'.n.~u...\..- ` xormng `...4-u-3:-~_`.".:ng nun Hung. - T' T P~C---j'- . _T The_'I :iry Sound distrrict, 11.13 an Infantry batalion. which will be gu- E zctted" shortly. II... n++.~.um 'I`vnnrrrnnhic:`1l Union is {is what .procrastina'tion -is so E be wise to-day and bring your `wheel to be repaired before Eall _ the rest of the season is ` gone. Buy your new wheel now not in the fall. . Our prices {are right. Our terms will suityou. Some snaps ingood second hand wheels. Miss 11. M. Allah, daughter of T. s. Ii..- `ll .-uvnill-nn :0 Jn-HI ';|.LG\1 The D\`U\ IIII IICII `w...J.' 7='i"c>"'s s A nmzr goir _m_E =QUR= Mi/%/f///M of exqunsxtely decoratei , ' elnna, add greatly to the _ ;g r, I ._ refreshments` of a home. ` We have tea, dinnerani A,;"{~ breakfast sets of very 1% 4 nice designs, If you do- ' 8 Ir e t o . thoroughly y beautifye your home. you epnootafford to neglect your dining room is this respect. T ' We have on hand a. ne selection of the` ,tfMos3:`;_1fop}1lar Sh_eet Music. 1330:` ` rm. . he It :At rm iloc. .;.. to '50; |.l\\,n. ulls. l snoruy. V . ` Ottawa Typographical Union % 4 -T . _ ~ / //.1 - j , f4-; Ta.; ;='. '0'/`W/.;'.~ /Z ""/A =5/'4:`;7 "" rr//:1: /o /47 /" " Three Doors East of Queen's Hotel.. agitatixipz for anmcrcase'in the unit \ ivatzes from $18 to [$20 per wee.'k.. "\1\ u...,a., ..e= r1 Q.-nu n canai un- from M5 to ,-`,9ZU per wu-.4... The body of G, Scott, a canal un- ployee. {was found in the mill-mm: at St. Catharines. 1 _ __- Ls sous yrs.-...----__ _. The High school, Dundas,wh`u:h has been closed for :1 week owing ta smir- K let fever has been re-opened. _ __ _ n 11,, _';_ V The tender of H. McQueen. of Pui: Dover. for the Commercial Head. tam been accepted. It was $8,300. ___.__..._......_.._.._ Dainty .. . ` . Dishes Mr. Fy Moves Amendment. ` Mr. I-`oy Llivh arose and mdvcd the o1lu\vin:." tilI`1o.'11d1z1L`l1tI . . Inl. . n y L..- _._-A.2.._ .--.._....-r-..-y uyvyv. ., ulf of 1he'_qu.~`Si1r wastrue ~th'ese_" ent-km -n should not for 8. mon`1entr* hinl\'nf2u1Lin_'_r. l`h(-1`~0 were only Wu Cm1I':~`~(_-S ()[)_(`-n to the House. oith-` r grunt a full inquiry 01' dissolve he I_|m1s<(?.v ' "I ` ' ' ,.W ... W. ,._.,...,., iuhv-rt 1:. (2u.nu-_v. mcmbe-1` for the L 1W`U>l'u1 di.=;tri(-1, of 1\lunitoulin"_,_=`m-. '01\'3I:L: T1111: imlopcndtence of the huS.- mid the honor and privileges or its ]1.f_~I1Jh(3|'H, and containing a di- >v '.u`('u.s'aLi0n that the Honorable Junu-< 1:01.`:-rt Hfrutton, a member of his -limzsr.-, and it 1I16l1'lb(`l" of the J.\'L-m1i\'e Council of this Pro=vince_;% .110 ('.w.pL;1i1'1 John Sullivan, one D. . Jams;-:2 and one lI'ank" Su1],iVan,; id um 2:11: to bribe tlu: eaidRobert; R (-?uIn~':. . in 0l`d01' to inuence him 11 his In-m-,ee7dings us such member, y Um nor and payment of `money. _he']n'm:uring the dismissal or aban-. Omm-r~t of a petition against the, said ]\'()1,[.`l't' R. Gamay, under the C0lIU'u\'m'tCd Elections Act, and by`; _ and allotment to the an] liobm-t R.-`Gaxney of the pat-- OM80 ofthe said cl-ectcgaral d`ist1'ict`/. 6' \t...~:....1: , ,, J ' it -A.I_ ..-. ........-.A.`un' keg. pvo-\IIv In; (.\HH.'UL|Lul`lIl.n L Th;-.1 .111] (hp words in `the motion. FLU!` 1h:- Word "that" be'StI`L|'Ck_,'0_l_.1.t'_,v..L; ml the frlowing substituted thorc-'- 1|!" Ions. . . , And Whereas the said statement` Dd allegations` also implicat,e . the F ollowing members of thVi87II0uSe.8;hd-,1 lI}eml)ers of" the -Executive Council." "12-. the Honorable George W.`-RoBS." Premier and Provincial. Trfeau!,`61`1)' he Honorable John M. Gibson,o_A_-,_; "1`y-General; the Hono1`a',bleoR1ch-,}` .1 Harcourt, Miriister of Educatiqh: I he Honorable Elihu J. ~Dh.Yis;:;-.COm"7= mimzimnm. -0 n......._., 7 _....a ....:'.I .'L1'..'-..; vv-AAAA, g;:u vvnuwu `av...-.7.-.1-.- h. - __ T . .1 Huxe fur the rocception o!.,pri-h bil.s has. hean extended ..to Ap- iala,tt,n'e. and tends`-1.6 9 auu V um x'cycs*cx1ve cu... _mu_vIgf- ;.__vvv| matters to a Royal Corr1miasioii;{i`5' .1 ?i`1"'5 ated upon the advice of the_'_gqg:;9{91._~;;-;,the1i`,". ~. 18 at variance with the;~`gi*aw "P9.*1sibnity of .Ii`ni:s,;t,_.` ,.;e_ _ " w thoritv of +3.1.` `r'`t....'.s.'`.s`` ; Mn. Dun` Rommel DobaI'b.- . - T -.\.,"`;"r/` `,,,_;,.1 by the dppolltlon of me Gamay Ch.am 1,` p1u\ ,_15y?P pe Tlum the 'PI'oIIi|0If'_||' 3__9t?`! FM 3 Judich(l CuIfIm1iH!0ff """` h"` llnelmtvc Contlnlied in the _I-a`9B'.l3"V`:",';'. I \ ju S00 Text. of Mr. Fay`! M0'! l`m'ont0, Mi 2`-""'Mr' Fy.3n6v';:? h`s' -.um-ndmunt . to the r`eso1ution_,l 1'ro1niux' H053 m. `.1393, W`,-my u1`te.noo11`. It 1'c`gu es, 3 ma nfey chu 1'14`?-9,,t.0v 1;,.i,i1_g-cs and 1*Jcct.1ons_for in- - mutimx. ` -_ . ' .. r nm~:lnn_ the'Conso1'va1- 0-uhxv U: Luv isauu Ul'GDbLll(L uAnLsuvv_ M-amitoulin, and other; coVnsiZdcm- WHO Uxucu lliuuwu . and if one- true vthese 4 a moment." 3' U -U\ IIIrIU\u'r'IIUI.I"" VIIWI IIVVT WU! ,*~ lJl\" -TIIIVIIII, `IIl' xma.-Y.-J ,., F 9. i -" .. 1~~Lwu*reg"s+g_a_%%9d*mar~:s5& %a%:*g%~;_ ' T; __,. AA- 1 ya gust vuyzup 511 nial ,U,Wl:_I1DIu)_l'; ~~, \ Andf`-whevreafs `tliev}P;`-.c1iiier` `or , 1 G-`overpiuent, represnting hiniself and ; his colleagues) : when thesaid charges % were presented to this .House, then ~ gave this House the; _solemn assur- . ance, _ - - * ' urnL_4. 2.;-.-.-L!;.;L2A, `_'n_.'-_1_u 1.. --_-_1_ VVIUXI ' LVKVI [UNI "MU VIIU Kzvcwllnaslla . \l\-IIIF` mittee on Privileges nng E1e9tons,; ~`; with inst1uctions to enquire iufphd? report the1'eox1,;_2 and with povi'e"r'.',*_ tog..e; send? for and exmnine` all 11ecessfary,_j .pe!`OllS andjf `pt[$("g~;fgx`;; ;o1f goncgrninugii; the preznissr. . V, . ~ 315, }Ilf'oy's$8WQe+och...,.,}. 4" 1 ' : Ar} -W-.v -in"n':m* ;`13n(~ .ae ed7.. \vith L `His .-.3: _ staph hc au$?1 (ii ;. prceervation of -its own hpnor; V ` ' A...-I-...I.......,..... 4.|-.- n.;,....:.... I.: 41...` uauxey crlaluv-=.._,. 1 ri.iI.gos and ,s~Li,_v'utinn. Ion. R. `<- lent 111. b T T C ,_x-=.-mm part. 01 the afternoon. Ling m. U10 oor of thcouso, to .3 mt, of the Speaker. ` ` Iu'j(`nI' S in his place for the first time" ulth. u :I n l1| hu'!l1 [!Xt;l`l1ded L. Borden, the '_ Co11so1'V'al ' hr in the Dominion I urlio.-. iistmecl to the debate dm'ing . Ht-nth iu, West I-Ia111ilton ," ~ ,a;1x'r.!;xy. Ilc-`is much improved in_ '-hp 1'occsptioii ot.,pri-L` V ,.`_`.'I.`j1ut,ivestigjittin shouldbe made v_ at once, under therules of the lion?-9*. - oithr `by nfspev.-ial committee;- to _b`ev 7 appointed by the House for that pur-' pose, or by the Committee on Privi- \ * leges and El-cctionsy i`ri" theV usuzil; yva.v; , V % ` T " `T ` VI`!-nnnnft\I|n I-Inn u,\\n.C-I-And an` 't\!`>`1`\"`:v|': !` J! . ., _ . '_ ._ ,. L 9 Therefore, the n_1.at,terS'set forth" in"? the stabemcts gnu aliegatiqris made to this House,by the `said Robert R. % Gb.mey,._as-afo1'cS a,id., and all xnatters iund things which relate thereto or- % are rconnec-t.~ed*~ Vtheruwi 13h`,== or: __.__ 9 4|, _.--..... ~-I-- B.\`_LL B1760`!!! UH mu: uuu:uuuu;uv._ _ _ The case `had been a1:gu_cd_ at great.% length, he` said. Evex"y'arg'u1nent had, "been `advanced pro and `con., and the \` case was _rlpei'o1' the degisionlo!` the=v Ilous; ` The members-=li'ad had ample?` time to_ ,f\,1lly weigh all the at 11-2. ments and make up their minds. ` e f would like` to be able to convincg t`,l0." ent;l,enen opposite that-t.he pro- pbsl lop h b_il`?i11g.A~.-fqriward wash` ' the proper one under the clrcum-i-I stances. They were dealing with a * principle and laying down a. policy applicable to_ all cases -of the kind, . maesugapas ':atam?ica:amgy:=~auv;e% to be treated, The _`decisi9n vqught inot" to be swayed` by refetence, to.` the` .1 .__. . 4-- -1 .... ...a..ln.. 4-Mnnnninn _ _ . V. !ox;'\'sin egcpf , -Mr. `Fby thtf .pm*eea`ea`* isxveech on the amendment. '`(\:\ A-sun `rs-1!` |\l\().I`I nI'n`lh' I101 . BU UU \VlulJ'U\l. DJ IUJI) - v - - v V . . . . --- .ina:.v._idua1 case; .a.\n(1en1..:li9Q!!!11- ., -~_ L Mr. Foy drcgw `from the` Attorney-'-. AV- _ _.--.... ~.ln(l).wV IUUII 08.86 ,~'Hll\,-l!=_I`,.`; \I.I,'.yV:y,I.-r.ngrny.- - . `. drew `from Atto1`iieL`;~; General a. statemexmt as to the mean-__ `Of clo.i1ae'*1`1f'-off- the }f .ir'xs`tr"uctions ....`.~.-..:nI1:m.. ' `Hm :n.1~..An'dimch . of" wit- papal`. The IHUIIIUUYS U1 uuu Lbvuszv` should have hadv an intimation "of what the View of the Govermnent was on that point, or. if they in-4 .tefrgded to clar up `the doubt byspe-j 1-...-.1..L1.\.q .teii(led t3"I~,'1'aa' up V"the b'y spe-`:1 vv syg vu. -_-- civil legislation. - _ Goes` Further Than Statute. , i T Mr. Gibson said the clause was not " put. in ..the inst_.ruct;io,ns._;_w.iho,ut;;*con- .3 side1`uti0n'. It g0L`S( fui'tv}`1e1' thun.t1;1e ' statute; and `it -is nqt,;=withoVutfo1'ce_. Tbecnuse it amounts `to in declaration 1. 4 0111113 pu1f t,of the Crown thnt no i witn-ssinay be excused-`from *g~w1n`g evidence on the g1'o\111d'thuti't would be against. hi'1n.A`1`h'ey -were going. the length-01' the unxendnrent to,.thc Do- minion Evidence Act of. :l%`.)8. .11, I could he said that a witness, not- ` .witi_1standing the oprotection. from punishmentipromisod, might say: I 1'el'uSe because I `am not obliged to answer. 'I`hat would Vibe` u ' very odious position to-take when the witness had nssmfaiiue` -from the (frown of immunity from punish- ment. Mr. Gibson said he should have -.1\'a`iled himself of the op-por-. tunity' of making the explanation at _._1:.... ..+....... .-.4` flan rlnhnfn `Haw- . % 5 `u M; than pvd79et3 ed`7'-- A w.ithf; ` his ...,--..I. .4... 4.1. . ..`~.\n'w-nrivnnnl` the Colullussluu. nu Luuxu ....v .... reason why this could not be done if, "it. `Was the `u_nanimous '\\ iSh`0f-;tuO `House. "" -` V 15. V (3. 1}. Powell, M.P.P...for.Ottawa,.fi ` s 3, potition for ])0\\'('1' to estab- h u municip-.11 fuel yard. ~ ~ . A dc.-put-.1lion of East. -York far- rs waited on Hon. John Dryden .-- th mfc-I`cn(.`e to grants to agricul- ral societies. - b A _ An ()l'(ll'l' in Council has been pass- abolishing all tolls on. -rig!-:. _=--=e.m.~...~ 1-; uonn Victoria. Park at Niagara . .11 .4. ever, notwithstanding the expluna-~ lion, if the Opposition thought leg- islation was necessary, to adapt ,` the Dominion Evidcilce Ac1f.*of_1898'_' to the cou1missio.n. `he could see no _rc-ason if. 7" `---~--- 11. . ~.....nn{n\nn'a 't(*ih`Of.;' ` Oh_.ugo_'_VVlt_h9\t Eoroq.._ V .' _ Mr. Foy was obliged `Lo the Ktbdrz ney-General for his explanation. but 1 it would have [been betterz,-,if it ~ had" been o. giveh earligr. ~` The explanation, however, fellshorto of making the spes..ker believe. that; the clause in oqpestionlwas worth an_vthi'ng, .un_loss it. was `followed by_' legislation. ;_;].f` it was `dsi1'ed that no V witnss sh.o,uld~bes ` excused, it. sl1ould not depend on the unanimous i'.0nsent of the House "to xzmke that . ,-. _'.1-:..- ` FBI... nCllI`hQ of the COIISEIII. O1 Elli: Iluuau LU augw\u ........ ` -cluuse'p_1a.i1,1`. _, The assurance of the }'Attorney-Genx'al'. _co_m1ng '. a little late, showed the value of having the subject under discussion "for so long a time.. It was pe_rfect.Lv-_clear to him that, not.withst"anding `clause IL, xvnnesses could be excusecl from giv_.- ":....`. 1\I7`-l`I);\I1("l-K3- >" VI`|(! 4;;;;;';eiaz..sce, `o. 3 9, dead letter. nu. ,. A I~fnv'I\n\ Tho .Attorney-LiU1lL'1'uI uuu nu--t-v-vv that any witness cgnld duly` the in: st:-uc?tions'. Tpre should be no illus- -.-....,,.. .. .. rInmxn1m'1t.of this` `adopted which would . the ory olatzses in 3. (loc11n1et1tf';of 1 kind, and legislation should be 11 clause a truthful one. .- o_ i; Mr. Foy quoted Sir .I9;if Boyd ` and Chief Justice Falconbtfigg ' in: support of the contention ho. `was :ui- `.V vancing. He preferrc-cl the %rCommit.- I tee on: Rrivileges and;ElectiJfm'1 s `for munfv Itoasons, '1`heo_.I-Iouse fghad a, } d1`1ty- to `perform in 1.11.118 matr. `and ' oshduld 1ierfo1'm it, ven`.thoii_;jih it be . 1mp1'aSan`t. .' ___ ? - --'_.._. A....u.n to Gustaf-*L' -. uuuu Acwuu . The,`Attorney-Gmmoral had a _anywitnss defy` structionS'. There {I} ~ ` _ `No: 'l'I'UI_,`I _-........,.3_..... It `was claimed bii .121:-"a1 speakers 1 . tha` the Committee on Privileged ' ; and ee;E1t1,n9e 1W9u1d -.brin. iin emi- = mu r`ep'o1`ts. *1: `that were he"c'.s_e, it gvould mean "that charged` ' . With, -' ` Pr; 1.1181? !}_.t_5'. `;it9.?3_93S =."s"5d.*1'~?`.~;-1 - -under oath, \iavou1d.`d!s!':2`gi:;'l]1'-iult):;e - * 'J*::'n her." )9. .3: "' "*1 y . ~~;_-.~.1.a ~.a..~t+. 1:a`a9--2`tru"`:;i."t .`l1exnse1v`_;euI. . lllllta-`-'u.u v. ' Term Applies to Case The term loading the dice" was applicable to the case. The-accused . had the ifight to frame th"e?indicy- " meat, to insert what they p1eased ; anti` leave ; out what `-they; .ip1eased. This was an um'ui1-`advantage to take, and .the expression ',_`.:loading`, the dice" was a fair one. frhey had I selected their own? ju__dges_without consulting the pal`ties._Wh0` had made i the charge. He quoted a. mimber of` 1 prominent Libereulse to beq.i'_ him out on this point; 4" ` ,_ -' The Attorney-General ghed sa,ic.1,_the= Committee on Privileges. `and `Elec- tions was practically `obso1ete.._ The ` "Government would `like tofdo gway with committees". with ~ the "authority ` at .the.IIouse, -and ;p..;1_;a,yq_;a (_}_9vern- moat Why 0l`dl'-in,-0 Oil1l.9 V J x>le:3e` Wanted .90 9E?nt`; % bxit ` 1:1.-.hua - `.1Ul'uL u. Dhulrclatwnnv uu V. ---- ----,_ rdf clai14se'=1`1f'-qt Liitxsfuctions ' gellilxgj fc,l`xeV.`;`vu,At_4a<'a11:Qi9.11cwia;.\ of nses.. '1`he . .1`a. I1Z:If- W18 J!n1"I:>.,`i Wasm . bi`. The ixixbbf ibr '-this House] :nG:v11o{'inn 'n' , ss_e`sAcould be exvcu.~.--.-u_V x{'q;1 5.,- vidence; and that; the c$a\`1s&'~was'.x I I_A.L_.. oe no-we ?'P'?1?' --u-.x;.....3 1.3 . .`t~*nmrn.1 at W011 I0 ll'\':gu1 u ' Cllvvav .t.i1,n9..Y~. nd Rthat. they be-Vtru to"`.`the`iasel\'rea. o,-_-___.:-..a' 'nIilhrxan"&`i,-g mlkam; General Bdlnitted _ ,__u_n` .I..'l.'L-lnn .14.- 1t. .-con` ` mnthe co '0 force. ca g EV` ""V|I ""5,-"-""""""""" "" ""'"` "' `more f.ul1y?. r_ .. " 1 -` ' _ % _ Mnefnbson wp.1ied~ that the qebate.` .; had go_r`1e on for a. wee`. 5 it` Mr. Foy_ argued _that, in the. Pg!`-_ vnc~1l inircstngatlqn In Englanduabl-ll. was introduced, 9.11% it was? dnscu'._s1s_- (ed in committee. _I~e cont.u_1ud _ by. fsaying the Premier's i"eolutS1orl1l.took.` ggreater -- care of the. Atwjvo . u41V'an8 and .D__. A. Jones than mt did of the Provinci_a1Sccretary_. There ought_to :2; be! an o[;o1'tu:lty _glver;1toftm:k1ng ;`,;th_s ,rig . , ere_o1Ig', '0; 5: no filoophole. When the instructions go tl-?I=`a...a.\..`.. +1.... :...a...... num umnid take: ';\ Ir. Tm "(West Simcoe) continued 4: dc-.hiltO on the P1~e1nieI S`l'9891}1' on in 1':-legato the Gan1ey".C1\%11_7$99 u L-mmnissiou d_f Vjudges; ~iHefde- -.......... -.:... 4'1. T-'|";\i1`u`g{.u!Hh"n Q.) VnI`A*to?`%oomatj 6 Lmbi `view; on -.9;-dinu.ry `question 0! !a.ct,.and Mr; Fb y .citedrt_.he West E1`-i gin investigation as illustraing -1115 ._point. _ ' V` Inn"-.. '...--..I..... ....:.I -Han} can-oral` : V? '2 ": .- l ' `:. "7" I : V'l`he `s;eakcr said. jchut sgveral ..membersj or the_ Go\ were Im- plicii..e'd.,` alnd. et`; th_ jbud cs `wge ip;-' structd to` .5 vestigate t e'pou11' of Ethe` `Provii1`ci.l Secretary only: nn..;.4. .....L.1.1 1.... - n...'. u-=na.'.`l+ nI` `hciv'- uuu .l;'.lUV.lu\;l.u.I. L309; cualy Una`; . X . =ot-?' the` =_.adm`issa.bility~ of evidence .. -Wha:t'-~Wo\11d= be`-"thee xjesult q`7haLv- ; =-.ing'- V two ju' -`\vl1e n'= the '~q`uesti'on- "Would arise. If -they did not agree. the" one who negutivcd ;the evidence would prevail. This would be more ` t-onve'nie`nt for t'heGovern;nent that; to have one judge. or three. . in|_.`_- _I.-..1`.nu1_,. .14.-.\ni'{nna +n 1-ha co uuvu out: Juugu, ul .u_yAv\.. ._ Tbre should` he _(Ii_1'ctions `to the , ju 'ge`s` 1:6 '-clea-Ar up` `doubts about the -' a missability. of evidence." ' Thg "pm A ,Cpo'sedA met}iodis to give` them power . j;_to throw ouf evigxence. I , Not Rafe:-1-Tod to _Cou`Imlttoo.~ " Mr. F_oy asked; in -the event of tho Government resolution passing, ;;'\vquld; the Opposition have the `op-' `iportunity ~ot'_d,iscussing the clans-cs ovuaswun 0:111:90 "ff"f_IUU[.JllUllJo WILCII jlbw luau: uvvuvnnw E~?them"tas 9. hard, cast iron document. Qjtudgo on.-the evidence, whether a, man was bribed in the manner charged. ' ' ' Porfeetly In" Order." ' , 35 At the conclusion got Mr. Foy's ` ifspeech the Premier remarked that its the-` .r"ecit.-1` 0'1 : `fact 1 was . also wrong`. This brought {the Opposition leader ~?=.;to remark tha.t`.'t~he' amendment was `~\_-perfecy in . order. kibefore the judges, they would V` ' '12? `.'I`he Legislature was competent to` lfform-was contrmgy; to; thegrules end; i A. G. McKay (North Grey) had the . ?3oox'_ a, few"-minutesbefore 6 o'clock. ;=.und'1noved the adjouplment of the ";dr:!)ute._ __ . , - 'i"_("y some Remarkable Guns. "At the "siege of Rhodes ` the Turks i~constructed mortars by hollowing out 'if_`angle, and in the arsenal at Malta is a ,3'trophy or the long and glorious defense of Valetta. in a Turkish gun. about a x,-. ii Lcavities in the, solid rock at the proper gsix pounder. composed of a copper tube _ {coiled over with strong. rope and jack-? 1"-"eted with rawhide. In the same col- 1 , it-fvlarveechioaders, with small bores and ; .l. immensely long barrels. like -punt guns. ` `Election are some antique quick rers," t `;Z[`he Malay pirates put" great trust in _ ' `the long brass swivel guns -called" = _};_iela," and in Borneo these lelas were ;:used as .a kind or currency. large sums ' i-lbeing estimated in guns. {, lg The Chinese cast excellent bronze - 13-- AnnAAuAn`9U\l\D` J`. fhnyn |" '.L'ue'uLuucuu cum. u............ ..--___ ' "guns {thereis a fine specimen of them `in Devonport dockyard). but so little (did they understandv gunnery that in !,_the so called opium war"_the forts of ;the Bocca Tigris. defending the Canton 4 Sfriver, had the guns built immovably '_E posed to us in the two -Punjab wars. ivthough they_ loaded with amazing reck- _ ` `iessnese. shoveling in the powder from _open boxes, stuck to their guns to the .' last. The blood of the first man killed ; ,'T':'vs_?as smeared on the gun. and the whole l gdetachment died `beside it sooner than . ~`l'_i`etreat.-Chambers Journal. '-into thewalls. The Sikh gunners op-` gni literary ycuruzusa uuu vv ..v7...\_.... 1 sure he could astonish the public with . `I .-his brilliant stories it he could "only get ' some editor to accept them, spends his summers in the country gathering in; /spiration, local color and--rour lent ' f clovers. When winterlcomeg, he returns to his hallroom in the city, writes sto- ` riesc by the wholesale and dispatches ` with each consignment to the editors at ` tour `leaf clover. Sometimes the arti- cles are accepted. and then the writer 5 ascribes his success to the talisman. :iMore often, however. they are re- i turned, with the mascot in a more or r less crumpled condition, and he spends L l what leisure hours he has in trying to , gure out why it is those cl_overs`jdon t work every time. Never tor a moment. does he ascribe failure to any faults in , his manuscripts. Isn't-that the limit in 1, the way oi.` superstition?'-I_ hiladel- | ,,u_'n-' 1- -.1..-'.. - Ills Pet Super-Ititlon, _ |'f":Superstition seems to be connected in the minds `of most people with wo- jnen, ladders. rabbits feet and horse- dhoes, said the young girl at the piano. 3 ;.f`As a matter of fact, however, I know ' that men are fuifas. superstitious `as the women or my` acquaintance. and `gometimes more 30. One young man of `joy acquaintance`. for instance. who `has `literary yearning: and who feels ~ I-- ----I'.a .....4.-....h.h -Han nrihlln with Ledger: VI cog `- 011 [U XL'u,_'_5n\.L' any \_lI-Ivayoowag _;vou,-v-T9... _ -e'I`Ie_d9- rihod the scene "in: the `Hou`s`e~J 1`, Gunwy made `his charge, vun-d` `om-u(li!1g said tlu-.'staten1ent made v Lhv 1'1-mnicr immt.-dlatuly after u charges were made that they; mild in in\'estiguted by a con1tz1it-`-`E1 uf the l,.o;:is1um1`e were moo-ived' hmh Sim-s of the House with Sut- fur'I.i1m, but in 24 hours all was Iulngzctl. uml 1o the surprise of n_1em~'- rs suppm'1.ix1g the (lovetmuontf as all as members of the Opposition, ; 11- I l'v1nivl` had gone back_. on his -uznisu of a full ix1.\'(-stigatioxl, If huh` 1lw'st af0ln('nt of'M1'.V Gamay mm true the 1`:-,~u1iL-1` should have mgrutulu1I.~(I Mr. Gamay On the; 1unl_\' xuunm-2' in which he had made - -mm-_L~..:.~. But instead, abuse had 4-on hunlu-ti on MI`. Cluxney. ` Not one mnnuixsion appointed by` 11- (Ema.-r'n1z~u-111 had been of any iilm-, vxc:-pt, ]_)(-)'hu[JS, the con1u1is- '0!) '.\mmi!1tc-(1 hy the Minister `Of gri-nl1m-e- V 10' im'c.~;t.ig,'-.1te the de-' m'n'm;,-` of ('u1tlv. - n.. 'I...rr ....:.) hr. \\unI\\1\nI1 frnv 1\I'nhi- U "- A `much ot Aneedotei. | Some interesting anecdotes and gos- 1 up,` new `and old, of the law `courts are given in the English Illustrated Maga- zine. The writer of the article. Mr. A. J. Hughes, was once present In court ; when a juror whoopened the ball by A 'urIII.I... HAAAIA -nu! Inll WEED u Jurur vvuv vyuuvu U--\v -...-- ., saying, This case, my lord. really. lies 3 in a nutshell, received the reply. You crack it then." - There have been times when clever ; witnesses have got the better or coun- sel in a skirmish of words... When `the `gamer was asked where he got his {knowledge of the mar_e s. age from. he maid, "From" the mare : owjn month,. slr."+. e i. , , Irish lawyers are `generally. `endowed _ by .Ds.me1. _.Nqtur.e "with nuiel: . wits. Among them .all. perhaps. .63-_r_an_ held ' .s__ ..-|... 1..- Ilohlvnhnn and vivnnitv; ;.1;n'-.-"I'|e"~`r7o"t})"1'Ttaed, How 1pany`ac1_es makeawiseacre?" 1 ' ; `~ ;z:;:13ut.1t;waI`a 8eotsman.'a9D1'0Pl'1&te1! mu. % harm take`: trlzlaf yelled *0 *9 . _`.~m;_;'L. -.`un.I_. anon ruinusi-hinn * tllclll II. PSILIIAIIHQ \ -n--7... --.._.. the :palm for lightness and vivacity . _ {When some one told him that no stu- ` dentsahouldgbe called to. the bar who [hid-not possess a landed estate.-or zhia 4 .4._ '~ L- `.-`AI .-Onn ling} "n.nv1 nln. I118 Kflwtg Jvlu-vu uv --- ` coachmah. Drive ' ` something f ..,i,,,,,% 7` acids` YOUNG MAN CUT TO Pxmcms on WED ' NESDAY mam` WHILE WALK. V A ma ON THE RAILWAY ' 4 TRACK. mulnp; In luttxr. .\lu-. `lmrr saicl the member for Mani- uulin haul [nrs1x (~.\'acLly the same a`.1 i(I.- us xv.`-ru p1Il'S1l(:d in 1884 when he lru\\'lin;,r Brootl of Brihers Wei' .\})(>.s'Ml. Jtjwoaald have been the `is-'4`-I` <-H111-H fm` the ucc1|.s1~(l '.\Iinistex' u lmw withdr-.u\'n 1'1-mntho ouse 'hih? Hmlc-I suspicion. Hp hoped the ]mu[)l(! would con`- illlw In show ri-.<`.pu(:t for the ju-V i('iau`_\`. but tlxings had transpire-d him haul 1nz1.(lr- the people W0l\d`.!"." Vans it mir .that. one man who had I't.\t.tV-kl In the (`.\I1L`llt [Of 500. six xulnths h,r:fo1'e the (T-.1-ection -shouldbe IN-atlr-ll. zmrl aumtht.-y who had spent * 4- or S5 .:x (lay right up to the 0100-, ion should hold his seat` on the round that ho had forlned a prev-' nus habit of t.1',-min;.,"`. " '|`ho.-:`:- haul lwvn u g()()'(1 (19111 Of g'0_S- ip '.1h()ut the two gentlemen n-.une'd 0 am. nn the ('()ll1I:!l,iSSi()l1, if 4|,-___, Mr. Thomas Baine. a young man of `* about 28 years of age. was killed on the railway track.` about a quarter of mile item the `Hz-entwoud cros,sma,`- on Wednesday night by the passenger . train going north. He was literally; out to pieees.'one of ` his legs being ! * carried on the front of the engine for '=_ half a mile from where the accident ; occurred. He had been to New Low-' ell with tive"ior six of his friends the ' greater part of the afternoon and" was on his way home when he met g with '*his sudden `and awful end. He was a resident of Brentwood. Barrie'S M ost%Imj)o1ta1it Style Show. `T04?-day aVndFAollowin`g Days. -` Q ' 5 a re :~'c :;`n?c'1';g1e...::_rar-d i;-`fa hr: tepha 'v;p37.:y of fguits _v-guy Ab --8. ,C;`\3?o1 ih Ipnn u;asuu,>\~hOn fl} L s.....m In-nan! fullc eunnufhid VHF! I In u_-u-- 1 the =p`y_g ".-'..:"..,Vu `vI 8l:lnf-I'.l-Ills and vegetables hold blip ant full ;-..m.uma`*-we have every- thing in hrh grad. -groceries. teas. coffeeg. pure vices. and wnuld we pteggga go `guppy you ' with these It popular prick-.' , *\ . A V Agningfwe -ash the`indulenee or the many hundreds of women of Barrie and vicinity, who attend our Annual Openings, -that we may hint at the elahorateness and exclusiveneis of the preparations that have been carried .=~ou"t. GEORGEOUS DISPLAY . The unquestionable recognition of - JAS. VAIR 8" SONS "as the leading style n`uth"ority`__of the north has inspired us to reach for the highest results. and we think we have excelled all former" efforts. - ` .p We ask younto accept this as.a_ personal invitation to attend to-day or any time tixis `week. A. p P `It will be acotnplete expose of all the new styles and presents exceptional ecting new spring garments. The stocks are now at their best opportunities, for sel and delay in choosing means disappointment, as many styles in every lepa_rttnent,; will not he.dup1icated.' t I -. Foy s. `Amendment r. Stratton s _Colleaau'e's Alsd. mum AT anmwnnn. `hat we have -spread In men a b 4- s, eta ,paniunlarly suitable, . when fx.unt..~ vegetables .,.___....'.'... W. have every. or 1;i 1LLIN1-:n`Y.% mss Goons.BLoUs1~: SILKS. OnGANn1Es.: ;xIaaLtiis. "COTTON WAISTINGS. 1-:'rc... NECKWEAR, & DRESS smug. SILK AND co'r'roN wmsfs, rm:-: LINGERIE. CORSETS, HOS! mun. VEI-LlNGS,vBE.L'l`S. TRIMMINGS, ETC. oii LVJJSS >11. uu_Lu, uuugg _ Allan. Hamllton. 15 dead. n.-ml...-... vannhil fund 11 rnrs`. _Allun, Hamilton. uczlu. |` Quebec manufacturers will dcmzuul an increase in the tariff. Dr. Robert M. Coopcnof L:>ndon,; passed away suddenly on Saturday nnnrninnx