Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 19 Mar 1903, p. 6

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lit: rived for :1 opening. I a doct__o1"s that T0111] brain fevc `it. He wu keeper. gcumnx. I902. :?.~1. .2. O `z. ----`. , 'Buscoe ; -one who h later did. Harri.n;. haven't ,s You kno by touxo .W0u]__dn`t ing it. 1 mvistfully M111 \curr "son, and v...._, , Harrin t6 the do until he Use in Can t p i{{soIe "C<'>mpa a] at-8 ' . Now, ydu to. begin on tomorro ple s pl noon. 1 l1 all `nigh 1 `fl -_O;"`CVN-.ZjVEAALA``l*lD As SEL`L:E`RLALND BUYEHR % 7T0 AND eaoM\ooMmIoN.. ! The _ mornin -12" du left at a hill ot_$ -up reg since` (Wei-e pl ingless They t curious sages Bus but 11 lfingfo gwent 'ZW.ith,` ` ran -`t _ them 4 for '_ Barr ' sent ; - `S`:lIz;s T. .de S<;1u'y:ver., who" has `take `fen up his headiguarters for `the time i being` at Auckland. as representative 1 -6? the Canadian. Manufacturers As-__ _;'s_oc-iation, is a1_;.`.p`rcsent._o_n a visit. tgo-g ; says. the Christchurch. .- _ `ffrxew Zealand, 9Pr,ess.. lnythe pourse 01 ....-... iaom-uu'.uu unei-nmlnu n .vnnrnsnnt.n.- zauvsv gov-uoosu, o -r_\ruwv- -...- uuow `uvwv interview yeste_rdgy.;a -.rcpresent.a- fiivc of The Prcs.s"o'bt'ainodT some .in- '. information regarding {trade relations between Canada; .a,n_d ._,Ncw. "vTl12.us5oiatJon _ Mr, ..;.de. Schryvor ntepnesents is a very} ..-._-u-.\nnl'..'I -mn .1:-urly l\I|(A l\` {in 'l`t\a".'_ *7f`IU . QKWQIJIGJ n_u'0-on-auusvu an `O 'wfv . ;,ppwer_ul one, and one of its greatest ~j5gbjcets is to develop manu{acturingi wwhterprise, and, has he cxprcssgd him- `gsclf. "I. amgyepresenti-ng"Tix1A New Zea- ` `-.u ..`...1 "'..n` 0......-..-H..... vnnnnfanhnrnn ..`.'I.7I.L. .3 c|LJ,;"||I.`-lJ|s.o.J\.asa\.AaaB gun yvv--, pcvuv `all T Canadian lllanufqctures which have no direct repre.scntation_ R)! "their own-1..-3 in this colony. -.3-Acanada, he went on to say, Iliad sgghuch in comrnum with New Zealand. while supplying the latter coun- t.`-L".:'.. ...:4|. ........... .-.n4.h.Inn nl nhvnnann-no. UV IIBIV Stu`-1115.} Illa \asv vovnvuv -v---. (1 take Jnuchn fromVNewi Zealand with many -articles -oi.~comn1erces- .1 _`i1,ret1I1'n. It Was, he. "_1(_I)'.:l._ghta\"- ab. `:3 gg'.{ml.nlao its goods `in exchange in jmalerencc to` dea.lix1 gv\vitli foreign` ':QUIltri`CS, when the conditions were ;53Qual. `He maintained. that C,aua.da ghsqlutely lled the.bi1l in this-- re- '.'$p'cct with regard to New Zenluid. igityztliat one _ part oflithc Emplrej ived Lto tmotlier part to aAs'slst:'~-. it_7 that" she could send us tl1e_lincs . `(we are` now`-g"ctting `from the United litatcs and `the Continent of Europe equally low, if not low;-1', prices, Land .at the al`ti(`1e.='.'Supplied"-Would. Iin ' cases equal the goods so-nt `ifrom the foreign co1n1trics;_ and T in ` ;_n;o.t instances be snperior. ,'l`his was \ ~!)_i.1s1neSS. and altogot-her'apax'.t from ` zaentinmnt. What the Canadian man-T .ufactux-ersi `desired was to` nd out suitable lines to supply and to put- qshasc, and lie was now looking out for suitable agents for Canadian` `manufacturers throughout New Zea- ? gland. 4? nun ant I1.-n nlnnnln fn gm fnv uquu. 7' }""I am not here alone to sell for "9Ca.!1ada. -but to buy also," said Mr.` ~de" Schryver, and went on to enum- eerate the lines which, lent themselves 1l43-o.7port to the Do1nintion,'sp_ecially 1'-.2Ierring to ax, mutton casings, .` mutton tallow, sheepskins (raw and' tanned). and kaurl gum. `Only the \ other day arrangements had been nnmde with one of Dunedin is principal. rlinms to introduce its lines through rthe .associ.ation in Canada. and the trade, it was `hoped, would_grow by Heaps and bounds. It was quite a fallacy in trade to. believe that in .e-every. Iinstanco price was` the only ruling factor, and this was practi- .~c_a;lly proved .by the fact that Mc- ILa:reus".Dmper'ia1 Cheese Company of L 'Il7.o1'.omtto lound a -good market here for their wares. There was not the riightest. doubt that New Zealand. \.~ dmuen goods. '-(Dm't.icularly_. blankets ,=aa.apd rugs) would sell well in AC-a`nada,v ~-where there was `a large wealthy x .I._..'._ 11.- -n-A-.I.I ....-.4 tinulnrn IIY`|l\"` I-H1117` -wraps: uncle was on data ....w-- class who would not care :vhnt_th.':;r -paidarfor the "best. article and the art-V` xiclo! that suited. __ , .1- -_..I-` annual 13::-an` `A 1. L116 xi.uuuLc ptuuu; _ . ,0` ,...(1anada-, with her up-to-date appli- in ---ant-es, was easily able to compete in with the States in the n1anufac_tu1'e m of paper, and he had proved this sat- bl isiactorily; she was now sending an-` ;r mually paper pulp to the value of ?$2,~'000.,O00_. into the United States.. L eoice furniture (now largely ii'npoi`t- ` Fed to New Zealand from America) would be just as -well obtained from the .Dominion; the latter s bicycles -were equal to any in the market for . quality, and sold` at competitive `12 prices. In agricultural implements tithe Dominion had yet to be beaten. -sand leathei` was one of her princflp exports. ln textiles Canada` was able to send her manufactures -to the '--Old World -centires of those industries- ` `and ho1d`her own. Was not - this -pprooi that even in"these lines she vought to belconsidered? Ctinadimi -cottons were-. freely sold and eagerly bought /all through `A=ust1'alasia,,~ an edence of their quality gaining `ap- }, apiesiation; -` "while ' "for; Lindiarubber J -_'-`v*;goo the Dominion claimed to be `.,.~iabsol_ute~ly _ at i_ the top of the tree." __5'7~}NeW 'AZea1_an d only wanted to know) i ..;.`_';more about Canada, iandwhat she, .."i;".A:-had to_o'er to become a big; `custom- pi ;`_;-gar "of the Dominion.` ; Her, enamelled `*7 j,-'w_aa`e, new `ahig indtistry, was equal- sly -`low In` Qricenaud. superior`; xt.of:any contpincntal lmaket, and htid'thB._ad1g?d" S 'dvb.ntaLge foIbeing`a ]3i1'i'tis`h`e, tftii_`ole.` E: T Ini-- e$luaing his: 're`niarks.'_-Mr`. de ; chryvsr sbid Canada b Wa8,sb9n31tt`tt62..t {gtakle 2; lead. j_Her _nat1iriiI'x`sb1`i`i5_`_zs*,"V i - fI~;1,he`l"- unliinited `wate"_iA isux3i>1y>1>-1?m"ou!db.l;4' l *;:'0ri!Itc?%r1aerztM e forsiin the: -r=V 1d:'aa. " `k_jet,s in le, ps; and bounds; a im-non ?`aa~d61iItdr?iii' 1`:i n'g_ `3v5S18f;?of,`~,tl1 .Uni,e'd;' ft]?-9.9. `we iiS%':!'==5 tlmilv*iiWl;*P` `E1019 I-1181. suucu. Canada could send direct to New ~ -7.ealand canned vegetables, biscuits, lager beers (all of these lines incom- petition with the United States), , and ca-nmed.-sh from "the factoricsfof Nova `Scotia in the east. to British 3 Colum-bia,i`n.thc west. Last`_yem` the Dominion -exported canned fish to Australiawto. the_ value of $203,244, and toxthe United States $3,608,936 worth. Itywas. `reasonable to pre- sume that a. large pl,`-oportion of this found its way to New Zealand and ~ other British colonies as American goods. through. New York. Why not, `trade direct with Canada, and save Abbe middle prot? - 4 A IV_u`u.;;l.\. anvil-In know uun_'.n_l`n*n nhn`;- ;<~-\"3`j`I;IIC VVUIIU in sun: vvag. uuun Iiavlnnvt 4 \ 1 The only {drawback this -advocate 91' ,;_the extensions of, the; Empire's trade- ithin her"-own :bo__unds would admit{ '_`u---`.`;_ L1'_~_ K` --_` 4.; `4.l.-'..-hn'4u'd- 'I.Inu'n'uIg.`Iug.`a-Iv. u D wuunu uuuasu ---.--v -' --__.... -_ of the 1|om1mon,.ana ---- _ ; _ V to any close observer Thomas E. Cnqty, wh_oTwas a_dian. I,n.ar_1ula=,t;:r9ra., ins ,hi8a=.th_i}' term as. a. mem :"or'xt`. ;51ac'e "th r6u gh6nt' `;thi3"`\*i'11!i7B0`V~BoIifd. 9! _'1`rusteeB., he very. near futm-e. of- colisumpfion ' ._aratoga, `back of" L % ' ' '7 V tsttz.<,,*u.1fg1t.::i:t.t; .t.)%q`.._`a.~$,1`-ia,=:-.*$.\,9.'< }i,.'ef can cm; 72:: *vi_`i1u b `i 0_.fe `her `export. . . t - ?.D'rfeiiei!.tT5 `ow-lag` to.` t`.\rans:l)i;i1'r'1e_r1t ;;,TI1e'; New " aalan_d .stutist_ics- phowed that this.) olqn"s imvrts 'trom Canada, were actually ` set `down ht] about 40,000 invalue, but if the_ Jsjuan-tities which t had come via, the"States' were credit- ed to Canada he was in a. position to state that the gures would bef ..... . ......-I. I.I_.I.-- 1 ve`ry~ much highoe._ A ; . NEIFUn`bLaNp. ` : lit. 'lTb_!n} of St. John. L-`:1qaex,.non to ` cunqda. _ * . ` Newfoundland may not he ivittnuu [the Canadian Federa.tiou:~ but its in- nabitahtsn do not rgard .themsclves E as` strangers when they .v_ivit the Do- minion. It was as a,_ma.nthorough- lyv at.;ho'me _that{Mr. `John J. Tobin, ' of` St. John's, Newfoundland, rsp`oko while in Toronto recently. `~ n_u__s__ I__._..-..... ...... I...uor1r Ixn ` WTIIIU an ;uIuuvu Lcvvuyaao ._ {M1-. Tobin, -however, V can. hardly be X I 'nu'1int'ai!i " hc1`self'lw"itho u't the aid `of ` .is to be gained by confederation. aid} to ho syn1patht:tl.:to\vards` New- 'ounuuInd uniting \i'rit'h - rcanadu.-: `_"I`ho colony where my home is,"Mhc , said. '_"is better!-taudi_ng_alone. Sh_c has resource's';that will enable-J1c1' to the Dominion, and 1 do not see `what n....-n.-...-. -6 +hnnn~h. runnv` In ,is be gained by conlculc-rau`on. _ 1\rc'thcre_not, though. many` In Newfoundland who would like to 39.511 i with Canada?" ' _,_ 0) _.'-.-._..IuuV-I `Irfn =\\"lIl1' Lunaucu , _ . . . "Four years ago," remarked Mr. 'l`obin,~ -'~ftlIe ieollngu .wa;~..xa;l'most. ~ -en- . \ - l . v.forget'._ and-_h,e`r -expe_t`,1cnce.-fat _t tht time has destroyed all wish. for turn- We have a debt of 15 million dollairs _and Canada would not be willing to take that on her shoulders. ' Thirty years ago, `if a Government had 3. decit in its bugct of [$1,000, the colony would havoforced it to` re- sign; but of late y_ears some politi- u coL_mtr.V. and l,1cnce.t_hVeTextent of our `1iabi.'`il,ic;-s. - I I :1 17-..! . ....-II,- .1 J-Ln... wnunfnlv 't,irely in Iavor of such a. ntbye; liutw not ~n,o\v.-4 1TeWfounjclland'v.therivl got. a.ff :rol;>ut_l from Canadalshe will not Spo_1_1' ion. `And `would Canada," Mr. T6b- 1 [in went on, take us in, lclvenf though _ wc wanted to join with her?` glans think that the (lclat is good for uur 'utuu.'.|uLja. _Would Neyvfoundlund[ then. 1)1'o5feI' T `to {mite with the States? No, not win th_ least. We are British and huvclitgle liking for. the States. The Statesaord us a, good market" fol` our products, that is all, but we stand by the Empire," ` _ . Col. Sum Steele ls Angrv. Col. Sam Steele has written us letter from South.AAfrica.` He is out there commanding` B Division of the South African Constablinlary. He was formerly the idol T of" the. Northwest Mounted Police, and commanded the Strathcona Hofse against the Boers. Col. Steele is- the subject of many an anecdote. There is scarcely ,a man in. Canada who has not, heard little stories about him-about him as a `mounted policeman of few words and afraid of nothing, or-`as -1 4: 41.... .Q&u..IIn:-Anon. klnnf 8, . x 4 ulltuu III Il\-VIIIIIIIB, V; an a colonel of the Stra_thconas-, blunt, `fearless, unconventional, a hero in ;thc.` eyes or hisomen, Perhaps .the real Col. Steele would not know the; Col. Steele of song and story. Evi- dently he does not want to Know him. Here is his letter: - ,. rI'\\... Q4..." 1 mac: vnrw C`! I91 Illlll. ILUIU 1'5 Jun Lvvkvao Editor of The Star: I was very much surpzicsed to see` in ybur` issue of the 10th uttimo such mtissue of ridiculous` untruths about "me and my doings in; South Africa;-.`. I sup-V pose those wltno relate such stori'esV are of the type who consider that, "to act like a cad or Western bravo of the time of Shade or, Wild Bill in om.-T's intrcom"se with officers :and \ gentlemen` like Sir Redvers` Isuller : and Lord Milnexris highly commend- able. - ` ~ "A - 1 .u-.L-|_ _nnr.....-...aIn ..n.-IL!-.nvr ig.. gnu anny 1s tame. _ _ L - No Canadian" O-..C. or other` officer, Xvoulcl disgrace '1 :%`countr'y by such .conduc;t. e'h_mjc- as good` a !_tame out here as any sm1'tli_cr cou1'd clgsire, and having bben born and educated_ 'a_ ci.vi1izcd_'A country, _wc_ are _; not," likely to act `in as way which. wmild I bring _discx'edit on it. y ` fl I am, your sincerely. \ T 3 S. B. Steel`o,. Colcmcl, Late Com1nander- Lord Stratlxcongfs AV Corps. --'I`oronto- Star. R010 .1 ihinkl diercn.tly._ amdhbeg `to say jfor the benet of my Canadian in-indst-hat any szazment to theor- fect. that I behaved tmvards any" of the o':cers_ of the army. in a,-lnanner `different frdrn that of 0`; (C'.. in` the a;'my is false. - xv- I1-..-,l':-an` D F` nav .-.H~mvr nmtf- I Ralph Connor In Answered. A . Much _a`nnoyance` a1}_d` general sur- Vprise has been uc aused- (iv: -British Colulnbia by `the 1'ec_7eipt f;h ere of. the 1 news that Rev. C. W. Gordon (Ralph Connor).-`had declared in an address in Toronto fth:;tK"'l`h:e;re is t-day av ,very distinct and very da,ngerm;s cleavage between British Iolumbia and Eastern `Cu.mida`, and mat; Business is thicker than blood, and before business," blood and wat- er and almost. everything else disap- pom-s. If the business relations tween the Canadian and Ameri/kn ciiics on "the APaAx:iccoast. goes; ;L"n increasing, then the ties of blood`-;;a 3'fe in great danger of being sacrjce`d-L". That _A Mr. Gordon shduld makg,..ea. st.atem'ent. \so 'ut\te'lf1y` at. varitge; 'w-ith the facts of the ease-is, a nfiIt'- ` ter` of astetiishme'_nt~.=to` _*al1 who v__spoken't.0 on `jthe subject here. `01i`f{{i)f - A.`-nun nvnrninnnf, Man who bpUl\L'll |-AI UH. any uuu./;v-v onvo V. v a dozen prominent. men who Q re. o asked for opinions of the state `"j., X not 'oneoconcurred in it; in fact, opinion was uhanimous that the; -act _contrary, of the {acts `had " gilajzed. 7 - - - LI__ _ . - , . V _,:,=.v `:1 ' A`--.-.L f`...-...rot1;VV|'|%&; d ; . ,: v..l.;,$;V __ On the. coast Canadiamsm ;.-';+*s Vlstrongcr to-(_i-9.y tl1a.V1l'_:V_`er in thcff-, itory qt the Province, and the sgme is {true of intrior_poii1ts.' As. it._;3q not known that Gordon has. to. ~:;'Colnm7J: re9991a:. .. ~ . .. \.. Izmjsledhy _.<)V1;1e1"s<,.$-a._ . . . 1' _;~- .=l_8. ` presumed that ih_e Vmust have V ` nus; '_`: sm`a 55: i!oni`t._:` `The; lgdjs of theiWoii1en e C_h'ris_'ti-E "mt-.._Cl`cmpcrunce `Un.i0n_ s anti-cigarette` *.!?!1te.t_;ion doubtless: feltxa. turn;-. of petvjsfaction the other day when the :P1fi`me `Mi_nistcr;tolde them that he was a; non-smoker. Yet hit was only modied fapture that should have ~`be'en~'experience'd- by these earnest and` energetic women, iron: the First Min-` tlster eschews : the weed because he" cannot use it. :'l`o him` belongs no laurel -wreath tor `abstinence. - It is not ti. matter of choice; it is` a c'as_e of stem necessity. for Sir Wilfrid has said that in his `salad days he `tried to do as other_men..d'{d. He tried to smoke, biht the sweet` solejce was not for him. To.'put it baldiy`, it made {him stick. Two or three . times - he esunyedv to school himself to the use of the g'rcatest anodyne -`for ._____4.-| ...-....-. 4|...` 4|... bnnlll IIIIU I-`I39 U: lulu 5-!-'uvvv-iv u.u-fr`-g --v -y-:- _xncntal -WOI`;fyH 3,l1gf,W$1he `xvqrldT_*knogw}q I .9? - .V`"%iV ."15liWevla,3~5`1`2.7`hltuie SW)? 2 ;;;"a_;sjd,s?in ;ws;-aha` .xgft:. '=':;.sii~.a:Wi1tr;;d~?_:; brain `is strong. but the; intemil *ec9nomy_ lower down is week.` This inmiacitiy caused him some` regreg, .:anV_d.;~occasiona-l'iy ; ~this= day`. In the company pf friends, who` hgve been cnjo_ ing_-tl1_:ir.cig9ars.. the Fyxgt Minister" as often said: I: wish;-3.1 could enjoy 'a`[cigar~-theway you {elf- `low seem'to"--for-Sir Wullfri-d's l a.'n'_- gqage, as may be seen, and as is known to all whq _have had ~'mueh ' oiata-`3`tWith Hizn`, isip1etising1'_v' dimct 2 and dcliglmfully simple, He does - hot. iikdisome "other *me"11 high .~;i_t3 public life in Canada, make spwcyeh in "private-. 5` can. or... III.._........ `V1 o '*"':`"!" `Iv?-"-. ~ ,_Anothe`:` "big man who cannot smoke 'is Sir Charles '1`upper-~the Man . for: "Young Charley : cares ` few joys more than for those wliiighx his old black l_Jrigr-`root gives. former` Prexnief `says that. pul)'_li6-- dinners are o1't,en a possible inictipn. : to him. Thisis when they are `in a` small; or` 1`ow-ceilinged tooth. where the smoke cannot ascend. `At the` dinner of . the Press Gallery of Parliament a. year or 's'o ago, Sir Charles mournfully referred to his limitations in the Way of cnjoyinga smoke . He told his` hearers how he, a too, "had challenged and had been vanqnislxed by our Lddry Nicotine. When he was a. young" man. `in Nova Scotia, he said, everybody chewed V tobacco, in addition to using it` `in . ' a decent and sens-iblei manner. AL ` ways progrdssive, and always strivf ing after some new thin`g-Sir Char- les is a, very Athenian in this latter irespect-he- essayed to. smoke. The results wereso 'disastr'ous,. that, un- like S-it Wilfrid, he never tried` again. A Once was enough forhim. The Ward Horse ofy-C mberlan-`d was put lto rout by one solitary pipehl` of 'su--v perior sinol-:in'g mixture. Like an astute war horse,` heknew whcnnhe was licked, and he retired`. from the `trig. ' . ru_-_.~n.._ '~r__._:-.. 1...: _. Aim, . ` V `- -. "ff _I:u-cu` Association In the lul_u_Id Colqny .' -~ In Indlcntod Lines in Which` Mutual ' ' s..- Benet Would occur In 'l'radlug--`Can- Mada can cougpqso With unuoa sate. zoalnndi Advantage. M v the Cnudtwun )AIaui1`fnc-' , ' u'ay. A Sir Charles, Junior, had no diffi- culty in contracting the habit that had conquered his father. The Opposition Leader. Robert Laird Borden, l'ead'er of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition, has two prime passions--a. love of `Kip- ; ling and a love of -smoking. Not '. that Mr. Borden carries either to ; Utility 0! Woodpechrto ex-toss. ',Ext1avagan'ce. in any line of `- A: series of articles: in the Guelph life is totally foreign to hiin--,. but -he: zlilera-lad by A. B. Kllugh, opens with can quote Kipling by the yard`, and ;one on the woodpeckers. The writer he allows himself amoderate number `states that he intends to consider the .01 cigars per day, perhaps six or ;birds from the standpoint of the far- seven. And his cigars are about as ._mer and the general : public, and! de- good as can be ioun-d anywhere." In fciares that one of-.'1'.he.most valuable otherethings Mr. Borden is almost .b'll`(l families to the oarchardist, hor- ascetic. He is an indefatigable `ticulturalist; forester, and in iact, worker. No man in the House of i `every one who owns pny trees,. or -Commons more `continuously Corns` takes pleasure in: their fresh, V green delights to spend laboriousrdaysa But foliage-,. and. the shade eordedt` by the laborious days must be broken them in summer, as well as in their by*a cigar once in a_ while: lowelyi coloration in autumn,` is the ' The Minister of the Interior. Woodpecker. family.) ` These birds, - And then conies IIon.; Clifford sit. with their spesinlt adaptation oi` bill. ton. The cigarbill- 0% the Minister 908-V9 feet and. 1i8IlsH0ath8l`S.- are .of the Interior rmust tot: up to an able` to destroy one of the ` worst pretty gure at the end of the year. enefnies 0` t"_s h 13 e" 8 limb He, too, will lIa\'e naught but the: wh1'I~'l} bores in the` wood and insures best, and, as he gives away twice the 1aWiI18~.tI`9. 13095-`%'5 reducing its ' `as many as he smokes, mi expend. Va-1118 &~ ltumber- insect ml-ep must be high, % - larva. at!` an beetle-) is one of theiLar-d- A 7 The Minister of `Customs. . 335 Phs t0 combat IS CV01! in? fruit .- V _ . ` M M t . - which: are constantly inspected hign:u;:ga{l:m1._p 1]`_,a;Se:sg2"; g`.'a:' it is hand to locate and troublesome cent a cigar, but the Minister.- of-' t`' km' and i the i"eSt it is f Customs insists. upon: preferring. the r3- impmsible 4'. i'. 5pp_tu 9"? ` -1 " ,_b1 ed1~b_.liid' `=? `?'l **f.S- . . , _ aagvmtailinzw; for - Omar `dP'* 9 treat?` re. one cent. . With `this, lled ` with the downy. hairywred-heded,- sold- strong tobacco," between. his teeth. "l9d "ml -`3 n`.""'b!1`d, *' 39?` * Mn; Paterson is_ quitefnappsn once sucker. _Oi .the_last-,,.\\'rh1ch is one of :upon a. time,."w l1`e`n'th." the "s* 59?! " -s`t"3 W` Calla`. ' in Opposition, -it was charged hy a. M3 : `K-NEH says: Then yell'ow-bg1- `rather ~excitable member `thatl-~i..-Mr. '1`d' "d3. ~k.v - 93' 5(S9hW9'Pi5 `paterm Hsmokedtoo much-; tlit he Veins`) *1 be easily rdisiinsvished spent his`- time "in: Number Six." the `Wm the precedhg specks by its `Opposition headquarters, enjoying` `8n1'81l !9n'"'s" ha-".i3`.3A `$791- thart clay pipe", when he should h`avh- 1" `*bd_" m ..`m, . YnW.`m3"kin83 been in Engage slowing up: thg the hend.and'_neck.' `The tongue iulquities~-of? the~.Co'aIoIWatives;"-~-V-It:. `N.-this 89.80168 `Is not b_a_rhd and was bornein 'upon'=. this7 censoribpls-. be extended inearly->u' far as- igentleman` that itwashis duty. to `that of the othcr woodpeckers. . It` .remoust1ai6"?y;r5itl1, nu:-.i Pa.teriaan=,.!b'ut',. 'mp0d-~th Wm aD8uker by 1uolii`l~y ,~:".`:he- :*" ml 3ntion6&?`:`1ii :mantn5i.- .it8'- hum of -'vb.3`i_1l8'.hO1_98=,in, the 7to 3 i triend-. That gentleman -owggs, {Wk `_.5=8 -I>_m`twul.arlyp `oi maples. gfdghastv--i `gt; `thee-:v,,.y i-vdea*__ pg.gWhy.;3.~ in the spring murder to: drink the ~ fsaidfilce`. iniihotmxr.` '*i1on$t,_..3gou ;,khd;i SW #1189 eats .ft.hp_. layer at` at _while~l ate1' sitting these.-v _. h*=' W09-Q. 8ee1`ba.}"k ,o_f;trees.i `5`s`I 58%liI5:"* ii1iil?y\'"tied:-"bliaiirireiitly `t9 as certain` e:gt92{t.. nrraxelyi if "` -doing `nothing. but `smoke. he is get? ,_`7_`Jr- m-'l`"5 tlyenn. ` . . 0} Of the '9 i i ting, up "the ,* re-ax1E1evszork~ of `some. NW1 593.1398--"'i111bi . 0!`I3iStsV' of o.lUW DIIU can. It suuunu.-.5 ngnv ---\.u-av `of the rarity of the passenger pig- Qeon and of the efforts that are being ! made to save it from extinction may ' avert the destruction of an occasion- a1 s~peci*men- and` perhaps help toward the repleni'shi`ng of the stock now in 'u spec;l'12: .1: svosiitld gm c->sIi`="".*'*!'-`ii. mahr ekias iv!` e s ?ahd i. . g . . ._ x___..s mu.-`=a:.e:,.=::=:~u.2_~.~,-::... .'.'.;.=4vi. Cane* not..:.h1d1nm~..=its:eli ht un- ?`A-ND!VANI6K`EF`% I [,1 |Jl,llJlCo_ , Lu 7! (ED ll; 0| IIU, I111; ` a.IAu..u.J of the* b_,st' speeches t.-hat'Big Th'un- % dor ever-'de1ivere1l'vere Ifotted out -whil-`he .Wa.Vsn` sitting with` fihis heels highfin t;h.e- air, It_ a"ny.'gu1`.es were ` needed; _Vthe 1`en1uii'emnt `was '1 remain- l)erei,;`vVu1id-zxvis.`lled (after tli smoke \\'a.s,:_=%iifiAx'i'sIiVq,` 13113. _ j.h* `gl`ol;x`i-dwo1'k wasg}_tp1gq:;%*:';x;y' thow;.gr"t9ful comfort a,t1d.7"a.idAi=i1. ;g1N_'i_c(:)`t.i&i'*-*I`!1:ef` `Toronto ~:-: 3` J , '44` _ - - Vou_gixi`| llllulong Sucgensful. Peter Veregin. the Doukhoboxf lead."- er,~ has returned to Winnipeg after a, gpyr, .01, Doukhobor villn_;.g;_s,._ and re- a*`:i~ 5?ii8..t- h 31? `ox "thei'z-- recnt pilgrimage `and are` `.-`Iiow anx1.0u.8. to tle ,1? '.ho1.n98tad3 again gnd . setlegdown. . .TheV;Immi+ ;Sm1n;F%,-commissioners;'Mr.. Smith. '.yil!.1-.;t~.t`5ilit..*4fei:. i't1i)$8 _'6;mi;cl;;. Tish`. 3908+` s1blo.i I gglerbome of; ` Si'.W~`f6f"T!?i%-~-`i8;:`-@!o..:3i*='Wihi4` %;'pgg.% ;gd%.mnobts1M:that:bi.giy` %t6L:*I_r: V \ T f a -Tln Tvgo Tugpen-a._ 1.2.. -..___ .-L. van:-- 3.. V` . < T1118 Pi'OY1l|0I:o '.. ~ W110 8.l'8-{low uuuuug av nu-v-:5 v--v-.- to ,-save the - species from extinction would appreciate any aid from far- mers, lumbermcn' or qthers who may discover .2. .nest_ing place or._even gain rcliable- infprm-ation regarding the actual observation of living speci- ineusj ' an. --n n un.u..;..... -0 lvhn {".hir-can menu. _. ` V. . Mr. C, 0. Whitman of the Chicago University has ' a uck""of twelve, all `bred in`cu'ptivi~t.y {mm a single pair._ _ .~.0wi`ng-' to in-breeding this ock has? `deteriorated, T and%".unless - if is strengthened by -`new blood will. _probably die out. eA_s the coming generation may . see the passenger pigeon only in captivity, the addi- A tion 01 a single specimen to this Aqock, would have a, vu1uablepreserv- _ative effect. `Mr. J. H. `Fleming of Toronto, who is in correspondence with Mr. Whitman, has investigated and preserved the later records` of the appearance of the passenger pigeon." in 1896 eleven were. seen .ying over Wells Hill, in Toronto. Two years later an adult male was taken at Winnipegosis. In 1900 ten were seen at Etobicoke `and five at Centre Island, Toronto. Last _year one, and a.~ftcrwzu'ds,a pair, were seen at Penetanguishcne. Many `reported `observations of the passenger pigeon have been: found an investigation to ~a;rise through confusion with the imourning 'cIove, which is somewhat ;similar but much `smaller and mark- `ed" with a: distinctive black spot be- l'ow the car. A general knowledge the passenger pig- Veon and the being to `avert : al` the replc1ni'sh i'ngnof the ;cazpti;vi`ty. - Utility of - of-' jililera.`-111 B. .one- on} woodpeckers. sbates staindpoint general`: `and! valuable .b'ird "every who trees, or fresh,` aordedi in well their lovely; coloration in: the Woodpecker, family. their speciali amtaptation 0!? toong.ue,_. ` feet and . , are able one the enemies t,rees-11hc- bore1~-a, which in the` wood izxwres 1rumber..- This ` (the the hard- combat, as; trees. `which: are constantly it locate, arid troubliesome ,__1. _--, 1.1.. ;-__.,.. A_ :`4 ._ -p `ticulturallst; in ~ iact, . Living: tree, its 1 NWT IWUII INTI-I315): Ondiarim waodpcckers treateil a're_ hairy,.~red-headed,- en-Iinged _~ye1low-bel1ied or sap- Of the last; which is one` the eamllies-t spring visitors dm, The woodipecker, _`(Sphyra.picus . can be disgzinsgixished species by its general: yellowncss, h`a.v_ingAa yl- abdomen ` and yellow - markings .s_ 4.`... MI` ' anal . qgnb ' `rnilonlln . Wide-Awake Canndu. `V Canada, is not hiding its light un- . der a,_bushel, but boasts _that its for- _'eign trade last "year was $35.50 per head as `population, ivhil` qurs was crease of; exports, . the , Canadians boast that their` 'exp'ort's _ increased 99 per "cent.,` against 33 `per-cent`: 'for the United Statfes; and-.18 p er"ont. for Great `.Brita.ip. _ The exports to_ .Grea.t > `In .1992` were wmh -= $109;847.000,- `xngainat $43,228,000 -;?to -'Ux3it;.,ed. .S_ta.tes~. .Imptn`.-ts -gttozn Great Britain were $49,206,009, against _$. `from ' the `Unit-' L~ nddir. Alfaciiii` e ` aams" ~reu {. Q.` -[ Q`?! . but"$18 per head.` Looking` to ms` at! -Staten- V L by the `C;;:.` ` . The` largest. -serpent evr measured . r at Mex1f9%%anam!1=~;Iound to b0. 12; Dr:9!Bra ..;; ;. . no sorpa:__s'g._- __._.A ._l 5:8` .1... u;.[;L .!hai|_7 mm; sayeruaa ad; do business dgya;'bp9~, don : run any with thog tho; til you have to do is to insert In advertisement in your loonl` paper gnd sit down god map the to- unltu. You nayvpnt the moat attrac- - _-- -_1. -_ Ulllvluw an-_- ---, l..., -..., __ , tiYo' convi_niingV site:-tiuoument. in you but it A the store does no ioorteopo3ud:.I!th`-`the Aaeeninog; it can beno-much vjlnublo ipcce wanted. A should" ply special attention Atothe qindow and-store displays. `- naha npinidn nthnt window diaplnvl its Vprftnnrily to attach attention, in Anlyhlf right. A live monkey might nttrnot n`Iqntion`tnn store, but would `it Ieu'ftiCO3`_ 1 "display? most important function in to call nttenti-.n' `Ioihe that that oertfnin linen-are out riad. Further, [it any tend to arena 1: wnnt. l ' Neat, `serviceable shing tackle" or easy eplpeu-lug hammocks will often cause a `person who had no previous` intention of procuring such es-ticlea to come into" the store and make a pur- chase. -An exhibit of nail: and herb wire, svould be of little value, because itlis taken. for ` granted that a genetl store sells both.` But there are many things. in e gen- eral store` about which the average ~_O ofllns\:ahd' casket: or all lands m ,s_tock or .";ed`; ` and `Reqmsltes furnls ` V 1'. ` I ,, ., . { WM 8 l-' - -~-w---v._:_ __.-.vv-v-v'wv uvvu vvwv 1 .` 5, ` `. ` 1 e. _:_ , . D . _. ` `_ , _ `_ d `A. m`. j,-r',v '3: . 7, T ,3 -;' ' :. r. ,- '5 `7 '. w '.:~; . v- '- ' `- L, ... _ ` . - . ` , us-usxrfro BANK or commence 5 DOORS WEST REMOVED agnne. AND ~ STROUD. IHE IIIIRIHERI MIVANBE jlt mes `Siincoe county People, best ` FOB --ADVERTISING IN BARRIE THEY USE 1 I55 Idle`. For exampxgj-ii; c ha'ndelier and dad :#5!'5P`% 5'59`? *0 8 for it. thug` ho_ _ . displaying ohgndmne ;.g'1_| _p;ob|hly sell` him. 4mm` jtgplu, wo Ihould ll our window 'vil'.h~`novaItie|, lines frequently new ,1-i`a.b, country merchants M 2% which loll onlf `Wing 3 certain as. ohhoyosr. ' V % Ibo 1.-e gequiaiea of display am it maze; 9 good impression. To do this only one line of goods, and W` the beltlgrede of thee,ahov2ld be shun _A wlndowfoll of cheap cutlery mim ecu ... gqigg 5111!: on those articles, 5 ggggd,-do" Jo at the expense of. .gmvg _g:o_p'ototioo. __Snppose a strange in tqwnplmold mint so buy 3., tools ma be referred to a store mam,` ch . digplgy, would he not chm ..1'b.t is the piece where I suwtho, -barguin knives? And would be 3`, 31:0 A think that if the knives um , chap the tools would be the same? _ I 1.. -.I.I634n- on nvnrtininn cl... l:__ | IEIIWI UIIV vvv-Ir -' _ .In addition to':I.;i`ve`x';oinvg._thoJl'im exhibited, no window dlaplay should benet the whole store. If the ha; 1 I `I0 llld, $110 Brfnngvmgmifa ndoh that they are shown to the he; udvontoge, and if` the window, g" whole, in nest and clean, this will 5, tho runli. If _no9a the window disph; has fallen short of the uafulneuig

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