w `for Built imam Hume out or season A NUMBER or HUNTERS SUMMONED To APPEAR BEFORE nuexsmuu-m 3088-FINED $20 Local sportsmen were greatly interested in a case which came before Magistrate Roan last week, when charges were laid against 1 seven hunters for the violation of the game d laws. in hunting deer out ofseason. Messrs. Cavanagh. of Minesing; Pearce, of Shhntyvf Bay; Keenan, ot Barrie. 'and- the Temlinson 1 brothers, ot 'Vespra, answered `to their V names and entered a plea of "not guilty. TL; 8-a`4\m-n-Odnn unnn `II! Ml!- IIBUIBI Ill BIICBKCII 6 plan In VII uuvy- The information was laid by William Mc- Dongall. who `lives new Minesing and who will beremembored as keeping a hotel out on the Penetang road at one time. He swore to meeting the two Tomlinsons and several others .on his farm on Thanksgiving Day. The party had guns and rifles and were ac- companied by two dogs. one of which was a well known deer hound, owned in.the neighborhood. He. stated that he warned them against allowing the dogs to run as he hadieen a 'deer.on his promise: that morn- ing and three had been in hiepeaeld the day` before. He ha'd also told them that, under the game laws, he could shoot the dog: if he so wished. The party had told him that thev.'were only out after" rabbits. 11: had afterwards seen Keenan, Pearce and Cavanagh ioin the _party. Thu nbanllnlih nnnun-t rhn ILMEAI5 three men uuvanngn ]01n IIIII puny. . The charges egsinst the latter three men were dismissed on the evidence of Cave- nsgh who stated he and his two friends were hunting pnrtridges. end were only armed I with shot guns. Their dogs were speniels and unsuited for running deer. They had merely stopped for A chat with the other hunters when they met in the woods. A TL; 'l`n-nlhm-nan `Q f.'I:F vilin ltltd %B4{BR CGUNTY or SIMCOE. ONTARIO.` MARCH 5. 1903. nuntere wnen may met In mu wvuuu. The flfomlineone, in their evidence stated that a nephew had come up" from Toronto for the dey end they had taken him out to `hunt rabbits and pertrldgel; They explnin- \ ed the feet of there being riflee amongst the ` party by eteting thet` they onlv poueeued h tone ehot can and bed to utilize whet re- ertne they could get. _ "Aloluunnlu nnnuinnn thin}. the: man WQIQ l'_lnI VII , UUIIIII `Uh lthongh convinced that the men were ' not out for the purpoee of hunting deer, and had about none,the olenee in the Act wee so specic concerning the running of hcunde in pieces which deer were known to frequent, thet the tnegietrntewee forced to nd the Tomlineone iltv of an infraction of the gene lewe. e however, only impoeed the mininmgn -pennlty on one brother, A fine of 820, end euepended eentence in the one of the other. There were two other member: of the petty, but enmmone have not been eerved :1 them yet. -I\-.__._ 11-..- 1-_.I-_- Q...loI. 48 11-11:. tonumyuu. Dopu Game urdenn Smith. of Belle- villoz W llmott. of Bouumnrin and Hines, of Battle were pruont to pub the one, and ah. an-n nan I-gnu-A-Anl-All lw A- E. H. 1 DIITIU W011! pruiuuv IIU yuan uuv u-av, -nu. 0:.-- 3: ~ E. .3 2: A-,...,.E~ `:- rolw o 0; r. tut for the Tomllnuonl. V y `P frhe Second ms. can-bust Passed Away olov havww-to --oc- c-so-vv-ow --w-v- V _ _ Last Week. . `It in learned with regret that the .twin -eieter of Mine Garhutt, whoee demiee wae reuorted iaet week. hae euooumhed to a brief ilineee. Ber eieter having been end- denlytahen away from her ahe, too, eeenied to realize that herletay on earth would be ehort and wishing to go to be with her eieter, her iov Heavenly Father heard theory and oai her up higher. It ie etrange indeed that the twin eietere ehould be etrioken down with a like and fatal die- eaee, nneumonia, at about the lame time, and at the tune home-that of a friend in Eaet Gwillimhnry, with whom they were visiting. The eietere were eeidom known to be eeparated in me, and certainly but a few days eeparated thorn in death. Miss Jane` Comer, of Sutton, made her will on 1st of May, 1902, disposing of ; property worth about 31500 00 and died next day. She was about 80 years of age. The lawyer who drew the will lived in ` Sutton but received all his instructions. from Dr. Park, a nephew of the deceased. ` Very substantial benets were conferred upon Dr. Park and he was made residuary devises. A farm was Kiven to the Dr. s son and he and Major Stevenson were sp- also executor of an earlier will, made when Miss Comer was in good health, about March, 1901, and he refused to either renounce or join with Dr. Park in an application for probate until the cir- cumstances attending the making of the alleged last will were ventilated in Court. Proceedings were aocordingly instituted in the Surrogate Court, but on account of the importance of the questions involved, an `order was made, directing a trial in the High Court of J ustioe. The case came on for trial before His Lordship"`Mr. Justice Street, sitting without a jury, at the Assize Court in Toronto on Friday last, . and occupied the day. C. J. Holman, K. C . appeared as Counsel for Dr. Park ;- Eaughton Lennox. for Major Stevenson ; W. R. Riddell, K.C.. for Geo. Messing- .tcn ; Sidney B, Woods (of Lennox, Len- nox & Woods). for Mrs. Sherman and` others,; F. W Harcourt, K.C. (ooial . guardian) `for J. Comer ark, an infant son of `Dr. Park, and J. A. Worrell, K.C., without formally appearing. watched the procaedingithroughout in the interest of the church of St. James, Sutton. His Lordship held that the will. executed by Miss.Comer the day betore her death was . a valid will, .and distinctly.-exonerated Dr. Paul; from any imputation or fraud or nndueinuenc e.- But the learned Judge .- that the circumstances attending V the ofvi `the maintained in 0!I!i19!!"i ii and; pointed executors. But the Major was ` {CV9 `VIII IF? I and Dr. Park? -`a.-+:.*-W ---5 "A sanuunr mason. iwm sauna bu-:3. ` during 111 sI;2S.'.L' X J-`J\J.l_l.I._l$u|-who `per month _l.'muary. Dozens of other plates were supislied e mnnth at salaries varying iron! 85 1:6 $8 gs or week. That is whv we have plenty of room at `all times for nc-`xv members. _ _ \Vr,ite for Lataloguc. Enter at any _tm_ae. .\`o vacations. . , ` ` "` '- -_-_ I'\-II-..... came to us during fhlast week .in- \ /` -TOWN AND VICI1*iITY;. .-The annual meeting .of the aicenv of {he 35th Regs. was hold on Friday evening out. ~ ` &Dreumaking_ department now open at G60. Vickex-s .. ~ ,-rnm HAPPENINGS or 4 WEEK m I.-Av-'hl`1'-.`A-i`-S7'u'1. Gallic _hu rec.-ioved, the contract; for tting up. Ald. 1'yrer I new `store in modern style. - 13851; Vof c;r;;;t'4;-and oil cloths still on at Geo. Vickera'.' - M:-i:;k ice. this year, will aver- age about 18 inches in th-ickneoi and a good deal of it is being harvewad. - __`-vu ______`_ _ 3 -`_ai"I:I;l'>l;;r"z:ewwVV;p1'fi-I;VgZ(Vovercoat: and I waterproof: at Hunter Bros. V II 7 _L_L_.. ..L_L 1.. ......'.LI_- `."&`l::tI$ style spring` `in; 7 at Hunter Bros. V..- -- | ` ---W. J. Hayward states that he recently` cut. avcord and a quarter of wood -in an hour and nix and a half cotdl in ten hours. He V challenges anyone to beat him for $10 _s uide. -__A._ ___4. _.....-.._J -v oow-v-- - V- --William Barrett. aged 35, non of Mr. Wm. Barrett, of Midhurat, died wary sud- denly oi pneumonia last week. Hie funeral took place on Thursday to St. Mary : church interment being in the Roman `Catholic cemetery. '1`he`e`erviceu were conducted by Rev Dean Egan. . ' ' I, n ;..!,_. _.._._.1._ :_ _II ECAPITAL - 52.500000 RESERVE FUND 52.600000 __._... ...-nu-rs n-r\nn\1"l`n ' -"l:9(-3111.12 :-p-tr>`1; -a` baht btig corsets in Q1] the newest models at Geo. Vickeru . , --As the result of an attack `of spinal ' menlngnitie the death of Goome L Shanocv, the eight veer old son of Mr. Edward Shenocy. of Midhurlt. occurred on Thurs- doy. The funeral took place on Saturday to St. Mary : cemetery. ;'II I`, ____ `T- _- lI_ _A_. L , _-__- l vv -_v- ->-----' V -- Tnn. Comrzn You Snnvn to your guests crestes as distinct en impression among" them es yourselves, your I linen or your china- If you want the very very nesi: avored coee obtained we have is. 400 per pound ground fresh. J. M. Both- weli. i ~ ` A , 7 " ';Special value in men : this inch at Hunter Bron. ' --L; i{.1}} .;.m..xy oicial Boardmeet- ing of the Collier at. Methodiat church a resolution of appreciation of the paator, Rev. J. J. Redditt, waa paaaed and an unaniamoul invitation extended him to temain a third year. Mr. Redditt accept- ed the invitaaion cabinet to the approvaljof the atationery committee. V -Marka Bro e. Company; supporting May A. Bell-Marla. have been playing to large audiencee the 0 week at the Grand Opera House. Mon ay ni ht people were turned away. Tueaday nig t. Among the Brig- ande; Wednesday matinee. Eaet Lynne; Wednelday night, The Two Orphane;" Thureday night, which ia the coInpany e last appearance here. Hulda, the Mountain (In-An n walnut nA- in RA!-I-in :3 `an Inna. : ;;':..`;".`.` $2.2?;":2}"g';;?i;.'..'.i1...".3;` `SJ: many `veers. ` ' -Mr. J. C. Irwin's dry goode atore was ooded on Tueedav night through a. tap being left open in _Lenuox.Cowen as Brown e oice. The damage in eetlmeted at about 8700. Owing to the voter being ehut off the main: for a time on Tueeday, while repairs were being made, a large number of tape were left open. Dr. Boeanko e oice also euered. _ ' ' ll! IVAlV'l'llull-'l'llU JIVIIICI Vllllib ` can one: an opportunity to sonar: box \ Iwho wishes Iounrn I ood_u'ulo. -Lula week, on 3 result of critics! impec- tion con ducted by the Belleville Water Com- mieeionere. it was discovered the: I cerulo creek were being fed from the town union. The look wan stopped, when the gauge diecloled the: 80.000.|llone 5 day bed been U9 IIUI U. LII\IC' DIIV %IIIlIl II On Il A - neg. 6 play my to Bum will be pr;' 1 _ , or collected. SAVIN_[}_S_ mm _LI_l_F`JPARTMENT --The funeral took place here last week of the late Jamel Mitchell. of Toronto, formerly of Barrie. The deoealed was emo played by Mr. Frawley & Devlin when` he resided `in Barrie and mu married some yeara a to Mina Olive Crosby, who aurvivel him. he funeral wan very largely attend- ed a Mr. Mitchell waa a more popular townemnn. . . - --1-Citizens are reminded of the fennel opening of the new Royal Victoria Hoepit.al,- which take: place this afternoon, to which the public has been `oortlially invibed. It is also hoped by` the management that the convernazione. this evening. will be largely attended. No charge of any kind is being made to any portion of the proceedings. LA, ,_ L, S . first lire` oecurrinvgwin Iiarrie. since last `August took place. on Friday morning. at the residence of Mr. J. E. Minus, Charlotte ht. The re brigade was promptlv on hand to squelch the blaze, which originated in a charcoal box beneath the verandah in the rear. The damage to the house was slight, but with a little more time in which to get `headway the ames would not, have been so 'remo_ved. 9 _ _ 5` _b ' easily mastered. The umoke poured into the house in great volumes and theheat was so intense that when thechildrenwere being taken out their hair was actually singed. Considerable clothing, bedding and furniture was damaged through being haetily --There was a; time beda in the sixties. when the Barrie grummsri school stood sec- ond to none in Upper Canada, but for some reason it ran down for s. time to so low sn ebb that the fourth form has been represent- ed by an nttendsnce of two pupil! snd at times there were none present to answer the roll; call. The good work done in recent - ears, however, is having its eect, and the ourth ;form is -now` composed of nineteen pupils msnv of whom come from out of town. ' ` - 1... Au. _ - )_---g Aa~ I . '"}r'n4;r"1.}..2;f.iIs2 1;1;;.;i.'.;.;};.;.;.`ii%....... R Bros. Price: the lowest. ' ;!| -J- W. Cook. t e Midhuret mail carrier, was in town wee before last end hired e. . email boy, by the name of John Bell, to work for him. Bell is a native of, these perte but hoe been in Chicago letelv and evidently ac- quired considerable knowledge along unde- Iirable linen. On Tueedey of last week Mail- oerrier Cook came into town and on his re- turn home found that his trunk had been opened end seven dollars ebetreoted there- from. He et once enrmieed thet hie new rote e knew eomethin of the metter. and mag tthe hnyheiore `or e $neeth-,J.P.".- who committed: him` for :t.'ta_sl; Detective Beardsley hrou ht. the led no toithe County goal eceompenb .l_: -M;.` Cook, who kept` I 99113: `endlr'.ellIow:`l_:_ thepgiioner .%u`ee_il= ` Chan u;'dV Sanbnun-no : 00!! .13` Monsoon To V louder: this week mt. , K W'Af`l`li')-'i`ino idvuieo imcl inn allow n -nnanulnnliw 1- Q -xnrl Law ' ABBIIND TBARRIE. "THE. .. .. : gnuxununumn ' ',Miaa Adele Spry hugs returned from New _York. Mrs J. G. Sibbald is visiting her son in Grdvenhurst. / wh7t1lr:f`I1o}f`ord Ardagh went down to Tor onto on Monday. - ` II II . . Q 0 1` II 1 vP;ton was down from Colhng~ wood on Saturday. II 0 c\ I II III 9 :yvHAT BARBIE ;>:oPLE HAVE BEEN _.D_O1NG nuamu THE PAST WE 32:`- ' '4 V vxsxrous 'J'.`O.'1`HE TOWN. Mhjlftfajor vBj1'j11Vc;-.7,` of Collingwood, was in town during the mick. 11 1 cu-vo-_ A-D` Couti Eouncikloir Wright, of Penetnz, was in town on Pi-idsv. I visitinal friends in Orillia. during bhaggrasto week. 11.... T .....-.._.... ...I._ L... L"... ' .....s!...... 3.. TMiajs( ii;;er- wings` iii`)? [Edgar last week up thaguest oi Mien Ra. Richardson. .'Qn I' n 9-. > Mini. Lawrzniirvvho iias been visiting in -Meaford, has sownned home. Uni LLIUU uuavn cacao.-:7.----_.__. _ Interest at highest current rate "allowed on deposits" "of $1.00 and over. > A amnnu. n.iT\7iuNa BUSINESS. onnnvcfrnn. 2--Iy JOHN R. L'AMB. MANAGIIR. - . 'Ma.MT 5}. ;'etur15;lViro-In Elen- vale. wherepho has been visiting friends. m'.." "L13; 1;J{b}.a}I.,% "AF, TI{{{eIJ.}m, formerly o Barrie, is taking up residence in Toronto. ` t _ Reviohn. Locke, of Grillia, will occupy the ptptt of the Collier St. church next Sunday, ; ' I I I` I T? I` n, ` Miaajmma MncLaren, of Hamilton, was visiting Mu. (.0;-.) 'MacLaren. Mary sc., last was k. ` Miss Fraser, head Inilliner with Sergeant and Smith} has romrned from a pleasant holiday. Mina Annie Fletcher has returned from Idmbaon Mills. She has been quite ill for lone days, Miss Liszio Urou, who has been visiting ll Toronuo for some weeks, returned home last Saturday. Mini Carson and Min Hattie Castes, of Ban-ie are visiting frien d: in Thompuonvalo and other places. mu Mimi. Perkinn, Msry .s.._'i. vim.` ing an the residence of Mr. D. Davidson. ll.'P.P., Penetung. Mr. and Mr: H. O. Partridge, who have .1- boqn spending the winter in town, will} return to Sintniuu on Tueudsy. Mr. Dame! McLean, of Jarrett: Cornrn pent Snndsy in town with Mr. Goo. M c- Lean. Ponemng Road. ' NIUIVILY I U av:-nu. VVe havc a large amount of Private Fimds to lend at 4} and 5 per cent. on theecnrity of good farm Mortgages. MCCARTHY. BUYS & MURCHL SON. Dunl_op Street Barrie. Mr. R. E. Fletcher. who he: been ill to r lame time. is all htly improved ingcondizion, though still unsb an be out. i TEE` Minuet Paton, of New Lowell, were ` In town last week spending 3' few days with ' their father, Postmaster Pstom`, | "Min Morgan; of l4 Ama1;oux and Min E. ` I-Jamel, of Buttonvillo. no the guests of II._ D A Qtgnlnnnn Dan` ninnnb ' Illlillllg In I u llln. R. A. 8'te;on-. Poe! meet. .Meun. Willmoft, oadmas and H. K. Smith. Belloville, Provincisl Gameo ` Inrdonl, were in 'town!lI.Is week. . ` "ia;.'i)'.J{ni.'f.i Xa}.$-.1, &ho' has tee}. ' visiting Mn. '1` H. Reddicmfor some weeks, romrned home on Wednesday lust. V` Mr. J. M. Martin waain Mnlbrook '-use 1* week, when he wan culled by the desth of hit father. He hu `man friend: in town who will extend their eympuhy. Mr. F. T. Mercer, of Toronto Junction, I lull been looking old friends in uhe County during the but few weeks. 4 Mu: Leidonn. by eneciel request, ungl; Will there be any Stare. on Sunday even- i in, in the Collier Street Methodist Church. I I Mre. Jonathan Henderson and Mien Henderson left veeterdnv to accompany Mr. Archie Henderson to the North Weet. ' 3'. \ IIIIQ RIVIIIU cnvunsovo-v- av u-ow -uv.uu. vvwwvu u Min vinia..1.icex. who has been visiting` zhdr aunt. Mu : Gibson, Poelst... for some time. left for her home in Prince Albert, TN.LW.T., on Tuesday. . mu Ethel Switzer, of Richmond Hill, 1 who been in Orillia for a few days has returiaod to Barrie and is staying with Mrs. W. R. Proctor, Toronto 8:. Mre.`S. G; 'E.Mckee returned from Ottawa. I Friday lean and has been conhed to the ' house ever emce, by a very severe cold which I she contracted in the Capital. | Mine Minnie Lennox took a. sleigh load of young people out to her brother : residence at Thornton on `Wednesday night. most I enjoyable evening is reported. A 1 Barrie young people will" be interested in I learning that. the Alpha Club intends putting on another dance in the near tucure. March 17th hnibeen mentioned as the date. . - Mr. and M:'e._John R. Todd will receive the sincerest. sympathy of their many friends in their bereavement caused by the sudden and unexpected death of their bright little two-veer-old son, Douglas. He took ill with inammation on Friday and died on Sunday morning. - n 7. I\,,.,9___L1__.I2._ -: u..:.:_1. 1--v.....1..:. M Mre. Cmickshenks and Min Agnes Cruickshnnka left on Tuesday to take: up residence in I-3%enheim. ` Their property- wn purchased by Mr. Thou. Turner. - . .| '1 Mrs Hauard, inspector tor the York County Loan and Savings G0,, has been in town the lush feyv days and reports that she in more than pleased with the wav the bus- inaa of the company is growing in Barrie. IIIIII XIIIBI ? Ex-Premier Semlin. of British Columbia, formerly one of Barrie : pubiic school teachers, who hold office as a. Conservative. has just: been re elected on 3 Joe Mutin candidate. Mr. Semlin was in town last summer and found many oldriendo who remembered him. -__ .... .- n can :10 ` ' I Ulllvnll--Va sun u . Mr. E. W. Telfer. of Collingwood, who who has done so much aat.isfnccorv_ work as referee in 0 H A matches, will iesve shortly for Winnipeg to -take 5 position as traveller for Messrs. A 8:. G. Gals. -Mr. Telfer hu made menv. friends in Ontario by the gentle- mtny and fearless way in which he has dis ohnrged his duties as referee. . A\-I2._-L-.. D`.._nb nnii . ,,`. Quin-lg`, Ullhlsvu uni \o-~-an. -- --_v---. The Goldwater Planet eaye :-- Sunday wee Mieeit-nary Day in the Methodist Church. The preacher wee the Rev. J. J. ,Re-.'lditb' of the Methodist, ohufch Barrie. Chairman, of the District. Mr Redditt preached a. mute:-Iv sermon. fullof rich though}: eloquently delivered, and of deep Interest to all. The greet and growing |)ee_deK;ofVu;xt'Nqrthw.eet were `very loreiblv to the lust eengngegetion. while `Q, . -1i?3``~i?on!ih99'` ' |`iP`_ OY WANT ED-'l ADVANCE ofce \'o learn printing. socuu Aup_g_msnm. Farmere experienced lots of trouble IL getting to market. on Saturday, as the thaw had made the roads so soft. that the hoflel continuullv broke through an the risk or getting stalled Those who got out on the bay came up zhab way finding the ice much safer for travel than the `roads. Prices re- vmeined abouo the same as during the previous week Butter brought 18 and 200 3 pound and eggs 16m 18.: 8 dczcn. Fowl of any kind was hard to get. and turkey: were particularlv scarce. Chic-kenl aver- aged from 60 to 85 a. pair. geese 10 and 120 spound. and turkeys. I53. lesruce acid `at 10c a.hox, green onions 5c 3 bunch. beets 600 a bug. cabbage 40 to 70, according to size. carrots -500 a bag and onions 60 per bag. II_ A.L- ...._!_ _,__, I,,_ ___I.,,- I ' I. AA- ...... 0n_ the grain marker. wheat. brbugbt 69 and 70c. one 30 and 31c; barlev, 43 and 44c; rye. 45 to 48; and buckwheat, 48 and 49: Live hosts are worth $5 65 per cwt.,_ and dressed ones bring 87 00 to $7.50. The Intermediates of Midland were beaten. by the Junior: of man town the other /night by a more of 7 goals to 4 The work whicp Wiinma does u point for the Barrie `team czmnnt. be over estima- ted. It. is doubtful if there is a point player in t.he0 H.A. who plays as more effectsve- game and yen hidwcuk has to be watched very closely before its. lull worth is ap- pxaciated. I When the Belleville `team nieyed in , Kingeton they were verv roughly hsndled ` by the Ramblers, following which the Ipeo- - tutors took 3 hand or. abusing the "visitors. Brown war Ilnoclled down by a blow on the , heed irom 3 spectator, while Meauire and ' others were thrown down end kicked by the ` mob. The O. H. A. committee has deter- imined to take such action as wibl tend to- snppreeetbie etyle of enthusiastic support ; for the home team. - The rink management `will be required to prosecute the men who {unsalted Brown. and if neceeeeryo reward 5 ; will be offered Unleue the requirements of "the association are amply met there will ' `never be another association game on that o . Inn U ThHZGl'-avenlhurat. Banner says :.--" Here : to Bun-ie--may they wm the Intennediate championship. IIII In - U iv an ._:- The Penetang Herald save .--"They are logical reasonere down In Barrie. This is the way they work it out down there. ` If ` Barrie had had more time and `it Vair had been playing, Barrie would have won We might add that if Barrie had defeated Penemng, shut out the Marlboro: and blanked the Beechgrovea of Kingston they would be junior champions. After all, how very clone to the trophy they were. n A: an. D A $100 cup for annual competition be- tween Orillia And Peterboro curlers has been xotfered by Mr. Robt. Nelll, of Betorboro, land Mr. Sheppard, of Orillia. As the hockey season drawn ton clone. tholacrouo enthusiasts again come to the front and nlnrge number of the U. L. A. club: have nlready been organized. It be- hoveo the Barrie club to be up and doing,u ; the annual `meeting of the Anooclntion is only `a litslo over I monnhunv. -. I'\Ir\ arr:-n- --- - V Blacksmith Shop and_Busineas in the Villagemf Shroud. Innisl Townslnp-Comf- rtablej House and outbuilding in connection. Terms easy. A [V to S. `{; Reynolds, Stroud ?._O., or to LE `OX. C0 AN 8: BROWN. Solucntors.Barrie, Ont. 5-:7 -p kelp! tor.` Ii I Itia charged tlntNowl .a, who puma point onlbo Collingwood am most of the `season. made: demand of $25 for bin ner- vicee u the train was leaving for the nal game at Barrio. He was left at home, and unless ha can ueahlloh his innocence be will [be left out 0! hockey and all other auteur gsmes. The oence alleged against. him in- volves expulsion lot violation of the smtuet . -...I- The Vhllingtons are again the sonir `champions of the 0. H. A., having beaten `Cornwall by one goal in the nals. up In PI I 11__._!. v---v----- vi `WV -~-- __ ~ - __.r. In comparing the Bellevile and Battle teams, in as recent issue, the Intel- ` ligencer remarked :--"The Bellevillee have played 10 games. winning nine oi them and losing one. They have scored 63 cool: to 23 for their opponents. Barrie have scored 84 goals to 36 for their opponents. The Barrie men, however, have gone against no such propueitionsss lhe Port Hopes, Peter- horoe and Murlboros. However, they must play good an ift hockey, and there will cure- ly be something doing when the Bony B39 face each other. The "Paris crowd are said to he a big, rough 1ot,who know little obouo I the ne points of the game. but get there by: sheer ogreeeivaneas and main strength. It looks like either Belleville or Barrie for the blue ribbon. ~ The Paris Intermevlimes phw here this evening and Bonnie plays the return game in Paris on Monduv- Marks. of Belleville, has been disqualied and the gs me in which he figured has to he reulayed with the Marl- boros on Peterborough ice, A special train wil be run from Barrie to Paris on Monday. Bolleviile has declined to play andther game With the AMnriboros at Peru-b.ro and the latter tenm will. uccnrdiugly. play the winners cf the Barrie-Paris series for the championship. . The cup ahuuld ceruumy come this way. ' The ice races take place on Tuesday :;n'd Wodneadsy next. BEE CANADIAN MAGAZINE. '9} There in a wealth of good reading matter In the Ma.-ca C m viusu Magazine. The Hon. Cl-` ma 6 fcun wanes of Tue Needs of the N!!f'hWb'8Ih, p--tuning `out she: the period - f 4 X.mr|lnenY- I240 puiea. end that the neat]-ar WHO nnw goes to the went uueswit-h as certam and n.bso_lnte `prospect. Tne ueoads .-i the west are pepv uletion, Atrauapv-ruuinu, as there! hind policy and regards auulora and prcvin;;ih). pntonomv for the Tnfrittnrlun, -Profeabbr J.- E Le-Roeaigur| deain with" Reiliey Snbqidn-3. 1;: .Q-wads an`: the United Simon," and hmve huw `much more extuvuzant. Canada has been I then her IlOihbI)ul'.` F rank Ye-uh describes the " 8::-muze Senna .Vlmum~-ma at Brittany and Gm-u_wa,h" in an anion which in ptufuslay `illuutiruted J M. Jackson writes of " Ice.h-~atmg- on Turonto Bay," and -KI%,har"Iuer.Hale` tells oome imerefetinq 'thinu'e ehhus `glfpeui. ., `prime U'Jllllllv"Il ll`! J.` 53"! J- -IJ'l'Iv , The`depamnem.o are men butter `than usual. . --; 5' `nus- ;s..o PER ANNUM IN Anvnaci CVVNYU FIVDYII III!" PDIVTI spams new PASTIMES. - l\V1D'l--Lwu \lv\r- --. . - . . - . _ . V -7 _,, W"- months or one vcar. Must be first class` men to whom highest wages will be paid. Applv with re.-.renccs.. stating acre and wages expected to FRED c-rnnnu2T Bradford. T ' 9-to LOCAL MARKET. reverenccs,s:a: STODDART, FOR SALE-Summer} Resort Boardklg House at Belle Ewart. with 13 rooms. only zoo yards from lake shore. One half acre of land; more or less. requisite oulbgildings. good stables. &c. The only reason for sellmg is old age on te out of the proprietor. The demand for momg each summer a"wavs. exceeds the accommodatton. Apply to '- ALFRED FORD. Belle Ewart. Io-u-p ANTVEI)--Two Good Farm Hands for nine - bcrot .- ...s...... kin-I-m:t\vaQes paid. Apply _w_it11 Is the matter of the estate of WILLIAM PARR, late of the Township of Ves- ra. in the County of simcoe, Farmer. eceased. ~ ' Notice is hereby given pursuant to the 11.5.0 19417! han. :19. that all creditors a_nd others having claims` against the estate of the sand \Villiam Parr. deceased. who died'on'or about the zqth day ofjanu- ary, A.D., 1933. are required on or Before the lls; `I 0` mCI'ch9 Anne. to SEQ` bV 0t prepaid orto deliver to Messrs. Mewatt &Stewart of the Town of Barrie. 4-olicitors for the executors of the last will of the said William Parr. deees:-ed. their Christian and surnames. addressesand descrintions. the full particular: (if their claims. the statement of. their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them- - And fur-tl~u-r talrp, notice that altar uncle last uten- "Dwelling and 3%, acre lot. Notth East Corner oi `Ann Eliza and Hartiet Melinda Streetu.,Bam'e- . acre m good orchatd. grave vines ,and flzuit Ines small frame dwelling k_ In: as` Mrs. Cra6ey's pro- perty. This property w I] be sold cheap and im- mcdaate possession can be given. Apply to J AMISS SCROGGIE. ' ` ` D.....:- Pg]. an Inl\~ ,..g[ i1|l'l Dy K|'ICI'.. . V And further take notice that after tuch last men- tioned date the said executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto havi g regard only to the cla-ms of which theyshall then have notice. and that the execu ans will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any erect: or persons of whose claim- notice shall not ave been rcceiaed by them at the davteof such distribution. ' Dated the 9th day of February. A D . I903. STEWART & S'I'E\VAR'l'. Valuagifarm acggttral Busins College. B _ "IM--4\nv-vw)\ IN OR0 TOWNSHIP. Pursuant to instructions there will be offered to: Sale by PUBLIC AUCTION on Ann:-nub-nuunoo -n-.-u._ _..- A--- I - :-" V j` ' ~-' at twelve o'clock noon. at the Queen's Hotel, To_wn of Barrie, by Mr. Joseph Rogers. Auctionrcr. that verv valuable farm composed of the Wesbhalves of the West-halx es of Lots Nos. 27 and 28 in the 4th Con. of Orn-1oo acres more or less. Th:c Ca... :. L-.....::..n....:..........1 ..v-_.. .1... -u--.. or urn-100 acres OI less. ` This farm is beautifully situated along the shores of Lake Simcoe. convenient to churches. schools a_nd R-y. station. There is a new and cnmfartable brick dwelling house and a. new commodioua anclup-tor date barn and at ables on the place. The land can all be utilized whether as arable land or pastute land. and for mixed farming is uuexcelled. There is akout thirty-ve acres of all alone}:- anu IO!` mxxea xarmmg 13 uuexceued. . thujt)-ve plough- mg on the place. . _ ' This is one of the most desirabls farms m the ~County and offer-_s a. rare chanceto intending pur- V Chasers. The propert is situated-on Ihe Rid e Road about five or six mi es distant from the own `of. Barrie. ' A ' V TL- ..--..-..uL. _-.:u L- __@. ,__ 1-__ c_I-"-.'.|`_:_'_.. L- `- coALz% COAL!% COAL :55 Ln. ..v.. 10 I inmm. V Uill'T|C- The propcrfv will be pht up for $836 (3,i31"J', *0 3 reserved bid ` ` For further particulars see posters or eqlli 05 .v the unders3gncd. Datedthis -;_th lfebruary. mo3~ rs A II 1 rxvssvvnuvnelli to ll business positionsvwith < "or graduates at "'-"""'|T"' T Lehigh Valley and guaran- ir-teed go `give satisfaction. Ask our customers and they fW.ill:` [tell you that it burns to ail and 110* 10 aa cindxm T SURUPUIE. Bame. Feb. 27. 19:35. annoy: milixigi %%`aifA.1;i;%'iw..ma or grauuctwa an ` - SIXTY DOLLAR _x, -__... on us Aui-inc` fh".8t W93. `Notice to` creditors. IDCUG -- -._ _ > , Yonge & Gerrard Stu.. TORONTO. --- I I at [J A III -ro RENT 0}} Tron SALE. FOR SALE on-1'6 RENT. I, , `79lI, N E \V A DVERTI 8E1VIEN'l`8- --: 47-lg 3Q\v:-- HEAD OFFICE :r0'I20`:*1TO. itll AUCTION SALE MONEY TO LOAN. ;-.- _........L A` Du-{unto Fit n. No. .0 wH_oLs No. g5..5__ ISAMUM. W: 21.31;` Propnetor- V o :: nng air: an , Bradford. nay or rcuruary. A |.v I90 . srzwam` & su-:\vm`T. ' Executor: Solicitors. . 11 Owen Street, Barrie. )-There is a good opening at the rice for a smart boy who wishes vnuuou: 3 uwvy G. A. RADENHURST. ..oF-t I. SHAW Dunn!` Alt I\lllJIdl` uav I\u a I Vendor : Solicitor, Barrie. our students uruuw PRINCIPAL. discounted 2l~0l . The attendance at the union Aonmendsyl ` afternoon was very good and several` new` faces gladdened the hearts of all the mem- bers. Illness prevented the `president being ' present, but her place was ably-llerl by the vicepresident, Mrs. Smith. The possibility of "our council grantinga second shop license will the town was discussedeand a committee appointed to take any `necessary steps to help block the way to what we feel would he an injurv to the town, though it was thought by some the council would not gr_ant 'i-. and the matter `rests with it. A com- munication ,irom Huntsville gives the in- formation that the union `there has decided to present that town with s. fountain, as the hotel-keepers have taken the handles out of their pumps and won't allow the farmers to water their horses since December 4th. Mrs. Scott was appointed `to receive - any dona- tions to this very worthy object. The union will entertain the Anti-Cigarette League of_ the Central school on Friday, 13th inst.. at 6 30 p. m. in their parlors, Members of the league will receive tickets d admittance --Contributed. v EARLY srmlm wins- nun arrivals In the but goods none! will but. We unk our patrons for Int union : 0O'd will and 1 pl-omlu honor nuns: this your. } Value: nu but In the luau proo` ! dncllonl. " ' - 1 SIMMIINS `?=;, C0 has arrived. and we clgn how iupply you with I,__L,_,I!-_;:g-n:n- -- Fresh Mined Buall OFFIOE-43 Dunlap am I Telephone YARD--Foot. of Mary Strut , 88 ` I {Jon-mston As.` 'w. CAVEN BARREN7 ---gunman-an:-5 JKCI Diitl I nntunnsnr _ "At great ex ease I cnaugeu au.me piano: 1:: the Loqdon nuerv/A tor`y of Music for those of Heidtzman & C0,. and` eertainlv nk the materiai. artkutnc won-kmamh7p and the ' prove- -:'nen_ts found therein are worth the greater ex- pense necessary to bung these pianos. The tone is ho--ntiful and the actqon responds to the most dc? ate touch." HATS Do Your`Eyes Ache Do they tire easily` ' : a Do you suffer from Head- ache caused by eye strain Are your eyes weak`; watery . :14. Eenmm, TTI564-l;%{aiijiilih-6`uiT'doAJL; EGG. STOVE AND NUT HRBRIa.R0BRI:80NJ .MEN S. HANMEB-5 l\I\ HIV} At gtedt ease I changed ill. the piano: a nu. Lmidnn nnerva tnrv of Music for those _f Refrdcting 0pi{cig1%nv A aAI=u=u:MusIc %s'ron:. nllc" on or Tl`!-E. i.'c)'1~z'i6Tv' CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC A'_.l.` REASONABLE PRICES. GIVE US A cam ':.r`smN was nnansg ' _If so they {are pleading for help which `we cpn supply with oinr pr'perly| `fitted Glpsses. p Hanmer has a 3 few doz.` 50c. pipes left that he will sell for 18c. or twd for 350. Here is a. snap you don t% want to miss no YOU WANT A KNMER, $:;.wc..i.. 29 DUNLQP STREET. EXAMINATION` FREE...-n. PIPE 9 P - sou: AGENT FOR g BARRIE a;ms'r1uc'r An.I:Au'r| "rm: uimnnsrs or 3 am. `ran COUNTY or smcon AND Ian noumxox on. cam ova CRITERION. . 60., Uh .tho