_r1_\ral . ` ronE _ - 1-1:1 ___.____M_K[ TENDERS won woon. .._:-uj filiklil MRI 2: Welt vV"u 3CIlUUIooon o n U I..I".i bu .rt$&if a?($ojm`uw -iuply van vmr . be-ts qu-my sc'nA'N'I"'oN` 'coAL.j EGG. STOVE AND NUT ,.Iouus'1'on _l_:_ OF`FICE-43 Danldp Strait YARD--Foot. of Mary Strut if ..'{i;..u; Lwood ; H. .,` mlan, of D summrs runs i I II_\luI`-I avnv---- ..._ _ .GARR.ETT.PROPR|_ETOR_. 5 ZQ V --X:-__._ is offering tlxe choice of 15 doz. Pipes,Travel- ler s Samples selling in the regular way from -60c to 75 for 25c, The assortment com- prises straight and crooked stems and p Amber Mouth pieces. A tl8t AT REASONABLE PRICES. GIVE USAA'CALL., `mumIOIIClI0!OIIOIU.I ww-_-_ ca I Imhm`!IOIIIII I I V O l tlIOIOOIC' FRED. MA-R`! Secrotuv `Bum Public School Bond. Till The . , Tobscconiut` _m'rnns"rs or BARRIB. ` I I . _ . , I I I . ` I` I_-g -Newmerket last night by eseor A m. Belleville Intelligenosr guys :-- 7` That [teem of `Bert-ie s s pests L _ut it nl over e of l2qto 2. There will be something doing `when the Busy B s, Belleville `sud Bertie come to gether.. . I Curlers will be interested in lesrninglllsli the . protests `of- Grsvenhurst and Orillin easiest Mr llolford Ardegh s decisions; ss referee. in the Tnnksrd primsrles here, hsve been thrown out by the Executive of the Untsrio Curling Assn. . - - "*--- - A -n`--A' an to .he.s_wum one." They p ~- Uoll1nawood._ ~- . ` Barrie. H. '1_`elfort , , .. _. JG. Monkman, V J. Petetmnn, ' W. Patterson, "1`.'C~ Brown, P. Love. . V . W. E. Verjnon. oh. 7 A. Brown Q9. Ik. . .14 R W. O'Brien, ' J Shrubso e, ' 1 A. Camybell, . 1 2 R. Webb, . J. Wilson, W Dr. Pulling 0. `Noble. IR}... .26 H. J` Grnnett, Ill. .11 1 J...MoFa,dven, _ J._.H._Bonnett _ L Watson, J; 0. Irving, _F-.'~ H-.Nettleton W.`0l1ne, ` t W. T. Toner. Ik-.-2.2 D11. Smit_h,_ uk. .. . .13 E. 8, Brown, ` J. H. Neelands. " `A.*D.' Knight; ` _ Dr. McCarthy ~ _ N. A. R`u_1b-, ! ` .'H,,E. Jory, - V . ,, ;H._G. 1V_Vyn9u.1.Ik. .18 J,lMoL Stovennon,u 15 `~'1`ota.-l'.~.-. . ;. . . .-.73" Total . . . . . .53 'Mojoriw for Uollingwood`, 20 shots. _ -- ~' The 0, .H -A. hemgrented. Roy Thomas as permit. to l nish the hockey season with Barrio. Boy was ueegled at. home by his -father` and as he has played with no other team this winter the required permit was reodilv obteinede. .RiI` ._.pres'enoe ln` goalzwill 'gretily;_nreugthen the local defence. } . `The . Barrie ,,i_u`_:et_r qdietoa. ego `fore1:i n_to plgvzjia ; four guner I : one week. Monday; :9 _ edoeeduy.-`i `with Gruvenihurqo ind - `Fujlgl englmyondoy `_~_ifh jorengeville. Fn,'ldey`| Rlllil {with Qrengeyille willfbe J ' l~ I 1-,j'_f-3 j - |.7,_.1;hgg,:sf__.- ~. .,..., L .m_;.;. ,_.s.m....;..`.I. .1.-.a tlua Edi;-ig Dlayeuenuljpl , . _. _ '._1`he Elma. V-:of:Elmvdle, played the Bsvrie I Collegiate {Institute ~teu.m_` liere_ on Frldav. < Flaya 13:5: _The `visitors were older" ind helvler but o'o_uld not play with the Col- leleitej boys. The Elm; Ic_o_red the u-at goal-7`be.oe.uee' the locale tried" to .t_.pke.t.he~ mun `ineteeql q_f 4_t_l3g puck.3A"A;f_ter thl`e."1:_liey ` did better, the score at l1|leime be1ng 1-, all and at full time 5 to",1f`in (ever 6! lzhe B.` C. I_'_l'.j' ;~`~Tlie B. I.` .eegn`wu ` `Goal; ' ;_B_othv*u:l1;_ Poms: Jab A swgowgrtge 1 Cover;-Polar, .-.1?e`e;- F9rwer_d1,Gellie, Guy, .Gi9IettiIqd Meebelt. Referee,j;.Jn Stew- a.e1-f3:;,'1,`hi>_x'ton.~*- e".__,. ,1` . _ .. e_ K __ Qrey, _wh&e.-g lqyedb &eentrQ.7fI_o_ored nllfve gsmu. "r_h`e1;.,, :10. .I.f.`;q1ul; plfexioee`--t'o;hrlng 1 Tpbulzhte stfeemlrom A0_o:lli1ug- TAHIQVEAPVPENINGS or 'A_ wmmx no . 11-own AND vxcmmr, . i +The band will begt. the rink to night. 7 ._ , _n -DA`:-- n. 00 ullruu wu. . . '1 --Clarke, A the (Jolliogwood man who was Ifruted charged Vwitb poisoning his child his been allowed to go free. . LL. -.~-.:.... .... mnrnnrl not on ` UGUII Iuvwuu vv Bu. .-. -. I '-V--Auother hlg outing unturned out on 'l_`_hu1:|sy'. Afternoon for the Collingwood lhip `yard: by the Dvment Bnttereld foundry. It weighed five and as hslf tons. ~' illn ry Wohvu lie Oontootlnory and -Waller Bake!-H Oooon und Olnocolueu It BDTIIW __nr,..|__9 Q--. nnnnnl"I'.il|I HIV ;_'MorkI' Bron, Inppot-sing May A. Ra` -u-kn nlav at the Grand Open House. one 'wf'oek;' Feb." 28th to Much tho 4th. . Populsr ; Oongplslnu no to bond of the inadequate hlutihg of some of_ the schools during the only `part of the week. In some of the rooms the thermometer stood at 55, tho ` Inrmonlt. for the _dw'. 1--- |.-:__ Dnnkflg |)&V the In!-mu; not me; _uuv. _ _ , ]'-YoIuo.rduv being, Put-debut-3' Day the Egg on tha Ceptrul uohool -WI! an hf-mast ii: membry of the late Pm. J. H. Finlay, B'a.rrie'a_'.S9nth African hero. who was killed in` the recent. war. '__ .',__- -...-..I.-:I on (Elam Allgn In ITUPIIU vv -us. 5"-The horse attached to Glen Allan Dairy sleigh ran away on Monday. but was easily `caught as it only indulged in an enrt to break the record on the hundred vard race course in the station yard. l x ,,"`Red" Rose-In Barrie and Allan- dale `each of my customers will receive a large sample of this popular brand of tea. If you like the earn lo I shall H_e=pleas`ed _to have you_oall. A. . Nnss, Grocer. ` I _--A small aonof Mr. Wellington Ault laced his tongue on an iron pump handle n Mr. R. A. Stephens yard on Saturdav. There was all kinds .of_ trouble for a time `until the iron became sucientlv heated to allow the tongue to be released. `nor WANT!!!)-~'l`he Advance omce -' icillll an opportunity to nsmart boy gnu owlehea to learn a good trade. . s--ThiI it the treatiu store for the music a loving people of Barrie Elizabeth st. 1 Church. this `evening, fob. 19th. Mr. is Beohab Tandy. Canada : best tenor. Miss `a Switser. Mrs. Laidtnan, Miss `Strong, Miss Mn. Luiamsn, mu Strung, ...... (indoor and Arnsll.- Bu:-la : tuvorltou. ju:_d_ others. n`t miss it. in: I , , I.4LL-_,_ '5-ting in II IIIIII IUD . -There will he I Mother : meetinu in the W.C.'1` U. parlors on Friday, Feb. 20th. on 3 o'clock tlo which all mothere ere cordiellye invited to. be present. In the evening at 8 o'clock there will be e pu-lor meeting when the enhiect. for diecnuion will he the work among the lombeu-men._ _ _, - -A --I. nlmguunh An '-Tl_i_Q_ .Pre_I_bvt'ery met It Elmvele on Than-e_dev.`when~tbe formel induction `of Rev. A.--Roheruonyiete of Be eville. took place. Rev. E. D. Oemeron. A nndnle. preeided ; the sermon` wee delivered by `Rev. G. I. Crew, of Thornton ; `Rev. Neil Campbell, of Guthrie, uddreuiod the Minister and Rev. Thou. Paton. oi Angus. eddreeeed 3139+ ONTARIO FEBRUARY 19, 1903. Luv-o a | paoplo, VUUP Ive --Chief of Police Maidens. of Oollingwood, we: in town on Fridev lug. with three prisoners vie, Joeeph Clevton and Alex. Pelch. who ere lens to the County goal to unit their trial on the charge of robbing a men of 1 watch end chain and Henry Shaw. who bee been eentenoed to eix months in the Centre! Prieon for the theft: of 3 set. of harneee. V - -- A is |___j |J.J\vn- r hone `-.Ill'v Iv nlsnvu \a- - . _ . . V ,, Director of the Rcysl National Mission to Deep Ses Fishermen, gave__g, deeply interest- ing outline on Friday evening. in the Town Hall. of the work which is being done in connection with the Lsbredor, brunch. A lsrge audience was present and the speaker's subject was well illustrated by means of lime light views. . -_. . ,_l_!_L I_L-I- unn- gnu-v av- ._, V -The Bank of Toronto. which latch} pur- `ohued- the `banking business of J. 0. Mo` Kegie` & Co. in Elmvsle, has appointed Mr; 1 n1 t1:I.......... mumanr of the branch. Kegie an Co. at mlmvue, nu Dppvluvcu ..... J. `W. Gilmour. manager of the Mr. `John McEmhern`, of McKegie &. Uo., who noted as manager for the Bank of To- I-onto, until it won [well eambiiohed, has joined the Bank of British Nrth` America god vyill manage a_ bunch at Toronto , _ _ _ A -- CU Wau- Juhction. -Mr. Aitiari Pae bu ben ` laid up.` for thaluat `few days,-ad the eaul: of -a very peculiar 9cqiqent._: Ineeny thaton Fyiday ..:..m nfrmi nlnnlz hockeywith" Elmvali peculiar accident. 2 it seems mat uu .-. ....., night, after playing hockey with Elmvale. he was taken with .a sonambuliatic turn of mind and inmped out of` the window of the room in which he was sleeping. He fell heavily on his shoulder but strange to say escaped with a severe, shaking up and a few bad cuts. The next time this young man decides to walk inhis sleep. it is to be hoped he will choose a tirne when the ,.weather is ~ warmer and the distance to the ground not quite sozreat. ., . . -The Annual convention of the Woman s Missionary, Society. of the Barrie District. will be held` in the `Collier st.` Methodist church`, Barrie; on` Wednesday and Thurs- dav, February 25th and `26th. `A public ineeting will be held `on Wednesdav ~even- ing. Mrs; J. B. Wvillmott, ; of Toronto. Mrs,`Young, of Bradford, and Mrs. Bettes, of Braoehridge.wiil_`as'sist in the program on ` both days`, Good music, has been secured and members of other. ' M_issionar'yi Societies p are cordiallyinvited to be present at the eonventionq _ _ L `;- ` - as fl-ll...-x Amman BARBIE, -Dr. vWilf1-ed. Grenfell, of England, A... -2 ..L- Dunn` Khinnn` Minion ` your ? t'.l`h_ree Ill] nonmuou Vilfred Grenfell, ':-L----n Avis A nnnlv illI.Bl'OI'i' Llloal Blue: 80- T OF" CANADA OUR CRITERION. ~ hot Elniynlo do , _I .I_ ..-LIA: mw WHAT Bgnm emomm HAVE BEEN . Dome ounmp THE PAST we. ran. . V181 rows TO ix-Hm TOWN.` V ` Ida Korbrighd spent a portion of last 1 f`?12;o Mist week in Suyner. _ ~ Mr. Peter Pawn, of Collibgwood, was ig town on Sunday. ' ' Mr. Willie Campbell drove down from Staynbvou`Sunduv. A Miss Min`? Eln. of Bransford, in visiting her-_pusont.a in town. ` --- \n1_._:_ llnllnnuit` ll in V III tllvl In. . _` 7 Minnie McDonald was in Midland ` for e Sew days this week . F I `Miss Minnie Turner was visiting friends : in Tottenhiin lest-week ' I llerceorge llebeen. spent Snnduv with c friendset Jarrst.t. s Corners. b , M_r. Berry Lsidlsw. oi Thornbnry, spent. a Sunday in town with friends. `Miss,-Irwin. oi the West. Ward school, is lsid up with en detach of grippe. Min" Minnie Sibbnld has been on A visit ' to friends near Uoopie during the week. Miss Florence Lowe. of . Elmvnle, is visiting her sister. Mrs. J J. lnmieeon Mr. S. A. Campbell. of Toronto. is spend- ing 3 couple of weeks at his home in town ` Miss MoKillop. of London. is in town on a. month s_visit with Miss Irene Dymen. Mr Harry Lewis came up from Belleville lest week to renew old friendships in town. Miss Allie Sherin spent Snndev in Stroud at the residence of Rev. Mr. Mc- If-- Loo. _ V Mn. Aiex Parker, of Fenelon Falls. is in how an the guest of her gisoer, Mrs. D. J. Tuck. --. n__.- -t Ana-nu.` Mi: I ` LIIVUUU ~ Miss Mina. sense, 0 pending the week in Jacobs. -- H... _..:.I.... . x. Mouermow. The Milne: Ardosgh were in Toronto has week an the gneutu of Mrs. O'Brien. Sher- honrna street. Mr. and Mrs. Jon. Hinev have returned from thuir wedding trip and taken up resi- dence in town. ' Mt. Hurry Plnxmn. of Winnipeg. formerlv of Barrie, hll been visiting old friends here ~ - l-.- Agu- ?1cm Ann PERSONAL I01 I unv }IQ ,- .Rev". `A. J- Wnllnce, of Georgetown. will ooonpv the pulpit of Trinity church next Sundey morning end evening. Mu. Poplar.` of Bertie. in the guest of her mother, M59. .D`Altaon' Mcu-thy. of Hm-on street.--,-Toronto Mail 8nd Empire. Rev.-A. J. Pnnl, of Hewkeetone, will oonnpv the pnlpil o!_ the Collier It. Meuho- 1 (lies chnroh_ne_xt Snndeyns both services. 1., I'Il..._._-n -hn `I III! Cu` UI'HIl'UlI_ Egan uu-av--, _ -- _- -,, Mr. Olurlno Plummet, who` is nu tholrondulo and Bancroft Ry. gt Hsliburmn, will in town for 3 con; last week. " ' - J n._nI:- I. the-Irondslo and nnncruu. ny. ._... ..........., couple duyq Nil. 3. "J. Joh man, of Orillia, has been in town for a` few days as 3 guest at the |t-enidenoe of Mt.` W. R. Proctor, Toronto moot." . "* ~ "`---`-- at High Rivar.` ;IV|Vvvo Mrs. `Percy Taylor. of High River, Alberta; left for her {home last week after _ a pleasant visit at the residence of Mrs. Wm. Taylor. T Mr. J. R. Lamb, President of the Barrie Board of Trade ,will represent that body at the banquet held by the Orillia Board of Trade this evening. _ Mrs. A Hay s condition is not improv ing_as rapidly as her friends_would be pleased to witness. Though out of immed- iate danger she is still very low. Magistrate Ross was seventy-ve years V old on Tuesday and his many friends will join with the ADVANCE in wishing him many happy returns of the dav. Bis Worship is a fine specimen of the hardy old pioneers who openediup the north country. V The Alpha Club dance _. on Monday even ing promises to be .a great success. The very capable committee which is in charge _ is .,compu_sed of. Messrs. T. F. Cavanagh, W. F.. Carmichael, AJ. scott. Q S. Baldwin, F. Cavanagh and S. Prior. _ ' n L I` -` s 13::-near. B D . ha ` Ruri-dooq coo wan ity chill were D. Dhluwnu, A . v..-.__ _ ` "Row-` Frank C.=`=Hnrper. B D , has .been.in town for the last week visiting his eitei`; Mrs. Donald Ross, previous to leav- ingfor Sunderlund, where he has received nnunanimofue _cell to the pulpit of the _P'reabyterinn church. ' " ` Mine Ethel Switzer, of` Richmond Hill, who-in the guest` of Mrs W. R. Proctor, sang lThe_~Heavenly Song on Sunday evening inl'the `Collier St. church. Mina _ _Sw.itzer hug; highly cultured voice and it was heard in the above selection with par- ticularly gbodeifect. _ my `I! (U530- nf Rh (4.30!-ea church, L tionlarly gooaenecn. Rev. W. H. White of St. Georges Ogtoawo, spoke both morning and evening on sundey, to very large congregations in Holy Trinity ohurch; Thegimpreeeion which he Jnade wan most. marked, hie addressee being `most favorably received by those present. V Miss Dell. Spry left on 'Monday morning for New York, where. she will take a course in St. Luke s Hospital Training School for N urses._ Miss Spry will be greetlv missed in social end church circles in Barrie. She has taken a great interest in Sunday School work `in connection with Holy Trinity .ohnr'cli`end was also very actively identied with .-s number of church societies. . V ._Dr. W.ill.ie_m A. Cspon, of. Philadelphia 1 `en old Barrie boy, has been engaged to 7. furnish from two to-four pages of matter on the subject of Procelsin Inlay tend Crown 5` work" in every issue of the Dental Brief," es jonrnsl devoted to the interests of the dental V surgery. r Dr. Qepon` is now recognized as heinjr st the head` of . his profession in this style-`oi 'W0!'ll.-"He lseone of the brainy 9 oi-edit;.to the old toyvn. . __ .. ._ A;,.-_ as... `In."v~nfnrri'lI to the ` Barrie boys who his brought honor end nun. - .Juuoa Martin went out to Greniel. ` eek. to Visit her Sister, `Mrs. J. L ,yg1lov;,` quite " The Toronto Star in referring the Trinity University convereazione on Tues- day evening nave :--Never_ have college halls` gathered together a more entrancing smlsxy at lovely maidenhead. and this was as re- ` . rnnrk ten the lip: of all. Many strangers ! .j ffroiii but of were `among the number, -M----nu. nun: claim too much credit, ot lovely melaennoou. Iuu _....... ...._ _ _, n J ,' Many strangers froth out town were among no iTo1-onto cannot claim too but tliefsot exived. A very pretty stranger -WI-I Ming` Vwiili amt,` of Barrie, who was e ohey_or0lIGIl;}.bV Mr! Charles E. Clarke. - ?Sho.. wore . bhigge point d e|n_rit oven: pale i*I5'i991!`b9*ns of Anton" Mills, is a town with Mrs. D. ; `CV11. Sm "inVreferri n icy Tues- ! :--Navel: college air more` ` entranomg mslaxv I 7 - J --A skin mung pg. ` `HAVE lu ' The improved sleighing on Saturday lass L31 w53g_ .res_nlterl in there he no a large amount ot. ,TOvv`N. produce marketed. This fnzt-, however. . f did not appear to depreciate prices to any _ extent and gures in excess of those de- manded in Toronto were o-vtained inpnll cases. Eggs sold at 20 cams, although the wholesale buyers. stated that there was nothing in it for them to buv st l5 cents on account of the low prices prevailing In Tnrontc. It was the same with butter, 20 cents a pound being the price asked here A 3 while the wholesale men offered 16 and 17 W Midhnd cents. Chickens brought 70 and 80 cents: ' o put. turkeys 15 cents a pound and geese l2 cents a pound. `Beef is worth from to 8 cents. pork from 7.25 to 735, an mutton from 7 to Scents, the latter beinz quite source on Saturday Ray is going at from $7 to $8. and wood remains MSG __ jl! OK portion Lngwood, was rove] '.ford. visiting i friends nt I. l?~hom f 5%: 9`.._' mmD."mw"V Carley, W. H. neleev. `dd Elma. On closing the Lodge the brethren ed. , , jonrned to the hotel King Edward. After [fl'R'-`"1- '7' doing full justice to the good things pro, MY vided and listening to the sweet Itreine of 3- music lroxn the oxohestre, the lollewing I guest toeet lllt we! carried out:-- Cmit "- God save the 3:":-thy. "King and the _ _ lvivin ; ran: Lodgenesn GGML. 0i9ere,B1;.' 3 3 to , 11 ro. `owen, . . . _;eong :o?|vi'@,-uggnemggg. Bolt W. =_,_Bro. 0}. G; Smith; isiting ,;_1,ogh < Brethren `Rev. W. Bro. J. H. Shepmd, who i.- no. `Rh W.M.? Orillie. W. Bro. W. J. Snther . d, K` R7_ ~~ Bnhu I.P.M., `Kerr 230. W. Bro. J H. Willie, ,3, 1, d` 3 lJ;'.M.,Lormthien 96, Rev. W. Whltten, P y Die. Chap. Georgian DiI.; J Frank Jackson, i i" W. Woodl, W. Bro. 1. Willmot, J. C. '3 Irwinuonil. J. Shrnbeole. V 3-" W The D.D.G.M. then took the meeting in P" '": T"' bend end proposed the health of.Minerve Lodge oicers. Speeches were made by Dolmege, Mctlonkey, A. Black. In after W.M.; Bros. Green and Bowman, W. W. ' U. Irwin, J. Hob ,_A..S. %T \{8n.oo `PER ANNUII IN ADVANCI ~ Intent corms nvz curt: 4 van`: :.d"s6.25 `- THEY AGOOMPANY TEE D.D Gull. or GEORGIAN ms'rmc'r No. 9` ~= on ms OFFICIAL V1811` ` TO uxmsava LODGE. . A number of local members of the Mnonic Order drove over to Scroud. on Tueedev evading, last. week,` accompanyinu Wot. Bro. Alex Cowan. D D G M., on his oicial visit. to Minerva Lodge. The res degree was put on under W. Bro. McConkev, W.P.M . and the third degree under W. Bro. Black, W.M , in 8 most creditable manner. 1n-1I-._:.... :. . 1:.+ nf thnne nreaent: KLIIIUIU. uusuvn via ......n-. Among the visitors were :--R. W. Bro A. Uowan, D D.G M , Geor in District No. 9. A.F. & A.M ; Rev. V . Whitten, Dis. Chaplin; Rev. W. Bro. J. H Sheppard. Orillia 104: W. Bro. -W. Sutherland, I P M., Kerr 230; Bros.,A. L Thurston, M. Webb, D Lewis, A E Sta elton. J. S. Brenton, all of Kerr 230; . Bro. J. H Willis, I P.M., Corinthian 96; Bros. G G Smith, I Wilmot,96;Bros.J. Frank Jackson. 0. W. H. Kelsey. On closing jonrnedtothe hotel Edward. fall Justice to things strains. 2-..::..:::`.':...:::;*=:::r~ `w . Craft Kin rend Lodge andG. L. Oigers, R. 1 W "re. A. D.D.G.M_; song. ."l%en W .,=_,_Bro. Visiting _B.ev. Shep erd, 5 W.M., Orillia, Sutherland, LP. Mi, Kerr : {grin}, oorinthin Dis. J Bro. Willmot, *3 Shrubsole. ' ' . '0 and. ofhcers. made r, .MBro% Dolriage, Mcfogkey, vlalacarr, or . .; ros. reen an owman, . . n, Longhnrst-. J. Hobg, A. S. Redditt. Fred Hughes. all of ' rinthian Lodge, No. 99. Barrie; Bro. Alex Duncan, Eark Lgdge 136: Bro. W. Woods. Simcoe dge, radfor . Mr. J as. Shrnbsole had his violin and H. Burns his`guItar. They played several b choice selections and songs were given by W. Bro G. G` Smith, Bros. J. Frank `MSBNS VISIT STROUII. G. G smlm. 0: Jackson and J as Shrubsole. SCHOOL BOARD. - The School Board met on Friday evening last with the following members present : Messrs. Alex, Milne, Chairman; '1`. R. Parker, G G. Smith. Thou Smith, Dr. Pulling and R. H. Webb. The Property Committee recommended thlt the Secretary edvertiaetor tenders for fty cords of Wood. M- 7 ~-----. ...... ..a.mmA The Finance Gom- Pulling and 11.. :1. vv euu. um ....,....-, edvertiaetor The report was adopted. The Finance mittee recommended the payment of ac- counts amounting to $815.54 The report an n ndnntad. uuuqua uluvuum was adopted. gvoliu I `-The Allan estate has been sold through i N. Balie, of town. for $25.000 to Ex Mayor Pedwel, of Thornbury. ` ' -'-'l`he Soo line steamers run in connection with the Canadian` Pacic Railway will make Windsor their terminal point this season instead of Owen Sound. U -T-The Pink Tea given under the auspices of. the Ladies of the Presbyterian church Tuesday evem'ng was largely attended and proved to be very eucceaeiul. - ----Inn -I... nnaf|;nI nf prqyuu loll nu y...., .... -, --'l`he dance. given under the` auspices of the Ladies Auxiliary of the BR.1`. on lI\;__'.I-.-- ...uan:n Inn`. 3 moat Auxiliary 01 me on... .... Tuesday `evening, was- a mot enjoyable a'a.ir. Mrs. Alex. Clark. Mrs. D. Mc- Dougcll and Mrs J. Cain made a moat painstaking committee. lllll MARKET. The Globe: "A very quiet wedding took place Tuesday afternoon or. 5 o'clock, when Miss.Muy Florella` .Vlc()orquorlale. second daughter of the late Capt. J. E Mo0orquo- dole, become the wife at Mr. Ralph New- oombe Barriok. The ceremony was con- ducted by the Rev. G. W. Wallace at the reeidenoe of the bride : ,.mother, 31 Sussex venue The bride, who was given away by her mother, wore'a pretty travelling ggorwn of brown'Lls.ma cloth, wiclrplpiug of ; _.white,sthe eoetlopsning over 3 taete blouse trimmed with pearls . The bridal bouquet L rm of white `roses and lilies of the valley. ' The bridesmaid, Miss Edna Greer, of Park- ` dole, .w_usgowne_d in blue voile, over` blue e te'ete_ `silk send carried a bouquet of pink T roses` The"g'room was supported by Mr. Herold Wilkinsonl Mr. and Mrs. Bet-rick Twill reside in Winipeg." D9151` n OVERS-In Allaudale, on Sundav, Feb x5th, 1933 . to Mr. and Mrs. A. Overs. a daugater. . MURPHY-~At`_Anteg Milly; on Tuesday F.-bruary 3rd. 1903, to Mr. :1 (1 Murphy. :1 son ` A bill for lncroalingfha bay of soldiers in the perngmant force. as I911 as militia. men.-iI likely to b_s;intr,odp'.o d Qt Oztawa if " - BORN. I in allif-g A, deuve rr Rural fence `oonoq e miuionI.*_ led by Re`. _ ....;I`Il I; nzsf Bj---, month came to us duriu the us: 5 other pace: I; uary. Dotenu 0 ng the mnrstlg at salaries varvmg week. That is whv we have pleat imea for new members. _ rite for Catalogue. Enter at 8! tions, ' " ` ` "~-3-`--- (`.4 `o ll busiiess Q1 j `l1*AL $2v5 ERVE I-`UND$2-59- __.-. Allin , C) VV 3.; + V - _ -- ` Commercial Paper end Farmer: notes dlucouul collected. SAVIlll`:_BlNK nmmmw -. ..........l mu allowed on dopou MONEY T We have 3 large amount 1. 4) and 5 p onznzes. rm. Dunlop Street 0! McCAR'l` Hy. BOYS 8: O LOAN. of Priva_te Funds to lead of good farm cent. on the MURCHL B u-rue. ' outbuilding V "S. Reynolds, Stroud P.O., or to L CO A WN. Solicitors.Barrie. Ont q-:7-p St`r';.\;"1'."i'nuisl Twnshtp-L'omx `ruunv . ...... __ in connection. Terms easy. Klslv to E OX. N&BRO -- -1-: ` Em: sou D WEEK OFFUN 1903 A [ Blacksmith `hop and Busim Stroud. InuislTownsh1p-Cor `outbuilding Tc E S. Reynolds, N" AN 8: BROWN. Solicitor BIG 7 Surrowrluc V IN !!! _ms'r . {ad per cent. V. , . , engages. McCARTHY. MUR ON. Dunlop Btrrie. 'NEW Al)V'1`.II'I`lEMEN'l`8o` ..-_.-.----...-3. --__` Coutinuouu Pcrforuuaeoi. A Big 10. 15 and 256156. che tines. Hi. 31... Modern Phys. Change 01 - A `I! w? 'nARKS.`Pn6pJ "M4 In 50`! WANTED--There is :1 good op: ADVANCE oicc for a smart boy a Iearn printing. . . illilvun __ _ Yonge 8: Gerrard Sm. III |.[ against the estate of Charles ceased. _ Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O.' Chap. 1 , that all creditors and others having claims T Wav. latmdrthe Town ot Berrie. in the Countv of Simcoe. En uire. de- ceased. who died on about the 30th day 0 Novem- ber. A.D.. mm. are required on orbefore the day of February. ~ .. 1903. to send by -poet prepaid or to deliver to D. M. Stewart. :3 Owen -street. Barrie, Solicitor for the - executvre of ` the said . deceased. their names, ad- 1 J ____ ...s....n- a Ihlflt Of the`: OI Durnc. nu ...... .. died onjgt ` on Februa. .. A.D., deliver ! street. Solicitog `puns ynvy-a... -. -- Barrie, for the executvrl dr&eee and description, a. e`a.tement of claim and the particulars and oroofs thereof and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. . -And further -talre notice that after said laev men- tioned date the said executors will proceed to die- tribute the said estate among the parties, entitled thereto. having regard only tn those claims of which -1.-. .i..n than have notice and that the said executor! ceased. 1:9. a zununst Char? ES paid the paeneeb enuu_uu havnng only clamps they shall then have notxce executorl will not be liable for the said estate or any part thereof to anv person or persons of whose claim or claims they shall not have had notice at the time of . such distribution. `R Dated the 3rd dav of F ebruarv. A.D.. _mo3. : n M, STEWART. . ICU V: _ [G DRAMATIC & VAU DEVILLE COMVANY u6CLEVER ACTORS AND COMEDIANS S ta BIG SPECIALTY ACTS _ ~~- -- ---n - _unnK.g LII. No. 8 W _ Isms Propnotor. ? - > , 1101.: N .` Sauuun. W O 35.3 z , WAN G Duvvv ... _-_ , BIU} I-OPERA HOUSE. B.LB.B.IE.% In "the matter of the estate of WII.'.I..-IDA. PARR. late of the Township hf-Vase m, in the County of simeoe. Farmer. Notice is hereby given pursuant :5 the;R.S.O s han. :29. that all `creditors and othbriaviug chums against the estate of the said William Parr. deceased. who died on or about the 2 th day of Janu- xgrz. are required on or efore thetll. 4. . a'n'hlni-cln. A.l).. 1903. to` song _v pose the matter or the estate of UHARLEB WAY, late of the-Town of Barrie in the Uounby of Slmaoa. Esquire. do -_-J uonea uaw Lu: saw- tributethe assets of -..a:oI..A olinpptn ham Va1uab}_;'am _ _ IN c$Rd_"rowN`s1uP.1 -V Pursuant to instructions there will be Sale by PUBLICIAUCTIO-N on - `* " nun-rr-n Iil l-L - `Ill-I-Uullllbulnj dlhaoavvau - --., --;v `- , at twelve o'clock noon. at the Queen Hate`. Tofu! of Barrie,-by Mr. Joieph Rogers. Auctionura verv valuable farm composed of the Welt`-halve! 95 the West-halt on of Lots Nos. a7oand :8 in tho` h>Oon. of Oro-.-xoo_ncrea morn or less. ` ` ' rn.:. c..... :. Innnufnnv situated alomr ' the M040? rays. Vuuun-I-- -- ---. , ,_ `R; W. 'MARKS.`Pn6p.' "MA Ann.` *:+* Oro-_-:oo acres less.` ~ This farm is beautifully aituated along thephorel of Lake Simcoe. convenient to churches. echoolb-and Ry. gtation. There is a new and cqmfortgble brick dwellmg house and a. new Veouimodioue `and up-t9`- date ham and stables on the place. The land can`!!! ~ be utilized whether an arable land or pueture land.` 1` and for mixed farming is uuexeelled. ; There in client thirty-ve acres Vbfuldll plb|r_gl;.~ in` o_n glue place. _ In: no one of the meet desirable farms in the 4Coy,:_ny and offer: alrere cheer `to ink: ' ` 3 ~;l:l*:e `- or an at ten : rem. ` `_ ` 4 ;~ _.- '4: 'I`_ . Notice to (`.reditors. e yrubhlvauvuv `s&U1_L1_1A.Y,` moi'1""%7tu.i mm.` _. .1... (\......'A unlm` `Pm :3 positions with I or graduate: at _-o- lmtt J. durinsi - .\` nfhgr D .'n-n"I's A. 1 331: ~_ . Business in 1 -4 Tnwnshnn-Comf `rtal AUCTlQ_N_ SALE ___.________.____._..__,~ Good General Servant. Applyto 7- mien varvmg nu plenty n "V"! r?h0bt;ld Ii. U Brien I991 ' I "5 -4 oint." V U! 1` culusu v, auuu D. M. ST}.?:WA'l.{F." H - -..;-_.' ..I:.:o.- n. "sHAw a.I...a-Aswa- the Inst week `in Men wort sumplver` .1-vine `ram $5 to re plenty of room at \ Tonom-o. I I\III-u--- V usinenu the Village 0 -Comf Ttablc House and . 3 "*.': ?:"m` K`8`. any time. No` our `students > ..`oF-! " :95. Bid 'E1:ty Show at 1 25 cm. No Hi her. Achauge of Bill My y. -` .'.`..n" Ilnugnij AND L . Io u-ago vv ...- - . Executord Solicitor. _ v :3 Owen Street. Barns. '!I "JV? ' . ` , V > a.A;inAnnx~1u,ugs'r,~- .`V_6;nd9d[u :_` ' , dincouutod P.u.1v9w:-- _..._.._.__._..._. opening st the boy (ho wnshes of'f_erodT e: ` Tender: for 50 cotds of Green Hnrdwoqd. Mtplc and Beech. at` least two-thirduv Ma Io. VII he re- ceived by the undefuignod up to FEE. 20th to be delivered and lostgy Much 15th at follows Wectwa oo|................;35co E-..-I S:-hnnL.................;35.l_0 `