Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 16 Jul 1903, p. 2

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A Dominjon Squa:re Piano, neat-1347 LxV:ew', and Ra.y- . `mend Sewmg Machine, nearly new. Apply at THE ADVANCE OFFICE. . A. _ _ . A43-tuf ..__.__, The Norwegian Steamer. Hermod, crashed into rocks` in a veil of haze off Cape Breton and was wrecked. All on board were saved. [mun um stwma MACHINE -n- '-I Z Highest cash price! POHCIBI, in reliable thereon. Apply ENDOWMENT INsuRANq_E_ POLIQIES 1 incurs`: mo nn'15siiAu',_ . . . :55 Dunlap-`Sh. Tdophgu :5. V _ J I III 7- I Vyiuvv 7 A hsnzllolnoly nlaiutad woolly; Infant cu-. cnlmon or my uclentinaojlournu. frormu. 33 g n: t _ upngm. Q1-, db un`u.owndeale:-3. . Cilmdn . V yrgucu"11coe95; I`. ah. onus-to ilotsl Ofhtpgt.' I-lv GO .'1'O THE NEW`. FB__AL= o. H. LYON. aid fo_r Endowment Insurance iompania or money` lcaned ' -A_1;1vV;1_zo;u;A s.p1-oven to have by the urgent clrculatxon of any; paper in the '1` . `_ ?,.ts:x'enu are charged according to .. sphcedls line. .831, measpre make one mch T TBAKBIENT Anvnnsme 1'13`""` . dxanshi 3 N 1:" Auction Sales, Amnseme gs ._ to of- Villa: 3 .11 olicitorsg 3' . Io ts ]. `` s ministration: , "0f- etc.--Fxrst _1I15"t,` cen 1? mew Ch 5 , ' ,.:.G0l}V V. * - lop` bee uent msemon 5 cents P" 1!- fwmz w var a ...._4.. guns Hun fnr non`: nn`|>.m...-__. bate of . ills. guardian: and gener `Notaries, Voon . `tices. Hinds `Block. Fstreet. Barrie. Money `:4 1-2 and, 5- per cent. .Tfiogs -at ` Creemore~ 1 Ilaughton Lcnnox. Ale J. Brown; L. L. B. M H 11. U1` rnATnY ap ESTEN. L Solicitors in High_ nu. `Nnfnries Pu 85W 1`) EU I BARRIBTE.f-1.8:.` Q3333: STEWART & ST:EW'ART.` BARRIE- ` tors. "Solicitors. Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Offxce. 13 Owen St.. Barrie. H. D. Stew- _art, L. `L. D., D. M. Stewart. DR. w. A. do 159 EI.\'o\.Iua Murchison. L Ac :UIJl-`Isis---_~`. _ Attorney. Solicitor in Chane: `Oonveyancer. etc. Office.` door. Owen streot. over Bank Commerce. Barrxe. V ~ -----vvnvrnl n` DR. J. F. PALLQIG. GRADUATE Ur" Trinitir University. Toronto. Fel- Trinity _Medical College, Member of the College of Physi- cians and Surgeonsgof Ontario. Of-' fice `and residenc'e;,;;L8 Own-en street. `_____________________________` __- , I DR. J. ARTHUR RQSS,IH., B... C. P". 8.. Mo Fa `Bo. & Bel Glasgow. member of the Br1t1_sh Op-2 thalmological Society. Spemalty.-.-. Diseases of the Eye. Ear, `Throat \ and Nose. Office. 78 Dunlop street. Saunders Block.` - ,Bar_rie, -ospposite Post-Office, and Railyvgg tation. Phone.. 54; P. 0.'Box: . `LIDGA-- -. \ i_n B tine. Notarxes Pu Offices over the Bank of ' ' A of $2,000 ___.__,._,____.__. R. S. BROAD. M_ D. O. --.-.~rr1~nG nlaf > [. T. ARNALL. M; D. c. in Bothwe11 s Block. Al the premises at night. a V1. Q-on ---.. seen, eto.. L. R. C. S.. Edin., L. R. _ .' P.. London. Offices` and m ht residence. Brown s Block. Dun op gtreet. B`_a._rri.e. Telephone, 77. ._ .q.`.'\..1-`I--1-Ag`-\-nu DB8. HART & HART; FRED. J. ` Hart. M. D., M. R. 0. 8.. Eng., L. ' R. C. P.. London. - S eoialty-Dis- `amen: nf. I-`I-an hnnt- -. 01111011 and 0; HQ LYON. PRIVATE FUND T0 , I 1n_L_L- -1. I ..... ....I-..- $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT ON GOOD n,-_L-11 _-__-..u._ -4. 1-...-..L ....Ln -8 L. 5.4 buuau. -to` eneral H tention to `Diseases of V Throat some time surgepn Hosp1ta_l. night , resxd `in McCarthy Block. 21 Dunlo Barrie. second door east of Doug ll Bros. furniture ware one.. Nose and ` Emergency ~ tioe and ills Five Points"; -Ph L110) \II on- P. 8.. 0,. late 1' Ph sicxan and Surgeon of Toron- T with special at- Women. and Work. also in charge of Toronto. _A _ enoe. upstaxrs. 1) St... Iasfdet for rooms. near a 105. ._:..-...--_.._--_.._.. ANY qU*ri'rY Lon` MONEY T0 floan at 41-2 and 5 per cent. Easy ; terms to! re-payment. Lennox. Oqwan & Brown. Solicitors. Barris- ters. etc. . M I HOMOEPATHIST. | `Hours. 11 to 1; 7 to .8. Resi- dence and Office. 160 Dunlap street. _'.|.`elephone. 135. _ L" tario Land Survogors. Engineers, eto. Established. 18 `W1N._M-EEPHY a['i5:s'rEN. on. 2. Office. Medi- o9_.l"Building. 8. E. corner `Richmond and Bay streets._Toronto. Tole- hone. Main, 1336. Instructions aft-.with`;Strathy ,& Esfen; Solici- _ tors. Bank of Toronto Building. Bdrrie. will"? be promptly attended to- DR 1.{. R VIVIAN, fit. 0. P.. London. %1zeo1au.y-ma- eases or the Chest. -L omaoh Nerves: Consulting Physician. Vio- Aol M.D..L-R.C.P-. & 8- Ed` vinboro. L.F.I . & b_`.. Glasgow. Spen- ialt -Sur ery. _M1dwifery. Diseases .4: 5:... .`IHno Eur-reon.`0fiices III. IIIIKIAQ v- u... ..__ viglt _MidwifeL: Ijisises of. kin: onsulting Bur eon. Offices day and night. Lane B ook. Cor. of Dunlap an 1 Mulcaster streets. Tel- ephone. 124. , 7 ' ' " " " " `" | THE BALL PLANING MILL COM-' 1 . Carpentering. buildin . and V `mangufaoturingfof doors. sash.ghlinds --..m_ot_1l,din8S. , etd. Planin of_ all - ;k_inds;,dono prbmptly; an satisfaoe _ htgrily, Hot blast drying kiln. Dis- trict` `ageno ` for _ grained lumber. " " .o.'ot`ory,g" ayfield -street. Barrio. ,~_=`?";~ _o{l`g9'1_'a_ Gajlie. suooenors' to _ Geo. lo 110 JJL\l1;;v..-.-.-- .v.v--- _. loan on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers notes discounted. Collec- tions made in any part of the Coun- Beal estate bought and sold. onveyancing in all its branches. Marria e Licenses issued. Office`. Ross B 0131:. Dunlop street. Barrie. Lrncm`i@b 00;` 1.: . . `Ivpvvv svgu LAP v .-anus.--.--w- V-` V.` -- freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No princi al money re- uired until end o the term. H. _ . Btrathy. Solicitor. eto.. Barrie. %13'3i'1'-' -. _ RADUATE OF I 1$ALI.1_;;G. G PHYSICIANS. ROSS. PHYSIQIA 3.. Edi (I4-`Roan an __..I-... N. SUB.- n., L. d nizht ` i1ANUFAcTUREns. MONEY T0 LOAN. _______________ _CRESWICKE. A 51.1: R1` FINANCIAL; _Sj_i_RVEYOR8. __.___________., ` M. M.. OFFICE Allandale. On IISDD VV l.\IL3aap .. yrs of the Supreme Licature of Ontario. Aries, Conveyancera. yuan. Offices.` Boss] 0. E. Hewson. A. E. 1 .0 . ARCHITELEIWS: ._______________._ muncmson. ` p1_..-onvaI'|- 8., 0NT., -I v-~-r. 1:. Oril-` oornpr, Barrxe. ` A :1JNoRTHERN Aovmc: ,f1'_f1_\ _,iI'1`s_v `leave Barri`e4-forV and arrive. f _ +-`the_-.under. mentioned places as. """ 1 3; Notices, 4neti_on Amusements 'jnsert}on 10 cents per line, mil subsequent msemon 5 per line, . Reading notxces, cents per line for m insertion ; 5 cents per lme for each snbseqm insertion of the ssgne matter. All items un, der 5 lines, of thl charscter, chuged .8 5, s lines. Obituary Poetry 5c. per line. a-prefened positions for local advertise. mepta in the` paper wnl be sold at an advance of onthjrd on abovo_re.tes, on no other ac. count will special pompous be gxven. This rule will be strictly camed out. corrrnncr oiuxcns. d please bear in mind that noticevof intention to change sdvemsementa mug be handed into the oce not later than ' ,s3mgdgy 3: 10 o'clock, and the copy for suqh ` must be in T11: Amuxcl oce not late? than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any ___.1_ ..1......:.. am advertiser : annonmwmem km 12 OVUIUUB ILVVLI. `VI-I IlIVInI\JJ Lu any week, otherwise the advert.xser s announcement my not bemade public until the week fol. 1 12 ghanges of Advertnements a.1_1owod per year. It more are required, oomposxtion rates 1 , -I_-........`I yet; V Eore am will be charged. ` A .1-..-0: nova mu ` be our mdvertisegxtvill not be allowed to _use their gpgce `for advertismz anything outsxde their own regnlnx business. Should they do so transient rates will be charged fov such ad. 4 __L_-__-_L.u Ulnuulvuu --um vertisements. vv nuu-.- -..__- | Condensed advertisements on first page ave}: as wants of kinds, lest and_iound. property for sale or torent, specic articles, etc.. etc., must be seeompanied with the cash, and will be ins.etted-hnt insertion 2 cents per word. '`achv-subsegjnent insertion 1 cent per word .,-__-_ .a-.......n ant` Gan!"-on r-nnnmd an e8Cn"8llD88 ueuu nunuuvu s uuuy H. .,._,,u (names, dresses and gures coqnted as words); but 9. reduction of one cent per word willhe made when `the number of insertion. {of the same 1n_athe1-Txceed four. A RAT Ii; Gui: for uivorilumenu must In every use be mounted on solid metal hues. out L K English Write:-'5 Views on tho Use of M -I dtatest `them. I should like to s ., .1"o_I-met" and ,La,tter." ' 1 them from the English lan- ;guage. One of t1iem'by itself may `.130 occaBio.na11y_ tolerable, but the " {ve together are unendur'ab1e. ' The fsvriters .'of comic verse long ago per- jceived their `absurdity: Arthur Reed -: of it in his `linesto the Lost Ploi-A ` Xi 12o'i)es.,has given us a good example- ..-4I.9' INsunANcI-: AGENTS CONVEYANOERS. &,C. Rxrnnsnr .-1-an Fouowma Pm; Ixs`C|up;c ` ' > ` Coxwuugggg The Mercantil . now hiliated with The Lon . glon 8 Lsncashlre of England. Secur ' v-Ity. ` 7 The Waterloo Mutual, of Water1oo.Ont. Tothl lsaets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Ont. Tenl assets, $3o3,oq8. Also L1ovd'8 Plate Glass Insurance Com- ` puny. of New York. Cash capiuu, $a5c. O00. , And the Sun Loan and savings Company or Ontario. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Ac counts collected. are. n_Oice over Henderson; Hardware Store, Barrie n.uuunT . I . `SECORD9 -nun Imnb,ua In-nnnce Aw" Git ' In-V. ' I list; costs _n01hi9' Man`: `i...;'.`. . a dollar unul W Vme; tel-nuhut. ate: and chu lowest. D 6: MORIIIOO. Willi. cf`?-. v n 8h05' " -. 1 data hotness . Firm pa-1 In? to 1:11:34 seemus. Glad to see \" N ._ O :0! oomultvadong-ul`vioe}.* H Barrie. 3,1 ._._E.-222::-V T `W ' .3 COXKEBCILL COR TRACT BATIS. ALLANIIALE ms 1 FOR SALE. `CHI-:AP COAL :7--`AND wo0 1 _'ll . :,fI'+_u:_Noa1-Hzan ADVANCE: `on. `* eizbastnxh ' co-112.5 ~' loewent `n f:ifh_diI00' ' Ind. ,n|.Lf~: ~ I`--, - . :.~` %mo}rlise4 in } creased 30% over last year. r l l l i up-to-date equipment, an elcient staff. .ouretndents will give the best satisfac- Has awell earned reputation for the BEST in all lines. A thorough and Everything taught is taught the BEST way. The foundation we give will make for `each student I snrevstart on the right road. You ll ap rove of the 0 way we show you and un erstand the : ol-our instructions. We'll help you to win in the days of pr: gress. Wherever An Oice Employee is needed tion. Our attendance has already in- Msy We send you our handsome illustrated 35 page circular FREE for asking. It is Very convincing that we are the BEST- THE EXCELSIOR Business college commwsxn mvnmuxxmi V Coa! it suing. but by fd"3' ' ' Amman - -B!?E'; `Holy Ks SCROGGIE 6. SMITH. j ` cw '3' ordet-ins f'`" L_`:_LE: ' A n-Q: QUVPUI Iuvuv -- vv YWV . will be qharaed Vl'IVer`annumV F. -. -mm ADVANCE BARBIE `Jam IOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOCI: 16. 1,903. unmet." ONT. LI [Ian _-u---- . .._.-V--_ g -_ __l II 8V Pnsq 43 Cvoluuuyawppuperg . Tfnb)iIhed_from,Ibe Oice. n3 Dualpp Street. _ V Bani; irthe Counw.of Simcoe. the Pro- 7 ` V . __v`mco of Onlao. Canada. evin-y - Thundav Morning. bv - i AMu:L wzsusv. PFIOPRIETOR` 3:!- 4} e f,One night I saw him squeeze her hand; ' b There wm` doubt about the Tnmtter; . --._._., _. ,, V` 1 TT J` 1d.he_1n_1ust resign or -stand ? .,y ve'ngeax3ce, ianq hg hos_e_`the' latter. . It were perhaps `beside "the point ';v';:1.o "cite the punning poet who wrote _ 91) Xenophon ~s historic x{etrea.t: . , 2 '; NVhen aver the, Jandmaud the sea *g,,,,g - -It behooved the ten thousand to scatter, There were some cl-led, "The former for ma," par in. Ath.-anctu`; l |3..L_;.J_A3n.n "$5110 3180 ,y1e1uuu to ;u. luv; uu Iv-uvu um. ulna:-1 ,,L 19 flirt a_nq atter. ` _ . X , '3 ue was Mm-ope -or Sterope, `the tormeror ti; V j the latter. , - ; A - Cdlverley '.a`.ls"o:, ` 5` I , A Vhnrn man no doubt abnut matter; -v-- u-- . - - - ~~ ' V E . _ I } `M-No no`! name will be added. tn tiw 5u'm'*P- iljuuntllthcul i-vaid --an ,,, ,__.._ 1. ._...a... CA. Olin-In lnlllhl and ` o_!l9ws: . ,3-;.4.41j a. m. For Newmarket. Toron-'_ Btof; Montreal and points east. I ma mm. in, For Newmarket. Aurora :f:f0.`M O!1l;1`&l and poxnga ens. '56` 9.. m For Newmarket. ggnd flforonto. . - g -12.16 p..m. For Newnrarket and I "Toronto. V . I 9.2.12 p. m. For Toronto. V ` 5.26 p. m. For Newmarket. Toron-1` Igfto. Montreal and East. h----- Vghhad yielded to :n`martal wheh came 3 E +4. dirt and atter. . 19 p `m For Magnetawan Docli " `nd .Bi1r'ke s Falls. 1 "L00 .p. m. For Oriliia. -North Bay ~`11_.15 p. m. For Penetang. C01- and points West, 924 p. m. For ' Orillia. lingwoud. Meafcrd. 12.10 p. m. For Penetang. A a An nm. War 2-Ztuvner` and Coll'mg-'- Lin until khchnonav in paid. . Sub!-ribou now in arrears for three months and an n , _|.,_ _..j Du -- -Q- an-nnu '5.UUognIIl- I'VE` J.'l5Ll\Juuub; v..---.. . wo ,`Meaford. .- _ _ y"lD3ily except Sunday. daxly. 3 = Seriously, why cannot authors re- "peat their. words instead of using` these unnecessary. substitutes? Is it. thought that such repetition is_ un,-. ,`- pleasing to the car? To thinking grtheivery `oppoite isTthe-` truth. And gznuch is_ gained in the case of lucid-A iity. Take theiollowing sentence. tor` - 3 instance. whichxl -chanced upon in `a {daily journal: `IA `board "--which 1- -\uoA`\n`\l\l . ' ' % For rcnetaug. . , _ 340 p.m. I;`.9r Stayner and Collmg4 my For Penetang. Collipg-i ~NI'an fnv-J , But thelreslt _.c1'1ed: .fl`he latter! The T latter! I The appreciation of this requires a little strictly Attic salt, But the A locus classicus ` .is of course A in " the , t`Wa.r Sohg f.Dina s Vuwrz . The mountain sheep are sweeter, ` . V But `the valley sheep are fatter; We thc'r_efore deevmeol it meeter '1`o`car1. ) .03 the`l_att_er. . - `Tdaily IOUFIIRII _L uvuuu - nu... C '55 - probably a screen , sdmebodymi a ener.aton_ o.go---``'un'derst'and| ` and the great _b1_1lk"'_o! 1.h`e'ordina._ry? ` shareholders` J do` "not: understand the '3 : workings cohtecoxhpnny nance. When. " a crisiseomes the latternseldom new no 1 ' `f`the latter is meant the` sharehold- ` I the board." 3, tote to put their interests in the Jiands o!_ the `former. .4 I ; .Hnlte la! ' We -must "fhark back 1 and reconsider the passage. [We are 3. :then led to the conclusion that by" `ore and` by the former" the board. ` ; But` why not so write it like an hon- -est man? And when a crisis comes.` f the shareholders. seldom _hesitate to ` `put their interests in the hands - of "Su,r`cl'yV this is :better , both to` mind andstear, and `if instead 0! "`theboe.rd *` we read theedirect- A A--'9' --n-nhnvn `A 0.1951`. 'BimD18 End, in : I - l'\:uu I4IIU`\IIl\rvv 1 cm `we'`a clear. simple ?my humble judgment. ; much imw ' `proved atatement.-I4ondqn. Speaks Q00 ` - . I i won as vuu-n up..." 9 What it costs to Aincrease the speed s . of a ship by one knot` has lately `been determined with great accuracy in ;.'thc steam trials ofthc British ,ar- .`;so.`y's"I`ho New `York Time. On her {all power trial this vessel of 14,100` `tons; displacem_ent,-- attained a mean speed '0! 23.05 knots` an hour.` V By Al... ...-mad '"ves' Dlottd `from ' the uorede cruiser `Cape of Good Hope, speed 0! z&5.Uu nuuoa `nu ,.--.. ._,, the speed curves plotted from "trial results, ' it appears that to-go. 1 rom' half speed-11.05 knot.s--to full qpeed`-$23.05* knots-needed roughly, 1 26,006 additional horse power, of i_.which- the knot` alone absorbed. :'.621 horse power.,1 In other words, e :to increase the speed of this cruiser ~!rom'.2_2 to 28 knots consumed on muh power as `was needed -`to '~Dl'0-3'1 pol her at 16 knots ; or`,~' to;-`put it i_n= ;q1;ill,`ar1otheF' `way, the power requir-' odwto _ propel her. htf-"full speed would \ have propelled two` "vessels o! ,1 ,:,t;he,. ---.... `....`.`. of uni. n.vnra[nra mood of '19" pdtoipropel war at. um paw. .......... two vessels o1,i,..tho. same size at an average speed of -19 ~_ knots an hour." At iull speed `hat coal consumption was 26 tons` `per V '` hour; at 19: k'njots"=it: was about '11: "tons per':ho'u-r.-' This-Ameans;.Athq.t`7ut. . Mull speed she w`nuld..move,_.85. knots :. `ler? each ton 9! coal b\1r;;ed;nnder;.hen__ 1; flioilort, . while. at ,;1-_9 gsnotfs }.1=h'og_~\ 3 r wo.u1,d-.+h,eA double ~, f6r 5?h`am0% 1 cghsumptidnw 'n1ns__ru_t;;`=:: ` .19ir13f` t1?" !>.71'10'-%`,1 9-i3f pM"`15! " ~ sgwoat-*' .APvIyf;`:*%h%;~ptut$d . ` " ,, 1'rHUR:snAY'. JULY 16.1903. --___..____._...___._._:_.______.._.__._ "frwb Aauseb woaos. VTIRHI ow Sumcuurnou. Cost` of Ooenli Spend. 4~~---,- L -6-;i1lia_ .North_ Bay 1. K" 3 1n??!i#v;s4;:-seI!'[` . _ . . Put down your helm and fate t!1"e A foot to xvtizdwmxl ga5nat the wind n,W-orth` yards" to leeward, .benr.._ln.m1nd. . ",;` ,- 'I~B'nt do not` gonnalovemo xt. ; ` ._ * I. An too much, or you` will rn_e'!t! 1 ` Authority should always be But one on land-more so at sea. _`% Don't. run ashore to save a tack , At most a. few yards you ll go back. On a kle shore never land. ' V ; You may get blorwu upon `the strand. - v . (. 6 Or p'r'aps a sudden uuu an. vu BIL Lu W I 1 If"neath an Ice you're sailing then- ` Look out tor gusts down dale or glen. Always 'rea _(_ly'--ever v='.ll Prevent upsetsvand many a. spill. In` a squall, though going free. To glcown your hcvlm umst caretutbe. ' Don?t carry` sail for awngga-'3 sake. .1'ou're pretty sure `to have a break! It you have to scri1b.ym1r sums, _ "Choose a day when sun ggevulls. When sildng fvith the glrl.'.you 10?! Don t let her 'ga1nst the tiller shove. If rouad a mark a g`be you make, Don't cut it ne-'tis 9. mistake. Sit to ivlndsfard onyour tiller. n- "-`Nuns n muldnn Dll Illht When out from 'n$:1th n lee you 30, Be ready for a. stronger `blow. Never, `nexfer hesitate, One secgnd s pr.use-- tls then too late. ` Resort for Men of Letters During Fl!-It Half of -Elghteonth Country.- 'I`he.hcyday of` the tavern as a re- sort for men of letters was in the `first half of ? the ~eig;hteenth century. . ,.,.:..,,> ....I Q4-nnln Pnnn and first half or me 'lg`uu:cuux W.,....,,. 1 Addison and. Steele, Pope and Swift, "Akenside, Garth, and Gay have con- ferred `undying fame on B.utton s, Tom's and Wills coffee-houses, all in Russell Street, Convent Grrden, Dick s in Fleet-. Street, the Cocoa l'l`ree, in St`. James Street, and the Upper Flask at Hamstead. A little later on Dr. Johnson, with Boswell, .Burke~, Reynolds, and the Literary Club gave almost. equal celebrity to Tth'e_~ Crown [and Anchor, Arundel .Street;; the Essex Head, Essex Street; the Turl s Head, Gerrard 5St1'eet;` the K~ing"s Head, Ivy Lane. _ and the Mitre, Fleet Street, while in ' addition Goldsmith is specially asso- ciated with the Globe, Fleet Street. and 'Ge.rriek\vith the Queen's Arms. St. Paul's churchyard. Johnson de- clared there is,-no private house in . wliichpeople Vcansen-joy themselves so" won as an. a. aPia1 ...ta".\'.".=.1.-.."- rm !No.ndos, now the fso- ,(;jalled`15alace of Ilenry .VIII.,' 'l`h'urlo'w_ obtained his ` rst brief after engaging` in 9.` chance" argument; `and John Philpot Curran _ when .in London, `made it a point to .' .spend st-`couple of hours eV'ery_nightv :`at"a. coee house. . . _ mL-l '...-u.... l\` Hm !`MnnkR of the and Uharlemomz, nuwea yang, ..-Q... er '0 Lea,ry, Henry G`ro.tta.n, ; and Henry Flood. Edinburgh had its ' eighteenth century tavern clubs, such ` as the Ante -Mo.num (pay `before hand). and the M_uir_owboneselAong`b_e- tore Christopher Ndrt-h gave a semi- tctitious fame to th Noctes Am-. brosianqe of the Blackwood group. 'A generation previously his gifted countryman 'Burns ` had set an er I ample of tavern haunting in o._ coars- 4 er kind--than that prevalent. at Am- } --._-._ .. -...a ......1:.... ann Thomson. ` `at"a. nou8c._ .~ A 5 The `order of the -Monks of thq Screw," over! which he . pr'cs_ide_d in_ % Dublin, was hardly inferior-_ to John- ` son's vcoterie, including as it did such celebrities as Lords Avonmbre and Charlemont, Bowes Daly, Fath- ,, 'l\lI' --..-. `I.Tn-xv-11 (iv-nf.+.an_ - d -NegemI0osha, in Klnn -`ulln Luau .pu:vu.-uuu- -... ..-... brose's.v and earlier still Thomson. who wrote -part `of the "`Seasons." at the `Doves. Hammersmith, indir- ectly met; his death "while returning .from- that hostelry. `The modern _r'.~1up has killed its public-house pro- totype, but the older institution has - dicq hard. Lamb. Southey,;and Col- eridge" carried on the ancient` tradi-' "tion `in. the Salutation',and`Ce.t in Newgate -Street. where .$ir,_ Christa-. pher Wren ` used to smeke.his.pipe. ,.Di_ckens was himself the hero in Dqv. id Copper'eld s ; scene in -the Red ` `Lion, Parliament Street;' he esketc.h- i .,u ;1_- `l-'.A.Iuun Tl.-cl-fa` nf: Cn'hgn_ LiOn, PQTIIBDICHU DETEBD; IR: ancvyxr led the ' Leather Bottcl, at. Cobden, from personal knowledge; A and he well enjoyed a day at Jack Straw's' Castle. -His great; contemporary, '1`hackoray, frankly `confessed to lik-. ing what was called B_Vo`hem-iana. and Jellows or that sort. and long after he was a member of T several `well-known clubs he drew James. Russell `Lowell into Evans' tell _ him he -had killed oil Col." Newcome. --London . Standard. . About Di Ohulln. , Du Chaillu Was-' 9. little man 9 of `great good humor, but of very quick temper, and used to relate with eat- isfuction his first `encounter with the [late `Duke of Argyll. When /the skel- ' to Europe was on show in London! eton of the x-st gorillaever `brought the publichwae-`admitted on presente- \ V-tion oi cards.`-. The duke wrote to Du Chaillu that on such _an_d, such 5 , 4441.- 1\..`l-A A0 "in-rlli` nrnnnnd U Unaluu lllulo up Bulall _u.|u_.A uuyu .. ' day the Duke of Argyll proposed. to a. visit the gorilla." ` Du Ch'aillu_.;at. ,once wrote back that the gorilla was to be seen` every day between ,certain , hoursthat 6f the Duke of Atxgwllf presented his" card he would no doubtj} be admitted .like the xfe_,st of the pub-_- I.I_ > 133. ' A Tailor : Pprqulsltol. \ _ _ - 7 There has been a serious strike L of g tailors in Edinburgh,-and it has re- 'veaLled" an interesting state of aairs concerning the - way the `journeyman are treated by the ,ma.sterjs. - Oneof the *latter, scomplaininge 01 the unrea- vsonableness 0.1.. the.st_ri_eke, s_e.ic1_ that - he: allowed, ;his menu . three _gla'sses= ..ot; . whisky a day. with n" "xtr`a.: nip _th`ey gta;:ted_`work. before in the ign1orning" ;d an extra`. ~*g1a'ss it . they, ~.~;`-.;.'.-.| *1..8Js ` nu. "'1-an "f.Im`n.-.~ 3- .-_ . . " 7`. Ullll ll`: wuuuu 4-us--an South Africa is probably the rich- est v mineral cpuntxgy in .the;w9r1d. The` cop,l- is almbst qqudl in-+c_s.1dric _ xalueg A to ,_th_e 1 sta1jdax11,..'Wel8h,~ fsltxxil so <':o;x1_ve1iie'!1_t;%"oft.b'Vi1% lying che top A` 6! tho!"j`g0j`I_l mi;`:e;.=_ehu,t:1;, . :liYrs1,-101:4: so` " mi, AF glLIU|'lflIl ugau cup v--v-. stayed late` `after tea, jT HEYDAY OF THE TAVERN. rat-d on"your tmer, . pun might spill her. `coal h'|W8u_tI`1 A'{:.-Ioal. AI Biermuda `Co1o1i_lIt,' no no rootlool root 9: nu-i-pa. io- co:-ding to If:-of. person. from .H1ra1n "Co`rson,".1or, thirty years. head- of the department of English literature -on` the continent, V English litera.ture`o.t Cornell Univer-A t sity, recently ' before _ the , Toronto Round Table Club gave two even- ings of interpretive .re_,a.dlnga; on Browning, Ruskin, DeQuincy and Shakespeare. "1-- 5' (`nvnnn `I n1'0bamY Shakespeare. ' A _ Prof. Corson is probably` the best known interpreter of Eng- lish ` literature on the continent. . V It/w_as of him that Browning wrote: "It is well worth while having writ- . ,. ___1-- 4... 1-min: such an inter. .'1t WOFLII .YVlll.IU luiwv-an u---- | Lon,` only `to have such an inter- preter." His books on English lit-V erature are well known, to;every stxi- dent, and those` who have `listened ` to his fascinating readings from English authors have found a wond- 1 Hertul new nleaning and. a new rich-4 enoss inthe classics of our literature. ' "------- nrn'a'n haw readinszu intne classics U1 uua ....-.........-. , Prof. Corson gave` a few readings - trom Shelley, Coleridge, Browning, and Walt Whitman to members of t the club." Prof. Corson alsoread ,_ the fourth phapter of St. John sf ` Gospel, Which, as a piece of litera- 3 turn, he said, had` rarely been sur- passed. .. In speaking of modern poets and their Work, after his reading, _Prof. ` Corson declared` that the most poetical poet" on the continent was `William Watson, a man who combin- _ `ed the poetical qualities of both Shelley and Keats. Thirty years 1 ago Prof. Corson met Mr. Watson in England and predicted then that ho _w9u1 be a future poet-laureate. And so he wouldhave been after i _ "I`enn_Vson s death, he continued, had it not been for an acute but `temporary attack of mania. ;He was i W.Gladstone's choice, `and~ had tar g` claims to the position than '. `Alfred, the Little,'. - _ . . Prof. Corson, speaking of modern :literary",emethods` of study, says: "Literature ;is largely made in the schools -a knowledge subject. The Vgreat `function of literature, namely, 10 bring into play'the~ spiritual fac- ulties, is'_very_ inadequately recogniz- ed, -and-the `study of English litera- ture is made too much an objective i_0b-:-th_e fault` of teachers. not stu- I IIJ VI-v ` :ient.s."' '1`he'Victorian State Railways are managed by? commission,- of which M-r'._'1`homas Taittot the C.P.R. has just been appointed Chairman. The Victorian railways present problems p of their own. the rnost dimcult being to get a.__fair 'da.y,'sV work in return for the fair day s_po.y that is given by the State-.. .One of the recent ex-` periments has .,been ,the appointment of scouts, "a spepies of gloried spot- ters. who kgep the stat! up to the mark _ by '. constant ...ospi0nagc. Here is how n,Me1bourne,poet puts the situ- ation in` `The . Argus. His verses show,,tha.t,; Mi-. =; I` will ` have ~_troub1e's of his own: ` - ` ;`I'm , of the team: an t6 Bent. 2. L `frhe. V2'1`;"ltGIC' xpq.-timent ' ' or the permanent cuuql. Ion-t, ~ .. n. 'm.nnnv _.Innnn_ and Iulkl I anew: U!` me permanent cluulu. Dunno, Alvmutenx Jouqn gnd Julko 1 quel .1'm a to` mi-k,"cnd. I ml! cm,eAh~zeport. . " I h_aerton go go 13: mt._ _ ""'1'h; dl6t'ilek'vuobpeI-I t5 me xqotpos - " - . n~g'g`3nne'_';oiautg"d: oiubtd-div. ` 1. 44.. may 1 HR to out. - `Fr,-_ ,IrI-- win- .t'0 C10. """ - '. 'u_A 0! I"oa've-nloadenw hunt thrw. . It. -hut have 31119. shunt, ` . V ,1 9;: It a dog II In ~loou`.=for u` ' 51]; 01. 1` wt !-Ml mat ln.a-htreleaa Mn}. ~ ' An qrlven and lgpeezerljll, (0, Arm trexnmel begngath my Mn`. V % ~ . , ` Fx_'om'tas`h1`in'. to-tutulmn `tho, and man. "Now at .w1th'-youyrkoat undvwurk xx-Ito v'1`bie t.nhtin.inu' r,hooI `wltt pride, An Ipell Ibrektly. an" utn on aid! * (`Inf Q - '-1'? U(9u`HI.IIIQl|vI7l.',IllE pussy with ynn-v. `An top-eky. on aldt, Tothemoakllikto ont.~ _. ` Ere,. on `with, the lace kn !' I yel. Just 0 ft yer` In-IIbeeuo.nd.r|n t t be).- ' = Do yoxrear; Ifm-the blaming skont. 11 11- that then : '9 " i I nmd3ei>:Pthtl: ads 13Le:u:'e noun I -th ~ . .. . . - 1,.,.`:m':...,......%% %, `And `the lthour'ln1nen who repair theft!!! Allvlk no x-ox wh.en.I,.turn1neL bt_1ck.~- . - '`9bo.qne_9mPL`%9d: ' It'=l 1n'tieueI:ro-.01-~the.'wnt4l,d t_da'y.' ~ And the. cart otkoyey` tb milk _th1-np pay Ir i -n. 51.5-` `-"1nir9.hInn|r'nndtn1t, ; j`V,l'0!1!la_D8Il_BVes L_uuI. nuuguxugn. vuu _`send an uimatum to Tujgkey. _ _ ` -lbs :3-G_1;a_z_1d _,T1`.1mk_Statu)n at New jiamburtr its`.-.i1W%nts%. were en- 1 ly_l1estr9yed`by_L.__xre;;,.__;__, .,-. Ann me` B_(Ill't V0`: Jmyey Lo mus uuugv gas; In ,the*bx-niny vblook no 9dont. 4_ won um-ant {man :19 km muk thlngtltlr, For t1,ne.b;'llet at Chest `Konihenbr, * ' *[ ,Remgmhgr*tl_;e good ole skout. ~ - A; ` [gangs M,` G, G, ,I_?ur.sey ,w_;'t9s,izom `DIV. mine aa19l1ows=~._- ; _ . . "ng'_}' rent? '5` of. The `Globe wiuyto-' . -.-c1-._. ll 'r.....-.. l..a.`. Vlue as n.Vu.1uw_a- . ` _ V, . teat}-`yrs of. Globe` will ro-` member Sam. M. Jones, late resident of `Toronto (now in Philadlplxia.) as Plfinca of Punsters. Oh one occasion, after listening toa. lecture ;in 'l`m'on-' lo, -delivered by _Dr. Ric;har(_1non,_ 011 the Veterinary COHBSQ. on the` miba. milnes `of g Sud_buI`Y.- the 11 repressibldl .:-Sim. pr.oplour1d9$1.hiS txiple pun . : '. :\V'asn?t.lM_i_cp.,l1, [ .,(`nV`11;1_)_ "$611.6 otthel " mino;-.._(mi_n,er}` J prdphetd `(profits)??';. :1 L V For:"1,1 1y:'1`)a,-;tt,',: =12 have : never -` `seen. _ this A `pu,n*e;:ee11ea, *una:.,Il `think 1_ecao`-y ` hen/`Meg; -5 {plied iramons: t1: ell..tirst,:`fg_V_r'o;:. :*`v..itl' giti `noes: not} auh.-lplgge. 1:1`: WATSON FO'R LAUREATE.- =`7szA;a'.s.* b`ll j3v, - t`,h9.jt %Bu1Vgariis:vvi11; Taaknv- '_....-. '.'.`Ih39ui*n"I.'nu'| fn Dir. L'\l':lt'| New Tank '-' 7 the . IIIIII. EJIIT, ' d, mu qnei: :,"u.nd. danly npel l'llI`l.'QDCt~s ~. . v- ; VA Awpll` |product1on snows u. uu...-......., --.,... `. $1,;-'56,685VtO $1,055,513. This is 1 chiey accounted for by the falling " 06 in the output of pig-iron,` from $397,333 to: $165,656 due to shut- 3' sing down at the fur1_1wce-s for re- :::.i:t:. I--T-inks! rose in quantity from 1,485 tons to 1,659 tons, and in value from $546,356 to $567,211. I-luau: aw ._---_ -_._, The Bureau of, Mines has published ' a statement of the output of metal- lifcrous mines and works of Ontario for the rst three months 01' 1903. Gold ore treated was 9,688 tons; gold `product. 2,692 ounces, valued at 845,218. Nickel copper ore raised 1 was 52,866 tons; ore smeltd, 47,-. 880 tons; nickel in` matte A product. 1,059 tons, valued at $567,211; cop- per in" matte product, 780 tons, valued at $112,676. Copper ore rais- ed was 9,940 tons, concentrates pro- duced, 236 tons, valued at `$10,388. "'--~-- Aug I-nu'nt` IIYIIH valued at. quu,ooo. Iron ore raised was 78,789 tons, _vs.1- ued at $116,620; Ontario `ore smelt- ed, 7,392 tons; foreign ore` s;pelt,ed,.' 18,849-tons; pig-iron produced, 14,- 8576 tons, va.1ued_at $165,656; steel 1 produce, 1,840 tons, 'va.lued at 529,-`- I 480.` Arsenic produced was 216,000 pounds, valued at`. $6,264. I ' As compared with the. first `three ` I months of 1902, the total value of lproduction shows a decrease. from . 21 mm A95 in 31.055513.

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