DIRECT ILMPORTERS. Dressmaking Department MISS`, LIG IiTFOOT, Bart-ie .s` Most Popular Dreasinaker, ) ARE comma To Hum A1` (_._;. -tvv wvvaq u-v~u.v-v- -y_y vgnuggsnuaug Woman and cum: lo-oluu In 0300- ad their inhabitant! inusacred. - mums: City or In-uahovo-Warnings ] Ivory A310 I-II-I In- Inond by You of Hannah. I Indonn Auk. 26.--A delpatch from ` Ulkub to The Daily Mail repartn `W'"- E P'* '1`"`- '13- than every able-bodied man in tho 26.--The once beautiful i city of Kru- - `y x.- - as nu-. Tum-5 . ;':::.`:. .. J.:::::,.?`.T:;;:z,.:;:,:: ::`:h:m:::t:`m_:n:m`1'9 gggzsn of tho gravity of the situation. :. rendered uninhahitabla by the odor ' `'` """ `"' of corpus, which` are ` being gnawed `y do`. ,4 pi`._ an Tm.k1.h `u. lutlonary band has appeared at tile ghoue. hum; to `no. then `O I village of Toherkeakoi, between Air}- b.,.,4ov.d undo, we puuxt ant m u anoplo and Constantinople. wx*.h1n ` ,nqu,_.._ V0,, 5. mm. xmmo 5. six hours of the Sultan : capital. Tho situated on the summit of a hill to m." Knt| Ind ffurks taught. arid the no,-thwe3tof mount; It-'-on_ afterwards the Cu-casslan inhabmna tainod 2,000 houlel and 10,000 in. of tho village pillaged and destrr.'ed Soa, Bulgaria, Aug. Z6.-A mo-_ h._b1t`nt. muggy vi.h,. who a. three Bulgarian villages in the n.:iIh'_ .p1-ogpe;-bus mu-h3nt.a,.- b1 h00d. killing 1.11 the men, mznen _ The ,M.,c.aonx.n cnmmitu. 11.` and children, except. a few who as- bpen snaking arrangements to occupy `Pd " t-1 mnt3i"- '\II 313 iCICICTIIUC. " T_-"1"!-no-Vlfacodonian been occupy 1 the town, and authorities of Kru- \ shevo begged tho Vuli of Monutir ` to send reinforcements. but warnlngt wero - ignored. ' London, Aug. 26.--A deputation left Soa last. Friday to` Visit Prince Ferdinand, who is in Hungary, to in- Tvito him to declare publicly his Macedonian policy, says the Berlin cox-rosponclont of Tho Mdrning Post. Thu Prince will have ten days to re-_- V ply. the ovent. of his` declining, it Yin understood. that, the _ deputation burl 3` mandate tron tho, Bulgarian people to dopou him. Ejamnnncn on uuanxyam `--wnmn? `1'nrkIeh- Conn! opped. Phillipopolie, Bulgaria, Aug. 26.- Ehe Tdrlgiah Consul, accompanied by e. `euipected person, a_.rrived here last evening mam Constantinople, They were stopped by a. poli'cema'n, who .deme.nded their passports. The Pfe- tef_cf.__hu idignx-ias eTd `the oliceman. but tlig; 1io_t,'se.tjsged and do- ~mg.nds, severe `puniahment for the per- .P9'?`-itP` ,0}&:wh&` he 6.9116 5., Aseriom jgeJtsit,,3;vor;_..'l;i .. '7; 1 incl friondl '.:'v"`E'-'5" `Till -...'- '(_.;A __,, - 1 ,Gi:ihnmo;$i;-4'Au. 26.-Three _;_Bnlgto_.r1cn- vi1les* near Tohorkpokol. I _aWeTu=-oT"nT:W.' PR!-N0`)-*3 vrnnniiuizxn. , 7, -., ,.l.--5-:-v-- _wuu I Tzdo Vfllsgdn Destroyed. A __-I, - vuaj hopolo l;'u-dlnnld. / . ON PHONE` 170. .Vi!a.yot oi Adrhmoplo, us ;p)eu to have been attacked_by Ch-cusslms ...I AL-:_ 1_\.-|..l4-_4_ ___--_-__A - J`>1_m Pollock, of Ge_rmrd ~ |'1`oronto. was `drowned in M own. tirinteffere \vith set their nets in broad daylight ahdli disposed of "their; atch oi the stream A ,. __L-__`-_- '---vI..!-'|. higpgt evan` purc. Trythcm. _ iEY 132S' a-`a..;:*~ Wk` non you V` you in: i: )3`): slhould not d 3} of sugar, 59;; lline of that Vin ' 3`wh% "W laid in Itch an I: 1.", com % Upecxa - as-.,`Y5 said in mm-d then: we know I00 hit I;-h`f-Glnnot ha`.' Praise; Now about .9`v!*2Id6 rrs..."" `M uanf. 7" "`.=s zoom` ~`._ . fvuuts IC]d!.. 3- our Vmegars ll ~ lIId4Concoz-da h' the whit, Want- ` "Pt " The spicesof *9 hi`b'~lI'Id, ~44~j~~V-3--s9"11;ourc. frry them. . clay crdcnus ' am! v Ilttlolhlp Dolnlnlon Launched. 4. ..,_- T3?-`A Ahgnjgorszgzmzncnanrs. 5 N). _',z__'- _-__, Avcusr 27, l ` should not delaY .'f,".a . ....... afnnlraf. `pm . a ..o of tdwn wjth an _ef;trbn_tc`i" y."whi}:lx` arg\_1`udthut"they hadmofhing to 69.34 from thegfishery inspectors. -` I no _.__A 1rd reel. Muskoka. .'the Game Laws were openly defiedr and have used every possible means toagoad the locals officials, as well as the Department. into taking some action to preserve the fish. but the only` satisfaction which could be ob- tained was an insinuation to the ef- feet. that the agitation was being cre-i ated for political purposes by those interestedin making trouble for the Refolym Government. . Private citizens. who noticed the decrease in the tourist tradeof Bar- . tie, owing to the lack of good fishing. have communicated with the De-. gparfment '-and offered to give every aeeiatance min, running down the poachers. whose depredations had he- 'com'e`a menace to the town's pros-i parity, but their efforts were of no avail. ` _ I _ _LA..o .. tho Discourteous and neglecttul. as the Gov_ernnxent _otticials haveishown themselves to be in their cavalier treatment of all who . endeav- ored`. to- bring_ them to a sense of their duty, yet the actual seizure of such an enormous. , . quantity of illegal appliances cannot be as quietly passed over as the other methods which have been adopted to call attention to the practices which have been in vogue under -the very noeescf the inspectors. p ,_W,ith nets. etc.. in the hands "of the Ai o1iee Magistrate ansdlithc warrants` out "for the arrest-._o the. suspects, the_,r._na_tter` has gone too_`_1, ar to be h}._l.S`11_Od up: in.offic,ial~circles and pub`-1 lic interest demands that the Govern? ment institutes. a rigid ` investigation, iptphe reason why_ these_Lfpoachers_ had to`he run down -`by-` private `citi- und`. rinstepadr-pt`.-by that-T zmenv. ,a,pq minted ` to carry, _ into effect thefretguq of the `Depar't`ul`b'n-t~.- I ;`.. A `The loss .-ot `the; summer tourist` [trade would bea serious thing -for h3 .h`7lr.ti.'sX" _;_.t ,; "M", 0`. .5 ~,' ) Y Lare,__ : Simapoe i1,h'&",`fs&C, cum ~..[th ..r.db8f`oasing_i"_nun1;b_e;i` f ;`.;f6fj furious trail - t`he qhofe. to withln"a-"_feW"mi'les of . -_B`ar:1'ieL`$f<;ot"'ua.1ly' prevented any:f_ish_ :tansA%h%~%hi~6ush.%. 4;%%. ;;.`nts Lbr hv9il3V\11.`'1"'9e1_':`.`3.14>.i,'-Vlj z*`}I"h1e;a :p`; ' 3 \ , {ba'iy~.Apgrmaj{ency; V combined vith misty` merit. in he_ k jstope of gihomgraph` ic success. Pictures from our studio are Astritly ;.ei9tn,i_\nent. Awamo PA:-"us, jqoo. J.Frank.lacksnn. Mlalziier of" P9rtt'fayti`!:1Q." %`%3? *f`".`& 11:3, thing - for .-2. ` `ftrusted to * i.'p1fot`ect" "o ur fishing` ;'ro\'1nds.- Ha1,o. doz6n poorly paid officials are of ;no use" as inspectors. ._0ne who can give his whole tixng) 'to`1iatjfL9iling the Lake is what is needed. Mr. Dodd .s is`?-ne highlyvveomplis mented on inteifeftinj himself so Lef- fectively in running down the poach- ers and bringin the matter so prom- inently before [the publie that the Government canno longer afford to wink .a.t the_e`v"m'a;nner in which the Lake Simone Kitahing ~ grounds "have ',been~i1tl'egd:l_l midea.` 2 ~ ~ ....__?j----:- `EDITORI-AI} NOTES. . Tho Toronto `Star claims the` credit of. the capture of the-fishing ..nets for` the iFis\h;1'.y`Ix;s'p.otor s'A. `,wo1ien"as 4,,` I-\Ilv uoav as .v--,.._' __...,._. ,, a mgtter of {dot te raid w$s`p1anped `a}n t\1`, ca.rrie ' ogt p,`riv`ate gitizens Es 'a. protest a.g"`ain sxt"t`he -ma.n'herin which... the .;Eis;1_ery Inspectors were -<'~-"mu "o no '1, > .. m.'V 3 V ~ T_he pract ict <:>t 'j`1p;i;_i6gll5f 7 ':o:k- Ving Lake Simco _with" 'sa'lin6n.-t_ro}xt Ery..`-wgs ix_iaugura__ted_ undgr` tlig: Gon-- servative . ,admini;s_traj;io'n .at '0gfhwa~ `and _ever_ eince`thatC'time p6a?:h1`_;_ under; t he~`pr.9t'ection bf @116 /Reform Govctningnt -zit Toitontoy have `been oaptixring the trout by the. bgtload; ` ` ` ` . " - - __ `, V. } , x - ~ :`.'.,;GU'rH;R1~E_'..:;; ; _ s_ I The Iiadiesl Mission Circle._ of the Gpthrie 1'resby.t'eri_an fc1`n'1r,cIi' held a niioat" s1;cces`sfulVte,a `andi concert on Wedniesciay evening. - Theg"tp'hoxjough- ly enjoyable program_ was presented as appended :.--overture,. _0l`0 Orches- tra; piano duet. Mrs .Irwin and Miss .McKee: vocal s'olo..M r-. Martin ;_ piano. solo. Miss McKee: apeech..Rev. Neil Campbell; selection. Oro Orchestra; vocal duet." Mi Brown and Mr. Mar- -tin :' piano duet. Mrs. Irwin and Miss McKee; vocal solo. Mr.,Martin :' piano duet .the Mises Campbell; selection. . Oro Orchestra. i v ' LEFROY. Mr. and Mrs. John Bxichanan. of Truro. Nova Sootia. are visiting with Mrs. J. Buchanan. ' -- ;_3_:.:.:..... ..-,.|.. III 075%! III nu .DQ'\.In1 Mr. E. Coleman. of Cokstoxvn was -the guest of his brother Will on Sun- day. ' ' ' 11.. 111...: t:r-_..:..a..... ..c 'l`..>-I-..n+n in L!.l.l.'u do l.Iuvua.uu.uo Mr. Chris Burns iswisiting rela- tives here.*`- V - . - - .~Mr. Gala. at Orillia. is the, guest of Mir. J. I. An-dill. ` A ' v . -1 n-_i__L----_ -.....~ Ill LUWIS VII hFIBII'\AVrJI .- 3 Master Murray Davis is spending a few days with his cousin across the, lake. - -- ,,_,--3 n__ __.-I_u.':.. nag. _ >7 ._ Mr. Fred. Harriston. of Toronto. is the guest of his cousin. Mr. John I\___._. organ vu .-- -----_._-_- in town on Sunday. `I__4__A _ IIIIUU Mr. Brown occupied the pulpit'in the Methodist church on Sgmday cv- Nening; ~ 111---- If -...I T Hana AF 9+-oi-_ UIIlIIO Misses M. and LA. Hays. of Strat- ford have returned home after a two weeks` visit with Mrs. `Ferrier. . ANGU&, Representatives _ from . the village waited on ..the Essa Council. here. on Monday. and asked for a grant to help build and repair sidewalks. which are in a horrible condition at the present time. The Council could not` meet the full sum asked for. The funergl` tqok pVl_ao4e. last' Thurs- day. pf th`e`lo,t'e M_i's". Jdhn Grahayn. oV,Oro."Wh0f`9-.death 6o,_ourre d` 9n the ` 18th inst; atter_,a`n illness of ., .ni1_2e_` mp,nths Vd_uration; ,Mrs. Graham was. _.g~reahly- beloved? in-, th; enti;rfe.-_-neighe-1., borhood and`-her lonfwil_l;:b__ "sincerely-3: A mourned.%-ane,AVi9A?snrxi4rd =1 1: I "&h:"i;are;~`:;.;";: a.:;',;;;,.e,- ian Church. held a very sucoesstxil social at the residence of Miss l`ar_ Bush. last week. fII'__._._ .. v `augu- u`i?:;r.-TlE'."Ashdpwn. of Chicago. oc- cupied. the pulpit at the Pi-esbytere ian -Church. last Sunday. and made a" good impression on the people of the congregation. ` . -|r2__. -r\_____ n..__..... .t l'l\-..-..L.. :.. virtues \1UIvIIl\lJII Miss DaisyVBurrow. of Toronto. is visiting -her mother}.Mrs. Borrow and the Misses Shields. ' Ina-av aw-ntauvva Iuaaunnuro-\nun Harvest is progressi1_ig' nicely. . The farmers should offer thanks" for; -the very excellent crop in.this locality. 1-:-_v 1r__ 11-4.-.. -_.x.__..:I..'1..cL a-_ vvn. \l\ln\-In-v Vvqirr .-. --..- -vv-_-v . R:3v:i\([r .Paton and family" left far` their new home. Merriton. last Thurs-A day. `taking with "them the best wish- es of _the'w'ho1 community. ` in-,.- -in-_:11,__',1-___ .113. ._.-__A_.. 1':-5-1. f Mr`;fJ(;o;;1u1:a1:eT; B axtci'.T` ha.s'l"'gVdt'x e1 tq,_t,.'h_e .),_W_est,` go yigit g1e.x{_ n%d" sons _in the` Da\ip'hii1" districti .M T 03 III. `LL11? WI-IUIU V|Jl.I.II.l.ll-ILll\oJu V Mrs. Mcclanders. of Saginaw. Mibch, is visiting her sister. Mrs.-'1`-.'Bell. Miss Adams.-Aaasister. isalsd spend- ing a pleasant visit at the sameghmne. t..- II__._ A.._... -3 1'I___.__- __--_ 4.I..x~ 5:53 11- rnyv--Iv!-Cir vacov -- -.-- -av-cg- `._,-,._1-- .-_ "Mrs. Cameron. ofuBarrie. wars the` fw dnys last wreak`; . ` "- ' -~ A` `bun 7` `u4|13v'"1DliJ | lw,i . Mrs*..P'rio'e. of --._To.ron_t.o. who ,has been `visiting her ssister. Mrs. - Bruoe.~; axidiibwther. Mr: Stewhrt V M001-acken.~ for some time re;urned_ home on Bin - turdjay. ` ' V " ` ' " -uh. -1'kxr.`i;_.';. mm `LL- n:`L-;i. . :?..~ -1.i'.. DIIIKIGJ I Mr `.35 `Watson. at `the city;- - i' *_t1}i9_ ggept of _ his nigger. M1:s.. ;8a;ud9j-sob` nI- I-Mn isouunnunnrua I 35759 '1ar"sonaf%` 'E~a7" 7.7" 7777: 7.7 Miss A. Nesbitt visited,a,veek with the -Misses ,.Smith at gcwllnnder and has returned 'homoi.* . . A -- _ V- --.-w-- --ujv -r~Mr. Harry Clark has acoept'ed'_"a pa,-'1 si_Vti'9n in th_'e Queen City and leftrfor` thzi__t"p!;ace` on Saturday. " " " . . . 'If!__ - Il'-l1__!_- _._`j $'l'_. "ll'_I'I`_-!_._ Miss:Mo[Gui_re` add Mr. M.oG'.ui1-c ha.v;e retumed_,f1_'om their vacation` add taken up thqir _du_ties at the Pub-s lic.Sqhoo1. ' 7 ~ ~f,.: 4 r . Iuuav. ~ Mr. Will G-ootvltellow, isitl friends one STATION. MHNBHYH|GHI 8BAB8I0RMiJ i_iI7:ln'coo .'na'~a_._ Baby c,<,.n...'.. nd must 3 fmn snub: creaky.-nan: nun. Do- , Itrbyod byrn-oh caused by Lightning- Ii Season`; Crepe. Jint Harvested in Ihny Cues Wei-o fotqliy .Doo`troyAod--several rj Bulldlnge struck in 8:. mm. 5-Toronto, Aug. 26.--Whiile Toronto did not suer any material, damage. . from V the rainstorm `of Monday night "and the, early hours or Tuesday -morning, yet it was of a very gener- al nature covering the lterritorv along. the lower lakes very thorough- fly, as well as making its eects felt `in Western Ontario. -In the t-ity the rain "lasted from 7.30 Monday even-L ing till 6.30 Tuesday morning, dur- ing which time the showers' ranged from a- light downpour to a "regular deluge. The heaviest period was be- tween.4 and 5 a.m., when 2-10 of an-inch fe`1l.._ Only one place `is re- ported to have suffered from the lightning, and the City Hall reeeivczl the bolt,\ which sent a chunk from the ter-ra.cott_.a ro_ofing on the _'_g_:ast side of `the hall crashing -to* the yground; "Did Widespred Damage in this V Westei'nAPart of Ontario. Lnrgent of Iron Dentroycd` and `Apple; f Plum and l'onr_.Cl'opI suitor. ' Simcoe, Aug. -26.-Ncver before has Simcoe been visited"by such a vio-. lent wind storm `as that which swept. V over the town and vicinity during} yesterday` fore-noon. About 1 a.m. 9. storm came up- from the southeast, during which lightning did - some do.mag`e*near the town, but the most. damage was done at about 11. a.m., when the storm came from the west, accompanied by what approached very nearly to a cyclone. . ' A .. 'l'.. 4.]... 4...... Ian... luau-nu -u-nun e3`nv\_ Ma --`'----.r vv - va ------~- ~ In the own large trees were simp- 1y twisted and torn down by the erceness of the wind; Many of the largest trees were destroyed as if they were '-adee of pipe -clay; wind-` -mills were blown away and other things were destroyed.` ' Ink` ..uu-`LA 1|u1:uI\ II-1: conne \.5 svutnf `VII/ll IQIIVIJ bl CUB. {At the present time it is not `pos- ; sible to give an estimate of the dam- age done. but it will be serious, at many .01 the best orchards inthis section w'omvheavily laden with fruit. Vlllllau IV as V uoyuavn vg wan- The apple crop will suffer the most, while-the plums and pears W111 not escape.` VIWI... 6n``In 'lIQ'|t` fnlnnhnn Lightning Itrlkoo at VII-`ll, lots. Culrou. Itoynor. ood loot Woodstock. Niaga.raT-on-the-Lake, Aug. 26.- Lightning "early yesterday mgrning struck the, harm of Robert. Manson. AA_A__-_ IJ__.l___ .._--.. 1Y:.....:'I _|..-..g f_a'.`l"`l_?em.telgraphA and telephone lines auered as a result of the storm, and many of the streets `are dcurated with {alien trees. A4 AL. __.__.__A. A.:...- .'L :- .....6 `-`A.-A plementa. 'l:`.-._. .. abruvn DILU` IJGIIIB Ill Alvvvnv -a-up--s-v-u 3 rmer, living near Virgil, about`. four miles west of here, letting fire to them and completely destroying - the buildings. together with their con. tents, lconsiating of this year : crops. one horse and a number at farm im- `Inn: A __1\nIm3-tau A `kiln, ynwnuvuwuc Fergus, Aug. 26.--During 3 thun- derstorm Monday night, the barn of Alex. Spence of Met: was struck by lightning. and the contents entirelv conaumed,_ with most of the season : `crops, as well as a. lot of nrst-class im loments. The T loss on contents wi 1 amount to about 81, I. III--_._.._A._.. I...__ I'll) T\--___'._._ "&'~'ee'?v7Z."{, "iJ.?.',' '23'.'-'z'>{`mu . thunderstorm Monday `night, Tom Little's born. on, the 8th concession` of Culrosn, was` struck by lightning and burned to the ~ ground. The barn contained all the season's crop and implements, together with one horse- und three calves. .Total lou about $2,500. 7-pvvv- Steyner, Aim. 26.--A heevy thun- derstorm passed over -here Mondav night. Percy `Wallace : barn was struck by lightning, and, with `the contents-, was totaly destroyed. -The crop had just boenharveated, One or two other barns were struck. I'l1--.I..L--I- A ._ n rum- ._ ,, ..` vysnun yuaasaw VIC Dtl uun. ` Woodstock, Aug. 26.-T-The severe` electrical storm which passed over ? this vicinity during Monday night did j considerable damage in the country. ,' The barn of Edmund Schilling-s,'~lot > six, concession seven, 'B1andford, a mile and a hall east of Innerkip, was struck by lightning at 1.30 o'clock yesterday morning and with its `con- sents totally destroyed. - ' ' nu..- n.. .... . -1, .1-._.___ n_..'. , . . ` _- -y-a vVr.v|~--J -vwvnvJv\lo W '-I`he barns of Innes Sutherland at % Harrington. . withthis year's crops and farm implements were destroyed by lightning Monday evening. ` Mr, Sutherland is at presentin Manitoba. A Iutu `IQ ._ , A -9....-- 1. _ ---- Duuugrnang 18 at present. 111 Manitoba. ` _ S.trqtforg1,. Aug..,,.26.--:A very heavy | electxiq storm pp.sse_tLroV\-'e_r._ this dis-. Hrict` Monday .night. ~ and the nicer- math reveals the destruction. uf.-tWo' lqrgq bgnk barns and thei_r_,,-ontentl. and cqniidgrablg d_uno.g-at to. a upsi- "dchc-.'e. 1 The` `losses rec`org`ed _v.reA : _ 'l'I......... --1 `AI..- .~r__.;4'-_: . awn uvn uuu uunu LU 3UXIlU_ CXIPIIL. 4Guelbh,_ Aug. "i B6.-'-V`-Mdnddy` night. I_ tornidb "did 'cbnside1-`able damage in, Pu_slipch'.`_ The frame hum of `Ed. .D'o`yle, lot 54, co2`il`V_4;`1?us1h1ch.,vi'it'h_ all th_e' s'aao.n'I_ crop, was glest.ruye";1 by lightning. The frank drlvinghcd of W. J .' Laig. nea,r,,C\rkiell, was _a.l-T so truck _ by" `lightxiing "and destroy- ed. The' him _of J ohg1 RaVollsV, M buuto.-V berg`. `one '0! .Lh.Lnest..;b.ay.i~ in Flam-' borpwvm; b`f9S1e.;'T?,m} -~91l;~th; crop any! some of the` stock. `Two lmuses . - 4 w'ere' s`tr*{x'cl:" sit i `Freliqn, V ;.,`u'_t.; ji;t 1_.1oA . damn` 1 gu`_.4,v6&_a"_d`3;i1e. _ _;, H 34: ix,-'.5a`, , uunnsvo 1 .nAIv JVCBUB l')Ul'uULl AILTC I _ Burns 9! Alma `Luptbn, lcjt :1, .-on.`.. V6`, `D6vn_ie. bu'rnt o thd grdun, vlfjth `; soasdxfs cro p'I ni.nd' pqv_oI_"a1 `L i;_u]*le_-f 1 manta; Lon; `between $2.065 mid 3;-f 9009. L I`naurance," 31,509.` ` flan-h oz, Joboph Him_ter, near Drumhi). _I;mr'nt"` .to ,tl}ef `grgund, with an congpdnts, iii-` cluding "the seam : drop: Va'.v:d hi:-, plcmnts.f House. of Georjb Mk; K-`mzio ,ol."thn` Hfoufth l_ine of Wgst 7:3_0}`lj.;;_ `struck and['dam'a.god._ to some, extent,` r1..Llh.I. 'A`u..~ ma ;'`-_1:..'..;. `. . ._:..u...-. 8t:'-qotl 1l 1odod`n::'iscvorsl '. ltruekby'_Iol[ltal1;g. : ~ ~! 7 ~'S,t`i` r:(3d`t,ha3jii1e_s. !"_2:?_.;-_g-A` ' 'veyy_._ .w"1~g __ A; A sroIi M mnf. Ar s'r.fI% cvcLo1yE nsmcoa. BAIINS BUIINED. glznywsrnr ADVANCE Ill` Gnu Iallvl vgvavuv nap vvllnnuuao The lightning was most vivid and `struck several placou. The rain fell in torrents, and on the main street: the towers were blocked and the` water raised above the kerbstonos, rn.chinbA the doors of sword buli- nesa houses. 9 , I_A_.l_. ._ _.A__._;;/I`; f\-o\`nnQIQ. city at an early hour yeatorday lmorning and lasted over an lx9'uI'. ` People rushed from their body. thmk- ing another cyclone was coming. fI`I._ InnHn;nlI was nannf vivid and nesu nouns. A _ _ Tho "lightning Itruc/{$1.80 Orphans Ham on Ontario u1_'ge't5.`- setting it on are. The: reman. t-Ionned tho'_ blame to tho towext. , = - V `I I.--.. -Qnlgi DIOR to too tower. = F. _ - 1 mg. aqua in1Capt. wsgwa } yard was splintered. At J. S- Smftlfs home the electric wireswere ` melted, the re coming right. into Mr, Smith : house; ~ . four men Drowned. A New York, Aug. 26.-During the A h ht of the storm a huge derrick on e. antral Railroad at New Jerlev bridge across Newark Bay was swept from its supports into the wa- ter, carrying down several workmen. Four of them were drowned and sev- eral were badly injured. No bodies have yet been recovered. Itern Kills One. Peoria, Ill., Aug. 26.--A levers storm struck Mossvllle, near here. yesterday, killing one and injuring several. e e The wedding; of. Miss Julia Wilkes and. Mr. John Little took place Wed- nosday afternoon at the residerice "of h`e_ b'r_ide's` p`hr'ents.- when. only rem -` tiA`vf-,9" iarid a f({v" lqse " frinds ` were` p'i`(j.ent_`.'_'Tiie_wbi`idg3 irii oitean; yoilo.Vtyimuied.,}\fifh_..`i;]1it1 silk, lube. apdf_9hiffqn.. Sh was Vi1tten.de_d; by Miss Alina Leonardgwho wort-.'_ 9.} dainty ;dJ:Voss=-'o,~ pink-silk crepe, do oheno."trimtnod with silk "appii'qne.,a Th`-e `gjrodihsman `was Mr_.- Alfred Wilkosfbrother of the Bi-i de `and the officiating _cler;gynia_n'. . Reivu-`Canon =Rein'er. of Trinity chygcy. Mr. and Mrs}. Littiol l'_fl`;" lath} `t .o\_renin,g arm 1 a, nu, - 9_,._e' .1-'_|,_ New York. Aug. 26.-In the gala yesterday Mrs. John Holm and hex- sister, Miss Rasmussen of Brooklyn lost their lives in Jumaic. `Bay. They went sailing in o. cat+boa.t.r with Mr. Holm and the boat ;was_ upset._._ Holmgwas picked up by. a. sailboat: The two women were picked uh bye. M launch, but died without regaining" `consciousness. ' v .- .7 - 130$?-3.5.. 9751 5 t.Q6.0 36.17 47 ` 2 3;;i_;;;g,};):J:; 2|)` 1 Eggs aiiid butter xiire 'very 'p'1enti-V; u_l`oi1 Saturday and the_ price remain- ed 'dJ0}Vl1`t'O '13 and 15 dentg per `dozen for eggs and thesame price` per :-Ilb.` or butter; -Chickens brought-from 40' rholo oqnbs ducky from 80.. cents -to $1.00. On the g,ramAma kgt. Jvhgsat, {wags ,7 .aud_'2'1o, oats - axolgi _-ts aau_.A wt Canning `av. 00. v--- _ V ------c , . \, on}; vimsitv to Michigan. , The, brid_'e ,_s tra.vel1ing.,oostume"~v'vas `of bIue can-, vas weave. On their return the'y_wiLl_5 reside. in Allandale. A %XC% O V . V ineeonnection with the illega.__l netting. 2 {ihe recent seizure of nets and oth-; \ `erpplineee tor` the illegal. taking. ' of. Iileiifrom` the Bay. brings home to the Ontario Government the . charge of most reprehoensihile negiigen,ofe..;in ` the (' administration -of the -`Game Laws iii}.- this district. In fact the manner in which the Game. Laws have been jour- ried out. or rather: not__carried out. T .4: sh in ;La_ke s1inooie:.' assximesl lmor sinister aspect than can` be` accounted for by -mete neglect, the 4 poaching `being carried on` in 1). man`-. ; ner eoopen. as to_give good fground-in for Statement" that_.the `Govern.` ment no desire. for reasons of_i_ts -_.L A ' This Department will 1:131-e onenod on Tusziay, Sept; 18%., and we are pleased to announce that there vwill be no change._i_n. the management, as ____-, _._._.._......... -x on. If . -- , 1,,, 1\,______1_A__ will alginl res.ume_ charge of 4 the parlors on that date. ` As we shall again` follow our custom of making up costumes in the order received as usual, we beg to adviseyou to.make your selection as early as .possible,_as our order book is already lling up. T..-_--L-..._ _._..I ..-...............u.. A` n-\-:nna nn`:n:nt` SARJEANT & SMITH JmnImsn;eAT mm: sL'IURnY luB.KE?. rw Woman" Drown.` Ull. IV JIIIIEO _ , `Jill DVILVUIVAA an I--n ml you "av-us---v-vi Inapectioti and comparison of prices solicited. u . '3--z-4:-++_~:s:-5:-ks-:~-:-:4-:-2-+~:-5-z-:--9 . u% With "V your int erestLs%in view and indirectly our own, we have made unusual e`o1tS to procure for the coming season the right "fabrics. at pleasing prfc as. ` , i _i.Byj personall_v- visiting the European markets,` we have been very succe_s`fu_l lnmaking" purchases direct from the manufacturers andshallthereby be enabled to save for the benet of our patrons the"-middlernan s prot,as well as secure without doubt the very latest styles and materials. i ' " V i As -consignments of Fall Goods are coming to band now almost daily; yquiofxvilul find that a visit to our store will be very interesting. Always fefiiember that we consider it no trouble to show the latest 7 importatidns. l r .'l`he offieialsvot the Lake Simeoe district are thoroughly incompetent ` or stand eonvieted of neglect of duty ` ' ` `to criminal extent. These may appear toxbe strong terms to use ineonnec-0 tion ' with the names of Government aftice holders.. but `The Advance feels `iullyjustitied in msing language eon-_ eeming the meaning of `which `there can be no possible mistake. V t We have repeatedly referred to the manner in which the provisions of q .;o \