,,. l_ A. Sluts:- nf\oole 38" `Shoe for man. SAMPLE SKIRTS NEW nmusns sprrs I A1n1L 9. 1903. -EX. II 9UjKIrI TF5 511% Lmnum, m .Ad1ianoe. ` lielgrac der to-d_ sued tw - nnanu Inurg several 4 burned _ Klara I In(`_V I`; 3 out L90]. i this con [ the are ; 831-Nlt` > isconstlt [ Jaws L mermor , fan poll g vsts or i_ develop |'he I 7 Aalr are ver_ unity :1 example thsa her. Int for me . etrongvt Irvurn UL: rust. unme -nmunco ..1'Il4.ru 4_ZNonowuIiIa|'wil|hoaddodtotI:uASu|IIc`:'ipIion*: Liotuntillhonouvhpaid. ; L [ ' < ` ubqcrihon nowiu uuuofor thnolnoolh Iqd _ o_vpwillbIhII'l5d83w.vu.nnum `= ling Ale '1llnuu\\ q cmurs 4 wasqlca iuken e .'...nnO nu` *1 cl II The 1(_>w T'\_l L mstu `Lion lneu J\J-n\ax no--x Mr. tion -vr.. _Thet; Barrie is badly. _in_ need of in U largenew Vhusiness block is some thing which `everyone will concede. '.lhatvit soon will be erected is anoth-We `er point which"is4apparent, as tlie-:e~ . ,woal1 certainly be money in such on ; investment of capital? The location which will `be`selected_ for the new block. Lowexer. is a`-debatable ques- tion. and one in which a large num-V ber of citizens are keenly interested. "The business portion of_ the town seems to" be steadily growing__ west- ward and the site chosen for`the new C-. P. R. station will practically "settle ,t,he spot which will be `selected for the new block. In an likelihood the choice will fall upon one of the streets running north from the Five Points, or Just west of Bayfield street on Dunlap . street. \.~ -\.. Mr; mane _cust0 `hours WES I Con Objeci nthe n}{' 'gaVeA D61icY tibn ton. MDisso1 vs uuuscuulg zarm 118113. . _ t_ is contended Cb . tllh are. _,desir_ous of seeing 1'.` E; f'Lan`co.s- tor : Cattle Guard Bill go through. Hputtingothe responsibility on the rail- ways r attaining a fairly efficient cattle guard. that thedelay in hav- ing the commissioner's report is dpie to`. the Government's collusion wi 11. t the railways to prove by many cattle, 2 guard tests. that effective cattle | IllIi'l` nnnnnl--rho nhfninn `Int--ma-n 4- Also A _ `V. -p H9 upon Eda - {vest rvl ; iloiid iad `There wo.sn_'t~ anything funny _:;_I; all 5in.`lthe April Fool jol_:e.~whioh - he ,w__a__ther mgr; played on the residents ; .'\(.>f3'tfhis portion of Ontario. when he gave_ them sultriness on Wednesddy`; _and: zero the following day. _ g y tion. 13:1 .Qtta saw west terd re {bod ally; . non blo stat! the`* aged II rV. p---.- v. vuv JAJIIIIDUULO ~--q. Months ago. according to t e state- ment of Mr. Blair. `the commissioners, Messrs. Robertson and f;`Hol_t.' had agreed on the natupe o_1_ 7'-their're- port. leaving its. dr`af'tingfto` a"`lnter date." when Mr. Robertson was `polite- lyiltold ito_drop.out. Mr. Holt. how- ever, kept the commission alive. `and has been holding tests of ` cattle unrds by himself in various parts of nude... He held one to-day {with the*'n1d.of the one-eyetl steer-snot the `;;*.2."*:.':.E:*3.n:*::!~i3:.a5:;.s;.;:....i . 7* EDITORIAL NOTES Ghfllt girls must beivery sus_.:_c_=.p_tibl.'A `l'i.s`o';Oounoil in that town will discds s'w`bi|aw that will prevent indiscrim- 'i!'xfp kissin'g;1 __,;V~_, owe 0 .' L .;. fgithough it is some weeks since .t_1r e" egjigtraot for the` erection of _he~-ca;-' tl,_e;:fscales' was placed. work has ndt L y`e@beei1 begun on the jotil This` do `'3 :10; appear business"-like on the face of it. ` ,'.l`he Sun_day` World'publishcs the ipllowing despatch from Ottawa :-_` A...-_.. LL- r\__, -_ ..-p--.. .--u .......`...--.u.- _-`van \ruuu.vvu.."- `Among the Conservativesthe bo- lief is firm that Hon. A. G. "Blair oisi , jollying the country with his Cattle ? Guard Commission. Houghton' Len- `no: (Simcoc)i's,firmly convinced with` this idea and is out hotfoot after the ministry. He has filled two` pages of . the order book for Monday` with ques- tions and will follow this up with a dashing nrraingment of H:e*dilatori- pe_ss.of the minister. _ -- .: - '|l-_4.L_ _ _, mumzunm uurpeumcs. .7 _.v -- _ V? A:I`_9 Banal`: 3 ..r_Ii_su.a fun` the .-Oicq, us Danton steak. 5 . ..f|`iOIQt7IuC9I_I|IV0fSiII|OoOhOP't0l.-. -R-an at fl-5--1:. I`-.7.-VA- -...'. .fr3m79 mm. td 3 ,_Appointgjents have the preference. - The Board of Works. through its chairman. Ald. Powell. recommended that the tender of Mickel. Dyment 8; Son. for the supply of lumber for the use of the cormration '-be -accepted- ine lumber. 3? _ 18 or m. hemlock lumber $15 per - m. f said lumber is not as secifi- cations call for. your..Board as s for authority, to_ ' purchase` lumber else- where. provided price is -as low ` or lower than the above a d the quality ulp to- specifications, H.) That the c_ erk` be instructed -to advertise for tenders -for` street watering- 1n' Nos. - 5 &. '6'Wards. 'the 'watering'*to' `be donewon Essa street asufar `south as I `per "m. cedar lumber- Burton Ave:~.on Towni line 8200 test` west of Bradford treet.".1_1orth-to Pullan'-s shop" on Bradford street. ` tene- . dots. to be" m. .,by% the: 318th =.iil3t."- .-.(3.)_ That yours `-Board be authorized to V "1. af'71 '- = 11 "fl! "`n :tgeg`?`cl es:`P?d' " it " " 3 V uri _ .;t er"su1_nnie i:`-- . ;:..~Eli'lebet`h.q ' .4 V _ . - Emuun Mttmm ROYAL .Gnm_nA,1)npas`IuIaar. . . .1}`ROM_. 'r'onoN'ro_1von mm ' QUEEN'S nrrvmngy. Itgomep So:iat$*'has'the Enefgfy to ~w6rk` up a. Uelebttlon and will Guamngg to feed 4-50_Vo1unteera. T" 5 ...._At-_ the :. reguularm meeting, 9.f;.#A$he`.. Town Council on-.Monday e.ve`i:ing_nll I thelmembers were present with t-hie exception of Aldermen Tyren.-_.Cam1I: bell. Fletcher and Barwick. Amonssn, ` -the business of an important nature. which came before the-members was a letterlfrom Mr.'Frank -Button. stat`- ingthat he was in 8.'p0Siti0n".t0`b-I l lieve that the Royal Grenadiers. L-of Toronto. would like to spend: the Queen's Birthday at Barrie; The Council authorized the Mayor to` ex`-. tend the _in:vit_Ktion..and also `instruct- "':..:. 2' ?:.:....*'-' ""'".;{T" % " .`l'Iaund|_v Morning. bv '. ;_ SAMSRL wE8LY,ZF_?oPll1jOn` `runs or S_uucan_n-sol. Luv auuuta wuuu1.ueg1n.- ` Ald. Powell replied to the effect that this matter was`dea1t with ._in a Board of `Works" report which _would be presented later m the even- mg. - .~ ~ ,. : -` uuuug across Lue rurx. _ I Ald.. Strange asked when the work: of breaking the stone` and repairing- the streets would begim. .. Ala- `Pnumll msn'l:n`.i n. n...~..u.... 'Al_d. Stephens asked for informa- A tiongas to what action he should take as chairman of the Park Committee` in regard. to supplying lumber .to citizens desiring to construct boule- vards in front of their residences: he understood thatin theepnst this lum- ber hadbecn given free. ` ` The Mayor advised` that the mat- ter be considered in committee. A1!` Q5-rnnnn 31:11::-.3-n.I'...I....|..".. AL- Lu; uu uun:uuu1 \.=u 1l_C0u1ll1l0(}. Ald. Strange mqunred wllcthcr the notices prohibiting the use of the- Park as a._thorough[are Lhad- been posted yet. r ~ - Ah` fnrnhnrxn -$511`:-ml -`\l\`-: o-`.. .-_ ` "_"..{:7:`.` s?phens smtea that nu-. mg-- txcnswere in position. _ - Ald. Strange had noticed 9. farmer driving across the Park. . All` RI-1-nnrrn nnlynnl tirlnnn I-`I... ....._I. _ _.._-_.._._'_... cw.-- --_-vv p---u--.-v- ed him to endeavor to get...so me of- ga-nizgtion in thejtmvn to entertain the ,visitorq., This was a golden. op- portunity` to give Barrie a_ gooddeul of advertising" at a very small "cost." but the Council wasn't -higatenou h to. rise to. the occassion `apparent. 3'. and a rather left handed invitation will be sent. Quite awarm discus- sion was engendered during the oven- in .by :11 clause in` the [Board-gof nu-Ira` 1InnnIII- rnnnwnvnnnfnn #1-uni only cost 15 cents each; _wuu1u uuuu oust. Z0 cents. The Mayor stated that 450 was the number and that the `meals woul On motion` of Ald. ,stebhens and Ross the Mayor was empowered to` extend the invitation and. endeavor to arrange for some local organiza- tion to takevthe matter off the hands of the Council; ~ -'I:\........ A1,: n..__..1...n` L-...1--2_._. LL- 01 C118 UOUHCIL` . _ From Ald, Campbell. tendermg his resignation as :1 representative frorn Ward 6. on the advice of his}. phys1- c1an.-`-Accepted. the clerk bemg in- structed to draft: alettor expressing the regret of the Counqil. ' " T `Iv-nvp\v-rocuvu-can u`:i 5,.u_y .u.,wuuau in" cuts nuurugul. , orks' , re ort ` recommending` that only local ` ealers be `invited to ten- der -onwthe cement required tor'~'the_ walks, which are to be construete_d__ thistsummer. There was ,a revision` in the clause stipulating hat the tact be awarded. "Aid. Powell~_sup'-f gricei be satisfactory before the con'-: porte the ,repor_t. but the Mayor" and id. Ross `argued for outside. tenders being called and were, able to carry their point. nmmnninnnn warn rnnniona `ha nn.-.- I.U Gilli`! |.llUIl' p0l_ul'.. Communication were received `as ape pended :-- From Jose/p'h ArmsErong.'con.1p1oiri? inc: of being. unable" to secure. pay- ment forre airs done `at the Market house in 1' 00.-Referred to .Com- mittee. L V . 1.1--.. 'n.. 1Ir-n__-2__ ._-_y___s ....' p__,.'_ 'Leighon McCarthy was; one `of the members of _Parliamen`t. wh.o..sh_i'rke'di the vote on the Home Rule resolution-i Jasff week at `Ottawa. The Mail. and Empireeven goes so far as to charge , .. that he was .within`th'e precinctws of ~ * the Klouse when the v'qteiw as taken. i:.fi'Nbrth Simone : representative in the Comn_1ons`bee.rs the.reputation- 615 be- in exceedingly hafdto corner in re- gafd to some of his pecuiliariwists and turns. but ,_it will. keepihinqfvery, busy _explaining `-to certain of his co'n-,' V sti"tuen_tsV,i who Vere `gfeatly interest- , ed-zin `that `particular resblution; the ".why,and wherefore or his tanking _A _tbe-vete. ` quarturas Luz`-Luu men were 0IIeI`(:(l. A1d.`MacLaren stated that it would cost the Council` over $500 to `make this provision for the men. as. 650 might be expected and the meals would each cost 25 cents. mt... 1u'........ ..c...L...I n....1. urn ...-.. 4.1.- Dr._ .Wallwin. resignilhg train the Board of Health.-.-Referred to Committee. . -` _ 111...... 4.1.- 1')......!.. rI..:-I--1_ ru..1_ -21.- Luluucc. . . From Frank Burton` stating that the,Royal Grenadiers. of Toronto. would probably consider with favor an invitation to spend Queen's Birth- day in Barrie. if the -usual indu_ce- ments of` free rations and z sleeping `quarters for.the men were offered. Ala `1\Ircm`I'...-..-.~.... .'I-.-.4-.-"I n...4- :+_........1.: BOARI5 on wonxs. INQUII`1Iv. jistucng om auu luuulyvit nnrrge. . . i I Following -the` speeches, a sum tu- ous repa`et_ was. provided b the in ice. After paying due _-reggutd ~'o_.the menu the light .fnnta._t_1c_4was enjoyed. by those inclined that` `we , to -the `sweet tones of` `Mr; m. liver-'s' vio- lin. Even -the -bald headseoould not resist the temptation. ;, uuuruss. ` ` After *the" **pt?esent'zition` `manly. 1m- I promptu z,sp88Bh6s niollowedc a I re- grettnng. the depaure of Mr.jPaton and fam;ly'to Barne. `. . . 'I1`nIl'tnnrin'a`-`II-'.lad` :m.`.... .I.".'.;. - --S - .3?! ' to furnish `fuel and`. water`ifer~ the _ , , . . . at-hes ;.,cofpoiat on.-$.!pmv3ded:<..-V ced;_on_tl_1e .str_eets: ,l1,0I.;. l , ` H e removed free'or allowe on`streets- after that date. (5.) That _y.our"'Bo_a'rd 2proceed- :at. aonce _ to ~`h'a.ve* " the: .`stone ,`,crush.el,`;. _.x`e.paired and, {erected ,under the superyision. o_a couipet,en`t,._1nan". also` to 'be"auth orize'd`_ to-engage ' a `steam--engine to work-same" at ;a cost -not-totexceed $3-.50-per,day'. while en'- gaged at, stone orushing...the town __ ; arbag $1.111; same.` 6.).'That your -Board be an- thorize` to purchase the, necessar lumber lands.-nails ;to repair the plan sidewxalks throughout, the _town., `((74 That "tenders be , asked .`from_ ,loca dealers `for the supply of `cement re- fuired by the corporation this year. _f.- the price is satisfactory` .the con.- |_tract_to. the [lowest tender or price is the same,`the contract to be divided in equal roportions.`- tenders to be in the hen s of the: clerk gar ehairrnanpof the Board the 15th inst.` Itvthe p_ "cal dealers is not satisfactory ten- d_ers from `manufacturers and out- side dealers be asked for. Tn nmnndmnnt tn that Ina} nlnuluxn of` Works by. .if` rice `from lo-` \ I a PUILILLIJUIII. uy [De uovernment OI te Dominion. to-the important and responsible Position of Postmaster m the Towno Barrie. Mrs. Paton and the rest of your interesting famil . .will be sadly missed. We` have `a - ways found them ready. and yvillm to make aisucoess of every social an otherevent that would tend to the pleasure and well-being ,of the com- munity. "We need say -but little in this_.conneotion, as we lea'rn.that., the` , ladies of,,New Lowell. and vicinity, kindly.` remembered, Mrs. Paton in a. manner which tthat.`l'ady richly `de- served. Your many friends cannot permit you to depart from them without a direct expression of their regard. _for gun as at good.'citize.n,, a kind and o Vligin -neighbor. and a trustyfriend. I, ave great pleasure -of being desired on . their . behalf: (`to present {on with this .ma,nt_e1, clock as a slug t token of their "regard and ` `esteem. `With this isoutenir: ourp'ray'- ,e`r . is. Athatrrthe Disposer of all human events.- may rant yourself. Mrs. Pat on and famil . Ion` `lite. health,'_hap-_ piness, and "- nr'o`sn`er tv. uuw uuweu. Apru. um. 19 3.`? ` Mr. Paton `was .,visibl affected. whilst replying to portions-_of.. the address`. ' ' f _' . A1.-4...- .A.u_...,_._._._ , .s. .. -:- ----u nu-.au..II..yp_`1UlI> Il.!.Up ucull. mess pr'osp`enty. ., ew Lowell. April. 6th. 1923.` M1`. Pa fnn urn n vigil-.1 u unu associations In new uoweu, 'i`his village has grown in '_`alog'with~ -you. U on your arrive 11 on the scene. t elooation -`of this` v` lage and its vicinity were 9.. dense forest. You have witnessed along with us_ the sad as well as the happy occurrences which we have ex erienced. for more than a quarter 0 a `century. Your. numerous friends in'New Lowell `and Suunidale have shown their confi- dence in you. by performing -their part in promoting your elec,ti`o`n upon `morethanuone occasion. not only to the Municipal" Council,` but `also to the Provincial "Legislature. Although ' regretting yourdeparture from our midstgwe are glad to learn` of your agpointment by the Govermhentof t e"Dnr'hininn_ i l'I"+}I';Ir|'I'|ri1Iov:I~ -.....: _auu: ~uuu|w.'a ms qagpu _Lu.r.v ' V .: In amendmentto ,the last. clause Ald. Ross and `MaoLa'ren` moved` that tenders `be `askedffor the supp` v `of cement` eh ; Eadvertisementt. in fa` ocal` pa er an a.manufacturers' journal. he amendment was carried and the re ort ado ted as amended. - e - LLIN ON. 8'1`; SEWER. um... ur..o.... `I :..1.4. ......I Q ..... .. n......'.'; IUUDIBLVL .II"l.l\J..LVy 15-.'- ` .. Sir._-_We embrace this opportunity to. meet in your hospitable house. where we have had many happy and social gatherings; to ex ress -our re- gret'-upon learning A t at you are about -to severyour connection with us. and becomea citizen of the Coun- ty ,Town. We lgelieves--however.-that our men;o1_'y,w_nll occasionally revert 0 old "associations in `New `Lowell. `This will-non ha: an-num nn `-.l.v.a: ..'...:n.-. , `V'lIIJ`lIL1V\IL \IL`` UL." 913 UV,-E130 y, The Water-Liz-ht `and Sewers Com.-, mittee. thfough _ its chairman. Ald._ Otton. reporte was ueces,-` .-n._.. L` L-I_- an-Q LL..`1I1'.. :-mini-;u-\ Q`-mun`-I guucu -Luaus, uuu; BIIBOUYB MHICIB` uards cannot be obtained. hence the 1 gailway _Acl: cannot be changed.` The vdofmmisaioners have arrived at noon- nsion..but the` House must wait,_ull__ ggminister sees` his way clear to 111: it.` 0111 tdhe meanllltime mtlgfe rs o u an. a may _ ave` our ,`l6"-killed wit~h am unit. . ,.In_vi-or )xc`i.'h` d1i d' ct? lt&)__ns_-rzfr . ;..~' `mud oausedj by im'p'_er . 1'mpr o er oementing';`:.Tho ..awor|n: had` (_)'tton:' report`?!-it `that 7;? 'neEes_-_` sary to take, n .the;,W9h,ington stree .`. tile. `dra.i_"n. it eingo btoP)ed up wit at `tile`' in . been one so..a_t toj.-w_ithiI1,.about -15` feet of John _stxee't;.. to,,the 'e'a'st,. and: --the trouble has"n"ot .yejt been over-_ come. Tho" oommittieb asked. ow'e'r. to have-the work continued-A up 31'. ago ms F:'~1en'c17.t.ivew hovexl `sacks ei. Presenation apd spgnt _a Pleasant . ' Evening with Him. A large number_ of ._1 &ostmas`ter Paton`s' friends, _;eg;n1gOSprlj.;ff_-;}:1?1dies and gentlemen. sur;)_rised...hin},.-at. his residence.'{ in New Lowell. on Mon- day ' evening, the` 8th jnst_.,.' "to bid him. Mrs. Paton and family hire-. well before they_'removed to Barrie. Mr. Angus Bell. on behalf.-, of the au- dienee. presented and read an" illumi- natedaddress. and Mr. J.'.)`. G"ooddwlnA attended to the _presentation 6f a handsome mantel cloak. e_ Mr. R0113 Fleming occupied the chair.` V The address was as follows:-,'- I ROBERT PATON. ESQ..- R;P.:W nrhhrnnn I\; nnnnwl-u1n.:I>uv house L0 support 112. . . _ ._ jAld. . Strange -called the ' attentnon of the Council to the fact that an old man. recently .sent- down to the House of -Refu e had . returned .to' town`. statin t at herwould rather live,on brea "and wet than be sent, back there again. Ald. Strange ask- ed for Van` mvestiggation into the treatment which ,was meted out ,to II 4-A.-`Va Cu-u'J:n-nv`|+ nnn!`~`\l7l1n`\VP.I`f\: [I-'83.In0Ilt Vfnlqu :_Wu;s usguzu uuu. ,u.u the town's mdngent poor who were sent to the House of -Refuge. Vv'I`I-un I-Antwan : 1onnIIn::nnI'o;l7n in fhh SUIIL l;"U L116 IIUUSB U1. -..I.1uUl.|.lgU; . ` V T .The town's representatnve In the, County Council vwillrbe asked VtoWlook__ into the matter. ll... lN..'.....'..!I `I-L1... 4.13..-`nap! . MR. 1mBm%rAtun7s* mu m ; I.MP|'-iO/ so Man Iron sAL:, ,1 II .1 'F._.__I_O,, .' LI LU .L.LlU LIJILLLUI} The Council then adjourned.- mm; of i>`maic"s.f - . . ` .`. , . _ . V , - ' V % nuu:c1\mpon'rEns. : HONOR ROLL. Aprd pU_1_3LIo scHOo_1:. I Fifth C1ass--Veronie.a'. O Neill. Maud `Kennedy. Michael Kennedy. . Commercial Work-Jagnes` Br1i- nan. ` ' . . . duys, selling moregoods, doing mn~1sgcquaiucance.with shoppers generally. We like tspeople ;;;yhethegsth'ey eiareeito buy is anything or not. We ve no one here 4.. ,1 "35 .013;-[=prices .apnd` qualities will stand comparison; and tt1,.',,., in:gg;.,,si,oge`ii;~i75&il)418rinoreanxious to win success by deserving it. We're 1`iow`;w.il:h oui` Millinery' Business. The opening dig. -,ph`yLwas:a_delighteitenll; an(ltEaster business is coming with a rush. Our present .o'rder'list.belatsevei'yhini:o1i719ecord, but our sta, under the able management of 5t9h`t1`lfe emergency. and will ll every order with satisfac- tion: u - h _~.':],"|l__1a're 3;-3 ifgir of:oufi'cutomers comprehend the immense stock of Gloves ,carrieg1by;this4'_st;)1fo; Glov.es made of the finest French Kid, imported direct, and in everysha;d &5 required totnatchythe` latest Spring 'Suitipgs. .P3EuIEv-_ .1.`>u`.g French Kid Glpvu, in'Groy, Tan`, Mode,` mm and Black, atf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31 25 I "R..0YAvJ_|.; --_gFin'e E:-olgzhj tzilovkelin Black, Suede nilh. I Very popular Itylq, st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 25 ALBERTINE"--Fine French" Kid Gloveg. in Black`, Gray, Tan and Brown, guaranteed iatiafsctorr . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 ___ 3 .- -, Q---so--uvvc -is-vunvlwvtv 'ELMO . --French .".`iuede_(}_lovee,.Illk'llnedv, in (}rev,;1`an ;rith fancy book, at`. . .' . . . . . . . MARlORIE"-Fine French Kid Gloves, Pewneyfe gluon nish, white only. extra. value at . . . . . . .. `~LOANDA -'-MloIeo Fine `Kid Glove: bin iizee l_ to 5. in color; Ten and Brown, good value ...... .. CASTOR"-Wuh?ehl e Che molo'Glove_e, mode in Frnhce, in white only, sizes 6 to 7;}. at . . . . . . . . . '.a0L1NpAao_ __Fjne Kid Gloigei in Ten and `Brown only. 6 to 7}, epecial value. an . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Apg1ENNE"_gIh sign 6;. 6, 85.63 and 7} only. in Blsckend White, regular price 75c and $1, tc E!@"k.!a9K$o&na ASARJEANT J M I T H; _.. _ :1. _-- A ': ::j:.A j-If Z J? Jyoti FOR` THE TEN nus we MAKE A SPECIAL BID FOR YOUR [9 that 5;, 61,; 62nd up B1.ck_.na ptice to clear at.... `KINDLY No11cE om: K'ID GLOVE DISPLAY IN WINDOW THIS WEEK. THE?`?sTont PACE. J: wr VVVVVVQVVV N s 4; --ON-i c>oD ' We `carry an imnionng _ neck of Conan in" all :11; but nukes. llld sell mm It I Irving of from loo. to` 40 a . \ .-._ - - - ' to choose from. Blouses for -vuu vv The novi_Blohses age all in,`nndMnever before have Silks, Munlini, Lawns; Sateen": or Print. A great 81.00 that sold last season at $1 25. ` r ' Blouses 51:81.25 that nlnsll sell an $1.75.} {The boat ~ $1.00 Blue Sateen Blouse In, Cund Silk Blouses at 8325. $4.(I) and..$4 50 plants are ex-_ -tnord lug:-y values. ` I ` and V V - date nylon. at $7.50. 515" 12.50. $17 qld 818, this are marvel: of he saw in style and ts. You cannot make these `Suit: or Skirts at these prices. I YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ON Mcwvsxnvr. sun` on WAIST AT THIS % SALE: L - We hive 69 Manufacturers `count of 30 pct cent`. ' We all Go: udv Calm r -..... -._ indies. LRes_dy-to-wear Suits `I7 and `IQ 6-has _..- .--A- <._.j---: NEW consms vT's=_'_`RI+3*;R~ 5vA~=.`