Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 16 Jul 1903, p. 1

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--._ ..__V `.l__ - 'I`ry.1!llcl:le. nymonc 4: son on spin I Hardwood. ~ largest load: In town I A ,_,_L LL - lII-._..- .... twU\d\`I\I'V_ IIll' UOICUO -Don`t forget the Tannery_employ- E ees excursion to Big Bay Point. on Monday. July 27th. The prizes will I be on view._`in Scott's book store on Saturday. ' The ma.rriag'e- of Miss Helen Mur- phy. daughter of Rev. Canon-Mun phy. to Mr. H. L.'Esten'. G. E.. Toron- to. is arranged to take place. at St. Paul : `Church. Innifil. on Saturday. July 25. . ' ' "V rm 1 -LittleV I1ak`e--Tourists - paradise. Boats. lunch and soft drinks can be` proourad at all times. Miss Lawrence. 1 ' Mleklo, lumen! In Sour have good` Summer Wood. Ipllt. at 82.26 per load. 1 ,,,n9A--1 _ L---` a\un14 `ner" came up for it. Bililllvlr vvvvi-I -g--n-q -- v-..... I . . . . _ __ 1` `Mr. B. Smith identified a horse and 3 rig. which were left at Allan-dale. last ` week. as the outfit which had `been i stolen froma liveryman at Richmond Hill and held the same until the ow- I $43 $47 -`nu ----- _-_. ~--Our tailor-made suits at $13, $157 `and $18 are attracting` a. good deal of % attention. Hunter Bros.. the clothiers, Barrie. _ ` -r '-, n,.__-.J -r_.1_...- -8 (1-...-., The Masonic Granld Lodge of 0ana- , `do. is in session this week at Toron- j tb, The following members, of the` jorat are ih `attendance from `.ABar1"ie: Rt. Wow. `Bro. J. 0. Morgan; Rt. Wor. ~B1`o. "Alex. Cowan: V. W. Bio. `J. vMcL. Stevenson; VV. ._B:ro. Ered. `Mon_tg`om.ea'y`;' W. Bro. A. Wilkes: W. Bro. `John Neelands. ' -' --~ L_.`l` - .._-..l- flu `range `demonstration on ,.Monday, as 2 12.11}: UULI`-ll uLV\l\)&_unl.s\.u-.n 1 Orilliafmuast have had agreat Or- over 1600 excursionists from this dis- 1 tzriot were poured. into" that town tin special trains. `.'l`he 7I`s1a-y`r-, riesd over ebig ,exou'r_sion. The `rail: way. authoritiesrrstate that it ftook eight special `trains to handle _the. Orangenien and their friends who at- exided` the 1" in,'Oril1ia. t. ` hm : an u-.:.L.. 4:..- 1120') ::n _`_TIi1nl-ni- qtended` the j'wa.u:" 1n, uruuu. .4- $1 5.0`0` Suits for 5 `$7.50.-`-Hiunter ' % Bros. bought 80 men's suits Vmaade `of ipygggorted. English striped tweedr at a great sadrific Enid" a1`bI`earing the lot this week at just half price-$15 su:itfBf fon"$7.50. ' ; 9 V .'_v `.4? . - _. --s-I `_...*_.L:`..:`~_&:uul`5 u... n..`I'l..n_` At 9. special.Ame_Vej,i -ii`t'6'=~;;;_5xmtit11`te',`{;;`Bp_`;r.d._a lat mhursgay a e,te1'!ioons Mr.j;Njl G,1'a;yf.'_vva:s 'ap- 'pol!itedgJ unio1 :?'En5g1isl1' to sue- gqgiq, N._- E. Hinoh. resigned. Mr. su_its}'fotr $7.50. i. `-1 , rji"gl*.;.";i.thie Colleg-` A 'Gf -oomef`l;`o'.'.Q.i'r'iei.very highly re- ` oommenidedi "graduate I in Molorx;_Lm)g'na.g*eEeto Toronto Uni- ` versitj and has ji1st`ta1ken first-class A honors at the Hamilton Normal Gol-1. _ __ar to bewaskeudptor the repairs at the g ` | lege of _Pe`dag_ogey.. There were`- .11; applications for the `position. Tenders _ .. A .. 5 \ 4 to the persoxinel_ "of the Property. Committee. - A ' - ' --,1 -.__ 1\'_'.... `I':I.L-`...9... . * \.IUu.uu.1 I. Lvxrn , .- E The garden" sooia1_on..Dean Egans grounds on , Tuetsfdar" evening was. very largely attended. although ,.the . weather was most unfavorable. The ..inanoial__ receipts were ,1a;~g 'a.'1;.` . 1* =~=~:> `day or`, A1_; `.>4,J.uuo,A w Bvuu.` - , _.g.~8oms ime . w,` 0 deceased. '_ `sir names and, 'a` 2-Ml rtioulars; of 'the;r ;`cla1i:u;Va;';tagm, , t. of their se-. omrttiias.-and-~ t e n;1t;ir.e'.ot the securi- ' hi . ~iAn talg tn , ._9 t_._?er thesaid '11; ._,,dq.yfo Afuguist. -next. the sard of] n W _ *prooee'd; \.6*.,distribi1t,e ` ,th*"`~':x7`, t:f V Ufk` th-`gaid v 110" 3 \.Esta_t_e of (},6g:ge"-Bl'aokstok. late: of; "the V1116. e ot '.l,`h9rnto.`:deoeased. . ..g _ .otice'i, ere_byT van in: ursuance of. .v8.~0.,~ohap.(-1 A. seo.,2 . that all ` creditors, or ersons hewiigg claims .......:~usl- -l-Inn an aft: of I-huiiiii` Gnf I z'1.3.`i`1'1's't:tih'esfa.te.o the`7$iJ George 3 B 6.0 .;.took.?~~de99'p,sed.,,who Jdied ,in..or ' abou "the" month; at June. 1903. arg-A__o1;_ or More. _ .;_7th .1'.heV ' 5. .el:S'-.* OI v aunu ,. r uU- -ceased amongitt the _ parties en- titlefd there 9. _ havmg regard to the olaxmb ot_ wh_1oh,ig1 orobutors < then` have notmg ,and -that ~l the _;_will not bqjiable for; said assets , go: . _ i1)ntVo_;i7orV_any-part thereof. to ' any.rp,orj. of; wh eclaim , haw -`no -notice ..-._,i '%w2-w`: N:0T'.E-; muuun smut. i5"ofiI"i'6 a ?'% % I Em `%%`31*9itI's- %Bmi-; QB: .L Gus - vuauwvxu. J | _;..un.-..-r-.-- V! -Come along with the Dyment. I Buiterfield & `C035 employees on their L; exoursiontov B_ig\' Bay Point. on Mon- day. July 20th. We a_re out for a good` time. Don't forget the moon-. iljgpt and dance. . ` _:._.____. ~ Shingles V Grey and White L1Mi;,E Star Portland CEMENT. 1 Coal, Wo.od; Lath and We keep the best. Satiafad ' 3 itio assured if yop. deal hii 4- --_'_.... .. -._.._.. . -5-n 4:45 ' I The body wamreoovefa "inhour WW: _-.96-?-=-=.--9-- vvv-1--p ~-.---- -r-.~-~ - . til the rain egan 1l._`_ band _ f_u,_rnishe'4iamost enjo ` 13 \'p,rog ram.- . -.Pe.'roy _BobOg!':ts.,_.o , `, ' ` " Bggwned. an the:-"w 8th`, 7i'nst.. " whi_ t_ , tithing inotlierpdwd on _th_e _Blaokmo_re ifarm. Higrnompanionsthough-t he wigs ,_. -; hiding from them and paid no attoizi ~.tion.,_t.o_hi, absonoe until it was_.,{to . late ` to attemptk ti Vsuooessful *s .The funeral took place on Friday to ` St. Paul s cometary.` Innisfil. ___u.1_ LL .. 'n'...... .-....L "1)leaaAe;z1r.Li: Vevenjnk. W9-3 B13e.xit.un- .L!I L1.-- _._z.. 1...... 1-`...`II V V'I.`hn hand . 'ori11a defeated Midland VIntermed- i iiate laorose team by 12 goals to 1 : `on`Moniday. ' ` 1 . The second of the series of bicycle ,roa-d races to Shanty Bayeand return ?took_ place on Thursdayevening last gwith the result that the contestants _ now_stanid as follows :-1. Fred Shaw: '2. Reg. Shaw; 3. Newton Barrr: 4. 2E. Burridge. The final race takes I. place to-night. (SPORTS ANVD PASTlMESi `Mr._Dym'ent .s horses are winning regularly at Highland Park, now. un- lider Mr. Jack Dymentls skilful eye. Even Florenza is at last getting -down :` to business and was_ inside the money last week. Unfortunately. Thessalon. `the King's Plate winner. is again laid up with an attack of blood poisoning. The Toronto papers. however. are in- ` `current in stating that he has been] Isent home .as such is not the ease. - ~ PUIIILQ L UIAVJJIJL y `hill-\Inav\r. _--..._-- -den. Todd :\ centre. Caldwell; hpme. Shear, Flannigan. O Ha1leron: out- % fside, M-cDonagh; inside. Thomas. field V'oapt.. Davicdisonf - ' _ I i | Orillia, (3) Goal. Woods : point.Trask cover-point. _E. Hinidis; defence field. i D. Connors. J. Hinds, McDonnel1:oen- ltre, Mauldrellg home-field. Rayner. "M Kinnon. C. Northcote. J. North- `cote, Donaldson; field capI:.. Miller. Mr. Will `Moore made a m_ost effi- geient and thoroughly `satisfactory _ referee- T The Orillia "Intermediate Lacrosse teamcam-e over on the eighth `and walloped the Barrieii Boys to the tune of eight goals to tour. Individually. `Barrio has a team which should do `well in the race for the champion- `ship but the boiysare in poor shape, and what __little practicing "they do `is not along the lines which would fit lthem to play a fast combination on Ithe home; Orillia has a fast young bunch of home-brews. but they had no llicense to double" Bax-rie s score here. last week, The opposing. teams were `composed as follows :-Barrie. (4) -Goal. Spears; point`, Hunter: cover- ipoint. Poucher; defence. McKee. Og- II-\__1.I - --...L_.-Q I`:-:`Aurn ' htn_ Two _`MOre Teachers Resign 1':-om"the ' bP\'1b11.c School Staff. _ _At `the regular meeting of the School Beard on Monday evening the ':only. .,~,absen:tees were Messrs. G. G. Smith. Alex. Cowan. B... H. Webb. and :r~&SAi34E3;tN?.J99;: 2 P..L_ove,_ . _ 'On motion of Memrs. Thus. Smith and B, W , lfthinehart the following resolution was passed-"It is with_ deep regret that we accept the resig- nation of Miss A. Small. of the South Ward School `and that the sec- retary be_'-instructed to write Miss `S'm'all~ acknowledging our very high `appreciation of her services. as she .has displayed more `than ordinary l abilityjas a? teacher 1 and` has secured the V most '_satisfactory_ discipline with V the 'le_asti-possible. vfriction. ` _ | " i Moved by Thos. Smith ;a.ndDr. Pal- ` ling, .that.thi-s Board regrets having `to .ac_cept the presigna-tion of Miss` M._ E. `Turner. of _the West Ward School. ` iastduring the short time she has been 1 -` 1- --AL'....-A an anvil. SUHDUL Bum mums. GB u.u.l. 111 vauv -u-.-v-.- --_ ion` our staff we h'aveh'eard no com- `plaints, whatevetr. in regafrdv to hgr !.worl_:.--'Carried.,, * ' 5 ' - `-- ---- Em.-Luna!-At` IPA g- 'work.-uarr1eu. , , The secretary was instructed to ad- _\advertise for teachers`. ` The Property Committee. through its chairman. Mr. W. 0. Andrew. re- xclommen-ded that the tender be ac- cepted of J. .G. Scott for 50 tons of .soft coal at $5.50 per ton and 20 tons :01 hard coal at $7.00 per ton. It was , also recommended that a newchimney `be `built an the South Ward School. `that __th'e front fenceof the West Wad School be painted. that the Gen- tral" School fence and sidewalks be repaired and the front walks paint`- ed.`"'f . ` '- 3". - . . _` ~.' S: `. '1`he_report "'_wa'.. adopted. `V - The Fina_noe,. .Oo'n71mi_tte'e. through '- {its `chairman.`- Dr. Palling. recom- mended the `payment of accounts amounting t"`6 $160.38. a . 4. . TThe.,'ri>.0r1= ..W33 adopted- ` . t'.l.`he1., ;, h[anagement_ . Gombrnittee. through ti:tis..9119*.i`1`1.1`+.'; "..E.~"_`S,mi_I :_l:`._ re- {commend"ed_' that; A_'r,{_efs`key receive} Vol.2$3.151:-;15F.'i??1}9F17il!;J|91'.. ' ` ' Betdi;.jgdv9I|'-is.t I01` .8 I".6a0l..|Dl.' LIIL uuv -....- ! _chd _G.ent_ra.1-School durmg,II;:B" .v_- --_-__ __, term. H . The. zjeport Wwvas E ' - . mew Bo_a.r. %| to. .meet.` flyei` Mret. 3:"3!?i'1l %i:nT Awe` aw aodn9i97:.y "maxed. n 1'), .`-;wi3A'r BARBIE PEOFLE HAvE'BEm `Dome nun1Nu;THp' PAST WEEK- huh cnu-ruuos. `? Ill!-I1 I-Il'll\IlI-'J6`l|Va VIC" $ Successors to Johnston 8; Satjanli, if i Tel. 88. otce, 41- Dunlop S,_t., i Yard. Foot of Mary Street-j ? E ~+~:-~e--&-+4-:--:~~:--~:--:--I--:++++++4~:-:1-+4313; 101115: Lxlvxlupv Au. vvvv n..- Mfsses Mayv Banting` and Gertie Speers are visiting'in.Cookstown. 1:-2__ -rn_::;.1_ mI'-n--1I.......1. ml! kTnnl~:n- o;f;{ h;1{&s. 7 " '- Miss Ethel Lowe, of-VElmva1e. is vis- ' iting friends in town. 110.... `ll -.. 1')......L1....-..- ....A (1.-u-I-in wag; ... w-'-_-_ IJlJ\.aI.o.LI usv v nun D Mis Edith McCullough, of Nantyr. has been visiting Miss Ada; Smith. Miss Jzickson, of Bass Lake, is the guest of Mrs. Wolfenden. Worsley St. Mr. Fred: McKee left on Tuesday to spend `the Simmer at Sturgeon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. H. Creswicke are holidaying are Portland , Maine. _ -r1_.:_2_ -r\.-t -5 1'1.-.I-nl-.u.nn . II" _, :a :11 v ;.nv::-xnuo. .35 .~.. .. .. -_ -_-,__ r Miss Estie Duff,.of coqksuvzll is in` town `for a few days visiting` rela- (tives. V I ' V _ ` Mi-as J~eVssie[ Miller is home from Galt spending her holidays with her mother} ' ` - g m____.4._ :. 1.1.... - Miss Birmingham, `of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Gertrude Butler. To- ronto street. " - ' 2 ;Messrs. Reuben Town and Albert- E. Lennox. of Orillia, were in town last week. - ` L.---A -2 m.'........a... :., lCIn5|a VV \7U&o Miss Kirkpatrick, of Toronto, is the gueslg of Mrs. H. H. Strathy, at "Ovenden. ' -.- - 1 I1 `1, ,.,--_ _ f\_1I1:.. \I V U11 U11- ;Miss- Mabel Sanderson. of Orillia, is visiting Miss Grace Otton. Worsley street. ' ' .- `r 1 ` ,1 `l3_._..`I......I `D A in u1uu._y. _ Mia L. H; Wilson, of Tottenhani. is "staying in town for a. few days with Miss, Minnie Smith. ' - -u1":._..:- 1:o..:.. ecu. ` _ Dr. N. Malay. of Freeland. P. A.. is visiting old friends in town and vi- cinity. - ., 1 rr 1xr:I.._... .. I'l`..4-l~nn`kn-v. in }!LI$( Juluulv `|JI.ILl'Ll.lo _ Misses May and Winnie Fair. of Toronto. are visiting: Mrs. F. N. Warren. Mary` St. 7.4.. l'Q_2R2LL Lana -unlvunc-`A4: . ANTED-Gcneral servnn by Jul aainil.-H Oh`. who will sleep at home. Appy to, MRS- smzv. Hugh` Street. 29--9p .. ' VV 611611. AIJJILJ uuo ` Mr. Clarence Griffith has returned from Collingwood. where he was holi- daying for a week. ` .1. ur 1- ~n..'n...a.L `D..:-m:nn1 an! FHA U5 Illa Lu! 6 vvvvno - Mr. W. J. Hallett. Frincipal of the Central School. left last week to join his family in Muskoka. 119.. 1u~-_ n....1...... ......I Luv IN-Ha 1113 Lununy In munnvnu. , Mia May Graham amd_her little neioe.-1." Gladys and Laura Belle; are visiting in Hamilton. ----_ n-_J...--.:- 11.11 .4 Danna `N! V . Visiting in nauinxuuu. Miss Gertrude Hall. of Rome. N. Y.. arrived on Friday to visit her sister. Mrs. M. E. Gray. Mary street. 1....-- `l'I...&....-. lung rnfjjrng HLFB. U1. .Elo K715 ; 11151] `wusvvvu ` Mia .Annie Paxton has returned home after spending a. month with _[Gl3I.IUa3 Ill LVDW LJUIV vane Mrs. Chas. Brazier has returned to . Toronto after visiting at the resi-; deuce of Mr. John Carley. Mr. Ernie Alwand. of Toronto. spent Sunday in town. as the guest of his sister, Mrs. Fred Warren. . vs I .-L __.f_1 1u.n.. I......4-1.... nf SIBLUI; JlI._.l.o .l;1UI VI cu.5va.u Mia Erba,_ch and little b\roVther. `of Baden. are visiting theiraunt, Mrs. Harrry Ellis, [Mary street. -..:I IA ..- `I'\ T\ lfnnnnal urhn l1.l`.l.`.l.`y 11115, VJJLGJ. J nu; vvvo `Mr. and Mrs. D. D. McDonald. who have been renewing old acquaintances in town left for Toronto on Tuesday. I Miss Edith Hewson Vcarrried oft` Second-class honors at the close of the Toronto College of Musio term. 11-112- Au-3-`n`1~n ` week. ' - - LLIU Ltuuuuv wvzzvev V... ..-._.-- ---_ ` . Messrs. Gordon Gal1ie..Arthur Grease` and Jack Montgomery intend camping out at`Big Bay Point for a Newmarket Expres: - Rev. Mr. Taylor. of Barrie, visited his grand -I daughter, Mrs. B. W. Hunter. on Fri? day.`n . . > The Goldwater Planet `of 1ast'week 1 e'a`ys-Mr; C. Jory and his brother. of Barrie. are spending a few days at Mr; A..Smith s. . . T ' 1* m-.._:'rI -I34-u`1n11:]`n l!LI'i ll-'Dl..l.llLl.ISn Mrs. J. J. G. Terrill. of Belleville. is spending a few weeks in town with hn_ar_on.`Mr. A. J. N. 'l.`errill._Editor OR SA.LE-The residence of the" int: ,:H. Kcggie, Blake street. Barrie. in per Q? /yll modern conveniences. Boat House. 1* R.`L. BARWICK...:BM L . onto Building. Barrie. . , 39`_3`. ' _order._ or r- k of` or- :0? `Ti;u'A;-;n: ` n 1'.I_,. I. 1.11:: An vauvu. Newmarket Era - Mr; T..Jaffray Rdbertson. collection clerk V of the Sovereign Bank. is spending his holi- days in Barrie and at Orchard Beach. '--2- `r m yr-n....1. nna nnn G-pnra'o._ nay: In .Da.J.1;u auuu. on. V. V..- Mrs. J. .T.TC1ark and son..`G-e<'>;'; ` and Mimi Margaret` Paton were` the guests of M;'s."Maoh'a.m. New Lowell, last we',ek; " V ` ' ,3 rI`I_._-..L- --o'LA `nag IHUL Wpv Miss Boake. of Toronto. who has` been visiting Miss Minnie Lennox. -left on Saturday _to spend a few days with} Thornton relatives. - 3 7,- _..L--......-"I I-n Bar '.l.'nO1`~I1Luu 1:1.-.1a.u v on. Miss F. Scott has returned to her home in Caledon East. ater spend- ing a". few weeks with Miss Robinson ; Blakga street. ' - -n ' 1::--1-7.... ..' Qt-nu-nonn Blake street. _ _ Miw Ethel McKee. of Sturgeon ` Falls. passed through on Tuesday on , her way to Big` Bay Point, where she I will. spend a few weeks. ' . ~Mim Wright and. '.Mias Margaret Ross. 7of Toronto. and Miss Laura Bowles, of Bradford, are. A visiting their aunt. Mrs. .T. K. Ross. T. Mrs. T. F. Davies, Dunlop St., East. and .daughter,,Mrs. Alex. McKee, of Blake St., spent Monday-* la'sjt- visiting relatives in Washago. M ` . ' ` Mr. L. E. Lane.~.of Penetang. was in _town_ during the: early part of, the 'week.` visiting his pa.reni:s.~ He is at-' tending" Masomie Grand Lodge in To- `-- - - `l:-x`_`-..- -3 n1..:..'~..{.`..a. ..;hn onto. V Mn}. Bichandson. of Chicago. who. aooonipanied by_he.r two little girls. has been visiting her mother. `-Mrs. "Edward. Mary street. left for home jon Monday. - .. Ira-0 -u-v--~.-w` - Parry Sotinid Star - "Miss Agnes Dunnpof Barrie._is v_is'itingjl1'9r bro- }'11er' '.l`hongg._s,7 at this" town and onher * .hoin_e _3_h will, be__ accompanied -Ill-KS1 lJIAlI.Ilg I ` ..-.- .'r;Vhepwdding took pla;oe_ at Schom-4 '/bn+ 1Yu;;:sday.A of D. Davis. ab! 8.;- V . rpf ` t xi`_rn.; Dr`. g,_Brc_:r_e.ton. of SOCIAL INB PERSONAL MCDONALD. unttil WANTED-500 men 10!!` ".'1'r`' "" 00., South River. A` . . a` Victoria Hotel. 'Mr.'McDonald `Will urdgy, _ at the . be in Huntsville on Friday. W380? g. V A K. ` ` {L Harry Butler is up from To- 1,9- 1. _1::.__.. K Duff; ` `in Orillia this `. There was plenty of fowl on the market, last Saturday. This year : chickens and old hens averaged from T 50 to 60 cents per pair. Young ducks sold. at '_from 80 to 90 cents a pain? Eggs were worth 15 cents a dozen and butter from 16 to, 17 cen-ts per" -pound. New potatoes opened at 40 cents a peck but dropped to 35 cents. On. the grain market wheat brought. 70`t'o 72 cents, oats 30 to 31 cents. peas `60 to 65 cents and barley 40 cefntis. Hogs are selling at $5.25. "Barrie. The Dr's many" friends I 51-9 will extend their warmest congratu-v lations. The honeymoon is being. spent in Muskoka. TH 'Il' `I'\I DFII I 31 Miss Minnie McCabe and Mr. J. `O. `Seeley were very quietly 'married. on Wednesday` 'murning, at St. Mary's church. .witnessed -by only-immediate relatives, by Rev . Dean Egan. Mr. and Mrs. Seeley have been very popu- lar in town and a host of friends will :extend felicitations. ..`. ..--.. -.. ---.-g-a..v..\~- E. McPherson. of Toronto. was .v1-sitmg friendss in town this week. `|`l'!__ 11",, I `If I`! 1 - at 1- ~ 3 'Mr. Alfred Wood. late of the Toron- to World and Telegram. has purchas- led the Ottawa Free Press from C. W. Mitchell. who established the paper. 35 years ago. Mr. Wood is a brother- .in-law of Mr. W. R. King, of town and has frequently visited Barrie. ' IR`; A no 11-14.-.. -1: LL- rlI-___..*l.`_ u---\.. ---.-.r -- v`1u-vggu--4 uu -au- Mr. A. C. Batten, of the Toronfd _News. formerly of The Advance. ao- ` companied by Mrs. Batteu. spent Smic day in town. They intend spending the next couple of weeks at Hunts- ivil_1e. ' + ` Dr. an'd Mrs. William Cross and daughter, of Australia. are in town "spending a fewiweeks at the res!- dence of Mr. James Cross. Peel St ; Mia Grace Hewsan was in-Toronto recently and appeared at Osgood! Hall to tax a bill of costs for the le- . gal firm of'Hewson & Creswicke. Mia! !Hewson has the honor of being` thd first law student of her sex to` ap- . pear at the Hall for such a`purpos_g Eon. Senator and Mrs. Gbwan have been United in Marrlaee for Fifty Years. ` .Ln. N -99 A. waomn N .. VOL SAMI?EL WESLEY. Proprietor. _ 368., i On Thursday last. Senator and Mrs; .,Gowan_ celebrated the fiftieth annl-I ver-sary' of their wedding and alt H though the event was but quietly .ob< served at the old homestead by age.`-9 thering of the nephews, neices. grand: nephews `and grandneices, yet the preao throughout the Province madd kindly comments on the occasion. showing how closely in touch thd . Senator still keeps with public life. The Advance wishes to add its cone.` gratulations and good wishes to thl felicitations which Senator GOWa.n' has received from an parts of the Dominion. Among the relatives pres: ent were Mrs. J. A. Strathy, and Mr. A. Gowan Strathy. of Toronto, and H.H. Strathy, K.C., `Mrs. W. T. Morq ton, Mrs. Eustace G. Bird. Misses Hel- en" and Gladys Ardagh and Mr. Gerard -Strathy. of town. They presented Sen: . ator and` Mrs. Gowan with an exceed-v - ingly handsome mahogany case clocll fitted with a set of Westminster and Cambridge chimes. which are sound-t M ed each quarter ot an hour. An ad-I ' was also read to which the Senator! ' responded on behalf of himself `.-anti Mrs. Gowan. A , _ is-.i.J ---nn! '5;1.oo PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE1 { SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS `Th-e death took place very sudden!` ly..on Monday, of Mrs. John Whitje'; mother of Mrs. Simon..Dyment. aged .81 years. Mrs. White, who has livetl with` her daughter for many years; has been an invalid for a long time; but` her `death was most unexpectedq Shefpassed quietly away`whi1sl: eat-c ing her dininerain her room at Mr. Dy-` ment's ljesidenoe. The funeral will take place in Port Hope to-day. . ; A-.1 Broadviewg boyis break camp` It! St". Vincent s `Park to-morrow and this (Thursday) evening they will 13. ha farewell reception to their Barl }friends.. The _Citizei1 s Band will hold `their regulafweekly ponoert in th camp on that evgning and` the camps l 7. .__:'II _._.....A. 4-`Inn A-onn1`nnF nfl `vamp uu uucu. vv-.,.....a ....... -..- ---__ `ens will repeat `the excellent prjt gram given by them at the Oper House. Ref.reshm_ents served at camp canteeh. The admission fol will 10 cents. ih aid of `the boy`. ` ` - .1 vvnaa saw .v . cgzpp` fund. mm mm: Ivan mm mm ` um T0-DAY. & - The suirrenid.-er bf Vicksburg by Gen`: `erel Pemberton`~to General Grant il reoprded-The Steamer Emily May) advertises regular trips between Oril-1 ' `ila and Belle Ewoirtat one dollar 1'!!! turn izre-At the annal meetingol he.Union_Sohool of Gherry'Creek and {C_h1rrqh Hill. the, chair was taken bf GL1-use , the sp`eaker'e `were 134?` ='1 -`71!9`1?r:r'.=.0r99l&".9e*`. :`e!!53l I ` > . 1` ` . V ` 4 5 THEIR HOLDEN WEDDING. smumv % mam Death of Mrs. John White. ` '. Camp Party and Concert. .5, FOR sALE-completely fu1'n5hd Hummer cottage; [six fbedroomo; d' inched kitchen. Vnio.e"gr01md5- .1003 i and boat-house. APP1? MR5` K.INGS"` Bay P0111 : ,- A2vANTEDZ5p'o' m"""en- "far >-.Turnr A9` u....4.1. 13...-.. Av-\v\`I1 I-n4 Jnhh L-4.... I-`ARM ro sALI-:j. " A choice mm for sa.le.rbein`north halt oflot u,'._ Con. 4, Inhisl, com rised of xooacres, more or 1939: 95 acres cleared an in good `ltlte of cultivation} 1 here are good buildings and `also 6 `good dwolhrig house with stone cellar. good well. and cistern. 3. good spring creek and good orchard. Will 1189,90 tron gmd a. quantit of ha. . ~.Applv.on the Elsi-ammo- to Mxsscs M. and J0 NSTON.' Church . 29-3` _ . . A __ ,'__ uuu.|.vua- ..V--.~.. -v-,~--,~ living at a disttinco send for our booklet f II 7"-_1?.I:NKING BY MAIL. _ In I A IIE Mnulnlbh Ran-93: `Ion: ramn run. . Dnuuo . ` North half. lot 2. Con; 11.` Innisl. 100 acres. One-half mile tram Hqlly host-office. All`c1eare_aT9X09Pt 11"} acres of bush, `Well fenced and W8,- T-ered. large brick house. 8ood;.barns and stone stables. Good youn 01'- ch_ard and good soil insa firs -rate state of cultivation. t not sold_t fe fa '11 b ted. AV 1 vt e I3rI<`>_IrI111_is; :; or 8-1`; $111088 &.p$1I1(3 _lIlI.R Y.' boltcltors, `Barrie. ' ' ~ 4'1- Dated. July 15th. 1 >0 ' -. 903. - - All the but quality and guirsntooti. WELL IMPROVED FARM you an-.-..._. N- 54 Lot 3. Can. 9. Innisl. nmo houic, bank bar-wood orchgrdawo was mad outuilding. P.0 Will T Six milcsfrom Bame o.uqo=from gold at n . . . ` r _ to J. as c31z'1'39r'r.F f.3,?:,9 do.'::,'\'t":A"`;"'A<."sL'g'_l'T U otcanada. up-toodatomunrll! V _azine ublinhed monthly. I009? P Sedf 1 .B4"'W'- 3' Du!::kw::th.S`::ovo:o 36339: 0 c""' ANA1)'1ANs `h 15- fl: N`ti an u..aew` _ ofcanadn. u.p-2:-da::!1T:}i it:au: mat- nzme aumi.h.a mnnthlv. Joseph Phim_p_I_. il_'y_lgliIh_er_-_I 3 . . . soi;:c::`i:v:ml:1::fmfurl(.t?::>:d$`;'Inm'.'h|!Pv hm 60:36. -of tli farm. 2 miles IUU nuns rlfirguvi >rV&u-`,---- . , W.'L .*I'*.; ' V` E "bout! = * " " `"*'2.::.``..': :dcr::;f1u Ih.' Stables and implement IhdI..l|Il'd= VIII` 7199- - A never failing ppxing crouk.-'n:`au.`VncrosAI one; cpr. from B ' T" ' '9 arm; = ormuzuu. -: , CUEBiE_R`r, ,1 . V V 35 per mohth...... 510 per monn WELLIMPROVED FARM pox ALE? - 1: ;...., J.";_ __`.'S".-Z':..`3`3!.".?.:. .'a.*2i:`.5k.a '&"aai 5MALL , Mvmas How thyey, grow mthe:...,, 1o.o Acn: FARM FOBL SAi-`|!%'-A-E T. 1`).-.. I9...-9 uh. month .... .. 3353.35 36671.50 1- monIh.... $648.50 $1395.00 ` SECURITY *l\L - 32.50U,00 mm mm - wo919v0 Il'.,, _ new ADVERTISEMENTS. \l\l&VU U5 avunoun _ _ R. LAMB, Manager BartieBn:1ch UAPITAL ` ` . RE_s;mE FUND FARM. ton . SALE. 1 ll 1-1. n`t1.....11'1 % .'ro.|.ofA.N,.T ' ` ``1l.i sI T I I T I W U C In ve . In ten you-3 vea-I amount: ameunu In Lte i1lus'tratod Clllldlln mug- r, Joseph Phillgau. Publiuherq . `E. W-. RAKE.` :48 e, Ont. Canvusm wI.nted,. - :0-4 V77 `ALUMBER. um M|GKl[. DYMENI HARD Ami s'o'rr woon BA NR 9- 'ronoN1'o ;Invo ", on . mus : MADE; ` PHONZE-87 8: as. STRAW HATS. A AT HALFPRICE . --!-AT'7"` _S| NIIWONJS 8: Co. To keep 3 stock in order it is necessary. to make some eeoritice at times. `Good Good: mnlt be-eold it leu than their worth simply because it; the course of daily bueineee they have been overlooked. : Thie in the one 'with hbout forty dozen ne Toilet Soepewe noweheve on hand; A new ehi mantle on the `way. We shell need room w on it comes -...a .:.. ...'...A.nnn without mull nolicw will We 'u.II `UUUQ IUUIII wuvu Iv vnuuvw end -in ecoordenoe with our ueuel policy will `oer everyuhihg in our preuent stock 0.1: one-4 third of while eoupe lens.` The reduction: are `frompricee that ' are biresdy unueuelly low. It will be neoonsry so 'hx_1y at once to make lure of the saving. - = 4- e__ LL- 1113-1-.- III IV IUKU Ul vuv v. . a . Sea Soaps}-in-he Window, . Note tho Priues. % ; iRohenson s Drug Stu ` ` V - __ | U :5 hi I I 7 Roomed Brick Dwelling in rst clam west end of town. Stable. etc. Apply t,`u ~ STRATHY & EST EN}. * ' ' Solicitor`: V 27-19- Saturiv, Jul! 1:8? Dongld Mifegor` .2; ` . QREAT BAB3I'V1'O`l.*1lv` F%a19\nyWStonV . THE tonne OONTRALTO Will \Vhite'-'1-n`one . fhefttg; .% -.... ........ mm... Dlllul Ilu-an V TICKETS` s';.;a 359;; V V I It! in -my _.___ _ Every Lady in Barrie and vicinity In in. vltgd to 11.11. McLAREN'8 `DRUG. STORE to receive anlnplc fljoo ,ot_REXALL EYES. ".I!l;Ah ' dye: jrtlljdye wool. ootuoug gilt` into 4 ~ %4%,h-332:. IA42 % JwEP1u~:s1-:Nv 1* % Frank Bemrosa-t:. , -_ :$u;1\1 IIIIHXTIID '1 ` or ova own MANUFACTURE. I 0 O O. ` QT Q 1Cj`Lm CCA ONE-THIRD OFF THIS MBETH. . . % 'll'aU' Gen ! OAVNADA.,"8 .,Ems'.r `mnoiz " OPPOSITE Pos~i' orlcm; ..BARRIE.oN:r.;` - ~ our AS YOU vAx'r rr. ` O Q -- - V AND sH1NG_LEs `run mrsnizsrs 6n;'.1inn1n."rn:T counrrv or smoon no ms jnommou by cumu. EST BN3 . . Solicitcfa. Battie. oi-dir a. t_ III sienna.` "??:.3T. A 351 rail ngrmizxries or;-:4, wmnx` ._I_N ' -' ..__g_.__. Camp supjilleun-everything Vnew>uulV up-to-dale nt.B0'l'llwIlloI. 8. ' - - 2-.-.-riot -weather suits, to`: mezi 59m. no nn --.. -4. 1.1.... .........)..`..I-.....-. .-J` 'I'J'11nI";.M `u _ `Make no miltahl YARD, FOOT OF - TORONTO `STREET. , . ftice--91 llunlon Street, Bang _ -3rowN AND-vtoitiimt. j "V " The `1)`a1'1l Vincent's Park to-nig-ht. _. : 'VV\?'IIlI9& 31?; Q""' P.-`if $3.00_up at the men's store of H1`11~1t'-`r tor Broa.. Barrie. ,, ` 1-r-_-n. n_L-_.- ....'.1'1' 1l7':'l'| loll uuu. uL_ auwaug luv u. .7 ........._r. The Simcde Old Boys will_ be up from` Toronto in forodon Saturday and will be accorded a warm wel- blame. A special `train will arrive in town with the '0Ld` Boys at 10 a'.m. ---~_ _ -. __ -5 -.-n-_u tII...;...I-tnn_nI'lI' .|-V-I .IJ.l.I.I:o. a.Iq._.|.Lu2o ._v V _ g Me`.surs., Noah Grdse and J. Willis 1 were out in Medonte on a fishing trip last week and have a great tale _ - to t.e1l`o getting lost i1_1 a, swamp. ` nu,_ n ,,--r. n1.` `n--_... ...:I'l Inn 1111 `J IIIIVVI-I VVV 1lol.l,_ DLIU VJUIVI. aavgnv I-rv -' T? Try a box of ex QhocoIuteu-our. boxon are` In'ott1-the good: art! 018!!- I BOTIIWELIAS. - V - OIIL- -_-I--..!..... -..nn'a a+n'l-n nf BA11RiE, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, JULY 16; 1903. I10 ! `II VI II-uni. `--The exclusive -men's store of, Hun'te1-A. Bros..'Barrie. is the place to pu,r'ohase your m'en s collars. shirts neokwear. ` L - ` " " -` L AL A--.` .......1....l- ORR .neuxwuu.r. . Art Thu.rsday seohe'ese market 258 `boxes were boarded..the bulk of` it_go- ing .to the Wm`. Davies 00.. Toronto. at 91-2 cents. ' ' 4 ,4: in-_-___`_._.. __.1 13...]...-.-L ale V {'5 I)'UIIla v . ` k Mmrs.`Granit Hanmer. and Robe:-V_t Hill` have leased the large hotel at` Big Bay Point for the season and are already _op'ene'd up _.for business. - -. an ._ Q_.llA LVATI-I Ann sr_nubI.;s

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