Suclc `A. Natur `Number. "mi .;,.nyA%waat.;.;.sa+1*ancy% % `Md Pzil reular Prices *2-0 up to Ch6ico?1`6r a few days only at "-57- % _:.-mj1jT7- A. wyuvv A-. -.---T--..--'-.' ET` ,- __ Ssfsor tb T 1!,- & Devlin. Phone'I69. B`LoUsEs $1.17 u;_.z.u-pi ' i'_A.J.' Q1 Rf s3W % Jaulsvsu vv I- `I)........gIa u-nnulnt `%`i"%%?5i' % 53%`? :3-' `2 ,-.. f_..-... 'i%iI'rEWEA3 During the summer months a very i large number of tourists make their ~w_ay into. Canada and this year the summer resort districts situated on i the Grand Trunk Railway System: seem to be the favorable objective points for this large iniflux into Cana- da. _ Many of theses tourists send "travel lette_rs" to their home papers. which is a means of advertising the Dominion to a very `great extent. A letter that appeared in` the Norris- town. Pa... "Daily Times." of Friday, July 2th. is a sample of these. an ex- tract from whiehfreads as follows :- A !I____._ __ _____'| 16$ Luuy Ialuvxu uuvu. uu.-nu ........ .., on the enemytsigoa . The fetgre of 1 % thaf` Sx.~ AfIamt1fb'@ soul k2o`kd y E. -Duhd tor.i' a` ffhe all J _L__,:._L.I. ....:Ll. Lkn nan" Jnn LIIIDI. l.l.\I|.|.| wulvu _lU\|i9 us: Quroov Ivua . "The Grand Trunk Railwqy is equal in every respect and in "some points superior to any great railway. system in` the States. The road-bed is in `first-class condition. the first-class -.L _I...g nch`:-:31. `DIIIII `in:I" nnnnnr- uIl1';lC`Ula3I OWIGILIIII. LLIU L|aL'v1ca Voohohes. jutlging from their appear- ance. are of the most modern tyge` ' are very ,comfortable. and t el \Pullma_n:s the mgnt lqxuriously, and{ oonvamently gquxggeud m use. 7 1 ml... (1-an.-I run 1-nun ifs: nwn din- % convenientiy EQIIISPBU. in luau. The Grand Tr runs its own din- ing cars in addition to what are call- gdlcafe-Parlor Cars. these latter be- in% about the nicest thil of the kind I ave ever encounter . One half of the coach is equipped as a Parlor car. the other is a ining car with a smoking compartment in. the centre. In the dini `room section avaried as-or-tment o well-cooked viands is served in astyle equal to that oh- taineid in'_any first-class restaurant and at prices much more reasonable. An Adjunct to these cars is a Free Library Service cantainin . a well se- lected list from the Boo lover s Li- brary. of Philadelphia." 33-35 i ` The rumor that` the proposed Gov- `ernment wharf at the foot of Bay- field, stfeet was abo be constructed next month has been confirmedby the apointment of Mr. R. D. Rodgers, of town, as Government Supervisor_ of the work. which is to be underta- ken by Mr. Kennedy. the contractor. who is now engaged on the Orillia wharf. It is to be a substantial one 200.feet.1omg and constructed on 12:: 12' piles firmly, braced and floored. `with three inch planking. lI\I,- h__-._-_.1_ _.L_;___'.L___v., -__ n, L- Arfsngements mede to Have the Work T ` Begin on September lhrst. u -v.. vgoovv --__. x.--...--.. The present structure -iseo be rc- I moved a.nd a. dredge will be utilized 5 to deepen "the water in the vicinity. mu- n_-.:. -.a .x.1_- ___1_-_,n I--'_A._ ___ YOUNG MEN WANTED vv ---l_.'-_ V..- ...,.vv- -.- v-.,v vow-Q.-A The fact of the wharf being con- strtmted under the supervision of Mr. Rodgers] is a.Lguaran*tee that `it will i.b`e afirst-uolasss job jais far as it goes. 1 Good words war the quad T;-ulik. KlQ_K5u U .I.`lu 'JJll.IlI-IGLI I.Lvaa.5 \~ on..- -- .mo_st& st;aigh__t __vgi~t}1 _thq zqa..l'.. .;%and *gm_{ng sti~ight.--t`1ie- ball sulldenly ____-g ...':a J...:'L-1...-. .-....u'.-AvnnnI- nf fhh. '.l`olenm'l`le for positions on Canadian Railroads. ur ac 001 is the only inntitution fAIh'hG>TA`D9'fhV in Canada rnt\llunanrlArI I... IKIIIIORGQE lU|Il' I! (la: only Inuumon taachin cegrap ym ana recommen b oaicme. Students received en mi year round. ' Wtito for terms. emadianesehool ofrelagraphy, '. Ln.` - - - -I,_ In-1 II|..-A-._ thaLnt.v s l`eft. .P`rices ran from to 810.00 and mm; mm mm. "-9"':"a 1 3.8%.; But, Toronlp. _ up%to, $1.59,. on sale at 250. `.4---j rrb:;1i $1.50 up to83.00,is' r low price. ~ A decided clear Hosiery, Silk Blouses and It will. f - - - 5324- '",:.:."; .'..':.: `""u3`- _ Vegetables. et.:..p_articuL1riy with "M" 5-' ole-' 5r33"z3'.?.m2T" xv`."u'5f23 u?` Ch Undo [roccri teas. ooeeo. #1" ---. -_.| _.____u L- _u___-; .- ....udv mu l1'.| |. .::':.:1:..';.::"..=::;i I t at popnhr prices. 001111113 BL1 a.15.u\.. uuu u u . . ~ _ _ . . __ `curved and tothe amazement of` th [T spectators and Nantyr 'players.wetnt through anid 'sic`6rb`d goal number two. The play was approiateid by the crowd. who fairly made the" welkin V ring. The Nantyr bun h.;1_r`r1itI1er small. but area very'fast `lot of run- 'I'-Ax.. --.... .' LI... I-uzulu uni-V Af- HOBLEY B3993 Que: for Auccioh Sales of :. nducted by hit at T8 other an-ngemeau an be it to limit advantage to c L. Tcbo. Auctioneer a B ADVANCE OFFICE WM made. 337"" ' all and 100" N m 5-och ItC.. M f nd VII-|'v' rcw`":.`. IL Ill OHIO? Iflllflcll 311 De maul nd it uo their advantage to can . nu. ~ ` RFor Salel by Puhlii: Aticliun. SATURDAY. AUGUST 15m 'F`,}0|_l Ines. . I ha c1:"t}' will be sold verv rc.1sonab1V-"1 - lice for anyone wishing to purchl. nu. hm in Barrie. ` ' JOSEPH ROGERS- ` 3`.33 .v\uclioncf- ./ FOR. -- &-I-av AWNINGS, FLAGS. `Oops V sAILs. WATERPROOF G FOLDING at-:os,TAz3L.S. or an thin in the campiugixue `nu-an-Z1-A I HIIIIHAIED Ra van on Dun, L` E) h&o:1e day or night. ;.Jl".-I-I;l..lI'_i`l1`g'E1.-t.l;r::a;n3i9Tuline S9`" ox-dors t.oJ,' J. TURNER &. 5 H_ 15. ?P3TIRn0RoUGH, or our aLI`3* -wag?` UTTON` & SON, Barrie. Long dm`):H` nhn-mg Jan A. ..:...l.s ners anideam usse the body very et- fective_ly.'. ' - 1' ' . . `Very little vigorous` rooting was done as it was considered. efriendly game. although the Vios. were deter- mined to show . their -superiority over the boys from Wesley. as they were the only team. that had ever -beaten them: and then" only after the'Stroud men had worked` hard for `two hours in a boiling sun Aadefeating another strong team. Anglnnisfil report ap- peared three weeks ago in this paper `which stated that Nantyr had defeat- ed. Btroud 2 to 0 at_De' Grass`: Point on July _1st. We beg to differ with that. as the score was only 1. How- ever. after" that: game Nantyr claim-` eid. to be Township. champions. but: grant that they were._theyeare no longer such. as the following record of the Vios.for 1903. will show. i ' ....... ..--_...a .4!" 17:... nhamnions. Ifvou don't we are here to offer ` on easy monthly paymex .5 W `--II_:ywhe_re in Canada. __v_'_,_.;_ ______A______, _- AI` usuu uu uuv muntmy payuun -- 4-iliywhqre Canada. . , . T Tl-[E common co-0P`|.o~. :Houu:, aun.oma Assoc A S. _ , . . .0 Man! SUM. v:;t]'q|f?tornw. V I-`ARM FOR sm. _Ea_t"h`gl,.1oU_ 22. con. 4. 'bgrm of 100 acres in 111 `apply to 3 ; D oYou own A Hi` IV Strong Temptation V% Imam FOR SALE on T0 31503 uI".'..L.Fm .Ia 1.1-. 00 mm- 4. ON .. mt . At 12 O'clock Noon AT THE BARRIE HQTED OI VlOS.I0!' .lVU_l-)9 Will Dunn- 1903 record of ' Vios.. champions. v"vho are prepared to defend the title against Simooe. all comors.- ` ' - Big Bay Point. 0.Vics. 4: Big Bay Point 0. Vics. 3: Churchill 0, Vios. 1: Churqhill 0. Was. 4: Barrie 0. .Vios., 1; Barrie 0, Vice. 1: 12th Line Innis- iil 1`. Vics. 4;4Nan1:yr _1. Vice. 0: _7th `Line. Oro 1. Virus. 2:.Namtyr o. Vios. I 2. a. total of 22 goals for and 4 against. " One goal coumted on penalty kick that_ was neve_1_' taken . `though given _. .. ,_ ~--`- -------A uIr:" Zl-`ARM `S1"OCK sues. loans: 13, 190:, . ~ tea, WHO: r-_-- > supply you an `I. G uvuua V- -- g- goal counted that never taken`. A by the referee.` The first game with Nantyr; and that with the .12th Line. Innisfil. were both pla'ye;d on July 150;. With regard `to the referee; Mr. iFrex.d. Sissons. of Thornton. the boys unanimously statethat he isthebest and most competent official they-"ever played under. He showed no favors and would not stand for any dirty work by either team, and the boys` wish to state _ that it is `a plc_asur.e playing under such a referee" and would recommend him to any oth_or_ "`fea1n1s around .wisl_1'ing.f a. capable of- . ficial. i _ uggeal, ELIE] JIULG What in ast game t% , _____- - L2... _ --.-_ LLA Mrs. Mary Ed1dyVpubli'shes_:the 01-1 ; lowing letter in connection with the `death of the Pope :-'1`1ie ead._sudden j eannoiincement` of -the" decea-se of Pope `- jLeAci XIII, touches `the heart a'n~dfWill.' - move the pen _of millions. The intel- lectual, mora'.1' and religious . enefgy h. of this illustrious Pontiff hayev moved? 1 the "Church of Rome for tone`-quar,ter of a century.` The augus-t_rul_e 1f ` of . 250,000,000 `human beings hasfnow-e _. p_aJsse=d through "the sha\d_owc__-_oV` dent}; . `Limo the great ,fo1_',e'jver.~i :Th"e Court 1 1 of the 1 Vatican mourn ;him-f-"hia_js_-.1`ela- ` tives _.r,shed- the,vai.1ingj_tea::,':`f .-the`. ; who :1?V9.d5:'94133dA`;1`3`3i'?A`9f'111-115?`f31i%u"!n3 i )'1i,g_e_wi1i`. those ;w;h ` in ` ;m;;;. um. '-' ~ `.7 \ WM- :MRE: ad, on Enuay. tl_1.o1L. up-o v"vi.c9:nn"`\`n- ant??? niif. :. succnssog mwm viuoonr. a---1.1-:---- 1sn4rs. Eddyand the Pope. C are H. V51} Luau svu V. ..... "cam `use hody ef-i WAN?!-H1-Av-_v A: `y 1f.v - ginoijblegg. and f,_:P\).t `is. fine 5! 2"t'n`1.nit'.* ilts. eelby .an{d` c'l1 i1- 1i15_=_$'f9n Tnesdiaan`. lbt-` _. : " `Mrs .Jqeph Blotham and daughter. ;,fgaie, of Brantford.}.areI.the guest; of Mr, Mm. Wn\1.pB1oxham.' . `ll':_._ . 7I___.Jl, _ dren. of ~ Thorntbn `visitd_{;1';jind$. , _ , aster~Frod'B1?own *is _viaiting :with friends at Wyevalvegt " V Il 4_.l is on-,L,,_-_ was. _,-~|, . y?_-` LL`; ___-._..-_- -_ ~ rs. R. Elmvale; its`: t_h, vguet of Mias"-Lizzie Gibson. _ `II'.: '1' A _-I, ,A . ,1 or-u|._; ,.I _` '_,':"_._.L it; 3. V .-A"1:h;:'1.- .-'--1;! 'I.I.q';i.l;- i-1"le._' snt { 8i1n~day`with `f,,'rien'(l,. S " -|r9'_,- A`_,,, n .,a' '3}: \V"IlaI.I lg l'lU_LI\I.5 .1151`-Us Mia` An`n-ie Srigly spgni Tliagtv ,\_v'_e_"ek _with x;iends at New Lowoll.._ _ = V v vv-n vv Avon n-naval In a. `plant: VI `VII 7' mas Edith JZs-or` A11anqa1e.`was . dgyl; . tlie _ g'g1'e-st of` LMiss_ Bertha Asfigley on ' .. (1 ~ 1:- :__' r'I___`-` 1:4-'___, 1 up .. .. -..- -.,.-.v..----. .-v .-,v v-~ a-vvvvo-v. ` {Miss 1=u';rvis.,o..N .. -:13ay.'ia'=isit- ing her;._Imcle._..Mr ..George `Brown, -. ` ., -_ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wioe; of;Toron-to. visited at Fairview" `on Mon'-da_y last. - VMia Clara. Brown `is sxinading a. wegk `with 5frienid~sj`at Painsvv`ik.' `? `C-Inna: f C1al{d_A_ Priiisl! ` and 1` ;MastrL _~B6_1,'tgPringle have `been visiting with`, ffricnltls at Grenfel. ._s .. - = `~ -.._.-I g-_,-g-.- vv .5.-_ naunnguuugo ;`r-'i\2[i-as 'wBe1::tha -Sfigley-' has returnd horfne .afro'm -Elmvaler whfere` `she was t`h7..'gu"st`df friends an4`d`w`as acdb1-- p`a_n;i.od' bi her_"co\1sin. Miss Ma`i 1d..Srig- }!!.!..1:l.~ll-.l.lalJL...n$081'-'5-` ~~-~ -~ [am nhgd e;_ _.m_tw_;:x,t,_l,1_,xv,i th. Vl@im,..Liuie.Gbs , -V? . -`-m 2 " V. 1 ah`-`d Mrs.` _ Leonafd Bloxham and `family _a_n`d'..v Miss `Alice Bloxham. spent Sunday `with Mr. aIn'd Mrs, J. G1Ij.iulo0f..Egh8l!t.\ `\-4.1 -....._..a .,..).....,. ,. ' 1 -~uI\v- 1 I `Al ... `I\... n.L_.._;. ___|... .1 up n ,.-- .. -1.,. ,7 $mu7nun $1.25 aonxsxmaanlzse. LII_.l'3. -3-ff; J.-;-;-,1:-r-.Y+'$" -g-.7"'."`|"1'J'!,' .'I"!"A !"l"'.9f fhg Q;it1i .MimV,LiuiegGibsop. Mr. and_ Mrs. 'W.fLkha[t~ Aaxrid tai- `mil y.'o'f Bethesda .aug1 Mr ;a`zid `Mrs. ` .- .4nr*'A"_'- , _j`l_!}y_g;i;$V'alVe Sadie Peacock . otcngaago. yv,;p'=.`h`as'been- visiting friendif`it;`Elm- ,` .-ya ; vgt. ,g_zlled m1,th9ir'9.unt. M' n(.`5;C(}-lnas. aisst week. `. :7 % `I % ~;n"i'l`.ilid_ay. August` 21st. the_,8unday will give an foe oreamsooial qiifphtirohlgrounds. ' A goddy time is _sxpeotod. `Don't miss this `treat. `1r:._.. 1:-__.:_ n-_,__,, ,. `Ir , \ *ia3;;"1?ka.T{' E:a.'ir'on'."2I: ir}e21a1. spent atew days` `last week with her .a\;nt., Mrs. Jas..B;jown. , . ""*fa}'; 6Z'ri'e`;'3}'$ v`5I.'f'L: Barrie. "visu- % o_d friends here on Sunday. ' 2 The regular monthly.-meeting of the W._ C. T. `U. was held on Monday at- ternoon with _a fair attendz_inco.`_ u-yo .--wvou gv Iv nun` IhvIvVJI\5IlAlVUo The meeting opened with a Bible reading from Hebrew 12th Chap. The Evangelistic "Superintendent reported attending the jail regularly. but would like t_he help of the Christian men of the -town. There has not been a service held in the jail for the male prisoners` for some months. Atten- tion was called to the request of some young people in stores. who asked that something be" done to close the places `. of business at. i say. ` 9 o'clock on Saturday night. 3 It is a common occurence to see parcels de- livered on Sunday morning. Th-e Un- ion decided to circulate a petition praying the merchantsto consider so reasonable a request. A proposition from the Sherlock male -quartet to. hold a concert was "considered. The President gave a statement M of. the Anti,-C_ig`are'.tte Bill.- It is: the opinion ' of our frienfdisi-n Parliament that not- withstanding; the influence of the -Tb} bacco Trust. `the next session will see the _passage of your `Billgfor the vprjo- hibition of `th;8" manufaciturepyand sale of this pernicious article. The meet; y inge-closeid by singing` the h"ym1i.`N`ea;-.5 .t1i'e:ross;5-`;n'il?%ii3i%r*by;-`MisI` Ba`rr \ . pie--Com. \ There` `was 2} very large quan- %`b1`1tter" nd eggs marketed on Saturday. "Butter" brdught 15 cents a pound and eggs `I4 and 15 ccnts a dozen; Early apples are evide_ntly rvery. plentiful `judging by `the loads` wich v(e_re brought to town . A They ` brought`gfpm 1_75- o'e';1ts `to: $1.25; per , b'ar1fel. :B61;.a,toes__ are also fpl-e11_:iv-ful.` {The % ask i*h8 75` 'e`nti s it 'b..'1`1,`.1 ~i!s1"*11h9 ibuyer %ar9 omrinl SATURDAY MARKET ueauss xmrsnruor am A" ` or Nisw coNc1`nm'I;NG rtrnn _m>vmn:1~rrso1e szxmi p In the Burton Avenue Methodist `Church. an :8utIay..-morning. the. ,3!!- them sung was ""Inj V-the Crossff hf 0hrist. ?` _.It was well :ha)ndled. aftsas the otfertory anthem`. a Winning ` Souls for -Jesus. Rev. Mr. Bedtord spoke on `Influn'oe. pointing out the e difference between agtive. and pajuive ` influence: and utjging. that whichever kind was possessedjxit` he tor the glorification of Gokl and in.-...u -- sisting to fsiive others". `At the even- A ing `service Mr. (W. 'Kelsey.. gave a fine rendering of-the solo "Forsake `Me not". the Road is Drear." Miss Maggie -Brun-ton's` voice] was heard most pleasingly in4`.'I knew that My Redeemer Liveth; `during the offer- tory. The pastor_took Love as his evening theme. is peaking of the. ` emotion asthe greatest conqueror the . world has ever known`and dwelling ; gtorsome time on the old old story; . of the love which caused Christ to ; suffer anidldie ;',t_hat the world might : `he saved. A.(_ . . ' ` ---- L4-.. --.....y.In5nR l'Jj$;.~_3l.l.'I:U_V..-' . - A ._ V. H; D. .Cameron.eonduete'd.-a Sunday morningtrom the text. f18ut- mmt interestingi.ehiVl dr.en?s service en Little,-Children ta` eeme,unt_o_,Me. Forbid them not fornt Such is the Kingdom -.-of IIea,ven.`;`. There .w-as a very large eongregatibn present at the evening service. when the paetor took es.the, subject 6! his discourse .A Rent Veil) . which will be contin- iued next Sunday night. . 1 Il'_. IITLILA The pz;yemeh' hae been eomp_l'eted on. William` street and :the4men,.are now working on? the piece_,wes.t. of .B_ur_ton eave.hueT the `north side of E532: street. 1"---- --'A-- ;-....I.u-+5.1 .9 uay. UVUlIll.I5o {V `* Mrs.vDix'on'. mbthr `ofMr's. Edward- gWhitbbrpad i`s`so lowthat hopewot `huim recovery has been almost-1aba.qn -: diondd. . . V-`H " ` Mr; "Charlie 'Pouoh'e'r `Rain?-A viltim from 8a1:ur;day-~ -until ="l`uesdy oveni'ng.~-`~ .ri'-7` - ` , . , -gr; 1-__~-c|_-_-..4 2.. ..-..--0.... `hfnnfi-on` "IIDII BULL uuunw; on-3..-. V -' -Miss Katie Phillipa amd Mr, White- bremd `sang the duet" in the anthem Face `tov'Fa_oi3" in p'e'r!-eot`harmonJ- `I\,_`.'_.I__LL__..'.--g Masha tl QIIII-I P-I U06 `N '2 CPU Ill VII` nvvv -.-- in the_Prshyteri.a1h1Churoh `day. evening. ` pl `- 'll'_.. 1'\:...`._ _.-'4-Inissi ACRE:-in T,u,ygf_ Ti1e Pete)r iJore`i3xpsmin`e1" seys: `_"'Mr.. F, _M_ant_1in8- referee; is sgi old crose player`-`of 23 years stumlix. .v` `__;He played with Canningtont agaixgst 1?:.tcr.b.or. 1i1':1od"up' with` a Barrie aggregation an Riverside Park 16 years `ago. He also assisted in the o`'g_'g of the 0.1.. A.. and`. wigghq :1 T suggest goal netsean-`d 'IIYI,AL 2.. -11 _..._\.-I.:' L.-`n II.Iud~'.-"Irina evening. ' ~ .r`. ` ~Mr. Joe8p`r" ._`is up` `from Montreal `T-tor 1his h ol iday.s- a'n`d is b'eing war`r_n- `g`reeteid~ by old friends. .-Int.-. An..--,I..I.. .`I"r-Ha-i Ruin-:`|n\r\ gtuuuzu I); usu ;..v..u... --`T-.-'l`he` '`Allanida`le- ; Union Sunday `ohoolnxcursion w'ilI`fb ligld on*Fri- `day. `Aug'_\rst 2It'._ to_` -`or;-111a.~ A spec- *'i;a1'_' -t1`Lain`will* 'Ie'v` Allandale a(:- 10 f"et's.` adults`. t5i:.."6hiIdren. 35c.` Ev`ery- :bpdy`oomeZ` ` 1" " -nns _.. -151': L..' Iii. -..- w 2.5. an-u-u`Al4I3v|"tII in `four "a.'m.. rrturninf'i'i1' the` evening.` Tick-' `.y. `m,`?' _M .` A 1 .. ~. ; ` Miss: `Qlive Moore `is: spen dix1 g 'u'_few `weeks at` Strgpid th'e_ gtisst J6f"1Iis.s ma -Rolanas 1_3_o3'N-*.to Mr and % Mrs. W} .J.1;ngp`p. :1 a"s`on. still 'born. ` c-up ---- -.__. _.__._. . oc- . Mrs. Wiilers and family. of `orn- Wa ar spe1ii,ding"'.a few weeks With her brother Mr Than` -Smith. 'be- tore taking `up? house in Toronto. where `they intn'd to reside. -nr-~|t._._'_-..u ` L -.. .n.Lni-nn wu1u_Luv; Iuuouu vv Lvhwluvu . ~Mrs .H. MoMorr'ran' has returned toher, home `in Orillia`. after a_visit -with Mrs; Thou .McMcg1-"an. '-nu-A- lI.'i__J. .u vlI-....`...L.. :- Hun annal- 5 LOW uagw vuvuuuuu nu `man... It. is reported "that some of` our "smart engineers _have`tailed to pass the necessary examination on the air brake and pumps. as required by the G.` T. R. examiner.` whme ear`: is here at present. Mia Bessie .\ Bingh'ain'. of George- town. was a guest of Mrs. G. Mallor- 1-_an. while on. her way to Powasin; A up r, ~- A ,_1 __ -..l.I. .l-_.:I_ Ln.-n `Ah 'WIL All-190 &u\ uua.vuu.\.!nuu.-u ` Mrs. Abbot. of Toronto. is the guest M53. 11. Gibson`. _ - up 1 o In __, I_-_~_.`L'--_......I L- J I.f5o I-In lilllllllc Mr .Melvin Lgicker has`r6urned to his home` in Toronto. after spending _a few days Vacation in -town. , -- __-..__.L-~.I 'uLI...`L `.4.-sun At` an`:- LG; Vvllllv Ulla` adv- v-nag; `.7 _v.. vMr's 'i.Aroher family h:a-;em1V'e-' turneid. 'hom'9 alter` a very pleasant visit at Port _Hope.. `I5 'n_s._I___ -_. _..__E.... .4...` V13-II. Bl.` Jgulu _'uvyvo. ` - . -- Mr. W. Brigloy -isxnursing apore finger ; having get it jammed be- tween twqsteel rails. V W. _m- _._._n. :_ The dog ppisonerb are at` work in this burg. again. `Dan 'McPhail lost his `valuable Terrier "Pat." through poisoning. It is" a .ham`e - -that so -xfnany ours are `allowed to run and'the valuable ones poisoned. r re 1-__.-_ I.-- _---..CL..2 nuns- VGIIIII-VII? vuva 1l\Illi\IJ|\al\al . Mi$ -E. Jones has aonepted apo- sition with L, Brennan. as .'book-keep- I11 ` ;1`he Royal -B`laok" Preceptory. of A1- landale; held ii. very instructive meet- ing an the 27th` of, last week. ~. -rs-_______1. 2..L4..-.4121.`-(|`9:illP I116 U11 Inll I I an Ira. 5-9 vv yuan.- Mr. `Fred. Hawafd ivntends taking up house again in Allandale. .'|r:...;`n.L-'.-'...... L .4: `D..mAn-`ml {ca vuH'.. ll HUUDU aguxu; _1u zansuuuunuu =' "Mias`Ste'w`ar't. of Bradford, is visit- .ing `a -t_` Mr. Ed. Shear s. ' =' um um; V Hum BDUKIRGS.` -or The School for Scandal- Fol- "-Mark-s Bros. VA". 1 Co.. Sept._ 28. to ` -Wa1ig, _"El Capitan or "The.Wiz- ' .5aa""T-sweet`. O1o"veir`5 .-19.-texfe on. _A1l-;. The Grand Opera House will open `on Tuesday. Aug. 25. with the emi- nent romantic actor. Mr. Wm. Owen. .either in When'Louis XI was King, lowing M17...0wen.will beAEd_ith Ellis- Baker, in Ib:sen s Ghosts, . Sept. 4; .thewgreat,vsucce,ss of last season, -Quincy Asdams -Sawyer." Sept. 23; -Oct. 3 (Fair Week) _"Davi.d Harum." Oct. 10; Culhane,` Chase and Weston s Minstrels.-Oct, 12; Miss Sacdie Mar- tfmot, in` "They eS_econJd"`MrLs. Tanque- ray," Oct. 16:-"Guy Bros. Minstrels, Oct. 22 ;` G~rau"0omic"Opera.%Co.-, in areid. of the `?Nile. `` Oo`t_; 27;y_Be_yond `;Pa'r'id.o`n."A * N_6; " 6` 3 "`Th ` MI'l?d-dleman .' A -. a;re.6:t`iojif.A_1:xgept- tvyo:g._a_1`,1 an "pwum, usvvv. .....--_ of these" attractions, exgept yttivo. are New, York productions. booked 'for the ` management `from -`Mr. Chas. Frohman and `Stair. -& Have1in .s agen-. Eoiea. which is I}. guarantee of their .9x6e11ne,- ;, . wAnn.Iu:sinIN1's; Lbvmcn. ` Two iten\s.the one for women. the other for girls that represent punequalled values and demonstrate the ~ power of our `boots come in lace and button, heavy soletl. nailed. plain or toe reap. made 1 from pehhle leather. very desirable forevery-day wear. 3.. These boots are not styllsh, but neat and sensible and- suitedpforxfall wear. All sizes for girls, II `to 2. wo_'-; ` men's 15 to 1. only. 75.-_per pair. = .-We` guarantee the quality equal to the kind--you payj $1.00 and $1.25 for eregularly. _'l`he priee._ 75... is a` ppreeord-breaker `__for such goods. you afford to pass them by I M BY JUDGI MOBSON LAST WIEK. md W116 UHIIIU uvvvu -u-.-_-, axmdd, with revolvers and began to shout immediately. Three of the shots took effect. two in the shoul- der and one in the jaw. and Hall was arrested. During . the past month UK ll Uuav .- -__, month the Crown, Attorney's Department have `been `trying to find out some- thing of Hall's past. resulting that he is supposed to` ._-have taken; part in burglaries at Allendale, whioh.hap- pened shortly previous to the Aurora -A._:_ {I `D affair. ' hirfds and Fish are.` the leading sub- jects of the August "Canadian Maga- zine. "Pike. .Pickerel anld Mu._skel- lunge is the title of. one illustrated article :' Birids of -`the North Woods." by C. W. .- is another. and Phob- tcgraphy of Birds` Nests." by 0. J. Stevenson is athir-d. But these na- ture articles areinot the only attrac- tive features of -the issue. The sketch of Hon. W. :8. Fielding. by H. Frank- lin Gaidsby. will; attract many read- ers. Imperialists of Yesterday V and To-Morrow. by the `Editor. is timely and illuminating._ .Why Business -Colleges Succeed. by P. D. McIntosh. places -`some "features of our educa- timal system in a new_ light. James: P. Murray. ,de.als,; briey with , the question or Ap`pren'ti ces-a Ttopio of home` importance _=`i1I,vie\pr- Of ourxin-' Tdumstriala expansioinw .Au.'to1ncbiles in 7, fOana!da.?'.~ by `A. _'Gran'ti..ayBro_wn.ijjvit11 -.P1`lt93???` .~ * intdimes Daunvo v -.--_ and the us faayrfmt- e:OiI 80}8i :v'ory _W6dn`8day at | N % L uni|| 8opt.Iot. } ' -\, 1 Jilly cur-on %WOAr1,3h x8%o1i`i.,I_10tf Ooh all and the price reduc sale. Come`, friends. 511 pa summer, Goods. Cost and sidered. We must clear out tions will effect a. Speedy to this store and bring your rticipate in these liberal 153! 50-1115? Ujigg D? Q? for some time was 1':1:e foothill match at Stroud. Friday, the.3lst._ ult. ..m5uA '?.'s.-. .`.<:- $11` ink`-:.\',a;-1%. ,9`.h=_ __-~,:`_\:aj`,``,`j__%,_,_iI,__ ` "W;/,-3"` `|x.`.'-_- . \ IIVIQ\ID' 7" "' V` ' .ance; any ind SI.I7.. 441$ I ; . ._ rductions rul`o i'n% Mhlins, Ginghams, %'r1Im %m.1`.. " - A ' sig%on1yArrim:Led nat;;`.n thatA s1Teft.% 1 fyon~1l1ave your "choice for $2.00. 7 `20WS?ailor Hats se`lqlingat, I00; ; ., * 12AF a.nc_yV Straw Sailors, wortiu.frbm 50c.f "`-. E-in 11' A -n'A an $3.50. ' `a brisk s"e:1ling`in.V;V:'l_1E;evvve:.>.r} Values count for nothing. These bepu'1;ron sale for onlyfthree days V_It. s your last; chance for such a bar. gain;~_jn:any' of your Whi`tewearnneeds.- 1G'rownsV,= Skirt. Drawers and Corset Covers- the7goods.. ;Yon ll be tempted, buy an '_yoVm-[neoxto yea.r s needs. sxirta$ II.uu'-.~ vvsca-.1 vv-amu st ---v--_ spetators and although-wot Aa ratl-i;u -" listless nature ..,and dun game ' at; times. enthuisiasm was high.- The Vice. did not play quite upti_i.thei1 usual standard. no..w,|.bt`.__la\o}: `zgvarac-. tice being the oa` .$i_ti\t.*nav'hrthe- loss they rained slfbt after shot up-' H A-4...-.9- ..-..I mu`. eadnnn-a nf