!ucnnss*%mmnLnTLm :1 fjmgrjy Ada`m 'M;aIapa _..;?rn1_c 1eor;mgJ;;nN AVANE., .L Mr. Barry, Dollary; who recently experimented. unsuccessfully with .~ any . artesian wall. has adopted a -new plan ' tar tarnishing water -In his row oil". houses. He has lglsd pipe: from a up:-`in : on Burton`: hill, ank'l;now' his tenants the luxury of. having plenty at `giiood water at their dispaal`. The pipes" runfthrough the yards gnu the` water i$-o nstant- ly running tram an open" and at than aml it tho fcw. no `there in` no"dJt`nger g... 3'...` . . . ` . . The ninrning enthein in the Brton. Ave. Methodist Church ms. entitled - "Rejoice o Daughter of Zion." Iiav. Mr. Bedford `poketrom at double text All `these thingb `are `against me." Genesis XLII ohep. 86 vet. end "And `we know that all `things work togeth- er for said to them that love the I;or.d."4 llomans VIII 'ehap.. 28th vex. As an hterrtory "solo Mr." W. Kelsey dang Besteot A11" most aeoeptahly. At the evening service. ``Under the ot_ the Almighty. L was '_s1'1n3 nan enthem. ._ Rev, Mr. Keen. at the Elisabeth 8t. llethujist ehmgeh. `hero-ehodgtgtmw-9 otmtivo V the -tut "Th!t.en`,~1I`n,'f _1!_ith neizwstend via: the .-wiegexni-otr, _..;.'I."...a.` ":4. LI'.". -._.-...' _A nugin L`. 7n'3>t'}n7E3' "' J'u"&'&1'?1sE` II _g_hap'.. St` var.` Mr. Kelsay :38 "00PtVI(1 In-" as an otter"-t_ory Mr. William .Curtis.. who was so` badly bruised about .the body in the recent. accident near Penetang, has recently undergone an operation whereby a quantity of "the bruized bloiid was drawn `off. He is now im- proving nicely. -ur--,-.- _ o--- - wu-u----v - wu-v--- - ama f_a~mi_1y7"'." fo`f 1',11rly_:~ `of Eimyal, "we're 'xfisi_ng't the: `Bur-_ tvon Ave. par,9onag`e udu`i'ii;g Elie wtfiekn L` Ei'a.jB9_;jry. .w.ho'ha !ee11"visit-f he;r"br:dther; Walter? here`. ~ 1`'f.tt'xrn-A ed to thg Ci y"."la's`t:: 'wgk.`. V V- ` V "V *8? Viva: M-vv " `-sv__-M - . _`_ Newmavrket Era":-V- M12 , Waldron IL'awr, V of `Al`la,ndale. "the _' holder of a fixist-c}'ass[ cert'ific1'te_ and a graduate of the Ontario Nbfmal Coilege. will teach the_ continua-ti_oi1 olasseg in Mt. V` `Albert Public school this` year. oonunomy Irepottw. _ M large ninount otfhay iq `nqqlly A raised in..thin`.seot'_ _ . This year it is said to be` 1`itue'. bt or than halt ,-a. F-'.l:h<'3"IVJIii.tim1_'8'i1;iid;3;-`S-.c:1'1ool Excur- sion to Orillia on Friday .was ahuge success ank14th'_e large crowd _wh'i_ch' patrunized the trip were thoroughly delighted` with the day a outing. The Gonnnitte were ablo,.t'o=give-all. -the children trge,_ti_9keta`#nd still show a credit balanmsz. of J glvgn dollars. A pleasant re-union took place at the residence. of Mr; and Mrs.` John Woods. lat week." when the follow- ing r'ela.tives met` there to renew old amocia{tions:-Miss Levia. Ottawa; Min 1`. Hazlett. of Grace Hospital. Toronto; Mr. E. Levia, Rat Protage. and Mr. R.` Levja. Gelert. it sbe4ono1i'nlV1`.t`o `remove her to the Toronto f>Gei1e1"al* vospi-Q; _tal. where sheiar `tinder-fthe-oare of at`; ' specialist. Dri"Cam"eron91`_ - > 2` Mr Fair. n{Jnl'nhn'l1v_a1Ithn was a- upeuluuut. .I-Jfi llll-.IIl.Ul.'lll..I'o' `* 3 Mr.` Feif. .05 Gamhury. :-fwho wa s ai de_1eg'a_t6 tofatho meeting: of the High" - _TGburt"I. .0?-I ;Ea`. 3in;Barrie.....ha-s~`;been ? . st a.yii1g ' 'jior _a\fe;w':ni1aysL:with his 'V<>ou$,'xn,;M1'".0har}i`Pouchiarw <-~ ~ 5 ` ".,,' '1' `I 1 ! _ .- A M ,` ;_ . _ _. _ _ I - .Blne.- Cardlnaland Green. The Ladies Mantle: are creating a l: lengthe to euis all guree. the Iiorkmanehip le thewery [bees and tion. Already many ealee have been made. and, in view of the well to getvan early limped. Will you call? . In: 9 real pleaenq ` peace on any one an? e chosen. Thin aeenree tor the customer an 5 01:: B1.-cI'In;:;nk'iI:-gA.lJ'o|:a_r!t:1ool7;7,7wHo has A long 1 We would nnggon you leave your orders early, II "- . :1. 1. `oar iA'1`: 's`."'L`r'Z& X"c`?1'x'%x`bfsf u iZx3i%Nr -~nA\7unn nrxrraunn |tAll|I'BDTAT_Q in QOIWI`, RN *- ' V L A ; ' '_ ' ` ~ . ldettere of mm come in for early consider. ` New Fall Dress ood ~*=~- W~ v'=-ed to we 3 V ; 1 _ U _ . cured the services of Mien Hutton totake charge of our nreeemnkingbepextnuent. who I long experience and comee well recommended an an artist in her profeuion wouldenageu youienve your nlreedyghere no 3 number to be executed and all orders will be mi ried out in the order iuwhieh they no 'reoeived. Our ueorunent of meeerinle includes ZIBELINE EFFECTS, M0 HAIRS. LLAMA OHEVIOTS. ELAKE VENETIANS. `ARMURES; ABROADCLOTHS. BASKET WEAV ES ma 'PANNE FINI8HED MATERIALS in SOFT, RICH SHADES oi BROWN, GREEN, GREY end BLUE AND BLACK, ` dn`cuou.- the"peIcerne or which are conned to this now. eelllugi ' ` ranging in price from 60:: to 82.00 the yard. A pleasing feature in the individual costume length: or ne French pm you`rAs;%ViL1::spo: c`ti`on.7 .\~ I .. | `. >'. . 1. . ." 1 H . shades are bountiful and are the uent shown in this pm ` . . 1 I . . - ' V of the country. All at 50c 3 yard. in lain. Persian dg. sign, In (pf vutiounjizeu and bountiful border: thtu mark thom_I,q,diItincly beautiful, far axce ing those of put IO!_II:`0n'_'I"W0,Il.'. _ ` 9` , " .. . 5 Have `you deed them? They are magnicent. The` Jallnlll V11 hauluuu 0 Misses Annie Jsrigley and Edna An- ` |d_rews were visiting Mrs .Geo. Young. of Grentel. this week. . .s an _ 111-: v\_~_I;__' ;__1 .__..:I_. ` A-APh`onLe I69] - T 1_ , iv ~ , for Ladies and Child, . ; , v M are now in and are show, A V bl _ i in Ill: gmmonse range 03 . I '.'A 1'h"iminioncn1`ointhevoryro;IIonI 0 1100! III t 0 not goods. sou, ` gmhgpo Gortnon and oholbut Csnnd :1 made gornonu complee. 31,: " nuortanont. .. In Children : Conn and `Ulster! 1'0 I110`! I 1130" ` 1'8h rants ol tbi. . ' `' n,,d'.{.g mag ones. trimmed in many ways and oil of dependable materials. in Grey, Mum lively interest. The nylon are well chosen In the variou. :3:::.n'uh'5|:7o'::-hip '0 "'8' ` ""*' " "`" ""`. '3 Mr who r ale : hsvo been foot. of there being only one of each 817.8 and style, is i. l mu . I, Mug. 1. . ".1 plguugg for us to show you our assortment. Positively no ,, * r emu. sun:-on the nitomor an individuality so much sought. after by women of tug. l 711;evenjr;(3' ;asing Effort l | I I u 3 . VV'1l_a.L lutgub uavc uacu. u. ..-...vu.... Euggiggpt appeed iri the G. T. R._ _`a t Gotlingwood on`Wedne.sday 1 ot*e1,st,evqeek. to Mr`. Jbhn"Gibso`n.'=thc- , 'w_ell-1in9v'5v`n en'gineVdi"i_%r'er on`the Bee-. jAt_:on'_b1`anch .e" I__Ie was getting down "from his e'nine_to d7,ilup vapd had the bril Ue_a.nY..h.d spanner in one` he n`d ind was 5m'Wi.nging himself dowi; _'on thu= , -e1.,1g_in';e -:st'ep._vvith `the. other`. `whe1i`his_ ` .165;-s1ip13ed* a'n7d'he was thrown vio-2 xmij`t`1y tab _`the'"" g"1"_o1i"I):3d.l` alighting. _; on `ghigieoulder. _To _in1an;,t his avgyir- . `g1`upo`is `it wire 'a. sVerhious"pred.ican'1ent-. _ go,`b;_e.in 58 his _oo_t wa.s_ caught be- ` tw e'en`_ theesteps o"f`the ehgine. Hew- eyerrhe extri9a,t`e;d hiin-slelf and made . li'g"ht'."of')`hAi.;in_i`u1j'i_e, ;making the trip. .'to Beeton .an`.d-`return. His knee and . leg were `badly wrenehed, but no were b1_'oken..a.qd is nea1;_1y all 4l`.i8ht _a8_9gil..bt,1t` he had a na._rrdw es-I -...... _-... I........I_-..... `L2... 1.... Mr. and Mrs. 4Wm . Gill have re- turnpd home to _'1'oron-to utter spe1i)d- a. couple, of wooks with Mrs. Gi ls paregta; . Mr. and Mrs. John Hour- | '1deo.~.* = am`-"r .. )CiI;,E,thal Petgrboro. _3`.i_:\,:3:i'*?1I!..,Q31i'|- of mm. I9nrt*3+%%`1?= A` 7`*'wht mgght` haLv'e been a serious. 'ntI.nhfnn+ hnnneaed ilfl the R-` I-Ll\LllIlB'AlIIlII Iron `rundow- ` The ice cream sociee-I ie`"1-`Hey ev->1` `oping was a. decided success. All pres-rs exit spent, an enjoyable evenng. -'l.`hjc- proceeds amqunted to $15.86. ..Af..'_-'- 'l.I-..2-an an.-iuunnu-. nn anki `l!'ru_:k_*Ou-non are re- jolqipg pver the at-3531` of a young 1': v: . , .' , _ ill" Maggie Muir `it visiting with Mr`; R wnnnn `Q. LIIIA`-h-l-\ __...... .....,.... ..-gnu up Vllt-I-ll wan Mripg H. Knapp. ` o_ Alla`ndal_e.K _ Mr. Geo_.Muir is home train Bata- Vi8.._I{., Yo . ' M 15;. .Ddnald` %%;v;..aa.';.. '.otnmi,a. is ,3:-`tow. days vfith -friends. -`hora; . ___I__ .? .... spavvlllv Ha 1'8! od`homo to Minedng alter spgdn auroral weeks with Miss Mary hey. i Mia Edith rmeygot Mineain the -guest of her cousin. Miss 1 ".l'r'tcoy. this wept. -- '-'51:? iE1:oi;i;r:;.:fi3ittsburg. _Ia.. 'visitedMr.-' Robeft Carson late- -- - `-`you-on Mrs. Geo..McLaughlin and children. of Collingwood; are visiting her mo- ther. `Mrs. Gain. . Mrs. B} O'Neill. of Aptd. spent a few day ; with friends` here. last week.` L ' V and Mrs; S. Pratt spent Sun- day` `with friend: in Grenfel. - . '|l_ "nr-|- -1` --H -v. ..-.v ovva vo vv vvsno T ' 'Mr.-.an.d Mr.;7l~'}`t'i;-(.:'}~!a:rrett celebra- ted their wooden "wedding last Tues- day. ` II..- ___,1 11-0 Ir 0 A `Cu- _.., . } Mrs. and Miss Harris. of Edgar, have been visiting with Mrs. Ed. Garrett. "i(.1`I.:--iltiok S'pen`t part of last ve`ki wi`th"her daughter, M1".s.'T. Johnson, of Penetang-.v ` ' ' If.__ 15-- '|f,9,-_,<|nI u no`- I -_,-5-v vvuuvon" lwvov dour `quay. uw .-an cape ro1`n`breVakin.g his leg." `iluiolfveetieg -is almost completed. Throbbing in the 0.1`31.Br' of` the day`. A ""go('I`l 'sa`_'1!'1p'le hind an everage yeild is T commonly` ;r,ep0l.'ted. an I-_.;._- .-.'. ..'-._L ..l- K.. .- ;`n`einI1k T L ANTEN MILLS. Frank Garret.t.":iAm'l._.~9Mike Bong left for the Northwjq.9t.`last week. ..'lUl'.. .._.1 `II ... 1.1.: n-__-LL __1-L,- we `va rie_'ty,V 'in`price'und~ ~. in service, is a notable feat `store. I_ti'_is our purpose, our desire, that every cum f hm Apleasodfbinae satisfied with goods bought, the pm paf1me5 an x thestjgentiou received, that he or she will always think of this store as tkoheliapdabls ,];ep.dquerters for inexpensive merchandise and 3 pl ` ace .',where every dollar spend; will return its `fullest worth. Lame co . \l ments of Fall and Winter, Goods are `fast arriving and in (i ua1itI;8;gnd. 1] values, styles and usefulness, we fear none and challenae comparison f 0 . goods and prices, whatever the i need. Mas Etlior Gfunadu has .r1.;...- 1.. an - oizzurnt. return- uh-y` vspyo ~ Mrs. John Fisher and son. of Cook :- .town. were in this burg._lest week. on - business and _made.a few short calls on. _ some of their old friends and neighbors whj were more than pleas- :e(`l.teL see them again. ` v 5: _AI!_ `IY.~__'-.. A`-mg`-manna`; ivn 5Ai.n. % m - a I ' fhtnvo `?ap:r 110 `alias , ::uc'o1lont in Ago:-"i1"atat. gt gm, %`'.*:!.a. `:.J.?:..arns _ (nchcrd. 8'- 1;1` - :2 ., tut A.DTl2'g:g' fall ...` 1 . V I ' . r '|'hIdDnurill an wool. co:on.!:1"-3-J;`,, ...."`:..'.':"..`*'.s};.';:9:*..:':'*.:...=."w2,-.-=-ca Alleolon ' -~ rd It gcuxms mwc s-rons3_______ - . ' ` M w _ "s 5'\'uc:..." "eT.133`.fJf.'.-3; -=aucu'ruIu . Aug: 3:12:13: alpaca Va, cu-acne. [III I anrnvvu . i . '55,, .15 :..'::* '.:e::=.e.m:.:'s`5'- `E ." `.= . `.5 N !I'lIu':n_eoua':1.-1'o`s-"RaEI':0ItI. 91 ;0'l`!`02g `a `son. Burk. Lon: d`2;'4 Iunh ' -_ ._ ..|..L. .U'l.'.l.`0N I: SON. 5 ph no_ 'd_oy at ILIIM. 5 During"the.summer months avory 'l`ai`ge. number of tourists make their ' way 'into- Canada and this year the ummer ljesort districts situated on 12116 Grand Tfunk,- Railway Sysfvm 6em to be the favorable objective ggixnt for this large influx into Cana- if.___ _L .,.__f..s.. ennui; in I `of ad Cafe-'-Parlor Cars, these latter pt}; iabout the nicest thing of the km aye ever encountered. One ha the coaoh7 is equi ped as a Parlor 081'. the other is a (ning car wxth 3 Ilmekmg compartment m_ the 000?; In the ' ` room sectnon _aV39; asortment well-cooked wands 15 carved in 1 style equal to that ob-, tainod in any first-class reatauraft and at priqes much more reasonab ~ .511 , t, t th rs is 8. FY tlaibrtxgingnerviog ooxtizfian 8 W0" 59` f bury. of Pb . t ` ~ > I Ll. touted lint. trzsdetlmali lovaggs _._-j 3'0 diunnunp an A12: % Awmuns. I-'LAGS.. QQILI. wrrznrnoor G .'.'..':P.L'.t.!F.9. nnlnniln line , 1-nu:s.GH `w1H. 1;<;;v:;r;}:.._;;:1~. f1};{u13ZZ "i.n1ie. % _ofT Thorn-toir.Vo`allead at?-Mr. J. Long-` [conveniently equipped In use, . _ The Grand Trunk runs its own dm- mg cars in addition to what are ca- latter be- Sno .I......+ n.- ...:-...+ n.;.m nf the kind qauu l.1Ul.H. wuwu rcuuzs as LUuuvvu- "The Grand Trunk Railway is 0111131 in every respect and in some poi?` 5 superiorto any great railway sismll in the States. The road-bed is in first-class condition. the first-cl;i.~s coaches. judging from their app'i1F' anoe, are of the most modern t.Vg and _are very pomfortable. and t 9` Pullmans the most luxuriously and conveniently equipped in use. _ mu. (31-and 'l`1-nnlr run: its own UVICAU I-\IL vulo Auxgu 11ALAu.x nu-.v \/ ,. Many of theses tourists send "t`r.vel letters" to their home papers. Which is _a..means of advertising the Dpminion to a. very great extent. A letter tha.t.appeared in the Norris- %to.w1'1. Pa... Daily Times. of Friday. `July 243th. is a. sample of these. an ex- t"1.'aol:` from which reads as foIlows:- "---'-- -- - -- - _ .. - ._....I `T: Lwis. of Barrie, spent 1 gwegk-, ago Sunday with friends here. _G_rrenfel. ,`MI.. Harry Metcalf. of St. Thomas. is_visiting~ _friends in Colwell am`. Mrs. John .Russell, of V ancouw;er. \ B._ C., was the guest other brother. , Wm. Parr. last week. For the Grand Trunk. .~__---- `Finn swoon sauzs. Household Aimusr 27, `VII `Fl-IIIUKIKIJ O " Mrs. Soett and daughter Fleta. of `the "S00." were the guests ofAMrs. Pringle. ' last week. v -nr_._ 111 15.2.. .c 'n:..D..... T)..:...J. 52.. .LIJ.|5Lvp auu-av n gun: _ V i , ` Mrs. E. Reir. of Big Bay Point. vis- ited her parents Mr. and Mrs. '1`. Min- ; Jnikin on Surilday. ` _, A____s- c1__!..'I-._ -_..'I 'll|V.`l..- A- VA `VI; 911505 IIIJ 03 IV vvnv -Mr. and.Mr;. W.` Beelby and family. `of `Thornton.-' visited at *Mr. Camp- ` `bll's on Sunday. , 111-_-u__ 1-u_.--1-._ _._Z'.l _.:_'.L-_ -mT:'. .1 news aumqay. ~ __ Mr. Wesley Brooks sister Ethel .an.d,MIr_. B. Broley. of Ivy. apengt Sun-,9 flay with Miss Edna Andrews. . % "Oahu: up u .. ,:,L'|___ -_..I" RAB _VVIIaJJ aims; yuuu as-an-uav \ . . r. Willie Malay and':x1i;t.l'1'r and" Mrs. John Malay. of Barrie. called on` friends-here on 8'un'da.y evening. . ` -94 -__-4_._ _...-2-` -5. IN-KJ .-`-o A-1, `.-IQ-r - ' I-"'": f'-`.1 .1 '.319xh+g:n';`,4 ` Ir IIVIII U; LU BUD GBGIIII _ `Mister Oharlie Warn4er.fo 'l'o'ront_o., mu. DB1`- _ `His Dara. Gauley is holidaying with -'5`1>1',ianda in Orillia. - . * e 'are pleased` to learn that Miss R. J. Percy -"U11-.qu.)vg, wag-u. gvcuaniv ;,v- v. q---u-ow--r `Sunday with friends at G;'enfol.~ J II`..- .'rn____-_.._ .....1 .J..'--...1.L.... `I ! ... '- 3 t ~ ` by Our el0wn fC9"?SP.!\dent8-_e- ` g` 6 V iltem .`.;oz;`jt%i+ibiite{dtt.rftott Tgxe dveniee ` f+$++| $"++fVM_+++6+f+*4 E HOLLY V A ' attending our [public school here and Miss Bertha Srigley spent Sunday we are not~atal1.surpr.ised at them. V with tfriends `at! A11a_nda,1, V obtaining their~ papers in one fyear?-1 Mrs. James Harris, ofAToro nto. was at the 3- 0- 1- C0118'1`9t1111'3i0!lS- ` *n-_'.' 'n:'._'.----_.j 1u-___ -:1-_-;s_ ._A 1-1. 1903!!!-.1~B191h!}I-y. ,++++++4+++y+++4+444`+++$4 " vv nun uu1_' uouw uqr; 0 xvggr as 55iv?;wii1`hk:[dpd is 01 `gr. 4 ,5`- *7 ~ with W9 1'I5.ni8 f'<=h`51 i;1,s,f9y..~.s1aza._ P?or9ntB.&r 1359' l ly to be busy getting the boys and "girls `oujitted.and with pride suicient to have their appearance at least}-espectable. If new 2 .,..-boots have~to be provided, th' ghost. and wisest plan is tonccme direct. .,to t_ '_ ..store, where filyo " `farefsure .`,9f b_`igger"cho_i_ce.ol.' the ij right kind,` tiitable for` school, qdmhinipQ"neatn6ss`:`and`dilrability. g Prices positively the lovv_st{;3qua`1;ityi`considere .. '1`:-y"us for.a pair A zof-these ?':: ~ - -..,._ . - ~ - . V l , .Misses Bo; Calf or ne. ieleclled -`Oil Pebble or Button, Boots. toelcap. smediwjii h..`...!'}'f.?99l9..;l.l'K h91.9.FP!l!!8.il!Ql": _ wan-muted solid soles, ?hard as int, very -"tidy, neat` style. ' . sizes ll to 2,`,extra value at.......;......... ....$1_35 Same. styles in sizes 8 to 10$ only. . . . . . v.v. . . . . ._ 1-_0O ' Misses` Pebb!e- Lace or`Butjt n_ -Bo o_"s,, plain oi-`cap, nailei . sole, not very _iI_eighty,.`sizes ll to`2, special _va_1ue.... L " _75 E.Wom,en s Dong. Button anclf Lace` Boots, toe cap,extra heavy sole, " military heel," natty style, built for good service, sizes 2,3; to 7 - and equal in style to any $2.00 boot, special value. 1 _50 -.Women s Selected `Box Calf Balmoral, `toe cap, -q_uart'er' faxed, - English back strap, wide` military heel, medium heavy sole, made with leather counter to prevent running over at the ` he'els,warranted to stand` the -wet and to outwear any 83` boot, specially designed -for the well dressed school girl, sizes 2} to ' ' '7, Cpegil It-H - o":'o`Q clot` o o o o o o o o n .. so oo o 9 0 c a 0'0 Ol|esoA2 Smaller sizes, 11 to 2,speeial.. . . . .. .. . . . . . . ._. .p.' .. 1_5o Boys Fine (}1jain'L_Il>_Q.l?vj(`)'0ts, toe` cap, warranted all solid best of leather, no of seams, sizes 11 to 13, special, $1.35, 1 PoIpoI:f;O\%ot?o0'Oo_fo?Io` o - e o caouoecocoo c o s o o o can .a or 7A5;A:.., $1.00 and $1.25. will outwearany other boots `in te market. A trial will settle the argument. When our boots don t wggraaawell as represented, tell iusan-1 u .` '4 '?i`.`i..`.:'lt..;. a'1"rT`':`...`.'1.`;`~t L...... .x ai.";31....`.. 2: .-.. ...... .....u... Vvv vvv v v vv V `I . V A.. x Succgssgr to Erwley . M601 -Ae. .' . _ A, ~63.` ` g 2` 1'- 7` 5: w.a 39 '3-`nu. us ` . 1' V . ' our motto. I Death ha-sfagain been in our midst and claimed fora victim Samuel Jas. ` Daley. who -`died on August 18th of ty- phoid fever. Deceased was in his 35th. year and was a young man of sterling qualities `and respected and honored` by` all who knew him._,Hc leaves to moulrn his losfe. !lwi-`(low andtwo small] children. his parents. ve sisters and five brothers. Twovof the brothers who are in the West wereuneble to_ get here" for theitiuieral. Mguch sym-,_'. pethyjs felt for the `bereaved family; _ `Mrs. B.:Le Ba rr_e.__, and Mrsa. Brooks and Miss E. Deley,',,of Iorcna-. `to. were up last week to attgnd,]t_heir~.[ lvbrvtherh-~tuner_al.. - ,, _y -`I I A|'lI__.__' -II,1'_. U-5,1- _ ,,-1 -1 III , _- ,--,,,,-. 00- OI DBIICIIC ID Dllllo . it I -' The` members and adherents of the ` Brentwood A `Methodist `church have _ decided to have a free` will offering 1 service this year instead of the usual ' -harvest home entertainment. We think: this is a change in the right. i direction and hope gratifying results I may be attained, ` ' . r 'f.:hl1ra.`'.i'ol.;;`|-|ui')`.a":l'-o:y:and .una':;re Ingw % ill -typhoid. fever. ` 11.`. 'A..x.._..: 11-2.. . . lI_II!....;.'-_-.I A"'ni}I'Zn J.s"E:f 7 3? Oollinweod. spent over Sunday _ with his mother. iting her parents here . ,l _ _ K _ I Mr. J. O. Buie in on the sick list. We are sorry to learn of the illness ' Mra.'Ne.ylor'. of o'venel'soun'aq,` _ia_,`_yie-" |ot Minmaxse Atmstronfg. e _ 'II'-...___ T __`J ' II II. ._._.._-.. .._ --'_'L ' uuuuay WIEII IIIIIIVIIB .ILl.'IU.IlIIu_ 3` Mia mum Rainey. of mhniaoit. re-`; named her duties in. B1 8. No. 1. ._-this_` week. -A V V-L?e;'1"s-:-:I:.;n. n-1""-(-3'.""i.`hofI I'1pa6n ,$ent_ Sunday with Elmvale friends. ` ' 11.2.... 11:11:. n_:..-_. .4 mm.-...:.;i'._'-B _- Mrs. White. ofnuntrooh. is viciting Mrs. Sam Momurray. thia;wook.T V Mines Kate Bui-0. 'Emily"M.'oir and Mr. J. _A. Meir. spout Bund.ay__n7s the; I V! out $613.. Iuufvuqv tv-nun-U-J --u v-w` Siam ot.Miu,; J. oampbeu. at Vespra.-4 Mrs. Mommas: an-cl two phlldron.` at Barrie. arovisi-ting friends inthia viol_nity.,V ~ . L r. 13)-- 13... --- ,-l, Il|-_...4I.- .l_ ...._A.l '8}pe1;oe ".0! Toronto. Sag" ruati-9 ._3a.tingL at our Carper; - ` vgnesuvuouunvaauu ` `ax;-d lifrs. Moodie.'of Bar- . =7ri<. gre bviisiting with_M_rs. "_C. Wgrner. ` here._ Mr, Moodie is no; enjoying` as good health as usual. but hopcs_ the.` change of air and sceriery may be-`of benefitvto him- , ' V | _- `- ._ Riley. t.O1qvelaiiii. senf. thew ` past few. weeks as the guest at Mrs. 1 Radar. ` . , . _ nuug . . .- 5-. SUNNIDALE coRNERs.. '3 $3 ll um; xlvcvnvou 1u..n,n.. .uIv\u.5vn: vuuagvuul Mr. and Mrs. John. Brunton. Srf.` .. tripe to HaLmilton;_'._:Toron-tb"aInd~ Lon-' =' propuse`;glea`ving..-i'n._: a~few:.-`days? for zi . '3 " fd0n.- I . _. wt. -. > v_ :_-:._ .`. J` L `IUNEIAS . sF0rt`h..`-of ..0ro, -ixccbmpauied. . T |e..ue I . `-" A In an: hrV-`children. is'_vi.siting her 'parenLtsLf- . "v`Mr.~_an.dCMrs.`.-P; 0 Herna Gowan av-3 1 jqg. .. . . _ VI`. . ` j` :\ :1 Mrs. Stewart`. of Burton`avenue: has- .`mbv`ed {:0 "Toronto and Mr. Jopp Ear- ris has _taken_ the ho11`se%whj.ch she igf alcaviiag. " ' " v * -` 5` I an-_,-_ 1-__`;.t9'~nrs`-_~ -1 an--_1:-:L.- 11-; top-wan c-w--v-. '%fr'.'V `.is3i:. J. B9dfma;,.aqn ; of Rev. NI in 1:9` he ,.oonsrat4u_la-' ted in his ` matriculation and aanior leaving-examinations at Albert -Oollage, , Bel_loville.; -nn_ I|\L__..__ n-_Lg_ _..".: A-...2n. -_- _-`- -..-v..v The Ladies Aid of `the Burton Ave. Methodist Church will meet at the residence of Mrs. J. M. Burton. this afternoon.` ' ' * - "iir." _'iS'. moving `mm the North Town Line to the r'esi denee {on ;Wil_liam' street`. .ree_enl_:1y vaea`tedA bi Thomas Goetie. A Mea'}IriI.. Jameb `-Hurst" and John Woods. who have. heen- making re-_ vairpoan ,t;h..oehI!<.>.binon HW99-.Bis Bay point. hayexeturned home... . 11.. 'n..-;-._:-1_- 1 n..aa.....:' -.'... -c |' Mr.` Charles Wilson. -who was up Iron Toronto attentling the ~ meeting `oi the I. 0. 319`. .a`n'd..who--has lpen via- iting his parents at Bradford`. attest. .1!.ot\u:no`d % houw on- Monday. . IL`- __-;,;`.`_I _.,_`-L2__..7.J 1.1.- ~rn_-_ an _ue. ' ' R`e'7v. Dr. Mobfairh. `A of ()a'k`ville; preached a stirring srnfronrin` `*the_ ? Presbyterian church on Sundai morn- ing. ' * ~ -.15.; or.-;_`_L_L. -A'n-__L__-'_..~_.--~`.': L--4 . , ` Miss E, Rowe and the` Misses Rob-i ;ins_on`.f of Toronto. are gixests at" the 1`eaideiu)e 0! Mr. John Howe on the 14th` cm. of Innistil. * ' H 12,. T, 0.. _. -._!_-_ .D______ -rvwuvvq . -wv-_-w v_ .-cw Mr, Thom Go;tic.ahd,famiiy _are visiting ztriand in Muakqka. pribr to" leaving tom the North,weat..whore Mr. ;}':utioxwill. bnters the-service": of the` -'If_._ 'I'-I_._' 11-..- I.-- ____-_.LVI__ !__`_.__-__ wq ' -_ `we `own: w--:---_vv-v Mra_.John -Page has greatly improv- ed the appearance of her . model hoarding" hougseby removing the trout verandahywhioh had become some- what -weather-wor . lo|,-..I-- 1172]--.. ___1_._ __.__. ____ C VUZIIXYII KT? The annual m;|-:i;g.ot 'the,Prea- bytprian. Christian Endeavor in to be -v-J 1 hold ,in Boeliuii. this year. on Sept." 16th and -10_t~h. Reva H. V D. Cameron .1-;.m.ac% the society. ! ' 6 , in"_: run, ; __ '.'__I _`.. -._'_" '.l_'.2 _'._Q... V t- v-uv u-uwv-vv .7Mrs-P 3"a:uh1_ 1"'I 4'-;'b.2nes many V;tri'eu' V .yjll njegret` Qxooadingly to leaArn that nu-_-xuw. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry ',Doller`y,"Jr.. have gp;_;e `baqk to, _th City after a_ , month's .;visv'i'tV`-'_\7v"ith the forn'1;er s--par- ents, .. - - . .'. - A-.. u ` -` 1 -n 3 No less "than _6.235. har vest `hands passed through Barrrie last week on their way to the-- grain. fields of the _No1;thwest. . nun u `iv. was vu Vunvt | ..Mr. Robert Simpson and family are home (from Hamilton. where they. [have been spending the week {it the` ieunion. -. AAIC n.. cu. n A -an aavvnan | Mr. F.-Howard and family will move into the. residence vacated by Mr. `Alf. Boone. which has been new- ` ly_ renovated. ` ' u 11' - "no" -cu I "_""'_3;f""'"`J `*`.'""" ,`_",," ""f".."' ""` i'i.sit4`.. < ~=` ` _; ` Mrs. James Perry _.b.n'd 'fa1'nily arq visiting fr`ign5ds`in Ord. " " Mun. l`Dn`c-r \ l:b...A#..6-A Tana uv '\a stub 1:) ~vv o.-vqv saw on --_-- Q`v..,-,._,-p.. a Elev.- .1\`z'I;=. *West.ney, we; up from [the vPoint on Sunday sonduoting the Sun- day-:servi ces in: st. George's church. 1ur__ ._.v; at... ~r_1___ ~n_.--..L-_ c'..x l\JIlt V IJIEI 1 Mrs. LcVi`Wice; of Medicine, Hat.` accompanied by her daughter,` is vis- it_;in_g"_'at 119 rgsidqne o"he`r father-` kin`-_-law. ` ` ` _ __ _.. . -._ ._ `tav- an-nvurnn V0 -vn- .-- ._-_._. vw :v__ ` . "} ;e;:l::;last 'i`h'u1:sday. ` V ' 4 IVLM;-5. _Wm. Jago, and;Mrs. M. Blox-g` yiwham. of Brantford. are tho}. gpests of fripmds hr`e., `. Mrs. Chas .D-yer amid` Dyer . visited Mrs. R. Beelby of Thornton. on Monday. . ' 'n'r_._ a-"_LL`4. __<.1 _1..--..L.L.... `m1..L.. AI y1B1L|q V1..I.4l'o'ul.ID__Iu \Ll.lh&" ` _ `. . Mrs." (B6 .) Bedfofd a'. ridfMiss V'1V`ena_,. are visiting riens in Creemqre. 5 ` M? F`:-No}! R1-nn.i'n`n I-mu 1-nhirno T.the_Midlqn,d `King launphed. _ - . ` V Mrs. Varty andJd*aughto;'~l1ave left ,fo_;'_ 9. thrqe `weeks t};.i_1)_:1_:Q,Sy1'ac i1se, Utica am} New York..Ji ty. ' I ma T \T TM'n`I \nnn'l o n11r`r}1i'A'r Inc v v Qurnvna-be '-3:. qvogs-gs gap `.1. `v'va.nnva v- Mi'; Frek1" Br'__u11-to 1_1 l1as',rfe_>.ti11f_11etl. from _a trip to B_eeton;_ ' " - -nr__` 1.`... ~-r|_.".______ -s_ ___' __`:_.._ 1_:_'1!- snow Invv\nJ wash up Una`! vv .-av-o.-v-.--v ' -'1 .Miss J. Catcher is'in Hamilton vis,-A biting her siste1f.'MrsL Thos. Learning. Mrs. McMillan.v.and Miss Sadie Moe :M__illa.niha;v_e returned from Hamilton. Mrs. Bteggles and the Misses Stag- gles are visiting friends in Toronto. an-.,_ -r,` - 2 _.,~__ -5 1Ir:__.;~:_-_. :- ggiuxu vxununug a.a.avu4ua us avsvuuv. _ Mrs. Jane -Gilpin. of Winiiipeg. is a guest at Mr. `Thomas Campbell : ~re`sisdence... .- . A us In I r1LA_-l.| ;`;&;:;I:1:ris. bf tn; Tdronto Stgeet Railway '00.. spent Sunday with Mr. Little. V --up. u . go L up - dd! 5.0 alllava I Mr. Wil1VH o.we.Vot Londcln. is via! `iting `his parents on the 14th line :12 . 4 V ; rzn* is'i1.nprov(ing his double dwelling by a new coat oi` -nu-._ `inn `I !LLI_ -4 1.1.. not... 1:11.. W13.` Wiil Little..of his Shoo Fly" express.- was o I" up from/, Toronto `for Sunday." ' ` '- `t--._ _L._ __.1_-_. -1 ll!-_.*_..L_ 11...... IJ\ICU|-IT: I =}Mrs. .Rob'ertson.~ ofv:T15pnto. "1188 -been staying. withfher sister. Mrs. Harry Dollery. ` - -u-_ 1- 1r- 2..-1_--.-x.:..:....'1-..'... proqoggle amquntegl $15.65. 31;. *3. gMr'aLEdwin 8uIIime_1'I_- and oh'Hdreu;- `*"oqt-" Winnipeg ".9.r e-"visiting with Mrs; _A -r`. __x.._.I` nI-._1.-... . `vulva Glllll A.VI_3_vv J-Vllguyllvlogo _ , -_ ,~ Mr-s.`0J. N. McDonald and`d_aughter. Miss, Maxymare away a; tri to Gravenhurst and Burke's Falls. _91\c_l;rs. Geo1`ge_,~Poucher. has 1;eturned- zhome aftn a `most, Venjoyqble week` Isnent ;.a.t the Hamil hon -Reunion. `Ir- n-__-L-_. L-.. .......-`I..........I- 'iI`1ov`in g his` fa- mily _to Montreal. this week. , .. ' x - ` it... n'........ n--..:.. .{...'.:| 1.r:.....` D..I...\ _;nI_1y _t0`.ll.0`Iltl'B.1_. .tn1s_vI_reex. L. 1 Mrs; "George Cowie and_;:Miss Ruby are away on a tri ti) Di1rham.. are.__ 1- l\_J__l.'_-_ 9. 2.. -I-'i'___s'u_-_. _:_ :p1gvAv . vuv I IQLLLII Irv`: .n.vvv-.-- vgnu Mr. L. G Eouoher has Purchased` 1 the: double - brick residencev on. Brad: 1 fiord stree(;,1whe1:e he now_.. xgeaides,-.:, 13-.. v1ur_ .ur.....a....... r-....... ..... 49-..... '+hn J-JWKIJ J-IIIIIIJIJI ` Mr. J M Phersm1 isibeautifyingfhis prremises by t-he~appl-ic'ation of a fresh. coat `of paint. ` ' In-.. 1 A_I_;.... .3 I'......-I nun: U\l|a III. llullllao Rev._ E .J. Adams. of Laurel. was 0.` `guest a_tA the` Burton Ave parsonage during the week. "~4--- A--- ------A-- -'1-\n5tn `H1: (5.. _beoon'1e;.a bgneadiot. " IIIILIIIE lull`) V7903! ` There are rumdrs aoatto the ef_- fet that a young fireman is soon to 1 -, ,',-,1-____A-j 1.- ywv: has ret'urne*d to the Northwest `after athroe weeks visit in Allawdald, ` I ' 'Il'rI-||o._-' -nu.-__.._ "l-__-g 1-- `LL- Vllb Ill Lxlsuauuuasqg - . Mr. Willi'a`1'n Moore "leaves for `the .Northwest in a few days. H will dri_ve sprung 0.1. R. Collingwodd"`B ul`le,ti1,1. A .-` Mrs. ,1 A.` Spgnc visitfhd with Bdford in Allandale fo_r a few gays." ' A I`..-.-..; ._--.;.L.... ".8" 'A'1l`......l'..5A.-Q` v:nnv\`o Auunaale I01` 9. Iew ;(,1a..ys. . .. A_ l`a1"'ge numbe_r_ or A1lan_g1a1e' ebple. Twn-t to`C_b1lingwo'dd, last V'v_k.` to" see . _ . _tVh4e:Mid1iid4,King'Iaunphed;A _' -. ` _. 1"1-___-LL-_ L___- 1-51.. _ Harris, of 'T<')i'o`nto. was Mngxlfigf, old acquaintancegj here last 1 tr` ` -`_- :72 ft. I. : ;x.: _`i _ `d Mrs.` .` :7 I'I1ik5b" ` `Spent ` . ` 1-,_,-,1,-, ___!LL ._.!__._1_ -1. fV..-._..