Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 21 May 1903, p. 5

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"gm; ".;;.'.;;g eese-maker `:11 success.` who hag-"be` hborhood` ';f Sunday gt 1 in-ning's. ' Sjathconas ....... __V_ioto_rias ............. .. . ~ I`-_....-...- Both teams played well. but the Vic- On" Monday night` ojvry tight game was played,betw_een the Strath- oonas and Victoria baseball teams. torias woi1'by"7 ,to_%6. . _ . .R.E I Bt.rar.nconu,s._.. Viotorias... ..', `D.-uH-`nu-ion ` _ _ Victorias... . 'x Batteries`-`-A Burton and Wells. Welte and Corbett. a On Tuesday evening the -Victorias played` an exciting". match against the S_t'rathconas. but were unsuccesse ml` in capturing the; game.- Both teams showed good fielding.-A especi- -~'|--. L4 I"nu\_uu\-II IIIOTB [null LIUL Vvvlauu u-In Nesto led otf a couple of lengths -i tront of Bellcourt and. beat her twice as much: at -the finish. He worked in 2.15. the last. -quarter in. .271-2 sec`: onds and-finished like 9. lion. The first quarter was run in- .26; three fnrlongs in 39 1-2'. halt in .52.-mile in 1.471-2 and mile and- a quarter in 2.15. Nesta hed about his weight up. andtthere has been ' nothing better seen at Woo'dbine this spring among the Pla- .ters than the way `he polished off `the godil old mare that worked with him. He looks` like `making ai.seo0!_1d` Vio- `torious`m=d`_the_'one that betats him on- 8et1ixday_will win the .Plate`." ::BOCIOOOCOOOOOOOOOCCOCOCQOGGCOCOCOIOOIOOCOG8000OOC00936000OOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOzg OOOOOOIOOCOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOGOGOOOOOOOQOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOQGOOGOOOOCGOOQ300000000000O Strathc6na,s._f. jjj Wh'i1e,cpnoeing is a glorious vsport. Wit ii our; `to be taken seriously. The aoojeiits from danoeing are always .'Vry ' ad. blL1t_ fhB'y" iagte not iby zany `meat-s._a h_e`de_ssfa'1'y incident {the pas-, time '_ They m. gener`a1ly` sprmking; Idup to ca)-tlpssngsi _oi' ii1e:po\'ionce.- .14: \_wo1;_l pt": ,'wribf'tozi`V it iiew `cayiogis to.` ' V " ' ` iv tziu'_1e~:` el':"n'1`an*y _ _ ` . , .m;` August 8- August `14 t"`.io' ' =T._`i:"T1`xAs{}s'!1x31ir:as .)0l1"?.1xbt at tbi'stor:'.. .'B:m~ie Vwom.`-IV`; will be de1ighte'.1 to discaver such '.;i'6H'eringzi?}g1il;V."t;"tIje:bgitiiii;1g`Of the_sahph, with 9, fu1l' ahead. The ;:Ouds are brand V 'newT-andhperfegtgbigt e, admit` we b'ougM too many and havu decide} to reduce them 1'ighL now, so your.-fis th bqhet.-' Chine 'e2iil$f; While? {I116 choice and si.cs are unbroken. ,'Ij3tc:li,_e:`s C:axn_fi_i__15i,,5i.;1i'1:`Muslin=Blusea,;rv=gularL`V60c,.`znd 75c -lines, clearing at. .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Ladies` he.`Chamb1_*a.y-,' Zephyr and Ca-rubric Blouses, in strips an"! pla'm,made in newest styles, with --.__ J)._ __ `_A- s Sheciat `Wash Shirt, mac'NlAe of ne_blue ahdn, black Drill in small patterns,` extra. value at . . . . . . . . . .81 00 Better qualities, infancy and plain Drill. prortiiv ` . _ trimmed with white braid, etc., at $1.50, $1 75 .v a.nd.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `Tine White Drill Skirts, trimmed-with Embroidery v insertion. a.t_,._` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 25 A xaii"-gs pearr%butto:',tritmIi:;gg; raga r,$1;Qo,`$1;25, sp1;35,c1.m1ng at .............. .; ..... .. a `Ladies fitie Cha.m_bray,.Linen_effect ,APiques 9:nd.'Vesting Blouses, the best we carry "in colors, regular % $1.50, $l.75_ and'$2.- 0O_, 1%etgringja;;,wi,... ..; ........... .._ ....... .; ........... .. $1` Beautiful eecte in Ladies` ixe open work Hose, in ~ white and pearl grey, best quality Lisle thread, ratperpeir... . . . . . .,.., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - This we'ek_-V56 will int-t_'od=13e a number of new {md exclusive novelfies for we u- with summer gowns, called the Shirtwaish *Ha.t. They possess all the origlnahty and style found in any ixnported Hat, but. at prices much lower thanTu_sually asked. V ' ' T ` .on mm unar-,3-:1 nnmhm-Q from $3.00 to $5 00- The` sales in this new Adep:_1r*'ment continue to row rapidlyns the department bcom_es better l;nown, dmonstratihg clearly that o`urAstyles and prices must be nghn. All we ask 1s a.'1ook wnen m need of Shoes, LI: -4. L`... ..;';*.l. .....I en.-Ann` ranntr nnn11;nnn unn ltclupuauxuuxus vIul:u.IJ vuwv \l'\.ll V... ...v.. ........ I.-. tliat the goods and prices may convince you. JAMES VAIR & SONS, " Beautiful 'Effects in`Fine Hose 3-CookSt_own at Totcnham. g 14-Bafrie at` Cookstown. 1 1New Ditch ;a_nd' Piqu Slxivg-ts "zz'x'{.a-" W'r'c11s'.' CI- New Summer Millinery ;oo?odaoeecouuooauo'o u wooaeecuoouuouozg -Eb 3 I Dry%G[oods and Shoes. 'vveT1s; Shoe Department IJ (L ISVJV-In ;See our special numbers from to $5.00. ' ton ms brains, or the drowning he `often brings on himself which would often be less of :1 calamity if innocent per- sons tc freqzzcntly the victims of his tom-toolery. or foe-lhardiness, and the fool who rocks the boat gener-` ally selects the presence of ladies to "show-off which he often does with fatal resultsh Canoeingiis assafe as cycling if the sa,1ne"'care to keep bal- ance is exercised. While canoeing with reasonable care. such as would would begiven ttrriding :1 wheel or :1-. horse. is a sa'fe'pastime, yet the pos- sibility of accident. should teach 4111 who go`in'oanoe's"or boats or` in fact in any conveyance on water, to learn to swim.` A knowledge of swimming in case of_acci=dent not only gives a better horpe.of_ reaching shore or a safe support. but it gives a confidence which tends toretuin ` presence of mind. which offefx'l)rings people out of dangerous situations. in which lack of presence of mind; often means loss of life` not onlytdof self but of `others who would be saved` by a little" cool- ness and `timely assistance. will prbve for phase who appreciate choice canned goods in ghee and tin that we havespread. in such a variety of fruits, vegetables, etc.,particularly suitable . or the Hpring season, when twin and vegetable: lwuld he pnentilully comumea. We have every- zhwg high grade grocer-ieo ,teaa. coffees. pure ivicee. pad would be pleased to supply you with =hese at popular prices. o , , _ A A \O"'|` __,h. - Fine Japan lTa'ezL Blouse, unlined. a. swell sum-` mei'__B}o\1se. t-rimmed allover with ne Valen- cienesjnsertion, extra value at . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . Ladies ne Silk Blouses, made of best Peau de Chine Silk. . in navy, white and black, very pretty trimmings of bematicching and buttons, special or Q Fine `Pique Belt. with detachgble buckle for washing Fine Linen Embroidered Belt. in white and white with colored trimming, detachable buckle, at. . ngs lug eek . Fine Value in Silk Blouses Ladies New `Wash Belts NOTICE is hereby given that appli- cation will be made at the resent session of the Parliament of anada. for an Act to incorporate a Lumber. Power and Navigation Company for carrying on in Parry Sound District and also throughout Canada and else- where the business of lumberers and manufacturers of all , timber and pulpproducts: o emting` and deal- ing in all minera s and mines: and for developing water power and elec- tricity and leasing. selling and dis- ttributing. the same for the purpose of light and power. _L_..__L -_.J -__-_ v_ ..r....- v... `(in _-- Also power "to construct and oper- ate a railway or tranixvay from a. ` in a M souther y direction to some point point at South Bay on Lake Nipissing eneral south-westerly and or points on the Georgian Bay. thence to some point on Lake Simcoe and thence to a point on the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway in the Coup- ties of Dufferin`, Peel or York. and from a point or points on the Georg- ian Bay to some oint or points on the Ontario and uebec Division of the Canadian Pacific Railway be- I-\nnnn If":-0-`In ant` Dnfnrhnrnvinh and The Prics Ruling in the Barrie and Toronto Markets Durinz `the Week. M Bmuuz. MAY 20, 1003. LIJU Uilllilulll .I.'i.lUlLlU Llilllwd U6` t\ween Myrtle and Peterborouyghnnd from South Buy Via Callendar :9. North Bay. 1' II` I1AT1f'AT? . 1.1. L. 4D1lI\n\JlJ;\.l.y . Sohcntor for applxcants. Dated-at. Whitby, this 25th day of March, 1903. 13-25 .NOCE. Toronto Farmers Markets. . .. .._...;;.4_9c eta, al_f ask THE MARKETS. =93 L. T. BARCLAY. ..ZL.._ I3...` auun-qI:J|lI-I1 T84 00 as 450 25 }es"e Fdotry lnnnzns. spending ; s Caldwe ltREN. of ants. 35th`; 0004 9000 L _ , , , Ft having Tu; Shanty Bay?! hter. Mrahbj % my 116W V .1519: i an. I V `EX-% 3'53 iT!*'1'? . 7 2. Cheapest in Barrie; oouoooooooooooooooooo V .........- ~~ 04Wholsle = and Retail. co &o`oo'o$5oooooooo Allan Gilmour Found'Lyiriq M Pool of Blood. ' gum ntnnlmuaonma `wealthy Ottawa neudent Must ' line lalet Instantaneous Dflth--1K.[I'IXlIO rune Lying Bosldo Him---Coroner lap-_ no Sooup: the Idoo of S\ucldo-lankior cm Says an Stock Lguol want; not- lmpalr Income lion Than 0590.? t ~ Aoonley. latives` inf,` go. ` `I . Ottzfwa, May 20.---Allan Gilmpur, 270 (Jooper street. a mono! consid- erable wealth, accidcntally'shot- him- self yesterday aiternoon while hand-, line a. rie. The theory of _su_ici'de is : scouted by Coroner Bapti. and; no! inquest will be held." 11.... n.:1.......... u.....a ......... ....+ Ania"...- ....,uuuu -nu uo uunu. Mrs. Gilmuur had gone out driving` after` lunch with her` `niece. Miss Hen-dry. They left the house about 8 o'clock and returned shortly after 4- Their attention was attracted bx the strange actions of a collie dog, a. pet- of,Mr. Gilmour. The T animal was running up and -down stairs _in -a` frantic manner, and trying to at- tract their notice. Mrs. Gilmoiiv`.fol_- lowed the dog which led her to `the, door of a room in the attic usb'(_1_by- her husband as a store T00!!! 6101': 811118. ries, shing tackle and qther Sporting paraphernalia. . En-te`!`1!1.8'V` the room Mrs. Gilmour found `= he!- husband lying on his back on T the oor, his `head in a pool of blood. and `X magazine rie lying llea1"h1n.1. Death must have been insVtnn_ta.!_l" eous. - ` ` v-an There was a rumor that ML Cm" mour had lost heavily inistock _sp7e.c- ulations recently, `but Mr. Gi1.1'0_f'th8 Bank of Commerce says itwould not-V `mhair his annual income more .thg.u'~ 8500. Mr. Gkilmour was a,-v.mana-in Very comfortable circumstances.`;w&!1_d, had retired from active business l;if_e-_ He dabbled in stocks to`som_e' .887 Mt`. but did not ,speak as one 111,0 was at all worried about them. I " Mn I'1:I..-,._,, __._ -- ...__ 4u".v"Q't'L_' `Ww cw nu WUITIBU EDUUD Iollwuh . - ' Mr. Gilmour was a. man of -oinde-I Pendent moans, who had been -tor` 2 301116 years retired rrom active Abusi-`-' Doss life, although .he71'etaf.in0dB!"- terest in Gilmour T6: 00.. Unit-. at T"-ton. of which companyfh :3 7'" formerly president. oH'o.I_WuI`,.I- hW' 1088 man, but letwes two hrolifl: John Gilmour, Ottawa`, aud':DlV_5'd; Gilmour, Trenton, and Oh`e"t!I,|8tor'< Hrs. F. Fellows of Mont!`ou'I/..`_. "SV3ments : for the -lunorulo -thail `P09 been completed yet. but1iit9tin9_1V" \ will be in Quebec; .t.he- early-,'.-'h0hI9 =01; the Gilmour fa,x_z_1ily_.j- , ~ -42' ~ `I `r T. . ., . "7' ' Q; ". .- . *1i{"rt=:*.`..'. ' ` . rm Eu novntntod,_tl'x`o 150 ' Q? ifulttll` lay. Icpwtouualnpisd 5 . .'t|o-:5 or `r 2 `Emu `.!&\'-.l"~ 4., These goodscame to ha`nd_'te dav. .a.nd were s'll..`mlede `during the monthef . April,` so that they are strictly -up to-dlite in`:3every,.psstleulas,`. THE HABIT sxmrs AND.COLLAR=LESS' JACKETS. The latest asy1a.:.Lsa':e." Costumes in Black, Navy, urev. vCs_rdlne.l, vB_la.:'jl`: sndiWhi'te.' -Blue, and vhm, ` and Fancy Tweeds. The banguin iprieee are : - $2 50 and $2.75 Skirts for. . . . ... . .32 00 $4110 Skins, specie: . . . . . . . . . . . . . g0 . . .. . e , _ ' _ ' .5100 Skirts, specie . . . . . . . . 0 = '3 ' ' ` ' ` ' "r f GS ; 50 Skins for. .' . . . . . ..` . . . . . . . . `,1 ` e an prnces-are-belw' $10.00 Costumes tar ._. . . . .` . . . . . . . . - ' ' - if .-311 Costumes for .. . ...,. . $8 00] 7.93"? if`-"rt`A'Y ..5tr T $15.00 Costumes for.,.... 00 " v ` V - `- We, show the largest rsnae`6utslde of :l_losente end _M'ontres;. I Anether shipment or NEW BLOUSES in:Black, White and Cole;-ed suk._,: M uslins, Lawns, Sate.-ms. etc., at speeinl prleesl _ L . ' ' English Cashmere Hosiery and Fancy '(.iermsn,Thr"esil and C'o.tt_'on Hosiery, .embroideted and in lace work, at special prices. ' _ A * ' ' . All the new styles in Spring Boobs end Shoesxsre now in. Laced and Buzsoned, Oxfords, Slippers, 1`rilbv s, Albnn_i s `Colonials and Opera Slippers in all the latest toe shapes. as wholesale nrioves, We sell: the celebrated Geo. A. Slates` "INVIC'1`US Shes tor men sud women. ' We we buughu the` euti'_`re stock of a. `manufacturer -oi Lediee Suite, Costumes. J eckete. Capes, eto.,i'noluding ueerlyo ne hundred ea.n~plee_`ae 40 per cent. below regular poet price. ' t ' 5 ' ' bee u -vv-.-"00 ".._VV, 3.; % clergyman : -quit! '.9In9sn.1os' " y;1IuL6UVV\A luv . Vvvgvvvu , Two hundred and fifty persons are ho_me'l ess, and relief is being forward-. ed by the authorit-ies. - Anfhn Hun wrlnufrnvnri O-kn `urn- sauna. *.>=:'c`ii1nizs e.:u1`xor1=y dwellgngs _..'..- .|.;.....-....: nu... `l\"l|` .1--- 4.. ..-_ war; '13: t.:t:-a.n'l"'-loss is es- timated o.t.$50.000. - `u . fI'\--A Luungnlungal n...I ACLU. onapmnnosn nnlvn v`. V? vua.u-.u u yuyl 4 vocao V: II IIIIW W` Another re '-destroyed the. lum- boring section of 'Appleton. s The` mills, much sawn timber and otber_ propertydwere consumed. . __ 4#_t 9.. Loxid Rolebory Spain of Ir. Chamber- " mm Latent Plan. ` _London,_ Mefy 20.--In' '1. speech at Burnley, Lancashire, last night. Lord Rosebery,` referring to `Mr. Chamber- lain : speeclr `at Birmingham. A on May 15, inlwhich the Oolonle.l..Seo- retary made Ian appeal for trade re- -ciprocity. within the British Empire. said, that, Vbetore the tariffs were %c,`ed,t_he colonies ought to he re- p res_ented in the Government) of ~ the fco.untry,- and he did not think; that [that idea was so impracticable- is it ` `was sometimeseonsidered. i He did not regard free tradeul a part of the {'sermon on the mount," but. the question arose. whether it i, would be wise. without, long` _u:nd deep.con`siderb.tion, to change \ the , scal system under which Great `Britain had achieved ber `commercial success.` ' ' ' 1' -....I"lJ-nnI\A1ow (Inll IUCCCSB. Lord `Rosebery dean; with Goionial Secretary Chamberlain : schemetin a LA-very; judicial manner. being careful` neither to approve gar condemh it, but,- `on the whole, _s;hoving that he had no great_-sympathy with it. V - `rolls. Whpt lo Snows oi Loud `G1.-sou In Irlleh Columbia. ` _ Victoria, B.C., May 20.-Sir Tho- mas Smaughnessy ga,_Ve evidence yes- terday afternoon before the Parlia- mentary Committee re the land grunts scandal . He said A certain lands were g'ra.nted`_t'o the `C.P.R. ogid afterwards cancelled. .He was cross-i - Inc!` In -Dn as to t-hg afterwards canceueu. .1117 --...~......... examined` ~by Mr. -Dun ,e.s_ to the -agreement entered into with `share-- holdogq who bought % out. the. B.C.S. }Nothing startling was adduced. . - . llqqly fgund In _ . Chuthum. `Ont... Hay 20.-4-The body of Miss Annie Orr. . who had been missing {ram 119:` home since Sunday ..|...I.4- qr-4: Qnnud oltii in thO . of Miss Annie Urr, wwu uuu ....... from her home Sunday night. was. found `oating '1`_ha.moshVyesterday attqrnoon by eh `Dover farmer. ;about- 3:. mile west of: the city limits. - Ijiie had evidently been extinct to : some ~-`considerable 1 v.time. As Miss Orr`-vwee in; ill-health" and-4 subject to fits of low spirits, it. is supposed. that she committegi sui- ..aA-.. ._. .1 A ;:a;:* -. * .-5413!."----V-v---a --.---~~~- W` Fez-gua,; May 20.---Tho body or. Loona.rd.Hues1;on. an inu}at9:=o! ,tho % . ;1.*d\.!9tP7% ` ..; ` ` . ':r I ` -. ;,Av.1.|--t91I!.'".- . ' no--.` -. an _._"'IA Asia THOMAS, 1'res'ru=I'I3s. AN EMPIRE `l:ARlFF. Mother% Shlpmenri Headqu are 1` . B8?!` Ladies" and Suits e` =~H .;sx~; ,. i ' e, `-.p`;'_t.I`xe V"(:s,a":"A-._. :1, 4 L`: : :+Londons Maya 2o.:-'1?he..:IJnder._eFor-;a ;:*.e.ignSecrta_ry,a Lprd ,Cra_nborn_e,h_ W`-as ins.,the' House 'of7 Cdmmens_`for ,, ,gi,_1'11ozfII,1a*tiioz1' ogif the massacre ,of.J'ews , at,..j.;{1shine$!. `Besarabia', a_,' month` ago`. I'1`he Secretary`, in" i-`}i1Vy. `I5190d `the tbtal` ?of_ 'ki lled- at ~~`ab0ut.`a&ldublew `the `number `rgiveu in `the. oicial Rus- sian `report. - Otherwise ;the- facts: did ' '-not tiier from ,_thos_e alneajdy pub- ` ']shed.. `V -V : I ` -4; h t Lbrd ,.Crax_ibome `added: ."._Ac<;o rd_-_ iug,.,to_ the , Govemmemfs info1jma- ,tion the di_sturba.n_`cs atjose from the; ;z'm`_rder+ "Of `a Christian ~"Iad,`* which `was wrongly. attributed' to z the Jews. "The latteretaliated on their as- sailants, and the result .W'as an at-' tack on` -the J ews byva mob on Eas- 1 tor Sunday and-a_.Easter-_Monday, in 'Which it is believed, about a hun;d- red __Jevgs lost; their, lives. and many more were i1}ju req. M ' A Governor ot_' xxslniuaqfnismrsgea. N ,St. Betersburg`, May 20.-e--"the -_ re- port 'that_5Lie'utenant-G_enera1' Raeben, G4Vex'riOr7` " or Kishir'1eff,' ` Bessarabia, where the f massacre of J e'ws' occurred a month ago, had been dismissed by the Czar, is rconrmed. /Phe Imperia 1' Ukase'dism`issing the general is dat-* ed `May. -17. u XI`he Iluss1an_ .Gqx9ernmgnt . ha ' . re- ,ceiv;ed,.no r tati'ons frbm `the .Gove;',nment of the United Statesg in- regard t6 ;the Kis`hi'ne__"massaores. TO ~ Amb-a ss,ador McCorm'ick s ques- t'i`on 'if`1`e1if -would .be accepted, .3 the Fori'gn*_0IceV has `replied that, While. -34' rnvuszul-`av n1\v\1nnn-inlnt-I -I-Inn `A~vv\t)`l~:I|nv1` "Street Railway Eniployos Sand 'Ultlmn-. tuin nctnx`-noble in Two Days; . . `".M'_ontreal,' may 2'0.--It was agreat surprise all + round yesterday. when. the rumors of another street rail- way strike Twerc foundto be well. founded. In_ spite athe` fact that an agreement was signed a _;f_eW months ago, the men presented wha't may be" called an ultimatum to the` Montreal 'Street `Railway Company, giving them '48 hours to decide. It is '?u_nderstood that` the company are Willing to accept a local union, and that they. will ght the Intcrnation-` al to a finish. The company will alsocontribute 25 per cent. `to the local union fund. They are also ready to start a third `of the ser- vice it the men" should,-go out. . . " Toronto Uneasy`, Too.` ' " Toronto, May 20.--It was stated last 1 night, in - apparently we1l-in- formed circles; that if the street railway einployes did not get..their demands they would go out Thurs-' day.. There isnmnch uneasiness, - vovbsbn _\Ic.nvv' JISQLW Av!-Inluu vq Uvv it greatly. -appreciated the .. \ ' genrosity,~;there.,-_was no .need `for re~ ~lief,, as the wants o,thq inhabitants ; .of.,Kishinef were bging. looked after. j |spom AND PAs'rIMEs| Tne`.'AusfriaHnngaI`?{_an Consul at Manilla draws a 81,9I,nv Iiichlre of conditions in the Philippinfas. ' _ . . , Orillia News-gVI;etter.-e-An India from `the Rama reserve spearcd 0. -maskinange near -Chief Island. -recen_t- ly weighing '.50lbs. The .fish wag weighed on its own scales, which may _nb`t" `have been strictly . ` accurate. but . men." `\ it" was an exceptionally large-speci-M" .. Col Plianet.--`Some'. extra fine trout have been caught .at` the. dam herewthis-spring. Last Wednes- day night Mr. John Murphy caugtha speckled `beauty that tipped the scales at 21b ? 10 oz. - We understand that Willie Jackson also caught three the other day that weighed eover_~ '3 lb ,1 II :T'H`.E.-hR:USSlA:N ATF;oc;mEs,` B1-lltllh Abyuiplnns nu: Hand-t6-Bpndi Oonnlct `With Db:-vlshen. .. / _ . London, May 20.--An` official` "War Omce despatch from~Aden; Arabia. under yesterday's date, gives details ' of `the desperatencounter which took place 'a.t. Burrilli, . Somaliland, May 4, between an Abyssinian force, op-- erating in" conjunction` with the Brit- -ish, against the Mad Mullah, and a. larg force of the latter s drvishes. AC`-an n I:an_+n_1no1-5.1` ` 'In 1-{ha The Beeton Lawn Tennis Club has! `been resorganized for the season with the following ofioers.:-Honor- ary President.- Mr. J. Ross: Honorary `Vice-President. Mr. `E. '1`. Strange- w'a`ys-; Honorary 2nd Vice-President. M'.r.`J. M.` Simona: President. Mr. J. "B. Ellis: Vice-President. Mr. D. '8, 'MoCut'cheon : 2nd, Vice-President. Mr. A. R. Heiter; Secretary. Mr. W. R. Gittotrd`: '.l`reas.. Mr."l`.. M. Stran'5g_e- ways :` ` Managing Committee. `Messrs. % F.`-I.-Souiersi R4! W.-Green.~.C. Dick. o `H. Strangewayu Reception Oomittee. ' Mtg. F; 'I."I 8o1ners. and Misses.'Mac- -ph_'ron'. El__lis.. C1ark. LMit_ohell and ICFIED agavv VI Ian: auuuu: 9 uvsvauuuvuu After a. hand-to-hand ght lasting '45 1'ninutesh,~ the dervishes were driv- en of!, with the loss of. 300 m_en'k.ill'- `ed and 2 -wounded: The Abyssiniamsv had 21` men killed and 10 wounded. Subsequently, the Abyssinians 1 raided the,wells northwest, Qt _Bu'rrilli, 4 and captured several prisoners. 6-!\I.- r_:.4'-- -:AloI 4.1.`- 1t..n..I..`.. .- -4 \lUoA\a- cinch." The me_e1:ing of tliga de1egates_o'f Dis-e , triot No.` 13' of the junior seri,e.s,`.o the 0. L.*fA%. was held : in ~ ooomown on F`1fiday-la`st;* ' Bepre'sentativ'es- p1.-es; _ `Kent we're D.' `Golding `Divan-int; 8$_1'bt$rj`.`.j',l.`otte:ih'am; J. .1. mgnont. % ` tenisam; ;:rohn<= Adnw. .V cooks- " " Bb;fr_1;"TdelbgqtUfn9I:_;..;a.p ~.. V- . I=ouou"r MuLLAn`s uokmss. PEUIBU uvurul prxuuuonn. _l`he latter said the Mullah was gt ,__A _1_- , `T `MONTREAL MAY `\VALK_:_ N-o` Oiolni ! r.ot_ests Reelveci. '."-:3"3IIm'"I%TOIi`1jERN"jKDVlNO1` Monday s Globe says.-`,`Mr..,N`. Dy: ment was present to see.-his horses work. and though,.the~ first. pair of Platersiidid-not show`. up quite as ex`- peoted. the pertormance of. the- third one was brilliant; Thessalon and the filly. Florenza. were sent` ofttogeth-1 er and doing their best at the finish.` The mile a-nda quarter was; run" int 2.181`-2." the black. colt, beating her several lengths. The fraotionaltimes were :--.26, .38. .513-4. .1.19,12._ 1.34 an'd'%1.483'-4 torthe: mile. -The filly h:1`d"a lot more than herweight up. 1 , I-~_`I _-4 `Amanda (I; V Iv v\au pv--.7.- , "Bat=terie's:(".';>x`bn" an heft. .Jobb and Weltc. teams SIIUWUU. guuu. Lncsuuub, uur--- ally_a _triple_ play by Conron. Nixon`. Sidsw |or th Az.3.1.1d'_ Wells in the third" way em Liht, isu mutt! request 4 _.-.4].-:21 '

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