-.W~bg.r,A r" W "7 -- -----v-- n at - - ~ V - BRADFORD-It was with profound that our `citizens heard of the death bf Mr; '1`. 8'. Graham} w hio`h_ oo-' cur1je1d- on Sunday? Aev.eulns';i~ about 730 o'clock; `It was not .uxiexpeoted.thovn.r-_ ever; as it` w,as.l:n_own seyerall weeks ease {the-t .hi,,4i1ln9P=n. wast one .- .1190 `death? He was surrounded by hie (lei.-3'" voted ivife and ilg1`8s and Qgisjtinseioue of ` their presence " he paseilg; calmly - ahkl `quietly away. De-T ceased-` had `been A.-ailing, for. ovzer, tlwpo yearn. In;`J'anuary he was obliged to giveup all`hueineealand from. that timi onrwarid. was confined most of the`-timle to the house. During the last `few month`: he suffered a great |d'eal'~`~ hut Bore it all with Christian patibne.; HiI=.!aih;,in 8 Risen `R9-_ deeier {tea itrhg. He had no doubltq or_.;eam_ae to the hereafter; anodf freiquex'1tly enjoyed sweet talks" during his illness with his affection- ate jw,ife:.""lTh-oaune of his death was peniioiouss aenemia: ' . I ' -nuuunnu l\..... .3 +1.. -..nal- savor-n {Electric Co -at. $21,563 ; "the VVes`ting>-.. ,hows?e. ElectricICc.. 21,319.14.- ax_1ndi_the; .Unii:f5aa rE1ec'i_:ri_c Co..{ a".t'..$2'0.450, The fengT_ineer recqmmendedhe ~'accep: 7 -ance of the; Wegtingjhcuee. tender. Onl : the _gr,oux'xd thart:-tl1eAUnVi:t`e`d_ campiqnye` `xicould not (show in '- ope`ra'tVioh_'suchw :,larg'e generfaters as we'1j_e.'.re`quire_ `Whereas _ the gW!3Sting`hgp,s`e; Company A; 5 W'91."'..t11*5;1aI88St- ma,kIer;s'.`.of 2 thi GIN $110-LEVI Kills ORILLIA,--The Town Council held a special meeting on Friday morn- ing to receive `the report of Mr, H. Von Schon. of Sault Ste. Marie. the engln er` called in" by May_or*'McO0jsh' to examine the '.tenders. Six tenders were submitted to him. The hydrau-` lical part of the machinerfy was ten-'~ dared` for by the J enckes Machine 09.. Shefbrooke. -Quebec, at` $9,941. and the William Hamilton Co.. at $9,250.?` Mr. -Von-Tschon recommended the ac- ceptance of the latter. as preferable bclth in price anid inietails. ' The electrical ap'para'tus.ipr,opo_eed in the -"t-en,d`ers's .y\_"ae__,,by the ' Canadian Bullock l 00.} at $22,700; `the Canadian General fxii*i11iv`menf- iilMr- iVha;~Spho ed 1:0,. 1,-e.vise ._-the;con_t;:acte;.i-before the The factory by-law was not ear`- 'in 1 j or of the by-law,_it _wa,s defeat- UVVW "VI: GUI AIiLIST0N+It t.e;srs =e ;f91se't1.rme* rie' now. the question ,-is as dead as 'the 7proverbia-l door nail. ._ The, sec- tion.f;o} the _Ontario `Statutes under whiobgtho Town clerk declared we: 1 ! 8!ri9?.1`-; =i`;M`l.i.'1`9`8 `ellif thirid of all qualified electors shall voteiin favor of the `by-law, in order to uriry `it and a: maictity 01 $11.0 vote_" east music also be` in `tavbrof the liyglaw. By a recent -amennimenty however. quite .a..diter.ent,. complex-$9 ion in `put: on the `ca.sje.,the onesthird` being `changed torthre-tiiths. there! are 266 possible Votes in this :town:,o otixly '.-102`v'ote&s were`-cast ed. I nder t_he amended statute it .__-__I..'I -L- ;.-_-.....-_'... .nL'A I-nun nus n`vv|'b\l}" V-w_- v-v w ill I-_ V1: V5 |vLvI'V Dig"-uv,v~..,av nu-ray ` ` . . . ed. , mist amenddv Lsizqtiite it xv-augdgbe heocsary "to have an almost 1 unaxijjmous-vote of tlie resident elec- 11 A.---11- ___..'._ :_---L -.1_.. I`... Jan A Lauryn: ` vi-W -1"-Wu vv-w v-wvv- .. . 'ELMVALE--Steps are being taken; by Some _o our_leg.dingi citizens to__ form 6. new banfcl" in Elmvale. and _ they are going" -about it -in the _right 3 way,i"._'b_y first trying to raise` a. salary`! tor `the leadqr. This is proper. as- .the-`s't.1ooes':_ot a bamdp depepds upon the leader. aifd \*i'thout-*_a.?isala`ry.he`? oan1ibi`jr,be `expected to` put: his -;in.ter-` ed into it: as he must do to makqq. aueoss, of it. I - Av.~'i"1-amnxv `N.-' .....- .- cal-.. "..In'-up-n.| `I06 IIIVIIJIIS Flrvdlvalaowv BEE _l.`ON-0ne of thevmost severe] storms known `to Beetonites and the A inhabitants of the adjacent districts was that of last Sunday afternoon. -about 3.30. when hail stones. as. large and = in some cases larger` than marblesyfell with the heavy down-_ pour of rain. causing much destruc- to trees and fruit. The ripened cher- ries lay upctnv the ground inbushels. while apples and other green fruit wereitreely snapped from their abid- ing place. Considerable damage was done to the standing fall wheat crops north of `the town. the grain being` threshed out and strewn over the fields. Many fields of oats. ctc.. were levelled, and`. at present ap- pearance. will be an entire loss. Much fruit in` the orchardswas felled by the violence of the storm. South and west of the{ town and `in. the vicinity of Tottenham the storm was not so severe ,no hailstones accompanying` the downpour of rain. The lightning was vivid and the thunder heavy. During the storm the spire of the Oookstown public school ` was struck and shattered. A " ' -I A-a,,,,__!I L-I.I STAYNER-[On Tuesday evening a. oominitttee appointed by` the congre- ga.tig_n1ot the Presbyterian church to `deei__gie an the `qustion of buying (or building a new purchased the residence bf Mr. `W. "B. Saunders. The - prioe gpaikl was $1,800. -aw-urn-'11:! na.-...... _.... I..a.:_.-L .1-glean" :++` o+`++ ++1 __4.. . _____._ i?}i$;'+w;;=s;e%=l; 5%` '. ?-x'?3rZ{:{\3::`. Arou%ndV Aboht g...%carnrear...% Th; Exchagggg of Athg Qounty. :-J5: $IVl$..\II IIIIU VVIII Ll IJQIIUIEDDIII Bo, ' VPrfo'b_.bly` (.h' lttmctivo effect 'e'9xe'r-4` died `by the magnet on irbn was dis- - {by->-accident-and- --a'te- other propertigs ascort,ajne__d by degrees. {rho * "nu-a\fnlhd.Ipus . v ..s......o;:..a '7' `l:IIl_-nha . .54...-" Jtlllbl \.I_l vlltalsuv VVAAAVLA Lslulvtkhuu Irltw - -..ca.rdin`a1 polnts.--s, But 13.3-8./..h9.: .f,0E..___.is. n-`CA `A `neat,-A `\I\l\} vu-5:51:11 `Kc: `LA 91.51:, _.JI `I -7515 VIRC IJJ uvgluvno HLIIU `.`prols.to :ren9st: I._`l!w,'s 73:81:-t`-1'3. about the iormor-how an unsuspect- ing shepherd` unconsciously stopped on _to,`_o._ mass otmognotic irony ore, and 'iound"`tho.t the top `of his crook` .'o.n_d' jthenails o('h1s'b'o_ots.stuck . to the `rocks. "Stro.ngo,'.if true; and that shepherd must have felt very much as -it he '-were walking on` soft as- phalt on 0. hot day. But those who =*.hs.vo scrambled in Alpine -boots over spoil.`b_an_ks of magnetic ore tell `,:.-._us they `wars. unconscious` or any'-.im- pedimont`. " But to theffrst discover- er thovpropsrty of attracting -3 "bit of ordinary iron must have seemed a very great medicine." it is `undoubtedly of marvel. ' `NR1! nhi `lief. not-fh\`n`nn uniunfainnn -_ v.-I-V Ywny-`vy v yo can V. was he even-correct in ascribing the introduction, of the mariners com- ` ass into Europe to Marco Polo. V that idea isjdismieeed_ by Col. Yule with the remark that of it, and the ; will say nothing, since no one, he believes, any longer imagines Memo :."aiat.te1:._ gm-opertiea'both oi the`- magnet" and `the gnetiicd ` needle have been so long known that their ;li"scoyegere have been 1o1j;`ottet:n.e:I_`_.l_1eyt `failed `t6obta.ina Viates sweet, and dreda..o1 the world ; benefactors. - vunv IIOUI5lII3U' 3595 0` ` allcged:-bninging of gunpovivder e he-- = torhe hi1df:anyi;hing,;to do ivith" the-1" have;.ge?1e_dpwn to oblivion like hun-., 'n..aI...'~'uI--' 41. ; ;u.a.-.-_4:-.- --__..' ._-_.-.'_~ auvuulv Illl AIIU All-B15300 CU | ask `Au.t.h9r" Jw.theA:% ; .,ya1. ramtu-: `Hdn, ` ?f'a`t." '8i1vanIa' `T om}`3aoh' " `(Ii-'" verged for a time into the attract-' iVe'by_patl.1S .9I._ro,m},anc,o- __ W ne9d._ Ytrdly aay that Dr." Gilbert wa.s_no,t GHQ`. align:-nu-nnnn Jgl 4l..` ...........4. ._._-. *- water-wheel ate the` Ragged 'Il,ap_ii1s and 'this- was` ~also*agreed to ....... ..'l`he- `Council ratified the`- proposition made by; Worship the Mayor to the Do- `miniozn LinenMi_l1s Company. Limit-, ed. for the establishment of their mill" in Orillia, The town undertakes ', to,-.supplyt_800. horse power at $16 per V horsepower per annum: to guaran _-tee $50.000iw'or'th of first mortgage i4 per cont. bands 0! the company: to- igive theriu afree site of five acres and to fix their assessment of real` { and personal" property as .may' be ?agreed upo'n'...3.'..The Forest City I?av-- ing Co. were. awarded the contract for building 75,000 square feet of Qf. ment sidewalk at 10 7-8 cents a square f_oot._crossings to be charged for at` the rate of 13 8-4ioents.- -P,a t ._t_,1;g; qisgpvgrer of the` magnet. Enox-3 he even-correct 6.:_acribi_ng I'.._L__, .I`.A ,0 _,, uucuag nu; vuunv us. \.l'lIIJUl-Ia VVQLB HUB` jm? rr3`t;`- m`.a.a.. . .s.;;..;.*,...,Im n........V. ` kVx--mt!-mf-.:%Aav-ts. -Lawn: um.- oovu-y-l!ypth| of qpggcq.` _ ` In 5 lecture on Th? M.gt`e`t lxahnieli ' Iva` `Autism.-' `now 41.. u......| u....a.:._. \ uuuvuupuusy gu `suurvu. l` . does that particular substance possess` this property in so extraor- dinary a degree? Touch a common needle with a piece 0! pure iron and _it remains. on the table; the ore , hematite which consists. of two. atoms of iron ' in chemical combination with ~ threeo! oxygen ,has no more eect, but substitute the intermediate mag- netic three atoms of iron combined with four ofoxygen, and the-needle comes to its arms like a; long-lost brother. So, too, when at hand mag- netis dipped into` a little heap of scaly hematite nothing happens; but granular. magnetite, rushes to it so eagerly that grain sticks to grain. Pliny s mention, however, shows that theloadstone was known long be- fore his time, and the .discovery was more probably dueto wise men. of the East than of the West. But it seems as it we must go further aeld than even Chaldea, unless we are to suppose the Chinese to-be Sumerian emigrants, and to have . taken with .them ,'from their ancestral home in the` Euphrates Valley the knowledge of the loadstone, it not of the com-e pass. The Far East; by common con- sent, is credited with the latter, and if we may believe -a certain Chinese historian, the rudimentary idea was known about forty-ve centuries ago. FBI... 1`~\I\t\IIp-`In AB-Ln 4-In-`u =6`.n.`I{u.. .-Vail I-annulus FIlfVVI_Ju_`-`; , anlqlg \IQlJ(,, r_a`\aDv_ _V_m~r- said to have beomraised by the ma- chinations of his encmyithc story in- vites experts` in the higher~criticism.' The compass, however, is mentioned .in early Chinese records, and some-` `thing of the kind must have been known before._the Christian: e1';;_._* 11; seems l:o' have '_ been ;used in naviga- tion by sailors of that-na.t`ion`e.arly in the fth century, and .'in (eastern seas, generally in the. earlier Middle Ages, the first really denite Inm- tion qigithei marinerg':oinp`a'ss" ly"a` Wcster'r'1 `writer dating` frdI'n"`the twelfth century. -, At first the'no edlo `V-was supposed to turn due north the- cause `:-`Pa. - huge" `mass , of ltmdst-one - "marked,-v the position of_ that; : 'po'1e; :but when its variation was .disg:_ovc~rl-. .`ve_djtl;xe`-.t1,1eory had tosbe modied; . rnL..- ' nu nunfnann Q:`1r..u:sucn ' 1APle1nYre =t_4i;1'ea(:e1_1Aef Z xpei a'll tvhg . . .3 95-.` A oaaav V16! uuv ova v vvanvvnn own: vubvo The Emperor .of`1.hat day, funding the movements of his army impeded by a. persistent fog, c_onstruct.ec1 it kind of chariot which indicated the] L714. vllv vnavxra J Jxcyxc uv Ivu baavv-A;Auu -Then, as Professor \Silvui1us `Thompson tells us, the centre of at- traction'Was' shifted about, as -cir- cumstances seemed to require some putting the magnetic -mduntainsv` in Ca1cutta-certain1y an _uixf0rtunate `guess--others near the Red Sea-; or the'nort;h of Russia, or? at- -the back of` Grecnla,nd,. or in J apan. _.We jmvustnof. course, not forget Sinbad s experiences with: it _ma.gnetici island, ' or the:wa`yMin g which .tWo magnets `held Moha,1mne`d s ` co _i_z1"'~.`uspend_ed: ,betwoen [hc_'a,_ve1'1j and _ cdrth. The-'-- , mas -fBro`w'n'e, 4 eha;gee..-`e'111bnin1`d:=e=,I. xizany;-. ; ptrange "!"1ot'io,l18 about. 'thq.=m'anet ;-in, Jghih 1?"Vu1Iar;-eErtS;":?-::: i .2 gythor 7 4 `Inlet! was *1.-o s .. THE Mggnst. --.V,,_---v _ 1 :-,'v--v-L,-,-vita vllv gIVC._lVIn if (YJe:Y.i:i-nniil-'e._ight. `whose; H book, 1-. _.ji$Jountx'y,.':.Liie;__,,.;i1iJCanada." is 3' .:tro`asu`ry tinhits way. The author : memory uncoils` like a cord ' to the- time of the Mackenzie rebellion. The distant pet is is magically summoned r by the author on the first page, when -- he merrily romqrks. that he does not mernember being born, though present '-at the*time.' He does`: remember how 3 his lather threshed the wheat when the writer was still a. baby. and tells of the settler, -turning I the sheaves over and over on the barn. oor, while the. horses `and oxen were driven round and round. He recalls, V too, `a barn raising, and the cus-. tomloi hurling_ an empty. bottle from `the top of the -building to the ground. If it was picked __up whole, it-"was a good omen,` if not, well, it had probably ._etruck something hard. ' The settlers were a. cheerful. lot, and -did not permit the? hardness of the life they led to make them pessi- mists. He mentions the lavish hos- i pitality universel in the ea,rly.ds.ys, tnd tells how the `plate of a. chance visitor would be buried under the rude `abundance of hearty fare- To `toy dD.intily;.- with_~th_e~,V_'ictua.ls was `to dispig.ra"ge"'the"'host,` to have no _e.pp`etite' u'i5`in'sult. In this connec- " I-3-.. LL- _I....-'l..4._ _.~_:-I . _ Iona than `u: low Almost For-.' mutton In tho Prov1noi_ or onsu-io- ` g._,._.,, -n- . i gage:--veaa ardent .lIIll III auvuveuslcuu J-IIUJ waste =~.M=t.h9.. we table. and one would I pot =80" farther assay the other in F custom` `for girlsto""g`6'ito` neighbors H0 ::11!!s:~:vi!`.. thii -?r ;Ynf;.l:?.91:'..!..1.t' could > get on L without " them. ' In effect, , comments, favorable or the reverse, ~ 1 on the meals belore him. It was the ' E they were servants no more than at . i ho1ne,..cxcept that they werespaid for ` ` social inferiorityto her mistress nev-, ' 3. er. entered. thehead or either. As ,- I their work. The idea of .the girl's 1 girl going outta work did not un- - taergrjqblyt, enact: her; position. On the and hewed that` she `had some ini- bitlon abo_tItlie1:;"=.{Indeed, in those days it was rarely the case that _a `. #9 f"?= e.: _ Vlutlnfen Sunday. ` !!*`.....i.t~x_ 391129.. `use: Only `e minor- ` ity or the. settlers could go to oi-=ewo~se1.1.e ties"!oi` which the - Visits. were always -paid on Sunday to friends near or far, and one can readily imaginewhat a" -visit meant to people who, `as? likely as not, had not :- seen a neighbor's lace` -`!er- a week. Those. who did go to church eat on one side it they were men, .and onmthe other if they W.et.O~: wo- iii; school or -meeting-iouse, and con- tinued for many"7years.alter.' A iner- ried couple" who. would\dare to sit side by side would have been con- be-. _ _The.uvls.itix_ig coacho! the pio- more was the lumber wagon, though there was A, a general improvement in most conveyances when the steel spring came into use. about 1840.. For long `journeys , everyone rode horseback. Women traveled hundreds of miles this way,'. some of them _ carrying children before them on _the saddle. It was an age of bees. The men `had their raising bees and their logging bees, where whiskey. owed like water (thebest could be had for 40 cents a` gallon), and dogs fought ~ as -long as they could stand up. ; Quilting bees were popular with the ladies of the period, and one of their favorite amusements was to catch a luckless man and toss him on the quilt. Apple bees,- too, were great ` fun. At these functions apples were peeled, cut, cored, and strung to dry, and to eventually appear as apple sauce. These social gatherings al- : ways ended in a dance, unless the re- ligious scruples of some objected", in which case the time had to be killed `in kissing games, such as postof- lice, measuring tape, Iady's slipper," and button, button." Recreations etvtlie Time. , Coon hunting, was popular then,as now, and spearing sh by torchlight soften kept a sportive pioneer up all night after a hard day's work. Wild pigeons were so numerous, and so easily killed or caught, that one could hardly xcall` the proceeding sport. _ They were so "daring that they. would swoop down onthe seed . grain beforeiit had reached the ` ground aftoribeing cast.,by the sow- ,er s hand. fGame eofw every: sort? _ abounded. ` One- who Old not . `enjoy l hunting or shing. must have; .had i - trouble in nding `pleasure or -recrea- I-tion after jthe day s `work. If he lov-_1 ed, `reading. and"; ,`ha`dV.ac<':ess to- a ? back-woddsiibrary, he`.could plunge 7 1 into I - Buchanis Ir? `Domestic - Medicine, ' : cBr;own;"s- .Union; Ga.zcttee.t`,.- Ricketsorn; ,on; .-Health,` . J essy . ., ,_1{erzey.a .,>"Memori- A ;al,_s,,o-_a- Decejil-,Sed_.1_}riend,f '_ reports of ;1Lhe.` British and Foreign Bible ;sq;--; fciety, Scotfs`Jo_,u4rnal,.or,Lew_is j -_- '.'Di15ensatory, .`, all gor, which; would` s .-'be`*`at ~-_hi_s ;,'d1;e;pes;ti. ,1; these` tonies are l ~.eot v'att.ra.dt._ h"``9u.1d4~`eteu. h`iei fhime j selfi to=;theg=school-house. -and. = plunge into a _~debatc=`on4:the;_:su-be eat, `fwhichgj iiS;`i1<.=..m0r9, su $eI1`.`tegilen-.`...W9d 911" A i 9 re`: e `sen. `?';"', . ` Mr. Haight says: The fact of the 5` ,_cont1tl1`y..it,,wa.s -r_ath_er-in her..faYor, f "`girl shrank` 'fi"6r'ri" do'me'"s"tic` service in _ . .Sunday was thexgreat--day --of the 3 c,h|l!'.h.. vh\I.t'".&l.1Vi:3,_0u,ld attend} to one i busy =week.days.had left no time. ' `men. _This fashion prevailed ;whether ' sidered no better than they should i 77-... -_ .-' - -vw.- vn v-v-n-w- country Lilo .'\`u>nulu._ : -vent.-.;~mv_o% cum the .'t!;'bI;g{1t's`9f to hack` 3 to)" Zegi-ly," in? Ontq.rio;"_ 0110' .of_ `the-' `bet lJ;nown`";l'}isitpri__ans `-6! that pei"iod' in II; l'1@.....' f`i _:_L4 _.|._-, ` A -_._,____,. . .-_..--- , v-av `V -vvv-u-nu -j`6"1isp`ajzra'e"' ;1;'":hast. to" '13: _a'.pp'etite* insult. 5 In "connec- wtionv the :&_bB91I,1t_-0 social 5 equa.1ity=.of 'xriaC3"tci" and max`: is`r x'1entiondJ They ..,at,o ..tv.t,he _sa;nQ and not `n `Miiin ' the otlxgr nnnnrnnnn C-`ms-gj-.1- A. 4.1.. ______ ..- PlON_ER LlFE.. - `x A...` .n. UIlIllllIII- 23? Cl ` 3 nddingot too" much` fruit. with '~ the? idem -`that: more .- Jolly; ` in: be the` twat. :'1`hb`~Inaro:1rnur- in .` `putxih -the .mo1-rthnc -ltyvrlll Mtg; gm = cook .u=o`ut before-thoJ_Illy`w1ll begin to v 4 {; V. ` ,' Anotlior mulch an ttwhmtg. to cop- "Ionics! :il'1th.l\lllre `.l)O< manure tor. mount; of Jrugt; lulc. nil Instr. and anything-lug. will. not to-, 1 |u!t._ln_ at good; jelly and o;omot1m__a_ In ho Jelly ,whut.nr.-_ uu.___ -_- --..L-l.. Ah-` -`-llI` III on? vlli ,IV 339?}! vgn-c__ -rm. ~a,re- -. ce;ta1.n.:na1ts mi M`! .!`- ?'hi1'=th!!]1tf lie hle tozebtalnany reunite lesexelatin is added, Graiee,'and_ cur rants rnalte en_,eapeeial1'y" '`x"1e"f'1e`lly. Raspberries and blackberrletleed I little more acid to make jelly. One lemon `to every pinteof-peach juice will make at most, delicious jelly. an it" needs the'addltion'nl tartot the lemon. Green grapes make a jelly, but they will `require more than the ordi- nary allowance of sugar. One-third more sugar than juice will give the right proportion. i The New White Hutu. . New, white hats for outing. going away." coaching" and various types of warm weather wear include duck, dotted pique. white kid and willow. A lninmer Skirt. The accompanying model is one of the very pleasing ones of the season. It is suitable for muslin. toulard or any fairly soft `material. and is cut so as to produce as little bulk as possible round the hips. - PIVLA ..I..1_L -_ _I. _Z__ l_ LL- ..I_`_L-I_ I- . I`:-alt: /lint` Iain Joni. ,_n._;__n,- n._u n-II___ _.--I_ Iron`: nnatnao -fig; skirt as show: in the sketch is intended to be _tr1m1ngd_,y_r1tl_: lace dqwn cuter 61` the back. the fgiont and` alrqiznd the fiottom, but at course apy other form of trh'm:n`1ng ciln`_Tbe resopted to lf.p1`eferred.` The bfzisvtening should be arraxiggd 8} the" . . ,-`A.`.'t.u`Anm , DFUIII "ldbt ZDQV `wvnuyu jg). common mistake xnrgem. mm; It , A `nu... _ ._A .L-.` _..1.`.l;. ....4I.-..::..lLI. AI.` nsedby % articu1a.r,.peo' Ic ygung and * 131 Keeps the skin soft.%cIea.r and/v5vhite.; T 2 Nd other-Soap is" instant Good nod? umnoxut to co.. um. IOITIIIIJ runny Us rues "Aloha: uruuu -_ ._.- kidxieya; xe stimulated and .m- gotates these importnnt organs _v; of the body, and -`thus assists ha-` tnre the blood` pure 'and=expe11ing potgonous `fxomthe system '. ' latest results of scientic d.\scoven"e_s' are initliisl xanedy, which _ie sold in boxes- pf_,5opi1lsforsocents,ata11 drug stores. Do not waste money in worthless substitutes. \ l. mm of pills which acts on the c 93,. __..- vn. _A.:.....1..&.g non` ht- jl!_`___v_J_Flies yar J;__q%Fl:ies j year%~ , cw vans. N. v..ANo 1 . muoson. om. -' A imw GAUGED sxmr. if} ':'o\..\U.uso 3 ~+M MM-+M+++M++++++++++++++mw O O O 0 Our business is growing and we have every reason to new. it will continue to grow. For our customers tell us they can save money by purchasing from us; We hive fthe1besf line of reasonable goods ever offer. ed froui i Barrie hardware store. In the line of La Mowers Screen Doors and Windows ,..sARRIE's BIG... Hardware - Store S coft s Bookstore HAMBLY 8 BAKER WIRE AND WIRE FENCING-We have received our ucond car load this Wzcan gm you the best fence made for very little Our stock in mmpnog in` all um and kinds of wire from No. 9 to 16. . Now is tho time to leave your order for Plymouth Twine. We guaran- V tea the price. _ ansxr 1'0 BANK OF coumenca 5 DOORS WEST REMOVED orposmz POST orncr-:. Harhbly 8: Baker's Bounty People, best I _g.JDV'IE3R'.l'.`ISI].\'I'G- IN BARRIE THEY USE Jun 30, "`%` .uuuu_puvv-3 vv-vv v- ---v -v---v-v ---~ tomgojh carry. ;.`1_111'1, q,2_ byglgw in ,9 town whei1`qg-_th?e i'1<`>j'i -"`eA`s_i,dei; C;` v.o.ba is is" larggis i i'I~1in AIlis'E6h. 1.44" -'4 m1'A`nwnRn..It was with nrofmmd