LITTLE-ARMSTRONG-_-At the hon_1e at`. Mr. George` A-rmstrong._;Orill1a.- unolq of the bride` on` Aprnl 23rd. _;by Rev. J. Locke. .{Iohn Lzttle, and; Alpritta Armstrong. both` of-Gra-` venhurst. - = L -' SIMPSON-V-M0SELEY-At the ,.;-e_si- . deuce so.the .brideTs father .01fnlh_a.- - on _Apr1`l,-25th. by R;v.;\J.,.Looke.; wdxa Amelia. y _:ungest'da'u%`1)g`te`i' of; r 'E`.niIn mnnn_`nH nr; illiam or... g. u- --_- :_- LH.MoE'eTe }"6f'i(7'i'dland._ T ; GLAAB,-DE ARUFEL-X-At the church ,1 AL- A_-._-I|__- 'ra_____1:-_.' 'l\_.2`I`I!.. anus '1.`*6'3`f5 :fu+(`)r`i`1Ll`i;a1.uW_P ""'""5 BELL-BNEATH--At the residence of z_. . the bride's father. Penetan uishine, _ ` on_ Apri1`23rd, byeRev.` C. . Perry`, '.'~vM1ss Martha A;'` Sn.eath._'an.d ,Al_1- .. `drew James %ell.:Proessor of Lntgxi ---Sin, iotoria V _. _ _ V _ BRO N-ELI.A - InM1dla'nd.` = * on. `,`. `If ollege. .'1`bronto; ...:..;.. .. 4....n on. I-m.nnv~_ n:-1 ,unuwm-mama` `m mmmuu. `uu - - Wednesday. A til 81; by-Rev. Dr . A ? Campbell. Mfr alph BrQwn.~to Miss .. . ettn Malia. both of Mxdlagd. ,D3_I'.LA; E-wAI_.KEM-on Aprgl 29th. at the reside'2i'ce ot_ the 'bride sv`m'o,- 3-1` by: .o`v.Nnf`9%.b_1!dLr. Vifiailter =~ I , ,'.0.";~ .183 'J `I9 , -9,331: danglg V late John_gl];'_em, :4 8. "M ' i 1`& :t`*`t tennan&=s*%\:%= ~ . `niamnnarmnnaweatwv ?sta%:nam-1. e:,;'GhI;tha..:'nhi}l.;,_. 15" . ...NEw... Ildab V I-nil-C\l`a.LU\.Ia.` and!` 1' '--" "" of T1}; Angers 'Guar&f{an; `ori11ia. 6`n April_28th. by Rev. Father Moyna Louisa. dau hter` 61" Mr. James -`L. Glaab,-an Mr. Jose'phVDe0ar1L1-V fa] Lnfh. ll. f\rll:n ` `EH3 H. V 18 __In8I.l8.. YOIIIIEBSE (18.11 Ezra 81m son_.' and Dr. e(y.`o M1dland._ W LUI UL" illiam, A un~ns1:~1,, A + +1...n1a'u:-ah` -rugs ; pAj_|_3,;1-c+, 1re ;;sn. by`nll3ncolnI'Dede}a ' I 1 n_s.i%c t o :14: e as n A: `E-?D'D`Y vs. ~ . `BORN "9." IP33-'71 .',"" 1'." "'-'- *0?` -- J""""" an ? 31: months. .QU-ANTRELL--At. Goldwater. on ,Ap- ' " rll 15th. Arthur. ygungest` son of I'.. ......`I `II ... D T ......A._..II ........l fl!iORRV. AI}-Af. AI'.ittl`e{V Current. ' ; i_;A;_nri_.:. 20th. ,Theresa, eldest Vdau `If. nut-`.I" `ll ...-. `I ... 'll`....... IEUIJH LIJ"-ALI: IJILLIIJ \J|u|I.'1'UlIl.p U A 1 ll . L _ ; ,+'1 h_eresa. daugh- , ft of Mr. an-'d .Mrs. Jos. Morreau, sot, Wa_n_1pa1:1shene. aged 19. _ MORRISON-`-At Gu1;h'r"ie. on" April 23pdUMarga1fet Ann, wife of _ Nieii . `._MarrIson. 1ig,e d'29 years. ` I `E! 1 'sNVEE .l,`-'-A;t. 3 3t_1'ong s. ,' Corners. on 1, `, [April 11.` Norman. "eldest son of Mr. 14 `4-...__:_.____. .. -- .'(U-tL,V1lll'olJ.l.l'-.-.I.l._ Uu1uvyy.Lt;x'. uu J1}!- " r Il youngest` . r. and Mrs. R. J. Quantrell. aged 19 years an-d founmonths. . I.0VEI`t_Y--1,11% Midlan_d.. on. Tuesda . Aprnl 28th. Ann-Lowry. aged 0 ` years. _ V , . ,` SMAL_LEY-In Essa . on Thursday. ` AJ_)rIl.16tVh.LWill`iam R.VSmalley. ag- ; e 51 years. - Hamilton Lor_d sTDay Alliance rais- .od. over: $300 last year.- ` ___2IL_, - __ A0,, _ 1 n , --. V: w-, -rvvv cvurwv J V..-- `V -tamilvtonoparents are fined-for not ' sending Vthe_1r children to school._ -1 J_.______ 4.- -4 -v.-----g v-nvo- v--cu- -7-- vv uvggvvnu % By` `an explosion of dynamite" `at Elkd. 22_miles west of Fcrnie, B. C., itwo men lost their lives. .9 . ` Sir0William McDonald will endowa chair of moral philosophy in McGi_l1 Colle e,` Montreal, to `the extent of $50.00 . ` ' ' ` # ,61, - '1 n 1 n -- f'i"l;ewi'esidcnce and contents of Mrs. G. R. Dougall. Belleville were de- `stroyed by fire in the` absence of the family. J I I I `Q In aperjury trial at Nanaimo the judge gave one of the witnesses ten Vminutes `in which to- collect his j thoughts, . 1 0.. C. McDonald. a wealthy ranch- ` er, of Russell District, Manitoba, who had recently received a large sum of money from Scotland, was drowned whilolattemging to swim acro's"s the Assmiboine iver. "SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY BY CALLING % J.AMi|1and|ess V Awhexfe ypu._will_find a well . as,s< >n"-tel. Stocl of : ALIGHT AND HEAVY %_ HARNESS. coLLARs._ _, sagnuzs, ., L, ; -. H. F V ,1` V, ,:"(: .*- "`. :_ v."'~'m . " V . , `\'o ' A 13 :`3";I`: nnugnzs. V g'.".-, ; I _ V -, . ., . s .4, : .:uD.US1 `ERS. . --,. V THE BARRIE MUSIC STORE doir ",w|Sile'*yo\ 1 The Heintzman & Coo, _ Piano god others of the bes_ F makes of piano: and organs In alszn have nnmp nu-nnnd " HIIICS OI FIIIIOB anu organs We also have some second ` hand _pia_uos and organs at bug:-n prices. which we are anxious to closeout to make room for new goods. THE NEW WILLIAMS _- SEWING MACHINE give: 1.-nu than hast nf nnoiafacnm ' DDVV IAVKI JIIIDKIIXVD gI\'S_ you the best of satisfaction. `U: can fnr rank nr on )'0lI me DUI` UK IBIIIKBCCIOILV We sell tor canh m- on oanv terms of payment. `Ha Hana rhn Ian-no In fnn UCIV (C3111! OI payment. We keep the latest in folio and sheet much and a splen- did line of fancv -goods. ` (1:-(Inc-A luv '1-nail wl rs. GIG IIIIB OI IKIICV `K0008. _- by mail will re- b_ .ce1_ve prompt attention. In the peer of ailpenu and has no cqyal anywhere . mnbu - :Grad'e b- 14]: Gold Pen Superior to dthcr makes ' ' at $3.ou * The Laughlin Fountain Per; Holder 1! made of n- `cst qualitv hard rubber. is tted with highest grade large size :41: gold pen, of any desirable exibility` and hanthe only perfect feeding device known. ` `Barrie Rlriilcg Slor %l.F% GARRETT, From s1.oo Up; THE LEADINGV HOUSE " I-`OR _E__\[_ERYTI~{|NG IN` MUSIC. LAIIGHLIN rmmmln PEN .....OTN'%.... ~D.IED-I %Fihmmrc Indmted \ \ \ \\ will take `your risks in any of hi: compania oath: best teams and lowest rates. All x-at clan com- panies. full amount: of loose: paid. GENERAL AGENT FOR ` ` ` - The am Life Insurance Oompan OF CANADA "'At`_D\!lI~ nan ("AGENT Poi: "1'7o1`?i'1i`lIutual Fire Insurance ed. The Western Fire; Insurance 00. ' otfie-:57 Mary St.. Hud. % Momzv TO. LOAN. % Wadsworth Howland s Pure lined Paint, Bondsman and Pat's best English mixed A Paint, Alabutina and` Kalsomins Brushes __A __ ._.-.--v vcnnoaov SA $UXUU of all l;i;l_aI, in fact everything required in the home and out. Give uusccllhndloo III` (moth, Na l-nnkln on -L---- B`---- -- in U.` 1? A cl!` gr: Fnuzana` LIFE 1 % ~ COME AND GET OUR RATES Posters, I I Bill Heads (in pads) 5 . Statements (in pads) Letter Heads (in pads) Note Heads (in_.pads) V \_ Programmes ` Folders, Announcements (1 i ll? 11 Call,and gei rage: for 3'00: own satisfaction. lrnendvance Oiue emu Inumc Including New `Orleans and the famous Hot Springs of.Arkansas. q q.nnn a. nun vn. a -g..u.-..--_- One way and round trip Tourists Tickets in on sale, danlv, giving choice" of` routes and stop ovct privileges at princupal points. ., EXCELLENT SERVICE. .-__-_--__-. _ `..__- . -v_- Prompt c time. luxuriouny appoint- `ed Patlor and Sleepmg Cars. Man]: "2 1:: parts." served in tho, Dinino and (`.353 ecl ranor ana BXCCDIHK D373. Meals a la cartc." served in the Dining and Cafe Cars. are not surpassed in the best Hotels. , 1'3:-Econ irnldnrn and all :nfnu-Inntinn an nnnr-2. `Lars. are not surpasscu in we Des: noteu. ' 'l'ickets.- Folders and all mformation on applica- tion to Agents. A . `I I.` EIIYTII EA_4!-.- A,,- _A lulllll II l'I`UIllu ` 3 J. F. smrn. Station Agent. 3. .McDONALD.Dis!rict Passenger At.'l'on-onto. _rI' I913 Iinr lI&I1I `I @133 a {coma lo: oicca. in Ross Block, ' `o. 97. Dfn:l-op Street. Fire proof vault: lately occupied bv Dr. `Wells. Alootwc rooms with vault. lately occu ' "by Hopd. Jacks & Fraser. Bartinterp; in te possession. ApplvtoC. H. ROSS, I . B'v.rric ."'lnIiuntv 1. I00! _ ' x-cf. Erugs and Chemicals and so are we with 5 full line of spring good: at bottom price: snob II VAxm;!.`A; for ice cream. for instance; Baxixa Pownn. for cakee. One in a drug. of course ; me other e chemicel"; and there are still other:---SPICES of all kinds. cream of tartar, etc. Thebesflace to 31: drugeisnta DRUG STOR .` The druggi-kt known more about them {Inn other people. We keep a. good drug store Comeland ask us abouf Kitchen Drugs. .In the Kitchen. Imnuxmu's nnua STUBE F on DUNVLOP-ST. BARRIE. ` ` OFFICES TO RENT on Labs: I'|_,__._ 1-- -1--- 2.. I)..- III-_I. X1- __' I'\:Z_I_. Henry Ball Every Description wmrrnii 1ii:soRTs CALIFORNIA. R`!'l:3XlC0. FLORIDA and the CAROLINAS" 5, _ 5 Window Cards,_ Dodgexjs, #1 DOOR WEST OF BARBIE HOTEL ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY BARBIE. Apvswrlsa m `-L'ro THE- `SUI D Smile Bills, OF .7` Me;-nnda, dra'wle.d Oap'n ` B-iggs as he gave his back tilted another hitch toward -the wall.` '.`J,9`$'l 7 M; on the counter. There was no,reDly- e stlr yerself an fetch Y'l`d6't1' `` daddy that air plug uv t.erbn.cker"_,he_. Wen 1" ejaculated the c_ap'n. `meant: my gal's' snoozin like sixty; an letg. n. trade git over 1nter__ the next be county, M-e-r-llnda!" ', A still Melinda did not respond in per- , or by volce. The ca.p`n -looked around in a helpless way. Over to: the east he could see a `murky stretch of- mg suwannee river bending through _ rmmua wnn n a'lmztv_ llfnlnnn maataloguetr 9 RAILWAY SYSTEM ma DUVV`" "' " ' '" " ""' `W ' """ the trees. There was a dusty. lltel,esI_._ ma 1:; trout of the shore. The cap ): . reclined and reected. It W'as_ hot. . L- s...a...A on rnnlrn hut ha 1I'r'nnP.' = CH1"-7 "" """"" and he hated -to move. We: with but one child. his comfort certainly was dependent largely upon -M,` 1: `she were too lazy to wait on her pool.` old dad, he thought. it only l `med to prove that he had wasted money when he bought her a melo- dwile honderlng on her ingtatltudo again` into slumber, but an awful 1 thought intervened. `It made {him all: upr1gnt,'bring1ng his chair down upon % 1m four legs with a bang. . , t . ` led his tobacco, `and. beln 8 wld-__ and shlttlessness he nearly` lapsed" ...-. , _. n1.....nnul nvnln Imnt` Q-Inn nnn'n 1 [Casi VI June to nu-you-an I Sam Womperl. exclaimed, tl"1eVcap;'n.= I`ll bet thet dodgasted razerback crit- ,ter hez bed the e!Iront ry ter cum col~f livantln round hyar 118' 1113" .., __-..4. olnmnnh I-ho cl-nun nun! Inllsl uvuuuu Luuuu -1'. " He went through the store and into the house that formed the rear of it, Asleep in the little porch which -framed the kitchen door. was 9. small negro boy. 0ap`n Eph klckedhlm. n `Inna old fhn nnn n LIUJI \J|~Qll II oars` onuvuuvvu 1---I Rouse up, Mose, said the cap n.T an tell me w.har s'Merl1nda." . L--- M an-`IA `Inna Aonlnln Tun LCII ;uu II--nun. -r ova ------v ``I dunno, boss," salvgl Mose.'edg!ng_ to get out of range. I hain t seen her fer more n er hour. ` I__.... Inn!-`A -uItuon4\- '\IIlI. non U11 LIJULLLA L5 aavuov Look hyar, leetle nigger brat, am ye goin ter tell what my darter ls?". , _ ~Don t yo stomp. cap n! Fer de Lawd's sake, don t stomp! shrieked Mose, drawing his knees up to his ab-V domen in the agony of expectation. 1 ze gwine ter tell all I knows. _ _ `Jun _-..... LI-.. ......f..!_ ....l-.. tau avvauv nun us... .~.. - --v u Jes' ye tell! was the cap"1'1"s7grlm admonition. V . qp,,uo_;; '--_'_. -__.____ _j_ uuuuuuuuuuuu 4- I seed Mis Merlindu cum outer de doah an wave herhan . Den I looked, over yander, and Mose pointed to the ~ north, an I seed Sam Womper up dare at de edge uv do c1 arin . Den she done went inter de house an got her bunnlt. I seed her go over ter what` Sam wuz 1oa'n' round, an bimeby I seed `em git inter _er dugout an `done so long. u|1--_I_ , _, _ #1, - II __IlI-__-l_.-S LL; gv uvonov Maybe-maybe, sdliloquized the cap n, I kin head `em 01! at the bend. The river's mighty low, an that ain't much current. Sldes. that good fer nothin clay eater am too lazy ter. tilt the water hard with er paddle! mi..- .......v_ __.._ LI.._-;-...I- LL- 1--..-- -.".nI'4 -- --vvIb\Q vJIlu4 unio I got the gun! shouted the c8.P'no drawing a bend on the young man-all he spoke.. Ye jes' p int thet boat rlht rin hyar or I ll ll yer hide with buck,-_ shot? . .;. - ~ Sam paused with upurted puddl long enough to conclude quickly that it was wise to obey, and When it struck the water again it [sent the CW3` 0ut,yin g toward the bank. T171.-- L- ,,_',..nn LL. 7 {ER 1 lvl-IU VVHLCL Llbllkl VVIELI CI .J$l\l\IlVI` The cap'n ranrthrosugh the hou`se an.d"` the store. seizing his shotgun on -the way, and made` over the country ;to- ' ward the woods which bordered the bend. When he poked his head through the underbrush upon the bank, he saw the dugout` with Sam and Melinda aboard and less than tty yards away, The stream was very narrow there. and Sam _kept the boat near theshoro to enjoy the coolness of the" shade. " -__l_l.L v u u\n.l._.-.I.--_. -....`,. The 011D n climbed into the boat and p t9`1 up stream. He sat down at that end or the craft. with his gun` across his knees, and .:grlmly'i~8|1D'i ; Dressed his wrath. They had not gone 4` 381' before the dugout glided by a_ ibis`-:1 uwator oak whose branches extended _`_ far over the bank and we`re'jintwine(_1_ _ by huge grapevine. .'Ihe.ftI11t`W&3'5 \1`iDe and hung in lusci us clusterI.~*~ V. Finn .... -._ __ , ,oniLI..- ..-..IA'? -he heard Sam ask. `V "'.|VJ I-GOV; \a\I\JII-IC VIC NICE $3239 wisht I hed er gun. ` %Did*ye:-hear thet deer a-tearin through the brush?" ; . sq _ ,_a_. NY L, v--,uJu15 LU\Vl11'U IJJU Uuul`0 Whar be ye goiu, Mls Biggi?: :, g.h9 'caD n inquired of Melinda '1`!1'7 irony. ""Iwv:vuz goin ter `git merrled, an' I l| (10 it Fit. she replied so deantly that the cap n gasped, So ye will, so ye will," he respohd- ed--I see ye gittln too headstrong fer me-but not married ter him. 831- I ll pick out the man ter`.nl! son-in-lor, an doan ya, nevnh telfit thet." . -_.. um. uub "1 1u s?r1o::idc":;;erca9m..-` Lemme gi 91' nder A. ' , the my ..waA:.":: and the cap 11 ca ht he cot11`.1""a:t`m,.f.' 8311 where he thogegd aloft'QmO;:i Nquickest and reac mm get ,_ goodo_ tendrils. Sum lei? e `the Pd.~d`9=7`: " hold and the drovjtron`0:9' o stream for one 10118 ndej, dugout snot fr` %`i,.mns~V.h1nn hfeet in an instant 1 above .8_t!`eaXn `- ,, V ._ 1. .?`;,od,. b1azes!,_ Wh '7` ye ab gggthe By WILLIAM _llAVl_;N 110:; .~ E V ;;; ------- copyrwht. 1902. by McClure`: Noun ` 3` Syndicate ' 97'! " :;f$>1?' ` ,a9,r;aZ{'e' o`,"`?;' ( ` 1 " / t` ;9',' " /f f v '%?`s W ,7 '5 (Z Svwannee Rlvji rWlLLlM mxvzu nos; Inn 7. 191f3;{ & 1 % Ins--to"h6i!`;`up7` I: am nlllxator: wentrhome. . V. uy ngnu o..,.u..o n ....c.:' an... __`.'-_* :;`f. '-_---aw .suMIW1'=.`: `!F!?!'r':".9W?r' 5.2 55- .`.`I`a1n'f_oo11n'.-'_ . 1d""8am "'1;"` l,.,;xyant tar merry marllndn. an hyau-'o_' wimr` I dbeg It; ;-YAe?fam%1es`_t1o uvv.-`the. pe_ac9 anf' kin txef as ex, titfe ez 'eny' " `pa _rso_nj_ In Jav_vgy._ If ye won't do It." _why,.vthen.;;y_e km. .drap._ ;Atter thetg gate: hex (muwbd ye_ up -that wonft; tpe,vyeda1n'. :1: be nothiia .;,ter__;`pi[_e- reckon I'll be; kannln v'm-Vain..- .04-L-" --- -.-v-.e--we my-.3!` be-Iv`; yyeuillllfo z, 1;-i, reckon I'll be keepln y'er store utter the '3 -V *~ - L Y . Merilndn." seeped` the cap n. will ye `squat that en" see. yer only .narnt . eh. up, by nick er Varmint? Grab the gun, gel; en give him both bdrrelaih V the eyes! But Melinda chewed the '1-lbblon .0!-e- `her sunbonnet and gazed far away lI'n fhf 1I|.Q abun-nalg ---- ! V--- uuunuvvllllvu uuu gnucu Lu!` away. *' Oap'n Ephfelt that his strength gas" : railing; ; Back. 1_:p..8,a_1n L _l l_I% merry ye."'he said at mt; um-.. -'1..--|. n _;____-__.1 4--,-: ' ud- . ah take nfe aboQ_"_rd.%. .. .g --vnoJ- iv. uv uuunln Clo IIBM ` Nu-y. a`_back." answered Samf ` {.No in an_wot he: ever been in polltlcsliln this `yt-e" county would`! take yer `woul-w for anything. Yer gwjne ter me;-1_-yy-us f right w_ha1" ye, be." A , 9 The u"p'nA took 'auothe`r` took at`-the i alligator. and It set him in 3 u'em!_:l_g._ T "A-u\`-u` DI --I..I ' LI. - ---I- -A'A - aqua Iv cu III Ill 3 IFUIIIU e W .. . -2.. -- It . f`_Merlinde." said` the euro, striving i tore? fresh` grip, A'?d'ye `take that`-orixery mm ten-;be' yet: ._i_:ueben' fer betteh or iter muse? . .l`1er`&.-oldx`i'tV `be no wufse." Yes. bew." said" Melinda. .- An' ye. ye dod blasted. yeller faced chipmunk. d'ye take my (letter ter be yer lawful "wedded wife! - -An .1 i hope V she'll be like her me!" = L You bet." said Satin. pleytuliyv ; splashing a little _.v_veter_ Vet the all!- ` gator. " - ; when I pronounce yo men an wife. 3 Now will ye back up?'{. , ' ` mbn'- III-ml. _-_I'- V.-.-I.-n--1.-` l'..L- LL- V QVOVZ 3 ! -: -'EJ;p";1f"EI;)h sank :exheueted_ Into. the boat. and Sam slowly, paddled up the `river to the -landing. Just,` before he turned; the dugout In toward the shore he remarked:.` ' - " - - `Canvas Ant` uuA- Qhmgg` -e-gun,-"mg .15.` Ext "~`i'y","&.I{:.'}er eyesight mue"be ran- .In'. Didn't ye. obsarv_e_ that that `nick L ole. gator` didn't hey no teeth '3" Machinery can Do` No Wronz. _ `The machine by, which railway tick- ets areprinted gives" as very amusing little "show. of ~1ihtelllg3a_nce.' or what looks to .be very like it. Railway tick- ets *are not; as might be supposed.` printed in large sheets and afterward cut up. om-- --...u.--..n 1.. -..4. 15.5.. u..I..'.4. Ange f::I'tm1 no use trying to print a bad ticket," `says the attehdant. `.`The ma- chlne finds out an. 1mpertect%blunk 1h an instant, and atly retuses to have anything to do ;with it. Look `her;"' w'1"*1i'e'"cardboard is .cut intowtickets. first and printed one by one afterward. The littleblank cards are put in a pile in a kind or perpendicular efpoqt, -. and-` the machine slips 9. bit of metal under- neath the bottom or the spout and pushes out thelowest ticket in the pile to be printed and consecutively num- bered. _ - - ' 5,1 _ I__.I Iv nun uuyyvuwo One by -one the blank cards are pushed out-"to the` printing part of-the mechanism with swlttness, and prencl-. ' sion until the mutilated ticket gets to the bottom and tries to smuggle through. -_ `L T` rs.-_ .4.I.- .I..-A.....L LI; an-nnlalnn n4-Ann NVIILLI 1`: Lou` upte- He--teg1rs of! the comer of ope qt th'es bits 6! card and puts1t into tlie spout with the others, and you wstqh to `see; what happens; ' ' l\--_ -__ LL- LI--`I. Anna noun uuvugu. on :_the_" instant th$7 machine stops dead and refuses to budge again until somebody "comes and removes the im- .. postor. ..II -nuL"LIm). `nu-I|n1nlnt`""lI`!ll.` I-llulp vvuvsu Vnvyn our vb_`9g"'i F3. -*9-L-N99 3.3199 V :16; i er: giro . to,..Wall1na.r!1.% ..W?h0 n_-.-n ..- 1-5-. .... oh- haninwlna nf fhn Ostor. . ` _ V Pull out"theb duznatedticket. and ;he -mechanism wm set briskly ,.to .w9rk A-.51.. lununknnn TAIIDHQI`. { l.|U._.lBlL| Wu! BUB usagnngw again;-Chnmbers' Journal-.' PEEL ' mu-at" '\V|_Ieel" chick. _ % Sonja any that Archimedeg mgde ihe first whee! clock as .egrly~'as 200 B. ;.C.. o .___s-.. I1u--L..I..-I A...` (i'}._ VI" 557;` . VI-F3553 IIV vi! llpnoogogggw-3 , ,-yr `lived so _l_atfe as `beginning of 33 fourteenth century. .'B,u`t'th1no`st per- tect water clocks -were; long. before the latter period, furnished with wheels, so` that the only improvement was -. the substitution of a solid body to act as a moving weight instead of water. `It is not to be wondered at that the ap- plication `of a` weight to clocks as a moving power should attract so little attention; as water and sand were un- doubtedly `thought more convenient by ` contemporary writers. The oldest com ` plete clockjmoved` by weights is prob- ably that`sent b'y the sultan of Turkey to Frederick II. -in 1232. In the thir- teenth` century many of the church. steeples in Italy were furnished with lclocks-n'1o,ved byiweights, which struck the hours. Hele of` Nurembetz. is sup- posed to have constructed the first watch in 1500.- and to him mustalso be --_-.. u.- ...m1u- .-A-4-ha am-Imr clock. JOIN. nu PU `IIAIAI llduwu cu--nw -v given the credit .0: : the spring .cl_oc The tusee was probably invented in_ England about tbe .end,of the.sixt_eenth century- But it; was not until the -mid: dle ot the se,venteent_h`9,ntnry thatthe -.-- an... ......m.a. m clocks \DIv v -- pend1.11un`i -{vh by. I-Iuygh%ens..\. who Fever 0! Um-eet. . The expressmnn ran his pencil down the list of names on;the last page ot . his book,-` then -he looked at the calen- dar. It will "soon `be tune for. thmt Mina Hughes to move I8l11I_l.w.- ;-she has beenent No.;13_8Itor "nix; months." o - ' ..v,, 331.... ffn-`nn .0! been at No. wazuc 5.. ............. Is Miss Hughes in t.he.hab1t.or mov-. mg. every six months?" asked the via-. 1tor.. ` . Well." said he, I .wouldn't put it at`: -`six months to the day. `but her stay in` any one place is never prolgnged much V beyond: tha.t.pero(=1.e She` is a pretty goodacustomer. ,1 ntpt moyed her from 4% h0use.-ih~ Thixtyrtousth .st:9et. seven years. ace. and since :then I have gmqved V has rezulatlxgtwwiaa ;!eir 3%} 1: Wt sth,%=`P3).1 J*9.1'.3_".9.'`7.h.. 31Y.3.:~.;!3.!`.?. .3, stendra;J;o|2;e::|2:r msnna-at. .1. A A ~ SQVUHIEUHEH Bunyan; .3... ,_ was met. :apg'$l1ed_ "to cloc.fk_ iho ""'J`|55 `U IIIUU ]JUWUl'IlU`-`UB3 Io lull. I `foot of the bln? Some alarn; son _ this point has orecently been eipreaaa .o 9G in New York State by person; **`wh`o"'t'hln'k\=.'that`= th a -8' 6at`-.-scenic tea? tureg of nature should be conserved; .BVlli1tli0\I3h demamzlh Jcienoo ant! -Jn'du9try:;havo to beAdenie_`i.. The pros. , tests "that havo been made against ' {HA -nu-hnnlacn... nl._4l.... 0-- .4- 6|..- viva auauuuvuvo. an-an uuu uuvuuy-uw t`"' to turn to account coins of the tremendous energies at that leap 6! Waters. Immense power works are ';'lnopere.tl6n` on the New York bank. .ot..-the Niagara. and three companie are preparing 1.qr.=the development of` electricity on a. prodigious. scale on sethe.-A)nto.rlov..sido. r..--In thismonirersioxr of hydraulic into electrical power? -ljlqely to continue .,until' ,the_ `J-.we.ter V gllllng - Anon: `I. A I- I I- IIht'!.ll'b'e` wholly "diverted from its, :..4.- __..`..4. --1-L . .,.: .2. 5.J?.i'-4< ""r>:J.f" !'r odIctIon`1I ui- 4 wli nnr_; ot gag. Kw-J4! 9, V Ab,ov$ 1:65: of `Niaqr' Fa1lAs L some people think;the',y can hear the great cataract : knell`. being rung by science. Lord Kelvirfs ptediction that the in. the courqe of time_ will dismppeaxj vis. I_th_ey ~ a_pp_3je_hencl_,' V- `"33 UIIIVQ IJUUII ILEUU `3llIHI i a1uQl ,I!l0hInlll1g.anoi3the.,1plls are the 3 Iubloct oi. a special ncWs'_ article and` an "editiorisal in The New York` mg ; ; 1191,. ,:.oJ -. ] ay... ists. _ hotor s . ~ . l""* 33 P ' , . dvers or" ' P';?..B;l's. i11l, ?"'99t$.7... " persons; con.- , corned the tourist`-tralc were in".-` ipterviewed. and a considerable volsjf-,; 'u,ral scenery`, 1' i um oz; opinion: was found inclined ito the view that the upper syatpr; V will in a comparatively short time be `conducted to the lower level through gpowjer. ` canals and tunnels, 1 -By several practical men. however, 7 the opinion was expressed that the tails. would, remain,` notwithstanding " any drain kept up on power so- -count; lIt i`s point'd`out` that -the 1 ; river islhlcher above, the ialls. than at them, and that consequently the tapping oi the` -stream at points slightly` above the brink of the cata- ract , will only` accelerate the ` move- `ment of the stream. That accelera- ti.9n;_`is1not likely to be brought at. ' such a_ rate asgto cause ' any con- traction ol the great storage basin; Lake Erie. Until that mill pond de- clines markedly from its present volume there is little danger of pow- er development greatly checking the impotuosity oi` the falls. Lake Eric `is a shallow reservoir.` Its` bottom is not far below the level of its out- let. so that the.. \l.PD.el- Niagara is reasonably certain of continuing to now as strongly as i ever, even though halt a -dozen power vents are `opened for it at the falls. It is complained that the developments on the -Canadian side are marring g the scenery, because the buildings are um- sightly. That `complaint is unfound`- ed. The _fact that all the `contracts for power development have been made with the Queen Victoria Park Commissioners is in itself a guaran- tee that the natural grandeur and beauty of the spot will be protected. lAesthetic considerations have been .taken_ into account in all the agree- .ments. gllnsightly buildings are not likely to be seen on `our side if the .`commissioners' continue the present policy of "fostering the. natural scen- ;;;rx'a1's' gm %"`*:.."""'~ -=1 Yf&.P!.!.,,.n_- 319.3!` ful 1:. Man has o.lre`ady- bo- `nun tn fjlrn in an:-Anni nnafnn II. 4-I-in -__w-- now vvpnng-oi .g V3 '(:_:x;rso:9ver' the. F9313. 'into:.;:;Bto;;:3 carrying it into power-ho `at the fan} I\' OH; Ivdn-0 Qmu-an p.I-n_. JJIUIU II IIIJV no snow a-vvv-- branch of education in `(lane-Eda than that of reading aloud. Go into" our schools. churches` and colleges. and listen for an hour to anyone trying 5 to grasp -the mysteries of, pronunclia-, tion, intonation and phrasing, and seeqhow absolutely lacking the mass of our people _are in that dramatic power whichj makes the reader gs- sume .the.very intonation of the au- thor.. Flat, dull, unmusical and not too intelligent, is the usual render- ing of-`the most -beautiful` bits of- English literature. As for the small children in the public. echools, their reading is something too terrible to listen to.---Lolly Ba,rnard,_. in The p~l_u _ sous Nnw- yonx am'.rs_ `on ~ FASHIONS. . . In genefal tliefancy _l$louse"'f_ollo}vs'" the lines. seen in blouses,of `thepast season. The backs fit with easy _snu'g- ness ;.the fronts fitover the bust. and then blouse into decided` fulness, which is exaggerated` byfnerrow belts or, modified by the new high `girdle. Tlneysleeves fit closely over`. the '.top of -the arm and .l_!la_re' downjgradually to a voluminous. p'u_ff4,over a ngrx`o'w cuf..~ Elbow L sleeves` are used. but they not the place in V popular favor the long, sleeves have.` I\__ _ l_1__-_- 3.. _....In '1.` ' manna AF aguuoq pub vv gvu, vuv ,...v.'......,-.._, , . . The sleeves _6 tthese b1ouses Boma in long a11 dV,lb`(`Iw lengths and an .` ;;`?P`3' ed. \*ihiPse`t lab? =ns1$`ifn9h Mont this '*..!id"I.I0 t:` the e1bu`~? ~ % }`?m@'avi1.yV iiriz-as'=%; l.uVU.l. [cup sung _ unvuvva nu-v \lI . One blouse is made of rows of lace flouneee about:,ches deep. '1`-hree flounoes make the elbow ~S_leev_es'. andve the body ,6t__blo_u:_ae. The ..flounees are arefujly man- aged, that. while the effect of the blouse is deoided1y"1;u1l3_and flu-fty. grace of-_ figu_1;_e`_1in'e `is main-_ taned. - , ",_--11-- 11.- louble % I havg "2 :22: Q Us Ccarse. antique laces especially the Bussian varieties enter larg'ely4,_i'nto the making of silk blouses in bands. `of insertion and insert designs of in- ,/trioate .e1aborat';on_. iMany `of_ the`. pew; silk` blouses have. as much lace as: silk in their make-up. Entire 2 yokesof laoe are popular and from many of these ibtroadp stripes of la`oe___ insertion, run to the` -;bqlt._ A modeljprnapde at V alternating; ='stripes_o white vILibfe;rty_ _mtin_ p and -_iApxnitation_~,Cluny_;_ is a favorite;., ' ` J `V A '- -___-_L `T 3`-A;"`Jo n u.uu.u.uuu ULuuy_ `so: as I-lIVIJL`|v_\u_ ` Some, of the newest Liberty satin blouses show a most elaborate orna- mentation in heevyslaoe and. [enor-_- ,mo us' Fre_n,o_h knots. _'l.`he.f1ron't_s' are .in_set with l`a.o_e medallions ,a;;ranged' to` ,oarry.,_o\_1t the `idea of deep1y p;`>i1;tet__1 _yo_ke.. French knotswafnd 1gr,gfeo'wnee1g% or tr9tssdw sills. tWi8t....heiiEifY .*=.1.1 }8P,#1!9tY914thyI!I!1a11i5!1P?> `, . mu... .1... an n..;.a hldiis onrile _. . AA r{o:g__1ooto:d' 3ranch. There ` in nbt 9. more neglected -3 -_|-_--a.:-__ :_ (1........-I- 41...... ;w=nA.%ALLs-%T an %with lace. `the .most .heant_'i;tul`g-.` are thoseaot Liberty 'atin`. which" show ornamentation only. in groups ~ot `countleesn tiny. lengthwise: .- tucks. which form yokes or. run in long lines. ;from the shoulder the belt. The, .silee'ves~ -are tucked in,.t.he same `unntinted manner. and so are the col lars and cuffs. The effect is very, telling "and pretty. for the tucks in thistluminous material catch light tend shadow charmingly. A _,-e_,-4- -4. -__-,_.- __-L ___|_-_ L|_-3 gal) : I _--- ---wv-u- v v----- :-w---'. Finewvhlte or` cream net makes the tucked` yoke: . of `many blouses. It ap- peals to economy for with, afew ap- jpliqued lace flowers it gives the cov- eted lace effect `for "comparatively little` outlay. Such ayoke in ecruw is found in a lavender silk mull model. Entire waists. are made of net`. tucked "profusely and appliqued with lace flowers. a an`: vv vn an Blouses of chiffon and mousseline do soie will probably always obtain favor while blouses are in fashion: they are so generally becoming and uncompromisingly feminine and dres- ~r-__..-_.e_ 14------ -._.. `I.....:..... ......`I 4.1.... J` V .' A Lingerie blouses are legion. and the` most exquisite fancies` for blouse. makers enter `into their composition. Some `of the`-newest lingerie blouses are made of alternating s'tripes.of `white muslin and `imitation Cluny lace. The striking feature of some of ` these is the very _broad insertion used. ' ` t` ~. .1. .- pI____ \AuJU\Ao ' In one model-`three rows of inser- tion practically. cover the front of the blouse`. leaving the connecting. bands of muslin only an inche and a half wide. Other white muslin blous-' as follow the idea already described .for Liberty satin blouses. and are `trimmed ivith an elaborate lace. in- set design made further intricate with the heaviest kind of -' French knots in white silk. a nil I 3 lnllvv-.1 on: vv an--4w -.-a-u Lingerie blouses will be worn for more generally than hitherto. As they will be used with the` dressiest cos- tumes. the'y'have become rivals: of the blouses that cannot be washed. To an appreciable extent they have superseded them in popularity. and their popularity is due to theirbeauty quite as much as to their practical advantages. BERRY--At Orillia. `on April 27th. to`: iur. and Mrs. John Berry. 3. daugh`- % " er. r ., ` _....__--_- . . --5 . cg A up UK?` I BURTON-At Bracebridge. an Apriii 20th. to Mr. and, Mrs. J. H. Buljton, % E1:i'{r-At Crai iiinrst. on`; April 21st. to Mr. and rs. Milton Emery , AHANLEY--In_ Collingwood. on Satur-` SI_;IL-At Tay. on March 17th. to ! Mr. and Mrs. John Shiels. twin ' daughters. L A 4 8WITZER--:At, Midland. on April` 16th. to Mr. and Mrs.'B.euben Swit-_ ! zpr. `a daughter. A - L McCLUNG-At Maple 'Brook Farm... Tay. on A ril 13th. the wife of W. I H, B..Mq ung. of 2; daughter. '~ BEGG-In Collingwood. on` Thursday; April 16th. ason to Mr. and Mrs.: C._'C.-A Begg. - T .. ` I I day. April - 18th. to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hanlcy a son. _ _ , - ` C .. _.MA_RRIED .. A. L, . '- 1 WO0D-SAULTEB- t`~.0rillia. on`Ap- wril 29th.- _by the ._ ev. Canon Greene.` Alice. giauhter of Mr. Charles Saul-T ter. mat r. Inrioh Wood.` jr.. all of Orillia; . ; u .. V ______ ._._.--... .-..-.-.---n:\s-p A L L1. _ `ll - L1.` HUNTER-BRUNSON -- At" the Meth- odist Parsonage. Orillia. ~ on A April _15th. by : e.v. J. Locke. Thomas `E. Hunter. of `Morrison. `to Miss` Ahce ,B.runson. of Rama. . ROBINSON-COOKE-At Coldwater. on. `Wednesday. April. 22nd. b Rev. .W. Cooper Mercer. Mr. Wil i'am Rob- inson. of Midland. and Miss `Annie M. Cooke. of Goldwater. _McCREA'-MILLS - At the Roman Catholic ch ch. Brwdtord.-on Ap- ril '22nId.,. b?.F:_1ther Whitney, of Npwmarvkgt . ms J ulia Mills. of Brtadford. iand r. Mccrea. of `Beav- er on. ~ .` A ` u '- ' _ _...._._ .- . _.-. --.-._ -_p'- A n n c 1 , thg