count: 9130!; .\lIId: th|lAI"` ti!-~ `**v!_*- %l~Mh.-!~*=A'F: ` `r"`.'*-*x'.m-n-%; * '.."'."-1` mu. Int"-nov:.: V%'6%%?%duaucAmamuvs .\v1tmn Lino 9vgIniy%;of\$lmcg.; 4 f` wnznnw by an Act. of thlegiihelatiye Aesemhly . of the Province of .0.l.1.te.ri_o.` ;pa'ss_edjj`in-.the -first year ot_ the reisn of His Majesty King, Ed- -`wa.r'd_ VIl'_and entitled An Act :6; the Improvement or Public _I-Iigh- , _'s.'_ County Councils were `authorized and empowered to pas By-Laws designating the highways within the County tobe' improved as set out in `said Act and _;t0V raise money) by the issue of debentures for the pur- A pose of improving such designated highways. ":A"AND WHEREAS the Municipal `Council'.of the Corporation of the Cbunty of Simcoe did on the thirteenth day of June. A.vD. 1902. pass a By-Law numbered 707 of the said County of'Simcoe and entitled A By- _ Law to designate the Hightveys to be improved within the Countyot Simcoe." and did thereby designate t_he_highways to be improved under _ and in accordancewith the said Act. AND WHEREAS a copy of such By-Law was by the Clerk of_ the County Council. _forthwith after` the passing thereof. transmitted to the - ,;-LL- ....:A (Vanni-u County Road System. 4 . . AND WHEREAS certain of Ztlae. said Township -Municipalities disap- proved of the highwaysdesignated within their respective Townships and . the roads to be'_deeigna:t_ed ;and} assumed within the said '1`ownship_s'have `since been determined by arbitration as provided ,i_n."'l`he Municipal Act. AND WHEREAS `it is necessarytitor the purpose of improving the highways so designated within` the said County of Simcoe to expend the sum of '$l00,000.00-thereon and; in order thereto it will be necessary to is- sue -debentures off the Corporation of the Countyof Simeoe for the sum of ' $100,000.00 as hereinafter provided (which is the amount of the debt in- tended to be created by this By-Law) the proceeds of the said debentures applied to the purpose a_toresai.d and to no other purpose. _ AND W,HEREABiit is desirable to issue thesaid debentures at one `time and to make the principalof the said debt repayable by yearly sums during the period of twenty years being the currency `of said debentures, said yearly sums being of such respective amounts. that the aggregate amount payable ineaeh year [or principal and interest in respect 0 ' debt shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount so payable in each _of the other nineteen years of said period as shown in Sehedule"`A" here- il.-IJCUI`uulaIUc VVLI-ll BB9 Baum -v_-- AND on copy of was 13; Council. forthwith after` thereot seyeral Clerks of the Townships ofthe said County. ND WHEREA8_more thhnwonbo-third of the M the Townships of the said County within three montl of notioe from the Clerk of the"County Council` disappl . u - u _ .1__....-J...A =u\ -`in unit` V-I;\N the Townships ot tnenaana Uounty wuugu nu .. .......-_- noting from the"Qounty Council diS%_1PP1`0_V&<-1- of highways designategi in the. aA1_1i,d`fBy-La_w `A707 subnxftted County Council. V , .b - ---- ---- ---n-(An .n_- l1....:..l-n n.m-mil nf the Corn Council. - _ . ' AND WHEREAS the County Qounoil of the said ACo'_rporation- of the County, of Simcoe did then on the tth day of Janu`ary..`A. D. 190.3. submit to the tatepayerg of the, County qualified to vote on "Money By-Laws the -.__-_...=-.. "A-.. ...... :..'c.'.vm- nftnucountyt Road System 8" and at theeaid 1:6 1-Vatepayerge of the, County I[\l{luI.'u:u w vuw uu .---va -- _ | . _ . . V `Q\.1_stion.. "Are. you in favor of 9.;C0\l,l1tY. 30311 .8Y.5tm an _.`e1ctjm; a mejority of the yot3"_oagtf. were found tg`/be xe Road 335%.!!! .3 ` \ . u .-.... 1lfrv!`lI'l'>l'.IA-E -....;..:.. .`.5c Hm mid Township -Municipvi I.U'..l_JU uppanvu av u... `y....`._.. ,,_,_ _ . desirable the said period years can sums respective amo\ in a of as show ' unto annexed. _..__....__.... . n .s - L_l...I nuinnuunf rnnnh-nu IUILU unuczuu. AND WHEREAS. the total amount reqnlx be rai._sed- annually by special rate for paying as hereinafter provided is. $7,358.18. AND WHEREAS th_e amount of the whole lGounty of Simone according to the last revised is $32.720.000.00. ___ -.-..-.;.-.-ugn 11,- -...-....l- nf Ivhn nvi the Warden and Treasurer or me saga county or aimcoe. h _ ' .4. During the currency of the said debentures there shall be ralscd annually _by special rate on all the rateable property in the. said County over and above and in addntnon to all other rates to be levied in each year thelum "Of $7.353-13 03` tl_1e `purpose of paying the amount due in I each of the said years for princnpa and interest in res ect of said debt. as shown in said Schedule A" hereunto annexed whic said special rate lshall be called."'1`he Debenture Debt for the Improvement of Public High- uravn for thebpayment of the said interest. which cou Schedule "A at the _Bank or 1'0rDto in th8_'1'0Wn'_0l`. barrle. _ 2. Each of the sand debentures shall be. 5; nod by the _Warden Sf 33 said County and b the Treasurer of the Sam ounty of Spncoe an H Clerk shall attac thereto the Corporate seal of the saxs. Municipal 5'- _3. The said debentures shall bear interest-,_at the rate of tfoul` ce_nt._ per annuxnrpayable half-Yearly at the sand Bank of Toron oon ear thirtxeth days of the months o.J;1nuary and July 1_n each and every Y 8 during the currency thereof and Shall have attached to them_ coupon ons shall be sxgned by ?the Warden and 1`reasurer'o the said County o? Simcoe. I A `n.-...:..n I-I-in nan--rnnnv nf flux. ugh-I rlnhpnflxrnd fhere shall be` raised G1'PT11ti11 01 U19 UOUDYY OI Dim -W5 *0 tne 8.!Il0llI.ll; 01. quuu.vuu.uu an ......._.. said in sums of not less than $100.00 each shall be issued on the thut- t`-Bnth day 9f July. 1903.. 851011 Of Which debentures shall be dated on the date of. the wane thereof and `shall be payame within twenty years there. afl`-91` 011 the 11315.9-Dd H198 mentmned and set forth in sand annexed "A at the _Bank of Toronto in the '_[`own._of Ban-ie_ 0 1:-....:. ..c n... nnu zl`nhn_nhn'es SI-val] 1... sic-nnrl hv the Warden of the uuuu u: waygoos 417.1 18; _ 20. 'uwwwuu~- The `ebove~ ievu true oopyxvot} e By-Lew eased by the Municipal Coun- oilo`thI`Oo\inty2:ot8emoo3:On thx twenty-U1 Pd day 01 3111?. A.` D, 1903`: A. `nd,,g []ngpg_g;]p`,,.1!Q,vhrhyy` gig-ed to take notice that anyone desirous of e _plyiif) ~ 0 ` moot `t ..11.9..Y0_l_\\h H e._ .for any ert thereof. uashed. must make 11 rag eation-'ior*th:_ jpurgge` tothe. 311- Court at ustioerwithin three V -nextHI.tte1'2_-ethespuh , Ir. _ _ V ..........:-. .....n.. m nu; nawsnanor. called` the Northern Advance. nub- ill 01 Chi-lnofieu once aweek torthree. V` --.'_____. -_ _ ` ' u " IIII-"`IlU `lllllnllv I119:-Inn: v 1=."nota an a '> xt V ,4 nth; 1`i.1th,i,fq!!L.a;,.;92;`,:_8gnj;9xx;!;Lgar._Ag D.;.1_903.;. T LR.;e Ftanmnn, wk. 1??0.T10E$QI Rl:GI;s'1jAT1oN ox" DEBENTURE 3Y.L';u \r. % % : " M. REBYHG Y," `N that a by- -law. Was` asset! 13 `the Qorpo-` .rqtinO%}gt% Cgiugty '61 Si` uggqn the 231-.d day of uly. A;`B.~l903'. pro- .-vidmg fog, {g-&ig`gia'e\'-bt*`d6bentgurea_ to amount ;of._$100.00.0. for the-pm} pse of ._th", in-','m-0vemnm1 the 1P_nb!m_JI;ghvv;ays; wnthu; the Cqu_nty..ot unooe.; ani,th&;au9h .;'r1gv6I ;.{w_as._~,re ` E 1-`.etg;u:t`xwt1_heAB,e 1s{:s1"l; r3Off1ce:_of 119 County 'L`i.Iilil61E'-"2`o`1*q%ili}is`l1x{yc5r9{ `inane 5 H36. vfsa_n'1e,`5 apyj:v:prt' -.t'h'ereot;.' lm"-~ _;- ;-;g.;tum<;.trgg mz3nq`hsV~fArom-=the'da :e o1.reg.nqtrf1ton.apd':a?I1-Y3; % V ` .- ` r a~ . _8__T00.009oo . KUUU II_ III`! `Iolf.(.U~l`:.- ulu i yuuupu ism.-AW. . ...nA.,,,tn.n9! hug _thAo,. _, , ..,9f, `Bgrrjg. 4 [42 co47`as .sgs9 30% 6541 .39 7075 17 % July 30th, 1907 July 3otll, July 30th, 1909 `July soth, 1910 July 30th, 1911' July 30th, 1912 Jl1ly30th, 1913 July 30th,- 1914 ' July 30th, 1915_ July sozh 1916 July soth-," 1917 July 80th, 1913 'Ju1y,soth, 1919 July Jollly 19204 A Julyrsotli, 1621 ysuiy; 39111,. 1922. 1 y,J{u1y.*s my H` U? VIC .j- w w - `-*'.- L h __n__gyvsp_a or. called` the Northern Advance. pub- 1`{g'iog th,i5'.'nEti33. once aw'e'ei:'"t3'17`E1":}. gcir h; `Wi1l7"be too late to he ngand inlth'at=b__e-' . .a.'J..FLEfroHEB.3". - V- `. " .> - O10:-_k.. [the rateable property of the revised and equalized assessment $2000 00 2000`00 1932 83 -1932 84 1862 98' 1862 99. 1790 34 1790 34 1714 79 1714 79 1030 22 Z 1636 22 1554 50 1554 50 1409 52 1489 52 1881 14 1881,14 1289 22 -1289 22 1193 625 1193 63 1094 20- ` 10o4_21 990.81 990 81 883 28 `883 28 771 45 771 45 055 14 -655"15 504,18 534-191 40839 ` 408 40 277'56. ;277`57 -. Ill 60` 141.61 required by the` Muniipal Act to ayitjf the said debt and interest nu-u vvuuu; u rd of the; Municipal Cbuncils of three months after the receipt -___-_I .8 LI... anal-nnn CU IIIUIJBLIW ILLI-va. It-aw: ----,, Ll` disappro.v`ed of the syst.e`ni submitted-by the said ""J W--2 Jan. 30th, July 30th, Jan. 80th, J my 430th, J an. 30th, July 30th, LVIIUJ Ll *-u-->--g -_- r' Z; tnejsjaid `be in favor of a JVWILP 1909 1909 1910 1910 1911 1911 1912 1912 1913 1913 1914 9 1914 11915 1915 1916 1916 1917 1917 1918 1913; 91919 1919 1929 1920. 1921 1921 1922 1922 1 I\(llI 1923 7353 17: 7358 17 i 7358 '17 7353 -143. 7353,13` "7358 13 at i l I i Enemies of Mud Should Unite In at Campaign For 5 VP:-Inclple. One great reason for the prevalence of bad roads throughout the United States is lack of agreement and united action among the advocates of im- provement. Everybody prefers good roads to bad. Everybody knows that the roads can be improved only by the expenditure of money and labor. But here the agreement ends. There is a great variety or ideas and schemes for [securing-the desired object. There is , no end of discussion, but very little is accomplished. Some people would rath- er travelrthrough mud than have the roads improved by any other plan than their own pet scheme." Thus road reformers /themselves sometimes actu- ally hinder the cause to which they are devoted. - . .1- -4 A|_l.. -.......6-.. -Ion On Inn HOW TO GET GOOD ROADS. Vkirau 4 IICVUIUU. . It the roads of this country are to .be made good within the lifetime of the present generation it is high time the advocates of good roads should unite `In support `at a few general proposi- tions and goto work in favor or a gen- eral plan. It a national good roads movement ever gets started nothing can. stop it. It will sweepeverythinc be"_tore_ it} But the dliculty is. to get tt`s'ta1-tel. . ' One great, advantage possessed by the national aidvplan. which is now be- _ conning so popular. is that it is gen- . erel insteadst sectional or local. It is in b!9~lsas:t!-9 wh|e'c3*- It 9-- bring into" _f`1|1rlnoiious' united section the ~tr'_{ie`n'ds. of: -roads: in . every` stats. and it is the only plan yet pro- th'at'an`-d s'.this'. -~ mg; 'n.'a-..An'=-c nnflganni girl rill mnko "I [III VIII Iv can-. '1`he_trlendI of national aid will make `a n11etake"lt `they undertake to work out detail; In: Idyanpe. '1`_hey ahould no te work. tpr he general "principle Ind` leave` detail; to `be worked out m&or.~ `Tile wit the plan or action adopted by Gladstone. when his op- ponent: aaked for detailerot any, great return which he adiocated Gladstone '_weull-5*i!Uwer;` "There. will xbeutixne , ,:__.Q_ A- ..__..I"`-..L I-`In- 1`-n wuuw umnvcn Luvnv ..... enough to vqork out the detail! {:53 we lI6weI`. , The a d'vocate_e;,.of Reid! el`d"wlll do well` to emulate e ennple ot this great English eteteethan. They should V organize ghtdor therprinclple, .- .4- 00 Tllalpalion. %'i"'!I*5'!9 r one of these symptoms indicates . weakened or dis- `4 eased kidneys and conse-`, ;quent `bl:-opd poisoning.` V: `Immediate action is neces-. `sary. Every hour s delay _f increases the amount of poisonous matter left in _:j the blood and renders the gyadiysease imote obstinate.` au oi1:ng 7 Eixlrunnitios, `Pail! i.II.%vl0iIIts or r Illps Is the standard remedy for " all kidney irrgularities. It : sets matters - right -L.`l-. Au Dnllllotgpoll In--In In uoi of T - so pllll to com: Rotuoo Vlonhlon Oubomuua 2 I: V in. -V..AND Kidney L Pill ithat % % Our NJ ' ..NW VORK. N. V..INO xWlND30||. ONT.

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