Mo.` V:7`.'4'.'l`fl:[c)lAl`As1'1n3., Clerk. 1` mu EXP E R as oIb_ duo?-I_vAu1~ to am up womx an-r was ronczo 1,-o no ao-1:u.a now you "IIOH'|'IIN HONTH8 HE HOVIIIID BETWEEN LIFI AND DEATH, TREATED IV .. `I'll. DUCT PI'IVIlOlANO' IN TORONTO AND I'll. CA8! PRONOUNOID 80_ ' DIIIOUO THAT I'll \V_A$ ADVISED, A8 A LAST RESORT, TO USE THE V DIN-`II-OOl.lMvTIIA`I'MINT-|8 NOW IN GOOD I-IIALTH AND BLIQIIO A V. ` THI DAY I'll IIIAIID OF THIS MARVILLOUB REMEDY. Mr. Walden. 7 Cornwall St.. Toronto. who ` bu beam the employ of the Street Railway Com- L puny for 1 number of years as motgrman. informs-us that in had an attack of In (none. followed by to: number or lnotofman. Imonns-us that he had an gtippc. by typhoid fever. and site: than weeks of sufferin at resulted in aeomplication of t roar and lung tron es. \ During this lge vvgu the care of one of M the best phymcians In the guy. wlno pronounced it a 1 verv xenon: use and advssed lum to stop work, the belt physician: In min qty. `'1'!!! pronouncca It a very to stop whudzhewapnllycompelledtodo. Mr. Waldn`heard_about the Dr. Slocum Remedies :' and comzneneetl their us_: and after usjng them but i for. A few weeks he` notzced a great unpnovemcnt. The Dr. atom symm prism 1 Positive cm for llumanitfs amiss: Foo. Fear Ienrelleue Free Remediee for all eu-Revere reading true paper. Newoure r Tubereuleele. oequeumptlon. weak Lunge, cute:-rh. and a rundown eyeteln. Do you cough? Is your appetite bad? Do your lungs pain you? ._ Are your lungs delicate? _ Is your throat sore and inamed? Are you losing esh? Do you spit up phlegm? ' Are you pale and thin? Does your headache? " Do you lack stamina? These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the most dun erous melody that has ever devastated the earth-consumption. ou are invited to test what this system will do for you, if you are sick, by .....242..... f... .. A_9'{.`9P9"_'Y ?h*3t...9re9..'1= :'mPln- Vavncunnt mmnnsnue to 1133- ' oaamu. VII an. -y-.- cost"s notlxigy r until you 34 oweat. Deed shortest notic nrmers espeq 0 see you. ' IUII GIG writing for a and the Four Free Prcp_arations.wll be forwarded yoga at once. with_con3pIctc directions for use.` The Slocum System IS a posit_tve cure for Census: non. that most maidmus disease. and for all Lung Trouble: and Duorders. comnhcated by Loss of i-`lash, Coughs. Catarrh. Asthma. Bronchitio and Probably there is no elsss of business Insn so trying to the sdrertising Insn snd publisher es the spsslnodie sdvertlssr. Helstrying totbs advertising Insnbe-. osnsehe is slwsys expecting to get him to do somethinc pOrInsnent,~ end he is trying to the publisher beosnse he does not give his pnblicstion s isir trisl. You lnvsrlsbly nd binxlsn indlvidnsl who knows it sll. He tslks lesrnedly sbont sdvertising. he will `tell you that he tried ssversl sdrertisexnsnts in such s pnblieso tion snd eonld trsoe but little benets i tberefrovn. Alter quizzing him s while you will lesrn thst he vlsoed some hslf dozen sdvertisements in the pnbliestion referred to end scsttered them over e per- god of three yesrs or more. v I Ind NIB l'O|lI' tree rI'CP.iI'ill()I`l'3.WIII uv tutwcuucu uI'J an. um.-;. v--..._ .\:..:,...,.- :....,._..\,.., ,_,_ _____ ;{.?..*a7.;':.g" Sm: `"`:':*:rm,`%;;:;` %:::.:;:%....u" ......=-*'- `:2: cart rou es. ~ ,.;?"' V:.;.:*:,.:,`:.::'.;5a:.'m":h3::.m92:'a::--.;;:.%.:`t::.:2.'$:r.a,';::,:..`,`Ir;*.-..,. '`- rm `T PtI:uIao:1g.$bcums free ofer In Axncncan papers will pl33 lead for samples to He will tell you that his uncle or hie I father. or some one else. retired from bneineee e qnerter of e century ago. worth in the neighborhood of $150,000. and he never epent one dollar in advertising. He appears to forget that thing on this mnndene ephere have been moving pret- ty quickly within the put 25 years. The menchant who was a aucoeu in bualneaa 25 year: ago would be loet in the race for public favor to-day unloae he adopted modern methods. The merchant whom he referred to as having accumu- lated `a competence a quarter of a century ago and retired from buaineu without spending a dollar in advertising, would undoubtedly be a back number in thin The epaemodic advertiaer of today in I etoel. in a bneineea aenee, between the merchant of 25 yeara ago and the up-to- date advettiaer of the pneent. Jnat ao lnngaa hejaholdlng hie `own in the hneis hneae world, even if he be only making a fair living, he la aatieed. nun (L--J LI_-L _L__ |_-_ |___ _ j_._ I III --'---as -- - --------~-- You will nd that when he hu 3 lugs nltook of goods on hand, with buninou dull and bank draft: coming due in the nut future, he will resort to the an of pl'ilIhl_'l Ink. ' T- _4__ -_ 1.- .._;.. --:|:.... :.. -..-.. av----" - ---- . Joatao aoon as he gets sailing in open water again, and no hreakera appearing immediately in front of his bnaineu chip, he atopa advertising just when he should inangnrate an intelligent and |well-plan- ned campaign and force right ahead. If he be e wholeaale merchant and his traveller, when on or bneineu trip call on and fail -to cell to a certain retail ' home will he, upon the return at his repreaen- tative, reqneat hint not to call again? No! notlmnoh. He will command hia travel-. let to call on the buyer of aid retail ' `home whenon hie next trip and keep on until Inch time a he get: an or- der, The bnainela man ahonld treat atl- .e_rt iein_ln the some manner as he treats treveller and It neona- .; ; repre'eente- ' ~gs..n or . I SPASMUDIO ADVERTISER. 5':;'a1'.15;a};;s;..;..T.s{:.a;. to 4.; the fork,` try a uoond; if the Iadvu-thing ' ill Ibrotoblo By J. 1.. Troy in Hardware and Metal. = V I Q M0`I_0l"IlIIII Waiqon, In the employ of Arnnom swam nnuumw comm.` 'I=REE'rmAJ|%. TREAj'M_ElI__T_ I O I O A_ftet usmg thus vahnahic treat_ment for tome latch ume. _the cough sto pain In left lung ceased. appetnte improved a night sweats were checked: and in about three months-he was able to go but to work. feeling as well as ever. \Vhen interviewed. Rh-. Walden neemad to In in work. xeenng wen ever. When interviewed. Mr. Walden seemed to be in the best of spirits and expressed himself in the most grateful terms. an be considcn himself completely cured and imthe enjoyment of good health. What the Dr. Slncnm Retnedien have dons &' W08! U16 lJI'o DKK1-ll KCIHGIICI IIIVB KIW KG Mr.'\Valden has also been accomplished in thousands of other hopeless cases. which testimonial: we have on- le. OI (`KEG on- tile. i heir future. } Every hneineee can he brought promin- ently before the people you deaire to reach if you are wiee in the eeleetion/of the proper medium. If you be a retailer, I you are after the patronage of the con- amner; than the beet medium ie the hour newepaper of wideet circulation. It you are a manutactnrer, wholeealer or jobber, yonare after` the retail merchant; then the heat medium for you to employ to eerry-your neeeage ie the reliable trade ` newepaper. mud and Imme enjoyment at good health. What the Dr. Slocum Remedies have done fa LI- Ill-.l.l..n Ln. gig.` kg...` am-1-._..J.k..I :n OLA.---`Jar `-' " 'r'r Don : .1; your udnrtisingin toood Itutu; it you luvs something to Iollpll the tune you should be on tho lookout for `hnyon All tho time. Salvo: tho but nod-'-_ inns in which to place your odvorthr menu, no thsl. your ulvotloomonta no proporly oonntmotod; if this be done in- telligently and correctly, unooou will unre- ly crown your etforu. ' QARMS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Mr. Joseph Rhodes, of Glenouirn, formal} of the 12th line of Snnnidnlo, In; putchued 200 Acres new New Lowell,` port of IE cimberod with r- oluo hard wood and pnrtof it` with cedar. ' Mr. Wm. C. Wiltahiro, of Eaounbc, Mioh.,_ fol-metly of S -nyner. has put- ohuod 100 acres near New Lovell with` I lot. of valuable timber on it. Mn`. J amen Jahnuon, of Glenoairn, "formerly of Crows Cxmera, 1:90 pur- chased 100 acres on the town line be- tween S xnuidalo and '1' -asoronto. Mr. John Rhodes, of Glononiru, for- merly of Ssnynor, has purchased 50 acres joining his own farm on the 3rd oon. of Saumdale. t A. Ingsn. Reeve ofllorriabnrg, was unsound boosnu he rented 3 nhod to to the ooipontion for 5 hon reel houu. """."rl:i: IWl'\*lI09, atigllxptd suicide by drinking mrbolio said, but the timgly arrival _of Q dooto: may save hie ; Th; Vancouver Assay oco rocpivod $1,153,014 50 worth of bulhon, -for tut- ing during the put your, V NTS J. L. Newton, ef Watertovn, N.Y.. hen purehued two weter loll on Pentecost River from the Quebec Government for 313.500. . O.ontr_u_3ts have been sanded in the neighborhood or $500,000 to: the now .m`nchingry for the Belluvillo, Portland Cement 00') . . h ' The sutementis again made that the Minister of _Mu~m9 and Fuhox-ion will reoolmnond the |b')lir.iun oil the cloud ldllon in gho Detroit River. . . 'I.`ho_ Gnnadiau-Amen'o'nn God. 00:11- p|ny o`_mino st` Funk, Alberta, is. now prodgnoing and shipping over 1.0) tom `pa: 4;; out of I single `mine. D as. __ II . I ,y - e__I;ti ;'ir'.n}u}.`v.} p;.;..;.;;;":.;.`;:.. _'piition,of Modoutur of the General Ar A 537"; 4-u"_'.; '.a-.- " ".EiI:)l:I'lvI1) fl7BVV.. Dr. mcLm" '7}; mg; Du ireri ulu !vert.isem >t later! ' 2 f I3..l.)y.\a?f..'.Y rm The Lian/ land. Scour? to use utside ., they do ?-3 for such Lccord xkc ' cu ortgagcs. Fterloo. On` `avg! IUD I` o coil u_day int % nouncerm he week 1 ng fi'.om 3\_NT`." I allowed .1 gosition rd Eat In ovefi III h.I0_Io kn INISURANGE give. will]. `u start on I ove of the rstand the II? _III A om M1 fur the A" '.*u1;_;11 and` 4"i(`1lt staff. :\\ \ \l ENT8. WI! gs Compani- ance Com-+3 apital. mo. 2 Store, Barri! ATES. iMrrH%`: Berlin. 021% ..,.,._, 14 no I? 50 300:. wsooo Bartie,8 ai "?vZ"iY 60} 50 ' % at??? 49 ` AN INTERESY11G_AE}`1CLE';33YJ J,;;`=: B. ROGERS. '1':-111`. sU_PmRLN'mNnmG_j:-.;* ENGINEER. ` .He Describes theldfb Lock :.nd.V-fO1tha r -V `Georgian Bay, on Lake Ilurouriih "the Bay of Quinta. The 'diItanAog' ` width of 50 teen on the bottom. with Important Por_t1ons`of_'t.ha ;-_ (By R. B. Rpgeru, `T . T The arm ..'Iren: Canny to a rojeoted wat9rwhy_ far; bgrghejgr through central Oacurio,__to; ooguegtr Lake Ontario, 0: Tremoiu, :rha.heg;d,ofA tween theaeiswo lIIlO8.b7 th proposd route is about 200_ miles. _Wbera canalliug is necessary the prism hufa aide slopes of of 2 to I inearth, and l_4A to l in ro_ok. The looks are 134 feet in length 33 feet in width. The depth of water at present over the villa in six -feet, but .-all the works are being oonerructed an that a drought ol 8 feet can bejobtalned at very little extra expense. The capacity of barges drawing 8 will be about 800 tons. The weteriluplplv is obtained from an immense evetom of lakes to the north, most at which have reguleting dame at their outleu. It in a misnomer to cell it 3 `eennl up out of the whole Vdietenoe of 200 miles not more than 115 or 20 miles will be actual -oenel. In fact the Imperial Govern- ment eotuellv voted on eutlioienteum to complete the route on for no Bslnm. Lake, but immediately after they `had done no the . McKenzie rebellion broke out and the money than voted woe appro- prieted to quell the rebellion. this point it is--`proposed to strike across ' my lock which was built by the Im-3 Every advantage was taken of the natural features of the river, and the land lying along the route, in order to reach a navigable channel, either by canallzing the `river or making ooded reaches. The river Trent with its high rocky banks, from its entrance into the Bay of Quintelat Trenton aafar as Frank- fort it was proposed to cansliae , by a- eystem of dams and locks. of which there will be seven, by which a beauti- ful, wide and deep navigable channel will be _ obtained. `The route` then passes through the river for about four miles to Ohisholms Rapids locks. This lock is of masonry, and was built about seventy years ago, but is still in good condition. The route atill passes through the river to a point lrnown as Hoard's Creek. From Frankiord to Hoard s is at present navigable. From the country for a distance ct ten miles to" Grow Bay. A greater part of this section will he ooded resohrs. From the entrance into Crow Bay the route crosses Crow Bay to the river below IIeeley s Falls. It is proposed to canal ize part of this river as far as the Falls and to surmount the Falls with an by- draulic lift for a height of 53 feet. This `brings us into a navigable strevch of about 54 miles, at the north end of which is the town of Petnrborough- This stretch included fourteen miles of -river navigation as far as Hastings, where there is arbmasonry lock and dam 1 built by the Imperial Government. The route still follows the river for . about six miles, and than about twelve . miles through the beautiful Rice Luke. and then about twenty-two milesof as fine. river navigation as can be found in any part of 0anadu,to the town of Peter- borongh, where there is another mason' perial Government. From this point the route stretches across the country. to Nassau, on the Otonabee River, a distanceof about four miles The dif _ -ference in level between the two points in 78 feet, which is overcome by means of an hydraulic lock. of 65 feet. and an _ ordinary lock of 13 feet. About two. thirds of this section is a ooded reach; From Nassau to Lslretield, a distance r of about 5 1-2 miles, the riveris canal- ized by means of ve looks and sauna? The section from Peterborough _to w Lakeeld is all completed with the ex- ception of the steel . sunerstructur`e;of. the hydraulic loclr-,~~which is, however, _ ' under construction, A and it-`is "expected will be completed about vthei-rniddleni-~' the coming summer. ` ` '~ T` '?mturvAt1EYL From Lakeeld the .r`ontsA~ through a aucceahion of Abenntifnl lnkbl`. to tho entrance of the on! at Bnluln Luke, n distunoo of Vnbbn` '65: The lakes. are p|lid_':5thtnI1f`h'i Kstohewanookn, Clear. Deer, Buokhot_fn:,' PioH.'_7 Cumeron and Bslouim; ;-'l`h"o, in level between ALIllO_;,'0'd-_` Mw "lei1fit3i5.:%, . 915$:- :dV4 . _ ih vdllej of the:_ `';"__ means bf :l'n.hvd Iinlio {risk} E'Ifom,.. um posneahe roucqtoumvguge may of _the Talbot :iver-ivbich~iu _r_uod from `21 fees-to about the boundgry` btgween the` townships of~.E1don"and 'l`ho|-ah. As this point 3 auoceuign of ve locknre me: with,` which brings ue the level `hf Lzke Simeon site point about three miles north` ct` Beevercon- 1`he,, eecgionl ' betvweenl Balsam Like end Lake Simcoe ere under contact end will he fcotnpleied nexc veer. The route then. 'pueee`_ through Lake Simcoe and Lake Oouch-' ichiug which are of cource ncvigehle. and is will either pcee across. the can try to Metchedech Bey on Georliun` Bay, a diunnce `cf 13 lll|l,`0|' follow the River Severn to its entrcnce into Georgian Bey, - ` ' _All the etrnetnree recently commo- ted ere built of concrete. No. -more enitehle neteriel (or the contraction of leohe end dene could he wiehed _ The loehe ere of the ordinery type, with the exception of the hydrenlic. `locker The velvee for lling end enptying the lccke ere pieced` in the getee. The epperetne for opening end cloning` - the getee ocneieteoi e etiii` exteel been fee- rened to the top of the `gete. To either end or thin been in feetened the ende of e wire eehle, which: peeeee eronnd the corrnget-ed drnn ' ` of . .e cepeten, uhich in. ` led into e void helow the coping of the lock. Tile dreine en ceeed in Vetone ere pieced below the door, end et different levele It the heck of the look _welle, in order to .relieve the ocre` end wells of eny hydreulic preeeure thet night Ieriee. _ The hollow qnoine are lined -with cent iron in order ` to nehe e enooth enrteoeieceinet which the getee ney work. The gatee ere` or the eolid tinher pettern. V, Owing to the greetencunt of `lochege to be over come hydrenlie loche ere introdneedin order to eeve tine. The eneller etreene ere cerried. below the prien. of the eenel where neceneryhy neene of pine cnif-` verte. end the'lereer etreene hr con- crete cnlverte. Where et ell `pclihle : the highweye-end yreilweye ere cerriedi ecrcee the eenel on high level `bridge, which it in prepoeedin fntnre. to col _ etrnet wholly of " cenent. `The heed` roon ellowed below the bridge to the enrfeee oi`. the water ie-25 {eet_. Where it ie not convenient to nee high level bridge the highweye, etc.. ere cerried ecroee theeeneloneteelewinhridgee- the ehntnente end at which" ere cfconerete. The ret dine eonetrneted were of tinher with e well , " out o"' `oi concrete on the upper ride. Stop log openinge erelleit in the den in order to he ehle to regnlete the epring freeh. etc, which ebnetinee rice to ten -tinee the ordinery ow. A tlnher elide ie I left in eech den (or the of new- ? loge end tlnher. _ All dene of the De preeent tine ere hnilt wholly of con- A abort deecrlption of the hydraulic look at Peterbcro may be interacting. Tbcre ore two water-tight atcel boxea or cbombcrc, 38 teet in width end 140 foot in length, with eight lcet of water in the oiecr,` cud oloaed at the by mean: of gctec hung on the lower edge. Similar gctoc clone the coda of tbo reccbea. '.l'bcae cbambera ere carried by menu of heavy truqea aupportod on top of tworcmc, 7 foot _6 lincbea in diameter, which `work in two watertight `preaaca. one under `each chamber. The preeaec ere connected with.eech.ctbcn..hy..c `pipe-1.2 diameter, in the centre of whteha valve` in placed for the pnI?poaet"of_ regulating the motion of the chambers. For-the purpose of making up for the emall `quantity of water. lent in the working". of the main -preeaea an aeonmnlator in lnatalled in one of the feide towera. This aoonmnlator ha: a ram. 20 lnohea in dlametex-,'wlth a etrohe of '30 feet 6 tnehee. "working at a prealnre A alightly greater? than that of` the main .preeae_e. It: preaanre la alao need to operate the gat'ea,_oapetanaand small pump. The juneuion between the end: `of the the En-eaohee in `fmade. 'wa teIf'-t,i`g'ht_hy. of a` oontinnonI`vv`1fnbb'ej:--,' place`! 9!: t`.Iw om: -1d!a!t.i?!.it;lL9!!9lo9ndti ' V _ 3 '.*Fl.-`9`!i5*l`:*"`91lP-e3{ r"a' . -_ 1|-_~`.=_n '.--_--..-_.' ..~' movable enperetrnotnre the enda` at ' i 'l`hii"ht'iI'0":i.'I'.l:\, BBIIIUII III luv IINIIII yvvnu ' The mode of qporiting` thvo lqoqkin, follow: : Snppoliniboth ohunjhii um; has;- ogmup. spa `%th6V1*;%t1;o , 9` \I!I_II - -- 92 \ ji 'f->'=f;;!i-e 3;; .'.`"-.` WW` 1 ~"" "`Pn `.= V ' 1? W` ;abgss%:;q&:`iahp%1hvrAehsn`tIi9:hottbn`% of the" cunalabove, god hg, say, 8 lost" ten-i-aches of: viawr ad EHO sill. 'lhe thelotjtet . cnxiibep win its inst '1evfel'vi_th,the bottoin jotum om: belo1_r,,end will._~hnve eight feet `of water` on the s`i11,- The the _-upper ehember hniten incheef more` water in.` it than the loireriehember, and-consequently is no inuch heevier `then the _ lower? one (approximately 100 tons) . '.l`he- valve in the connecting pipe between the two presses in eloeed. When it in desired to operate the look gnteeat the end of _ each ohnmbennnd the gate: at the ends ellowed toeroape from the? air hc_ee-- 1 -making 1 the water tight between it the look} and the end of the reeoh--and e the operator, whoetnnde in I llil eebin ii on the topct the central `tower, open the valve in. _the connection pipe be tween the preuee. The upper chamber then` commences to deeoend end the ram chamber to aeoend on easy. chamber: reach their newpoeltiione, the `upper chamber being new level with the lower reach, and theiormer lower chamber being opposite . the upper reach, The operator now oloeee the main valve in the connecting pipe, and inflate: the air `tote forming the water tight real at the` end of the look. When the chambers are in their new poeie tione, the enrfeoe of the wnter in the lower ohamberie te_n..incher: above T the eurfnce of the wnter in "the reach below... .` and the eervioe of the water in upper ` chamber 10 inohee below the surface of ` the water in the reach shove. 0om- h mnnication between the water in the f chambere end the rencbee in how mode 1 by opening the valve. in the gatea } nearest the reaehee, and the water in eech chamber it allowed to nd ita own level. The gates are then opened. When thin `in done the chamber! are then ' in the condition they were on etartinz. Veeaeln are hauled in and ' onto! the chambere by meanl of by dranlic csfaetane. The time allowed H to leekend pane one or two veeeele in and out of the lock will be from l2 to. l5 minntea. The time required to raiee or lower the lock chambers will be about three minntee. On the npetreem which will be operated by hyg- dranliopower, and will be ololed when a verse! entera. the look. The Iubetruco turn of the hydraulic look in built of concrete. The natural eurlaoe of the limeetoneie nt ench an elevation that very little expenre in neceernry for the iioiehing of the ' than at the lower renoh level. The main retaining wall, 126' feetlong by 40 feet thick. rent.- upon the `limenione formation. Ito `height um beobout 83 feet. The olden nre curried up plumb for their whole height. the boning pressure upon - the rock being only about nix ten per oqnere foot. The steel superstructure in being built by the Dominion Bridge Comps}: of Mntml. n A nuts or anon ransxsnf _ Mr. Hugh Fraser, a most respected resident and farmer of Essa, passed sway at his home, lct 10, oouoessian 9, on Friday morning last. The deceased had been ailing for about two yesra Iron oonsutnption. He was well- knnwn throughout the oounty, having been en'sed for e'o'me'ynars in`0ouis- town,` Leiroy and Bradford. j A wuy;,, three sons end a daughter survive him. The remains were interred at the Union Oolnetery, Thornton; on Sunday last. '.l`ho'Brethren of Manitoba Lodge No. was aanus-r or HUMAN mamas. A Field-msrshsll Viscount Wolsolsy. K. P.. oontissnh mu. Msroh Oosmopollun pssistrstinsz study of the `Young ,1{q_polson. The-.English_ general is out- in his sdmirstioa of `the illustrious ljfpnohmm. , Tho story ot the osmpsljzn bf. 1796, his .wI;ij;os, will be forever followsd lt's ixiihi1tiaaVby thoss who -wish to zl'ao suicide 9! war. It will here- Nspol_oon's first indeppndsnt iI:__(!ortskingl_ ss Oomxnsndor-in-chief, and _3hsvin'g Insds,kno;w'n."to xhistory thd 111 L we hucmubonnz whom; God `lass m o.vsrnhsrs belong A `whl;h deoeued nu ' 3. member. re present ind performed the lat uld duty to a ii-ppurtod brother-_. Dooeuod in than nixty you-I of hp. -and brhtlm-,o!,.Meurp. Jamal Fran: `and W_. V 8. V1Cr ur,7 o! Tonmqeth. L236, 4.1`. & A.M., Ooohto;n. of . has votodgin favor of the huro of the an sud `electric light inanu town for $80, . .. . ` -+_;_; .".@6|hVdIiotor I'._l`o_ok. ot Bk. Thoma,` In` ` po_quit:tgd;of hfoVohu -goof. [nun-' v ;- - `P v`, I . - _ ',, Q,` ;__ ` - `U 9 - 1 - ,1" I. I` `- r 7' L fprt grass. is needed *t satisfac- . lrendy in-` May We. strated 36 mg. It is ' he BEST. ' .. .`:`;`i'.~I?5"t"F*".-.`!",lb`l,`.7 . ., Q3 :1 hing` foxee`_. wheiii-one..g'f - fthe_In-' ten tot! . who n bgit'., Iletotaoiued the sniml < 'vhen- jRe_`ynerd took ,`him_'1i;htLi into n beepeliden. V4 Noticing n. heerin he ho`:-tied home, `about: qinertetof. 6 nnile tiiltentjto secure his i'ie.- 0 J return-V in; he hail to p'ntnccnpl`_e of bullets into his beet-_eh-ip beforehe oonld die- turb it. It " nelly cime out when enotherehot oiehet! it. Mr. Kitchen etterwerde heefd n eqneeking `I noise in the `den end on looking in he discovered ; tic cnbn one of which bed been killed V with one of the _ehote and the other one V hg ceptnred. I-Ie consequently feels over his capture. Three been . .inx5line day is not bad. rm sumo Am.-nxa1n1r'o1re3'Anu mmx agmwu "SYSTEM. AA:-rnngernente hnve been completed" by the` peueenger depnrtlnent of the Great! Trunk Rsilwny Syutem whereby it: nnnunl unveiling` picture exhibit that has `crested Iuoh fnvornhle. oom- Inent throughout -the United Stnter, hen ntnrted out on n three months tour eommeuoing1'Februnry V1. The itiner- nrv of the trip covert some of the prin- oipnl Southern and Middle Staten, nude includes the following oitiee :--Atln_utn. Gm; Birnnlghnm, Montgomery and Mohllo; Al`e.; New Orlennl. Ln.; ` Houston, 80!: Antonio end "Dulles, Texan; Memphis. Nn|hville,}Ohnttnu- ooge end Knoxville. '1`enn.; Richmond, Ve_.; Herrleburg, Bending end Wil- lierneport, Pe.; Elnire, Bioghemptcn end Utioe, N.Y. The tour ie eo er- renged thet the exhibit will be on view et New Orleene. Pe., during the "Merdi Gree_ feetivel, which will teke pleoe Februery 22-4. The exhibition will be oompoeed of more then of the lerge edvertieing ploturee, illuetreting the eeverel eummer reeort diltriote looetod on the line of the reilwey, end including the regione in the "Highlende of Ontio, the eeverel reeorte in the whit:e':lI3Dunteiueiof New Eoglencl end the bathing beeebee on the eoeet of Heine. In eddition to theee there will bee eeriee of mounted eh netlvo. to the wetere of Oenede, including bleak heel. meekinonge, well-eyed pike, (dove), brook trout end other verietiee. A repreeentetive oi the Gt-end Trunk will eooornpeoy theexbibit end ma- eoue illuetreted cleeeriptive publicl- tione will be dietributed gretnitouely et eech point. _ The Esss Council met et the Dominion _Ht`el, Angus, on Feb. 23rd. All mem-` prssent. The minutes of lost meet- ing wsronsd sud conrmed. . .On motion of Ooxvorth end Dundss, thst the Gonncilgo into committee of the whole to toeelve the Auditors `Iiepo:-t for the yes: 1902. . T On motion of Goxwortli snd Dundee thst the Auditors Report. No. 1, ss reed be sdopted, end thst the Auditore he psid the sum 0! 810 for their services sud thst the Clerk ho instructed to hsve two hundred copies printed sud distributed. On motion of Bell sud 0oxworth-'1`hst the sum of 820 he grsntedte V S. 8. No. `13. Vosprs, ss Iohool fees" to: children i jios:119o1 end 1902. going from 8. S. No. 8', Ens, for the '-.._ ,- - -vv- ,7 Do tvn'o-tl:x-1~of 06'xwo:l:h and Dund- `lfhut the uutnof 020bolvonto 0.H. Clark to: the Public Libra! at Angus. l\... _.ALl _._. .1 `I\,___ , -...-.. --- _. .. ........ .........., -. ............ On motion _of Dundu uni Ooxwot-th- That an Rom be iumuoeoa to furnlih the Clerk with the latest rgvlood ntbtntu. On motion of Ooxirorth and Irwintho waro- ordered to be paid: Edward Rutherford. for cedar and labor, 85.20;dJatnoa E. Wataon, repair to road uradar. 35.90; i Wm. McKnight, for cedar arid putting in culvert," 87.00; W, 0 '1`. Mollaatar, error in election axpanaoa , 02.00; Wu}. _J_. McLean, oadar and repair. 60 culvert. $2.00; 0. H. Oarrnthara-, opor-, atinc ro`ad 1-ader, $6.00';Robt. Smith, for filling waahont, 81.00; _`.W. E. Stoddart, AAA 4:- -_;)V':n-:;1-o1`:i'V<;I'I ;);_Fi;'w-iI-:-d;n;lr6;;o;l;-;l;; Oounoil udionrnod to Input at Oookltown on Monday, Much 9th; 0'0 1 up --' _. .- I&":o i{i&g{u'i.'a' 'Ai;pE..",'i's.3zI Bordon-prgliotn I": gonna! also-T '*!*.`*:'!*'_n- { E5 Thoxjhbnrn, of Biy. In *9!3"4 :'_`.*9 ha rm--t W L `The Nmnno. 3.0,, mike 1... been lmttdr ` ` " ' ' in the olovnton 6f Fdlt" William huvofovne:o_n Ittik. * _w:5m;;;.;;.a';:.`1...... ..:.;| .- __---v. irho nth:np,ted~to {oh I_ III! in-'u7_E\tIIil,t" V wdIVvrcro Ipguu 91 wisp I_.: .A":_I;".__;,r -A . as." 'i;;;.;':a.;;;:;;i... 0. u..% I. K 1.1 ? II llrst page und. pmpmy :9, etc., on, Eh, and wm s per w'o` 1; per w L .cou_nted fut _per vgqig