Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Aug 1903, p. 8

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-v- vi-` TL V1319 VVILLI SL190 &JlD\Il' Mia`; E10 Mocaul has returned to her home in Hamilton after spending `two weeks` with Miss -_B. Thompson. 1` V "-Maura. Ed. Shear `and S. J. Mo- ')`Mdrrra.n made " another raid on tie` q;eokle_d_ trout. last week. and came home with 94. .'the' same number as they secured` on their last trip. Mr. "Shea;r..,37 and Mr. _MoMorran. 57. Moi'r1rdn~57;`,_ _ .. u... .4 I___-'_-_.\ 7----_ _--, , V There is a:.`grat' circlty of houses in Allandale. at present and Mr. Pe- `$10 per _,_1hunt`h.- tor Kama has already -lfad 30 ap- plications for the rental at the. old church ..which.l1 e is hav`m`g_ remodel-`~ led. '.'1`he.ofters have run as high as K IIIL`- h .... .......'n`-l- man 'n.`alvn1inh`:`lA-:4n-n in UL PU} J.l.|\B-I Ira-II - J The Saorament was administered in the .` Presbyterian ohurohaet Sunday A morning, and athankgiving service was held.` in." the evening by Rev. H. in. Oa'.m`ercn. Hext Sunday! Mr; Gany- ..er_eI1 will _ -hole.` Ve`.`gene.1'a.~l_. `btpbiunil "I~-i$i II.i`I.tIVie;91`u l10" in, h i . . . G L. :7? U 'Vi%$u.cLcesTis`or%dt Fravvley 8: Devlin. Phone I69. Rm-6-n*#"? ,~ eilntllsoptlst. estm leeee"Evei 'y Wednesday at |4 p m ` ARGAINS .at Vickers 27 dnlyne pure` Silk covered Paranoia. all d_eai_ra.ble ` goods.` regular selling price $'2.00,$2.50, 3275,83 00 --and $3 50. They are all we have and -offer them for oneweek.ut......,...'; . . . . . . . . . ..` . . . . . . . ......8l r` BLA(3K: LSATEPEN sxnrrs "'UuI IIIU Qwlnyuuvu ._ ----._-__ ' _ g The order` has been given. Each clerk has instructions to clear out entirel every article for summer wear that lingers in their several departments. There s ti beno. wavering; thedeepc-cut prices will assist in clearing out the balance of the summer stock. With the force of cold determination to make room for the autumn merchandise, and the ready will of a. well organized sta, your advantages of savin are well worth considering; eVisit this store, and wander through. There are suclgi .te`mpting oers at every turn you cannot resist, A few of `them : CIQASI-8 \-\Jl>A V VII Ul\lll ILL -A. \lo was \r\: Quaksrism in`-.'1`oront_o~_ds.tes ba.c'ir<~ to 1877, when the first meeting qff friends was held on Berkeley -street. This grew out of a Bible class, and was founded by `.M`1_: . *`Eli_7a"s `Rogers, 1 who still remains'i..at1 a'.`c.t.ivfnc1nbe1' of the society on Carltonhs gtrcet. The scc_ond..chu1`ch w\a`s. on Pembroke ltre,e_t_.A 2" That being.Ttg`jq...remot,e for aonvenience the society moved in J9(1_2_j;o _ the present new edice _ on Ca2"le`t'on'- street; which is the only Quaker church in Toronto; not a re- markable fact when it is considered that the total Canadian membership is but 2,000. ' I\..-I--..:..... -._ 4|... -.:..:a...:Lu .0 Tan, 37 onlv,'ie`ll tuetfe left of that ne Bleak Mercerized Sateen Skirt shut has created such a stir, lin`ed`or `unlined, whichever you like,full size, made of extra ne cloth. deep oqnce, trimnjed with 6 babvfrills, e worth $1.25, eneale up. ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L. .. Many nther1ine,s,i.11c1)uding MUsLINs,G"INGHfAMs, `WEAR SKIRTS, etc}, arexsmn-ed at a11m-{mg prices. ` ` '1'her e no lack of _i1'1terest shown in. our Carpet selng. Oil Cloths 2 lengths f be sold aitcostrprice, some less. ` , . Come to. this store_a.qi_ see the offerings. You ll _not be disappointed. I . lot. GEORGE VICKERS, Vwrrr. BLOUSES G. "T. R; and has ac- ,_L- PARASOLS n ' 1.. '|OIII Ioooctonon-ounoti-Inla- l 8 oouoI.o"gau'u-u -uIooo_puuogon- coon:-sea-vonururao-rouooou-o cocoonso--o--onooovaooooonoo-o ---:--:-- _ the works his hand had made, called it "The All-Seeing Eye. But a . the movement. went the way of all Quakerism in the vicinity oi Tor- onto`(lates back to 1800, when Tim-I othy Rogers received from Gov. Sim!" coo a grant of 8,000 acres of land: up Yonge street in the `solid bush__i vicinity of what is now Newmarket, on condition of settling forty tam-_; ilies in that part. In 1803'. he, brought forty families from New England, all Friends. The following year came twenty families from Pen- nsylvania, Friends also. _ gan the colony of Quakers which for" thirty-ve years knew no adversity but the wilderness. David Wilson organized a -cult among the Sharon Society, known as the Children of Peace. On behalf of, this offshoot, , with its somewhat new-tangled and variant doctrines concerning government, etc., Wilson. built atexnple; a 19th century repro- duction in pine of Solomon s temple. In this temple twice a year was-held a greatefeast. Near the temple was a regular meeting house, in,` which David preached. He also organized a. brass band for help in the musical service. And between the temple and the meetinghhouse he built a curious study for himself, withmany. windows, from which he could see all He `fads. It died, and the primitive Fox religion again held the field. 94.. `clan if (Inna f.n'f.h1'.: dav: ma Thus _be- But about 1835 . `rowest kind of anescape from being . horriblymangled on Monday evening. hear Minesing. V He had been flagging 9.. train and sat down on the treck and went to sleep. The pilot on a passinglocomotive struck him on the head. but other than a bad, flesh wound. the damage was not serious. l'I'|l_- r9____.,; II-IA__,u_ 11-9!-______ -|_A_ __ v_-., x-..-.... v _- - --v- v----- " "lh-e"Grand Tfnk airwa} has stalled _on the Brockville section of its road a new `kind of long distance telephone service, known as the tele- graph telephone. It is connected witu and is operated on with telegraph wires and business "can be done with `Montreal. Coteau. Cornwall .etc. Tele- graph and phone messages can be conveyed at one time without con- icting; If the service proves satis- factory `the system `may be brought into general use on the G. T. R. ....v ='......--. unnrv VA: vgav \uI~ 4- Lin The morning anthem in the Burton Ave. Methodist church was entitled. "Lift up your heads Oiye Gates." Dur- ing the offertory When_ the Roll is` `called up Yonder, was sung. Rev. ! Mr. Bedford delivered a message] from.the`President of the Conference } calling for more spirituality in the churches and made a special appeal for the more general adoption of fa- f .mi1y prayer. The evening enthem T was "Father I know Thy ways arei just "though all to me unknown." The solos were skilfully taken by Mr. W. Ke1_sey' and Miss Laura Wice. The: pastor spoke `from: the text "Andi -David. s' place; was empty." referring I in flux nnnnun of 1.2.; ............I__ L- LL. ` _...__`... `.-,....., nu... v;u,yq._y. 1I.'al.Ull.'ll.Ig in the course of his remarks to the wisdom of leaving 'one s place empty when dangeri threatened. as at such times when the! wineeup was `passed orwhen religion and honor were held lightly. Mr.` Kelsey sangBehold me standing at the Door. as an oftertory solo- L ty._ A `New 'up -to-Date Drug Store For ' ' Allandalo. Mr.'F. Bfigh`t Smith , ot Barrie. will epenastriotly up-to`-date drug store. in_ 'B_othwell ._s Block", Allandale. on Saturday. August 8th. A full line of pure drugs~'will be'ou`ried. together- .with a.`sto'ok of select stationery and toilet articles; Dispensing. a . specia- GRALFT0N-InI;:z 1f;-EL. on.` August '2. 1903. ason to Mr. anldl Mrs. F. '1`. Z.., An- p-wv Grft'o;:;" vouuo MI-:N_ wnmznl The MASTER m`::cANIo's runs TAB SOAP heals and soften: the skin while romptl{ qleansing it 0: crease. 9151; . etc. nvglgable f!91t"nE:oha:- o_ . merungor on. .- on o hm: sketch in the aooxatf .ua`;.: Children of Peace. . ~--v~~-. -7v---.v- we -yoV&lIllllJ' lai-33 V 3} Queen ltu Int, `I'M-onto. - g CARPETS "xEi&?'1"5?'io1agraphy, ti-in IL Qllhnn IL- n..g_ o-4.`...-.- ....$l457 ....$l.45` ....$l 15. 75c BF]- 731.57 `Cafpt seliing. Clbths and Mattings and many odd 895 _ BORN . rcugzuu again uosu on uvua. So hlso it does to?this day; as Jimple and severe, it not quite so unpopular as it was in the" day when `plain George` Fox respectfully called _t e great Cromwell "`Thcc. .spent t elve months in the Derby jqil, six _of them in a lthy dungeon, because he-~ would not become a soldier. and - left the name of," ,as o. sob- ` riquet for his soc-t, because-he" tcld` the Derby` magistrates to tremble V at thouwomd. o`fM- the Lord-and they" " did. A liximble, dexnocrat-ic sect. 2 they still eschew nery. They pay , _- ..L-L...I ...l..n'u Ln} 1: annn+,nnnnIul-' Such price rednotxone were never known as are marked on our entire stock of Whitewear, Gowns, Drawers, Corset Covera.n.nd Skirts, in a.`verY 18-lrge Vrange at practically your \JV'6|II wuu own price. IOHONLY TRIMMED HATS to be almost given my - uoVthe_nt'ten buyers ; beautiful beadwesu---seems . -cru'e2 to sacrice-`--regular $5 00. $7.00. $8.00, to $11.50, sell st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ 32 0 308311011, in black, white and colors. at . . . . . . .- . . 20 Fancy Straw Sailors. 50 to $1.50, sell at . . . . __ 855.00-worth oi Flowers sell at 25c on the dollar. All such Bargains you should not miss. ", l3eeutifnl Lisle Thread Hose, plain, drop stitch, lace, .etc., also Bermedorf dyed Cotton, to be sold at `really tempting reductions, 20c up to . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, TRIMMED MILLINERY SILKS, SILK_ BL0UsEs, READY-T0 .WHITEWEAR Hosmnv It will prove for theft: who apprtoate chog ,' go ods in glass and un that we haw P f3 I f':liu._,` Va tint)` of fruits, vegetables, ct.-.,'} .em,d for the Spring season, when fnms gnd \tj8N;`_ Ih ould be plentifully consugned. \\ e hgfe` LE thing high grade grocenes, teas, C9 95 iii 3 ices. and would be pleased to stzm`-`.` 3` | t cue at popular prices. uer. glnuy u<.f.I.:s_y uuuau; uvuu... ...., the workibf the church, both private =" and public. In the courts of justice ;:' th ey'.wl1l~._ not,-~:swear,' but" simply 5 make uirmation. They believe` not - 1.]-...uInu-in Onunn.-I nu. "Desirable Property For Sale V byPub|ic Auction. AUGUST 15"` IHOBLEY BRO_S_. `I I'IIIIiI I&&II u-u----v Ordef for Auction Sales of tarm s`ock etC.. W` conducted by L. Tebo. Auctioneer and valuatot W.` hum at Tun ADVANCE nrmcx where W5 by and v~a1uawr;;; be left at THE ADVANCE OFFICE t and other arrangements can be made. F_am` M 1 End it to their advantage to call and mgunre 3 3- i rates _ 41/ ` uuu II. flte` Two story Brick on `uh: Dwclling with b3`'`"siFw` Rig! St. About one-hmf acre of do recs. . _ ,4 This property will be sold vefY. '5"bl" ` for anyone wxahms ` Pmhw home in Barrie. -__--nvv 1\r\f1E`_Q.q. vs.uuvI:uII'5 ' " V"P'5 "" ' s ;:n:'.:m%: `.9 'i`..'.`. `Sofa. OTTON & SON, Barrie. L008 phone day or night. ~;;`5=3?nI`:~ V 7 g1uo .;:.;';=~. 4. 0m. alsoa ,,;g,_*. pl "1 Innistil, tor `A * V to Scnoacm ` 31-38 IE IIIEKU uuu suuguuu. auug nu. u.. . \( .....- in war but a, kingdom fpundod o_n~ peace. Neither- ~wil1 they. spmr.ulnto" In stocks or attend b,a1la.x They also give freely, and without. .t_s.d\rarti~ - Inent. 0! their estate, to the poor. A -Illlllfh IF: AIEC AWNINGS. FLAGS. V fsAu.s. WATERPROOF G FOLDINGB as 'l`ABLE_S.CH ` or. anything maths Eamptug nne sw`` 4 nnbn On I n -I-nu-sun:-I3 1. } no YOU ohm A HOME: A Strong Temptation .3..,. at-33 _------`7 Fkllsron -snuz on 1'0 955195 n_'_: '|.-IA 1.... an -... 1.. 010: 8 `Six days selling clears the ` f At 12 0'-clock Noon AT Tun: BARBIE aomu __j-_ FARM STOCK SALES. .`IIIh Oeehu lnveng 3 Winged 21.. chalice} A/II` Imp. A E ' Despite manifold discour,'rnent in high places '1`. of Brix-' ton,~ Eniglund, 1_Vi_th_tho indomitebie f-courage of the inventor who it V as- jurcd -,tha.t>he ha! mastered a. greet. Fpztoblexn,` ~:hu succeeded in bringipg`. naar to perfection 3 wingeq mje-V3 P!It~`Sl11n..';_!I:I!jl Iaondonm-r+,*o; {oi ii-ftilev Bumping line mm 1" I J. J. TURNER 5. sq, g maven. or our MIDv ...'...,4 `Aubusr :6. JOSEPH ROGERS .1."-ion! 40 VUlau~v Auction!- dime! -`-9 -.-- -_-'" ` 3 LVOWIOunuluuu,, IILIU unuuv uulvnwuv gun` magnifold `discouragement tony. One oi these entanglement: the `French shore ueetion, `the other Viuuu-I high ie Jothe Atlantic eheriee queet.ion.g eured ;the.t>he % _\ A and the .ie"gwcy of. irritation end with "the indomitable ~ 0 -courage Both `had their origin in -the trouble on times of .the`~eighte_enth' oentury. ;VWh.ih _ -tiny e h-Y-i?r<>*:-. 1-. out WW3 firobiem,` -`alien ,ei'y_ "near to perfection a winged me-~ .t'erno.tionni '."_t_giekerin;p {;;'.,;'.;;`a;.:t':% " " : .He has `superseded h1s_Im_I.ll mednl 191,.b? 0! i;%.`cnnIi49?!b1-3 1 MOORE S SH It in unnecessary to detail the reaaouoohae lodoua to saouoe thou handsome Shoot as prion leaa than thoizf actual coat.` The. fact that we are doing no it enough, and ought to have you investigate. ~Everv pair thin season`: m`ake,_ai`n kid and patent leaeher ahapoa and style zha'Ia a sure to meet with your approval 0`. Anna. urnnr Harm : thn nu-t.InnInI-I- ladies Oxford Shoes III! QB yuwuv IUIUIIVI Iuwyvu -111: luv : for dun wen. Ben : the particulurn. I exiblaiolo, new Cuban I:leel,nizen ,2 to 6, in `B, (J, Dwidth. Hagar make, regular price allvnenou 83 50 an}! 3400.. Ipeciul Ludien Vioi Kid Oxford Shoe. kid ton cap, mdium ha-uvwy cola, very exible, new shuns Cuban heel, uizoa 2} to 6, regular o n o o u curve-0 I O c o o I c uoocIooooo;oavc Ladies $1.25 and 81.50 Kid Oxford Lgoo Sh`oe,too cap. turn role. nqmtv uhupg, sizes 3 yo 6, to clear 30.. .... . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . Lo.di_| uert Patent Leather Oxford Lace `Shoes; t-{on cup. -welt} .$$2. ml . Size: in the goofoihoo iteuao lure ooihplevte. and `it ; only tho Iota Nahopper who iilikoly coboduappolntod. So come only and enyov the biggest motn'oy- goviug ohonoos of the season. Your delay will man} your neighbor : guip`. MOORE, Anna L can Tn FDAIUI an n. un~.... QuAKEiis.IN` CANADA.-% succzsson To_5FnAwL1-:Y 34 MODE Ta iv uxe A man; ` ;_II|o . V t Question That nae Caused loine.leort- burning, But So Bar Yet. The report of the committee` ap- pointed by the Board of Trade to in- quire into_certain questions aecting the mercantile marine has` been is- ' sued, with the minutes of evidence. A summary of the report has al- ready. appeared in these columns, but it may be` of interest to refer to the remarks upon the increasing of em-' - ployment "of foreigners in British ships. 'l`here were 37,174 foreigners in 1901, an increase of 12,184 in thirteen years. The committee pro- poses no bar to their service so long as they can speak English, while re- gretting, as might be expected, that the number of British-born men is -ialling o. The members of the com- mittee asked themselves: Is there any objection to be felt or apprehension entertained in view of the undoubted increase of foreign seamen in the mercantile marine? As regards. the shipping trade, it appeared to the committee that there was no appre- hension to be felt in time of peace. r It` is stated that the trade is em- u ciently carried on,e_and there is no` reason to suppose that the supply of _foreign seamen available will run short. There appears to be no more real danger of scarcity of_ men- in the event of a naval _war. It is doubt- v ful if even the subjects of the State 1 ewith which we _might_ be at war ewould desert their calling, and even ` so, the foreign seamen employed are of so many different `nationalities 1 that the supply would still be sum- , 'cient. . _It is worthy of notice that I ;. Swedes are thermost numerous.oi=a1l' ,". the_ foreign seamen : .eIn`p1.0ye_dV on .` - March 81.` 1901, and that the :3) Swedes. Norwegians a.nd.Danes r'~_to- "igether amounted to more .than _one-, 1-!:"A`_third of the, total number of foreign- ;E. are employed. .:_;g[t_ is"probab_1e `also :5;.'that., some ships "et,th_ V ercantile 5, B ; {in} marine would >`neeessii'.r:.iiy:: b 1uaf{g_ up , ."7-in. time or `war-,;.and their `crews Add-_ ,! ed to the. ; niimber or men available`; ` for-en'rpl"oyment ;, and it ireights `and .-?._ wages rose the eect A-would .. `to `:3 di:u_v- men` eh-om tzhqzr iiitohseo plqrmant`-`feta ;?n-.~V gear ,5, thiI*;eommittee;e,'gr g-with tho.;.;;one:. n ,`N,a'V`1 pl-39'; mg uer.".'v~:..-.1`%".`.i.:}h9 .:?9V9i` lo! great naval, .-; V945,`:-..,(it_,_'..`_,1_V`:_<)\1__ld not-in - be . 9. igidbratie` " mwa ~-or }if:::.'%`1l :. . ,. ,4 . \v_ ' '2 , Til-,~ 9_Wli-nout. `me u1a~ or my#ua11oon::- ` tachmont, placed beyond"? a. doubt, ~`-and - the 'new air '_ship ' `will probably `make its first public ight % ::a.t;.the forthgoming xhi_b_it_ion `at; ~ M " Louis.W _ _ - \ nn__ ......1.:... ......:..a... .'e - ;;`..1:_;a-- I-l\l 141$ n '1`he-..I.nac`hino' consists of alylinider . ._which for practical purposes willfboz Hfrom thirty-ifo ur` `feet to fortyf-"`fp6t ;`;-_long` and ,~_will containA t-wo saloons ,"` eight` feet square fitted with {two pairs of wings` which` by means of pa dim.-rentiat_ing'bcra.1ik arc; _ca.p- ':a_bl`3 of reproducing every nlqyement ;of the. natural wings: of a bixjd, ; .4 Each` wing of Mr. Ba.stin s `jjiiodel _?can `be, controlled sep`a`ra.teIy, -and qnc `uran- Working:-at one lever ca;i1'regu- slate every re'juisite mo;vemcnt ,0!` V;-soa'ri1'1g`, steeping, `ying, hOvex~X__ jot {descending} The motive power i sup- `.v,p'lie~d.L~y a,_petro1"engine, and propul- "sion is achieved by the air rcsigtapce `:tO'.the beats of the wing._ ; .- '1`hn mndnl in .; twelfth `part the x DU -. V1 V5 I154!-QVCI VA tutu vv uncut .6 The mode is a twelfth ` part the ` {size of -the air ship which when the j i_~.`znece`ss`ary Junds are forthcoming `, he .f7~hopes to build. Shaped cylindrica13ly, it has a pointed nose and tail," while 1.} all the weight is below the. `wings, ..thus maintaining the equilibrium. f'I`l1e'-'t\vo_ pairs of `wings exacitly " the same in size; and . `neither of them a;pp1`oac}_ies. the extremities of ;-the ship's body.` When` they -are set .-beating the model needs two men to hold it.back. -. . , c . The, little air ship has `made; a inventor is `condent that his dull Ytiight round the worl. em. and the ~ "sized air ship" will; when completed } . _b.-Table to_ attain a"speed of `from ` I50 to 200 miles an, hour. a ' ' El\l:Ilr,\kI`:`!5Q nu nrucu Ql.llI!IQ' . d It is:madV)4::t-1'aord1no.ry`. A that the two` oldest .xg'd- most Yo!- ntioug complicgtions. ,v_vitt_: yhich the latter.-day `diplomacy. hall been bolet should be centred `in the` Island _` of 'Now!oundla:id;':. the moat ancient.- col- l\_- '-l LL`;-' A$>`lhXX"QmQZ`-` `Q lUU IILLIIBB OI C lI.'I\l "I =6?_IeNERs oN_'RrrIsI-1 SHIPS} `_ '- q --o `l.'ho_'DupIIo_;n 9: on inc. Ar,AnAnn BARGAIN _ [moss T%KtVmPtur1nI jm :1 mmm orxlsvsjqoncnnnxng MovE MENTs_'o_F s1x'rH V WARD RESiDEN`1`S. . jjj ` ~ v1 Brakeman Eddgson had a Narrow 165- I are Scarce in Al- ., landale! -Mziny `Summer Visitors.` `John Fxfame is_aztiIl on the sick ` list . % \ % % 7 Va 4 .QaI Mr! Frank Burton v'va.s`home for` Sunday . `It..- 11 _ . . _ - 2.; . _ _ _ __L -1. 11.. `I conqu- . Mr. W. B. "Tur1ier. Essa Road. is very`.ill. ' \- ir_.A -r.1.._..I_ n_-_A.-_ -.'_-.. 1.-...- J-.. nyunaqnnwa - - Mrs. Breeze is" a guest at Mr. J. Campbell's. '_ _ 3 ` Miss Tilly Clark. of Toronto. is yis- ` iting her parents. ` 'll'!_.._ 1-n_:n:__ -n rr-_..:u.-._ 2.. ..:.. -"f1.\.![';.$.`-'J..h`i'l'l-E1;-, ._of[ Hamilton. is _vis- iting Mrs. Culross. Mr; `Will Golfing` was up from To- ronto for the holiday.` _ IR!` l"L________ _._L_______j -_"r.1..:.`I..... II-2:1`. Stevve-z`1`s;-1;-tt"11'rned un'Fridi1y ` from. Milton. , ' ' -no v_p-- --.-cw--~ A. scarlet ,'few:'_er placard has been posted up nan; the Gore. 'nn'.`.... - 11.... .....n .e.._.':1.._ 1.....- ......... \a-av\r\Q .-3: navy-Q vq.-v v-ca v V Mi's,_` Baer `z'md fan1'iiy have gone on a visit to Georgetown-. " 'nr___ 1-- A__-1____ __-; ____ L--- ..-_..` staying` with friends in Toronto. are non Iovvvaq -we w.`-J." 'Miss=.Orr.' of 23o-lvli';1g'V'v'ood.. is` the: guest of her sister, Mrs. Philp. l `Miss C. Howarth.'Gowan' street, is 1ur_. n'L-__1__ n.:__.._ :. --:.. :L: ...... -1 _-.~Mr. s. Verral. of Toronto. is visiting at Mrs. L. Sheppard's Gowan`street. _Miss vWhitely. Depot .Harbor. is vis- iting Mrs. W. Hunt.Brad.tor'd street. 1 Mr. J. J. Clark. Brmdford St., has; ohristened his residence. Ivy Villa. ' Mr. D. 0`. Cameron has goneto Mon- treal. with the Grievance Committee. gMr., Harrow. of Merriton. is visiting -Mrs, Boss.` Burton Ave. _ Miss: Anddie Mccraken. of Colwpll. is in town. for a few `days. .11" , A, ,~ ,.A r-1-11,-_._____'_-_`I 2-` LL- f:'_ll\I"rs. Jas.'Archer and son have gone to. Port Hope on a visit. ` -5LuJIlI5 VVILLI LLLUJIKLD Ill .l|I1UllI\ln Mr. Charles Rainey is yiiting at his former; home` in Tqttenham. Mr Heard was up" from Troonto on a visit to his son\Fra'm"k, last; yveek. l UV IIIl\l -A-Val-|JI\lAJLb I-IVV IDIJ-It! vv gun...- `Mi$ Pearl'Orre. of Jarvis street, Toronto. is: vi-sitingfriends in town. Prof., Fletcher and swift: gare visit- ors of Mrs. Clarke. on Burton Ave. - - `Iv 11v. II ,:1 IELLI- _.-..- Mr. Alex. M'Ke, w1;o has be; tir- I ing for several years, has gone back I to the Minesing `Swamp to farm. ' '.,,-n n,____ -5 1-__..__.. ..L.......L .'lI|,, u:.L U 7 19191116 d.l\ll. rm; vnovu n... V. u---5 . -_..-. I Mr; -Charles Service has returne from. Ede`nva'lo looking much improv- 0`u1'\Ir}- Hamilfon. of, Toronto. spent Sunday with Mrs. Lawrence, Burton; Ave. ~ " ` ` ' ' ` ; _. '-..-v W C` \_l'&\) Va. Allull-10 \lAl.5L'J)\-I. Iran `gs---uu... -_ ! Mr . Wegley Webb and litt1e';on: are -visiting her` par'ents in Craigville. ` an-, as .__1_. cu ____ _- 1.-.. ....L..........-I` Miss Marion Hcnshan was renew-1 ing. 011d acquaintances in town on; _Monday. . ~ ~. - 1 an-,_, -nu-__._1_-n A'|A'......L.... 'I'z`....`l Mnr_l Lnvvu Mr.` James MoKernan is back`-.rom I a.- well earned holiday spent `in Mus- _koka-. - F ` -u . vs a ; `_,I,L __-___: _____ nvnuo \ ` Mr. Fred Hawkennight yarc-1-man. . was up at`, his old home in Penetang for Sunday. '1 1 III 1 A -__.1, _,-_ c!__'.L:_.-I `II- 117 ... 13:84 ` VQUKUIIIUIJ Ihlv All Mr. j'am1' A M;s. Wice. of Toronto; were in town on Monday. Mr.'Wice was formerly a brakesman here. -an--.., n__v..,-_ \r_1u'_.__...... 1...`. .-........ 4-A a.nva.n.nv Qnira V. { WV GD LVL IJJIIL AJ Us Jun macaw-nan.--.. .. v- -. | Miss Sylvia McMo:rr`an has gone to _ "Toronto to spend a month s vacation- with Miss A. Crowthr. I.Uj.' Duu'u.a..y . . Tottenham Sentinel--Mr. Wm. Rid- de_ll, of AlIanda1_o; is enjoying a short va.catio_nVa,tA his `home here. T -vv- 1: on _ _ . _ - _' LL Iv! ` Mrs. Ferguson, Essa`-`Sh. has gone to `spend a` couple of weeks in Mus- koka. " _. - _. - A AL- l'1!L_ 5v.Lvu-uuJ 0 Mrs. _ Marshall, A Mastr Karl Mar- ` shall and Mr. Griffin are_ away on a ! trip. V if , 11".... 1:\-.__.--....'.. 1.1..-- QEL `Inna rvnnn` AURKIO on account of the serious illness of Mrs. -Page. .' I Mr. John Page` is up from the City I I (1 ,, ELL` -_....5.-4 L:iu UIIIIIFV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVYYVVYVYVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVYYVYVVV LE; on .L we vu Mr. Bright Smith` opes his new drug store in `the Bothwell Block on Saturday. ` - ` ,_, 1-.2, 1':|__I_-I-.. 2.. n... tun. 'I`;.pny-._ Dw|.u~.Lua_y. _ "Miss Ida Fockler is up from.Toron- I to on a vi.sit to-hcr Grandma. Mrs. T. Smith. - ` .... u -5 . ,._`-.3_______'__`` Ln Ql.I..I.llJ..lo Miss Gladys Dorsey. of Collingwood. is the guest of, "Miss Dora Burns, Gowan street. r .I.|(l.3 lo PLIVIKI LU V VA u TMrs. Colter. of Burke s Fa1ls. has returned home. accompanied. for 8- 0 D ` . ' feghgalgf-1:1:-.y;l asggrokon' a l1 re- \a\Ivv wan wvovvww _ The air brake car ishere now and a number of the men are receiving instructions. '. O` I , I l`IL _ ..` Am. 1`ItlIliV" vcnuunug. . Mr. Palmer and wife.,of Toronto, are` visiting at Mr. J. Logue s Cum- berland street. - . --4__.___-.I `fun Dana IJUI. Jill-IILI Q91 \)\J_-lac -. The ambulance conveyed Mr. Boss to the,'Royal Victoria `Hospital, He ho.=s typhoid fever. s-,4 n_IL-_ -a -n. ...1-..o_`~m.,n. 5,. 111519.17 U.`UlaI.\J.IJc a Mr. Nick. Baboock. Charles strget. is improving his residence by abrxck veneering. ` at 1'|_I_-_-__ ....TJ ---:`p\ A` "`t\l`(II\+l'L tew 09.33 by mrs.,aoe ya A _ The rand Trunk has {token all re- cords for 5J:ulys` of plfeiyidus years in taking pe9pIe,_i;)to,_Musk9ka. ` 1r_. 1- 11 1'-....I.... I...` I-nlynn Man at; bulking yolgy;v`A_ngpyv cu.-~..v...... A Mr. J, H. -Len-.9by_.haa taken the ex: tra baggage; oar rendered necessary by the heavy traffic to Muakoka. k -n:-:__- -nr.__.n- n.._L....... :- on-vain nhln \ ; 1udge-`b`z-1b`1ng`;' ' Two hundred and sev'ent.y-ve yeiirs , ago `George Fox began` to :prcach_'~to' the England of C1_1a}'les'I., gambling, c'a`Ve.1i'e1'= ` ` Where 'l`hee" and Thou were met- '~ ed out to the farmer and, the._,. me- J chanic, and Mr." and. '{Y6p"'>~f Ato` `nonolowor than a merchant. uEmo- tionally Fox was a Bun-ya?.fx 1.`}Iia ear-3 ly life reads like .;'a. nii1tmfia1_oi`.J`Q;hn Wesley and. :Lu_ther. .01: miu-tyr-,1_ine- ago, his life was a series of martyr-` doms. He was in foul dungeons for _.;}j'i;n1oi1ft1x'ag-oftenzvfisfor ,"1>i'eHf<:h_i,1_jr1"'g`7, tlfgtj a .5. `A :oan \,`ie1igio is an inward :exp:er- .,_`_ipnceh`;,{af!1d not: a.rpa.,inte;cl sh'ow:._vHis I dootxfhies aro_:'inc_or)9ra'.tedA in 8. Edis- sipline `drawn upv'this.year" ;-tor ytlxc '3Candian- society in thir - recent"`an- nual convention in Toronto. ' :-- rn _ _ _ _ _ L - A---` -___..__- _I_L-.. 1. ._u'.. l.'U| uvuavuvuu and Mrs. `'13. Taylor are iwoth vonvthersiok list much to the ragret.of- their many `friendp. n -:1-9_,_.. 1!)` ____ -- .3 !I......-dun .uI-A Uy QIJU 110%!-VJ` _Ivl Gl.l.I_V lav aaa.I.n-uqnvqn-v Miss Myrtle Gartner is again able`. ,to"be' out. having recovered from her recent accident. ._ V i ` .- -..- ucv cs IlI,,_I_:_ A..- I__L'|. Vguestssgt Mrs. Ldugheeid . as are..Mrs. LLIUIJ. Luau; LIl\i&I`IIUt y ' The Misses..War1iioa. _of Toronto.-arena. Neilly and Mia Sylvester. . { .'I'_. \-...~:J 1.1.3 mhtubvln nd} LVUIIIJ GIIIIL Linux nagnvvuvvou `Mr. amd -Mrs. Thomas Lougheed en-V tertained s. niunber of friends very I pleasantly` on Monlday evening. 1:... v'.....4....` has unlninnl-In -rn.nnv-' plawussung vu -ova-nqu-J vvv..-._c. Mrs. Kester has sufficiently reoov-' cred from her reoentt illness as to be able td r`ei:ei,ve hm friends again. "BI A'h-...._ . __|.l J.`-mania!-nun `D3 all-IU LU LVVIILVI-I I.lJ\lL aanuuuvnni -c-"" j iMr. Frail. Adams and daughto Mia Mary. have rturned from fis- `iting liis brother at seabrishh 7 " '|r2~___u-.'f'_..:.. Tia`-up I-'n`ln:-nnli hnill ll? ll-Ill! I.uI:,us-vvaa-an -.-- _.,...--_-- Mia` Josie Day returned home on Friday` utter -spending -a pleasant 'm{oht_l1 at Burke : Falls. V , ' 3..I__3I.--> -Q-A `A monmn El. nuususu ;.-nun. , Mr. Tom. Sch":-iber and family". 01 'l'~aron-to Jundtion. _ar'e visiting Mr. A_1`eix.'c1uk`. at` `l`he`Bo1ildera. , , ` sunny arm Miss Mary Hones V ,mewinzf%old wsmint-uses? on` iif'.'cunidn` ' ` ru.'(.uruuy.. uunuu; _ va- Ag; huf?o":33}n7'eh 33!-A` -, trim rxoarmx` A1?Y?A1cis% DIIUJ BIN-ll Uauuvvv all-1.V.'o" u ----,, , W ,. no stated salary. but a. spontaneous ' giving to the minister. who does not .r,,` claim to be culled,Roverond,"...and .32,- 4,,`.i.s,.-hnqat regarded as -'&better -man than the humblest. of his t_!ook,_` but merely `, eg,,=as_-one having spiritual gins. Every ' man may, it he choose, take part in , ' any 1110 be so moved of thej, Spirit; *7?_Forn1'lhiqm.'ii1 service they have none; not even a. prescribed 015- der. They frgcly admit women po-', u_'. ..`.-..1.-*-~..o nu. a-Inn-`oh hhflh nrivnfa -:5`. `position on the R-. cepted a position in Toronto. ` Mrs. Doughty. of `Chicago. called on Mrs`. S. Mcmorran last` Wednes- day on her way to. Muskoka, where she will reside for l2-or 3 months. `Mim Ida Murray. of the Toronto General Hospital staff. is with her parents on Cumberland street, for her `holidays. . . Rev. Mr. Jones. of the Hillsdale cir- .cuit.` was a guest of Rev. Mr. Bed- ` ford. at the Burton avenue parsonage ` . "' 'n'-_.'-.. 1*|r:n ant` A`lhp_1-it uunng Lnc vvucn. Messrs. Har ry.. Will and Albert Riddell and Mr. J. B. McDonald all took inthe 'Tottenham Old Boys Be- union on Monday; ' -- A L_ -2 mr: ____ ...-Jig urhn J. UW ll lJl1l_Uo Mr.- Wm. Perry._ one of Toronto Junotions star lacrosse players. is on a visit to his brother. Mr. James Per- ry .Esa. Road. I Mrs. William and two children. of .'1`oronto. are spending `a couple of days with her`. sister. Mrs. D. Thomp- son. Cumberland street. ` -nu -,__ J 11---..- L... 0195):! '1-at\'In_' unmn U11 mummy. -. Mrs. Mccauley. of Minneapolis. who has been visiting in Staynerand To- , route. was in town last week and | left for home on Friday. -~ L--'--_..-.....l `I-u:a Cov\r\=`|'r 181$ 10:.` u,uu.I.u uu .L`LL'uuJo Mr. Howe has removed his family from the City to the house recently vacated by Mr. Sheard. on the North Town Line. v ' 11! 1\__-4__ -.._ -`- 39%|. \I\l-laI..|lI\lJ.&Inl.u\-n nrvovv . "The Railroad House hat was `reap-` ened on Monday .-by Mr. J. Wright. the license of the Victoria Hotel hav- ing been transferred to him. 'It_.'.. 1--...J'... ,...I...\~ unnnndrlur hi-nlrnf 1115 UDUIJ Irv ......... 7 Mrs. . Jordan. who recently broke her arm by alling onva defective sidewalk in Toronto. is not improving as 9.31; in her friends would wishto `lips will remain several weeks`, [ Mi: 13011}: Bi1'1ghan1'Uhas' returned ed visit Mrs; Baer-,aE`ssa street. e. T` 5\ A . The Mi$es Culross; of Toronto and Mix Kate Phillips. at Hamilton. ar- rived on Satnr;5lay.'to visit at the r_'esi- % deuce of Mr.` Will Little. Miss Phil-' I hpnie to 'Geo`rget: _own~ after an extend- --h I - , nu-,t,,_I I.~..... ~..`-A....--and` I-1. `

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