+++++-:~~:~-:~z-:~~:~-2-~:~+-z--:--M-+++4-4:-++~:-++t~+4-2-oz-+++-:4e:%+++4~r++-ig++#:et-t-+3. j __ nnno 0: .f:`i 55 a g1_eat 2520 74 4167 25 3348 07 4569 73 2826 93 236 25 5402 30 3490 14 2170 84 1928 14 4590 26 1964 85 1800 a4 1662 32 2814 72 3074 43 665 00 482 87 A3432 69 324 07 2761 76 1487 01 2591 69 936 O9 452 61 290469; *288 25L _ 120 Total A1ex. Jmiilne ` FASHIONABLE TAILORING M WNLOP smear, BARRIE. az.lv ` EXECUTOBS NOTlCE. "'Iunou....ucnono 30000! T"1W0 Farmers Markets. rnnnu-an `Inn in tam MARKETS. ET I . ' 3ARR| 0. 0000000. ...a -1:`. 3 A 30, 1903. J. C. I R ` . , . ` * | Prices Ruling in the Barrie and? I `W90 Markets During the Week. I5: to 353011 Every Dollar. Come to our Building Sale and save money. _ uuners MBPKGUB. 1`onoN'ro. [ULY at). .-v.-..o'-Q y-w vw "-. BARR]!-1, Junv sq, 1903. Barrie : Bargain Howe. I - 3` 3 00909: hnh Ilirnvrnniv-In cl .s,n:n.n% -w lrbu . .. ,'._ .. `;'._., , ` = R , v" 4 \*y\I`-'="o~5`~'?` c`\"-:n.\$~1-`-~-on ~- BIA ' ' " - -' - - -. u. ` .. .-.. vvvyvvvvvvVv9iv9ivvvvvvvvv They are guurmmd to-lut-slilotim and hnve 5 rich. mellow, pure, tone. All the latest. popular` `mugs and music sold by 5AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA} W J. ROSS,` , . Estate of George Blackstock. late of ] the_Vil_lage of Thornton. deceased.` 2 Notice is hereby iven in ursuance ' of R`. S. O.-.`c'hap. 1 9,sec. 2 , that all 1 =-creclitors or Persons havin claims ,1 ; : a%aiiist thees ate of the sai George 1 ,B ackstock, -deceased. who died in or . [about the month of June, 1903. are, E; . on orbefore".the 17th day of August, . D 1903, to send `by 0st. prepaid. to the `i nundersigned. so icitors for Thomas ,I ',Henry and James Scr ie. execu- ;_ : tors of the said deceased. eir names . , ! and addresses and full particulars of _ j .: their claims, astatement of_cheir se- I I l '-curities an.d .the nature of the securi- s > ties (if any) held-b them._ : ' _ . And take notice t at after the said! _17th day of August. next. _the_said -. executors will roceed _to 'dl3l .I`lb\lt6_` ;the assets 0 th-e said` deceased; i ' amongst the garties entitled thereto. ` having. regar only to the claims of .- which the said. executors then _have '- notice and `that the __wil_l not be liable `for said assets so istributed or any part thereof. `to any 6l'iS(_)l_1 or P01`- sons of whose "claim t` c said _exec\l- ; tors have notpnoticepat the time of` such distribution. - ` `Dated this 15th -day at July. 1903. _ ~ ~ ` STRATHY & EBTEN. u - 1u,IS-2J.--on ng'I'p;n_ i r ' I ` The market on `Saturday was a large one. Besides great quantities of dairy produce. berries._ currants ,and vegetables were marketed in bulk. Butter was down toA13'and.14 cents a pound and seggs to 14 and 15 cents a dozen. Chick-one brought 50 cents a pair and ducks as high as $1.20. Potatoes averaged all the way from 50 to 75 cents per bag. Raspberries sold"at '_75,anad 80 cents a pail and `black, currants at 8 and 10 cents a quart. Ten centi a quart was asked for peas and -gcents` for butter beans. On the grain mar-,. lzet wheat brought ~70 to 3'l2c.. 'o&t8f31 --- _--- xx +.. am. an`d7=b arley .4_0c.. ARE BUILT ON HONOR ket wheat `brougnu w Lu um. ........ -_ to aso. pews 55 to 600 and barley 40. @233 are selling at $6.40 per owt. .. .` . V The municipal Co{inoi1V 6`: Shanhai o and oo_nt,r9l'.rIhe na- `_ ,..I W! `L: ` H g .~ The demaudefor mom" room` - .. ., .. ,. 0 meetthem . V qmremgnta `of bi , V I!` e partment, which will give 40 feet a - dditiondl sellf ` ' mpidly increasing business, is being met by th - , . e `banding f`_n : In order to make room for the b l . Ili del`, WQ ~ ` e * 1%tf.:ont 311. 4; z the goods in our reserve "stock . . . ` . . W0 .. sothat ltxslmperauve th t " cannot och ~ A _ _ Eb`! Sold at once. a h9u8.=`d3`f 'd0uar8 (E? earn (in. -` 2 _ j3dI must Nexn Door East of Barrie Hotel. snunuav maxi! u' or &-4v 11; -n&-u- U'1"n\}I'n..l. 3 lilhlaa-avg I "Solicitors. Barrie. V. -\IVuu'v;~-`L-avgnv-vg . .._y---_7.t..`-T..._ recommended that new shelving be ,placed in the Registry Office at a `cost of $12.50. " ' _The report `was.-adopted. ., The ` Finance Committee recom- mended that the following accounts a _. be paid in` connectionrswithithe.Sunni- ` d`ale'*`arbitra'tion.-H. Grose. $56.60 ;- R. H. Jupp .-`$65.35; TJF: Burrows. $72.75 : that grants ref 1 $10 much he .-made to the Westpan`-d' toathe South Simcoei Woniens Institu't'e: that the-. salary V , of Turnkey `casdwell be . increased - to. $600 per year fvthat the account of- i$153.41 from the `'Victoria `Industrial. School for the "keep otf Frank Wright.` Wm- Duffin. Fred. McArthu`r. Geo. - Colborne. Edwin B. Carter`; Geo. `Poole and Leslie Arnold Wilson be` paid: that the chartered bank offering the best t`ern'1"s,be given the County's ac"- count unlti_l,_at least Dec. 31st. 1904. The report was adopted. ` . The House of Refuge Committee re- port was referred back to the Com- mittee, twice anidi-for the third time wasbrought before the Council in practically the same form as on the previous occasions. The report re- lciommemied the dismissal of John Hamlin from the House. as from evi-- I dence receivedithe "Committee was convinced that hefwas not a fit and proper patient to be retained-. Other matters referred to the` Committee to investigate were reported upon as fol- lowAs:-We regret to report that Mr. 5,Morgan. one of the inmates,` found E after the -death of the Mr. `Wilson. [ referred to by Mr. John Goodfellow. I.that the said Mr. Wilson's leg was E broken. This incident brought to Mr. i_;Morgan s mind the fact that Wilson ,'ha.-d been complaining about hisleg : ' being swollen for some days. On en-' '_ inquiring `from the doctor, we learn ;' he hadnot been advised of the sore E . leg. In or'der to prevent a recurrence : `of such an event. we recommend that ' your Committee be empowered to en- I! gage the services of a man to attend Etc the nnecemities of the male pa- lrtients, as under present conditions . ' they _ do. not. receive the attention Egwhich, theirpfrail condition demands. : We also-maide an investigation with r reference tothe `cooking of the meat and are unable to sayjthat any griev- ance exists. as"we have given repeat- ed .instructions to have it properly cooked. We further recommend that such inmates. who are in,the' habit of using tobacco should be given one plug; per week.*as`th,e additional cost will very .eli_'ght`.' We would `also " recom-menid` that the ' Clerk` be in-_` ,' structed to write to the Mayors and I n -a| u.1_- _.. .-.24 :-v.'n:I-`X. nf E . CCTUUEUQ LU Wxlou my uuu u-nu;--.. ...... Reeves of all `the municipalities of the County and `advise them when `committing inmates -to the House of Refuge. to do so for a stated time. not to exceed one year. as under the present system of eommitals an in- . mate can walk out and `we are unable 1 - '--' I_!._. F lllvv van. vu _._ to retain hi;n. u Chairman. Dr. Wells asked that he be record- eid as dissenting from the report made by the Committee. He thought I `that many _small concessions might, easily be made to the inmates of the House at a very light expense to the County-. ' It had been shown that large quantities of vegetables were grown on the;_premieee and he would have liked tofhear a recommendation gto ,-the eltteovtfwthat these be given. to t.t.he`tA%i9m.t ` t ntnre treausntly-e ~ .~ 3.1'._`~_'..'.`.~J..~`~ -g.-'.:.`nIo{v\1-n T 1-,, `U18 lumubca LHULD ;;vs,..v...-,. Commissioner Juppy speaking to_ ,jthe report _stat,dd .-that the `inmates kqL;.t]1 &' H0uABeL- w,eAr,e~-,fefd better. than xo,n'rni: nx Abvmcn rubs. HAMMELL. half thepeople in `the County. The trouble was they did not have enough to do and `most probably if the mem- bersof the Council were in the House with time hanging heavy on their bands they would kick too. A great deal of the kicking came from the people who did it as a matter of prin- ciple. He agreed` with Dr. Wells in saying that `there were manylittle` concessions which might be made to the inmates and he would promise to see that they got them. but he `wished it understood that there. was a difference between `the luxuries and necessities of life and it was only the latter which the inmates were sup- posed to have. K 1 1\__ 'I`lY_I'I_ .J'1 ,, ll` Dr. Wells did ndt wish to appear over-_-contentious. but he felt con- strained to state that he still thought that there were many matters which the Committee had `over-looked in their report.* Four Barrie men had come homefrorh the House of Refuge and all stated that they would rath- er be_ in Hades than be forced to=re- turn there. The food was improper and the treatment not what it should ` pun! 1!` I ,, ill, Coun. Quinlan did not see the ne- cessity of the Hamlin case being dealt with hy the report. If the Commit- tee thought it `wise, to dismiss him they_ did not 'ha_ve to come to the Council to get the authority to do it. but` should assume that responsibil- ity themselvea. n_ .- ' ` -_ .- 3. .4 nn '9! '.0oun.WHa'mm'ellvthought the Council was hard to satisfy. If the man had been dismissed. the Council would have wanted to know all about it and: now when the Committee asked for instructions fault was found with them. \ In ,0 u,__ .41_.___ ..\_L :1. -L.......l uncut. Conn. Quinlan 'th1ought_ it absurd to ask the Council to recommend the dismissal of the man. when none but those on `the Committee had heard anjr of the `evicfenee against him. , fI-_-_. Coun. Jupp. stated that the Coun- cil could monkey with..t.he_ report as long as it, pleased. but aa far as he was concerned he would bring in no other. `A V 1 __'f _._` .11, -__ _`_I-_-L-.I .-o3I~'I-n \lUl.lun vv cu. lllvlllalcllbo v By-laws _were passed authorizing the isue of `debentures to'the amount of $100,000 for County Roaod*furposes- and appointing Juldge _A.ida8h. J. P0. lMotrg'an.`I. P. `S.. an'd.R. H. Jupp. as arbitrators to act` in conneotiomwith the new.` school section in Eloa. 1 L). .'J . .LL;.:_' We have no room here to particularize or quote price, but buyers during the next; few weeks cag dep nd upon As gubacantial saving on mm mnnn (-`.I.n'l`HIN'G_ Bm~)'1`s "nn1rSHES:>1nd ;ME1l R utuur. _ `j The report \}v"a1s` `then adopted with Ooun. Wells dissenting. ,- ___`.1 _--.1.1......:...:.uu LLIU LIV", Dvuuvn wvvvnvu .- ....-_. The arbitrators .snbmibted their awards in connection with the desig-' nation ot the roaidis to benbenfitted 'im19?- h9w.Wt;R-4 BY`,-Win in the 'rovhmhips of Sunxiidale. Adja1a,' Me- dante anld Essa. The. awards are sub- ject to appeal. -. - . 4 n A o]j_ The rate was fixed at _13-4 mills. ;tho estimateld receipts and expendi- i _ture.s "being. as follows :- ` Licenses . 9 Public Schools Continuation Classes _ Office fees *; Adm of Justice I House of Refuge v Registry Office .8. J. Sanforkl V Bal on hand V Adm of J ustioe \ Education e_ (_ . . Roads and bridges ~ County Counoi .~~ . . Registry Office ! Salaries '5 Heat. light and insurance Repairs to buildings Hospital anid'ohurches -House of . Refuge . _Debenture debt Int. Total \.VE?XPENDVITURES. t Wr will simply mark the goods at p'ices' that fvill .,ooomplisI 0; object. short order and our patrqns vnll beqet to 'the o'xtent of DOMINION EXHISITION I903 - -ronou-ro - I963 AUO.`27th to SEPT. 1 2th The Agricultural,-. Manufacturing and Natural resources of Canada will be exhibited on a scale never before attempted. DAILY PARADE8 OF LIVE STOCK In Addition. by order of HIS HAJESTY THE KING I , of his augushnother. the lure Queen Victoria`. will be exhibited FREE, u u. by permission or the Dowager Duchess of Dutrerin and Ava, The special teaturea.1ncludln an entirely new spectacular production entitlod And by permission of the Countess of Aberdeen treasures V F-"-----: under the personal direction or Bolossi Kiralty. will be on a scale never before sttempted st an annual fair in any part of the world. Reduced rates by land and wutet from everywhere. Consult your ltation no-ant W. K. MGNAUOI-IT. H-uddm RECEIPTS. '] or IRISH MANUFACTURE during the next Iew wanna call ` UP ll `D _ "II may GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS ~ana:.sness::ud MEN'S, JURNISHINGS. V A T Ill UUDIILIIIII. HIVQIIE \ V THE DUFFERIN PRESENTS THE JUBILEE PRESENTS A CARNIVAL IN VENICE 584%` 2`/`-?.``-`\ .A._ nnutn'n\a vv Ii` $13,144 '95 14.000 10.500 15.000 4.000 1.500` 4.000 0 1.000 _ 1, 1.54269` 2.000 6.000 ;3.041:310 . 1.000 g ' "AA 500 6.000 an Ann I351 95 {Ebb :1 Ann 2,000 Fall Goods In men - -' "E56 \ Total ` V % I $75,404 no The levy for the year was fixed as appended. ' I _ . s.m: Taxes .- Miscqllaneous paymtnts County House of Rate Refuge Adjala . . . . . . . . .2448 '25 72 49 . . . . . . ..3974 25 193'00 F108. . . . . . . . . . .3312 75 35 32 Innisl . . . . . . . .4201 76 367 98 Medonte ...... . .2719 50 107 43 Mstchednah. . . . . 236 25 . . . . . . Nottswasaga. . . .5250 00 152 80 Oro . . . . . . . . . . 3419 50 70 64 Orillin . . . . . . .2096 50 74 .34 Sunnidale . . . . . .1848 00 80 14` Tecnmseth . . . . .4441 '50 148 76 Tiny . .1 . . . . . . .1954 75 10 07 Tay . . . . . . . . .1799 00 1 45 Tossorontio . . . ..1617 00 35 32 v---_- no-.-1 m 45: 79 I'll . . . . . . . .-A1-J1 vv V P W.Gwillimbury 2938 25 Alliston . ; . . . . . 665 00 Bradford . . . . . . 455 00 Barrie . . . . . . . . .2975 00 Beeton . . . . . . . . . 288 75 Collingwood. .. ..2625 00 Midland . . . . . ..l400 00 Orillia. . . . . . . . . .2450 00 Penetang...\. .. 875 00 Stnyner . . . . . . .. 420 00 Tottenham. . . . . 288 76 `~Green1ore . . . . . . . 288 75 Z The King and IQueen had `reception at Lon4 Jsvlauvu nu-ua o Creemore. J. 0. ORR. lanugarana A +-JUsT1N-; . V 3i wow IMPURTATIUNS 2 FROM GREAT BRITAIN