L p L 2: a at cs ` andpone of thefewioedifying conditions ; that distinguished the social liferot the ;capital." Newton Stuart was a.neWs- . `the United States senate. Old Newt `hailed from Louisiana, and his senatori- accept patronage of any? kind from the t3!lwei1H- i*f up aaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaoraaaaaaasz` : .Th'e "friendship `between Senator: Hat--` d bine andold Newt Stuart was for tt"ve.n- ;; t_y years one `of the many anomalies i paper correspondent--nobody knew how ' old. but the dean or the pressgallery, beloved and nndisputed. "Senator Har- bine held a similar position in that ex- clusive," clublike organization known as A al friend" was from Ohio. so that as far as anexciiange of oicial favors might go there was no apparent reason for their unfaltering affection for each oth- er. Newt covuldn t-boost Harhine it he wanted to and hadnever stooped to Louisiana legislators who had come and gone during his long career as Washington correspondent._ A "- I'--- -- -nu ...~.4-aiow lznnw there` `V aslllgluu UUI1 Uayuuucuuo were only three grounds for the mu- tual admiration between Newt and_the' such paltry matters will probably never great and lasting friendship. but .in Washington the three delights named aresometimes of vaster moment` than the making of treaties or the establish- ment of national policies. Newt was the champion terrapin chef of Wash- juleps were the wonder and envy- of all .comers. Bartenders made their repu- tations by advertising the- Harbine julep, and restaurants. cafes and ho- rapin a la Newt Stuart. _ But when it came to fishing neither yit-l'd"the palm. For a dozen yearsthey had gone shing together. _As `many times had they come home in raging greatest weight of sh, which had cast y or bait the farthestor which was most dexterous in playing a line. Fish- ing was the one rock upon which they split incessantly, and once the subject came. up between them they would rail andboast at one another till blows seemed the only argument left. ' One day Newt and the senator, sitting in a circle of most potent, grave and wor- thy lawmakers at the Shoreham, chal- lenged one another to a final test of their prowess as bait casters. The idea tickled the audience, `though it `was midwinter. Cases of wine and boxes of `cigars were freely wagered, and nally each contestant went for rod and tackle, and the whole party trudg- ed `through the snow across to Lafa- yette square for the duel. FRI`- .-1=n4~nr\nna 1-rvnro THDQQITPDI1 O A - `So far as any outsider knew, there` `V ;o_ld___senator-.-vlz,_ shing, terrapin and .m_int julep. Outside of Washington j be regarded as adequate motives for a `ington for a generation. Harbine s.mint tels won patronageby announcing ter- the senator nor the reporter would" debate as to which had caughtthe ' JCLLU nqucuc LUL nus. nu`.-. The distances were measured off. A dangling pine cone was selected as the object to cast at. find each contestant. using his own rod `and `reel, was to_ have ve ch'an_ces,the decision to` go to the caster-who missed the least. It was a walkover for the senator, for he whipped his y across the cone ve times successivclyfwhile poor Apld. Newt missed his secqnd shot._a__r;d.,.cast wide on theIast. Ie fpaid t11.e.W'ager 1 and swore that it was the reel that beat him. , I W `V _A.. 1.--]. _.--- -31.1-.& nnwuv Ucil I. uxxu. -, I' bet fty I can mt you.Ari_ght now with that there gosh durned Meek reel 0 yourn 1" sputtered Newt. Butthe senator said~it was `time. for. .a julep. wagged hishead initriumph and led the party back to the hotel. . ... ,. 1.--; _--- -4. 1.... . n n . an en-11 auu ICU I.u.c ya: 1.; uuuu uv ya`. _``I- can beat you at bait castln;-tvith "any kind of a reel, Newt used to boast after that. but that there Meek sizzler V : you've got ain't a reel at all; it s aliv- tin , breathln , conscioustpiece o witch- cr:`1ft!. ' ' g V It was about two months-after this that Newt -lntrenched `himself forever in old Senator Harbine's iovlng heart. The latter s son was the scourge of his life. .-.He had been `expelled from West -Point, -discharged `from half a `dozen j government .posltions"and arrested a. dozen times; Finally aletter from Mrs. Harbine ' came .from- Cincinnati -an- * nonncing that Dick had broke loose % there on a wild debauch that threat- ened to end disastrouslyxfor the young man himself and fotjthe fair name of his father's family. ' ' an- -14.. 1-1-_'...u.1_._ I_-._.'l...'l Ll..." IALJ-nu. 5;; I-II? LCIUBJEI DJ llalhllll Senator Harbinphanded the letter to old Newt. `can ',-,,,-n._# -rI-_.-__9! I... Newt, yonlike my boy. I know, he growled. He thinks more 0 you than he does 0 his ownfather. If you ll run down to Cincinnati and stophim, I'll `give or get `you nnything in reason. I m rich. and I'm strong with the ad- ministration. Honest. now, Newt, In ; know younever gared for money, and: i you have no family. butit you'll stop this Cincinndti jag o - Dick-3__s I'll givo you 9. house and lot` or-or-anything . you want. 17-..; `..c...L...=I O..- rilnntnnml-I 211.425 JUKI VVILLJLO ` Newt started for- Cincinnati that night. Nobody ever knew just what he paid or did to Dick Hm-bine. but in :1` week they came back. Newt silent and satised and the senator's son pale. repentant and " following old -Newt` aroundiike a whipped dog; Old Harv bine `actually grew younger and 8339'-" as" the days grew iintotweeks and -the _weeks into months and boyevehowedii no signs of a relanse. . . \ - 1:15.. 'I'-I.4..n..i..`-& `Kain !-5" `l 1 . I10 Blgus U]. u u:1up:t;. ~ By J ehosaphat, Newt! he swore at his friend one night. I'm blowed it I don t_'b_e1leve you've c'ured the whelp. _ Y_o,u gbt_tQ take something just to give me a chance to show how Ilapplfeciate what yoifve, done. ,i.Why,i mother} was. .'break.in`g her heiirtfover Dick. . I never ` _..gyowed.' hq_1?vfhis `:d"9`inga ihnrt me.J"bt_1t ---_-J ".l_.'..`LF` I.II`Inil. _ 'i{II I|Q - uepwv v- ~~- V"'"~ '5 T , .2; bronze ties and clocked 311k stockipggi nestled snugly uxldexfneath. She__`wa_sg going surx'ptitio11sly to`a barn dancal ixlbeit her grandmother thought (plane-M mg among the deadly sins. `She knew she woma get a wigginghatterward; Sun, she did not mean to letthe _knowl-. edge in any way dim the splenxor, Q! t ....,L n...'nnu hmmn Ilnv 'im:1'. hevnrndv Du Illa LI\_ lI.I`B I-ll !-LU Ana `V %...:1:9 ms; 3.3.112? ._.e; L i' -T -----,-, , V . glass. ~ ?'I m.not going half way about It ei- fther. resumed Stuart, looking up with an evident effort to muster his courage. ' } I`mgoin_g to hit you hard. I m -- 1 ~ Fire away, you old fraud! laughed ` the senator. You know well I d give you the shirt off my back. . _ Ht`... .~nnn fn l'0f'iY'D 311'. the end 0 sulfl. ULL LU Duns. I'm going to retire at the end the ` vyear, continued Newt, and I m not` going to work any more. I- .m..n.. 1...: an ghom'l! laughed Har. g`=t;$1,::`;:;: `a'; a`;,`;;52- A bine. ' . _ ; L- ............ `kn anal nf a \ Blue. , V f`In fact, I expect to pass the rest of my life 11,1 ease-shing, in fact. ' ``That s ,the stuff! How much 1l it cost `a year to keep an old hermit like you in terrapln, mint _and bourbon`! Let er go. Newt! Never-mind what it'll cost." Here Newt-swallowed the lump in his throat, coughed a few times and let go the thund'erbo1t:' I want that Meek reel 0 yourn! Newt," bawled the senator, getting u-\?___J. ...... Rn-n f vnnnn '9 "".Ve\'Vl., U'GVVlCu ,|.u\. nu...-.v,, 5---" 9 pale-'-Newt, you don t mean it? ' 1 But I do mean it._ Are you going to % make it good?" Oh, Newt, groaned old Harbine, - L -- ...........:.....v "I"nlrn -H11: house make 11: guuu ; don't get so grasping! Take the house 3 In N street. It s worth nearly ten thou- ` sand. ` 3---I-.1 L`-\4\ nnvnrn`\1n Qfn. nu _.V_' ` The Hadley house lay just beyond the berry eld. Once she_;_reached it. she was safe. Mrs. Rudley had indeeclv incited her going, oft`ering..toiakerherr... in the carryall along with herlown girls, Mrs. Radley was so plump and yielding and obstinate even `Grand-' mother.Wills could not quarrel with her. She was as motherly as she Was. plump. Now, for two years she. had" been persuading her son John to marry'_ Augusta, so as to let the poor thing have a little fun and the chance to feel ? that her soul was her own." John and Augusta had laughed jointly over {his mother's matchmaking. They werethe best friends in theiworld, but had quite other views for themselves. ~vv4..-v~ .. 1.n+ (lunch: 1' knnvv vnn B11110." Nope, drawled the inexorable Stu- art. No real estate for me. I d rather j have that reel than half 0' Capitol hill. U01 get u..' , . The senator strode up and down the` ba1cony a~dozen_t1mes in moody sl- lence; Once he` paused before Newt as if to. u_ttr,furtl1er protestations. He nished his julp, made another, tin- kled _aL taint knell with the ice in his glass and fairly groaned: - AICJJ4-u cunvsna _r1:D`!'l` lTRY~- .l;.McBandless Blankets, % Robesangl Bells 5He has the largest and best assorted stock in town and announces a special sale for the next two Weeks at greatiy reduced prices; His stock of Hafness always satisfactory and prices right as usual. TMen sLMis and Gauntlets at cesi ` :1ass anu u1u'1_y gluuucu It s yours.-Chicago iiecord-Herald ___ _ k;~Stihsc;ih_1afor, me AuvAucL'V CUT FLOWERS-- . 6':-nah ever nuns. IAQA-us .u. an desi us. VEGE AB ES-Celegv, in Lettuce, Cabbage, etc. SEEDS-Flower Seeds. V: and Bulbs. SEED:TORE \']C\\ D LUI. Irl-l\-lJ.luJ\-at `~- Here's a hat, Gussie, I knew you never could smuggle _011t.t119t 339 Cm! at you have not WO1`Il twice this sum- . \r..>.- 1)nA1nu' ani unffincr 9 nin- TAXEOR FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN. . [Telephone :5. :55 Dunlqp`-St.. Barrie IT FLOVVVERS--Roses. Carnations, Vioieta, otc., fresh every day, . Bonquets--Button- hole. Hand in Corsage. Funanjal Tokens in again Alzlll. Go To "mu Axmv -C6le , Crisp and Tender: rbage, annips, Beets. Carrots. r Vggctable seeds, Plants F willntialycefyour risks in anv of his c;\vpan' Zogl ,best terms and lowest rates. Alltst cl`au_ con- ` pauigs. Eull uvnqunts of losses paid. `-1 - 4 GENERAL AGENT FOR T ' The Sun Life Insurance Uompan OF CANADA AG% .NT FOR ' . 1 The Perth Mutua.1Fire1nsuranca Go. ;The Western Fire Insurance Go. 11111". )'UU Lltnt: uuu Ivutau en.-- ....-.. ......_. mcr, Mrs. Radley said. setting a pic; tux-esque rough straw turban upon the runaways head as the last hook on the pink lawn snapped into place. `fMy{, but you do look pretty? she Went on} .'1`hen over her shoulder to John, .;'She 11_ ` outshine everybody, won't she, Jack? : Except one, John answered. Rose t Lee ll be there. you know. That re- minds me. She s to fetch her city cous- in. l`11e1'e s a chance for` you. Gus! Rose says he has more money than he- Mjell knows how tospend. J-.. an 1.- ham nhnnnn (111-G 'omce--37 Mary St.. `Barrie. MONEY TO LOAN. [8t_qves% Ranges 2-`mm am: LIFE ! . . for heating or cookmg examine our stock. We carry the largest and best lines of atoven in town. 'We wiil be plehsed to show than to you if you purchase or not-. A good dil- count 011' tor cash. Evgry stove guaranteed `by the makers. Also a full line of. Table and _1Ia'ngi22.g Lamps Calland get rates forydur own satisfaction. [COME AND GET OUR RATES Posters, 1 [Well lsuuwa Lu) W LU Bybuuo _ `I wonder if he bias changed, Gus said, laughing. or if he is~`t1_xe same little whining beast he was that sum- mer nine years ago. - ` -H"-- ~.I- ...... ,1:,`. CVt'\I'I nvvnn can h1rf|9 vm~.~-v. Bill Heads (in pads) Sttements (in pads) Letter Heads (in pads) Note Heads (in pads) Programmes A Folders, _ Announcements Cards, Tags, Enyelopes, etc. |rnAdvance ing si{b'irijv'%biz'{{'1zANa1a% When you want to `buy A first :1! GRAND TRUNK :,`;';-; WINTER RESORTS CALIFGRSIIA. 1~T13.x1co. FLORIDA - and the CAROLINAS" Including,New Orleans and the famous Hot Spring- of Arkansas. . `I . 0 n\,4,,,'_.- "l`:_l.,_;.. .._- ~.... Ul Ill na.I:Izu- Oxie way and roudd trip Tourists Tickets :I_re on sale. dailv. giving choce of` routes and stop over privileges at principal pom ts.3 . _ - ` - vvrnl I EMT. Q`IFa`D\'!{".I2 ---.v-...__- - ._ `_.`, Prompt connectionsgfast time. ltnxuriousny appoint- ed Parlor and Sleeping Cariz. _ ' M....|.. en 1-. parts: " tn:-end in the Dmmsr and Cafe Parlpr and Sleeping cars: . Meals "a.Ia. carte." served In the Dmmg and Cafe Cars. are not surpassed in the best Hotels. 'l:..l..n.- Pnldnra and all information on aDDli.`l;- ` (Lars. not surpassea xn me Des: rluu-Is. Tickets. Folders and all mformahon on appucan Mon to Agents. . T `I? C\T'Fu Q5..A:-.. An-A46 11101` 111111: yuurzs u;_.;u. _ Why, where difz you ever see him? John demanded in open eyed Wonder. n__._...:._ I.......kniI `lJ'ic-'11-1-ant`. IJULI LU rlscunao - .1. F. SMITH. Station Agent. v_I.D.McDONALI,).District Passenger Agt,Ton-onto; HARDWARE STORE FF|CES.T0 HLNI UH I-50-Izar. in Rooms for offices. in Ross Block. No. 97. Dunlop Street. Fire proof vault: lately occupied bv Dr. Wells. Alsotwo rooms with vault, lately occupied lpv Hood. Jack: 8; Fraser. Barristers; immediate possession. Apply to C. H. ROSS. n...'.:. Innnnrv 1. tool. g.tf_ Every Description Drugs and Chemicals` In the Kitchen. VANILLA, for ice ci-cam. for instance; B/umza Powm:n._ for cakes. ~_ Oneis a. drug. of course ; the other a "chemical": and there are still others-SPICES of all _ kinds. cream of tartar, etc. The heat lace to go drugs is at a. DRUG STOR . The druggist knows more about them than other people. We keep {good drug store Come and ask us about Kitchen Drugs. ' . ~ ' Muuxrmrs DRUG STORE F 92 DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. - FFICESTO RENT OR LEASE vi _...- 1'---`-ng. :11 Ram: Black. N0. 07. DUDIOI uoun UU1_uuuu\:u J.u Uyuu pg vu ...... -. Again Gussie laughed. HisTgrand- mother. and mine were croniesat the ` springs, she said. Don't `you re-i member our going to the"~mountains? .L`h0se_ two old ladiesthought I was born to take care -of Jody. j_E`Ivow, I s11ou1d have hated him if I had not been so sorry for anything compelled to suffer that name!` Hg was so sick- ,,,,-I_:I ...--A -I...-L Vv-`In!-n `1o+AfI1" vossessgon. npply I.\: v. .. Barne. lauuarv x. 190:. ____.___'._...__._.._.._.____ W1 DOOR WEST OF BARBIE HOTEL W indowi Cards, Dodgers, (`C 1 1"!` ARE -NEEDED EVERY DAY ~ BARBIE. J. V: luunyun yx-nu ._-. EXCELLENT ERx'1cE. __'OF__ "[0 XSUILUE luul. uuuxca J..L\i_ vvun wv ...._..,. I ly and spoiled and just plain hateful: along with it. Ugh! I'm sorry he's coming. He quite scorned dancing` with me-said I was clumsy--but 1? al- ways believed it was spite._ I beat him _:- 12,... --.u-..-. u. nnma Ins nI{rnhin0`('Fl$ OF h-aatalogues; VRAILWAY SYSTEM `utf. \\'Ll`V5 lJU11C\C\.l LL Ivar) wglbuvm as navy--._ --._. so far when it came to climbing `trees or even throwing r0cks- * ` L ' H _,_.-_L-1.l not`); an wanna` A ll Ul' UVUU LLIICUWJU5 LULLLD " And you never told me a Word of all thi_s, John said a little reproachfully. ` Gussie tweaked his ear, qnsyzetipih softly: Of course not. You have-bee_x_; L, . ___:1.1. 11-..... n:r\t'ht\ 1-vnn -nvnv-n'+rn|1_ bU.llJ_) . UL uuuxnc uvu -Lvpc ......... ...--_, in love with Rose sinceyou wore'troi1- sers. I would_n t say t1;in_gs.; about % _vourdca_r cousin that was to be,- Jdy. lrmsxf ' - I ' 7, _1_......I__ Juan, Sixdouble sets were already od.an.e_- ._ ing under the big bush arbor when the." mdleys drove up. High above the ` dancers a string band played for dear? life, while the leader of; it called-the`. gures in a loud, merry `voice. v0ut'un-4 der the trees other people si1_t,. usually young people, ttingly paired and so rapt one in. the other they had eyes, for little else besides. _ T ` ~- '_ll'_I- _ a-.uunn11\ . . . V . , 5 . mue use Desxues. T _ ~ A slight young fellow, with a,8ing1e glass dangling from his buttonhole. ' leaned against a near tree trunk. look- \ ing discontentedly about.` He darted at Gussie and caught both `her `hands saying: How dare you'be late? You must have known` I was pining _tor 11n0the1' real good ght." ' ' __ _|. n _....l ~{..nw\8nn1 I -'--'1' VA but: u 'I.u'l:o ` _ V A . = .. I ` Can you :'ond_er? M} `.3977 : ~d,:v. 1f`.., has been done` under t_.l4I_e`1.`() 88"v"`_3,_`L`..33..,`,`,LL ,1 ma, yielding nersieltgm,;;hiI:fm3?:!3!9':; .> -,-q V`-cs. (AIHJLJIUL l'\JL|.I 5\IU\4I~ Lib!-Jluo . ` ,'- . You. cried `Enough! and promised to keep the peace ever after the last *.ixm>, Gussie p1ote.sted. Besides, .I` do not -ght enemies any more. . . " uru_ 41 A _,_._ n 7.w:4.4- ....-.311 (`Inn-np_. By Martha IV?lcCulloc.:Vlz-\ V'diiuvI.h%8\ ' \.u_: AHJL Llbllb \.IJ\.A.AJA\..0 511.] II--'OV" I'm zxlxead of you, Fitts aid, ,,draW-- in:.;; her hand through his arm.T "I not mvn.-ly keep the peace with mien?" mics; I love them dearly~--QneL_ot -the!!! at lmst. " ~ . . Y(.m1` prettyspeeches must be sadly` ` - in nu-:1 of air, G1)ssie said. with a lit.- we sidclong look at John. It amaze._d box` to see him frown and turn away. ;:n:~.win;: his mustache. Fitts caught the 1001; mldsmiled ajlittle; butpress-_ ed ,tow:u'd the arbor, saying as theY'4 1'0::r,-lmcd the edge of it: A ' - sun- -___ ..--_... 4... 5....-- --with `anti |'It ...-.ucm. LW umxp. V Fitts caught Guss1e s`hand D.'9Jd`j I ve been waiting for this. TW8t9P9f~ were invented especially ~f9;-:..r`i~A_Y9...=- `tligvays romped J no` . maiiite -'fj4`.`V`Th"*jff :T \.-nxuukt LL19 \;\.|b\. \II- III! ' You are going to dance with me. Now, can you longer doubt my d9V'. tion?. . - . . ._ _ .. -3 un,, __-__- Ln gzuu . Oh, I don't kow; .You were 51'! ways devoted to yourself." Gussle said. ' smiling-wickedly. ' ' ` 1mu,_ -__,.4, __ _.1 L- a.......... T nan 111111 ..- .... Ana VV 1\.1\uuI_yu ' Fitts pretended to frown. I 896 `YOU are not properly imp1fei5sed,Withv the? change in me, he said. AUnVd'erstI1n_d. I have escaped from the Jody stage-.; Instead, behold Joe F-itts. very much` at your service. Do F011 RBOWI-I I..9~m_; down here just to.nd~ you? nu- ..--.a -r .-n-_u. '4.I.:...I- 1" aka!` nr u LILAC JLIDL LU lduun .]vI_.ao 75i\*o, and 1 don t think I 'sha11 ev,e_r` nd it out, Guss!e`reto1'td, beati,I18. timewith hervfoot, ' -` .` . - 3 - H11, - ~ - 4 -L, 1;- u.'_.n'.-'_.I.l.iIa' The quadrille was in 'its l241stT'W31.1V!`_1 3A.l Fitts raised his hand and nOdde,d.8li'Sht` 1y to the leader of the. band--: *Instant;bi the ddles broke -out 1n'th e'. maddeta merriest twostepq - -V T.V-N-J-.. .. --..:.;_ r1--....n..s..-I......I` 4a..uuI`*n'nV'llI. ay beyond `1!-I.1 nnnn cello nnnnhail H VA M1 int. 1% .. V mother AWn1's;1n-Ithematter or; di!f11g: Still, there was a general teeling_ that - quadrillesfot ' at most cotillons ,- wre the proper things for big .public**com- l panies. Even the Radley girlswaltzecl -__'l_ -4. l_-_.- onlyathome. - '_ W -_. V "1 `John teltfhlmelf grow` hot as `he T watched Augusta and young. _.Fitts through their madly gay rush. _No' harm in lt,_o_f"course. butt Bile had -.nve"r waltzed even with him. `-.His`; brows "drew so portentously together. Rose Lee smiled signicantly as` shecame _up behind him and touched his arm. Evi- , dently she had it in mind` to say some-f thing--something a little bit out of the common. But a great cluttering stir at the ill'_bOl"'vS farther end silenced her; A n__-_-I_ __-...-..._ _--...L.. ..-..1 gs...-.34-u`-`L van vnov tnnvvn w Gvrhbonugg --.- ...___.._'-..\_..._- .A family carriage, rusty and ancient. `- had drawn up there, the horses panting and ecked with foam. Out from the door of it strode an awful: gure. Grandmother Wills,` in dead black. the lplumes of her best. bonnet nodding ` hearsewise aver her forehead. As she caught slghtot Augustawvhirling halt inclosed by a stranger s afmsshe `gave a mun fhnf nilanm:- avarv ch-ins! sand lIuI\pl\I\r\I ll. IQ hlbnlonaaian no Ian -anon: yo-v wry - a cry that silenced every string and brought the , sparse. dancers. up st_a'nd-L- 1-ng. ` -rs-.. a_-1n _' ....x_--4.- ...- ........'-I- cu-ot\1I`t` `list . For half a minute no words would icome. Then, with the hissing tall bf ' molten" iron. Elle` ec'ried:j .Wanton!_ Shameless wanton! Never, never shall- you darken my doors again!" All I-. A Can`. IFCLGA nnnnnn `A fIh!f|_ JUIJ \`QLI\\ol LII \A\(\ll.D.7 Ina!-bloc` I All in a agh Fitts appeared to com- prehend. Lightness `fell away from him. He stood` upright and saidclearly, Madame, I have the honor to.ask your ' ` granddaughter in marr'1age!' ` . Who"are you? I do. not know you`. I-I have no, granddaughtier Mme, Wills said icify. V ,_,_ I_-J .._-_.. ....1{.u.. cu... 1-4-4- VY Illa Dutu .|\.A:Jo Gussie had grown white. She left Fitts and ._went close to -the -furious old ~woma`n,-saying as she bowed her` head: Grandmother, don't, don t,'ci1rse me, for my mother's sake-andyour own. Let me-go home. with you. "It was wrong to trick you _ .-- _ Madame turned away as though she had-. not heard. Softly Fitts held out his hands. Before Gussie could-[reach him John had leaped to her side and was holding her close in the face of all the world. _You re a trump, but mine is` the older claim, he said,_holding out , 'I9LL_. __l_- _.-...-....-.. -36- 13 uu: Ulucl. cjlauu, uv uu.au,_uuu......E, v_..- `a hand to- Fitts, who wrung it hard; A As for Gussie, she was too happy and too (niserableto say a word either way. Her, name` Was. Priscilla, but. through abbreviation and corruption it bgcame S'i.1la and imallyt degene ratd into Si1ly. so easy do eveg` na_1}nLesjgo jco'_, the .(1ogs,`. you; kno'w_;'.'-4`1a11e"7ei151aI-hmto" Dick. V ? --_.1_ .-__ ;.1... ~.:1 J There were some people in the vi}? `l Vlage Wh0_d.i,d, not. hesitate to ,s'ay that I Silly herself would igp to the dogs ? some day, jshe '-had (such `fshiftless ways." ,She _preferfed'_v`to* ivar plain clothes `rather than {spend time indoors , ..,- __:1_ (IL.-`. nniqlil run` ha ; so tlj CIULUUE l'Zll.Ll'_Cl.' Luau ,uu\.uu. nu... -.-............ ` on needleysfofk, She _coulg1 not. be counted ox; ;for the sewin'g circ1e' nor, dragged toflthe, debating society. More- -over. she"wi;s not as fond of going `Ito church _`'and . Sunday __s'c}100,l. as. she, might h t.v:e' be1i.' ,-- `- I ' v n um. :14... ..,..:. `nin!pl_. aha nrin hm- uugul. utl.V_!: ucqu. ,- -'It ts"'..me, Dick!-~ sh cried,` ',1ie- ' fac=e,._p1_x1`l,<'" _a11;d" white as their petals, framed 1'11 :1 bou_gh`of apple b1_os'so mVs. ; Her ,1 eyes'_ were as` blue as` fo_1'getme- .j nots; and `her hair was like the g'o_1dqn __ta',ssls 0.1!-tl1" ,g:6`rn.f .Tl'feA;nanie Ltis.., I haven't any sense, you know." _ '1' `. " A` LCI\I`.` ~ - l'I+.`I\I) " 1 IHXVBIII. any Bcubc, _yvu nuu n. _ I - That's one`; of your _attra._ctions," ? drawled Dick. When a_ woman hasn t . any sense, it's really a drawing card in these days, She s_ a nove1ty,:you know. Women are'so"awf-u1l-y wise _,. .u_..;. 4.1.-.. nut In. -Pnllntv `fn ;;;a"aex.`a the` blush. tut: U1 uau. They were sitting on the green:grassV Within a fragrant bower of pearl and i'ose. jsomething like dewdrops gath- ered in the girlfsforgetmenot eyes. ` What's the matter, sWeetl1eart?. `-`Dick, lt s the name and` the tness` (if the` name. "It seems- so; absurd .to careabout it." But 1' do. When` I `Was li/ctle, it-seemsto me they might" have cared enough about me to let me keep A ~ the sweet name my mother `gave me. I 1 suppose?-they thought it was a waste % `of _time- on me to say `Priscilla If I_ had lbeen'thei;' own child, *tl1ey d.n`ever, have'called me Silly. 1 And. to think it'll _ stick `to me all my life! ~ _--_...--.......' Incl` Rama nhw_.` iZ ci .t.l.I;`.#t: `':1-.;.'.~' ? SUCK [0 1118 an luy uuza b If it were your last name, now, said Dick, I could change it for you. ' Don't be silly !" You re that when you laugh at my ; lovemaking. It's poor, but honest. Q Dick. -`('10 you"th1nk, like all thearest; . that sensible talk islwastd on me? Do you. Dick? Oh, what wou1 not give to be a wise, clever woman with a dig-~ } nied nagne! Nobody in'the world will l ever take me `seriously as long as I am called Sillyl ' called blllyl T _V I'll take you geriously it you ll let me; take you and never; Iet~you%go.% ' : ..-n..-_ _....1.1 `VIII! Inn u7Ih1Q--VO`l]. 8. take you anu never an _,.... .,...A 1 Dick, would. you be willing-you. `a A varsity man--_to- have a wife; called Silly`? , You wouldn t! I can-see itjn '----- ---- ma` +5.16 mmethinzvvery Billy ! 1ou wuunuu u .. W... ..-- _._.w `your eyes. Ob, to`do something very wise andlearned! I'd die happy! _ "- -- '-----~`a-1.. I-nlyn H mvlb nlk `in She hever has `a `serlbus fhoght. ` that girl," her aunt remarked. If her name don t`t-her to u T! ` , V, * " She {was coming ` =`up`f ihe j7w6.i_k, `berg? arms ;c`uu= or applq b1oagoms;`.her` nag; danglifrjg at he:;`aide`,',`.'glp`glng .one_ of fth`e E..;~a`gumj ;-tunesJ:,wvit1_1;;' j:vv):tch.'ahe'-=acau;g1_a_l .._'_._'.". I "-__.;`: Wise anulearneuz .I. U. uu: uuyyg -V ` For heaven's sake, cried Dick in "alarm, don t% do anything wise 4o_.n d learned! . V V Jluttu. cum: nu u_u.. that they put a ,eaT5er4nn1e, Sumu e1.M'-or1*is.- Bu`_, `then, Vshe ?3.n`goo d hem-ted_ thing. nI_- ..-_-I.1 ...-A. ..........-...-`l4n. lg .-no v\nvIn'\4' `whet _'uzdr(c;_ie? and1u1it s5f:imy; ".a. rathex- ` burdensome 2;'nd:unpleas a,nt one, which ` by, God's Agrace,t.hey must put up -with. They lived in ax1 old, old house on the outskirts of :1 quaint, rambling old vi!- lage. `It was etnbout with orchards 1 where many birds loved to nest Silly, i when shemight have been embroider- mg herself a petticoat, making a crazy `quilt. or doing some other `sensible thing, preferred to stay out in the or- ehards with the birds. A A D11 . Iiilluucn u:.vsa.u.> u_..v.......... -_..- : burglar. was press1ng..a pillow aowii `-overohis` face, He tried to cry out. but ` could not. He heardooggreat hanging at` the door and a voice calling: ` . oUncle.Auncle ! _' . Somebody is killing poor Silly, he. thought. but he could not `move. T "-A--` -)-s-non Ann rlvn f\`l1;\I7 U.lOUgl.. UUI. MU UUUIU Axvu auvvyu .Then* as of bed. There were. smoke and a gleam 1 Qfshooting ames. Sqme_th1ng.wet was slapped over-his face. He` was being .dragged over the oor and down the 1 stepsvby. one-who panted hard. A voice - -Silly s-4-_was screaming: ' xx-ri-..1_ ..... ........n ucs-\n`l\' nIY|n1'\nI1V ' oine one was pulling him out ` DuI" ""_VVl1 51;]. Cuu..un5. ` -Help m save uncle! Somebody go back for aunt! I couldn't nd her! All __s__._ -..l.-43 Innnlu (VI-.'f`n Ulllll LUIS uuuu 5 vvuuuu -. Anna` .... T No use!" voices cried back. `zbome 'out`qu_1ckz `Thehoqse is about to fall . mu` , A T I l1 save her or I'll die trying! Take uncle!" ' ` . ` . l.ll'l!'.'1 They told him afterward, the few neighbors_w.ho had s`eei1 the, re `after it was` well under way and had come to help if they could,- thatlas she went ` back.the steps fell down-behind her; She had jerk`edthe Wet blanketgtrom Laround him and thrown it about her- \..- - .. self. ' sexr. , - v . `How she found her. aunt in that _smoke lled house,` with the roar and singing of the ames in her ears, the `ash of re` in her eyes, shetnever could tell. But nd her she did, lying \ insensible on the oor. She jerked the `sheets from a bed, tore them into strips, tied ethese together and bound one end around heraunt s, waist, think- ,1 .1 _-- 15$ 7s'&{{1's3" uni. 1...... non T mg as sne (110 so: TAh, how can I lift h'e1-and lowerA her from the window without killing 113135 Butshe did it,tI1ls wise. strong young Silly, who looked` tothose below liken wroddess _ot the umea.- Younger c_-at r imoreklaring help `had come. A ladder Jeaching part way up was against the `uncertain Walls. Dick was climbinglit... ;He received her burden as she lowered Wit and passed it on to thse below; '.l`hen ;he held out hislarms. . - un........ Imlmmd ha .emid_ (Tome `T ` . `,1 _ - . . . Mr. Samuel Morris dreamed that a` _s_.._ - ..n1....-. .-1....en. her! ue ucxu. uuu. um ul. Luna , . 3-TvColl1e.;.1)elVovel1."f' he said. Come 'quick_ly! ` `~ cu... 1--.: 0-944-nnnil nno nn nf fhp rnne' quuzxug a She" had .1!,as`tet_1edwon9 end .0! me robe` ';ab0ut her"Waist, fth other` ab_6i1t the ibedpost. _:She -_,was looking `down. ura_._-_.1n 'r\:'..'I_ nnllnrlfnn-n~In Qhn_ n'Iin'3. .`Dellp0Sl;.` _' -uU ,VVl.D luunuub uv n Come! Dick czilled? again. s_he.c1im: ';ed`out' ofth window and began to die-I s_cend hand over hand; Her senses seemed leaving tier. _Sh"e let go. - -_...- ;. :.,\......w an... -n'm' bcctucu lcavlug non. uuu Ivy 5... 'T When she came to herself, she `. (1`y1ng '~on .3; :tV>i_g\;`v:v11_1te.;;1,;s;e(`l,.1n the '.v_1_l.la'g`e` phrsonag. `Pe0`p5l`e' `tiilking. I` She had more-sense than any -of us; % never lost her head; knew just what E0 do. ' " ` V A I , 1_._.'.'_..l fl`lI-l-nip l\'A rrrdriri LU \.lUo ` And -she s brave! A'1`hi'nk of going back` -into that house_ with`the' stps V falling behind her!.A _ * -' m1__ _ .......4-.-... tuna -cnon'|:in0 uuuug UCuu.u_.|. uwz... ` Yes. The'- pastor was `speaking ,slowl.y and po`nderous1y.~ She s our "village heroine, is Priscilla. ,;,..-_..1_ 1.1.. ;l....'.'. +111. inning` nf fhn Vxuugc HCLULAIC, ID I. Ls-:\.:uu. Tlirouvh the door the voice of the rich ma; of the vjllage.r;1ng out: ' ~ ,, __ 1.- ........... J-IRA nnxn I`I'\I0nl`T7 rwu Luull. UL yup y_;.uu5\,.._....E, .,.._.... Lam going to name the new library .I m `giving. this village for her. ' ' . S-sh! The village` doctor was speaking.; We must have quiet now. S1i s recove1iing consciousness. gWhat is it,` Priscilla? -` . . ;Apple_ blossoms, `- she murmured foolishly. "`My hands are so hot. - ,:u; In Luv.-pa..- Dic'k! . ` Ul(:K:'.' _ He was `kneeling by her _bed._ The pretty face and hands were bruised and blackened, and the ames had not altogther.~ spared the beautiful golden `hair. .-. V` -* T` . .. ,_...1... ..- 1-..}! FA. `-\t\ nlavnw 1121113 . - Dick, it {hurts so bad to be clever ! and brave. 'l`hey'1'e`sa yinga I m that. 'AndVI ve got my. name. But, oh, Dick, I don _t;, want to be wise. It's so pain- ful; Let the others call me Prisci11a,{ "in . a - whisper.` VIt' `sou-nds'_ dignied, and_ I' like [it from them. But you-- you" just call me* Silly. _ I m not wise or brave, D1ck.j ~D_On"t tell anybody. I. went back into the re because'I dfdn t have any Vbe tt_er sense. ,.;_.;1.4. 1...1...`...'.1 n 5...; 'n;,.,1, ` C pm-Ignn. me. my me . - 9 0 . S. S. McC11_:ra Gompqnyv`A.; goooooocoooooyggggi (]1ClI1't nave any VUCLLFIL\D\.uuvo You are right, beloved, said Dick. Wise peciple` doinot run back into the re to save others. A Oxily the brave, the foolsund the angels do that. b A Bndv Scholar. The master of an elementary school -in England sent a circular to the par- ents of some of the pupils under his charge stating that judicious corporal i punishment often"'had a` benecial er- fect `on backward boys and asking it they would appr_ov_e not such a_ course { /when he considered it. necessary. The 2 following is one of the replies he got:_ ` - 1.--- ......-.uuI I190 nanindirlnf IUIIUWLUE LB Vuu vs `may --r._... __ 9, ` Der sir I, hav reseved ur ogexnggirkler and u haw My sankshen to_o wolup My sun Jhon-ass much ais u 11k 1 no Jhon is '9. vary bad skolar hlsjspaleng is simpely 'a.troshe;s '1 hav _trid to tech him Mysllt ` but he Wu -1191: lern nothing so :1 hop" 1: ` j will bet it {mow him as much ass u kan. TY...-n 5-u-Into - '_"" -""'u i)oepe_s British iak. V I 1a.nds has been.disc'overcd, thanks to Sir John Murray, vwhose surveg, of th'e."1resh water Scotgish 1ochsjs,now be,ii1g`prc_pa.xjd alt. 'E ` The I hoiior `bclqngs `to 1,`,-och Morer,_ in In- ...fOBt*.- . . . . . . I ; any` 1 ip$1?'91.V"1`*`3:7`?f1Z$3.`1,~-CISBDK-11. . .'1`he .sia,a'-rm : Ishowa =$9.m. :s,m:11li9in8 ;=.resu1ta.` `"gm393#'19h8{i:83Y #%_1!idi9zs;~ `.0! ` `~-ni,r}:e-1&0 The deepest lake in the British Is-A-' ~ `ee;$;;'eg.s-shire, yiith gej depm-To; '1,o,o.9, ` ' ` "frt`al'} hun;dxfed,,feet..-mor than, mv gooee-me W111 HUI: Au nuu.-u -..... _... _.___ rs truley, ` . .~ P." 8.2-the resin Jhon is slch a bad skoler Smbekag he is My sun by My rwlrs rlt Inaaoemn. ` : ` u----nu---n. Ilivv ilvwv, gg..... .. .`-'."`% 9" * - -0: Augusta scampered ,acros's' ture, the very 111059 and Pattern 9::-1.:=;_ nocent wickedness. Clothed a1).VlnAjta ed calico {lhd apping? sun he,t, .hez:`inewT` Dink lawn lay -deftly hidden` 1. `'*_`.`V: depths `of her berry basI:et., 17vith`.her-; _ Lg-.. nnn nlnnlmrlhillz? nfnoki-nxzd