Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Jul 1903, p. 1

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? HARD AN13 or'i` won IIYVIIP An --A_ ___ L Opposite PostV6ffAic:e`i BARRIEI - ONT. i. Special " val`u%es ' braids, A correct ty?es .=. I` E week. Seunitgnd S it 5 E summons x no e Powder , Colgate _s Talcum Powder P Lazelfs Toleum Powder Bathing Caps ` Rubber Sponges Rubber Flesh Biushes Mg_nne1_\ s Talcumj ' When yo}: Want Rgberts_9n s_ D{11g;tore ' ; I - .- -'|`- -. 5- show1ng~. ;w.ear.. ; -If _ so. LV 23 . ` ;we have made it ~ easy ~ 3 foif ywouitQ6'?h'avaa secohd j -: 1 .and naw one` at merefy 3;` .5 91': t n9mi9a1,c9t- . AT THE %B'A"i'i1m iati-13:1; Up-to-date HattTe!_*s. or .}....Call at .... .. cm: AS YOU. MAN ! 11% .30 030 ;~';. I` *-I ` .. . : u__ " __ own -Maxvratonzg ` 5. AA` nu--- ool. A ._ e and fa-. ` J day with . '78 Max-y_Stroct : r L. TI-I8, Jrsgnsfrg og 3_.uu`1n'.; _---wr--v-- -v--:_-__ Henry .Tn,ck. a young" farmer. or E-denvzile. was almost instantly killed l -'l_ast.week. While. at wotrk upon the roof of a big barn belonging to his I- brother._ Alfred Tuck. he slippedend fell to" the ground. .reoeiVin8. injuries from which he" died shortly after: wards; He was about 20 years of age a?u1'-d !unn_1_ar'rie_ ; , 1 45 eelebreted ;. "'He.\l: in giire; althoughy L11(e prlee i-; $3,tlQ men,_pre weari 1`lg "h'em': They are-gin; . .,., ,1` y'iuIekI8;?i9y:iiafn;'a{isiin'for sp . H a`\;%ngg;.___;]ag";;p,Igl.' _.`.1pn,(`lp__.u. to "g: i . - ` ` Q4 : he styrfl. ixdi-st phnnohimyiwkthelg fri ' .V Met; , .o e'_ Vs)`-gm--- A -_ _.__._L nL1..,. nu. -____ 1 to fjby anoEh;ex*I.y'4=ri`p7tgj>_ ,.._.<%nB'va Pg ` L -Be sure anid.` take in the Fire-- man'.7}-t_1jip pn Civic Holiday. Tho.Bri-. Na._de' want;a_to,_1`a.isQ_ s9me,1`noney for T att_er- ;9z1u_ipmcpjg;- " , ~ 4 ` _- ~ V V yea1=wu1 wan I01` cms. -._._. - At a oof11gregational`.j, fffns liicil in c.0nnecti_qx'1'v_vi`thg the`i3,a1$tisl;,CJ11ur}$ ` it was~urfahimQusl'y de Li`l:on(i an 4ii1vit5.:;i.O11 Rev. R357. Ciisthlft to tak"`r`tVh `phatorate offtho chifrshg Mr.~,-'Ch`essf'hut `has. accufiiedi the pul-I pit rtor se veral-Sun`days and `M5 given the `Lgfreatest satisf, ctioI},_ '__].'t` i`s'-,u.n-'- dertobd tl'iat~"`he w`ill acbept the .6911 an'd,B1`u'_1'ie Bggptigts are ti)'~b'_3___ "doni Vgxa,tuiat'ii om uring so able" 9. man. He'l_1as sfervedgthe: church for some. `1}\or_20 ryea`ns aml _vvgiq Qduoatetd .in' Giibat .Bri4:a.`i. Where T he 'preao)fed for yegrs before-v-=`_ofming `to .Can:;`- uuu \_V_A&f_\'{,`ya_\(IAnvIa5\J Va. 'ua.nv .v.;vs3 yea3.wivl1vv`ait for this. .-42.2 _L2-.._1 .- k.." a k on Fiinay. _,Au,gu,s_t- 7th.,Those,,rg ; Ill qqgvg auuuuy;-r 3-1-1;! !r}.l'_"}{,'\7x`I0'vu J. mg? I I : I 9. z 5 had3:t119,`{51_i1suf"6`f"f5e .ext31;_r2.73ii)ig1; .......`.T...`.:11 .....:+ 4:... n.:... --- -- -., .- ---`-v v-. vv-- --=-- A" large number of, excursionist ` game up fromi Toronto. on Saturday. .with_-the Crawford Street Method- ists and pic-nicked at St. Vincent Park. They were received at the sta- tion by Ald. Barwiok. of the town Reception Committee; ' 1"f______- l'II,_-I_ _ ___' A,,,,,__, LA` F31 50 The Council apparently made a good bargain in contracting to have sonic of its granolichic walks {con- structed at 9 cents per sq. foot. as Orillia is paying 10 7-8 cents for its pavements and`13 3-4 cents for cross- ingts. V ` -' an-_,__. 1___ 4,... -_ __ - ' box of Box chcolntos-our. boxes are pr.euy-uw gouau In-1. clan. Il0'l`l!WIsl.l.9s. William Wallace. the`,AIliston auc- tioneer was'se.ntenced `to one month in goal. Monday morning. by Judge Ardagh. Wallace. it will be remem- bered. fired several shots from a "re- volver at his wife"and mother-in-law and then tried to commit suicide in Alliston. a couple of. weeks ago. ' , `, __.. .. _-_----us-anon. gnnavun LSQO body. `was cnt," to_`pieoe's`.~ He was brother-in-`law of Mr. Ohew. the mah" agar of `the firm. ' j ` ` " 1- `!?&kS. _t +-. per`, , ...: heir 7 1'ove:: ; `,a8:~`7.ii1ipa'A;"'o?ofs. ;'`!ffG -to \$i :``rs't" -V aha` ` 139`? the 595$}. 3313-1?h9T1bW3t Prices: .'over 150 to choose from. I .4. telegrem.;haa.beexi- received an- inounoing the death 'in`Mc`xieo of the h -eldest son of the late _Benjamin Me- t ;Conkey. oauemhh-h 3;; ngson of jthe late " sheriff` 1i21:c6is1e33."'ot ear- :` - O ' ~ I70 ` illlunor WooqI.gpilIi 83.26 per ope. ' 1601. ,Qtter"w'a;g`ih:"towfh last week and inspected ' the grmory ;_and no- -ooutremeiitsof the ` local companies T of the 3`5th`i`Regt. He expresod his `satisfaction at the thorough manner _-tfuties. . 5 4 - e t , 2'3-Ev;o;y'pedx~, Id pxynelsllaegr Q90 Eiremhxgfsi apjjtolg 131': Bgye . Frank Hope: while working in the hush six miles `from *Bil!2Z `on Satur- day.-had the misfortune to brak3 his_ leg: Ho -waswoarried on astretohbf jin_to Baia add thn_ fo,rward_edV_to tinge` `myar victoriai`1r3pic'a1,'perg, i -._v ran vu-vac. ` I( .'u. D: I-n ----- L- . .uvu,yu> v wcorlag _uospita;_, herpg `._. _:,.| "`-"-`-'l`he most . popular garmentgg in; demand. are ladies ahowerproof coats. They giro worn as dusters as well as_ -....... .. ax; uzuus. n_us_s uayvrenee. 1 ="1_s'crr.o W. A. Wilkinsong f}ou,.n1`ill is ; being` `brightened up }y,i.th_ a .co_at,of 1 )e.i_ !.1it,,eoand is also being` reshingled. ._Anndrew .Wadde was examined as to hiseanity at" the Court House -om\ Monday andwvais diaIcharge_d'b"y Judge Adagh. , I` __ ` . :_':. _' e: ~--Ioe cream. q1 1.1`it",ol`)_'jr' -jiinj: or a`t Rob_efr.teonA'e QrI,1g`-$t`i'.'e'. ` 4.. has had to disoountenaneed action of ,a few. -hoodlums who-abused the privilegep - A _ . [" ( I`-.....I- `A-- - ` " Swunmmg along the he to}vn_,a_uti:orities "on. account" of. bhe I i .-`-I: - r]:-Tou 'Ef'ats' paradib. Boats. lunch a'nd `soft drinks can be procured at 111 times. Miss La~wrenAo_e. Mr W A `XTf'lI.:....'__.I_ Ar ZLTU Iv - , zel Arm-_,. Willow.- , --__...._, wow u V-.uuu5;.\ f-Brotherhood i ovrzills _any' size at Vickers. ` ' ._'.Iaowngy s. or _Webb s c;h_oo5latcsA and ,bonbpn_s always fresh, at Robert- son-'s Drug Store. '-< ~ 4 * - . Q-...-'_nn _ , - A t vv.-`-vIy7uIvIlIrlI.._I'I:`_V'!iIlIl,Uo _ _ ` The Office lot has been im-` provdd by ..theAinsta`llation of abed of,,foliage `plants. ' . , __'|`.:Lu- 1r _-._ - .-an mg ` DLU1 Co ` Camp Snppllo-q-overv!h'l.IIg new and "up-so-,-a_a`ne at unrnwnnus. Tho `D..<..J. r\.g2__ 5. - 7? - VVX " 111.1; v1on~u'rY.' The ,c;'r. ix. will. m' e` Moniday at 3 o clock.( " `.__'.'Du.mL`I.-..`L -., 1. . . nnuuugsaaans; i A \' _; .;;'3 5-ct;iqTY" riir imcon ifun 'I5oum1oiu or\c1_u_gm.D.o. OUR I. will, mlef iiext -4 1.1 I I ____... - I I Shortly before eight ._o clock " the 1 same evening the fire alarm again` sounded and the -members of the bri- gade were once. more ummoned to the scene of their labors earlier in` the day, This time"-`the fire was lo- cated..,in a pile of weed in Mr; Bur- ton : inner cellar -,and. as it was sep- arated by;brick `walls tram that part eta the premises affected _by_ the _attere_ noqn fire.` -'it oou`ld_v ihandly. have ccuieetidd-I .,hv;_ith lit. , 1`-h e..r_firemexA1 l1.1.a`dfth'e. names 1,1*1?11 ' ht3 i81h0Il_]1"l'J'l6"'81nk3* phye-`-l _ -, ...-....... I Iiltogether the experience in the section of the`:-town affected was an exoiting`one. Mr. _Burton and Mr. `Perkins were able *to_'save the con-% _tent's bf theiristables. having remov- eid..,the .bu~l-1: of thexn. when the fire first broke out` in Mr. Butler's prem-7 ism`. ` W ` "` ` ' Barrie is not often troubled with fires. but during the past week the members of the two brigades have been kept fairly busy. Allandale had four blazes in -the course of a few and Mary streets were wiped out of existence. The fire started in Mr. R. M. Butler's stable. shortly before 12 o'clock anid that structure, was completely destroyed together with its contents. consisting of two bug-' gies, one being a new rubber tired vehicle. a cutter and a~sle`igh,,as well as everal se`ts"of harness. The high wind carriedthe sparks into many. adjacent yards. but rno further dang- er wais apprehended. aftlf theVprem- ises had been liberally doused with water from the hose. Inside of an-` hour. however. Mr. Martin Burton s stable burst "out into flames and ' it 'quickly Went up in smoke. Both ` brigades were promptly `on hand. `the ` Allanndale reel being ~brougb,.t over by Mr. W-m`. Armstrong in record time. - The fire spread to Mr. C. A. Perkin s 4 stable,` 4 which '_was`~"`rapidly. gutted. . Thl MI`, `RIIT'lII: vl --*-V-" ' " ____ -..,_ ..._..uu Jvau rapuuy. gutted. Then Mr, Burtoiits summer-kitchen became igniteld it was only by the ` hardest" kind of. werk that the bri-n galde was able to save, hia`handsome residence. ~ o ' 1 vinegar half pint. water we pint. If.- horsesf are well waahed with this. not, a y wiIl,oet'tle'_npm them. as the asatetida-' th_e_xh away. This h'ug;haa in `deleterious qualities as an external application. -Take com-1 than emartweeid and make a strong deoootion by boiling in` water. When the infusion is cold. apply to the legs, neck and other parts otlthe body with thrush or sponge. Neither ies nor -insects will trouble them for 24 hours, " " `_""P. . Qyflilly tn .". JS"P:t . 1 attack; ` wi U1 ' 1: I,Itmed oil of laurel; n th Q`:1bI..L__`J. 1|, , . 1- .. _.., yaoaulug 'l'BI ` tle; daughter ` of - R. a Simscoe Old Boy :11 :the Bati'ie C&!legiat Show ,thei_r gppreciation of its good W'6rk by patronizing the excursibii on ,di`v_'ic,; . ~ 5 t ? . ,;I'1:!.,e;`TbrontotNew's'makes` the 91- flpwmg pldasxng`-refefnce to the lit- 'tle;daugh tbr`of-_R. Haslm; n n G _ strment in the ins: the postage on--"`, pi-iddials reduced between Can_ada- and` the Motherland. a_s,weli as having beenthe 'c'h_iqf in- u gu1"ation'of the County Road System in Simcoe. It p -__ ..,. .. yualuulla rew yards away and `joined in the frequent applause by: sounding her whistle. "Hiaw'ath,a ' proved so popular a number that cert. occupying?-the ' terprise. which. was "moor .*I--L 1" ' ram sums nksrnnmn ' . " '7".~_.."`_-.-I9.-U nu IIIDDIII -.. qspeonally the put, Ot |u:LL- - IELAQ ,_ -..v...u ul. uavlug re an_ada- and Motherland. ` having 1 in 41- 5- -V ~~ , - -_-v- cull-l\|] Lving the ina1igui'ation'of I V that` advice - vwas : 1_-_om_vt'he Orillia Board ointmmrr no -A------ News makes` :91; `rrefeince -,R.__H:gAsli_`t_t; D. p. s., ` ny 8'1.`I-dhnate of nigh: I.....L:;.-L- 1 Faauguuu y vi Pratt; T ITiE1e';-_ 3 :1", There i,s pot. _n$ 3 *"` _m osl(:% \ T.-"A umumfiinr "t" E h \ `t ~'d% ; r 3o 5nai c ?a. ` 33kg -Jvnvvv hill: ID vvvv V5 and I. C. Seeleyuz`-,eturned.A `from their honeymoon last week and % _a._re en Apensim at. the Queen's. -nr_______ -|1r_'u.-_ l'I'_-L.I_ __-a n 117 1 ."iae23?rf%?s7;`i?er"o3` a'lif' Rresley --v_ia;it9d the Seatlower Club at. Duolaa s`V% .`A.`-'*"." @`.v'%"F.1' % Point [onl!'_rlda_y ai1*d_ brought home`; [ `"135: 'Thom;s'on, of Belleville, is 3 {spending a few weeks with her sister. Mrs. 0. Curtis. . "=_i2I"r"3o1'{;z 3-e;v:i:1.e Land Miss Rita. ` Torontostreet, are over in Detroit on a. trip. `ll ... 1\A1_-__;__.'_ ,5 111--' - |i-M;'s:-fIr{`<>bg3rtson. of Winnipeg. is; with her siste;t._Mrs. A. J." oarsonm Mary street for a week or so. `ll`.`. 4...! `ALL. 1- Au (1,. 1 returned vtember. '1`he`Mises Whisk. of *'Woodcot;'4 Allandale. L will not receive dur- ing the 'mqn'ths of August.and 'Sep- \ .n.:.;.u.u.,y uuuuuu. uu oqnuay 8_Y8I1lIlg'..: Mrs. Ed. Blainj and daughter, Alice, 2 have `returned from the` Soo where } they .were visiting Mr. George Blain Mr.`ax_1id.Mrs. Noah Grose have been 1 spending a few. days.- at. Fort` Erie. with-their daughter, -`Mrs. Jack Dy- n1_;r}t%4_____ %J . g_.._..-...vv--v- as-o.-urn Iruoszo Gravenhrf Banner - NEas.t-e.r 0r- 1jie.Dunoan is visiting his aunt, Mrs. \ ,A. 0. Philip. of Barrie. this week. { `ml - -n-1_1_ 1-_.-n,__,. ` . heard to good! advantage in a solo at - .-....-notary ya. JJIALLLU. B1119 WOUL- mld}. Ralph Johnston's tine voice was 1 1 I Trinity Church. on Sunday "Vening.. Minn 13".! 'D'In~." ..._.i .I`.'-_-'_LL."__- A1'_,' 1 -liott. of Barrie. is visitingvwith Mr. -_. -- _v-y_.v vu wuuuzuaju ' Parry Sound Star-"Mis-3 G. El-A and Mrs. R. W. George. V` I I.l'.Il......`l A'....--.. nan-_,_ -r -In 1"- __- ._.. -u. \.aI vv.I. av ."_"1s7ti.d1and Arg'{z-'-Mrs. `.91. B; Hisey, of Barrie. is visiting her parents. Mr. and _Mr.s. John. McNicho1." ` w'0`ril'_li.8.m Dude 1 Butterfield, of Barrie. {is visiting his 5 grandmother. Mrs. Jas. Quinn." -- I lV...._.._.1_.__..J_' -n- __ -_ "Ii`<'>`.)i:aJ:Nc\>?.Pittsburg. is visiting his parents on Mary street and looking up old friends. 'Ml':..... *n-..I_- -_-L- I - ..-.- -vvs-ngae may ULU. l...|.ll JLl|.lBc Miss Boake. who has been visiting Mis Lennox. on Mary street. return- 1 led to Toronto on Saturday. I `Do:-nu Enos-...I CL-.. nap,-_- :1 -ran I --v can `act. J. \IIll_UC ifiss %c.- E. Campbell. of W'ellsburg. W. Va...` is "visiting her parents, Mr. ahd Mrs. D. C. Campbell. `Id - II! n `|r-_._- ,1- *1`l1. ---- v-ovu\%|.I lllllbllrllo -Mr. Philip McMann. of Kansas City. is the guest of his cousins. the Misses Pae. at Big Bay Point. -'IA :.....'t1-`r n ,7 -wUI:IAlIIr\I I-l\AI.l.lVo . -"1-lvdrs. Peakef "and children. of Brampton. are visiting her. sister,` Mrs. J. H. Neelands. { ; 'II':__ 7.1 I, n Mia Gladys Dougall. .--_ -.n I J.` 091 all. . Mia -i2 Ottom ilas been spend- ing Aa week at Big Bay Point with; r ml - ~n1_:1_-_ an-_~.: '. .. ._.. ` _.- _.---1- --' vvvv Parry~ 8ounaduS.tar--"Miss Torrance. of Barrie. is visiting with Dr. `and Mrs. Plaxton." Mr. Alex. Sinclair returned home. last night after`-having taken in the Mackinac trip. ' - `II_ ?_L__ can , n - - - --* .-_i[';.-I-.-I:>i1J_1--(3l"za:ytan has been in King- stun for a few days attending the Old J Boys Re-Union. I _. Miss Rogers. of Londo;1. who has `Anni; u--:1u!`3-- `III... I`, ,, it up. I -..--uv gvwa `on up VI IJUIJI-lllllp W u nu: iteen visiting Miss Ross. McDonald BL. has returned home. : j `t____ '-u u gran `wT'l;ornbury `Herald --. 'V'1.!(1-5. Jacki Todd. of Barrie, is visiting at Major 1 E. Burke`; town." ' ` v- was--v.0 5 Mr_s._ Alex, Bpinisliiii-.' acconfpnih by her dhildlfen. is visiting her` ,parents in Stayner. ._ . - Orillia Timm.-'3Miss Mauadxi Bunk"- er. of Barrie, visited Miss Bertha Ross last week. 7 I L Mrs. Baikie. of _Mont`1"eal, is sum- moring at Painswh and-wa7.a' in tqwn on Saturday. , \ 2I_..J A_____, 1,. aha- .. ' '- 51` `I1 . "' "" ` ' _ 1 . Midland Argus;-"Miss White and ` Miss Hart. of Barrie. are visiting Mrs. 1 _0. W. Bradley." mL-._..u.--__ vv - - ---- - _1-1;sville' Far aser.-'.'Mrs. Nelson ` Smith. _of-B"arri`e. visiting .Mrs. T. 1 Gldiej." ' ' . . ` :'call'ed' on E4993 A__ v. -v -- % Miss Irene= Ainley is visitih'g',wi th her eister." Mrs; P? D. Bentley. Cp- __bo1i'rg. A V -I Mrs.Cliftor`d Lloydjot Cgliingwood. is visiting ..her` paren't$. Mr. and .Mrs. F1,'_ed.,Ma..rr. ,; . . 1 . ,Oril1ia-'l`imes.-`.`Mr. Ed. and Miss Grace Quinn are visiting friends in: Barrie." -. . _ 4 11,v:1\_I-.;;'maIket Exrea-"Miss Lyxiett,'- ;Do yle s." - of Barrie. spent as ow dayaat Mr. S. --_- -.. ......vvu`uu`;o:. an-u .4M.l_lKQK3( Mrs.` Geo1jga,;E1lis` is .v.i siting her .Pint. sigter. Mrs. Frank Bemrose`. Big Bay ` iMr's. T.Zi7i1~.uPa:i`i:'e-1-"-a'xxd_Masteri Her- i man are visiting in Hamilton." - D. W. Campbell". of"Dpot Har- bor, spentSa't1'mday in town; _ ' _ ` Mr. Nelson `Brdwn. ha.s'beenAsp'endV- mg iii few _a,_t' I-5qol':s'town, % i "3415. Ba.0n. of T'1` is `visiting Mr5.'J_. Smith, Market. street. . - Jean Bailey is "visiting-Mr. and Mrs. .Baldwin Bailey. sNer-th 'Bay.'> e Miss Frankie 0 Malley. of Toronto. , is.the guest of Missltene; Coffey`. ` - -Mr`. C. W.` Carl_ey`an'd Miss `Margue- rite"ai`e" viitingVVin, Hamilton.` A C 7MV.'rs. vweihf. of` Genesee,,"Ill.. is vis- itin g' her inotiier. Mrs. W;n..;Ainley.' _i . iss Annie Powellis spending 39- tqw v"eeksgin Gravenhurst and nqkoka. Mrs. Ganran. `li`.ll:n- :a ":5: .... L-.- `w. woo Una nan All-J &'\alGIo Bessidvain isigin Cleve-g land visiting friends. - _ I I "I52... II` T` T` " ' " vulvvrnal ;uau WOUL- Mr. Chas. Sayjegxit is visiting his `parents in Mgrkzdale. `II 2..... `fI-~--` - \-------n-j 3; I "7 `i; """"o;:!`""P``3`4`4"3`4`4""'""""`+`&"`"`+'9 ,1 `-""""""' V "'*"*"8'8`'tf2-z~-I--sf---i~~:~:--:s~:2--:--:-+-i---+-~-:-4---+~-4-~:-~:-v~-----+--+:-!---+4- ; SUMMER PERSONALS Zt2.:...9..2..g.;2...4. .5. _o_ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . , , I a `ME ` cIu'rxnV1ors`_. come l:0 ---AI ' _ -__-_ Rev. Dr. Gilray. of the College St. Presbyterian church`. Toronto, who is visiting his brother. Mr. Thos. Gil- ray. Preached in the Collier Street "Methodist church. Sunday evening. '_Mis Katie Cameron. soloist of the .~.0ollege Street `Church. who is also tisi-ting in}tpwn." "Face to):`aoe?.' r ith- grout` 't'aatov~a Hemp!-`uni '- Miss Gertie Bates; silver medalist` of the Conservatory of Music, Lind- say, who isevisiting her aunt, Mrs. Piggott, Worseley street. sang a so- ` 10 most acceptably in the Baptist 4 \ church, on Sunday evening`. It is \m- i`der_.stood thatthc church has secured vMi'ss `Bates services for next Sunday , ~=mornmg. ` ` ` -.`__ -\._,`.`pn: , up 1: an -1 .... A Mr. Black. County Muster, Sintz_3.l11_1tn.,_N. W. T.. occupied the chair at the big Orange demonstra- tion in Grcnfeli; N. W. f.[`., on July 13th.. Mr.Blaok was prominent in lccal-*.Ora ngc ciroles= before moving out to the West and his friends will ` be pleased to-lVe"arn that "he is not al- T1ow4ing--his- interest. in the Order to _fwane.' 9` . Aphotogravure or Mr; L. 1 . Duff. K.vC., appeared in Saturday`s Gldhe in connection with his appointment as asociate cbunsel J for Canada with . Hon. Edward Blake and Hon. Christo- F phcr Rcbinsdn on the Alaska Commis- `siqn. 'I,`hp Globe- also" publishes a abort biograpl1y..;of.Mr. Duff. .men- L . I tioningv-thefact of his having-at one x time taughtt `on the staff of the Bar--' `tie Collegiate? `Institute. | _.-....~v--u av.-.I.r4Jvl.\.a(L.| Mrs. W. H. Smith. who has been spending aimonth with friends in town and -vicinity returned to her home in Sturgeon Falls, on Saturday. She was accompanied by Miss Grace Smith. who has been in ill-health fpr some time and her many friends hope 1that the change may `greatly benefit i her._ ., =` i __ _,-_-............ . Mrs. `Spry, of High street, is en- tertaining a houseful of summer guests amongst whom are Miss Mick- leborough and Mis- Nichol]. of St. i Thomas; Miss Bailey. of Toronto; Mr. Porter. of Toronto. and Mr. Frank Spry, of the Bank of British North America, Montreal.` `iv `_v __ -..-J-.r; sun) VVOV&o Commander Whish conducted the services at St. Paul's church, Mid- hurst. on Sunday last. He was _ac- companied by his brother. Mr. Ar.- thur Whish. of London, England. Mr. Ambrose P. Kent, of the Ot- tawa Citizen, is spending his holidays under the ancestral rooftree with his mother and brothers. Mr. Hinds is 3 one of Barrie's Old Boys who is mak- ing a name for himself in the field of journalism. 4 _._. .-..-..., ...,. w...:.u. nus: Anal] uauey. Miss Myna Groae has returned from Owen Sound. where she has been spending a few weeks. r | K].-__`,,,1`p ----o- In-I-oil dlul..I\,o>$n U: Ddtlcn dren have returned" to Toronto. after spending several weeks at Lake-of- Baya. They were inwtown for a. cou-' ple of days, last week. (`______A _ H 1 uvv- . ..._~.-.....-u-.uu a_u. cc. 1 `If isvnimorod that the new Bay- field' street .v'vhVa'1-f is to be builtby day `labor. A. Government bffieial -. from Orillia. was in town, on Tuesday. - E looking over the site. It:._ '21 .. .--.._ 715% visa; I-LIV Ullvs ' ` AMiss Emma Griffith. of Toronto, is ' visiting her cousin. Miss Anah Bailey. Mi$ MVTIQ F111: `sun v-A-5------` `* ,_._ -_.._,-..a ..-u, as new uaya. ` - ` Orillia News-Letter--"Mr. W. J." R Barrie. `came up on `his mo-"i tarcyole. last week and spent a few. days at `the West `St. restaurant."_ `Mrs; '1`hos.`McKee'. and Miss Maud; Malice returned an Friday from Mus?- kjbka.7_,W1ie_1f9it`he y 1; been spending a plgaganf .:month at _-Victoria. Island.; Miss, Boss and Miss Flossie Wrighta`= ` of Toronto and Mia Bowles. of Brad`-' ford. -have returned whiome after a "pleasant visit"-with Mrs. J. K`. Ross. M_oDan_ald street. A l , ,;,----... uvugu gxnc unuulg. ,Mrs,_ _La,,id;nan _ga.v_fe a very fine rn3i`ti_'91i" gt `~1jh;-, $0155 City" _in the da11i`r st`r et'j`1s&jt 11oiig.t Church, `on suad$y"ev'a:n;i:;'g." " ` ` - `A jtilfy pfty fbupers fi'om'J1'ck- `sows -`~ Po!1 1'*t-`sailed to Bafrie `in " he Schooner "Doroj;hy . Aon Tuesday and are. staying for, a. few days. - nrnlia `M'....... f-LL-.. nil can .. . _ - -_- - `Iv vunaavu Ull Saturday after a visit in Toronto and Owen Sound. . . . , -_ Miss Annie Cummings. of Toronto, isdpnding a shdrt time with Miss of Mrs. S. Hisey. ` . 4 , Messrs. W. `M. Roebuck and _.WiIi Riach were in _Minesing over Sun- day, the 'guests _of' Dr. W. Kerfoot, Mrs. D} Jamieson' and `Miss -Maggie Jamieom, of Toronto, -are `staying wvith friends, here. ` ' ' ' "Mrs. Geo. Maynarki. `of Ta'ron~to, is visiting her `m"1`cI_e and aunt, Dr; and 3 Mrs. Patters.on_f.`or a few days, Mr . A. piiffnrnnn AF '1"/--'-""` Sa;-`u1T4.ia3'r'-::1ft;ar \ `Owen Sqund. x " v "" . * friends, If " .35!i.r __, " _.. .. .. vvgug 1 1'.` and Mrs.,A. C. Batten and chil- ' | `Infra -...L--_._-j' L, on . -. ($1.00 PER. ANNUM IN ADVANCE 1 s1.\uLB corms 1-`xvn cnzxrs __________________________ been ill. `- ..........v.auu uauu: mac:\en- Toronto. are staying with. ',j_ 7 IV. A. 'Anden1;on returned on r gfhaw .. ..:..:L. :.. m - ' 17c. 390 , 10c - 370 t Barrie. here. . uffalo. is ' relatives. 15c `10c visiting "80 fill: FARM FOR SALE. 0811315. 1012 2, Cop, 11, e-Q ne-half mnle from Holly of b-MAIII cleared except five lat es _Well fenced and was stoneg brick house. good barns 1 `rd and S ables; yqun or-` e of cuI%0od_ 8011 m 9. hrs -rate - W. beIV"I{:1! tr1.d IfAnot1: sold Eac- . e . p on.. A 0 & %E{dZBU.RY. IPROVED FARM FOR SALE-The LN3` Con. 9. Inuisl. Frame house. d h=_lrd.two wells and outbuildings, IT} Barne and 2} from P.O. ` Will be For price and particular: applv aornton. Ont. ' {a6-If . { 5.5 1IIIVI l'\ r` . lot M` . . . nh half of . c:.:"*: `-12; `3f 7`'3:' z';`:.`i'ia3c`s?'-1' 11518 n O ' m er: :.::: wave"-~' 5` cm good buxldmgs #3 se - 3 II and "m' with stone 8'd we M . . 11 d M13190 39 spnnz creek and 2005 char `Wand a In he P""`i ' . , fh ._ ApplV 0` hm.Aao-22 am .~:`?a3.'I1"ii Io?1 NsToN. churc Bu'ild_in .-.. uuxce 121 Bank 0fTr-':,t;a. Good \gad modern convent: . . _ , 1 4_ i -. , erate rental. `L --uu unl\Jl4l`llV I Was! t Successors to Johnston 8; Sarjeant :Tel. 88. Oice, 41Dunlop St. _ 4. Yard. Foot of Mary Street. '1'-lul--l..x..:..L.v T - - - - - ~ - ` FOR sQLE--The residenceof the iate - H. MC" All K9316. Blake street. Barrie. In per act order. Jodetn conveniences. Boat House. Forfalg "`h'3_&p_niv to R. L. _ BARWlCK.- Bank of o . "3uxldnng. Barrie. _ 3931 |"- u-noux't'u 1! you deal Witt In THE SARJEAN:l` c;o., Sucmmn... 4A T-1,.. _L , V, --nu. uuun 0: mary Street. 3: ++++-:~+s-i-+-&+-:-z--a--a-4--:~+~:-+4-z-ts+++ `*-4. , . of To- ` f sidenoe' T day. - ` . Thornton.; as. Dyer, ' L Grey and White LIME. Star Portland CEMENT. 1 Coal, Wood, Lath and Shingles We keep the best. 9atiafac- % tion assured if deal with? +'l|llI-I ------* " ground Floor omce in 1 Vlterheating and mo 'h"'M0derate rn-"' LIME, CEMENT. E E _._`,..p_.:- j._------v Q A general linnkinglliuainean , obn.;1'cfd. ' ed on _all parts of thb world, De- .g|i{:'r`:ca;1ived and interest allowed at high-V `W3, MORTON. Manage [was `r-4!."-.1-VI-Ar m,,.ng - Andrew Thomson * me-President lIon.,Joh-v sharp]; Gnuplunagor E. E. Webb _ BARBIE BRANCH M . ,_._..-I `)nU|'I:l|K.uIIQ=1$QQ -`4_J..`L-j ":;$;5g:iia:3a;:3'f;aE`* Capital -' - 525500.000 Rest % 511300.000 -_-.u.m Andrdw 'l`hmn-m`. mcqrtxsu co1rcER'1` C0-;f,; so'na3i - 1"-...~ ~Ya"'::.`.i:,:t...*'e.:;*. :6'a:u MW? Ind other views. an m"i3 "Wile mus` tcal accomnnni""" mg- C u I v u u u U u I I I U U H II month .... .. $323.25 $697.50- monsl|.... 8646.50 _ $1395.00; ' MPITE - $2.500.000 gym FUND - 32,300,000 .. ,2 A distance send for our hon mu` ' `7vIALL AVINGS. % V How they grow] inthe: : ; ; : :_ BAN K? TIOHBON-I-0% .uumv-- ---W *-*4"-1-' gvtacxxt for out boo klet ,-.- a IAIIB Mnnaavnr Ran-3.R.... V63 farm unit) of "`cax- F"cEii`{q9 ?5YS s= `5""% nlop Stre ' jf 7 . V7 \' .v. . I, N .31 T WHOLE N . VOL` LISA M[?EL WESLEY. Proprietor. .0 VIHNBMKQEEANABH i 1'5. Llvlav ' ast week{ A ._..s- -- -~-.--' an guuu EIIII3 0! cultivation. ood and also a. good dwelling *Ua.r. well cistern. `creel; orchard. Will-also sell quanmy of hay. on the premise: ' and IOHNSTON. Churchill. 29-32 _`__________ . |l\lu\.I u - ......_. . R. LAM B, Mahager Barrio Branch nv.nnusmvn=.'n'n. TO RENT". Q Barrie. 2 COMINGT I Bank of TorontoBuilding. modern conveniences. Gimd T C - ` In five year: amounts in very ' this V Inten vea.-I . amounts 6-.` i'>'x"uE'{m'5n'3{:a iz 5o`r' 'E&:""o'a'%'s-.":* %'-`E 0I"1`0N_&. sou. 8-W0;-~% ,9: J6!-3,.-_,ln`e_9` ._\_;..-.'..I_- L"`..iInnEh- -- \ll..l.\.l&V III \l\IV) I | phInoA`_I1_u!`0`_`:_IV|,i:[-I15? 3.-".:;'an':a s`:. :%i.`%%.;.;.'.7..;rns'ie'iif9bir order-%~o .1. a=.e'runN an-a. s%_I_~Ii$A fxrznnonguen; .9: IQOQII. ~ __._..___ . `.4 no 1 2 ,_ Jl__A_...-'- ' "or |nyt.hing"ln- [t_ o caunpiugs -E\-I-Tl _ AAWNINGS. FLAGS,* . SAILS. WATERVPFIVOOFIGOODS. FOLDING BE 8. TAB'L%.CHAl.B,s_\. .9 ,nond.y9ar... *...A-...`u. n-T 5|.-T`is-a:|n|iI*4a'..l.`--[' I-`ARM,FO`R'SALEORJ'O. RENT 7% East"half. lot.` 22, oon.`4, .Qr_o.'.a1sb 9., goodfarm of -100Vac1:Aes in Inhisfil.`-for sale. For terms. &PP1yAto_`S0ROGGIE _ 8; SMITH. Ba.rrie , L ' .81-'-.33.` -:"a"c3:i3.. A In; anaue Lrces. _ ' . _` This property will be sold ver reuonabIv."and in . as good chance for anyqneqvifs. 9; :9 purchase '11` mce home i: Barrie. - . . . - v . L , ,,yJ,OSEPH ROGERS, . 1, 31-35 ` V ; %_ `Auctiog1ee'r.` ' If you don;t wears h?m':t3 oHer. `V0ft.I.I. honi or 1 farm on, casv `monthly `payments w}_tIiou_t interest I --anywhere in Canada. ' THE DOMINlON`~CO-VOPERATIVIE HOME _BUlLDING}ASSO.?3IATl.ON. - W. P. SOIJLES. Agent. -1 -. .n Il_-_. A._-_1. . 1 K Desirable Property V For Sale % by Publiuuctinn; sATuRnAiz..A`_ii"c7:"i]Ts1%?15t1g_ .. 1../. Ammum 134155 nu`-nsubnzaa . --- ----- ,-----w-qv-2 :w-:--- jjil ` ` _ V. ; . _ . . ` . L;-s.`-*r,*.2:.. Two story Bnck Dwelling with basement,sntuate;l- ' on High St. About one-buxf am of land. la.v'In gnd shade Trees. _ . TEL n-nan-6-n |u:" `u-.n4\`A -tn.-v. .......-x-...ll"u "had :3 no vouVoWuAJH9u=? or 7 % .` :- -n-:-+-:-:--t--:--t-+-t-s:-+-:-++++-t-:--:-x~++-z--x- 31:34 ~ 3 "35 Isso

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