Journey aux Ua: 11149, .LLJl`I u , .y...,.\_, . by the Congo. was discovered. Sir I Edwardmarried, in 1862, Harriette`.`(who died`in 1897), only daughter of Mr. Benjamin Webster, I ~ and his older son is Mr. Harry Law- mn, ~ Lieut.-0.01., commanding` ` the _ZRoyal.: A Bucks. Hussars, and formerly "}ll;';;P-"=;,~_.fqr= :West St. , Pancras` and East ` "es t l5'r'hire,; whorhas latterly ex- " 9jV_iQPO118\-R.&.di'(!8.'Ii8nl -;.n,!03f`e; _c<)ixso3;,a.;1t SIR" Ebwmu LAWSON, BART. _ r-'on`sAL: 'a v Au. rlasrggass DEALERS -`7'n'4'nnO:nu-IA In nun I-ha AI.` llllh Jnn Tllhl llld Pill Wh` `rm: sou: DRUG co.. ? stand unrivalled. It is not necessary to wait for days for benecial results, you know at once that Gin Pills are helping you. Sold by all Druggists at 50 cts. per box, 6 boxes fog` $2.50 or direct from " " - A ` \(-.._ ___`._ all the medicinal qnalities of one and one-half ounces of the best Holland Gin. As a positive cure for all kinds of Kidney trouble. GIN PILLS `Each Pill Contains ' Mr. dc Tong-;-I passed Mrs. Ritch \ in the park this morning. but she didn't see me. Do you think the slight was intentional? `Mrs. Smartt -Oh, it cou1dn't'have been. She hasn't been a lady long enough to know. how to be x`ude.-Pick-Me-Up._ BJVIUACU ulubvuu av: ..Iuqu- uuqyauuu .- summer habit: for country us} iu vo ' I tar sweater:-|_autuII;u.__u comfort is then conIl'Ilered.*bnt-' `hoi" *. AA _I_l_.__I_I- .-_L_..l__. KEN DALL S ~ ";`..`.'.'='l'me the old reliabl d I 8 via Rinzboneu Bplintl Curbs. etc. .ea:x:lma?l ox-sis o?.:!n':'nes|`. It `work; thousand; ofcuxes annually. uxes wjthqu: a blenyishgas it does not blistcrf --.. Pat--But `Why is "the engagement` off? ,I a.tricc--Why, she` was` silly- cnough to tell him, one. night. that she came from good old ghting `stock!n--Sketchy Bits._ V - complete cm for Bone Spavln. " Y liussll, Manitoba. Jan. 20, xgo3..` - B.J. Kendall Co.. Gentlemen`: I had to treat a you fhorse ofmine four years ago which had :1 Bone 8 tvin up not kicked 'on.'thc same log and was very badly swo en ; so_b_u_d horse of mine four ago which had :1 Bone Spavin and `(S kicked on xlxc leg and was very badly swollen : so bad I t I had to bathe it in warm water. then applied Kendall's Spavin Cure. 1 had Typhoid Fever the same wimer and on]: -- gave the`Kendall's Spavin Cure half :1 chance. and it only 390 V one and a half bottles to cure his leg with ve slim treatment 1. and it did so completely that on would never ow that he ` .1 spavln ; heynever has gone ame since. ` ` I I A Very truly yours. cso. s. :rAib1Ii1s;`.' L s`ch- dotsements he `have V `' `zlt ' '73-:'n.%d31. v As a linlunlent fot_ Isa: l`- -018! .. 5. a,w9 F ` I0 "5 "K'UBUlIU Du IIIID ll-Utlu, Mn; uvun uuy, u. --u.--.. _ on. 3,1. xuoALLco.. Enosaung w.Ls. vr. Whv no Backed Out. `WINNIPEG, Man. wilh Eddy s .1 Navies. vvlununl nu lvuvnn u-u-vows-p u-- . riders are at Kshlpnablq place: they still keen up thy |_'6g'ulit1_n park dress, the ughteir welghtiof` thi habit cloth being tho,"'oiily._111!er_n_ce, ._ together with the church to fn` dtriw ' sailor hat, black ones being thc.l;te_It.. mode. " W` IlI,-_L__Ll___ _O_ _%_ A ~'I.'-...L _.->.I I. FUCKED - ' ' frho iirst illustration shows si_;ox `sad-' 1 `tile coat of tan covert cloth 'viit`h"t`hs conventional habit skirt or Qxt9'rd' gray cheviot. . Tho second model is s` single breasted tight iittinz cost with skirt pieces and a habit skirt of Cam- bridge gray whipcord. T - 15-4.1.1-.. ...-u._ .I-.._A_.!Im -nan- unauav .3; vv no wvovuu Bathing suitsjnunw. butqulte prac- Htlcal, appear in the second cut: . O00 1| ' mnmr mvrnma nnnssns. *3 5V0 gored navy blue " mohair-.8115` llenne skirt with deep hem ofthesamev tone or mohair, dotted with white. piped at the top with a blue and`.Wh5t" I`d. the front tabs. collar and high` belt being also or the dotted goods: T 'T`la.. LI ,, . . , a _nu -....A'l '.uuI "A. ' W. ~--u uunlli UJBU UL Lu: uutbcu av . The black mohair slcilienne suito A the second cut has 8 We 3r'-waited skirt and square necked "waist n'1911.`3 `1. with black and whitev9ilk"b'1df. Vogue. . Z { ' .:f' ` Household BI-evltivei. . H" 7`; J Wash matting with sort water` 1m1_,;`- ._ . ,;l I, E. . - ' no: '. A Me. turpenthie takes .the grs.? fff old furniture previous toV(.TreD011Shjgf n. '- ` - ` w 4 n ."'|'_!5I '30 add a dash of b1ak' -,D9DD1`.: . Vanilla ice cream is one o: the Wrinkle! - 0f the cooks. I . V _ ..-_ ` Cool water with a l1 t'tle`LbOr'1! O?:?3`_h'\f m0I1ia 1n'1t is preferable` t9**Gb8Q."9'-`,d7. ht._Water on white 01...... ;u . 1: - . ...u.uL U "vuL|`c."v'." Clean the clogged` sewing um wad. rlt with 88.5.0 ` from an ordlari j-oil as usual; ;\ CORRECT BIDING HABITS. ` ` ,1, 2 . ` 1:`-: - . . V giant Plus _-g` -L . , * Ont 0! n..v.p..i. i....`.'."'.E:="~".`-.'.'= 1-'-7""'-""'-"""` "`""" `' "'%""-'.' -.~_.- -V w-- '-..-,-A --.--.-.--v. . ...._ ~ `L- -un.;_' 1n_.`4 _An._. 2 J ~ T` `a `??***; victm t-bl-:-.. Gwawne}-creartsza 19ns5` mm! W m `..i:31'||9l"0f .8:wPi4l l3.I'l tor C__'" {tad vigorous lire t6-tl4I`d"Bablt'.'bt chew ` -Bummer tl. .:'ThQ Inn-on`_'I'nnnna-m inn.` 1`... La...` 5.; _..a .4...s.a.... Ag 1---; -..- ".`~' '7.`!."",'V" V` _: '. , ., Ilnlnmer te_>`,:1:f.'.l`h largeii` panesc-nfianr } In-e1la.. Wjilch is more for? ornament ' than anything else, as shelter is Alford; ed by thf plain roof.` has lantern"; hunl t.roll4I:-~thG `0ti,1B.0tthe ribp]}nt.1ntar- vnls,_v:thu;gjMtron1`v`t..lne hand); is , .od atuney .base{Th;:;afw;:tm1t.. A1 idea of bzpgktasting, lunchlng or tak- ing tgga; onthp porch 1;: supnnet` t1me,:lg' i*`n exelldt one und~"~ma'r be7'ciitlstic- . 6--lI- `-3-1 1... -..... -..- ._.L_ 1...- _ I_-_I_ IIVIIl.~`_VI`IlUlIlJ Hlar ` _ '.I?hose`.jVlho`;.do not adinireig-_ gloss iiumiture will-`.`h nd-.:*`the' de- Ii_redVei tect is obtained by rgIbbin,_ the ' `mmiture with a damp clumxoiu ieqithei and polishing with 3 dry on. When ..L_-_. .-_ -_.`L.- 52:4`. `LA. ZAC- '` 1;`. Vi, ,2 To Dust and Polish fnnnlture. The proper `method, or dusting V turn!-` -' 'Ci'I'o. ` ha's`_"to."h' lia'i`ne(l;" it not ' come naturally. `People rarely begin with a duster -In each hand, which la absolutely necessary to. success} that in the left hand .13 needed to `prevent leaving nger mark: when steadylng and llttlng the turnlture. " Each piece Ihould be wlped lightly from the top downward to remove dust, and then he rubbed vlgorously to raise the pol- .n.'.n - "1" $i~`U& *yIvvv~ `Vu` 'u--u_nn1uu-v * vv -----' nib the spots with spirit: of camphor. I "1'okeep wh!to0nlmc|cd furniture` in con_!_lt1o;I.= `upcynzoh `occuionaily with` warm ' wdter ind ` vh1ta`A`cle' um: 3dr!` It ind then _a1)_; >Iy'-s*`AI_!tti'e `Whiting ' with 1 'ngnnel c1o~t.!_:`..sl1:'htly `dhmp- 1, cued. When. `dry Lwzpp gonna` wrhlting` and non-n with -ott..}cILt.1:.<`.r ha!-W 3` CC \I$LIV' ` ------------ --' --H --.7 ` torllyjgied by any one_who has a buck ? ova` sidepiuufa ot Vuumciet width. 1 It V thu spot in sunny` hang up awnings on bamboo_ucreens._+-I )gg!gpe.r. L - ` stuffed cushion `should be br_ushe(_l_ ` and then dusted before. the wood is dealt with` or the dust w1ll``y'out"and settle on` 3'tl1e"" wddi` "rue `ems and spindles Slionld be ribbadgbetween me two clusters with both hands. as we rub cold hands together to warm them: __ this is a oavlng ot time and insure; all . ` -11-- |.-n_.. a....--n_ I.-I_EL Cw It $1793. `I '_{IT(!.;s belIigL`iquall'y.i>.1-'-l`IfI._tT Those'.fW.hog-do admi j:`"..;.. g.:giigZang`: 1 i very _iaphnnous,-A.dreoee.-nlze,worn - hyvthe young-people. chitlon nndgtniie = and kindred`-entails" taking the lead. a Many otfthdm are trimmed `with nuts { row ribbon: and many spangled With 1, silver: but in` nearly` 'e'very""1netanco the back at the arm or _theen_tire arm, .5 from the " shoulder tn the `e`lbo'w,_ is veiled either with 9. pendent sleeve or with drfapex-y. " The bodice: are not so much pouched as they `were; indeed, some of them are severely plain and many have deep belts. ' Fr-omen Fruits. Frozen fruits are prepared "by mix- ing the truit'c uti1n_to small pieces with an equal amount of cold water and adding sugar, to the taste.` Pack and freeze precisely as you would ice cream. Whentbe mixture is half fro j sen` adds pint of whipped cream to ev- 1 ery] `quart of fruit and water. You i may use _ strawberries. raspberries, i cherries, peaches, pineapples or apri- cots.- All will be found very nice, and you will have a variation-in frozen des- serts trom-' ice cream. - A A Bed Rupberry; Vnnert. Mix three` tablespoonfuls ot tax-Ina with halt a cuptul of milk and a pinch A or salt. Heat three-fourths of a pint '6! milk with` a` pint of water; when l` no-.. ..._..__ boili'ng add ithe. ,tar1a,.. Cok `halt an hour, turn into buttered cups. chill, un-A. A mold and surround` with red Vrasp-' berries. ' Strawberries` may be served _in the- same -way.--Delineator. ` . ,_wAaM guts; .v"" goUTI _? -_-__ -nn-.A`-5 IAI `Qt: Fashion: In Jewel: and Gold. 1 Scarabs are standard cuff links. - x Square 11andles'_ma1`k some of the` ,most selectuinbre1las. J '~ V ` _ , Antique nish provides. something. = unique in sleeve links. _ I A large hoop of rubles and `diamonds 1 is among.-ne. ring styles. ` (` andsomediumond slides are pro -_ . , yided` for` velvet throat. bands` V A " : 1 l A Renaissa'nbe"desi'gn's in_eb;1uq11et:ings , employ a xuultttude ptsmullv diamonds. A '._ ; Wide collars, of m'a-uy_jrows ofeu`coAro.l: beads .a1`e.`enr1ch,ec1_,{;..,1_vi tl1- a `central ; I -plaquesand%suaesu`ot.:b;:i11iaxits.4 '3 . .`prettyi broo.h' 1sg;`o;.;'es_s:it~~,1;:6oh` cen1:e1'.V _` V. V, D , E V Y M A i but 113* Vn1- 7s?em8;(;,4i.$u.tor1te% *%ah%a`ne?`fnmam1eevel1nks;m11 tin-,%ien: I FOR A 817313133 TIA. - `1"l'!t l:lli1I l`jl!oa` "Gear; v_ . According. to Vogue, it seems tromj. projcent;1nc_,llcat1ons that bind! and dark blue I'll! bands for men I :trnv`v` lmtl [ will be more Bmoggliy and that _thoso`{"~ I V con'x't':m1nj two: ":62 hfjorc colon-0-," butt` tho". A lnttii` 1! `wollx irLpo.riiIiI.!ble.L umnnon. gnxego boyi wumgaoubt. Tau usual. boqngre 9219:: a_ tad. Thong . aupgm by -gthti i}I_Itu_`ft1o_I m an-n;.>~ blue with narrow In-{pen or old gold:;-; `-A------ -A------ -AQIQAQ A. lid $1: to _ u-.--y--, mg? A 3 no ` onq'?; Ex.g an :23-:75. hour to. tho ple.asa_nt business ot am"-_ I981 ".l`o_u_lt down to a` well cooked, dhintily served.-repaat with loved one!` and tendi is surely one of the hop- A piesfexnerlences or lite. nn.-6 .nn..n__ __-_ ...|.-..I.|' L- n.-`......o . ' FIVE` VQWIIVHUK VI IILIFO ' The dining `room should be u..~'mo.' c_heertu1 room in the house, at the en- _t_1;anca to which would be` inscribed. _II __ ___I_. ...L__ U. 31%? U? Idti u , w-u-uww - > ~_-:`.`Iaaye carefvaside, all -it-`W !-1: enter ; here." Flowers, music and universal _` zoodfcheer should. grace this retreat of `_ 'Epicu'rus. Even the melodies of a little music box exert a happy inuence on the digestion. _ ` ' | ' "HII.- ;.-I.I- 1.. AL- .51.".-- I--.51.; Ilnkb lkrk. gnu: -Ievoroly mule In Dun l`o!'Oount I-y mug gt;-gw Sailors the InIt'oIt___ ; ,,4...nuung sum. . - - .- ' .A good gportswoman lives` A- .1 Avon: fur avert mc-..n....x.~. gnaw. I:IA.vw uvuo , i '1'-he,tab_le.-ls, the place for `the ught` jest. the cheerful story and merry so- -converse. Even the children may \.a_dd their happy voice: -tin thejgmlly mm- `-51- 1.. ....' lth; nal} The table is not the pisce-for fault ` - nd1n'gna.bout1o od or anything else, to c0_r,rct.children; or servants. tor gossip` T or `unpleasant news, for discussion at business or hqusehold._worr1eg. . .- - s. i V 1111.. _..-_ ..u.. a...:..`o...u -1-. am " "The man` who nds fault newspaper, who seems to . sestlon. . - . V _ ten to find feult,;if hefhadr-any such in-A IIIIIIIGBB DI uquucuuaug .vsyaa_apge ; . - 3 -, . I ( imh the `I- food in thegpresenceref children Isralsg .198 esfeznllxe 0!, .rnaIoma-t-. a-d,.lmIt.+s;:s'? ting cobblestones 1n~'h,|s_ 'iton1'ac2_i.'`` : Llljrewju ."; the leni, *35 absorbed i:l:`.I_7 " ' ec5on,.n?.l)'uslns_s's`i:iworr1es or they]- eat wltho\_`;.;;E tast,1ng,,_tsaa incubus on; the family 111- ; e fretful` viomanaviholerlticlsea her A o hush1_ind s carving, the -rn'ald's setvinkijfg . or the children, who is oil the lookout}. for the slightest rnlsadventure, creates`! . ah unhappy atmosphere lathe dtnlng reem_ three tunes a day. It is thewlas niiixltif rm; `1.'.1ienie"tlI!- awn:- mma-. beg'ins"'t6 View `the `roast w lth"a'c`rltlcal . eye, asks Johnny to tell papa about the _'~ football game. Long before Johnny 2 has finished his story [papa has forgot-' gllghj. who but .e1.!ect1s gained when theijnolre paper is adopted, h a ve inelii flowered. border latd around in panel swle. White and silver urlper may also be used for the. body of the wnll1n the same way. This is an echo of the` whitewashed rooms of the old .:a:mnouse. h _-.e. s-;I'-f..- ..--... -u.- unnnnvelviu 1 11::-piw. IMP`! 0!_.bhckan<| ~; 'L`$`.., If`aarhs1;mcsi`umw aou6ii...ia:ipec' n , ._-__--Ln_.-I... l`1-I..-.uI knun-In tentiqn. . . _ _ ~ All housekeepers may make this no In their cookbcok: `Single rare and` c|1OQI:~ its -the best" (id: -;to__ digess-. tlon.--'1`al_.:lTe Talk. _ "q..__. ..'sn.-.'_-_t,-- v-_ ,. . A-. Adm 31:6. mu. .'d0ub1I`.~IttlD!I or white. respectively. Colored bands _may be bonght at all the shops. and. for a straight brimmed hat it is well to have one or two as a change from the plainer color. Narrow stripes of colored ribbomwhich can be fastened around and over the plain band, may also be bought, and in this way` one may get different stripe effects by sim- _I_ ..I.l.._l.... 61.` 1-cannon!!! Idhhnn 1111 III` l.Ll0|J- act \-l>lIL\pLVIJi nanny`: `v... _ ..___ ply slipping the narrow`-1:ibbon "up or down. '.l`hus,~it? a plain dark blue band vancla narrow-strip or dark red ribbon be used one may have the effect of a_ blue` band with azred stripe -through the middle, at the -upper edge or at the lower edge, according to the placing or the narrow ribbon over thexbroader ' one. ' 'l`hd`lI`etx-ice:-utlor _I_n Wnrn Weather. 4.1. _ _= i...l _-._.. L-.. Anna Avvnwui 2 `ac; 0; drags for eve`:-`y _ are certain trad1tions..tlg{o3LAys`;Lu.1_V1:`1:,r;. "M which still lives, though 14' me is subject to the _chau`g`eagot";. L ..... .. in the cut oftha mat um!-= `within the chest. Twice a week take A piece or whalebone, "up and down the` drip pan.also'-very thoroughly, drythe ` side. _` TIIO I$Il'l`el.'IIUI' an vvurn: Vvcnt-w:'o Look the refrigerator over every % `morning and see that the shelves are 4 wiped off.` A bit of meat left on the shelves, a few dropsot milk or cream spilled and allowed toesour, will -taint every ' other article of food inclosed i everything out and wash` the racks- with warm water that has baking soda " ` dissolved in it. Wash the sides or the ' walls, take out the strainer and pouri "soda water down to cleanse the_pipe, `_ running a swab, tied to the end of a; pipe to free itrfrom slime. Wash-the racks in the sun and leave" the refrig- erator door `open-to dry andjair itin-V_ V T . '1;`1`I_:a!,:_`lon"n' .Echo:. _ The. light gray gown `is one of the chigthings. ~ . ., 1 A I'|--_.-.l...~> t1IIlI(1`I1f {G 0 Tlf` `El-II`; I.Ll-IILJGIJI A ;Rus_sian dressing sackyis a useful` {and .tr1m- looking garment... - ~ I:- --__1;-.. Ill.l\A - 'C\I\flD-9n ..-_...___ -. White or tan` linen `crash makes smart Nprfolkf suits `f(':r s`1n;xll"boy_s. ' ' ` Hummus ow _ -_ Silk ii-; .`1l'I`e. zvxmong u"se'fulV andVele_ganA_t mod_s_.ot the se;/3.g| Son . , _ V V . .` 1 ._ 5 nd _L___L $\II-II Woman's [smart .ti`_es'"' H.-for Street.` [wean show the high niilitmjy wheel. Tennis shoes cqme in wh1te'canvas,` ,``}1::."_L = ~ *" '1 u'.f,.~.L.- As... .|'_'.`.._\ I `bull BILJVO Iunuuvou .... ... Women's sock$'(rech1ngto the knee) "are a warm weather novelty and 'cqme jwh1te;,y.:1:h .qIgks_. and -heavy black- in lcqttonjnr lis'le' thread. ~_b1ack ore _ i 3- _-_|_1_. -4.-..1~.. +L1..".'I.1 *' D113 UILIUL vat-uqcg -, __Cheviots-, meltons, whipcords,-L khaki," cra*`sl_a,7_ llnnaxid =silk T are fabrics in use {01-N -hjgj;?g%?1dd1?'coata, ~rid1ng bre_ches_, 102;: and TABLE- [O39 `"" "`?"V"' " ""' _""`'"f' "' `mmon, as in the cut of the coat Q skirt and the model of the`rha_t, , park riding habits are worn severely: 'nm,,_ with short safety skirts end;-,haltf dpnonnn HATBLNDS. `\ LDII ` - zlltqlon uvuuvsp emu.--uu_ cu... v-_---v..- .--_. `;"`ata__1`x_i_1v_a e `then washed over the sur,-p' fjtacie, making an, exceedingly soft and ztaetetul background. This idea la #5. worth noting for summer camps. and. 1 _ log icjabins. where wall paper cannot be eifectively applied. ` ` . ` - - ; A general-impreaeioa-or-cool cleanli- I ,_aeason b`y'"thiruee_qt muslin` cnrtaina. ` ln._.a, ;ho_use,where windows show. I ! _. nees ia..._oh_tained through. the; warm ' I I 9 consnicgaonslr, as .:In,., suhurben, tonne. `?:`7:*=1e- "..;*.1'1.1n._s9}'w- {en attain);-.59` "he made` tosecu_r`e uniromuy in both__ I, sh'adee"-and` curtains.` In"aiI-- `isolated ' house set anon ; trees this mint is not 3 son`ece'as'ary.` * In the` snx'nn'ier' the sin:- pler~the' material the more satisfactory the result. ` Dolneetie white`sn'uslins in self fwoven patterns are sold very cheap prices and_.iiv_'e at least, two `wear. .'1`he imported ` an ner and wear hotter. '1`he_col,ored I patterns woven-into white nmslins never. entirely sun fast. and, therefore. not especially economical. Bilkolinee V and cheese cloth may-be used to bring a touch of color to dark rooms where they do not receive the direct rays of the sun. Pongee silk makes a pretty zwindow "hanging where pine or out woodwork is ` present, and so also do linen colored dotted swine and dimity. --- ._L .4 LL- 4-..... an-{nan :Ne_v 1vEs1f `nsntons, WITH -~sH::IAL Renance To; coumnv nonss, " mulls ` " ` ,.,`.`AAQ'\. .v.1 yga ti .1 ' -4*`0'v`:'O : _`_,9ouu. "vIHu'i !o'=:I3I A L Qeheio, If silver; A}._ lotlon~ For sgnuer Ogns uni ` chbut-window`-` nu noon-1.131;: _ 4 in name .cons1derabIe renova-`J )tion -is necessary at this season. The ato.1_!dwlni suggestion: from the Delin- --A7_`_. . A ...__Ll;nI-- ngCAnnu\nA` `A |.a IT3 `NbEQw ` `~'. \\ _ Q .. CVIIV Y` oath: vi? i ----- eafr; w1th__ ;_partlc-ular . reterence` to country` hoiuga, will he ound interest- 0_ne' of the newest ideas In pupering is to use in wh1te_papor on the walls of that are not blfightened by sun- ' IHIVIIIIIUUDUQ I` A` cool making room was, [recently I made at`: ve_x1_. .s_lg3nt,cost by tantening ` teg matting "against the side walls with {;_brass headed tacks._ Ant oriental green 7__`.A ';_|_-_ .__-I.-j -_-- ILA -QQI_ Ilqlvo VI uaiv sum --_--w- ----.-v- ;;'ma_y beutedvtor at -:wall`1n'the sumo .:a:mnuse. wh1tewas!;1e_d4_ \ ;' _u'-l_; _1 ..`-'-_. ._._-n unAngcu IIUULI UUIUIV \lIlIpIyIi\I Dvvnww on woo:-- The treatment ot the doors du-ring I the summer months will depend main- ly upon the condition of the boards; Small rugs laid over nely polished wood exhibit the some of coolness; but with uneven boards beyond the help of paint or varnish an entire covering is almost compulsory. The wool lling so well known has a cheaper rival new -in a cotton lling. Terra cotta is a pretty color to adopt [where a brick chimney is in evidence, and a sage green is dependable for its assimilative nature. looking, perhaps, its best with yellow woodwork. `Hg.-u-Cbucmns A Q `IAIIYYC JUIIUW vvvvuvv vngo Furniture 0!, a heavy, ernate type should be replaced by -lighter styles during the warm weather. Even a few pieces of the latter kind will assist in- giving a pleasant relief` in the sultry days. `LA rattan lounge is useful both upstairs and downstairs, and its light weightensbles it to be easily shifted from one part` of the house to an- I. other. `A mattress of hair or cotton - rtelt and plenty of pillows of leather, ` down and hair should be made. __-_J- 1.. -.-`aux \LV VVI-I nun tau`; uuvunyn wu -.-nu.--.- ~ Willow chairs are` made in many fancy styles, somejwith baskets at the side {for `sewing work or magazines, others with head rests and bookshelves V attached. The ,t1rs_t- cut shows 9. stand- [ard shape in this material. ' A 4.1.`. A.'|__1l. ___. I.;- ......!lqv vv|A\11(\l"` an u.1.u. Buuyc Au [HAD A table that can be easily movedis a _ necessity in the summer, as it isotten wanted out 0: doors. The second cut shows a bamboo and matting table, 3. combinzition especially_ adap_ted`- to. the country; home. T A L V - Gran Stnlnl. ' 1' > G , _. ~ A 1-an V Grass stains in the children : gar- 1ments*-are. among thesure indications fof the outing ` season. Unlgss such blemishes ~a're removd_.betofego1n_g to` ~ *.1i9:"1iI'.f'!1F1Y iris ,V t; m1t6r.V;to% x 3*` ... .;~ long basque coats or the `three-quarter ! ' length which all tall. long waisted 1111-, en; prefer. Seasotlable tweedn and light weight habit cloths are nliv "made" an utter the best Englillh xnotlela-`lain-' gle breasted. buttoned down the front. with coat tlnish -and revere, showing a ' high collar and crnvat. the coat sleeve and rounding trontl to the basque or. coat skirt. a . " - ` l. -44 __.u 1..-; ...._ -l-LI. 1.1. `3mnoo_ AND nmmma ram; Insuston BEING . SUPPLIE 3 --. V _.. ? :....`.a, . 5 u. ."., 1: e 1. : E. nLnnnI's ' " -mnfm man =:;:'Qwoz~oga;'U'P1::E%aail:?z{:I:'_c:;:.._eLJ;.LV CIEEE8 0 0 0 0 L. .. FOR SALE BY ALI. rils I. saunas T W BYje9n;inno,w nn_oxthc,_old style ..vooden Tuba sud Pail: when you on ha` " hin wire I0. l_llIl!h pggo` ( lnr,sl'>l_o,' as yell as being liahyutrong gnd hsndnomo 4 [Sir Edward Lawson, Bart., whose Peerage is, as The Times says, the reward of The Daily Telegraph : unswerving delity to the Govern- ments of .Lord"Sa1isbury and Mr. galfour," {as the son of the late Mr. I II` `l -c.vp V, `B nng nf 4-HA fnnn` IJEJIUUL. Lil v_L:w avu vs van. l$0\\4 -_- J. M. Levy, J.P., onevof the found- ers of the cheap press, and was born in 1833. -_ In 1875 he assumed by royal license the name of his uncle, the late Mr. Lionel Lawson. Com- mencing his active career. of journal- ism in 1851, he Was prominently connected with the repeal of the pa- . per duties, - and during the `long per- iod of his direction of The Daily- Telegraph was responsible for the or- .ganiza.tion- and `success of funds in Vehire, 1860-65, and of the windows relief ]of the cotton famine in Lanca- .a.nd orphans of our soldicrs- and sail- ors _in the South African war, the last amounting to "over 250,000. ` Sir Edward ' sent " the late George Smith on the Assyrian research ex- -pedition of 1873-4, the results of _`which he presented to the British ` Museum ,"a.nd Mr.` (now Sir Harry "Johnstone to explore the Kilimanjar region" ofieastern "Africa in 1884. In `conjunction with the proprietor of _`"1`he New York Herald, he organized. -`Mr; "(now Sir Henry) Stanley s`.grea_,_t 1 `"5V0\1'1`n.5Y.3Cl`6$s A.-"fric _a`,, 1874-7, where- i .,. . . . . . < 1.... A1..- (`Inna-A `Iran rhcnnvnrod - guru Coniancod Ii: Active Journalistic cu- nor in 1857. `OT Eddy s w;`;x::1; gfay clotil nn, `4 ` country riding an In good form, while black and invisible blue cloth no coup Iidex-ed attest torpuk mints. .. . V 1 , __ I_-`_!L_ n__ ----_s_... .._- I._.'..-