FOB _A-D'V:E3R.'`ISING IN} BARRIE hive just received our second -rum: van `JULY 16. Z A Synopsh -jhat 3 V T AroundAb\|W: 33; %G&lf1!.!'!:!&'7`5:`5*`%?%`;fT `*5 3 The Exchanges of the ?:}-i: I ` t j _,_w %W, I \ now#+o+*+*`3;335*`43**** A an ,I {I _,-J I.-- Wu: ...__ y s kind '1] tell yo charge, CV81`? EV go to, y , you kn 1 sheet `press. D follows : {Game One 2:] icky cru about dn t. He 0 fully ? h ---A for `thVatA He steppe want to , `j `ner "What- . 'ft'.w}.s ---4 tuemee ..the grand ' III!!! _ __ _ 533 f',;`},`:-3: 31? 323:5; '3$1t`ZZ? 5 x`11)_g'., . . ._\ - V ` ;,_., was `-t.h. -.5h0k 01`. ;1rovning. as the b' ',ys.f`,'d 13`: `b'm. A disooloured or bloated 1 n`a,:`9.__l.'f'st"-" - ._.,Tm_,_a_ Fire. .Water, Light .a,'n"__I 14.5219 . e Committee has spent the `gs-oats? pprtibn of this week wrestling"`with- the Atjuestion of increasing the cape"-" qjty-ipf the power plant it ~`Bd8ged 1}_a_1niil_"s. Four tenders for`. the_fe1e'c-__ ' f3a!`.io_" work were received end twb` `91 , `he hydraxje. The ootnmittee`. :1; recommend the oounoiltd-eoeeptvi ; -e i~tp;e`t_. at. -the Wetinghoinee-' _eEleb"I;1FiAcel *4!<!.e;1`!nufn.otnrin.,0o-e for t .`fel`ei-f em [2 b last reso Tn 334 g-"Well," V llnvua- `Great! , He is ablefto be around with his arm ` ford. where Mr. Bell is.G.'1`. R. agent `was making a tour of the town. call-. UUJIW Ill LII->-3 I-VJ ivvwb 0-: -v- v-- - - - on Thursday last by a kick from a &1Iorse.i `He had taken his `cows to Geo. Gray's pasture field andwhile going out of the gate received the kick from one of the horses there.` in a sling'......0n Tuesday. June 30th. John A. Bell and MisspGertrude Grace Gordon were united in marriage by Rev. J. J. Elliott. at the residence of the bride's father. Midland. Miss Maggie Pa*terson.yof Elmvale. was bridesmaid. The young couple were former residents of Elmvale and the well wishes of many here will follow them to their new home at Long- ......On Saturday. evening a tramp ing at different houses and begging. On information being.` laid `Constable Keeley gathered him in and" placed- him in the lock4up. He had a gash in his throat and blood on his shirt from an attempt. at suicide about `two- weeks. ago. He made another at- tempt on Sunday morning with a ra- zor. but did not injure himself very much. On Monday morning he was brought up before Magistrate Law- son. but refused to give any informa- tion whatever. so`-he was sent on to . Barrie in the afternoon. He isa man p of probably 30 or 35 years of age. urrnv A\1`I'\ A ........ nlnnaonf 'nni|.. M AELMVALE-.-Beyrt `McFadden had one bone in his forearm` b_roken% I I.-- - I_!-I-` I.-`nun n. the fact that UL 111. Ullutlbj UV V4 `ya: a. - --- .-MIDLAND--A very pleasant 'func_-F ftion took place at the Masonic lodge room on Monday evening last when Mr. `D. L. White presented the mem- bers of Caledonian Lodgewith a very handsome and valuable set of work- ing tools secured by him when in Jerusalem. In presenting the. same to the lodge Mr. White gave an ex- cellent and instructive which the large gathering of mem- bers presemt listened with pleasure. The different articles presented. four in number. are very handsome and will doubtless be ever cherished in honor of the generous and thought- tul spirit displayed by the donor and UV "address to ` they were brought A from-the -very birthplace of Masonry. 3 The gavel is made from stone. taken from Solomon's quarry. banded with- silver and suitably inscribed. with a handle of olive wood. The other ar- ticles are made of olive wood richly ornamented and polished. ' ORILLIA-A sad drowning accident occurred in the West Ward on.Satur- day evening. when Mr. H. G. Harper, insurances agent. Wyandotte street; V lost his youngest daughter. About eight o clock, Mrs. Harper. wishing to go to` the garden for some vege- tables. left the baby with its little sister. Eva. with instructions to keep it away frorn the horsewhich was` tethered on the grass at the rear of the house. While the mother's back wasturned. Eva put` the baby up on the rain barre`1t._whic h was half covered with a boardyand. to keep her from falling` through the opening. covered it with'four- narrow _ pieces of edging. Thinking that the 7 }_ little one would be safe. she went {away and when asked by her mother `where the `baby was. she found to. M her horror that _her little sister had` fab-.n:.ged to remove thefedgi_~ngs and" we fa on into the water; which was I . tgpgisto the`.. deetxh-., was and . ., rniirnina. as the b __ top of the barrel.` Life .wa:si.4 4" `as not certain whether i x~hm`!'t' If m``` W by (the :sh_cck .- did-`fnti Jheeeme i orie relieble and best ` `known ooz_;o'erns"on'the_ continent and , is erecting a -branch. factory at Ham- ilton. Ont.."at*}a.'- cost of`two'j~o.nd a half uiilllion dollars; It is expected` that this f;1otor'yVwill'bo in operation by `next. Janua.1fy_`l and will employ` eighteen" hutidred hands. T The town iwill do the work of enlarging` the { power hoilseand blasting out the tail 1` race. in fact this latter work is al- 1 ready being done. The installation of I the nei~re;..';11sichinory' is to be finished lu__, `rt-.`__`_'-.t_.'. 1.1. .......l- Tkn no-nc:nn`l"V 11.1`-2 $5931 |_LI`K4:\lAA0lI\lA.J ..- vv ..v . . by V3'%tin;i_;zi;.;'_y _1st.-. next. The -pole _.1i;1fefT_Wi`l |" be sufficient to trans-. niit nth-'3 ddditinal current. The total coslf will be in the neighborhood ` ot~$4o.o0o. -= V -- c\Cqv?,IlUI A `VII VIII. _ _-.-.!.l!..a;u fnnbv (II V "2UpUUU- PEN'E'I`ANG.-'I.`hei' wgaamg T took` place on-July 1st. of Walter H. Van Allen and Bertha `J.. youngest daugh-' tern of_ Mr. and M'rs. -George Fleck. ,',l`he bri_de,was prettily gowned in 1 white `silk, orgaindio. trimmed with lace. and carriage bouquet of white peonies. She was` assisted by Miss Violet Martin. of Lindsay. who was_ also gowned in white organdie. while "Mr, D. H. Best supported the-groom. After the ceremony a wedding brak- } East was served at the home` of the bride's parents. `The presents were both hen-dsome and numerous. evinc- ing the high esteemi in which the young people are held by a large circle` of friends. i --_'- .. ___.-_uwvAA-x on: o_ __A_v_`_ LL` -In: UIIJUIU VI. 1.: lvltuoo ' coLLINGWooD-'rhis week the Fi- 0 nanoe Committeof the Council disg ; posed of the debentures to the. amount of 3436.000 to the Dominion Securities 00.. of Toronto, realizing a premium of $740`. -The debentures sold were:- Toner & Gregor) . $25,000: Cramp Steel 00.. $6,000,; Road Machinery.. $5.000. Two othcrs.'$1.150 for sew-` (1 mnnn A... 4.1.. I'l..Ilmv.-inl-n TnH:. $5.000, Two others. =$1.1eu I01` bew- ers and $800 for the Collegiate Insti'~ tutc. will be provided for out of the I sinking fund .... J. Lindley. the _ gentleman who promoted. the Wire and Nail -factory. reached town on Friday and since then has been busily engaged on the necessary preliminary wo_rl:_ in connection with the erec- tion of the buildings for the company. The site chosen is located just west ofothc` "Cramp Steel 00.. along the V line of the Grand Trunk . Railway. Speaking to the Bulletin. Mr. Lin-d-. -4-- ..'L-L_'.I LIAAL `-`anti `no-an f apullll-I5 LU Luv -Ll\llI\l|vI&l| soon -. _ say stated that they were staking. out th-e foundations` for thethree` largest buildings". namely. the nail L tactory. the wire mill and the wares house. also that of the power sta-_ ltion. He said work would be com- pushddgto completion as rapidly as possible and that the other build- ings wouldbe commenced as soon, as it. was gotten well underway. He hoped to be ready to manufacture menced on_th'e..wire mill at once and In the-- course ofa few tznolilhs. .... ..It-' is generally. expected that increased capital in any business` willproduce increased revenue and profit` but the reverse appears to have been the case The statement of the expenditure and earnings issued by the superintendent shows that although the` capital ex- penditure `was increased by $12,608.- 80 in 1902 w-e are unable to boast of,` single dollar of improvement in net revenue as far as both systems are concerned. Infact the net 10$ ap- pears to `be in the neighborhood of with our water ma `light systems. mo.oo. `~ At vhislybeeutiful ho1'ne. Ardriwe1i. A. in: the charming tow_n of Barrie. that goqdwaitizeu and _ venerable Senator , -Gowam c. ,M`. 'G., whom we 3:11 delight to hdnor. will celebrate. ,with this amiable consort. the fiftieth anniver- i._._ L. j-_. ll'lIL--_.. W ?JF?'u1 ?oExii} T _'}T55:.7_* V % . .',8wvel-ls; from, th6_ 78,18 Ta'lW._lll5'd`V`9` _ __ ,___-44..- %. ; f 4 f`31ternlfan`nnl:ino_ gg -.6 _4`iti`*-liia ;,,l16'ad`.' 1' anuulusv vvaaova._vp Ivaav .. .g.._ -.V_ isary of their weddingutto-day (T1in;s- ' da.y.) Congratulations will be theirs from all quarters of the Dominion. 1 for wherever he is_ known he is, ad- mired for'his_ eminent services to the` state and beloved for his genie.l and kindly ,spirit.V To few men is it given L to.1ive'.;Io.long._ -render his_genera- ` tion_s:o_1_nueh_?{' rviee and to retain throughout all the changing e.~`p'er.i- ences of pi; strenuous life the good \_v.il1j and respegt. of friends and opponents; I, 1,- ___1i_ I---......'II.. `UEVIQ V`. uuwuso U3l:'l.'_UBll.U|l. IVA I_f'=," Ipenyf at. D0h'ir' v?I;hIr'ir9198.d"86"?i!i` hm daxicm-o\ul'1'-'li..I`C.~-: t` Ilavv V--put on v---w ~ ; ` - leaves?!-1Ae-*ntn'z1lE.~ `wine? _its_ L I gfiggf Ebiuhk mtd?'*3f 5%; ..,;: L~ :._ Ii ..-.24-.i :u.;r .1! J: Li 2 :11 and hi; .(From `the Orange Sentinel.) AV Noam PAIR. 1* ~' "* 1 m --r r".w-- ' a` .\ ., `9` Interosttnc Note: on th; Towiihip';:t : ~ uro. by A.T1~'.* Hunter. M. :__A. 3 c-p--.-g (Continued-` week..)*:Ei'i n j f *4 seArALoGUEi_=or _s1'rEs.7 9; V 1..on tixcsmxth--Lha1tv ot lot ;4_e9;r _con'ce's;ion ;1..George_ McLean.` `f:Qn_ i sandy `soil. near a sprin`g'. now nea`1f_-}_ ly `ldzry and _`a~_swale. Remains ha ve_1? been found on a p'a`tch`o five acres 5 or more. but they were most` num'er- i one at the spring. which is the source 3 i T of a stream c'aTled1Bishop`s Greek. or I . two or three tomahawks, besides ani- mals bones; etc. Some of the pipes stern. Several _human bo:nes.- thigh iibanes, lower jaws. etc.. were plowed or sometimes Lang s Creek. so-called _. after` early. settlers. , The `original wood wasohiefly maple. There were four or `five artificial holes at the ' siteyperhaps empty single graves or 3 caches. Among the relics found were had i the '- Huron ' trumpet`-mouth put: up near the surface, as if no care had been -taken of their dead. It may be ryeoalledithat captives or prisoners were `usually eaten and their bones rcceiived-`no.regular burial. A man wholived here many years ago. when describing `these human bones to me. spoke of them as `the skeletons of two or three persons. Relics of vari- ous kinds indicating camps; have been found on the adjoining farm. to the south. s. half lot 38, H. Minty s. Another stream arises here and it may be found that these camps be- longed to a village quite distinct from that on Mr. McLean's. In-I EIIJ-A IIIJUIIII I151 Al`-A I- QILWQ-`av-on not . 2. On lot 35. concemion 1. The Penetanguishene -road passes through this site; and as it is !thus readily seen and isoften talked` about. the place has received the name of Pot- tery Hill. On account of its situa- ,ation on a public load the site on Tottery Hill" is well known to " every person in the locality and it has `enjoyed greater distinction than many another site which is really more important. Various persons -have occupied the land on the Oro "side; among these have been Henry .Cannon. Paul Sheffield and Ephraim `Saldbury. The site" extends into` _the farm of John Marshall. lot 35. con- cemion 1. Vespra Township. The r.-whole site occupies a hill; surrround- ed by ravines. and was. perhaps. pali- sa-deid. Three or four acres is -the extent of"land over which aahbeds iand relics have been found. As is usual` at nearly _every other village; site. a spring issues near at hand and from it. no doubt, the Indians of I Al__!__ ...._..'I.. 4.0 Inna`-\ " 4.` On the west half of lot 3. con- 0V1 .7.l. Luc LUWulluvu. . I 1 4 A `oession 3. George Bargean-_t. Mr. Sar- r ' gcant. who has lived here for thirty- six years. has found pipes and pot~j vtery fragments on the hill northeast of his-hou-se. but has observed no lashbeds. ` -,_,A_ I._1. -1 'l..l- Q nan- am: IIOIII AL. LIU uuuuug Luv a.u uuuu -.. the village got their supply of fresh water. It is on the land of Mr. Mar- ` shall .anId is the source `of 9. small` _st_ream that runs to Willow Creek in Vospra; One man found here ao'oin. ~ ~ - - - -.......4. n... Auvrlxv 1o".n-pnnnnn ar- Vwldo vuv Inllloil-I av:-.-u. .___- or orhament. the only Europet;nV var; tiole -`that `has been reportedto me --_; A__-...1 1...-.. Anni-hau- I101!)-`Lune U53 IIUUII Lvyvnuvu -- .__- as having been found here. Another observer, whom I interviewed. re- marked that he saw corncobs. car- bonized. dug out of the refuse heaps: this goes to prove that the site was of Enron origin. VA - - ` 3. On. lot 40. concession 2. Joseph Jennet has toun'd"a few Indian re- mains.'_ including 9. stone. axe. or .'.`akinner." a human `skull in one` place and a `thigh hone "in another.u He has not found ashheds; the place is rather too ;dry for permanent camps. but might have been part of a cemetery in connection with an ad- jacent village site` in Medonte} just over the townline. . ,_-__.L `L..'I A` In.` VQ nnn_ uauuq 5. On the east half of lot 3. con~ oession -3. John Shaughnessy. This site extends into the east half of lot 2, `Jag. `` Fraser's. Several clay pipe bow-ls'of the pattern which I have ' provisionally named the Belt pattern. 7 have been found here. No iron relics are found. `The high. dry land here- `about yields good Indian corn at the `present day. `In a deep glen north- {war-d. good springs are found. ' 45,- LL- __---L `l...IG AI Inf 1 nnn-` 'VV.l.`L|p gvuu wysnueu u--v ..-._-__ 5 6. On the west half of lot 1. con- iceaion 2. The usual relics. indicat- ing camps have been found on the portions of this farm occupied by J. Elsznere. 31'. respectively. Amda lit- tle/way up Qhe high hill westward. on a at patch of ground` on the east half `of lot}. concession 3.Workmen unearthed an Indian`.s skull near the 4; present townline. Strong springs is- 1 sue near where the-camps wereplac-, 1 ed. ' - ' `- V - - - . 1-4, ____ the farm` .sdm o3 ralids more touna_.;= ~ ;_ 9. On th'e*a";vest halt a! 165 ;.`oo_:>g Jon 4, 'George"Henr`y Eddy iofmrfji oooupijea this tam: "anid ` found ;oi1_ mmin.-1 at the usuaI_`-kinds. '1`ho;la'1Id; is xiqbody liv.e_s7 & 1:. fit i~owndd_ by .Jamu Hwitt. at. _..n...._. -5 M ` ;r V 7. On` lot 2. concession 4. George: -Kissiek. Here; ase.'t so many other; Huron sites. a few singile graves were . found on or near the site of the vil- !1a'ge. No iron relics have been re- |`p o'rte;d. ' V " ' n 4-. LL. .......L l...1l J `Inl- 1 'nnnn'nn- `JUL FUR-IO ' 8. On the east half of lot 1.tconc es- sion 5. J. J. MoNa1ly. owner. absen- tee. George Cook became`tenant last spr'!ns- Enid hae 'qi1n'd p'dt te'ry' fre`.5g:_--"| ments, sofutheast` ofthe barn. on I A p'l'at'e`a_u`. `fnear deep ;1'_a_vine;J, _'.l'her.'e. are no surace;s1)rihVg"'s `a`n'ywhfer'e and the land is_very high. that immedie pggely to 'th'o,.,w.eSt of th_'e`p1ao_e"`being .t'h'e of tlge Dr_yl`_ Hilly; When Mr. himself. ooetipie` the fa;r1'n.sdm'e3 "!'O1YJ E910 fou1n' . gal _3`.'i*'zt A 5.3 .nu,;tg1o;"akinnam." linQ7.;.`5 %hd .dma `apparently-"mill I tngnunuve I-U\l.!I vws-W-J --~ r- .. _``{'.}f'o.,` `ugh east hair ot1ot`sa, hohv guigd; 2. Idsaph,,tt"am4 Th6 \lr._L , v... '1 T. have: pottery vim maize`: --.1aanam;*'V"`inti. .i mm Essa C-o1=1ncil'1[ne`t June 29 at Stevir- ` art's hotel". Thornton. all the mem- bers prsent. % " _-._._._--._:--L:.... u...-us -on-:3 frnrn ' oyeraeer of that division. U613 yavucuw. - `A communication.wa.'s read from the G. T. R. Co". stating. that they had repaired the approaohesttg` the overhead - bridge satisfactory `to " A LL-_r_~.-..L__ 2_V`> U_Vv`3.lUVL VL hunk usvs 5 On the re'que;st- of `parties % tera.ste'd; it wsi decided to proceed} to clean out the ditch on the 5th 7 sideline opposite lot _5 an the 9th -_angl. 10th ooneesions. at what is khoxipfii r asA(_Jo1rbett s Ditch._ -nu ,_, 41____.._.-_L'I_" , WCJU V1091 Du. hv fun 0 _ `; 7.. A ` Thos. Mecutcheon. repairs to and: operating road scraper. $55.45;; Gauley. repairs to road on his dun- sion. $17.00: Wesley Brooks. ;oedo.r ' and repairs to road on his division. { $80.00; Robert Moore. repairs to the bridge on 5t1_i line. $7.00: Geo. Apple- gate. 60 yds. gravel. $6.00; 8. G$i:roy. repairs to street in Cookstown; .00: John Flynn. 203 yds gra vel . $200-30; G- Cunningham. repairs to` road on his division. $12.00; John Ingham, 50 yds. gravel, $5.00; John Garbutt. to filling gravel. $3.75. - ' tI__-_.-2II-_ 'l.`.....!.. v..o..n' 3-gal-1-uni-n.J fn i O5 IJIAIIIVBBD .n.I|Iuva.I ; on motion of Co1.inoillors Coxwerth"' ' and Ervin the following acouhts ' were ordered to be paid: ` I 'lEl`l,I -2.47" -....i. \ 52:. u vvsp wuo vu- } Councillor Ervinwas instructed to ?look after the cleaning outofajditch on 5th sideline. ` ' 1 ,".L`_-4 _ I! van vs-uvnngnvu A By-Law was passed appointing . a. } oolleotdr at taxes for the year 1903. The Clerk was instructed to procure a register to record the births, mar- riages amd deaths in. ` ' n___-:1 _.x_----_;.....`| L- .......L .4. 3-1.... :3:>:n;i.i_ a:1'j:);1;..r?n;-1- to meet at the. `call of the Reeve. ' }.D(.ll'L VVl.I..llu.l.LI. i1.gil.Il`taL but: uuu Lou)- V fore Mr. Justice Teetzel at Prot Ar- } thur. This case was entered last phone Comgany was held recently he- February y the town. _'l`he.court ordered that `the case be dismissed: the plaintiffs shall not until judg- ment fas been pronounced `by the final pgiellate Court._to which the action 0 the Cor oration of the City of Toronto _ ains the Bell Telephone Com any.` 0 Canada.` Limited. now en ng. ma be carried; or such ac- ion shall 0 herwise be disposed of,` abring action or 'take`any_ roceedings | to interfere with the erec ion of poles or the stringing of wires by the de- femdants in the said town. or the erection or use of any other appli- _ ances permitted by their charter and necesaiy or convenient forcarrying on. the pliisiness of defendants in the said town. The court` ordered that theplaintiffs pay the defendants one dollar damages _for loss sustained by reason of the in,iunc'tion- omd`ers.gran't- ed ;. and also pay _to.t1_ie defendants their costs of this action..Yincluding .` the costs of Feb. 17th'. 1903 an_d;;E 31 19th. 1.9033 and of th.e1no'_tion and" -I `p_0l`!'I1lt_l'.lnE` the defendants to d` 1 liver `their statement of defence. on { June 19.'_1903. as between solicitor and I client after, taxation. V ` The in 'unction-ca.; of the Town of Fart Wi liam against - the Bell Tele- Gmnn Mr Jnano Tnnfmnl 9+ `Prof Ai-- eve`s" which is caused by gun exceseof uric aeid and other . matters in blood ; All the varieties of this arid dread ,disease`have originm kidney disturbance. Get the kid- trouble is end neys to workigf weli and the . This you can do by using B"`Ju- s `nu: x'IBu:'v FILL the v table prescripgion th_at . curw kidney and unnary d13- eases. A11 d1-uggisrts sgll Bu-.lII at 50 cents per box, 50 pxlls, `A L BABY'S own ' SOAP _1 Tau: prevents roughness of the skin and chapping. _ _. . J b Best for toile; a-.nd ;1urery us. gu ILBERI` TOILET SOAP 00., life. IOIYIIILI A TELEPHUNE JUDEME NT. NEW vonn. N. v..Auo wmnsomom. 1 --- E881 GUURHIL. Y ` ._.;: L an Fun-g1 Beqtusltesed M f promptryattend } T OI-3* 4""""` w"{ei-.*.*' -'.:.`. _- mi _ .1` . `OPPOSITE 1-os"r 0L1-`non. kowowwnuwwwwuwwuuwmowowo 'Lawn Mowers and Rakes. Screen Doors and Winlc:_w;_ ;H'a"rc|wa re - Store| Scott s B ookstor : ` '~, *7: cat-`load this HAMBLY ea BAKER _ bsineeeie growing and we have every reason to believe it win continue to grow. For our customers tell us they can save money by purchasing from us. We havethe best line of Ieaaonnble goods ever offer. ed from a Barrie hardware store. In the line of ~ %.e_,;ej; in all :oiz;g:b._n_d was of wire from No. 9 to 16. tigne 1:6 mm yang 1:`:-`C(lex_'.,.f4or `Plymouth Twine. We gunm- *j-.-- ' Hi... ' K _-1- REMOVED nae-next TO aux or coumancgj 5 DOORS WEST `R.fl.'ixt8t9'_8, Oil T Stdves, Knee Dusters. Rio" 'ri=aouD- I1-Iai-nbly 8: Baker s |t%.rgaAchasi8imcoe county People, best ; 1u.LIs'roN`--on -T.ue.eday_ mo_rning.T July '7th. zrlarge audience aasem.-;`_ "bled at St. Paul : church. 'g\iliston._. `to witness the marrr'ia`.gc.`c't Mr.Thos.- Mcoabe. of Chicago.` formerly ct 'l e-- cunxseth. to Miss `Rose King, of Allis- -ton. {At 9o clock`the bridal party urine at the church and e te'w,min- utes later e bride. rcbed in a suit 0!`. cream 85 k with hat to match and jcarrying a bouquet of_bridal roses. ' entered the-church leaning on` the arm of her brother Will. of Toronto. - who gave her away. The knot wais- was tied. by Rev. H. J. Gibney. of - Allistein. who also said Mass and gave` -the nuptial benediction. During the ceremony the bride was assisted by- her sister. MimAg.gie. of Toronto.- who was h_and-.some1yyattired' int 9." ` pale blue suit and also carried abou- quet of roses. The groom wasably {supported by his brother John, of Tecum-seth. At the conclusion of the service the wedding party proceed- ed to the "residence of the bride s1 uncle. Mr. Ja.s. D. Eugen`; where. a; `sumptuous wetdzding breakfast was in ` readiness.