Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 19 Feb 1903, p. 2

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|;Z9,09__o___ R. 3. L. nnsnnron. Dental su rgeo..m Oice ova: Rummy : Hardware. Euu-nee, Owen "Sweet. Out of {own ngtand 1111 Monday: of each month. T 5:-ly_ ibris, HART a HART` Fred M.D.. M.`R.C.S.', Eng" L.R.C.P., `London. 59* IAL'1`Y--pinaaes of chm, Stom- ach , and Nanci; Consulting Phynician. Victor A. Hart. M.D., L.R.C.P. and S, Edinboro, L.F.P. and S., Ghggow. SPlClAL'l`Y-Surge_ry Midwitery. of akin; Containing Sutgeon. OFFICES DAY AND N Block. Cor. VDunlop and Mulcastet bta. Telcphone nag R S. BROAD. M.D. C. M., T. M. C.. L. C.. P.TS., 0.. late resident Physacian andsurgeou` ox -`Iorouto Genctal noupilal, with special attention to Dxseues of Women, ano. Nose and Throat Worn, also Ioriomc lune nut con in chgrge of Emergencv nospital, '10:-onto. U and night nsidence--upItain in Mccuthv Back. 2: Dnnlnn 31.- Barrie. second door must of Dougall Danlop St, Barrie. second door can Bros. funuturc warcrooms--nut Phbne to .. ~ DR. J. ARTHUR ROSS,- L.R.C.P.- 8: 5.. Edin- _ _ `burgh; M.F.P._& S., _Glugow, member of Bntuh Upthalmologncal Socwty. 8pec|Anv.- Duane: of Rye, Ear, Throat and Nora. l'\`l?l?ll`.R _..n nnnhm Semen Sudan Block. Bar- .IIOIl0I of IS] 0. liar, 'l`ll.l'0ll Inn nu-u. 0_FFlCB.--18 Dunlap Street, Sanders Block. ns. opposite Post Occ and Railway Station. yPh0I`|5q._ P. 0.30896. , 1 7-ly R. .2. mung, Grduate ofTrinity unmy - ' Fellow of Ttinity Medical College, Member of the Coegc of Physicians and 0500 and ' Surgeons GIVING; 1fn:u_c.'rH a. vicious. .1016` 7 ~hoiu vm`ovs'Lnsp1e~I+ 1: Gtvexiornnt , or 8 1.oo0-D1acusaion Oonoernimt the , Manse_xnen_t,;o1f the House or - Rafuke--0ther Business Considered. ` Tuudsy stvsen.-noon `tho _Oounoi `pgin"mos'|n a_euio`n at the oonoluoiou-oi~ I115-(_}uod Roads` ctmferenoe. / ,-lI|ll.lO`------v--uvw------. - , , _ _ W 0 - ` ,yunvoygncer,. etc. -Special auenuou In 1 amino; aha Vpruhacmg T mm, ubcammg xcuens at ; v 'M guadinnuhw, comaunug accounts, -s Rosdilocs. Harm-.. Money to Luau. R. 1. c. SMITH; 1..u.1>;s., 0nt., am of Du. Ha:-vie Orillia.) Oice and residence -eemer of Owen and Comer streets, Barrie. a3-Iy '< )- O O R'&vgIsA'EJ'.g.s?.1I{ l43*T i'2n?13f6"mcu` a.I:'& nnghg 1-eaidnnco-rown'n` Block, Dunlap utect, Buns. Telephone 77. A hmll 51 LR mun. gmudianshjp au 50|Iito. Noumei. L `I-hiuenrou Lumox, 4; QLI :I`IAlJGll_ l'0h uxmmx, - , nuuu gun... . _ G. 5. .l.BnmyN, L.L.b. 5 Hihdi No. 6. Dninlop street, Bar- 110. Q ' , . . '_ ` Btaliqh Ooesf-Lennox, Conan & Brown, Cree 'M01VbY TOT LOAN _AT 4% A1\D 5APl~.RCnNT - " g:.AR'rnY.`uuYa an mukcmsuu. barris- ~ um. Soucituu, Conveyanccu, ctc. bueceav iusb tomlbatthy, Pepler & illcbamny. Office`--Mcuurthy Block, uumop street, Barrie. -. ,n , , A_-__ In A Mnvn {Ll BIB Luna: .-aqua) to J. A. MCCZI-x';'iiY, I . , , n | A. RADISNHURST, Barrister, Auorney. .~_ Sociwt, in Chancery. Uonvcyanccr, tc. utnco-Fin: door Owen street. over bank 0! com- -A-4- .. Maori "Q ` WSON & Cju$SWlCKE, hamsters. holid- uon ot the Supreme Door: of Judncatute of Unta.n9, `Procton. Notaries. Uonveyancen. etc. I Igtonoyeo loan. Uica--Ron Block. bag-ne; A lI'II....-.-`_. A I` H |'.uu\lIlt`.KI. n _ vi vvu avvwuu vvlasvlwllllvu Itivvnls inowd by % Ooune. Wright` arid, VJnp'p,thuc where certain report: have, published concerning the expendi- c_tnret)o,I..'e'rde-Iklie erection of the paler ; residence that out: reeoiion on the hon- 00) of the Committee on Ouiiuty Proper- iy;-hfor this county for the year 1902. And. wheres: uid committee desire to place Qhepeelyu in 3 proper light in (P003 to laid fiixnenditnre,-end ber` the following N meilibere. of thin council be e eoininiioee ` to!ook"into uid etpeuditureend report i . nmhil. reunion, viz : Maura. J upp, White- - aides li)dv`E.in_O`llQn.-O:Bt4!iBd. : ETE'ni,Lv7Sz.. *--. '1`. ARNALL, M.D.c.M,,T oce in Bothwelfs I Block, Auandalc.On the pnmiscaatnighul ' L Y so aoncnonm Hxgh tour: or ]mtu:u,.Nocanoo Public. Uonvgyanceu. umcsovox the Bank of Toronto, Barns. . ' ` Monty in was of 83,009 and upwards, to loan at 5 nap (hilt. 1'1 BWART & sTE_WAR l7. Batrinurs, Solicntor [Notaries Public and Convcyaucerq. Money to. Juan in any saw: at; 0/0. > ' H. D. Srawnxr. L.I...D..A 1 .- 5.-D. M. S1'BWAR1`_ ' Onncs--x3 0v{c_n Street. Barrie. .---._-u. I An admirable `food . with `all vltsf natural quintios mtuct fitted to build up and maumin robust health. and to resist winters ex- t1. 1.1. `1.*.%'?.ii ea?rAns`?~`i:*pp'sn`%:.. U .. Homoeopathic Chemists, Lgndon. `Turn? ainssras. ~ K. - """ .._.__......._ ..._.z E os S ;"1.1I.'i3T-_'- Solicitor. _ Toronto Building, Ban'ia.-i - ~ I fj. ' - --92> ,._o,f 13-: M93? N_UTRiTI9U- T114 : '5n .~'n. P.V|\IlAN% V V` Homoeopathiss. =. , ` :60 Dunlop sn I1-utbx.` '.ResideneeandO'Ice. 1 to 8. 8-Iv ' ` by Oounl.` Wright and Lcchcrdslo, thcltv chic Council tcnderv its mos; hc|sz_-tfegl [ylnpalhy to. Councillor 'GrahIni in the loan he bu Juucined by i the dam of his name daughter, which `and event had occurred since the opening } of i.hii`,:cuioh of O'ounnil.-`-'-E-Carried. ' FOR INVESTMENT on good Atrenhold pecan-icy at lowest rate of No money nquired until end of I. H. STRATHY. Solicitor, Etc" Moncv TO LOAN. VA UUWANV G _ Dl.\\JVV n. I uteri, Solicnon tot obuining probate of 5 and aummintrauon, anu General | . Nowgiql. .onvc,dm:er., etc. 3 A- .._. ; Anny. nnnmr onmns.` -. n1u1icuI.. suinrntolgs. ?bE-.31`: ' " t "r.aoIicxtor.PI'0wf.1`3|')'o ; ;.._...o gnu _\'n.rn-,|u'l 2.l.l.enl.lL)I.| :5, ____._ ,..... 7-- w---v-uvv.-vw A ,.,O'on nillor Jpp i thayhq obi qgpqfqmlthq which Einynbtiptodvodrhih 1 *, * %`.:- f f H " D. C. Moncuxsou. Iiuirsnuuus IENTAL. ' o. ,H.;.*f i.y_9u uulux, 1 -IV. V u \d\}VV(ILV K DI\\IVVL`u Solicitors. Batrinun. kc. , max. Lowu, IQ nuvh I I LN 3! mzuwmg ..... '..hy .5-ulna nu-nh-41 nf u ---v- T-zwowvx ' -IlIV$O . i ._ - . - w-l7[ov`od`,3hyC-Obu'uI... Wraith and; Graham, that the Committee on>Rqr.dI nnd Budge: consider the ndzzunbiligy of transferring grunt made or January reunion, 1902, re- port No. 11,, -gr-unit" No. 5, to oouoeuion` N9. 2, Tury.-_-Curried. V _ vi-ITIIV D033, 3! Dougall` ll Five .P0inl8. no-lv 95" ``3`I ttlzoh'oo.tA..` `* kg? "m*,diIcount_t":rczg5- . ggviyawtit. t ~ urea. 1'" Auudaxe. - CHEAP com. .L wooo T Tavzav my anacam om! A st the following prion until ovary lot is sold- Lot 17; North Onmboilnnd Street. . . .335 00 n_ 18,- 3 _ ti 7 n n 35 00 v\J:q&\J;1aQ.r T` ' V "- V ad Estate .881 Insurance A303 ' Your roperty on our lint : costs nothin- "0391 to Lesa--Don't borrow a dollar until you 58 an arms but, uses and. lowcut. Dee_dI. "`l'l80l. e_tc.'. p__ on Ihottcat nouo_- `n`)"`."` I33 btlluuillun ' coo. Farmers cape? . V|VIOdl:I_Dcnl|an1lueeua. Gladhosecvou. N? for or ulyice. .0 FICB- ' d . P Batnc Htftcl, Barnmsill mun Al ms FOR SALE uuu ob uuncmamru ox nmgxanu. occur ity, $15,000,060. The Waterloo Mutual, of Water-1oo,0nt. Tothl assets, $334,083. ' The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Ont. Total aunts, $303,078. Also Llovd's Plate Glass "Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash Capital, 3150. 000 AncgftQe!1t8;1no{;oan and savings Company Private fundito loan on rlt mortgages. `Ac counts collected. &c. . _ -Oice over Henderson; Hardware Store, Barrie I. .; '-~~-'- -- v-v Q-wunwwi :l lnvutiggtogl. ' `l!I.4."`_.nI__ 'I..~- Rsrxzsxrr` -mi Fouowma Fun: Issuwa - ~ Counmxs: The llercantile, now aliated with The Lon don & Lancashire of England. Secur itv. SI .ntri_nnn. .PAnKh'i"uonh"i:u Condensed adverusements on tirst page mg as wants of all kinds, lost and found. propeny for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc., etc, must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-m'st_ insertion 2 cents per mm each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word_ (names, addresses and gures counted n words); but a. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertion. of the same matter exceed four. outs {or advertisement: must If: ovry case be mounted on solid metal buu. ISCROGGIE &. SMITH Lvvvnuas V l_2 changes of Advertuements a11ov.ved P, H year. It mor_e are required, composition at, W111 be` charged.` T` Aunrkinnra In-1"` 1-Inf Ln o1`nuu~.rl L. ....- u . `Will 95 `I`6WC Advertisers will not be allowed to use tha . space for advertismg anything outside M own gegulax business. Should they do. tinnsient rates will be charged for suchsd.- vertisements. " J P'reflenedipo-sitions for loc d:':;}A I meptfagin paper will be sold at an mug`, of one-third on above rates, on no ot --_-->-v CUUNTY ` V - . v .- . . lltfg-In. -' coI1_'nt" W111 special` positions he iven, - rule will be strictly camed-out. g ' _ . gconrnacr cuzmczs. _ Advertisers will please bear in mind 5` notice of intention to change advertisemm _ must be handed into the oice not later ml N Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy form`, PROV} change mn_st,_be `in T11: ADVANCE oium V ( A`, late: than 12 o clock noon on Monday in, ' . 1 week, otherwise the advertiser's annuuncam'E ` may not be made public until the week foi, loviing, _ `- I2 chances Advertisements allnwml .. Even M senne 3. ' 4511- 41uvn4Vun In IMUVCII to tbe let circulation of'any Wuounty Town. - ` 2 Adventisemonts are charged space -413 lines agate measu: e m 2 I I _IIIy.vIr I !-IVIJI nun-nan illllul U laclll.-'5 pttl` Hue` veqding notices, 10 cents per line for .,= ugsemon ; centh per line fox each `jlisertion of the same matter. All ; Jinan. . .0bituary Poetry 5c. per line. tum; kg 9 . ed M :3 i derV5 lines, pf this character, ah," man entertaining, and that` the 3451- _- waaaway too much from the lnetii atutifo!n_. `V `He wanted. to hm chm tit!!!` .'".`9` 0|` " "1`nni'-.2 Councillor Quinlan supported the amendment but etated that before the in-. ox-Jeaeea were granted he would iiketo hear -an explanation concerning the rumore oi dleaatlataction with the management which exiatuql amongst the _.inniatea. ' , `ouiiciiior Wniteeidea had heard can-, plaintathat the inmatee were forced to` `work?-too hard, that the management did` ' .E:fr ` - ` ` '8] \ "G MK TE` \50R\\ ' ORT HER `V A DVAM q. TRANSIENT Avvmtsxxc `=Lea1 Notgces, .-'9 uction Sales, Amuse _etc_._--Firs: jnsertian 10 cents per ml jsnbbo quent in_ser1ion 5 cents per line -Readinz notices. 10 cents hnr n--`. .%A.l.wl, ;t %` L ........ . UV i "1fI[E"4DVANCE OFFICE, All TH] ADVANCE is proven to V inrnbnt uh-1-nlonn ..4' -. 23} W5: Buldwuin scmc.. can is going. but by annexing fr<>m_ :Js;ob n '.l`c;:-ace . .{ msummc:-: Aeanfs OOANVE-YANCERS, ac. counnxsnn Anvnnnsnmzxrs. . W B}::ete7.}:1iLa1w.y. `end Onnele, through its chairman, Oounciller Camp-' bell, recommended tint a. memorial to the- Dominion Government be signed urging the Oolllpletloh of "the .'l`rem, Canal and that this committee represent the Council `at the general meeting of the Trent Velle i . Waterway 'Aenocietion.-Adopteia 2 Th; (`.... ...'..nA.- . ,7 `HI! A COMIIRBCIAL CONTI`.ACT ,xATzs scnoesu-: a. smirk. BARRIE :'fFi.fhnuAni 19, e charged accord .::J make 0 ONT. -- "g --v-vv-UIUOIIIIQ `IIvI\-ll U` J5 ' ll Committee on Education, through i ohirman, Councillor F:-uier, rveoom-H mended _thst v Rev. Geo. Crystal be paid 835 `in! rooguttion of his fsu.nful_ services` In Ohnplnin at the Home of Refuge and dthot he be requoltod no euquix-e_ from the dierout ltbnl-mu of the county concern-: lug suitable book: and the cost _of estab- llqhlug 0 library on the Refuge-.-`Adopted. DEL _' I\A,._'_._-_ l'I___._...;.._ __ _ :Tu'esdb y "th Con ' Provinc' -I-304,/8 u. % bpgrin Sv:-Lem Jnlting ' [concern be Rme money "`*" ---v`---vvu 4.'1`7l1:Prbp6ro; Qohmtte :u "a.uthoriz- "o'd_to uimno the duties of the special cohimktod to Sanford. ' - ` A` 059"` in eao 7 these The "C ;:Wha The 1 : ed. e obine bong sin pr =eaoh W88 guide: local 30011 wqu ircpa que -the 3_1i.a , his as bonus . Quinisnend Frswley.` ' that this'Oouncil` most sincerely extend to Councillor Joseph Whitesides its deepest syznpsthy in the ssri bereavement he has . eustsined throughthe death of his mother,` which event took piece since the open- ot the present Iossionof this council. in who 094 con` an 8.1` iaxi` - `nu-v cw-vw w -wv-w w,3rd--'I:l-no value} of thc Town- `ohipo in ivhioh Inch poor school: are loos:-` _od, and that laid report be printed with tho. Imnutoto! this union. The Home of Refuge Oomxnittoo noon- Ilondod that 850 increase: be granted to tho Suporintoudsnt and Matron and also that tho vuluac of Benton be granted 8100 In View of the oxen oxponuo onnilod {or thn purohuo of fuel durixig the winter for tho municipal `plant which" furnishes Ire; light so the Bonn. .. `fbouooillon-o F1;-nor ond Bruoo moved that tho ropou bo omondod by adding o olouoo to tho otfoot shot $50 inorooooo ho also Inodo to the oolorioo at tho phyoioion --.'.-.1--n.- t..-...._.-_ vorouu` propoaodj "min the. amendment. '0lII0l' man. he shied, would take the positions as the present uluriou.` V V _ f`.'.-._ -:II_'._ Councillor Hunmoll objected to the in_- An-;--`..'- __...--_.I 1.. AL , g ` eved by Oounn.` GuhemVand_ Wright, Tend ordered -that the Committee on. Edu- 1 ` Iornietion of this council. cation be requeeted so fun-ninhfor the i;':- % The County Property Committee, through it: olutirlnsn, Councillor Grohun reported lumng visited the goal and found it in-eooh condition as to reflect credit on the oioerl. It no recommended that Councillor Quinlan be empowered to put- clnle nny dry` wood that ought be requir- ed. The report was adopted. ` A II` D `A ; topoor school } -lolll in this county. ;I_IZaIi(TirvAnlue of 9391: poor` lohool notion receiving much grant: and `tin? fohbol ntq thereof. .` won : ... ----var vvv 1 PIVCQ hou;e,' 313;! while Itnndipg on the _v,9_rsn"-A duh or doomppn, awgltigg odmiuion, sj follow with his coat and ms 0:!` run up Ind 511n[ l-f0". D06 Wiel- Tho door was openodbhd the boy wu ;ww%-him-% .%I:iIo}wd-%:I>-d1:%ns:ui-ad. F19! 'hJJ'?9"iiY9!>4 ??.h#.`:!w;*9' 2`t.hut"t`l'xey `haw such "crank": it limpouible to` g t bloug with. cliin. V _ .._-_`I- (I _ 0odboillor`Frswley had heard peou`l_iVrL report: I sud gdvoostod that %iIiI`t. on d ,o - V1-xing` atiy: nlnrieu,` T '1Mr`ould he prefer-. dbla to `mpu'intAo trained nurse. 1.` ,.- - I .5-;..".;':.:.a`;.;'.:... .;.:`........."t i"B"9,'P!'_*|- % * % A % P00: VII hauled out of; the hiiuel, oued,` struck; and began in . .h.m,fn1 m-anon lie mthio wgynd chaste '"P9v `"31! Wt. teoivy ft-uh blow; which over. way by tuned. AFmnll'y,' W 59! for mm poo hand-`-` redysrd-. he Ionnht Mug; :6 5` pm. Inn..." -.;I ...Ln; _..__'_._u; .4 .. ~ The charge, we undereieud, often the hockey metoh ebove referred. to, young Mngnue iveuuinto the hotel at Victoria Harbor to enquire for none of hie ohume, to-eee ifthey were `ready; to come hoye. V He foundxe` number of people there end he_'w_eefeIhed~iv.her_e he no from. On replying `tohetwhe rm Penetnnqhe re; A nnnn --- L__aI..I.' ..;L A! -' Councillor` Campbell" thought chit the physician resided at too great I diatanop n-om` theHouso. A lutianteu wiurwero ill were often put to 3 grui deal uf sufu-ing while w_aiting'for the doctor to drive :11 the way from" Tottbuhsm. V _ -to ondouey t.h_ 0buI'1oillo1;/hi`u; WW0:-O!lgi0.l'll` t.'_o~ Vote for the amendment but uni not prepired 9 report. pregent. IIII. , , 1 II _ The rr well the nmoudmenti ` ` ' " ' 'l`he'Fiusnoo Committee` tepomlhouded tlmyu` -no utatdinbuta um` boen~=zmiv.a from my of the Fgrmeri Inotitgpp tbs}; no grants to the same bu nude. '.l`ho=ro- port was adopted. , A ' . A 4---- - '__ - -_. soun. HAL1.m$ozmN u1ni.ANnI*rma_ mvm BEEN ARRESTED.` (Pcnctaugl Harold.) V On Tuesday eyehlng'c train two Barricconuobloc come up, armed with wu-rum for the arrest of Macon Grout, Jack. snub. Bohajiidlcy, Bu--condor Silver, Wolccr Gray "and 4-<- N cloud, all of Midland, chorgcd" with , J ohn Megan, of Peuouogoiohcnoyot V.ccorlc Harbor, last Friday evening (me:- the Pcocecngohhcce-Midlgnd hockey much). The unusual wcrc lowed by Polloo Ron. Bm-lg, chc Pcocnngolchcnc Pcllcc Mcglltntc having dcclincd touch in the matter lull is should be thought in some "qocrcc:o. chcrhc no lcllucnced_ by local prejudiced. ~ N `wainmoll , J app. Thorp_e-V-4. ' V -- A.-- - ' A aunt ef the "Royg`l:.Viceori`e nosp::.1- wee eleo reoomxnended by. the Finance Committee, "the A -rep'or_t_ being brought in by Dr. Weill. b It In edopted. on the following divieionr` _ vYeu-'0`oonoillorI Bruce`. 0unpbell',> Emeuon, `F1-pwley. Gnhlm, arvie, Levherdnle, Martin. Qaihlpn, Sloan, Whimidu, Wright.` wgus-1`3. % __ The uu_'nl';gr'ent.oi' $110 was nnsdento the loonl volunteerV`co'rna,., and the new $20,000 debenture have by the Town of Midland for the ecqufring ef nn `electric light plant was guaranteed. `' A ` T Committee. reoomlmended` `that th tender of Walter Scott for Itationary be nocepted The report was Iippted. A b " . Tile Iiogislation Committee! recommend` ed -thnttho members of the Committee bo nuthorized to wait in tho Provincial Government in conjunction with nidopu-.' tation from the York County `Council to petition that notion bo taken to import .n fuitablo clan of fnrmvlaboren. The re- port wu tabled. The Home 0'! Refuge Committee re- introduced the report recommending that 850` increase: be made to the uleriee of the Superintendent and Matron." d T noaagaaiag;nm.;.;.;.;.;g,,.V moved in amendment thnt t.he,repor'.t uidvby-lnw bo_ nmended by granting ilI0l'OIl_6I' of 850 to_ the inspector and physician. . Councillors Whitoiidol. Hnmmell, Etneuon and . `Campbell opposed` tho motion on the ground" `thoti the protons` physician lived at too great 0 distance from tho HouIe._ . o Oouncillor Bruce .held that ll; didn't mnke any difference how far away! the phyaioian lived ea long as heperform_ed hie dutiea and there. were no oomplainta; Councillor Wright also apoke in favor of the amendment, ea. did Oounoillora J ubp, Quinlan, Martin and Sloan. V T ' ` ' The :f;po1;'I ;{-nix;dVvt`_>):-Luvjvwworo o'goiVnTwih- drawn for the time being. > _ A (Continued on page 4.) . ` run HAVING A. WEE now. 9 v_'8nvunh-Ever einoe 1899.Steyner " ha been electing its Town (Jonnoil I Illegally heving penned a by-law in that I_ ~3,e`pr: providing` that the nolnlnntions I fo'Q-hoth- Mayor and Oonnuillore should 3 `take place between the honri often end i. eleven o oIook A in the morning. Not ._ jnntll n few don was the miuteke .= end; the meinheri for the L prpent` oonfncn are iuylqunndry; 4.. to . `ivhet Ihjonld - ._`.At ' 8.45% ,o o'look3m Sntnrdey; mu-n`oon .' I . cu-mew mes d9!!?!i0n'?9..~T~. .Com.mew --A quiet but e pretty wedding v celebrated et "noon on Settu-deyj, pt the relldenea of Mr. 'l`.J;'.v Sevege, Glugow meet. Guelph, when Mile J, Penfold wu. married to Mr- 'Ohee. Omicron, of Oollindwood. e Rev. `G. F. -Devideon, 31.4.; of St. `G'eorge'e,__Geelph , oonilnoted the . cere- mony. no parlor um beentifnllv. goggngoewuh _1e'edilefend -'].`he ibride _ was uttiid in I shveh (of; of blue brondolpth, with whim silk waist. Mr." . and My. Qunemn left in 6119 am:-`noon and will spend the admin; Jlwoo month; in Oufornh. The net output of 2 telephonea by the American _ Bell Telephone Company during 1992 m 624,714 being the largest in the hietory of the Company. The Company has now in operation in the United sum 3,150,320 telephones and the number ' oz ienheoribere is in- creasing at` a. tremendous rate requii-ing' an enormous increase in capital gieen, the only point being jivhether the `panes arrested are the persons who oomtnitted the neeuulc. ~'f'Ae'to some of .thell_l -there will` be :,n_|nple,:_ proof that {hey -.portioipn`tej:` -_in_, the ~_ohtgeg'_e. ~_but. whebhet 511 of those Vohnr`gedA were-en, goged in itewe; cannot" pretend to nav_ That will be for the `Police Mninqrateh to determine `when he has heard the evidence for both sides; ` ' Tossonoum1o-L branch of promise snit, the wpsrtiss to which reside in. Tossoront-lo, is likely to some up st the spring sssises, unless s settlement is arrived st in the ,II)0I$illl0. The de- `fsndsnt is I. well known yonngfsriner who hss bssn vsinly; hunting for s sult sbls msts for some yours. The defen- dsnt. rumor ssys, dossnorldsny hsving pgounissd to lmsrrr the Aplsinti`, but vigorously deolsrss am it wss cu s-joke. The Cuyohogo ('[nd.) Telephone Com pany of Cleveland, having made applies. tron to the City` Council for the right to increase its rates and been refused, now propose to go ahead with the increase without permission of theqivic Govern- ment. ' The ocials of the Company stated before` the Council that they must get higher rates -crgc out` of busi- ness. The proposed` increase is for residence $36` to $44 and ;$48 so 860 per annum. `These -rates are` interesting i to Canadian "Telephone users who have been `getting service at loss rates than the ,a`bove,.wjithont the expense and nuisanceof competition. It is eacimated um A the Ben Tole- phone Oonipaniee of "the Unit.e`dj'Statea will expand $25,000,000 during 1903 in extending `their business and that at lanai. _200,000'new snbotinrn `will be added to the exchingee. jutws or cuuggmn msrmcri AN Imus: xPtinIIun. REDUCES `EXPENSE `tnktortlotctuciilar A _ n_3' _ KILLYLEAGH. Mrs. Bentingof Msnitobs, ulster of Messere R. and Maurice Hill who he: been epending the winter with them end other friends `in this neighborhood, has gone to Newmsrket to spend s few weeks with her sister, .Mrs Frank Greensido, before returning to her home. We sre toeknow that Mrs. R. Little M, Sheree, who here been on the sick list torthe lest two weeks are now am. tob. eroded Rev. '1`hos.hM;oKele, P. S. Inspector rnsde en oicisl visit to our sch_ooI on the 4th inst. end. reported the classes in s my sstlsfsotorystste oft prociency; Mrs W0I5h, :;lIiotIl_6l'f -of 'M'.l`".t G00; Wbn oh`,' ' toelehreted her ` "efght"y':-fourth birthday, on-- In oi -gwhicht were sssembled,|her. ohililrenf grand children end guest greed children; Mrs. Wench is now oneof the 'oldest_ residents of the Townshifz` of Icnii_iL . ` Ocoxerown-'-'l`he late Robert Wat. son, whose death recently occured here was `born in Bullyduff, County: Gavan, Ireland, in 1823.` When he attained his majority he entered the police force of Phoenix Park, Dublin, remainingin `he service for ve years. He `was married in Ireland in 1845. to Jane Watson, and came to`America in 184-9, landing at New Y ork. _He was em- ployed aa liquor inspector for ve years in that city. He moved from New York to Bond Head, settling .-on what was then known as the Wuhhum pro- perty, on which he remained. about one. year. Leaving Bond Read Mr. Wat son purchased property in,Adjala and Ears, living in Ajula about three years and. Essa, ,near.~Ivy, eight-,years`., He next purchased two hundred acres of land in St. Vicent Township, ,County Grey, on. which `he? resided for about fourteen year. _ Whilelin St. `Vment Mr. `Watson held" the oice. of License Inspector and several other municipal oice of trust. Mr. Watson enjoyed the respect and condence of everyone, and many from that locality attended his funeral on "Wednesdays Mr. Wat` son next moved tothe farm east oi this i village,,on which he resided since until he moved into the village afew months Ugo.-+Advocate. front door with auirtenee andsnotbe- .tore.hie pfaoe_ was rather badly~bliatered`.' The, ma in "the, dork room. jnimped ion? [the jrindowy The ames; follow- iugftha draoght.andft_he on which had oplaahedi rip and left 1- t_rao_k_alo'n'g the ,oo`1inter, at me reached the ftontdoor v A number of `cartridges were exploded andfor a few minuteepthere was an` exciting time on the street.` An im- menee amount ofomoke lled the build- 1 ing and it was feared thattheooaln oil in ' the cellar had ignited, but this was not l the ease and the brigade soon `had the ; re under `control. 'l`he_bnil_ding is a fframo one and wit houtiret class re protection Hark in s store would have 3 gone and probably Bell do McEz;ohern e ; aleo. Doner Bros. lose was $1632.00 % ENQOWMENT J"39BLNEE.PL!.0'ES 43-:6 ADomin_ion Square Piano. Vnafly new, and Ra - mend Sunny Machine, nearly now. AppIy_It TH 4PVA1'FF_9,1"I?:l3 % ~ - ms II gubbrir olimm nn_vo'1-an 2`: * V uIr'rnnos- 'ram eooDV - ROADS` soamm. * 'r';:n'.D1cUss1on 1'Noon- - IEF33 Al inn Dlllalo r_u:Bu1u_Iu , maul. Uggfglt-E uildm II unng . B ' t1:loui:gs.u?- Plnuingf kind: on pull ntnfnctonl . Bin: Dtfilll lziln. y. `:RQllcIr for srrninynd Inn-25 m. rnaxme Tnoms xixnnnv & co.. Architects. Both. . well`: Block, Barrio. F - - [mu AIILSEWING mcnnutl NWIN. MURPHY & ESTER. Ontario Land Sntveyon. Iinsinen. Etc. (lhnblished in 185:. Occ. Nadia! uildint. S. 8. Cor. Richmond and van. 'l:onnuo. Tobphong, I336. "-11:- utuctiou Ht-vmh Sunday & Eaten. 8ohclton.Buk of 1030030 Building, Burk. will be promptly at- um an-nan Any of money to loan st giant! 5;: eent._ Buy team of re-pnymont. LBNNOX. ARDAGH. COWAN & BROWN. `IA stII:iQnrC nnrnt-In ht- O` H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest nun. Fannen` Nous Disaoontod. Collections nude in any of Rqlutatobought and any- ncu III all no btanchen. Mu-rage Licenua Blunt! . Ron Block, Dunlap 3tnotBarrie. 4:-Iv- saggy usr wm.

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