Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Jul 1903, p. 8

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mum THE Anvmnrnarv Yams. H Auuwu-nu The Barrie Cricketers were defeat- ed in Toron-co `by _an innings and. 14 runs. Barrie wag represented` by Grahamp'I`hompson.-A Law, Lount. Mo- Conkey. McManu.s.` McEwen. Mo Car-' thy, Walker. Creswioke. Walker. On Thursday ' ' Barrie won ..from another Toronto club by 104 to 82._ % Mrs. and Miss Gillice, of Hamilton. * who have been` visiting al:`Mr.- J. ` J0hn.ston s, intend ret`urn'ing to their home this week. ` .-`.....v v-...-.- n vvgu Me.ssi*s. James_a n-'d" L. A. Maflin, of Barrie,` were the} guests of Mr. R. 0." Bell, on Sunday-'last.` ` "' -R`-__ _ --__A_-_ -,-r u ,, `fl 1 u TAR SOAP heals and softens the skin The MASTER-MECHANICS PURE whilmpromptly cleansing it of grease. oil. rust. etc. ~In`valuable tor meohang; iog. farmers. spqr`tsm_en.. -FREE oaka~ on ;~r.eoeip.t; pt 29A 19: nbstuse. -A-.l_berjf. ;; % . -.J -.=.- - A further instance of the negrdsj disregard for the law wa s.evidenced before he left the court, when. as `the Indian was passing out of the door. he sprang upon `him and dealt him a heavy blow in the `face--an act which -should have caused his term of im- prisonment to be doubled. I`____.`.L_- l`,, , ,, , 4- I I r_--v-.:-..v av -wv \-\rI-nIo\r\nU County C_rown Attorney Cotter con- ducted the prosecution and Mr. Don- ald Ross appeared for the prisqners. -r - .`_ V `_`,,_ ` A ' "18 *:.i-.'.:.-. *; ` _ -~ - "mm "J;_?*"`?? 50! Txi _ s`t,e`n-Mur`ph y I*a.t $6 ? Fania bhixrch 6n Saturda celeb:-sL amt Men-Numb? Nu?` gtiolat bula hi :-chvon 8aturday.;- ;; St. Pau1%.1c13uir5h..f".1;3..sisti1; whicg was tastefully decorated tolj th-9 00? o _`asion; was the Scene of a quft Wed.` dingy last Saturdam ..afternoon. M31011 1u':..... -n--1-_.- 1r--.._.1.... ....-.n`unH~nd in IIJ - U110 Iul-Ill-`IL Ialllnlu DO W V7 C4 _ i The two ecdundrels eventually _d_e- I camped from the room and mixed` with the crowd". but the Indian laid ; his complaint before the Orillia Mag-. 1 istrate and the amen Who had perpet_- rated the dastardly attack were soon` spotted and placed under. arrest. They _were committed for trial and as the result were found guilty by Judge Ardagh. who sentenced the negro to three years in the peneten- tiary and Burleigh totwo and a half years-_-penalties which. considering the actions of the pair. appear to be -very light. ` i -__..LI_-_. 2_._L-___- ,Q L` , (llgg 4 [HEW .11.!-I.l'|l.'y,'.'LIaI5l`1.|I.n.II:.g' `Iv:--.'- Miys Helen Murphy `was nmted _ In marriage t'o Mr7:`-`BI. "L: Eaten; s'l`he `ceremony was performed by Rev; 05-- wald Bigby. M. :A..- Dean: of? Trinity University. `The brideuwho was SW- en away, by` _,her father. .Re,v. Canon Murphy. was` attire`d- in a.Ve1`Y handsome dresse of` crepe Q9 93119119- trimmed.,wit1_1 lace and applique 111.` dallions. ` She ,wore a veil fasfcened with "orange blomoms a1)5 a bouquet of , _bridal roses, In-L- u___9J______2.1 1|n`:....' 1).-.4.-4---Inn raisned.-'t Q -The -. evidence of, ,t1;1e ; gtwo ; Indiane wzenvt ..;_t_o -show that their were in 1 bedroom, at. the .'Queen.'.s. Hotel. . on July ,-13,th-at the .,.eve.ninz. when the! d90-1'4. was wldcnly `opened and - they.-two tramps. entered- Bandy was floored with 13 `club: wielded bv the negro. who: t3l'6n`!.3i20d:th& sqnaw. When the husband .'at.te`mpted tosrise he was knocked.-down! ag`ain;by -Burs leigh and chm-'ne ate the floor-He` had some money and -thislwas taken iroxn hi person" as! welI5:aa*+ai>watch~ and" chain; 2`His wife had $5a60~in a chate- laine bag. the.-chain of which. she twisted i ithropgh her` fingers and made 'a brave fight to retain.-j" The negro. on being resisted. ` attacked her `with a"f'e'rqcit'j" almost past he- lief. sinking his teethiinto her cheek and then chewing her fingers in -his mad endeavor to `get posession of the purse, which she was `finally forced to yielid Further acts of `bestiality were also sworn against `the negro by the unfortunate 'squaw.4 ` 'nu_- 4.4.. h_.__. __c'u_ 7, Hdwaxjd Smith, `1 pegrg. V Burlpighghe pair. ,o,<,leSpera,does. 3 whq -maa` thc bxutal .39341t. }i.!1:..AF.i,1.' liai-A009 -Iuly :,13,th...qn;,theitVro Iniansx Jbaeph Sandy and his wife. werewbes fore _-N486 Ai`!d3:8.3.1, D;:M}1.`3PY T.h3 both; ienlergd. _p),ea&_1 V oIA,uot guilty ,.to thq,.9_11n1;ges'on ;which` they ,.w._e1je, qr-. .. IIIL- ....:.I-.`_-- -4! LL- :I.--.- T..J:..-us me vrrmipgwno !1a21il bgd*si:k1lubb6H | an Indium am his `- wxmn oz-.111. Gap 10:: W=1th*IAcht J an uvuqugu ua._ uxxun-5 Av-,vv_--1 - , . The A &,esm`aid._ Miss _ _,B_ea1:Ifi08 Whiqh, was ,taste'full_y cos tumed. in white organdie. trimmed with _lace and. N_il greeng ribbon. with picture hat _to_ `match and caxjried, a bAo_1.1qu,9.t of_pi_nk.roses_. \ L. ..; Marjorie Esten` -made a dainty 1it't1e.t1ower girl. dressed in; white an`d;pi~nk and carrying Aaubasket: 1. of white and pixik sweet peas.` ..- 1|r__ 1'.IJ_____aj J'-__._L.. ..-l-ALI on ......-_ ....\. ,,..... .,..w.. ,....._.. ._ .Mr. `Edwand -. Murph aete5d~ as gtoomsman; Owing `toiiilness ein.-the . family invitations were limited to im- mediate relati-ves;-The numerous pres- ~ exits--received testified -to the'popu- larity - of` the `bride.-aamongi them, be- ing well-filled `purses fromist. Paul's` and St.` vPe'ter*,s *Ch`urche`s. A ~ 2 iv i am} Mrs.` E-sten will reside` in Tdronto. ' " ' * -"`.k74 " ~ l__ ". . . ,..mWIl`IIE8FERADnR8 ; ond STATION. '.l`he_ Juni o1jS tack}6d' `the Seniors at baseball "on" Friday` evning and were only beafgen by nine runs rto'three`, Arthur` Wenslqy? hasiett for` `trip. auras the bprdr `to visit his` p rents. , 15 A r._ and Mrs. Jack. Clark have re- 3 `t nod from _an fenjoyabla _ trip to . innipeg`. _ Mrs. E. Adair. of Torontofand Miss Baswick are guests of Mrs.`Georgs - Cummings; . K 'II_. a:_.-._ 1131.--- -1 t!'.VI'I.. .-:..:& I was Mr'. 'D.ynV1en-t, s horse.s. hav<; been shipped fromEort Erie to Saratoga, It `has beau "decided that the Barrie Regatta; will be` held on Labor Day. which-falls on September 74:11 this year. The regatta. promises .. most successful and a -most attractive prize list is 'heing prepared.` The sub- eoription list, it_ is understood. has _with' 9. contribution `of $100.; _been' headed by Mr.'Frederio Nioholls .1 SPORTS _ANDVPASTlME-S_L n.I.\.p..I.n.|J. ESTEIN--M .URal`?HY' -. At st, l'1.1.m-..1-.'1'....:..n __. .. . "To Tdmphm gositionn on Canadian .1` . T.` 0; i or thde. only injtidtgdtiobg _Railrond" Oculo. 3" ma::u an the `Writs for terms. ':fI Ls';llA_'.nm`q. ,1 9 ,- - an :0` lII_IlI!Ila "II" 301' We xanadianschoul of raiemnhg, ox-'33 ' 8} Qlloon ls. I--9- 'l'--- - aus.uu.1-"J.I..U.l.1v.I.`l._I. At st.` PBJIPB Ohuroh,.Innisfil,_ on Saturday. July -25th. by the Rev. Oswald Rigby, M. A, fenry L. Eaten. 0. L. `S.. to Helen 11.. second `daughter of the Rev. Canon Murpjny. Hot Innisfil. .'1Ige'!1;.';-`s:1_ < I *eaMa`%%>wanm,DA; successor to Frawhleyj Devlin. u:nnss,.1cmmi(nt%;7lm A3235 BIOIJSOB at . . . . {.. .`. '_.T. .. Blouse` 0 . oO`OOO .`o . u 2.00 Blonsba at......... .. . . .. 1.50 Blouses a.t...; . . . . . . .. 1.25 BIounesat............ `Thi_$L}jaa,L{VO;itisei1ieI1t tells a. story of economy a .switg.}to%+th1`ifjX)uyrs and` a chance for rare Values on seasdhable requirenintsf If you cannot get down to -t1ie s'tore,%sendyoi1rei'rand boy,` or phone 169, M an "@115 satngiyor vantwill .be carefully attended to, I n'iu_ulin`s niuat gq;_ 7' ;1oc.;to 20 Mualipgicf `. ; . `. . . . ,.. . . . . ................. .. 7c V`20c..fQ_`3Oc o u a_-o .5`... o c o o q`. o I 00.0.. o o`o q o o o o o . . o o . . . . 15C ,30c to _45cMup1insgt.,.-..,;._..,.....V. . . . . . . . . ..-. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c 60cto:7_5.o Hulllins at....V-.......'..... ............. . . . . . . . . .. 35c Bargain; m Gblggod PlI'lOIO ~ 40 snecoloua Paimsols, all. the fashionable Ihades and designs, fromO~1.00 to 83:50; clear at one fth of regular price. Bargains In Engllsh croionno 10pieoes heavy English. Washing Cretonne, good patterns on light and dark grounds, regular 15c, at... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......l0c Bargains In carpets ?C-- -v----- _--_v, ~ .5: . Not-a%.-garment-hmAs1:hba:c9;rried;`over.. One week s selling must "f..'.$1.9 Ski -A :. ~ cl-"er thB' l0t.` ` Buy your -year's supply ndw vand save money. o`vo"o:_..o.'o:o o o 0 0.00.0 c o 3 o . ocooo o - . . . . :`$I,g25'_Go:`:aat.,.'.u_._. . . . . . .. , 5 D A .ut..V...`.',..Q'.Q._`,OCDOOIOI;IOOOOO o o o o u I o o o o u . .. ... gt.. .._-go...-n Oo0o.oo,ooIf_p'c no 000 on soon. on tons. Q1 An I\_..__.... II` l n .Fancy% Rlbbons` "lr'fVa%|n`oi|it Drug. Muslin: --:`-%---- lercelne In "White lleueee .65 ne White Blotiees to be cleared at rapid selling prices. They - ..ieclnde thepi _of Canadian manufactured goods. All mustbe . eoldin oneshort week. . ` 3 - ~T'. ' . A".""TT'-'~.. ~. *' "M ' :2. BUDGET or NEWS concmnnrut . TH:5-AMV3"?5NT3 Fi3.1T%.H g. WARD RESiDE_N1`S. T._ 3, } Bafgglngln !qgs3 8_lIko 230 yards beautiful an Silk Bleusing, in stripes of Blue, Reseda, Cardinal, Turquoise and Pink, regular price 75c, on sale for one Weekat; o o o oroooooo o o o o oooooooooosooc-oo..o.-......... 50`: Bargains lnsummer corsets 40 fine Net Corsets, in blue,steeI and Kabo lled, excellent tting. we`recommend them as perfect, sizes 19, 20, 21, 24-, 25, regular 50c, bnsale at.....v.......'..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 390 ck am... Skirts }B arg$|ns In Vl'ool.Vlalst|ngs % Baralns%|n}Vl-hltbvvaar _ - -_...._-.l --. . E i"f"?<," .'."'- 7~ $1.00 Dra{s-Ea" ......... 5 . .-50 .D.mwers at.'.-V. .`.;a . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . '-` .65c.Coract- Covers...-. 3 '... ... . . . i. ; . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. "'3'" Ac03.9to0VBTI'a`...V......`.. o o o o o 000 o o o n o o o o o u o o - - on bitiful .lj'an,c"y_ NVeck_.Ribbon,b all pure silk, in plain , (apcy yv'eav9s,, Persian sripe, regular 20c, at .... ..15c r_ extra n;Ap1-onv and . blue borders, excellent 'w'ashi_i:g`, Ijegula; vl'u_'e 25c,`npecial at. . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......15c egVEate'l1 Umgvej-gkir_t's`, extr. ne degp gunce trimmed with _gix,cg-imped fn_lls, discounts any sklrt 1n the trade at .......... ' . . o c . . . ..oo . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . H 8% All Carpets, Oil Cloths; Japanese Mattings and Rugs greatly re- duced to cle-r. Positively all must be sold, no ,reserve. Rare bargains; investigate. .` . [ V `N g K\ 5 `N _` ` W Z``` `5`.. ` b ` 5 K: ~v--v s V. V Qua; 83.. Int. `roronio. ;,.6`patE.terns_ Ca:ahmere.';l'v!vill Waistings, in mavnicent >pat.berbns, regular ptjxoe-.500,` at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 .n-l *lna_-.A._v__ ` `lieorgevickers IOIOOOOOAIOIOOoIIOO_oI_IIO0IoIOooocg. .,`O.I',D...OCOOICIVOOOI.OOCOIICOOOOu.. puc>o1__"tOI.O.-OAOIl_ D`lOOOooonooonoootooog IOI,l,Q l;OO,`U..OOOO0.0.00!IIcoconut. 'osoooIIocuoI1tcoooos.o-no... Jo` L2" .{ {.6 g. -O0-OOoouo~ooaoIoooooooooocoooo x ]P5m1 8. | Strong Temptation oi `;'"'-3,.-----------* _ M ,2;-nu-a-;g.`*`r...~:.:'..`::. *:.:.."'.:.`:::`.:`..`u:`?- =v ,3, "-7 omucz where '5 ...u.....a.. rumergw ~ 13 Wm fave" for those who a reciate choice C800"! 809100 1 at and tin that wlzephave P"?3d ` 5-`$1: vegetables. et\:.,part|cu|arlY 5"` M5 `fottho `Spun: Iduou, when fruits and vest W, IhouldL- be plontifully consumed. We ha" 9" ,, 93C.. 5511: grade groceries. teas. C0595` wig, ' and would be pleased to supply Y0 " g Itvnonulum-G . [ALI LFIIJD IILIIIIIJ I s Miss Maude Moore. of Niagara. Falls .36 spending a few; days with the Mis- sea Collins. t L. on -A 1-v,,,,9IL-._ 2.. _.2.. '/EOBLEY BRo I: dun wou|u_ DB ] 5 at popular pnces. Imam Tsrocx sues. Phone I69. 1.25 3 .95 1.20 .63 .89 .39 .45 .39 81.75 81.60 81.50 81.15 2&5 i T? .M1;,.~ 3 ,=,Br}11i{51i is .r_6mot1e1li`ng vtike *.'olKl`Eng}ih.`Gl$utoh,.-.dh the . town-T line and w,ilVl convert it into a dwell- ingVho,\Ls'g. ;- . - : Aldeimexf " 'f3 7i'ei" ad` "L.6w' Alwere in the 6th_`War-g1 on Tugsdtiy overlooking` -the construction-Aof,.the pavement on : Ema` street. ' - ` .- n Mr-_;. aw .r1-'n_._-:J.I.. .I..'.-..... ...~._ `JYLUJILVGJLIIQ -ll-I-llvcsvansu , %_:,; Mrs. Patton. who a is on her way bm to` New, `_Lowe)1 from` Ottawa. "as een visiting Mrs. Murray. Ou_m- ??35!!3`F`_E?`% ., V` ~ LVVUI `.!:w,5;w_w- wv _ V Momiuan. was "At Hom" to pva. uuuuuuu _Ealkfpar arid oThVild_rnV have tug .Oity, a,t,eer% `u `w - ' - 'u-1: I , C" '>\'~.-~-,~~. .. e_a..-~...:.Iu-4 jut-.w: ;'a;-'-- 9`-.`.-.,- 3. `-' v.,A.4`-s \- Foux Fnres Oourrdd En Suday and _'.` Monday-Reo_eption t Rev} _ `In Mrs. Page past tewdai . `II.-- 772-- -1 'lII_._`.-L_ ""ii}T'is."L?3iZ':'2?o.ISIuFslELI; ,?.iV!!.d' iim.t9wn$'Ttn 1.ire.. on at-hie '-.6`r-':;'1`.- `ED . MY1;`i ua.:tridge, of Hamilton. vis-' iting her uncle. Mr. Josephllolmes. Cumberland street. ` IJIALIIIJVL Iuuu Du; IJUIAO A Mrs. Fred Howard and family have returned after visiting her mother. in-`Portland. Maine.` I Inn '71- ,__l.l_I 1.-.. I.--.. -3` bl-UIv'_ _ all-LIED '-JIJ-III-Llbv; \Jl- .a-v- v-oo-v- 'Mr. Jones. who has"been`visit;ing' Merga 4R.f_'.l.T11>(_)I!1[`)'80I1l and W. Srigley. rettfrnd `to"'1`o1`onto .611 Saturday. T K Mrs. Frank Dalton. of Huntsville, accompanied by her -two children. is `visiting 1131" mother for a gquple` qf ' Luann GL1 U61... - Mr. and Mm ".H.`Gva-lbraith '11 ave re- o'turn'`d,'to' Toronto after .plea`sant__ stlay ih Allandalo. as guests of` Mrs.. R. Campbell. '7 ~ to V ` "Ar_. -n.:...... :. ..:..:L:.... 1.4.. ':a+A J-Us Unauyuusu . "Mr. -`Rainey is visiting _his.jsi'st'er. 'fMrs. Thos. Blair, Gowan stret. after `an absence from 'Al1andale,o over .; twen*ty years. - n gt... 11 n.n'\.........I'lV.un.A Gov":-ilnr `on- bin. 3.. 'Rid1dell_ has laid on work to nurse a broken rib. the result qt afally R I_~',:_v*. [I an quv , _i,_,. L... I_'A_L 1-.. `. 111' .KUL'I.luuu. utaluco r Mr. T. Homer. wh`o` has been off work for several weeks`. is-steadily improving in health. . T `If..- 1ur:n.... A-...I -1n'I.-I-non nnnnmnnon- 1513115015553 loo gnvwovoou .. _ vMrs. Miller and children. accompan- iedby her sister. of Winnipeg. are visiting friends on Baldwin street.i ` - "" A ~' ~--_lL__. _..u_I .B-_.!`-- -;u`-nun`, ` Vllillvlfla O-&Iva{\A- v- ---~-~---- ~~~-'- I . % Mr. Brunton and family return- i eid to London.` last Saturday. stop- ping off in Hamilton for a _few. days. 112..-? -I-:u..:....n-...:- ....d-mnl-n:nul' a four 111145 ULI. {us J.J-Ihllllavvgo ..u. w _V... ....`,-- Miss: Elsie" Cowie entertained a few friends, last week. in ho1_1or;of her gusst,',Mis..Moffat, of.'1`oronto, - I "'II_. 'I _._`..... --.L A` `alumni. Ann ' - `lo W VIII. J van. A30 1 Mrs. P, O'Donnell and family. aeg- -Iqompanied by Miss Blaine leave this ijfjweok tor a trip to Gca-mnhurst and ;.Montcalm._Muskoka.' ` ___L- 2...... Ian. an-aw` iii; William Culroqs. J;-. is qo1'1_vaV-' -leaning much to the-ple'.s'ure of her friends. ` ' " L .-no 111.1: u,_v_. I_2jA -31 _.__|_ \l \hI.LI-Ihlaula-JI ` - Mr. Simon Gibson. of H6114}. visit-4 `dd his" uncle. Mr. Wm. Armstrong. on ' \ an--__ '|l'____1_ an-___.- -A \Y:.........- `mnlin Mm Page few do. 1 Mrs. Hise. of ATor`onto. is visiting} ,,' ji, ,_. CI ,,'A,I. iE;T:71`hs. Ba1ey..o: Haxhilton. is visiting at the .reqig{enoe ot Mr. __i_l; ohrih, I '-c - T - uvvnin A ,I__.__ T_ 2.. --.__.- Mrs. Archer`-i'uid* her son. Charlie. % have gone on a. visit to Port-Hope friens \ -.' u A '9 .,oI.I __- !.. - ------- -cu-g .----- vc--o-- -- --- EI;:_88-t':8*-3-C Mr._ '1`l;_os.- Sxpith`s. {Min Jornes._'2of `Nw. York. is visit-. ing Mrs. Ed. Shear. Burton Ave. _ Il'._ I'l__-_. _ VE-._-_.L_ ' __.-__L I co-U ----an c-u.- -tony`-up .--uu vvwn you Mr. J. A. Fryer. of 'rJronto,4."'e:it Susaav SE3: 9&5: Buny mic! gwithfa Hr \ _ :3:j3`l> , , 19; was n.f9 !rs.""R:*".`a3 ":'1:'fi'Lt]1"`%n a.r`e = Allandale has had /more than its share of fires within the last few days. _On Sunday afternoon Mr. W. J. Knapp s, roof was found to be on fire, having caught. it is A thought". from a cinder thrown from a pasing locomotive. The G. T. R. boys had the blazesubdued before` the Allandale brigade reached. the scene. The shingles on the roof of. Mrs. ePage s boarding house} on IE s4sa S.t.. were discovered to be on fire on Mon-. day afternoon and` the brigade -turned out from headquarters t'o'a:ssis`t the Allarmdale branch. The roof `was en- tirely` destroyed. A. `funny incident occnrred during the progress of the fire. when Geo, Vair threw the hose off the railway track. without warn- ing -Messrs. 'Murray' `and Webb, `who were handling the` `nozzle. The latter was nearly turned in:sideout `before "he got ont of range, ;ThcA Roadmae~._ iterfg `Office took fir-ie `gram a.;inode`r.' the` sameafternoo_n.bu't. the build- /ing .Wa`_s edited by, ,,t,he,pro1n1')t action, of a .vo1p.nteer `p'aiI.b"rigade from the restaurant. An old wooden` houise on the I_.Gowan,`.latreet lo`t~`. recently pgur-, ` chased `from the .McOlary_ .Br'o's.._.b" -'the`~G.t,T. 'R.. was oomp'le_tel y de7s'tr`o7y-. ed by tire on "Monday `night. >: It was unoccupied and as `there -was no"adja- cent V hydrant it would .no't_; be'sdi.:V 1')... VI'\_'. run -w -----u-. O-I-QIIEI--IJLJ-lb! ' The Saskatoon Phenix -says. - A very interesting congregational meet- ing" washeld in the Methodist Church ht .Nu'tana. on Monday evening. 13th. i.nst.. `the occasion "being the weloom-_A ing of the Re_v.~J. L Churchill. Mrs, .Ch.uroh_ill and Mr.LMatthews. There `was a goodly vnnmber presen-t..severg-__g al driving*,in' tron: -81pith_v,igl_le., while Saskatoon was well rptsentad. Be-] 5Pi!1.|?BT*.h 3`?Y._. : .?1.i!?3,`}Si1??.!!1"*`.i`?`P.1_T137: " -_--v -- ---our -v Inv\r I-`VII H`-I 'IJ9ltV\J'\nIl RQV.aD_1`. Gilray. of"1-`oronto. occupi- dd Rev. H. D. Cameron's pulpit on Sunday morning. '_ .V - l'l!I_- Z__IA_L____ -\- up-at 'cna.}Ynpw:;. :.:gs I` :3; '.;In the "`_'_Burton "VA've. Jlhurch the morning ahtlnemv-\v'as_1V 99-! cannot do without Thee." the solo being taken by M'a`g"7gie_' Brunten. _ The sub- ject of `Rev. Mr. Bedto'rd .s "sermon was "The Godly Man." The` offertory solo was Lead me when the night ,grows round me. in which Mr. W. Kelsey`s ivoiee was heard to A_good'ad- vantage. The evening anthem was. "The" ,Loi"d ihny Strength. the "solo" being taken by llldir. W. Kelsey. The pastor-spoke on"one of the old stories which is always new because it refers tohuman life. He referred to David appearing! amongst the army of Is- rael; what he saw there. how he was `led to act.` -an`d'the Divine protection with which he was surrounded. The lesson to be learned. therefore. was that no preparation is\ne-e-ded to do. the Lord's work. as shown by Da- vid, laying aside the armour "provided for him an- d- going forth just as he wa-s to fight Goliath. The offertory `Solo. "Flee as a bird to your Moun- tain." was taken `by Mr. W. Kelsey. Next Sunday quarterly services will be conducted. _' ' i T wpcx Irom aun_qay.. `"~`& ~ *- Meqsrs; Pro amd Cromarty Ag ;-S_)h;`to, w}: summering on" c sioms at `tenn';ip\%'3f ?I_`'ji. 3;E 1"-;'_:Z{:3.MjL L. B1 lawn. on '1 1'ft 8-W7 . .%'_i-Ma9!i9rh- b` J`; . A%'9'6":%;t<'i s=:r1.1I, 1?` `"`..~"-""rf`I.."9W'- `F37 ,. .-I01. "V3 v n. v and 41'.` Oi'_on"1a.r_ ;:`hdme*'Ve 1'_. vi!rQ"dble to but t'ha~;iv ne. :.-::< L % `F [In the "Run-hm ' Km. :M"i*!l>..{.`.-.1. H... uftu LOOK p1aop,gqg`L-.Monday.' I The ` vside\xr.z1`lk-j"`f`o11!.;`,.._B;1.1r`ton Ave. has bpen , L 1;ippeg`?' pfi{'gp}a_;-g;tory' to ti`: o oons;itt;'cVtio'1V;;.',`1$!`3"tl.1e r. pavement. "S; the ~- 'r"""T'-;u'.'-'3" 6'r%ame;i!Eii%l~**;`*!` { Preslgy _` `\` eral bapt'_maI5{""`:" be Ifelda` wfeek from .Sui1_(_l:'6y:f * Messrs; [Pro " V ' QJIJI IV___.....L... `ll K". `New Yorgic ` `-(_.K 4kI.:'.L _ away tor. several weeks. 2' ' ,fMr. awd S.fga.rgravea are tic- oiving the dy"th their friends `b:Z?$p7ised` by me v--v -`run U5 ` V LIul`!`l\"`l ', (`KIWI G5.1a'npnd Tswtaciifia. vShe..expogts to pg % away for. several weeks. --n|'_ __ 1 11-1 -':.. ru- ant iriit ;{v:_ we st1..`eet."`.'-."c ='H'. 4., ;'~' MI` L2-` % W.i."'l.Z Touc11er.V '.ao$oih1:inid by her "little 'daughter.v*]JruoillaJ' has gone .on a trip` to ~Hami1'ton-1 and r11.._.a-...-n Q.L_LS_._ nu 5mi.thvEa4' 5'?1.'%9t.-r-.2. ' M;-,4. William Agfmgtrong as said his `farm at Holly, lot ,2. ,qon..=,.10. to Mr. W. -;F1'8.8B1'.a_ ,,of'. ,,Barrie.~ Mr, I"-rasc'r tal,;os_`,p9se,ss;ion;in-'th,<:-fVaM.` .,.~, .: BARGAIN. &`hinistered n heist Sunda __` . 4! . O Q11-vunnnhnn 'li`..:.lA .. a:c;;`;;ho` '.;;..: 7`:".`_ ?E' 1 %.;`:;7`B;;:;;:; pra,1L.Be'- t. but t e L ` `for tc "'B_.. ....`.'| Fri`-d:;'Id_y; ur 'Rn'v . 1\4:~a-mili; `%Ba`; stisp::fini later t_own.- sh:r't_1y:-a_tter=e8" o olde `.=.Mr. tEhy took the" chair and afjter"si`ng'l1 a`g prayerridtilleti Messrs; Iririnc i anid'~."8anders.' uh6:- in` a`*'f,ew "'vi*6rts thenf in the nam'e';of'the' -district. _ jweloometl Mr; and Mrs. C_hurch`ill-and , Mr.'Ma-_ttheWB.' 'anid asked` for them `- _the'oo-operation of the en-tire`-cireuit. After a hort_"intermission. spent very . ,7sooiably. the chairman called `on "Mr. Ellis. who_sh'oweld the room there was a in this pountry for all denominations. Mr. Chant amused; the audience with a few v\(ell-chosen remarks. Mr. Mat- : thews anid Mr. Churchill replied to the words of welcome. The reason they` came was, the helping of the a kingdom of Christ and bringing Sal- vation to men. The singing of the ' doxology brought a very happybevena ing to a elose. . ' " 'v'v*eloometl = the pa~.sto'rs.3 Mr; ' Lawson.` while Mr. Henry Tuck was shingling the barn he slipped and fell from the peak down` on a pile of stone and received injuries which terminated fatally the following afternoon about five o'clock. His ankles were smash- ed anid his head and face badly cut` and bruised and although he lived l "6"; iueiaud-a y mnnorning. July 2151:,` for the most par_t of. two days after the `accident h-e nev-ef regained eon- scioussness. The funeral took .plaoe- on Saturday `afternoon -to the Stay- ner cemetery antd/was followed by a con_oourse_ of sympathetieviriends. Henryvwas the youngest son of Mr. `an-d-~Mrs. Geo. '1`-uck and leaves ' to: -mourn his loss. besizdes his parents. two "sisters and seven brothers. ':`-The sorrowing family - have the sympathy of the vpeogilei of the -community in- 'th=eir-`-`saad affliction. ' " ' ~_ CRAIGi{URS'1`. V ' % * Q Miss K. McLean v'isit_e1 'fric;:nd,s in; TorTonto'1ast:',e 1't,' ' ` {Hi I : Iv vvas n ` Mri -. ~ V_V'alte rV Chalmers. of Coiling-4 w'9od` spenrtlsundly with` friends here. .sv1vuuv Juan vv GUIL- _. i'Mr. Euston and'_h_is inother Tviziittodv .x"ien-dxs at Allandwood la`s_t7fweel: .' Mrs. A; Ken` sited `her `daughter, Mrs. A. `J; Baxtj`. at Toronto Juno-1 tion and Mr. -. and M_rs.VA. P. Lithgow. ` at Weston, V{lAa s"t -wepk. ..-- `ow-v--avg,---v -.-u. .u.-w- `on LLVJILI Last Tuesday evening the band at- `tended a lawn party at the residence of Mr; Wm. White. at Dalston. The Bart .was under the auspices of the on Fobtball '1'eama.nd a`.very,. lea1sant_time_waB_' spent. In addition _ 0'1-~it`h`e m `c-:..ot~ 1:115 and a choice ;_to':'!t 6 'nm_ on -`of-v_, tlgej band: nchoicc gag: rendophda. . t . :-.`. : L- 1` llluuuz W65 - l'6llQ61'6o ~ The band haafacoe ted an" inAvita- ytiqn to- - it s t I: e residence of l;(\rr.LG-L_5`!:I: a5:."V `;' ??4_l1.6`xV`l:_ )W.o%ekV. . I vii/ss::iTJ9:'r`1;;i.r:a"v:v1-'oxv;1v `an-d 'K~at'rc~ `}Good-win-- visited friends in Vigtfltst` \ i I _`Mr$.:An;gus; of Tdrohrto. is -_I ;he guest` of ;hi'7daughte1f.A Mrs. 0. Hart. |l'_'_ .`l"I..!.L.L __ 'ri___I___- 5'1sE. ~B"{;KTa?r."$rX}5$n; and 1 her two _ohiLdre1'1 are the guests of her parents.~.Mr. and Mrs.; A, Kcgil. . 'l'._.J_ lll__--j-__ -___2___ .LL_ 1 vv vuvvbny auouv V7 V\J_&o ` w'vMr-.5. T- _J6hnson, ` of VM'arkh`azi1,V is visiting relatives hcren , ._, _...- -..v- -- .-..v-on Mr. J. A. an'n(i'Miss Lizzic_ I Moir spe1'1t~ Sunday with Elmvale friends. (i_ flI-___.`I___ _ __ , n1_.L IJ lI>llI\-Ill-J n . ` '- Miss Mary" Bigga-r. dt`6riili:i, fa vis-. itin"gx at Mr. Hugh Bigg_ar s. . -A ' L Master` Frank Tyndale .'un`d- sister Sadie visited their a'uu't. Ml-`.9, Geo. Young. -of Grentel. last week. ,_ ' " Mrs.` Wm ."rhom n=a`n?d daughter. Flosie. and. two ttle boys of Otta- wa. have returnetd ' to Bari-ie after sjpending a few days `with relatives` here; _ ' - Miss Pearl Maylor. of Owen Soun-d,V is holidaying~a't rhcr grand-parents.` here. - Mr. ahd Mrs. George Jackman, of_ Minesing spent Sunday with thc former`s 4mo'thcr. ` ' ' --.---- -----3 wr-. u-gs--o-vs; an vauv o; Mrs. Wm.` Bloxham.~, .. .4 Miss Mamie Dale. of Ioronto. is.-viss itingwith the Misses Millor.__. ..... . 1 Miss Jessie Kell. -ofv:Barrie;- spent Sunday under the parental ro'of.- .. { '.'II'- l-__I.I I .'._--_-I-_ -1 l1__I.._L-____. .---vwur no uvnnscu vs`: III: $IIQI_\IIIJI" Mr. . L and V Minnikinuof ::Fern- dalo.<. Tvisited at (Mr. R:A-Gibson-'5' on Sunday. It __ l.___4'TI9-`__._'.,, p; A nu -, `8`UNNIDALEV' comznas. . 1 Miss Vina Rose of Enfield. is spend- 1 ing her `holidays at her home here. 'll`:.... 'l:I...:l-_ 'nr-:__ _.2`_:L__x _.!-_J_ V} '"= -" "'*'"" ' "fr """. `"*: . Miss Emily Moir visxted fnends xn Barrie last week. " -5 seven pounds when dressed. . . ` Rv`, Mr. _I:Ia'1' ron _,an:d' Mr.5.,HarrOp. who iha7v.eA B90ii'.atexidiI,18`_. th Ep- Wgth I-e'a~gue' C6ni'r'en ti'on in_Dtroit. ;1_'r_ive'd,:h_e,1je Saturday gvehig and ay i: 'wa s ,the,largest .a.xid. bgst con- Vention yet held in c`on'ne3:tion with this b,r_an:ch `of, church work. They 10319 here on, '1.`11-$d%.1r Port E1- 8111. -Mr} HeIu9ron s% ..Jpat.e,rn'a1..x home- Whcrc fhw `purpose spending ,a few 1 I I` 9 ant 'v1v'uu - weeks. . A_ VWe; congratulate Lottjo., Ha-nd Bernice r.ight;.on;_ having p asset! the entrance. exams. "being the only ones sent from this school. ~ r 1- ' . .-.,~Mt.s. 0 Delle left: 'here.last week `to visit" friends in-Toronto for as few )Vc8k3`.` ~ (l;ev.) J.ASbarling.=/Twvho has been spending the. `summer ' v vith""he`i- parents. since 91 "oonfer'c`n`ee.* `i-nthds leaving"a':feyvf'days for `her qme in` `Newi Ontario. A -` 7 Beatty and ' two A` of` her` boys . opOtE_b;wa. accompanied` by her sistar, Miss eSush1i*Crh$voi;d."'hre 'f) a few "Weeks"-withher "br6t`l1er.-,_`Mr`. \_?Sm.'C;-awfohi}-,Ji""`; "' A `I K -'---guy`, .-a.-`av. vamp: IIDl.'vAlv\DI JIIIIAO " `Mr. Ronald Knowles. of Cooksto.\'n. visited. friends here Sunday. H II. `--.*...|' an..- 112..-- , % K_ILLYLlf3A3GH. M .- AA__`_'1lhe`fall_ lwheqt 'a_n:d hgrlcyt harvest is. progrqss_ing"very `favqifbly and present; inngiipatioris predict. a large` `yield. V v ` .-I\ i...` . --` - 3 -- `1Vs7;'.' _R._ Little V has some P1`yr`n_o11th Rack 'fowl'."bne '6! w1iih;a fcyyfdays geven `pounds \'yhch' '~ hi; 111-4 :4- _.z_1go.',.._bi1A1g two, years old. `wc_ighe`d -- V. Mi-as `of Grcntglg ; A `D `Iv 1 .1IILI-Y! .. ..<. "`; ' ' I -" \` '.....,.,`g"..gv.`..~. '"""""""""`THE`1TORTHEE? '1lI)'V`INUE' % r . ~~ . -is itrixe _ -M--1"."-.ia~x1-1-;sm;fo1;vx;;.;:'<>n intends` going to the West '-this` Harvest. We know: that` a-7man`l`ike him will- b'e missed `th r`ougho{1t bur` villag'e' " _ ` The Oro Statiqn Methodist Ladies" Ai'd yvill `holld a'19oc i`a_.l"at" the hohie` of'Mrs. S't.ixley.`G1,1'thrie. on Aug`-" ust _4;'th`, D. _'V. A g_fqdd';'irog'rsL'm. will- b` providpd `ang a11j`_`re" cpYr inf vvited, __ _`

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