% SUNNIB;i]? CORNERS Miss Alice McManus is holidaying: in Collingwood. `iv a . _A IL-'.....-_ Ivddirlo on Inl.n\n ;I\n. vnovnau Mr. D. W. Mair. of Toronto.` is the guest of his uncle. 'Mr. Geo. Mair. (`In Wannnnv, Jnlv. Rfh. Mr. 11 C. I ;'`:2','_ s-:3,~4.1-1 ac, `A1 v,s"`.~.'-\-4;? :3 .3. . ;_Y`_`._- , `*7 N W .. "+.Bev;-.7` ......'*.;.':'~3m.s** 3..,*.s.:s.....1 ; an tseldquent ,,w._hj~* was` 1-iveajir _muoh a`pp1`eiatSd- by `ft-h,e mam -t bars of the 01jd.er_and fully 200 ladies % who were opresentu: i, we Craighurstfl St. Andxems Piregby-`1 L` terian church. choir `had charge of_ then 1. song service. ADur`ing the `singing of . ;a beautiful" anthem a collection was I taken up_in aid of the Protestant Or- : phans Home. which amounted to 1$5,70.' The Orangeinen presented a fine appearance with their new ban- ` and badges. . ' rad--- 11_....:.. uirznv-A nnl-`no'J d gen't1' ' W In. Ll|.v.I.|u.1'I_.,_y. ` Ample refreshmants were served in 1 Rue Hall. _ . . _ | ` =luu1'uLu_.ry. ." _ Mr. Joe. ,Milr9y. 0: Toronto. 15 V18- itjng at Mr. Jas, King's.": - 1ur_* ....l.z"mI". ... `.41- . D`.-Guiana nf RA- ; I-I. Avuuy: us` VA. uuva vugvv E .MimVEstie Bell. of Utopia. has .re- fturned home after "visiting rel.t1ves. % here. ,,(_ \ o ,,-__'v vv-___ -'_uJ'r11-.i..~ A...I3'I'I urn ,I.l.U:. O0 , g\_ _ . ' } Mixes` Vera a,n.`d Gladys Ardlll 8-1'8 3 visiting friends in Sutton. ` -nu-_. __..':n 11.... A1,... (1-...usn on}-or- V lI VII-I5 I9}-UT II-I EKUVVQII anld Mrs. Alex. Grosehenter-h itained the Letxjoy Tennis` Club on `their spacious lawn last Thursday. .\u.l.':. uuvm. . l__ . Mim Maujde `Buchanan is vnstnng iriendgs in Craigvale. ' 'I'.I_L!_ 11.11 . `I 1'L.....`!.. `\n'l ~nn_ VVVQSIBU IV Ll Khalil` uI.Ivu.n\u|.nv-.~\n v.--~- Mix Kate Goodwin. of Tc.>;';mto, is visiting her aunt. Mrs. Jas. Brown. -nu-2... 1-:.___.1_:- 'n'..._..'u...... -3 n..:n:- ' ---uv- apvuavi -:A-:1-ary large oongxwegationginolud-. ing the Allandale Orangemen. wasf pr-easeni; at the Presbyterian churgh July 22nd- sIIk'aI8us `fable l_.l`n%en A % Si;9cessor%to o ` Vcqrsets % +++++++++ ~ 390 1Jl7U' .270 0u1A*.eI1I:.ire' stock of Mualina, both in white and C010 "placed `on sale at tremendous redhctions. ..Regulu .109 to 200 at ......................... -- Z: q 5-1R-011.113: tosocau ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T :Re\,l1r 30c l:o`&5'o at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - ~- .2- ) _f.l.`hef:htioeat of the lot, 500 to 75, as . . . . . . . . . . . . .- 00 ` "`."`lmAi{IrinntI :reduced to` rapid.aelling prices: Sig: Drawers, Orut Covers and Gowns. The pick of pan manufaotnrgd good: at .the maker : price, _ '1 t.>!-um.` g .-7.Fi{ea"IL1;} &i'uz}Mot"7o:i1't the Allan- dal-e Wharf on Saturday afternoon and ' over a score. of peopleawho intended to take the t1f_ip down the Bay were ?di:s`z a|.ppointed. I I [f n'DG1n|+" hlrhn `manna __ ~on>nlout....,..... blllyno Whit0i66l`llIt0!'].lIn0l, our special at 31-00` 37 . 0 Q - s . . 0 o O . . . . o . . . . . o o - - ' ' ' ' " A 3, T1-`ieps, Sox, Underwear, Flho Drags Musllns 9%6`u|itari:farI1"-9"s Vlhltewear am 16 Hats, A 87 -uuaa puuucu. N 1 Miss -T. Haslett. (who has; been (spending. week or so -`.wi~_th her aunt`. Mrs. John'Woods. hes returned to Toronto to resume her studies .in nursing at Graoe Hospital; MI (Inn Dllnhnw nun;-I "I"-us 13....-I.. -~- --~1.-------u E. Levia,` Raft Portage. is vis,- ` Viting his uncle Mr. John Wobds. Caro- line street. . V I I\6~ - Pres! `Vice- Gen ! nmc{ --o-v-pg vv vv gain; an Mim Blaine. of Sault Ste. Marie. is a visitor at the residence of Mr. and Mus; P; 0 Donnell.. Burtan avenue. Mr. Ed. Shear was in Penetang on Seturday ,an'd refereed the lacrosse 1"n9.'toh in which Penetang won from Elmvale by 10 gditls to 2. VIN... 1'..I.... .`|:.1 .__.A..--!I _L LI, - A mu 1` K All mod titular: bnto B voi. MUS` "i'ai~."MoLean. of 0rbillTiaV. h"as been` spending ,a few days with Mrs. John ` N. M:qDonald. - ' J Au-\--A A! $04 fall gvuuuvuvv vq. -Au-Jo U.I,Gl.&lOu Mrs. Reynolds. of Big_Bay Point. is ' staying at Mrs . Willia;m'~Armstrong`s.=i Mr. A..Humt and family are visit-v,' ing Orillia.-_relatives this week. ' 1 `It- 'l\'__e_1_-__ . James Pirie. who has been on` the, aick lisst. is again able -to b on `duty. `ll':..... AI__- `ru, 41 `>- - `savvy; I Miss Alma. `Crow~ther.` or Torontd. has been` the guest of Missylvia Mo:-`_ `_Marr_an. - - - ' v '"_n&a'K1ie and Ruby Motfat. ox Taronto. are guestzs at the rpsidgpce of. Mr. Cowie. ' - - "(};>-1:1i)l;i"11'1';L;"z2g1- still being made about the dangrou-.3 condition otthe Allandale wharf. ` " a Man _0hafles -iI-;:{e rati1rn e4d toj Niagaia Fallsoh Monday. `K3,; Glynn... :. ML. ..._-___1_ -A'u , 7 ` Mia; Sadie Day". _ of Burke"s Falls . --a V- no---a_ avauvbv Va bulb W DOA: [ Mr. Davidson. Gowan street. has, 9.3? a guest. his grandson. of--K`a.nsas City;-' Day i l . ' 1 . . V Mrs. (Rev.-). Lawrcn e=e. of. Rama is visiting her b1{other.'0onductor J oev; E ` wasstaying with Mrs. MoMorran, last nr nxn Is ` The V OlA1'iu\'-`c h %ser7i: `. 8un.day-!.. . " Engineer Slight1y"Hu.rt' at ;Hi1ls- : A dalegin .9. Sma.sVhup-Peraonals.. .uvac)au.lG a:au.u uu muuuuy. V ` " Mini stem is the.gu est pfher sis-Y` A star. John Mcnqnldf ; $12.; 11'; , 1 Miss Beattie;-' ot;'.l`or"onto.` is ~ vigi-ting; Mr. aqkj. Mrs. G. `B. :Pa,tteArson.% " I`. _ `g . - 3.. ._9_ 'Ilh. cu J I`.._..I. -_.._ `L -- - ,..`..... au..-.u._n_ vvuu u.I.v:.quuaLu- I --..- w 79 afupoivv \lO `ado awvuqswlulo. ` e Mrreir. of .Oanbury.: is visiting at `the residence of Mrs. Markle. `Ml ..- l)......-I.I.. .3 112.. 1 -I, 0 I 1 A; summ or ondxgnixrizia rrms: MOVEMENTS or sxxm 2 .u_ i.WA_RD R_E8i1)EN'1`8. Imss%%%ix:mrtiaEs1ni an .___4_.. mW5:fT 4; ; _ % ~ . This next weekfurhishes a-g_rand%c1ixinax'tTojthe indst%ticessfi11 Mi1Iinryseason in our experience. This do 1-, t" ` - d B main ;(%01aiIIl `f().r`;thB season's w_vi1}deup._,All Millinery reduced to `prie`s*jtha_;t%:speak plainlyg. ofnur. intention to C1122`; gaunt `:3 313:6? `1113 gnce :,four Mglllnery stock In the shortest t1`m`e poss1ble_.'L om`d* _1nvest-lgatefor yours`e1f.% ; u . % V `A ~ ; / T % , . A 7 The Men SSt0re Made of Meroerized Sateen. with Vouhcg trir-nmed with 5 babv frills. We 8 winner and discount: anything offered in the mac at, $1 25. One hundred . and sight on me M: .................... ..... 39 `_Ba_|l_f`I.l3 _ pol aistlng 35 2300 yards mill anti: White Cation, metal, and Std ` ` dress Davin .- variogs lengths. assorted qualities as l_eu than {nil pfiou. ` - . , _ ._ 1: ` .' \r . __n_ J Apuyqn LIno ns. use % . \ Vylflill -uiuwuug Inn: 8 pieces` A `m Linen, 40 inches wide, with. assorted stripe _borde_ra. regular value 209. at. .. %. . .. . .- . . . 15o . 7 pattginn 0! beautiful Waiatihgi, xcoibred phuergs on `light grounda. and fancy spots on` dark grounds, 31, inches wide, regular 50. out u.le'a.t_. . . . . . . . . .. c . ~ '"""."""9'-"_"s'*'f? 9`* .. ;.,"'+T,-"`.`.`,.`?_, +--'`- '9`?-' - ever o`_ere'd our patrons and friends. `We have extended the time of_this great~sa1e to`WEDNESDA.-FY, '22nd, because of the delhy in transit of special sale purchases, which include Black Sateen Skirts, Apron Linens,Fa'a.n_cy Waistings, White Gottons, Sheetings; Fancy.,fsa,teens, Silkalines, etc., doubly a. bargain because desirable i`of`themselves,. andpriced to bringea saving` deiciiidedrly` worthwhile. i i ` W. ' " i I > ' i _ -- e r .Just as we `expected, this sale has proved a, huge success; and; _it"sf'going -to continue` in greatness ~beeause tremendous money-saving possibilities are here for thrifty buyers who quic-klya'fppreciat~e.; . . _ . ` -e 'e . .. e t " Q . i V r r . rWhether it be-hot or cool. ne or oth,erwise,: this `sale .will be pushed with . 'a. vigor. It will beinoted and long; remembered as the most rapid two weeks selling 6" taking place in..Beat1tifulB_arrie. It is-propelled by the force of-grim _determin'a,tion'to make it the . ` A r -4 ;..1_}s Q i ` " ' - - Bwlack Satbn S_kII?t8. 89;} ivngjt 9*o uon% *P.rieiS f0ryV%Ca$h %0!11ye% $3,000 dollars worthof mdium andmgh c1assMerchan:die to be sent to 4 . . V {,wnewownersfina;hurry; % ? W."I~I. Mason. in the course` of which they took the opportunity of expressing their appreciation of Mrs. Beadfords work during her four years here. ,Mrs_. Georgevsmi-th. on behalf of the societies. read. an address which was couched in language indi- ` cative of the esteemof the `ladies of the church and Mrs. Sparling pre- sented a parting gift` in the form of a` very pretty? `silver pudding dish. The respect and esteem entertained for them -by the Methodist congre- gation of .the Elmvale circuit were evidenced by the` -farewell given to Rev. John and Mrs'.VBed.for.d on t_he occasion of their departure to assume their work in Burton Avenue Church. Allan-dale. On Tuesday. the 30th ult., many of_- the members of the church assembled at the residence of David- Garviu and presented Mr. Bedtpord with a'purse of money. Mr. Joseph Lock-e. of Allenwood. was moved to the `chair anid presided ablyt, during theevening. The presentation was . maidein a short speech by Mr, John ! .1`race. who was followed by Mr.; Bedtctrd in a pleasing and `profitable address, " The gentlemen present were_ '1|l'_ 117' `T1 'll' ----.... . ..-....a asuuavbi ,1-U uuun I The Elm_vale Lance says - The, members of the Ladies Aid and the ` Auxiliary pf the ,Methodist Church 9 spent an evening together on Fri-day`. day. the 26th ult., at the residence of or) Sunday ,mo1fni-ngf .laat,,t-and heard :1 sermon 'most appropriege !t5 1:116" 1187 d,eli}fere`d by, Rey. H. D. Cameron. who pke "froii 1 t'he -text; "The '*truth*shall? . .---mu ..~ = s_**'.; ;mak e"y'ou free? "John 8-32'. `Histheme \ was ~`9Liberty" ~and thosexin` attend- ance were greatly pleased `with the s_t-irring_ ad{d_1f<;ss; , - __ _ 'll`|L- 1u'__,-, ,, .- J... ' -.. `Iv... av `V55 vuv u`yLuv;.rLu. JJuyLDl'LlU1Q : & Co.-. s e1_nployees excursion; to `Big. Bay Poinlt on `Monid0){ July ;20th; ' Vchey always have `it. % Don .t forgetthe 1 moonlight" an'd.` dance. v .ml'..' 111' 17-1-"... ,--_--. --A-r - -___-_ V.-\a.lp?`,IO 4.11111, .l-V530, Mr . .Battkins.. of Toronto. wh'os_e two little -sons. M1sit.e.rs`Ear1. and; I Paroy, are camping with .the- Broad- view boys at St. Vincent's Park.-has been visiting` Mrs, -S. J. McM_orran.'. - 17`-.- .._..< __.r-. -I vv - v- - 1-I-ro v-o-3 -was up uh I! I J.'J.V4l.l.VJ.l. 1 Gus -You are` sure `to ha.V~8fa. good-A tin`1e' I if you go on the Dynient ."Butterfield $ nA. 4.......I....-......I` -__.`r.___..2__. L, -In ' `jsangl `.'AJesue`!`-Lover of My Souil zma solo"in `good vioioej at the `morning service in the" Burton 1 Avenue `Methodist Church. last Sun- . day. and inthe evening sang Be`Thou Nigh. The eveninghanthem was en- i titled ."S_ing Praises to God. j I nu... 'r.u__,___1. `- ' E.n8ir_1eer "Hex-A'man ius nrsi1ig-a bad; i 1Y`8Pra1 nced ankle as the result of the Ireoent jsmash-up at Hillddale; " | `If. -...`I -nr__ 7 1-1 -5. - vs. V up - vw ;gnoJJ y (lulu &lIIIuqIc0 ` . Mr. and Mrs. J.7H. Dermody. who` havp ben-visiting "their `sister. Mrs. ) Keaps. Bradford` St.. av re'turn I;d to `their ham? in New. York-_ 1M`-mg 'n..u.'1..:.... - -..-..L- W-rv`-~- 3 ; uIv\l'a&__(|_3lio_ , "."'--.3-- ` . .. ,. .~ `t u I` 1 The Messrs. Mcclary, have `sold 1 their property adjoining the I Grand % Trunk yards to_ thg. G, T.. R. ~ ` 'll _ iv-our-a Evv vanv-.\nI_I L--vibe ,. V-"M;:- 'i`om ll-IuV'nvt`." " who resumed gluties cm` the _G._'l`. R. -last `ugeek is again fforoeid At'o` Iay ,ot throng}; ill- ness.'.. ' :friemd;.sVi1_1`the Ward.` ..Mr. ahld Mrs. John Milan. of ~s,t. `Paul. Minn.. are looking uf) 61d s A Great Stockk-Reducing, Bargain-Giving, Clearing-up SALE. \_ . .. nbjjgnjjj :1L n--jjr:-jjjb I--I 1 % WGREATEST MoNEY.sAv1NG OPPORTUNITY ohtributes its qiio`ta-fof ' si1bsta'ntialAoerings in out Apric,6.8,0n all Men. s and B % _ X . _ os Clothi ,Sh't,. Caps, VSmgck_s,_Ov9ra.llV_s, `Umbrellas; in_fact e_vezfyt11:ing kfor men and boys.*_ ` % ` ng H` S C`S . I ' 3_5c V6 VV o o o n o o n o u u - w o o u or-w V3150 < '-f" _ , $125 "` "` 1' " . . . . . . . . ..,.. ' 75c. Colored .'Blouueo:red_u`oed to . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . .. $1.50 Blocksstoon Waist: at.. 1 $125 9` . A " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100_ Colored Blaokonfi VVV__hit,:;e" Sotoon Wainta. .- . . . . Sgyie is Qhab givu snap to the VbaVrgain-the lpci: 6f it spells umeneaa. These are 'all'beantifully made audI'repre- lent wonderful value. ' '15 pain 3 coin! Luce o.;.e.:....s;,i...:.1.1...... bouhd an % _ j -toun , special at $1.25, .on ul no. . . . . . . .V, .. ....,$l.0_0H, Whit; Bloupeu lxfqdnvzzefd. to. . . . . . 3 (C no ` I oi ONLYA A FEW oI="J TI-_-lE OI?-`FE.I=|NfGs : _l...a`dl6s Blo%us e s% Luge Ourfalns TIMEEXTENfED%%T5V\?EDNE$DAYJJ ULY 22N D '4`; :4" p On Sunklay the rnembers of L. 0. L., No. 985. together with visiting breth- ren from Barrie. Midhurst. Hillsdale and other places. to the number of about 60. observed the anniversary` of the Battle of the _Boyne with a`pa- * rude and headedby their new banner and the band marched from the vil- j lage to the strains of. St. Gertrude `TlneAx"t , ddlidti ' Shortly. :'.I.`1e- vjrishes qt_A`th\`1>eo_-L`; ple herevgo with thelate padtdr and lhis famgly to their new home. 5 `Dan `D..`.I.....: ..'..I. .. .1... ....|.. --.- -u-on-o-_ nu.-no vans: savv- Mrs. Ri char;d Beelby and Mrs. Wm. B_ee1by. of Thornton. visited-Mrs. c. Dyer on Sunday." A` 1___..._ _.___.L_-_` .Q.__,,, Lu_s_' _____L last week. Iv -.-v ,-rv cg-nun Iran: on-v Mrs. 'B;1_annan and r: hob. Shan- non. of Painswick. visited friends here I -U.-1\&r."z1;1'ti.-1\lrs. 'Joseph_ Ferguson spent 1 Sunday with friends in Allandale. ' `C31. T!_____ .T\_II!_.__ 1.-.. ___L____.._j ---` ---v- ----.---- .- .---w----vv I -Mia Lizzie Palling has returned. home_ from a visit with friends` in Toronto. '- J-luvaula \II-I Ilillibij Vb libel: 11 V92: Mr; an'd' Mrs. John Srigley _ha.ve!re- Aturneid home after spending a con- ple of Weeks with friends at Manitou- lin Island and` the Soo. .-g '_ v.- -------' - A A large ' "number from this part \ went to Orillia. on Monday. \ `ll __ 'n|____._._ __`_1 1:... 15-1. nu_-_. ';s_.1a::.uu:.u . yo I.uvlJ.`_ new no1ne.s,.-- _ nu. "t`o'ok as th ject` `or his :iiig_'.sefnich,on `ixnilaif a`7h1i9tieaP.:*wG-adtias-3 a Y HI1:`eterr'e~ to God s redeniingfjjlove as `a 'gf'e`at`bcen.' V tar .<,19-`'1`|.`?'Fi"`" 13019 f:01.1.'t; [,5._i_!I7tb at is thoil-3 sands `yav_1t``thi5`1"tbr`e shipwrecked` on` -: the `-rocks 'of.._s'ensuali'ty and worldly ' pleasures.` The speaker `dwelt onthe ne9'd; of. a present-day _Colu_1nbus. in every community, to thunder out to the Christian,Coaster IAa'.un_ch out in- to, the deep. of the great_'oc-ean of God's love. No class of Christian. Be'dfor'd thought, was inusuch great danser of shipwreck as the Christian Coaster of to-day, The sub- ject of the evening sermon-was The Deep Going Christian and points of ` resemblancejvere shown between the Christian and the seafaring man. What the chart is _to'the seaman so is the Bible to the Christian. As the` mariner is guided by the compass so should the. Christian be_ guided by his Bible and the confidence `with which;-the imarinerrelies on the com- pam should_be 'represented in the _ Christianby _the stress with which he relies on `the "Bible. The `compass is often tested for accuracy and so it is necessary to often test the consci- ence of the Christian. Death to the Deep' Sea` Faring "Christian is simp- ly a beautiful voyage and. a joyous reunion` on--the other shore. Mr. B. Miller. ofvIr:l'and. is visiting relatives `here. '7 can`: u: v Mrs. Var{y accompanied by her ca. snvsvvp AJLLIUU .L' VII 3 U]-_ . `daughter. `Mia Ada. is visiting w_ith I Itriends` in Wyevale. '.Cam ou.ry'. `C... II?` 77.! ,,.,.,, I I` '- I Miss J.T Dale`, *\:'r`1'1-o`T-has been on `an extended visit here. has returned to fher homoin Toronto. - w- Q-ova up: I` nE':n*d Mrs. Joseph Alliston. of % Beeton} called "on; Mrs. Wm. Blox- ` ` ham on Sun"day.` of last week. 'nr_' __.-_1` 'nt'___. 1--1... n_2._1- L-_- V..- laced to.... .... .. . ..... ..$l.75 '16 -~ , _ ...............;...$l;60' y. ...$li50 " ...................s1.1o "" .....`.... J3 . .......V... yt...'....' . u . . ._...>...v.,.....s],l0 .;.....`..'.........w'.. 970 b|'.:.'. ' -.._-_ n1_a_.... . ` on ; ` CRAIGEIUBST. HOLLY. NQRTHRN APVANQ - -$1.75 _ ----31,60 - .- -$1. 50 . .- ' ` $1: `:5: av .73 . ;33. $1.10 . '.`e9a` ` 52 phirs only ne Net Cofsta, ~lle'd .wit h ne'non-rnat- " `able steels; regular 500, "very populdr for summer wear; on aale._at..4.` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60 ixich auper unbleu1;d.Tablg. l')'amask.Vre gu1rM 550, at`; 62-inch Bleached. Daqauk, auperiqr nish, regular 50c',` 31-. .-------.p A I . Mrs. W2 Holmes has returned to? Niagara Fans, N.Y.. after visiting her ' mother. Mrs. Page. A ....__ I.._..~'- --_.._.__..-A.!-" v-VII - v_ .-u.. .-.v--...--- ..'-...'.---.-, uuurvo 51!. -uuua, Avauun `t - o o o oi . o - n u -.- - n o u o - o Do` o o c u u o n;uo;...... 58 inch Uqbleniohald Tabliug, regular 35c, at. . . . . Pure White Habntui Silk` Blouses. tucks and insertion trimmed, regular 83 50, on saiovat. . . . . . . .-. . . . . .$i Eine Block Japan Hgbutui Silk` Blohun; vbesntifdlly nude`, sizes 32, 34, 36, 38 and'40, lined throughout i_ with Parolinoui mnrvellougsly quick ullog-at 33:00, on nu.laat..: . . . . . . . . . . . .............. ' 1111018. ELI`. `ICU: moire . On Wednesday. July- 8th. D30. Bur_kholde_r. of town. and Miss Vio- ment of ribs when he and M18! Vio- let. McIntyre. of Crow's Corners were quietly married at Angus. They ex- pect to leave this week for Port Hur- on. where they will make their future .I-Inrnn V `B01118. ' A great many from here went to \Cookstown. on Monday. to celebrate Lthe anniversary of the Battle _of the Boyne. ' A V IJ'III&Ia lI\AI- MCI! tlu-Ail! Ir Inna: Qt- w it :- Miss Frankie Hanlton. of Orillia, is the guest of her aunt. Mrs. MoMur- ray. `I4 117-11.-.. rn_-'I_._-.... -3 l1-`II:~..-n LWO . - Mr. Walter Chalmers. of Calling- wood. spent Sunday .at Maple Lane" itarm. V ' . " - p ` Me$rs. W. and H.` Forgie. of Toron- to, are spending jgheir holidays -with their grand-parents. ' 'II_ 1-; 1] ? 11-3.. -3 ll|-....u..L..- :- Ll..- . '-'.'LEFB.0YA.' V ' The Lefroye Tennis Clnb will be pleased to receive challenges from outsiile clubs ;T addJ:es _J_. P.[ Coules. Miss Lizzie Watson . of Staynerp spent Sunday at 'M.rs. Wiggin'.s, K Mix Alice Jones is home from `To- ronto. where hespent the past few weeks with her sister. . .i Memrs. J. A.. W. G. and Miss Emily Moir spent a few days this week with Cookstown `and Bomdhead friends.` A II`___-_.L- -.. uuu uuugus. ._ `V ,- . ' Ndtes-From Barrie W618 nt1d in the -procession. Bros. N. Gmse. R- J- Love. Meaford Webb. J.'Smith_..and Wm. McLarty. 'A_.._.'I- ........_'I..._~'4nr-L-`An utrnr GDTVPA in Mlrs. Davis. ' u._uJ5 `al-`..u+I.-_`ua-`:3 -D.-no v-_=- ; I ' Mir. and Mrs. Alex,` Robnson. _of Be- thesda. spent Sunday with `Mr. and -I 9\ , ,1 -___. 1.. -:a-9`-::-`ll -- `K O twill UK}! Aid. Geo: P:)'uc`i1ver and Mrs. Pouch- ar were in Orillia on. Monday` where they met their neice. Mrs, Fair. 0;`; `ll ..- `fr- _z..__ . - -